Results for 'induced matter theory'

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  1.  73
    Wesson’s Induced Matter Theory with a Weylian Bulk.Mark Israelit - 2005 - Foundations of Physics 35 (10):1725-1748.
    The foundations of Wesson’s induced matter theory are analyzed. It is shown that the empty—without matter—5-dimensional bulk must be regarded as a Weylian space rather than as a Riemannian one. Revising the geometry of the bulk, we have assumed that a Weylian connection vector and a gauge function exist in addition to the metric tensor. The framework of a Weyl–Dirac version of Wesson’s theory is elaborated and discussed. In the 4-dimensional hypersurface (brane), one obtains equations (...)
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    Inducing the Cosmological Constant from Five-Dimensional Weyl Space.José Edgar Madriz Aguilar & Carlos Romero - 2009 - Foundations of Physics 39 (11):1205-1216.
    We investigate the possibility of inducing the cosmological constant from extra dimensions by embedding our four-dimensional Riemannian space-time into a five-dimensional Weyl integrable space. Following the approach of the space-time-matter theory we show that when we go down from five to four dimensions, the Weyl field may contribute both to the induced energy-tensor as well as to the cosmological constant Λ, or more generally, it may generate a time-dependent cosmological parameter Λ(t). As an application, we construct a (...)
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    Matter And Light - The New Physics.Louis de Broglie & Walter Henry Johnston - 1946 - Read Books.
    MATTER AND LIGHT The New Physics By LOUIS DE BROGLIE. Originally published in 1937. TRANSLATORS NOTE: THE Author has in certain places modified the original French text for the English translation, for the sake of greater cohesion, and has also revised some passages, in order to bring them into accord with the results of later research. Occasional Translators Notes are shown in square brackets. The chapter on The Undulatory Aspects of the Electron has the special historical interest of having (...)
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    Who and What Really Matters to the Firm: Moving Stakeholder Salience beyond Managerial Perceptions.Pete Tashman & Jonathan Raelin - 2013 - Business Ethics Quarterly 23 (4):591-616.
    ABSTRACT:We develop the concept of stakeholder salience to account for stakeholders who should matter to the firm, even when managers do not perceive them as important. While managers are responsible for attributing salience to stakeholders, they can overlook or ignore stakeholder importance because of market frictions that affect managerial perceptions or induce opportunism. When this happens, corporate financial and social performance can suffer. Thus, we propose that the perceptions of organizational and societal stakeholders should also codetermine the salience of (...)
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    The embedding model of induced gravity with bosonic sources.Matej Pavšic - 1994 - Foundations of Physics 24 (11):1495-1518.
    We consider a theory in which spacetime is a 4-dimensional manifold V4 embedded in an N-dimensional space VN. The dynamics is given by a first-order action which is a straightforward generalization of the well-known Nambu-Gotto string action. Instead of the latter action we then consider an equivalent action, a generalization of the Howe-Tucker action, which is a functional of the (extrinsic) embedding variables ηa(x) and of the (intrinsic) induced metric gυv (x) on V4. In the quantized theory (...)
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  6. Dark Matter versus Mach's Principle.H.-H. V. Borzeszkowski & H.-J. Treder - 1998 - Foundations of Physics 28 (2):273-290.
    Empirical and theoretical evidence show that the astrophysical problem of dark matter might be solved by a theory of Einstein-Mayer type. In this theory, up to global Lorentz rotations, the reference system is determined by the motion of cosmic matter. Thus, one is led to a “Riemannian space with teleparallelism” realizing a geometric version of the Mach-Einstein doctrine. The field equations of this gravitational theory contain hidden matter terms, where the existence of hidden (...) is inferred solely from its gravitational effects. It is argued that, in the nonrelativistic mechanical approximation, they provide an inertia-free mechanics, where the inertial mass of a body is induced by the gravitational action of the comic masses. Interpreted from the Newtonian point of view, this mechanics shows that the effective gravitational mass of astrophysical objects depends on r such that one expects the existence of dark matter. (shrink)
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    A theory of fiction.Aloysius Martinich - 2001 - Philosophy and Literature 25 (1):96-112.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 25.1 (2001) 96-112 [Access article in PDF] A Theory of Fiction A. P. Martinich What is the chief linguistic difference between fiction and nonfiction? My answer, in brief, is that in fiction the Supermaxim of Quality, "Do not participate in a speech act unless you can satisfy all the conditions for its nondefective performance," is suspended. My thesis depends on a modified version of H. (...)
