Results for 'investigation'

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  1.  10
    Undercover among the spirits.Investigating Camp Chesterfield - 2009 - In Kendrick Frazier (ed.), Science Under Siege: Defending Science, Exposing Pseudoscience. Prometheus.
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  2. Toilet training of infants and children in Australia: 2010.Lead Investigator Professor James Franklin - unknown
    Euphemistically named “pull-ups” are a visually engaging and increasingly engineeredsanitaryproduct designed to capture a market that less than one generation ago was toilet trained at the age of the girl pictured on the packaging.
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    Part I. consciousness.Investigation ofa Complex - 2012 - In Ingrid Fredriksson (ed.), Aspects of consciousness: essays on physics, death and the mind. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Co..
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  4. The systemizing quotient: an investigation of adults with Asperger syndrome or high-functioning autism and normal sex differences. Baron-Cohen, Richler, Bisarya & Gurunathan & Wheelwright - 2004 - In Uta Frith & Elisabeth L. Hill (eds.), Autism: Mind and Brain. Oxford University Press.
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  5. Pop Genes" : An investigation of "the Gene" in popular parlance.Barbara Duden & Silja Samerski - 2007 - In Regula Valérie Burri & Joseph Dumit (eds.), Biomedicine as Culture: Instrumental Practices, Technoscientific Knowledge, and New Modes of Life. Routledge. pp. 167--189.
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  6. An investigation of the lumps of thought.Angelika Kratzer - 1989 - Linguistics and Philosophy 12 (5):607 - 653.
  7. Revision Rules: An Investigation into Non-Monotonic Inductive Definitions.G. Aldo Antonelli - 1992 - Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh
    Many different modes of definition have been proposed over time, but none of them allows for circular definitions, since, according to the prevalent view, the term defined would then be lacking a precise signification. I argue that although circular definitions may at times fail uniquely to pick out a concept or an object, sense still can be made of them by using a rule of revision in the style adopted by Anil Gupta and Nuel Belnap in the theory of truth.
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    A Psychological Investigation of Nelson Goodman’s Theory of Symbols.Howard Gardner - 1974 - The Monist 58 (2):319-326.
    At the conclusion of Languages of Art Nelson Goodman suggests that his theory of symbols has implications which extend beyond the philosopher’s chambers. He indicates that an exploration of the distinctions and framework introduced in the book might lead to revisions in educational psychology. Work undertaken in recent years by Goodman and his associates at Harvard Project Zero has been directly concerned with the psychological and educational implications of the theory of symbols. I would like to describe some early results (...)
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  9.  22
    Transmission electron microscopy investigation of domains and boundaries in bulk La2/3Ca1/3MnO3.D. D. Liang, C. H. Lei, Q. Y. Xu & Y. Ding - 2003 - Philosophical Magazine 83 (25):2915-2927.
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  10. "The Art of Scientific Investigation." By W. I. B. Beveridge.R. W. Russell - 1952 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 3 ([9/12]):202.
  11. Buddhist Phenomenology: A Philosophical Investigation of Yogācāra Buddhism and the C H’Eng Wei-Shih Lun.Dan Lusthaus - 2002 - New York, NY: Routledgecurzon.
    Preface Part One Buddhism and Phenomenology Ch.1Buddhism and Phenomenology Ch.2 Husserl and Merleau-Ponty Part Two The Four Basic Buddhist Models in India Introduction Ch.3 Model One: The Five Skandhas Ch.4 Model Two: Pratitya-samutpada Ch.5 Model Three: Tridhatu Ch.6 Model Four: Sila-Samadhi-Prajna Ch.7 Asamjni-samapatti and Nirodha-samapatti Ch.8 Summary of the Four Models Part Three Karma, Meditation, and Epistemology Ch.9 Karma Ch.10 Madhyamikan Issues Ch.11 The Privilaging of Prajna-paramita Part Four Trimsika and Translations Ch.12 Texts and Translations Part Five The Ch’eng Wei-Shih (...)
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    An investigation of the moral reasoning of managers.Dawn R. Elm & Mary Lippitt Nichols - 1993 - Journal of Business Ethics 12 (11):817 - 833.
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    Ignorant Cognition: A Philosophical Investigation of the Cognitive Features of Not-Knowing.Selene Arfini - 2019 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book offers a comprehensive philosophical investigation of ignorance. Using a set of cognitive tools and models, it discusses features that can describe a state of ignorance if linked to a particular type of cognition affecting the agent’s social behavior, belief system, and inferential capacity. The author defines ignorance as a cognitive condition that can be either passively borne by an agent or actively nurtured by him or her, and a condition that entails epistemic limitations that affect the agent’s (...)
