Results for 'hi-individuals'

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  1.  53
    Hi-individuals and Where to Find Them—Towards a Hi-world Semantics for Quantified Modal Logic.Cheng-Chih Tsai - 2020 - Acta Analytica 35 (2):165-179.
    If to be is to be the value of a bound variable, then the acknowledgment and denial of the existence of chairs amounts to a serious disagreement about the range of a quantifier. However, by resorting to the intrinsic hierarchical structure of hi-world semantics, we find that the varying of domains from worlds to worlds can actually be accommodated within a unified framework. With the introduction of a universal domain D of hi-individuals and an existence predicate E that serves (...)
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    When a Russian Formalist meets his individual history.Jan Levchenko - 2003 - Sign Systems Studies 31 (2):511-520.
    The present paper is devoted to the relation between changing historical identity of Russian Formalists in the second half of the 1920s and their individual evolution — as writers, members of society, figures of culture. Formalists with their aggressive inclination to modernity are opposed here to structuralists, the bearers of a conservative, traditional ideology (relating to the idea of Revolution). It could be explained by the specific “romantic” identity of Russian Formalists whose purpose was to appropriate cultural values renamed and (...)
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    Individuals.P. F. Strawson - 1959 - Garden City, N.Y.: Routledge.
    Since its publication in 1959, Individuals has become a modern philosophical classic. Bold in scope and ambition, it continues to influence debates in metaphysics, philosophy of logic and language, and epistemology. Peter Strawson's most famous work, it sets out to describe nothing less than the basic subject matter of our thought. It contains Strawson's now famous argument for descriptive metaphysics and his repudiation of revisionary metaphysics, in which reality is something beyond the world of appearances. Throughout, Individuals advances (...)
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  4. Counting individuals with Leibniz.Andrea Borghini - 2006 - In H. Berger, J. Herbst & S. Erdner, VIII Internazionaler Leibniz Kongress: Einheit in Der Vielheit, Vol. 1. pp. 76-83.
    For most early Medieval and Scholastic philosophers working in the Aristotelian tradition, knowledge of any specific subject is knowledge of its causes and principles. Knowledge of individuals was no exception. As Jorge Gracia has written "To know individuality [for early Medieval and Scholastic philosophers] is to be able to determine the causes and principles that are responsible for it."1 The achievement of such ability is also known as the problem of individuation. This paper will be concerned with the solution (...)
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    Individuals and collectives in the philosophy of Boris Hessen: An introduction.Sean Winkler - 2021 - Science in Context 34 (1):121-136.
    ArgumentThis paper provides an introduction to three translations of articles by Soviet philosopher Boris Hessen: “Mechanical Materialism and Modern Physics,” “On Comrade Timiryazev’s Attitude towards Contemporary Science” and “Marian Smoluchowski (On the Tenth Anniversary of His Death)”. It begins by presenting a central tension in Hessen’s work; namely, how even though he is better known for the externalism of his 1931 Newton paper, much of his work has been considered exemplary of an internalist approach. I then show that for Hessen, (...)
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  6. Individuality, Metaphor, and God.Michael Potts - 1992 - Dissertation, University of Georgia
    Individuality has posed difficult problems throughout the history of philosophy. Not only is there the metaphysical difficulty of determining the principle of individuation, but, since our concepts and linguistic structure are based on universals, there is a gap in our knowledge of individuals and in our ability to express knowledge of individuals. God, who in Classical Theism is an individual, poses especially difficult problems. This dissertation proposes one way which may partially close the gap: metaphor. ;I argue that (...)
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    Individual ahoy!Nimrod Bar-Am - 2010 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 40 (2):319-324.
    Classical thinking on rationality regards it as an all-or-nothing affair. It thus fails to account for the fact that institutions are powerful social factors that frame the contexts within which rational agents supposedly exercise their ability to choose. This poses the classic dilemma: should social explanation refer to individual decisions or to institutions? Wettersten skillfully criticizes some of the most advanced solutions to it, and attempts to formulate a better explanatory unit for the social sciences: the partially rational individual. Since (...)
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    Individual Decisions and Public Trust: The PCAOB and KPMG.Katherine Campbell & Duane Helleloid - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 19:231-246.
