Results for 'history '

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  1.  34
    History, Sociology and Education.History of Education Society - 2007 - Routledge.
    Originally published in 1971, this volume examines the relationship between the history and sociology of education. History does not stand in isolation, but has much to draw from and contribute to, other disciplines. The methods and concepts of sociology, in particular, are exerting increasing influence on historical studies, especially the history of education. Since education is considered to be part of the social system, historians and sociologists have come to survey similar fields; yet each discipline appears to (...)
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    The History of Education in Europe.History of Education Society - 2007 - Routledge.
    There is a common tradition in European education going back to the Middle Ages which long played a part in providing the curriculum of schools which catered both for the wealthy and for able sons of less well-to-do families. Originally published in 1974, this volume examines the relationship between education and society in the different countries of Europe from which differences in tradition and practice emerge. The countries discussed include: France, Germany, the former Soviet Union, Poland and Sweden.
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    Local Studies and the History of Education.History of Education Society - 2007 - Routledge.
    Originally published in 1972, this book is concerned with education as part of a larger social history. Chapters include: The roots of Anglican supremacy in English education The Board schools of London The use of ecclesiastical records for the history of education Topographical resources: private and secondary education from the sixteenth to the twentieth century.
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    Education and the Professions.History of Education Society - 1973 - Routledge.
    Part of the educational system in England has been geared towards the preparation of particular professions, while the identity and status of members of some professions have depended significantly on the general education they have received. Originally published in 1973, this volume explores the interaction between education and the professions. It also looks at the education of the main professions in sixteenth century England and at how twentieth century university teaching is a key profession for the training of new recruits (...)
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    Politics and Modernity: History of the Human Sciences Special Issue.Irving History of the Human Sciences, Robin Velody & Williams - 1993 - SAGE Publications.
    Politics and Modernity provides a critical review of the key interface of contemporary political theory and social theory about the questions of modernity and postmodernity. Review essays offer a broad-ranging assessment of the issues at stake in current debates. Among the works reviewed are those of William Connolly, Anthony Giddens, J[um]urgen Habermas, Alasdair MacIntyre, Richard Rorty, Charles Taylor and Roy Bhaskar. As well as reviewing the contemporary literature, the contributors assess the historical roots of current problems in the works of (...)
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  6. The history of philosophy and the puzzles of life. Windelband and Dilthey on the ahistorical core of philosophical thinking.Katherina Kinzel - 2019 - In Martin Kusch, Johannes Steizinger, Katherina Kinzel & Niels Jacob Wildschut (eds.), The Emergence of Relativism: German Thought from the Enlightenment to National Socialism. London, New York: Routledge. pp. 26-42.
    The professionalization of the study of history in the Nineteenth Century made possible a new way of thinking about the history of philosophy: the thought emerged that philosophy itself might be relative to time, historical culture, and nationality. The simultaneous demise of speculative metaphysics scattered philosophers’ confidence that the historical variance of philosophical systems could be viewed in terms of the teleological self-realization of reason. Towards the late Nineteenth Century, philosophers began to explicitly address the worry that all (...)
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    A Theory of History.Ágnes Heller - 2018 - Routledge.
    This radical analysis of the role and importance of historiography interprets the philosophy and theory of history on the basis of historicity as a human condition. The book examins the norms and methods of historiography from a philosophical point of view, but rejects generalisations tht the philosophy of history can provide all the answers to contemporary problems. Instead it outlines a feasible theory of history which is still radical enough to apply to all social structures.
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    The identity of man.Jacob Bronowski & American Museum of Natural History - 1965 - Garden City, N.Y.: Published for the American Museum of Natural History [by] the Natural History Press.
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    History Man: The Life of R. G. Collingwood.Fred Inglis - 2011 - Princeton University Press.
    This is the first biography of the last and greatest British idealist philosopher, R. G. Collingwood, a man who both thought and lived at full pitch. Best known today for his philosophies of history and art, Collingwood was also a historian, archaeologist, sailor, artist, and musician. A figure of enormous energy and ambition, he took as his subject nothing less than the whole of human endeavor, and he lived in the same way, seeking to experience the complete range of (...)
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  10.  17
    Betül Başaran, Selim III, Social Control and Policing in Istanbul at the End of the Eighteenth Century.History James GrehanCorresponding authorDeptof & AmericaEmail: United States of - 2017 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 94 (1).