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    Were there any radical women in the German Enlightenment? On feminist history of philosophy and Dorothea Erxleben’s Rigorous Investigation(1742).Anne-Sophie Sørup Nielsen - 2021 - Intellectual History Review 31 (1):143-163.
    This article examines the term “Radical Enlightenment” as a historiographical category through the lens of the philosophical work of Dorothea Christiane Erxleben (1715–1762), a keen advocate for women’s education and the first female medical doctor in Germany. The aim of the article is to develop a methodological framework that makes it possible to critically assess the radicalism of Erxleben’s philosophical position as it is presented in her highly systematic work Rigorous Investigation (1742). In the first part of the article, (...)
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  15.  26
    An investigation of the "randomness" of threshold measurements.Michael Wertheimer - 1953 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 45 (5):294.
  16.  38
    Shame and philosophy: an investigation in the philosophy of emotions and ethics.Phil Hutchinson - 2008 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Experimental methods and conceptual confusion : philosophy, science, and what emotions really are -- To 'make our voices resonate' or 'to be silent'? : shame as fundamental ontology -- Emotion, cognition, and world -- Shame and world.
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    An Investigation into Intuitionistic Logic with Identity.Szymon Chlebowski & Dorota Leszczyńska-Jasion - 2019 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 48 (4).
    We define Kripke semantics for propositional intuitionistic logic with Suszko’s identity. We propose sequent calculus for ISCI along with cut-elimination theorem. We sketch a constructive interpretation of Suszko’s propositional identity connective.
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    A Philosophical Investigation of Rape: The Making and Unmaking of the Feminine Self.Louise du Toit - 2009 - Routledge.
    This book offers a critical feminist perspective on the widely debated topic of transitional justice and forgiveness. Louise Du Toit examines the phenomenon of rape with a feminist philosophical discourse concerning women’s or ‘feminine’ subjectivity and selfhood. She demonstrates how the hierarchical dichotomy of male active versus female passive sexuality – which obscures the true nature of rape – is embedded in the dominant western symbolic frame. Through a Hegelian and phenomenological reading of first-person accounts by rape victims, she excavates (...)
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  19. Experimental investigation into influence of negative attitudes toward robots on human–robot interaction.Tatsuya Nomura, Takayuki Kanda & Tomohiro Suzuki - 2006 - AI and Society 20 (2):138-150.
    Negative attitudes toward robots are considered as one of the psychological factors preventing humans from interacting with robots in the daily life. To verify their influence on humans‘ behaviors toward robots, we designed and executed experiments where subjects interacted with Robovie, which is being developed as a platform for research on the possibility of communication robots. This paper reports and discusses the results of these experiments on correlation between subjects’ negative attitudes and their behaviors toward robots. Moreover, it discusses influences (...)
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  20. Skeptical Investigation.John A. Palmer - 2000 - Ancient Philosophy 20 (2):351-375.
  21.  52
    Investigation of the Impact of an Ethical Framework and an Integrated Ethics Education on Accounting Students’ Ethical Sensitivity and Judgment.Nonna Martinov-Bennie & Rosina Mladenovic - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 127 (1):189-203.
    This research is motivated by the criticism levelled at the academic community for its failure to incorporate sufficient ethics education into the accounting curriculum :53–71, 2004; Madison and Schmidt 2006). The inclusion of ethics decision-making frameworks by professional bodies in their codes of conduct or as a standalone tool and the encouragement of their use as a part of ethics education to help students to identify and think through ethical issues in a business context has been subject to very limited (...)
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    Reading the Nicomachean Ethics as an Investigation.Guy Schuh - 2020 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 23 (1):167–196.
    Aristotle tells us that the Nicomachean Ethics is an “inquiry” and an “investigation” (μέθοδος and a ζήτησις). This paper focuses on an under-appreciated way that the work is investigative: its employment of an exploratory investigative strategy—that is, its frequent positing of, and later revision or even rejection of, merely preliminary positions. Though this may seem like a small point, this aspect of the work’s methodology has important consequences for how we should read it—specifically, we should be open to the (...)