    What might seem like a small ethical transgression by an individual can lead to a series of subsequent decisions, and result in serious fraud. This can not only impact the individuals involved and their organizations, but also erode public trust in firms and institutions. When Brian Sweet left a position with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB), an organization that oversees the inspection of audits, and went to work for KPMG, one of the large accounting firms whose audits (...)
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    Co-existential justice and individual freedom: the primary concern and the normative foundation of global ethics.People’S. Republic of Chinaan-Qing Deng Shanghai, Writes on Both Classical German Philosophy A. Professor of Philosophy, A. General History of Western Moral Philosophy History of Ethicsamong His Recent Books Are & A. General History of Western Moral Philosophy - forthcoming - Journal of Global Ethics:1-9.
    In the discussion of global ethics, philosophical ethics risks losing its distinct theoretical horizons. This predicament arises primarily from philosophy's failure to anchor its own object and to provide a rational basis for global justice from within its current confined theoretical paradigm. Against this background, this paper will first prioritize global co-existence as the primary concern of global ethics, then propose ontological co-existence justice as its foundational principle, and finally argue that the normative validity of co-existence justice is predicated on (...)
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    The “Individual Universal”.Antoon Braeckman - 2004 - Idealistic Studies 34 (1):67-83.
    This article explores Schelling’s view concerning the eventual reconciliation of modern individuality and society. It is argued that in Schelling’s speculations on this subject, aesthetic models play a prominent role: on the level of society by expressing the need for a new mythology; on the level of the individual by formulating a normative ideal in which the individual is modelled after the work of artand its creator: the artistic genius. This normative view on modern individuality is quite ambivalent. It summons (...)
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  11.  28
    Individuals are abstractions.James R. Hurford - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (4):620-621.
    Barsalou's move to a perceptual basis for cognition is welcome. His scheme contrasts with classical logical schemes in many ways, including its implications for the status of individuals. Barsalou deals mainly with perceived individuals, omitting discussion of cognized individuals. It is argued that the individuality of cognized individuals is an abstraction, which conforms in its manner of formation to other cognitive abstractions which Barsalou discusses, such as truth and disjunction.
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  12. (1 other version)The Individual and His Society: The Psychodynamics of Primitive Social Organization.Abram Kardiner - 1940 - Science and Society 4 (2):227-229.
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  13. Individuality and Personality in Maritain and Classical Hindu Philosophy.Raymond Hain - 2013 - In Peter Paul Koritansky, Human Nature, Contemplation, and the Political Order: Essays Inspired by Jacques Maritain’s Scholasticism and Politics. Washington, DC: The American Maritain Association. pp. 63-73.
    Jacques Maritain claims in the opening pages of Scholasticism and Politics that his distinction between individuality and personality is a universal one, and is found prominently, for example, in classical Hindu philosophy. After explaining Maritain's use of these terms, and their importance in Scholasticism and Politics, I consider the principle Upanishads and The Bhagavad Gita in order to see how true Maritain's claim might be, and what importance this might have for politics.
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    Individual Rights and Legal Validity.Martin van Hees - 1996 - Analyse & Kritik 18 (1):81-95.
    The condition of liberty which Sen used in his famous theorem on the impossibility of the Paretian liberal was defined in terms of individual preferences. The preference-based approach has been the subject of much criticism, which led to the evolution of the game-theoretic analysis of rights. In this approach no references to individual preferences are made. Two questions are examined in this paper: how can different types of right be distinguished within a game-theoretic setting, and how do rights come into (...)
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  15. Biological individuality: the case of biofilms.Marc Ereshefsky & Makmiller Pedroso - 2013 - Biology and Philosophy 28 (2):331-349.
    This paper examines David Hull’s and Peter Godfrey-Smith’s accounts of biological individuality using the case of biofilms. Biofilms fail standard criteria for individuality, such as having reproductive bottlenecks and forming parent-offspring lineages. Nevertheless, biofilms are good candidates for individuals. The nature of biofilms shows that Godfrey-Smith’s account of individuality, with its reliance on reproduction, is too restrictive. Hull’s interactor notion of individuality better captures biofilms, and we argue that it offers a better account of biological individuality. However, Hull’s notion (...)
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  16. Human Individuality in Stein’s Mature Works.Robert McNamara - 2017 - In Hanna-Barbara Gerl Falkowitz & Mette Lebech, Edith Steins Herausforderung heutiger Anthropologie. Heiligenkreuz: BeundBe. pp. 124-39.