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  11. (2 other versions)A History of Western Philosophy and Its Connection with Political and Social Circumstances from the Earliest Times to the Present Day.Bertrand Russell - 1946 - Science and Society 10 (2):219-223.
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    Natural History Collections as Inspiration for Technology.David W. Green, Jolanta A. Watson, Han-Sung Jung & Gregory S. Watson - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (2):1700238.
    Living organisms are the ultimate survivalists, having evolved phenotypes with unprecedented adaptability, ingenuity, resourcefulness, and versatility compared to human technology. To harness these properties, functional descriptions and design principles from all sources of biodiversity information must be collated − including the hundreds of thousands of possible survival features manifest in natural history museum collections, which represent 12% of total global biodiversity. This requires a consortium of expert biologists from a range of disciplines to convert the observations, data, and hypotheses (...)
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  13.  27
    History and Moral Exempla in Enlightenment Aesthetics.Bálint Gárdos - 2016 - Essays in Philosophy 17 (1):22-54.
    This essay proposes a new focus for studies in the relationship between aesthetics and morality in the Enlightenment period. Recent research, especially by Paul Guyer, seems to have established that the traditional question of whether a genealogy for autonomous aesthetics can be traced attending to the concept of disinterestedness in the era can be answered with an unambiguous no. This, however, should only encourage further research into the nature of the way in which the connection between the beautiful and the (...)
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  14.  17
    A History of Jewish Literatutre.W. S. McCullough - 1937 - New Scholasticism 11 (3):259-260.
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    Acceleration of history: war, conflict, and politics.Alexios Alecou (ed.) - 2016 - London: Lexington Books.
    This collection of scholarly essays analyzes the concept of the acceleration of history, or moments in which the rate of change increases and leads to rapid alteration of the status quo. The contributors outline a theoretical framework and examine specific examples of such historical moments"--Provided by publisher.
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    Institutional History And Its Discontents.Michael Brown - 2006 - Metascience 15 (3):495-502.
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  17. On saying no to history of philosophy.Tom Sorell - 2005 - In Tom Sorell & Graham Alan John Rogers (eds.), Analytic philosophy and history of philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
    History of philosophy can be useful and relevant as philosophy even when philosophy is thought to be the solution of ahistorically formulated problems.
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  18.  20
    History of physics in science teacher training in Oldenburg.Falk Riess - 2000 - Science & Education 9 (4):399-402.
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    Politics and history: Montesquieu, Rousseau, Hegel and Marx.Louis Althusser - 1972 - London,: NLB.
  20.  2
    Re-thinking the history of political thought with Hegel: on Bourke’s Hegel’s World Revolutions.Fernanda Gallo - forthcoming - History of European Ideas.
    Richard Bourke brings Hegel back to the forefront of the debate with masterful theoretical clarity, philosophical acumen, historical accuracy, and impressive knowledge, presenting to us a vivid account of Hegel's political thought. In this brief note I discuss the central philosophical, hermeneutical, and historical concerns of the book while highlighting its principal contributions to the wider scholarship on Hegel, in the history of political thought, and to recent debates about revolutions in nineteenth-century Europe.
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  21. Gabriele Cornelli, Richard McKirahan, and Constantinos Macris, On Pythagoreanism.Ancient History North Bailey, Durham D. H. Eu, United Kingdom United Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland Email: Northern - 2016 - Rhizomata 4 (2).
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    History of Philosophy as Freedom.Rémi Brague - 2002 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 7 (1):39-50.
  23.  39
    Altared Ground: Levinas, History, Violence.Brian Schroeder - 1996 - New York: Routledge.
    One of the most pressing concerns for contemporary society is the issue of violence and the factors that promote it. In ____Altared Ground: Levinas, History and Violence__ Brian Schroeder stages an engagement between Emmanuel Levinas, one of the leading figures in 20th century Continental philosophy, and Plato, Hegel, Heidegger, Nietzsche, Merleau-Ponty, Derrida and others in the history of ideas. Not merely an exposition of Levinas' original and complex thinking, Brian Schroeder seeks to re-read the history of Western (...)
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  24.  21
    A History of the Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology, Inc.Thomas Nenon - 2019 - In Michela Beatrice Ferri & Carlo Ierna (eds.), The Reception of Husserlian Phenomenology in North America. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 283-291.