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  23. An investigation of the divergences and convergences of trait empathy across two cultures.Paria Yaghoubi Jami, Behzad Mansouri, Stephen J. Thoma & Hyemin Han - 2019 - Journal of Moral Education 48 (2):1-16.
    The extent to which individuals with a variety of cultural backgrounds differ in empathic responsiveness is unknown. This article describes the differences in trait empathy in one independent and one interdependent society (i.e., the US and Iran, respectively). The analysis of data collected from self-reported questionnaires answered by 326 adults indicated a significant difference in the cognitive component of empathy concerning participants’ affiliation to either egocentric or socio-centric society: Iranian participants with interdependent cultural norms, reported higher cognitive empathy compared to (...)
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    An Investigation of the Effects of Corporate Ethical Values on Employee Commitment and Performance: Examining the Moderating Role of Perceived Fairness.Dheeraj Sharma, Shaheen Borna & James M. Stearns - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 89 (2):251-260.
    Corporate ethical values (CEVs) can be viewed outside the realm of organizational training, standard operating procedures, reward and punishment systems, formal statements, and as more representative of the real nature of the organization (Organ, 1988). Past researchers have empirically demonstrated the direct influence of CEVs on job performance. This study argues that employees' perception of organizational fairness will create perceptual distortion of CEVs. The results of the study indicate that perceived fairness moderates the influence of CEVs on two seminal outcomes, (...)
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  25. Evil: A Philosophical Investigation.Luke Russell - 2014 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    When asked to describe wartime atrocities, terrorist acts, and serial killers, many of us reach for the word 'evil'. But what does it really mean? Luke Russell defends a new account of the nature of evil action and persons. Although the concept of evil is extreme and often misused, it has a legitimate place in contemporary secular moral thought.
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  26. (1 other version)Near-Suicide Phenomenon: An Investigation into the Psychology of Patients with Serious Illnesses Withdrawing from Treatment.Quan-Hoang Vuong, Tam-Tri Le, Ruining Jin, Quy Van Khuc, Hong-Son Nguyen, Thu-Trang Vuong & Minh-Hoang Nguyen - 2023 - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (6):5173.
    Patients with serious illnesses or injuries may decide to quit their medical treatment if they think paying the fees will put their families into destitution. Without treatment, it is likely that fatal outcomes will soon follow. We call this phenomenon “near-suicide”. This study attempted to explore this phenomenon by examining how the seriousness of the patient’s illness or injury and the subjective evaluation of the patient’s and family’s financial situation after paying treatment fees affect the final decision on the treatment (...)
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  27. An online investigation of categorization decisions.Bc Malt - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (6):519-519.
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    Unconscious Wisdom: An Investigation Into the Rationality of Unconsciously Motivated Behaviour.Jennifer Radden - 1976
  29.  13
    Recursion: A Computational Investigation Into the Representation and Processing of Language.David J. Lobina - 2017 - Oxford University Press.
    The book examines one of the most contested topics in linguistics and cognitive science: the role of recursion in language. It offers a precise account of what recursion is, what role it should play in cognitive theories of human knowledge, and how it manifests itself in the mental representations of language and other cognitive domains.
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  30. An Experimental Investigation of Emotions and Reasoning in the Trolley Problem.Alessandro Lanteri, Chiara Chelini & Salvatore Rizzello - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 83 (4):789-804.
    Elaborating on the notions that humans possess different modalities of decision-making and that these are often influenced by moral considerations, we conducted an experimental investigation of the Trolley Problem. We presented the participants with two standard scenarios (‹lever’ and ‹stranger’) either in the usual or in reversed order. We observe that responses to the lever scenario, which result from (moral) reasoning, are affected by our manipulation; whereas responses to the stranger scenario, triggered by moral emotions, are unaffected. Furthermore, when (...)
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  31. A new investigation of the nature of abstract categories.Loes Stukken, Steven Verheyen, Matthew Dry & Gerrit Storms - 2009 - In N. A. Taatgen & H. van Rijn (eds.), Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.
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    Buddhism: a contemporary philosophical investigation.David Burton - 2017 - New York: Routledge.
    Buddhism, in its diverse forms and throughout its long history, has had a profound influence on Asian cultures and the lives of countless individuals. In recent times, it has also attracted great interest among people in other parts of the world, including philosophers. Buddhist traditions often deal with ideas and concerns that are central to philosophy. A distinctively Buddhist philosophy of religion can be developed which focuses on Buddhist responses to issues such as the problem of suffering, the purpose and (...)