    In this paper, I examine the question of human individuality in Stein with a focus on establishing the metaphysical core of Stein’s understanding of the human individual and his individuality as found presented in her later works, principally Der Aufbau der Menschlichen Person and Endliches und ewiges Sein. I follow Stein’s own enquiry by locating her analysis of the human individual in the context of her understanding of individuality in general. From this analysis, we can see that Stein’s mature writings (...)
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  17.  48
    Rationality, REMM, and Individual Value Creation.Markus Wartiovaara - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 98 (4):641 - 648.
    This article evaluates alternative models for explaining human behavior. In particular, it compares the resourceful, evaluative, maximizing model (REMM) with the economic (or money maximizing) model of human behavior. The theoretical framework is developed to enhance our understanding of "individual value creation" and to seek an economically rational explanation to: Why Warren Buffett is giving his money away to charity? The article develops a framework of biological, material, and immaterial sources of value. The article additionally extends the existing REMM and (...)
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  18.  30
    Individual Freedom in the Hegelian State.John J. Ansbro - 1969 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 18:48-57.
    THE most prevalent interpretation of Hegel’s political philosophy charges him with a glorification and even a divinization of the Prussian State of his day at the expense of the freedom of the individual. This interpretation has its origins in the existentialist critique of Hegel. Kierkegaard, for example, in his evaluation of Hegel’s philosophy of history abhors the apparent deification of the existing State as the manifestation of the Objective Spirit since it robs the individual of his freedom, responsibility, and dignity. (...)
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    Class, Citizenship and Individualization in China’s Modernization.Björn Alpermann - 2011 - ProtoSociology 28:7-24.
    Against the backdrop of China’s rapid social change in recent decades, this article explores the social categorizations of class and citizenship and how these have evolved in terms of structure and discourse. In order to do so, possibilities of employing Beck’s theory of second modernity to the case of China are explored. While China does not fit into Beck’s theory on all accounts, it is argued here that his individualization thesis can be fruitfully employed to make sense of China’s ongoing (...)
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  20.  15
    In one of his last papers (“Radio Talk,” 1981), Erving Goffman reflected on two themes that will be useful for this chapter. One is the notion of faultables: elements in an individual's linguistic performance that either the speaker or the listener can find fault with, or can find reasons to try to repair or to counter. As Goffman remarks about these trouble spots, a faultable “can be almost anything”; a faultable does not.How Mr Taylor Lost His Footing - forthcoming - Stance: Sociolinguistic Perspectives: Sociolinguistic Perspectives.
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    The Perfection of Individual Freedom and the Inexorable Nature of Cultural History: the Absolute in Konstantin Leont’ev’s Religious Metaphysics.Е.М Смирнов - 2024 - History of Philosophy 29 (1):58-67.
    The following article considers K.N. Leont’ev’s religious and philosophical ideas concerning the historico-cultural process, its fateful direction and its eschatological end. The restriction of individual freedom in the domain of cultural history was assumed by Leont’ev due to his interpretation of faith in a personal God, the Owner of the world’s fate. A specific religious and philosophical thesis was made by Leont’ev that the cultural benefits of man are determined by his own choice between the sphere of obedience and the (...)
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  22. Identity, individuality, and unity.E. J. Lowe - 2003 - Philosophy 78 (3):321-336.
    Locke notoriously included number amongst the primary qualities of bodies and was roundly criticized for doing so by Berkeley. Frege echoed some of Berkeley's criticisms in attacking the idea that ‘Number is a property of external things’, while defending his own view that number is a property of concepts. In the present paper, Locke's view is defended against the objections of Berkeley and Frege, and Frege's alternative view of number is criticized. More precisely, it is argued that numbers are assignable (...)
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  23. The Individual and His Religion.Gordon W. Allport - 1950
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    The individual and his relation to society as reflected in British ethics.James Hayden Tufts - 1898 - New York,: A. M. Kelley. Edited by Helen Thompson Woolley.
    pt. 1. The individual in relation to law and institutions.--pt. 2. British ethics of the 18th century.
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  25. Human Fallibilism and Individual Self-Development in John Stuart Mill's Theory of Liberty.George Mousourakis - 2013 - Etica E Politica 15 (2):386-396.