    This chapter introduces the history of the CARP, the “Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology”.
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  25.  17
    Can History Be Objective?H. D. Lewis - 1962 - International Philosophical Quarterly 2 (2):219-243.
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    Early history of the theory of probability.O. B. Sheynin - 1977 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 17 (3):201-259.
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    History, Praxis and the 'Third World'.Stephen Toulmin - 1976 - In R. S. Cohen, P. K. Feyerabend & M. Wartofsky (eds.), Essays in Memory of Imre Lakatos. Reidel. pp. 655--675.
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    “Iraqnophobia”: A Biomedical History of State-Rearing and Shock Doctrine in Iraq.Michael Hennessy Picard - 2017 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 30 (1):81-114.
    The history of Western foreign policy in the Middle East has long assimilated Arab culture to sickness. Specifically, the biological episteme of “contamination” has shaped American foreign policy in the Gulf for decades. In so doing, the US Government continually borrowed references from the natural sciences to frame its foreign policy, leading some commentators to claim that biology supplanted philosophy and religion as the primary political category. The article analyses the semantics of Iraqnophobic metaphors, from the British experience of (...)
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  29.  10
    The Flux of History and the Flux of Science.Joseph Margolis - 1993 - University of California Press.
    Does thinking have a history? If there are no necessarily changeless structures to be found in things and in our inquiry into them, then what knowledge of the world and ourselves is possible? In this boldly original and elegantly written study, Joseph Margolis argues for a radically historicized view of history that treats it as both a real process and a narrative account, each a product of continual change. Developing his argument through discussions of such influential philosophers of (...)
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  30.  6
    History is on Our Side: A Contribution to Political Religion and Scientific Faith.Joseph Needham - 1946 - Allen & Unwin.
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  31. A History of American Philosophy. By Daniel J. Boorstin.Herbert W. Schneider & Joseph L. Blau - 1946 - Ethics 57 (3):227-228.
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    History as Metascience: A Vichian Cue to the Understanding of the Nature and Development of Sciences.Emanuele Riverso - 1985 - New Vico Studies 3:49.
  33.  23
    Lord Bolingbroke’s history of British foreign policy, 1492–1753.Doohwan Ahn - 2023 - History of European Ideas 49 (6):972-994.
    Henry St. John, Viscount Bolingbroke, was the mastermind behind the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713 that ended the War of the Spanish Succession, and a lifelong rival of Britain’s first Prime Minister, Sir Robert Walpole. He is also known for his political use of history based on the saying of Dionysius of Halicarnassus: ‘history is a philosophy teaching by examples’. While much scholarly attention has been paid to Bolingbroke’s historical criticism of Walpole’s Whig oligarchy, his discussion of European (...)
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  34.  23
    The history of genetics in mexico in the light of A cultural history of heredity.Ana Barahona - 2012 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 35 (1):69-74.
  35. Science and history.Heinrich Rickert - 1962 - Princeton, N.J.,: Van Nostrand.
  36.  15
    Inventing the new: history and politics in Jean-Paul Sartre.Luca Basso - 2024 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Dave Mesing.
    Gilles Deleuze's assertion that 'Sartre knew how to invent the New' suggests a vital aspect of the French philosopher, one that departs from the image that has often been presented of him. Criticism of the Soviet Union post 1956, together with the increasing prominence of anti-colonial struggles and a series of experiences that would find their condensation in 1968, pushed Sartre to a continuous rearticulation of his political ideas, on the basis of an intense confrontation with Marx. In Basso's lucid (...)
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    Evil: A History (Oxford Philosophical Concepts).Andrew Chignell (ed.) - 2019 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Thirteen original essays examine the conceptual history of evil in the west: from ancient Hebrew literature and Greek drama to Darwinism and Holocaust theory. Thirteen reflections contextualize the philosophical developments by looking at evil through the eyes of animals, poets, mystics, witches, librettists, film directors, and tech executives.
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  38.  44
    History or Counter-Tradition? The System of Freedom After Walter Benjamin.Wesley Phillips - 2010 - Critical Horizons 11 (1):99-118.