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    The wave properties of matter and the zeropoint radiation field.L. de la Peña & A. M. Cetto - 1994 - Foundations of Physics 24 (5):753-781.
    The origin of the wave properties of matter is discussed from the point of view of stochastic electrodynamics. A nonrelativistic model of a charged particle with an effective structure embedded in the random zeropoint radiation field reveals that the field induces a high-frequency vibration on the particle; internal consistency of the theory fixes the frequency of this jittering at mc2/ħ. The particle is therefore assumed to interact intensely with stationary zeropoint waves of this frequency as seen from its (...)
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  9.  25
    What Really Matters?: The Elusive Quality of the Material in Feminist Thought.Anne Witz & Momin Rahman - 2003 - Feminist Theory 4 (3):243-261.
    The concept of the ‘material’ was the focus of much feminist work in the 1970s. It has always been a deeply contested one, even for feminists working within a broadly materialist paradigm of the social. Materialist feminists stretched the concept of the material beyond the narrowly economic in their attempts to develop a social ontology of gender and sexuality.Nonetheless, the quality of the social asserted by an expanded sense of thematerial – its ‘materiality’ – remains ambiguous. New terminologies of materiality (...)
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  10.  38
    Creation of Neutral Fundamental Particles in the Weyl–Dirac Version of Wesson’s IMT.Mark Israelit - 2007 - Foundations of Physics 37 (11):1628-1642.
    Spherically symmetric entities filled with matter and induced by the 5D bulk may be built in the empty 4D space-time. The substance of the entity, the latter regarded as a fundamental particle, is characterized by the prematter equation of state P=−ρ. The particle is covered in a Schwarzschild-like envelope and from the outside it is characterized by mass and radius. One can regard these entities as neutral fundamental particles being constituents of quarks and leptons. The presented classical models (...)
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  11.  22
    Traversable-Wormhole Physics in GBD Theory of Modified Gravity.Jie Wang, Mou Xu, Yan Liu, Jing Guo, Shining Yang & Jianbo Lu - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 53 (1):1-21.
    The generalized Brans–Dicke theory (GBD), as one of the modified gravitational theories, was proposed previously and some interesting properties were found in this theory. Here we investigate the traversable-wormhole physics for GBD theory. Firstly, we derive the gravitational field equation in the framework of GBD wormhole geometry. The traversable wormhole could be gained in this theory. Secondly, using the classical reconstruction technique we originally derive an Lagrangian function for describing gravity in GBD theory. And the (...)
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  12.  24
    Towards a Theory of Development.Alessandro Minelli & Thomas Pradeu (eds.) - 2014 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Is it possible to explain and predict the development of living things? What is development? Articulate answers to these seemingly innocuous questions are far from straightforward. To date, no systematic, targeted effort has been made to construct a unifying theory of development. This novel work offers a unique exploration of the foundations of ontogeny by asking how the development of living things should be understood. It explores the key concepts of developmental biology, asks whether general principles of development can (...)
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  13.  40
    Status of the Asymptotic Safety Paradigm for Quantum Gravity and Matter.Astrid Eichhorn - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (10):1407-1429.
    In the asymptotic safety paradigm, a quantum field theory reaches a regime with quantum scale invariance in the ultraviolet, which is described by an interacting fixed point of the Renormalization Group. Compelling hints for the viability of asymptotic safety in quantum gravity exist, mainly obtained from applications of the functional Renormalization Group. The impact of asymptotically safe quantum fluctuations of gravity at and beyond the Planck scale could at the same time induce an ultraviolet completion for the Standard Model (...)
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  14.  27
    Currents in a theory of strong interaction based on a fiber bundle geometry.W. Drechsler - 1977 - Foundations of Physics 7 (9-10):629-671.
    A fiber bundle constructed over spacetime is used as the basic underlying framework for a differential geometric description of extended hadrons. The bundle has a Cartan connection and possesses the de Sitter groupSO(4, 1) as structural group, operating as a group of motion in a locally defined space of constant curvature (the fiber) characterized by a radius of curvatureR≈10−13 cm related to the strong interactions. A hadronic matter field ω(x, ζ) is defined on the bundle space, withx the spacetime (...)