    J. S. Mill regards individuality as the most fundamental of human interests–theprincipal condition of and main ingredient in self-development. But in addition tothe individualist-functionalist element in Mill’s thought there is also a strongelement of fallibilism derived from an empiricist view of the nature and possibilities of human knowledge. A corollary of Mill’s fallibilism is his conception of human nature as essentially open and incomplete. His doctrine of individuality and self-development, on the other hand, implies that the individual is definable by (...)
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  26.  16
    The theory of the individual in economics: identity and value.John Bryan Davis - 2003 - New York: Routledge.
    The concept of the individual and his/her motivations is a bedrock of philosophy. All strands of thought at heart contain to a particular theory of the individual. Economics, though, is guilty of taking this hugely important concept without questioning how we theorize it. This superb book remedies this oversight. The new approach put forward by Davies is to pay more attention to what moral philosophy may offer us in the study of personal identity, self consciousness and will. This crosses the (...)
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  27. Human Embryos as Individuals and Persons.Peter Volek - 2010 - Filozofia 65 (6):538-551.
    In his paper, the author argues that human embryos are individuals and persons. He accepts the critique of the non-individuation argument of human zygote and refutes the possibility of understanding blastomers as individuals. Finally, realism in the understanding of personal identity is accepted on the basis of an argument justifying substantial form as a principle of personal identity.
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  28. Individuals: the revisionary logic of Hegel's politics.Katerina Deligiorgi - 2017 - In Thom Brooks Sebastian Stein, Hegel's Political Philosophy: On the Normative Significance of Method and System. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Interpretations of Hegel’s social and political thought tend to present Hegel as critic of modern individualism and defender of institutionalism or proto-communitarianism. Yet Hegel has praise for the historically emancipatory role of individualism and gives a positive role to individuals in his discussion of ethics and the state. Drawing on Hegel’s analysis of the category of ‘individual’ in his Logic, this chapter shows that Hegel criticizes the conception of ‘individual’ as a simple and argues instead that it is a (...)
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  29. Individuation bei Johannes Duns Scotus und Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.Tobias Hoffmann - 1998 - Medioevo 24:31-88.
    Leibniz’s first essay, his dissertation on the principle of individuality, is mainly dedicated to a critique of Duns Scotus’s explanation of individuation. Leibniz’s critique of Scotus and the historical antecedents of the German philosopher’s position have not been studied before. The paper examines Scotus’s and Leibniz’s views on individuation and sheds some light on the doctrinal genealogy that leads up to Leibniz’s position. I argue that Leibniz’s view and his critique of Scotus depend upon William of Ockham and Francis Suárez. (...)
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  30. Ambiguous Individuality: Georg Simmel on the “Who” and the “What” of the Individual.Olli Pyyhtinen - 2008 - Human Studies 31 (3):279-298.
    The essay discusses the philosopher and sociologist Georg Simmel’s theorizing about the individual. Whereas it is typically within the context of the modern metropolis and the mature money economy that Simmel’s ideas have been discussed in the secondary literature, I render those ideas in another light by addressing the ontological and existential issues crucial to his conception of the individual. In Simmel, the individual is divided between the “what” and the “who,” between the qualities which make one something individual and (...)
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  31. Content individuation in Marr's theory of vision.Basileios Kroustallis - 2006 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 27 (1):57-71.
    The debate concerning the individuating role of the external environment in propositional content has turned to Marr’s computational theory of vision for either verification or disproof. Although not all the relevant arguments concerning the determining role of environmental constraints that Marr invokes in his visual account may succeed, the paper argues that Marr divides his computational explanation into two parts, the information processing “what” and the constraint introducing “why” aspect. It is the second part where separate claims concerning the necessity (...)
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  32. Individuality and Mortality in the Philosophy of Portrait Painting: Simmel, Rousseau, and Melanie Klein.Byron Davies - 2018 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 23 (3):27-52.
    This paper explores some connections between depictions of mortality in portrait-painting and philosophical (and psychoanalytic) treatments of our need to be recognized by others. I begin by examining the connection that Georg Simmel makes in his philosophical study of Rembrandt between that artist’s capacity for depicting his portrait subjects as non-repeatable individuals and his depicting them as mortal, or such as to die. After noting that none of Simmel’s explanations of the tragic character of Rembrandt’s portrait subjects seems fully (...)