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    Investigation of the trust status of the nurse–patient relationship.Gözde Ozaras & Süheyla Abaan - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (5):628-639.
    Background: Professional nurses provide holistic healthcare to people and deal with patients closely. Furthermore, patients need nurses to do self-care and patients trust them for their treatments. Therefore, trust is extremely important in a professional care relationship and in satisfactory patient outcomes. Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the patients’ views on the trust status toward nurses and the factors important for the development of trust in a nurse–patient relationship. Research design: This research was planned as a (...)
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    Crime scene investigation and distributed cognition.Chris Baber, Paul Smith, James Cross, John E. Hunter & Richard McMaster - 2006 - Pragmatics and Cognition 14 (2):357-386.
    Crime scene investigation is a form of Distributed Cognition. The principal concept we explore in this paper is that of `resource for action'. It is proposed that crime scene investigation employs four primary resources-for-action: the environment, or scene itself, which affords particular forms of search and object retrieval; the retrieved objects, which afford translation into evidence; the procedures that guide investigation, which both constrain the search activity and also provide opportunity for additional activity; the narratives that different (...)
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  35. (1 other version)Mathematical Modality: An Investigation in Higher-order Logic.Andrew Bacon - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophical Logic.
    An increasing amount of contemporary philosophy of mathematics posits, and theorizes in terms of special kinds of mathematical modality. The goal of this paper is to bring recent work on higher-order metaphysics to bear on the investigation of these modalities. The main focus of the paper will be views that posit mathematical contingency or indeterminacy about statements that concern the `width' of the set theoretic universe, such as Cantor's continuum hypothesis. Within a higher-order framework I show that contingency about (...)
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    Principle Investigation.Henry E. Kyburg - 1981 - Journal of Philosophy 78 (12):772-778.
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    From the Textual to the Digital University. A philosophical investigation of the mediatic conditions for university thinking.Lavinia Marin - 2018 - Dissertation, Ku Leuven
    Starting from the current trend to digitise the university, this thesis aims to clarify the specific relation between university thinking and its use of media. This thesis is an investigation concerning the sensorial and medial conditions which enable the event of thinking to emerge at the university, i.e. conditions which do not make thinking necessary, but possible. Thinking is approached as an event which can happen while studying at the university, not as an outcome, nor a disposition or skill. (...)
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    A complete, unabridged, “pre-registered” descriptive experience sampling investigation: The case of Lena.Alek E. Krumm & Russell T. Hurlburt - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 22 (1):267-287.
    Descriptive Experience Sampling (DES) attempts to apprehend in high fidelity pristine inner experience (the naturally-occurring, directly-apprehended phenomena that fill our waking lives, including inner speaking, visual imagery, sensory awarenesses, etc.). Previous DES investigations had shown individual differences in the frequency of inner speaking ranging from nearly zero to nearly 100% of the time. In early 2020, the Internet was ablaze with comments expressing astonishment that constant internal monologue was not universal. We invited Lena, a university student who believed she had (...)
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    Multichannel Investigation of Interoception: Sensitivity Is Not a Generalizable Feature.Eszter Ferentzi, Tamás Bogdány, Zsuzsanna Szabolcs, Barbara Csala, Áron Horváth & Ferenc Köteles - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    A Moral Disengagement Investigation of How and When Supervisor Psychological Entitlement Instigates Abusive Supervision.Gabi Eissa & Scott W. Lester - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 180 (2):675-694.
    Building on the emerging research on antecedents of abusive supervision, the current research offers an empirical investigation concerning how and when supervisor psychological entitlement instigates abusive supervision in the workplace. Specifically, drawing on social cognitive theory, we develop and test a moderated-mediation model delineating the process that prompts psychologically entitled supervisors to become abusive towards subordinates. We argue that supervisor psychological entitlement facilitates supervisor moral disengagement, which subsequently incites supervisory abusive behaviors. We also argue that supervisor moral identity and (...)
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    Teachers' know-how: a philosophical investigation.Christopher Winch - 2017 - Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Teachers' Know-How: A Philosophical Investigation presents a comprehensive and up to date philosophical treatment of the kinds of knowledge and "know-how" that educators should possess. -Offers an original and in-depth study of teachers' know-how which situates teaching within the spectrum of professions -Critiques the currently fashionable craft conception of teaching and the view of teaching as protocol-driven which is currently influential in policymaking circles -Utilizes epistemological debates on the nature of know-how to inform understanding of the work of teachers (...)