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  15.  46
    A Review About Invariance Induced Gravity: Gravity and Spin from Local Conformal-Affine Symmetry. [REVIEW]S. Capozziello & M. De Laurentis - 2010 - Foundations of Physics 40 (7):867-899.
    In this review paper, we discuss how gravity and spin can be obtained as the realization of the local Conformal-Affine group of symmetry transformations. In particular, we show how gravitation is a gauge theory which can be obtained starting from some local invariance as the Poincaré local symmetry. We review previous results where the inhomogeneous connection coefficients, transforming under the Lorentz group, give rise to gravitational gauge potentials which can be used to define covariant derivatives accommodating minimal couplings of (...)
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  16.  59
    Employee engagement, innovative work behaviour, and employee wellbeing: Do workplace spirituality and individual spirituality matter?Narjes Haj Salem, Muhammad Ishtiaq Ishaq, Samina Yaqoob, Ali Raza & Haleema Zia - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (2):657-669.
    Promoting innovative work behaviour and employee wellbeing has become essential as it endows companies with competitive advantages to thrive in today's complex business environment. This study investigates the role of workplace spirituality in inducing innovative work behaviour and employee wellbeing based on the social exchange theory and the spillover theory. It also looks at the previously unexplored mediating function of employee engagement in the relationship between workplace spirituality and the outcomes above. Additionally, it examines the interactive effect of (...)
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  17. General Covariance, Diffeomorphism Invariance, and Background Independence in 5 Dimensions.Antonio Vassallo - 2015 - In Tomasz Bigaj & Christian Wüthrich (eds.), Metaphysics in Contemporary Physics. Boston: Brill | Rodopi.
    The paper considers the "GR-desideratum", that is, the way general relativity implements general covariance, diffeomorphism invariance, and background independence. Two cases are discussed where 5-dimensional generalizations of general relativity run into interpretational troubles when the GR-desideratum is forced upon them. It is shown how the conceptual problems dissolve when such a desideratum is relaxed. In the end, it is suggested that a similar strategy might mitigate some major issues such as the problem of time or the embedding of quantum non-locality (...)
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  18. A Conceptual Framework for Consciousness Based on a Deep Understanding of Matter.Joachim Keppler - 2012 - Philosophy Study 2 (10):689-703.
    One of the main challenges in consciousness research is widely known as the hard problem of consciousness. In order to tackle this problem, I utilize an approach from theoretical physics, called stochastic electrodynamics (SED), which goes one step beyond quantum theory and sheds new light on the reality behind matter. According to this approach, matter is a resonant oscillator that is orchestrated by an all-pervasive stochastic radiation field, called zero-point field (ZPF). The properties of matter are (...)
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  19.  59
    Agnotology: a Conspiracy Theory of Ignorance?Enea Bianchi - 2021 - Ágalma: Rivista di studi culturali e di estetica 41.
    This article develops the concept of “agnotology”, a term coined by the historian of science Robert N. Proctor and the linguist Ian Bolas. Agnotology implies the study of ignorance, especially how ignorance and doubt are strategically induced by specific agents through misinformation, misleading research and inaccurate scientific data. The aim of this article is twofold: on the one hand it summarizes the main objectives of the agnotological area of study, taking into account the state of the art over the (...)
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  20.  23
    Practical Reasoning: A Guide for the Perplexed: Katrien Schaubroeck: The Normativity of What We Care About: A Love-based Theory of Practical Reasons. Leuven University Press, Leuven, 2013, 207 pp.Bob Brecher - 2014 - Res Publica 20 (3):323-326.
    Despite its title, this is an extremely useful book: the first four of its five chapters expound the standard range of theories of practical reasoning more clearly and accurately than one might have thought possible. A measure of Schaubroeck’s authoritative handling of her material is her ability to navigate the peaks, troughs and crevasses of the myriad variations of ‘internalism’ and ‘externalism’ without inducing either vertigo or fury. Thus she patiently guides the reader through the stupefying obstacles along the route (...)
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  21.  43
    The effect of shame on anger at others: awareness of the emotion-causing events matters.Ruida Zhu, Zhenhua Xu, Honghong Tang, Jiting Liu, Huanqing Wang, Ying An, Xiaoqin Mai & Chao Liu - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (4):696-708.