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  33.  22
    Individual and Community in Nietzsche's Philosophy.Julian Young (ed.) - 2014 - New York City: Cambridge University Press.
    According to Bertrand Russell, Nietzsche's only value is the flourishing of the exceptional individual. The well-being of ordinary people is, in itself, without value. Yet there are passages in Nietzsche that appear to regard the flourishing of the community as a whole alongside, perhaps even above, that of the exceptional individual. The ten essays that comprise this volume wrestle with the tension between individual and community in Nietzsche's writings. Some defend a reading close to Russell's. Others suggest that Nietzsche's highest (...)
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  34. Individuality and Subjectivity in Kant and Schleiermacher.Jacqueline Mariña - 2022 - In Ingolf Dalferth & Raymond Perrier, The Unique, the Singular, and the Individual. Mohr-Siebeck. pp. 321-337.
    This paper explores three important criticisms of Kant's ethics by Friedrich Schleiermacher, all having to do with Kant's alleged failure to account for the value of the individual. These are: (1) Kant's formalism precludes him from specifying ends for the will, and without such ends, the moral perfection of the individual, and the genuine appreciation of the other in his or her individuality cannot become my end; (2) Kant cannot provide an adequate metaphysical grounding of the value of the (...) comprising a community; (3) Kant cannot give an account of why members of a community should value the individual qua individual in relation to the community. In this paper I discuss these criticisms and their validity in detail. I show that understood properly, Kant has the resources to answer Schleiermacher's first criticism, and I show how Schleiermacher's own system sought to avoid the second and third problems. (shrink)
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    Individual Conduct and Social Norms. [REVIEW]G. M. - 1976 - Review of Metaphysics 30 (1):138-138.
    Although most contemporary utilitarians believe that their theory can be held only in a modified form, Sartorius contends that the traditional position, act-utilitarianism, is defensible. He explains the traditional position and defends it against the often made objection that it does not require sufficiently strict adherence to socially valuable legal and moral rules. Act-utilitarianism makes every useful act right, but utility sometimes is maximized if rules are adopted which disallow individually useful violations. If all useful acts are right regardless of (...)
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    Individuals and the Past.Irwin C. Lieb - 1972 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (Supplement):117 - 130.
    I AM GRATEFUL to Dean Dougherty and his colleagues for inviting me to this celebration of Paul Weiss's birthday. I admire and care for Paul Weiss, and I have learned from him. I have also learned because of him. Even now, years after my graduate studies, he is a familiar, a benign, but of course not always a gentle goad to my thoughts. Just the other day--I suppose Paul thought I was becoming too comfortable--he added a postscript to a short (...)
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  37. Kant, Individual Responsibility, and Climate Change.Patrick Frierson - 2014 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 17 (1):35-38.
    In ‘Climate Change and Individual Duties’, Christian Baatz draws on two important features of Kant's moral philosophy: his principle that ‘ought implies can’, and his distinction between perfect an...
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    The Individual and the Community in Stoic Pragmatism.Krzysztof Piotr Skowroński - 2023 - Ruch Filozoficzny 79 (4):49-64.
    The present paper outlines John Lachs’s idea of stoic pragmatism and develops its important part that is the relation between the individual and the community. In his project, Lachs reduces the whole tradition of Stoic philosophy to its later, Roman version and tries to link it with the philosophical tradition of American pragmatism (especially William James, John Dewey, and George Santayana, who is close to pragmatism at some points) hoping that it is possible for these two to "enrich and complete (...)
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    Individual climate obligations and non-subsistence emissions.Göran Duus-Otterström - 2014 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 17 (1):27-30.
    Do private individuals have a moral obligation to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions? In his rich and timely paper, Christian Baatz answers this question in the affirmative. People who emit over...
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  40. Alienation of the Individual in Relation to his own "I" and to his own Life.Adam Schaff - 1979 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 27 (1):99.
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    Individuation, Relationality, Affect: Rethinking the Human in Relation to the Living.Couze Venn - 2010 - Body and Society 16 (1):129-161.
    This article searches for a way of theorizing the interconnectedness of processes of individuation, relationality and affect, with the aim of clearing the ground for an approach that establishes the basis of this interconnectedness by reference to mechanisms common to all living things. It establishes a number of shifts that enable us to think the categories and concepts like the individual, the subject, the group, the threshold, relationality, co-implication and so on according to a fundamental decentring, finally breaking with both (...)