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    An empirical investigation of reasoning with legal cases through theory construction and application.Alison Chorley & Trevor Bench-Capon - 2005 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 13 (3-4):323-371.
    In recent years several proposals to view reasoning with legal cases as theory construction have been advanced. The most detailed of these is that of Bench-Capon and Sartor, which uses facts, rules, values and preferences to build a theory designed to explain the decisions in a set of cases. In this paper we describe CATE (CAse Theory Editor), a tool intended to support the construction of theories as described by Bench-Capon and Sartor, and which produces executable code corresponding to a (...)
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  43.  15
    Effectiveness of group investigation versus lecture-based instruction on students’ concept mastery and transfer in social studies.Godwin Gyimah - 2023 - Journal of Social Studies Research 47 (1):29-39.
    The study examined the effectiveness of group investigation versus lecture-based instruction on students’ concept mastery and transferability in social studies learning. The researcher used an experimental design to randomly assign 116 eighth-grade students into control and experimental groups. The control and experimental group had 58 students, respectively. The researcher exposed the control group to lecture-based instruction through an oral presentation led by an instructor. On the other hand, students in the group investigation approach were grouped into groups of (...)
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    No Other Name: An Investigation Into the Destiny of the Unevangelized.John Sanders - 1992 - Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing.
    This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable. An exceptional, comprehensive work on the long- standing and much-debated question regarding the ultimate destiny of those who die without hearing the gospel. Sanders thoroughly examines the major positions that Christians throughout history have formulated, the spectrum ranging from restrictivism to universalism and including several in- between ("wider hope") views. The discussion of each major view includes key biblical texts, theological considerations, leading defenders, an evaluation, and a historical (...)
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    Latent growth curve modeling for the investigation of emotional factors in L2 in longitudinal studies: A conceptual review.Fang Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    With the advent of Complex dynamic systems theory in the field of second language question, the need for suitable CDST compatible methods for the investigation of temporal change in L2 affective variables has been felt more than before. One of the innovative methods for this purpose is latent growth curve modeling, which has recently drawn the attention of SLA scholars. However, the application of this method is still a burgeoning demand in SLA. In response to this demand, the present (...)
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    Investigation of phonological encoding through speech error analyses: Achievements, limitations, and alternatives.Antje S. Meyer - 1992 - Cognition 42 (1-3):181-211.
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    (1 other version)An empirical investigation of the ethical perceptions of future managers with a special emphasis on gender – turkish case.M. G. Serap Atakan, Sebnem Burnaz & Y. Ilker Topcu - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (3):573 - 586.
    This study presents an empirical investigation of the ethical perceptions of the future managers - Turkish university students majoring in the Business Administration and Industrial Engineering departments of selected public and private Turkish universities - with a special emphasis on gender. The perceptions of the university students pertaining to the business world, the behaviors of employees, and the factors leading to unethical behavior are analyzed. The statistically significant differences reveal that female students have more ethical perceptions about the Turkish (...)
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  48.  33
    An investigation of conditions determining contrast effects in differential reward conditioning.H. Wayne Ludvigson & Robert A. Gay - 1967 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 75 (1):37.
  49. An Investigation of Moksha in the Advaita Vedanta of Shankara and Gaudapada.Joshua Anderson - 2012 - Asian Philosophy 22 (3):275-287.
    In this article, I suggest that moksha (liberation or enlightenment) in Advaita Vedanta is best understood psychologically. A psychological understanding is not only consistent with the Advaita Vedanta articulated by Shankara and Gaudapada, but avoids what will be called the problem of jivan mukti. This article will consist of three main parts. First, I will briefly discuss the metaphysics and ontology of Advaita Vedanta. Next, I will present the problem of jivan mukti, and the Advaitin response to the problem. The (...)
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    An Investigation into Interrelations Between Trait Emotional Intelligence and Perfectionism in Middle School Aged Children.Dominika Doktorová & Ľubica Varečková - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (3):336-349.
    This research focuses on the detection of interrelations between perfectionism and trait emotional intelligence in children of middle school age. The Frost multidimensional scale of perfectionism for the detection of the perfectionism level was used. The global level of trait emotional intelligence was measured with the trait emotional intelligence questionnaire for children. The research sample consisted of 120 middle school children between 10 to 12 years old. The sample comprised of 80 girls and 40 boys. The results of the research (...)
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