Results for 'judicial control'

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  1.  8
    Judicial control of government action.John G. Collier & R. W. M. Dias - 1988 - Springer.
  2.  21
    Judicial Control of Administrative Action in India and Pakistan. A Comparative Study of Principles and Remedies.Ludwik Sternbach & M. A. Fazal - 1971 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 91 (2):320.
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    La argumentación judicial: control y responsabilidad de los órganos jurisdiccionales.Manuel Segura Ortega - 2011 - Telos: Revista Iberoamericana de Estudios Utilitaristas 18 (1):197-229.
    This paper takes as starting point the relative indeterminateness of current legal systems. This circumstance determines from the point of view of judicial activity a substantial freedom for judges, which translates into the existence of different interpretive possibilities. For this reason the role of argumentationin judicial activity has been reinforced, but at the same time the question arises of how to control the judges and what kind of responsibility they have in exercising their functions.
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  4. Legal issues concerning judicial control of the legality of normative administrative acts.Dainius Raižys & Darius Urbonas - 2009 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 116 (2):167-186.
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    Ethic consultation or judicial control-changes of duties and functions of the ethic committee in biomedical research.Florian Wolk - 2002 - Ethik in der Medizin 14 (4).
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    Resource allocation, welfare rights - mapping the boundaries of judicial control in public administrative law.E. Palmer - 2000 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 20 (1):63-88.
    In a recent line of cases, senior judges in the UK have been called upon to adjudicate in complaints over the failure of health and local authorities to meet the welfare needs of citizens. Local authorities claimed that the disputes had been precipitated by a lack of resources allocated by central government to meet local demand. This article examines the role of the courts in resolving a fundamental tension between central government policy of financial cost-cutting on the one hand and (...)
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    Moment of Silence: Constitutional Transparency and Judicial Control.Dennis Kurzon - 2011 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 24 (2):195-209.
    The paper looks at the establishment of religion clause in the First Amendment to the US Constitution, and cases, e.g. Brown v. Gilmore, followed by Croft v. Perry and Sherman v. Koch, cases that relate to the concept of the “moment of silence” in educational institutions in which it was claimed that such events constitute a breach of the establishment clause. Courts have been inconsistent in their decision-making, which may indicate a lack of transparency not only in the interpretation of (...)
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    ¿Control o independencia: un dilema aparente? El poder judicial en las sociedades democráticas.Alfonso de Julios-Campuzano - 2020 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 34:431-436.
    Recensión de N. Belloso Martín, El control democrático del poder judicial en España, Universidad de Burgos/ Moinho do Verbo, Curitiba, 1999.
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    Control judicial, reforma constitucional y diálogo institucional. Apuntes críticos al modelo colombiano desde una perspectiva deliberativa.Andrés Díaz del Castillo L. - 2015 - Ratio Juris 10 (20):213-238.
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  10. ¿Control o independencia: un dilema aparente?: El poder judicial en las sociedades democráticas.Alfonso de Julios Campuzano - 2000 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 34:431-436.
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  11. Control judicial de la política : el caso del tribunal constitucional.Francisco Zúñiga Urbina - 2019 - In Pablo César Riberi (ed.), Fundamentos y desafíos de la teoría constitucional contemporánea. [México]: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas.
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  12. El control judicial de las políticas sociales.Lucas S. Grosman - 2019 - In Pablo César Riberi (ed.), Fundamentos y desafíos de la teoría constitucional contemporánea. [México]: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas.
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    A Jurisprudência Do Supremo Tribunal Federal Sobre o Controle Judicial Do Orçamento Público e a Proteção Dos Direitos Humanos.Ana Paula Oliveira Ávila & Daniella Bitencourt - 2017 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 3 (1):18.