    ABSTRACTNumerous studies have found that shame increases individuals’ anger at others. However, according to recent theories about the social function of shame and anger at others, it is possible that shame controls individuals’ anger at others in specific conditions. We replicated previous findings that shame increased individuals’ anger at others’ unfairness, when others were not aware of the individual’s experience of shameful events. We also found for the first time that shame controlled or even decreased individuals’ anger at others’ unfairness, (...)
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  22.  30
    Sebo, Jeff: Saving Animals, Saving Ourselves: Why Animals Matter for Pandemics, Climate Change, and Other Catastrophes.Thomas Pölzler - 2023 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 26 (3):485-488.
    In his new book Saving Animals, Saving Ourselves: Why Animals Matter for Pandemics, Climate Change, and Other Catastrophes Jeff Sebo argues that animals matter with regard to human-induced crises and that humans have a moral responsibility to prevent, reduce, or repair the increasing amount of nonhuman suffering and death that we find in today’s world. Moreover, he attempts to show how these various human-induced crises are interlinked among themselves and with our treatment of animals in a (...)
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  23.  64
    (1 other version)Meinong’s theory of objects: An attempt at overcoming psychologism.Francesca Modenato - 1995 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 50 (1):87-112.
    I intend to take into account Meinong's theory of objects from a point of view allowed by the author himself, when he agrees that the proper "place" for such a doctrine is the theory of knowledge. According to this suggestion, I think it convenient to explain the doctrine at issue in the light of the definition of knowing as a "double" act, in which the object known is "in front o f the knowing act itself as something comparatively (...)
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  24.  93
    Does product complexity matter for competition in experimental retail markets?Stefania Sitzia & Daniel John Zizzo - 2011 - Theory and Decision 70 (1):65-82.
    We describe a first experiment on whether product complexity affects competition and consumers in retail markets. We are unable to detect a significant effect of product complexity on prices, except insofar as the demand elasticity for complex products is higher. However, there is qualified evidence that complex products have the potential to induce consumers to buy more than they would otherwise. In this sense, consumer exploitability in quantities cannot be ruled out. We also find evidence for shaping effects: consumers’ preferences (...)
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  25.  36
    A gauge-covariant bimetric tetrad theory of gravitation and electromagnetism.Mark Israelit - 1989 - Foundations of Physics 19 (1):33-55.
    In order to get to a geometrically based theory of gravitation and electromagnetism, a gauge covariant bimetric tetrad space-time is introduced. The Weylian connection vector is derived from the tetrads and it is identified with the electromagnetic potential vector. The formalism is simplified by the use of gauge-invariant quantities. The theory contains a contorsion tensor that is connected with spinning properties of matter. The electromagnetic field may be induced by conventional sources and by spinning matter. (...)
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  26.  51
    Copenhagen Quantum Mechanics Emerges from a Deterministic Schrödinger Theory in 11 Dimensional Spacetime Including Weak Field Gravitation.G. Doyen & D. Drakova - 2015 - Foundations of Physics 45 (8):959-999.
    We construct a world model consisting of a matter field living in 4 dimensional spacetime and a gravitational field living in 11 dimensional spacetime. The seven hidden dimensions are compactified within a radius estimated by reproducing the particle–wave characteristics of diffraction experiments. In the presence of matter fields the gravitational field develops localized modes with elementary excitations called gravonons which are induced by the sources. The final world model treated here contains only gravonons and a scalar (...) field. The gravonons are localized in the environment of the massive particles which generate them. The solution of the Schrödinger equation for the world model yields matter fields which are localized in the 4 dimensional subspace. The localization has the following properties: There is a chooser mechanism for the selection of the localization site. The chooser selects one site on the basis of minor energy differences and differences in the gravonon structure between the sites, which at present cannot be controlled experimentally and therefore let the choice appear statistical. The changes from one localization site to a neighbouring one take place in a telegraph-signal like manner. The times at which telegraph like jumps occur depend on subtleties of the gravonon structure which at present cannot be controlled experimentally and therefore let the telegraph-like jumps appear statistical. The fact that the dynamical law acts in the configuration space of fields living in 11 dimensional spacetime lets the events observed in 4 dimensional spacetime appear non-local. In this way the phenomenology of CQM is obtained without the need of introducing the process of collapse and a probabilistic interpretation of the wave function. Operators defining observables need not be introduced. All experimental findings are explained in a deterministic way as a consequence of the time development of the wave function in configuration space according to Schrödinger’s equation without the need of introducing a probabilistic interpretation. (shrink)
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  27. Nagarjuna's theory of causality: Implications sacred and profane.Jay L. Garfield - 2001 - Philosophy East and West 51 (4):507-524.