    I seek to interpret the work of Walter Benjamin in light of the "system programme" of German Idealism, in order to confront an antinomy of contemporary radical thought. Benjamin has been regarded as an anti-Hegelian thinker of the exception. Reading him against the grain, I draw out a concept of counter-tradition that eschews the opposition of intra-historical progress and extra-historical exception. The philological inspiration is a book by Franz Joseph Molitor, student of Schelling and "teacher" of Benjamin: The Philosophy of (...)
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    History of a Shiver: The Sublime Impudence of Modernism.Jed Rasula - 2016 - Oxford University Press USA.
    An abrupt break in the prevailing modes of artistic expression, for many, marks the advent of modernism in the early twentieth century, but revisionary attempts to pin down a precise moment of its emergence remain disputed. History of a Shiver proffers a different approach, tracing the first inkling of modernism instead to the nineteenth century's fascination with music.As Jed Rasula deftly shows, melomania--the passion for music--gave rise to concepts like Richard Wagner's "endless melody" and the Gesamtkunstwerk, or total work (...)
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    Afrocubanas: History, Thought, and Cultural Practices.Daisy Rubiera Castillo & Inés María Martiatu Terry (eds.) - 2020 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    There is no other published work in English devoted to analyzing the political and intellectual dimensions of black Cuban women’s thought across the island’s history. This text is essential reading for students of Afro-Latin American studies, Caribbean history, or courses focussing on black women in the Atlantic region.
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    History and physics.Roger H. Stuewer - 1998 - Science & Education 7 (1):13-30.
  42. A History of the Christian Church.Williston Walker - 1959
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  43.  24
    Chaucer and the History of English.Tim William Machan - 2012 - Speculum 87 (1):147-175.
    Linguistic history, like all history, is written retrospectively. It is written from some historical vantage that allows a critic to survey what has been previously spoken and written and to decide which forms are representative, which aberrant, which tangential, and which proleptic in the ways they figure in a coherent account of language change and development. While speakers use language to accomplish specific tasks in specific situations, historians assemble these utterances into moments of stasis and narratives of change. (...)
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  44. History of Aesthetics.Wldyslw Tatarkiewicz, D. Petsch, Chester Adam Kisiel & John F. Besemeres - 1974 - Mouton Pwn - Polish Scientific Publishers.
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  45. The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ.Emil Schüssler Schürer, G. Vermes Millar & M. Goodman - 1986
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    (1 other version)Real History: Reflections on Historical Practice.Rex Martin - 2001 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 62 (2):490-492.
    Martin Bunzl’s book was published in Routledge’s Philosophical Issues in Science series. It concerns the twin issues of objectivity and realism in the writing of history.
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    History, Historicity and Science.Joseph Margolis & Tom Rockmore - 2006 - Routledge.
    Cover -- Half Title -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Table of Contents -- List of Contributors -- Introduction -- 1 The Concepts of Physics: Rational Contents and Constructions in History -- 2 Theory-change and the Logic of Enquiry: New Bearings in Philosophy of Science -- 3 Science, History and Philosophy in Kant and Hegel -- 4 Historicity, Social Psychology and Change -- 5 The Reality of History -- 6 The Social Location of Scientific Practices -- (...)
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  48.  23
    History or Philosophy: Collingwood on Understanding Human Activity.Kenneth McIntyre - 2005 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 11 (1):60-93.
    R. G. Collingwood's philosophical work is marked both by its compelling critique of scientific experience and by an unresolved tension between the claims of philosophy and the claims of history. The three works under consideration here, Speculum Mentis, Essay on Philosophical Method, and Essay on Metaphysics, comprise a systematic expression of the character of human understanding in terms of its open-ended, dialectical character, and a sustained critique of the scientific conception of human knowledge as a denial of that character.
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    Healing history, healing a nation: A prophetic practical pastoral ministry of care.Mabutho Mkandla & Yolanda Dreyer - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1).
    In the late 19th century, colonial powers sought to destroy the Mthwakazi or Ndebele state in what is now Matabeleland in the south west region of Zimbabwe, to subdue and dominate its people. The people of Matabeleland suffered heavy losses of cattle and land. Paradoxically, these injustices did not end with the collapse of colonialism. Since independence in 1980, the people of Matabeleland have been victims of political violence, which has left thousands dead and many without a livelihood. Nothing came (...)
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    History of the Mongols according to Eastern and European records of the 13th and 14th century.Paul Ratchnevsky - 1969 - Philosophy and History 2 (2):236-236.
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