    Este artigo apresenta um panorama da jurisprudência do Supremo Tribunal Federal sobre o controle judicial do orçamento público e a proteção dos direitos humanos enquanto fim do Estado e do direito, especialmente considerando a recente tese fixada sobre o assunto. A questão de saber se é possível conciliar a atividade judicial com o controle de constitucionalidade dos orçamentos públicos é complexa e polêmica. Diante disso, para além de analisar as implicações orçamentárias decorrentes da judicialização dos direitos sociais positivos, (...)
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    “El control judicial le cuesta demasiado a la democracia”. Entrevista a Jeremy Waldron.Leonardo García Jaramillo & Vicente F. Benítez-R. - 2018 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 48:171-182.
    A propósito de su reciente visita a Colombia, invitado por la Corte Constitucional y la Universidad de La Sabana, los profesores Leonardo García Jaramillo y Vicente F. Benítez-R. entrevistaron al profesor Jeremy Waldron. Waldron fue Chichele Professor en la Universidad de Oxford, discípulo y contradictor de Dworkin, y es uno de los autores más influyentes del debate teórico político y constitucional contemporáneo. Actualmente es University Professor de la Universidad de New York. La traducción al español de la entrevista es también (...)
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    A (Im) Possibilidade Do Controle Judicial de Políticas Públicas Em Decorrência de Concepções Ideológicas.Diego Marques Gonçalves - 2023 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 9 (1).
    O presente artigo objetiva compreender se o Judiciário pode vetar a implementação de uma Política Pública em decorrência dos parâmetros ideológicos sustentados pelo gestor público que a formatou. Para tanto, tomou-se como ponto de partida o seguinte problema de pesquisa: é possível que o Poder Judiciário proíba uma política pública a partir da ideologia desta? O trabalho foi dividido em três capítulos; o primeiro deles trazendo a discussão atinente ao pós-positivismo jurídico neste país; o segundo visando esclarecer a respeito do (...)
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  16. El control judicial de las políticas de seguridad a través del Habeas Corpus (Coautora).Romina Rekers - 2016 - Córdoba, Argentina: INFOJUS, Ministerio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos de Argentina..
    El Programa de Ética y Teoría Política de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba reúne a investigadores, becarios doctorales y post-doctorales, profesores y estudiantes avanzados de la carrera de Derecho. El objetivo del grupo es evaluar las instituciones públicas y las conductas de los funcionarios, legisladores, jueces y abogados. El Programa desarrolla diversas líneas de investigación, entre las que se encuentra la evaluación de las políticas de seguridad. En este contexto, se desarrollaron diferentes actividades de formación, se llevaron adelante dos proyectos (...)
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    Democracia, derechos y control judicial: Versiones de Carlos Nino.Gustavo Maurino - 2015 - Análisis Filosófico 35 (2):243-263.
    El artículo analiza la justificación deliberativa de la revisión judicial a partir los originales aportes de la obra de Carlos Nino. Propone que el deliberativismo solo puede defender consistentemente un rol para la revisión judicial si esta se orienta radicalmente a las condiciones justificatorias y deliberativas de las decisiones, prácticas y políticas públicas, y no a la evaluación sustantiva de su consistencia con los derechos fundamentales, incluso los que sean considerados precondiciones democráticas. Argumenta que la versión más difundida (...)
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  18. Control judicial auténtico de las oposiciones: cota de máxima precisión frente a omisiones, ambigüedades y errores en las preguntas y respuestas que dan lugar a la nulidad de seis de ellas (STS de 18 de mayo de 2007). [REVIEW]Luis F. Vázquez Simón - 2007 - Aletheia: Cuadernos Críticos Del Derecho 4:109-120.
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  19. Una Teoria del Control Judicial de Constitucionalidad basada en el common law: Un Arbol vivo - Translation of A Common Law Theory of Judicial Review.Wilfrid J. Waluchow - 2009 - Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
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  20.  30
    Questioning Judicial Deliberations.Jan Komárek - 2009 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 29 (4):805-826.