    Nāgārjuna argues for the fundamental importance of causality, and dependence more generally, to our understanding of reality and of human life: his account of these matters is generally correct. First, his account of interdependence shows how we can clearly understand the nature of scientific explanation, the relationship between distinct levels of theoretical analysis in the sciences (with particular attention to cognitive science), and how we can sidestep difficulties in understanding the relations between apparently competing ontologies induced by levels of (...)
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  28.  12
    Medical Genetics Casebook: A Clinical Introduction to Medical Ethics Systems Theory.Colleen D. Clements - 1982 - Springer Verlag.
    The Direction of Medical Ethics The direction bioethics, and specifically medical ethics, will take in the next few years will be crucial. It is an emerging specialty that has attempted a great deal, that has many differing agendas, and that has its own identity crisis. Is it a subspecialty of clinical medicine? Is it a medical reform movement? Is it a consumer pro tection movement? Is it a branch of professional ethics? Is it a ra tionale for legal decisions and (...)
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  29. Second Quantization of the Stueckelberg Relativistic Quantum Theory and Associated Gauge Fields.L. P. Horwitz & N. Shnerb - 1998 - Foundations of Physics 28 (10):1509-1519.
    The gauge compensation fields induced by the differential operators of the Stueckelberg-Schrödinger equation are discussed, as well as the relation between these fields and the standard Maxwell fields; An action is constructed and the second quantization of the fields carried out using a constraint procedure. The properties of the second quantized matter fields are discussed.
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  30. Projectionism, Realism, and Hume's Moral Sense Theory.A. E. Pitson - 1989 - Hume Studies 15 (1):61-92.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:61 PROJECTIONISM, REALISM, AND HUME'S MORAL SENSE THEORY* Introduction The character of Hume's moral theory is currently a topic of considerable discussion.1 We find in the recent literature essentially two sorts of interpretation of Hume's theory. On the one side there is the view that, for Hume, the distinction between virtue and vice is reducible to the moral sentiments of approval and disapproval. Associated with this (...)
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  31.  35
    Fair and unfair strategies in public controversies.Jan Albert van Laar & Erik C. W. Krabbe - 2016 - Journal of Argumentation in Context 5 (3):315-347.
    Contemporary theory of argumentation offers many insights about the ways in which, in the context of a public controversy, arguers should ideally present their arguments and criticize those of their opponents. We also know that in practice not all works out according to the ideal patterns: numerous kinds of derailments are an object of study for argumentation theorists. But how about the use of unfairstrategiesvis-à-vis one’s opponents? What if it is not a matter of occasional derailments but of (...)
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  32. Experimental metaphysics2: The double standard in the quantum-information approach to the foundations of quantum theory.Amit Hagar - 2007 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 38 (4):906-919.
    Among the alternatives of non-relativistic quantum mechanics (NRQM) there are those that give different predictions than quantum mechanics in yet-untested circumstances, while remaining compatible with current empirical findings. In order to test these predictions, one must isolate one’s system from environmental induced decoherence, which, on the standard view of NRQM, is the dynamical mechanism that is responsible for the ‘apparent’ collapse in open quantum systems. But while recent advances in condensed-matter physics may lead in the near future to (...)
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  33.  18
    The Complexities of “Minding the Gap”: Perceived Discrepancies Between Values and Behavior Affect Well-Being.Megan Chrystal, Johannes A. Karl & Ronald Fischer - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Research on self-determination theory and clinical models such as acceptance and commitment therapy has shown that behaving in line with our values is key to maintaining healthy well-being. Combining work on values and experimental studies on moral hypocrisy and well-being, we experimentally tested how behaving incongruently with values affects well-being. We hypothesized that discrepancies between how one thinks one should have behaved and how one reported one did behave would be more detrimental to well-being when the behaviors were value-expressive (...)
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    Individuation and New Matter Theories in Late Sixteenth- and Early Seventeenth-Century Protestant Scholasticism.Helen N. Hattab - 2023 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 97 (4):603-628.