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    The Individual and his World. A Theory of Personality. [REVIEW]Wolfgang Kretschmer - 1970 - Philosophy and History 3 (2):181-182.
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    Situations and Individuals.Paul D. Elbourne - 2005 - MIT Press.
    In Situations and Individuals, Paul Elbourne argues that the natural language expressions that have been taken to refer to individuals — pronouns, proper names, and definite descriptions — have a common syntax and semantics, roughly that of definite descriptions as construed in the tradition of Frege. In the course of his argument, Elbourne shows that proper names have previously undetected donkey anaphoric readings.This is contrary to previous theorizing and, if true, would undermine what philosophers call the direct reference (...)
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  44. Community, Individuality, and Reciprocity in Menkiti.Thaddeus Metz - 2020 - In Polycarp A. Ikuenobe & Edwin Etieyibo, Menkiti on Community and Becoming a Person. Lexington Books. pp. 131-145.
    For four decades Ifeanyi Menkiti has addressed the question of which sort of community constitutes personhood from a characteristically African perspective. In this chapter, I critically discuss the conceptions of how one acquires personhood through community that Menkiti has advanced, in search of the one that would most enable him to avoid prominent moral objections made to his views over the years. In particular, his account of personhood has been criticized for insufficiently accommodating individual difference, most recently in respect of (...)
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  45. Emotional Processing in Individual and Social Recalibration.Bryce Huebner & Trip Glazer - 2016 - In Julian Kiverstein, The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of the Social Mind. New York: Routledge. pp. 381-391.
    In this chapter, we explore three social functions of emotion, which parallel three interpretations of Herman Melville's Bartleby. We argue that emotions can serve as commitment devices, which nudge individuals toward social conformity and thereby increase the likelihood of ongoing cooperation. We argue that emotions can play a role in Machiavellian strategies, which help us get away with norm violations. And we argue that emotions can motivate social recalibration, by alerting us to systemic social failures. In the second half (...)
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  46. Individual elements in sociology.Edward Abramowski - 2023 - In Bartłomiej Błesznowski, Cezary Rudnicki, Michelle Granas & Edward Abramowski, Metaphysics of cooperation: Edward Abramowski's social philosophy, with a selection of his writings. Boston: Brill.
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    Rethinking the Individual’s Place in an African (Esan) Ontology.Elvis Imafidon - 2011 - Cultura 8 (1):93-110.
    The paper challenges the dominant view of the individual’s place in an African (Esan) structure of Being or culture as one cast in the midst, and subject to the operations of (spiritual) forces, which are independently real and existent and can make or mar the individual’s existence based on the kind of relationship he/she establishes with them. The individual is expected to have reverence and awe for these forces; hence he/she is consistently striving to fit into the established structure of (...)
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    The Individual as an Object of Love: The Property View of Love Meets the Hegelian View of Properties.Joe Saunders & Robert Stern - 2023 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 10.
    In this paper, we do two things: first, we offer a metaphysical account of what it is to be an individual person through Hegel’s understanding of the concrete universal; and second, we show how this account of an individual can help in thinking about love. The aim is to show that Hegel’s distinctive account of individuality and universality can do justice to two intuitions about love which appear to be in tension: on the one hand, that love can involve a (...)
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    The Single Individual in Kierkegaard: Religious or Secular? Part 1.Brayton Polka - 2014 - The European Legacy 19 (3):309-322.
    The critical issue that I examine in my study, which is divided into two parts, is how we are to interpret, within what Kierkegaard regards as “the present age,” his concept of the single individual when viewed in light of the hermeneutical distinction that he makes between Christianity and Christendom. Since the distinction between Christianity and Christendom is not one between the religious and the secular or between faith and reason but one between what he calls indirect communication and direct (...)
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  50. Individuation and Death in Spinoza’s Ethics: The Spanish Poet Case Reconsidered.Davide Monaco - 2019 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 27 (5):941-958.
    The example of the Spanish poet’s amnesia, mentioned by Spinoza in the scholium of proposition 39 of part IV of the Ethics in order to elucidate his conception of death, has given rise to many controversies in the scholarly interpretations, which in most cases maintain that the poet dies and that Spinoza himself thought this way. However, the matter is more complex than it at first appears and in this article I take a different path by reconstructing this scholium anew (...)
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