    Mitchel Lasser's Judicial Deliberations compares the argumentative practices of the French Cour de cassation, the US Supreme Court, and the European Court of Justice (ECJ), and examines how they achieve judicial legitimacy. In this review I firstly question the models of judicial legitimacy presented by Lasser. I believe that the French ‘institutional’ model relies far more on the interplay between the Cour de cassation and the legislature than on the system of selection of those who take part (...)
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    Judicial Review, Administrative Review, and Constitutional Review in the Weimar Republic.Michael Stolleis - 2003 - Ratio Juris 16 (2):266-280.
    Judicial review (richterliches Prüfungsrecht), administrative review (Verwaltungsgerichtbarkeit), and constitutional review (Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit) are three different ways in which the judiciary has sought to control the executive and legislative powers of the state. Historically and functionally they are closely linked. I intend to discuss them in their German context, focussing, in particular, on the Weimar Republic, that is to say, on the period between 1919 and 1932. Although I shall not be addressing the highly interesting parallels with the U.S. Supreme (...)
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    Litígios estruturais e ativismo dialógico: um novo modelo de atuação para as cortes constitucionais no controle judicial de políticas públicas.Bianca M. Schneider van der Broocke & Katya Kozicki - 2019 - Cadernos PET-Filosofia (Parana) 17 (2).
    A adoção de um catálogo constitucional de direitos e o fortalecimento do judicial review, trouxeram como consequência a judicialização da política em inúmeras democracias, onde se verifica uma expansão da atuação do Poder Judiciário em detrimento das esferas representativas do Estado. Neste contexto, tem se observado em países do Sul Global, o emprego de novos mecanismos procedimentais em casos que envolvem a violação contínua e generalizada de direitos fundamentais, de alguns grupos menos favorecidos, decorrente de bloqueios políticos e institucionais, (...)
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  23. La justificación mixta del control judicial de constitucionalidad.José Sebastián Elías - 2019 - In Pablo César Riberi (ed.), Fundamentos y desafíos de la teoría constitucional contemporánea. [México]: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas.
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    O Controle de Constitucionalide Exercido pelo Tribunal de Contas da União e a Teoria do Constitucionalismo Popular.Luis Alberto Hungaro - 2016 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 2 (1):112.
    A Teoria do Constitucionalismo Popular representa construção dogmática de relevante importância para o estabelecimento de um novo diálogo institucional e abrandamento da atual supremacia do controle de constitucionalidade promovido pelo Poder Judiciário. A aproximação da Constituição ao povo, com a consequente atribuição da autoridade interpretativa à população, pode ser viabilizada pelo Tribunal de Contas da União, instituição ainda legitimada a realizar o controle de constitucionalidade e capaz de romper com a supremacia do "judicial review".
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    Social Policy and Judicial Legislation.Rolf Sartorius - 1971 - American Philosophical Quarterly 8 (2):151 - 160.
    "In this paper I shall attempt to sketch a defense of the plain man's view that the job of the judge, qua judge is to apply the law." What seems to have lead to the other view is the pervasive role of policy and principle in the justification of judicial decisions. This is no argument, however, for the existence of discretion: "For while it must be admitted that judges are entitled to appeal to certain general policies and principles, this (...)
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    Judicial Deliberations: A Comparative Analysis of Transparency and Legitimacy.Mitchel de S.-O.-L'E. Lasser - 2004 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Judicial Deliberations compares how and why the European Court of Justice, the French Cour de cassation and the US Supreme Court offer different approaches for generating judicial accountability and control, judicial debate and deliberation, and ultimately judicial legitimacy. Examining the judicial argumentation of the United States Supreme Court and of the French Cour de cassation, the book first reorders the traditional comparative understanding of the difference between French civil law and American common law (...) decision-making. It then uses this analysis to offer the first detailed comparative examination of the interpretive practice of the European Court of Justice. Lasser demonstrates that the French judicial system rests on a particularly unified institutional and ideological framework founded on explicitly republican notions of meritocracy and managerial expertise. Law-making per se may be limited to the legislature; but significant judicial normative administration is entrusted to State selected, trained, and sanctioned elites who are policed internally through hierarchical institutional structures. The American judicial system, by contrast, deploys a more participatory and democratic approach that reflects a more populist vision. Shunning the unifying, controlling, and hierarchical French structures, the American judicial system instead generates its legitimacy primarily by argumentative means. American judges engage in extensive debates that subject them to public scrutiny and control. The ECJ hovers delicately between the institutional/argumentative and republican/democratic extremes. On the one hand, the ECJ reproduces the hierarchical French discursive structure on which it was originally patterned. On the other, it transposes this structure into a transnational context of fractured political and legal assumptions. This drives the ECJ towards generating legitimacy by adopting a somewhat more transparent argumentative approach. (shrink)
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    Controlling the Executive in Times of Terrorism: Competing Perspectives on Effective Oversight Mechanisms.Fiona de Londras & Fergal F. Davis - 2010 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 30 (1):19-47.