    It is often thought that Aristotelian hylomorphism was undermined in the early modern era by the external challenges that alternative atomist and corpuscularian matter theories posed. This narrative neglects the fact that hylomorphism was not one homogeneous theory but a fruitful, adaptable framework that enabled scholastic Aristotelianism to continuously transform itself from within and resolve new natural philosophical, metaphysical, and theological problems. I focus on the period of the Counter-Reformation and rise of Protestant scholastic metaphysics. During this time (...)
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    Sentience and the Origins of Consciousness: From Cartesian Duality to Markovian Monism.Karl Friston, Wanja Wiese & J. Allan Hobson - 2020 - Entropy 22 (5):516.
    This essay addresses Cartesian duality and how its implicit dialectic might be repaired using physics and information theory. Our agenda is to describe a key distinction in the physical sciences that may provide a foundation for the distinction between mind and matter, and between sentient and intentional systems. From this perspective, it becomes tenable to talk about the physics of sentience and ‘forces’ that underwrite our beliefs (in the sense of probability distributions represented by our internal states), which (...)
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  36.  26
    The Right Stuff.Michael Barker - 2020 - International Philosophical Quarterly 60 (4):411-430.
    I consider Kant’s theory of matter, examine his distinction between “formal” and “material” purposiveness, review the related secondary literature, and interpret the role of the stuff of which organs consist in his conception of the special characteristics of organisms. As organisms ingest or absorb compounds, they induce chemical changes among those materials to grow and repair organs. Those organs have their functions with respect to each other in part on account of the materials of which they are composed. (...)
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  37. The seductions of clarity.C. Thi Nguyen - 2021 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 89:227-255.
    The feeling of clarity can be dangerously seductive. It is the feeling associated with understanding things. And we use that feeling, in the rough-and-tumble of daily life, as a signal that we have investigated a matter sufficiently. The sense of clarity functions as a thought-terminating heuristic. In that case, our use of clarity creates significant cognitive vulnerability, which hostile forces can try to exploit. If an epistemic manipulator can imbue a belief system with an exaggerated sense of clarity, then (...)
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  38.  22
    Gravitational Quantum Dynamics: A Geometrical Perspective.Ivano Tavernelli - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (2):1-24.
    We present a gravitational quantum dynamics theory that combines quantum field theory for particle dynamics in space-time with classical Einstein’s general relativity in a non-Riemannian Finsler space. This approach is based on the geometrization of quantum mechanics proposed in Tavernelli and combines quantum and gravitational effects into a global curvature of the Finsler space induced by the quantum potential associated to the matter quantum fields. In order to make this theory compatible with general relativity, the (...)
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    Late Medieval and Early Modern Corpuscular Matter Theories (review).Gad Freudenthal - 2003 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (2):273-274.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 41.2 (2003) 273-274 [Access article in PDF] Christoph Lüthy, John E. Murdoch, and William R. Newman, editors. Late Medieval and Early Modern Corpuscular Matter Theories. Leiden: Brill, 2001. Pp. viii + 610. Cloth, $186.00. The nineteen papers of this weighty (handsomely produced, but expensive) volume are mostly devoted to the views of one thinker or group of persons on "corpuscularism" (see 17ff.), (...)
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    The life of matter: early modern vital matter theories.Charles T. Wolfe (ed.) - 2023
    Notes and Records: the Royal Society Journal of the History of Science Volume 77Issue 4 01 November 2023 Table of Contents -/- [1] C. T. Wolfe, “The life of matter: early modern vital matter theories,” Notes and Records: the Royal Society Journal of the History of Science, vol. 77, no. 4, pp. 673–675, Nov. 2023. -/- [2] G. Giglioni, “Large as life: Francis Bacon on the animate matter of plants,” Notes and Records: the Royal Society Journal of (...)
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    The role of matter theory in Baconian and cartesian cosmologies.Stephen Gaukroger - 2000 - Perspectives on Science 8 (3):201-222.
    Within twenty years of one another, Bacon and Descartes proposed cosmologies which relied heavily on matter theory. In both, the distribution of matter in the cosmos determined what centers of rotation there were, and rotating bodies were carried around by the motion of an all-encompassing celestial fluid in which they were embedded. But the role of matter theory in the two accounts is very different, both in motivation and in the level at which it is (...)
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  42.  36
    Fermentation, Phlogiston and Matter Theory: Chemistry and Natural Philosophy in Georg Ernst Stahl's Zymotechnia Fundamentalis.Ku-Ming Chang - 2002 - Early Science and Medicine 7 (1):31-64.
    This paper examines Georg Ernst Stahl's first book, the Zymotechnia Fundamentalis, in the context of contemporary natural philosophy and the author's career. I argue that the Zymotechnia was a mechanical theory of fermentation written consciously against the influential "fermentational program" of Joan Baptista van Helmont and especially Thomas Willis. Stahl's theory of fermentation introduced his first conception of phlogiston, which was in part a corpuscular transformation of the Paracelsian sulphur principle. Meanwhile some assumptions underlying this theory, such (...)
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    Late Medieval and Early Modern Corpuscularian Matter Theory.William Newman, John Murdoch & Cristoph Lüthy (eds.) - 2001 - E.J. Brill.
    This book on medieval and early modern corpuscular matter theories presents the research results of nineteen scholars, who show that his modern model of matter has some of its roots in physical, medical, mathematical, alchemical, and theological conceptions developed in the Middle Ages.
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  44. Einstein׳s physical strategy, energy conservation, symmetries, and stability: “But Grossmann & I believed that the conservation laws were not satisfied”.J. Brian Pitts - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 54 (C):52-72.
    Recent work on the history of General Relativity by Renn, Sauer, Janssen et al. shows that Einstein found his field equations partly by a physical strategy including the Newtonian limit, the electromagnetic analogy, and energy conservation. Such themes are similar to those later used by particle physicists. How do Einstein's physical strategy and the particle physics derivations compare? What energy-momentum complex did he use and why? Did Einstein tie conservation to symmetries, and if so, to which? How did his work (...)
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  45. The Positive Role Of Prudence In The Virtuous Life.Roger Sullivan - 1997 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 5.
    I begin this paper by claiming that commentators who regard the Groundwork as Kant's final word on ethics inevitably misunderstand his moral theory. In support of this claim I focus on how Kant portrayed the role of inclinations in the morally virtuous life. A person who reads only the Groundwork will surely be struck by Kant's negative treatment of desires in that book: they are completely irrelevant to the rightness of our moral judgments, and the only specifically moral motive (...)
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    Once Again, This Time with Feeling.Stephen Davies - 2004 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 38 (2):1.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 38.2 (2004) 1-6 [Access article in PDF] Once Again, This Time with Feeling Stephen Davies The arbitrariness of so many virtuosos is partly responsible for the excess of expression marks to be found in the works of composers who thus hoped to forestall distortion and misinterpretation. Yet, complete control over the performer is not only impossible but also undesirable. The only remedy is to (...)
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    Atoms and Powers. An Essay on Newtonian Matter-Theory and the Development of ChemistryArnold Thackray.Roger Hahn - 1971 - Isis 62 (4):554-555.
  48. Christoph Luthy, John Murdoch and William Newman (eds): Late Medieval and Early Modern Corpuscular Matter Theories.A. Pyle - 2004 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 12 (1):172-174.
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    Philosophic als normative Tätigkeit.Henri Lauener - 1987 - Dialectica 41 (1-2):23-38.
    ZusammenfassungAus der Sicht der offenen Transzendentalphilosophie kommt es weniger auf eine physikali‐stische Gesamttheorie der Welt an als auf eine Analyse der normativen Tätigkeiten, die wir in die‐ser ausüben. Es wird gezeigt, wie wir – vor allem auch in der Wissenschaft – selbst die Voraus‐setzungen schaffen, die es uns erlauben, aufgrund von Wertungen ausgewählte Ziele zu erreichen. Pragmatische Erwägungen bedingen in einer gegebenen Situation den Entschluss, einen bestimm‐ten Kontext abzugrenzen, indem wir die dazu erforderlichen Regeln annehmen. Dadurch erzeugen wir ein relatives (...)
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  50. Singularities and scalar fields: Matter theory and general relativity.James Mattingly - 2001 - Proceedings of the Philosophy of Science Association 2001 (3):S395-.
    Philosophers of physics should be more attentive to the role energy conditions play in General Relativity. I review the changing status of energy conditions for quantum fields-presently there are no singularity theorems for semiclassical General Relativity. So we must reevaluate how we understand the relationship between General Relativity, Quantum Field Theory, and singularities. Moreover, on our present understanding of what it is to be a physically reasonable field, the standard energy conditions are violated classically. Thus the singularity theorems are (...)
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