    The well-established pattern of Executive expansionism and limited oversight of Executive action in times of terrorism is problematic from the civil libertarian point of view. How to limit such action has been the subject of much scholarship, a large amount of which focuses on perceptions of institutional competence rather than effectiveness. For the authors, the effective control of security-focused state action is to be judged by the extent to which it consists only of action that is necessary and proportionate (...)
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    A loss of innocence?: judicial independence and the separation of powers.R. Stevens - 1999 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 19 (3):365-402.
    The concepts of judicial independence and the separation of powers are used more as terms of political rhetoric than legal concepts in the British constitution. Responsible government significantly merges the executive and the legislative while parliamentary sovereignty has meant that judicial independence has had a peculiar British meaning, rarely unpacked. In practice, in England, (and presumably in the other UK jurisdictions), individual judges are accorded a high degree of independence, while there is no effective independence of the judiciary (...)
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    Los sesgos en el conocimiento judicial.Anna De Giuli - 2024 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 58.
    La literatura jurídica está dedicando cada vez más atención a los estereotipos perjudiciales en los distintos momentos procesales, desde la fase de instrucción hasta que se dicta sentencia. En este trabajo la estereotipación judicial, como mala praxis de la argumentación judicial, se enfocará en la sentencia. Después de evidenciar el fundamental papel de la motivación como lugar donde poder ejercer un control de las decisiones judiciales (2), así como lugar donde detectar la estereotipación judicial (3), se (...)
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    Restrictions on judicial election campaign speech: Silencing criticism of liberal activism.Lino A. Graglia - 2004 - Social Philosophy and Policy 21 (2):148-176.
    Constitutional law in the United States is, for most practical purposes, the product of ‘judicial review’, the power of judges to disallow policy choices made by other officials or institutions of government, ostensibly because those choices are prohibited by the Constitution. This extraordinary and unprecedented power, America's dubious contribution to the science of government, has made American judges the most powerful in the world, not only legislators but super-legislators, legislators with virtually the last word. Because lawmaking power divorced from (...)
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  31.  14
    Un replanteamiento al significado del activismo judicial.Julio César Muñoz Mendiola - 2020 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política 34:75-96.
    Este trabajo propone un replanteamiento a la forma de entender el activismo judicial, sobre todo, alejarlo de las críticas que se han gestado desde diferentes posiciones teóricas sin un sustento empírico fuerte, ya que en la práctica judicial ese activismo, en específico, el que se da en sede constitucional de última instancia, representa una vía institucional para la concretización de los derechos fundamentales y la sociedad democrática. Así, el activismo judicial al representar una consecuencia del control (...)
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    Police epistemic culture and boundary work with judicial authorities and forensic scientists: the case of transnational DNA data exchange in the EU.Helena Machado & Rafaela Granja - 2019 - New Genetics and Society 38 (3):289-307.
    The exchange of forensic DNA data is seen as an increasingly important tool in criminal investigations into organised crime, control strategies and counter-terrorism measures. On the basis of a set of interviews with police professionals involved in the transnational exchange of DNA data between EU countries, this paper examines how forensic DNA evidence is given meaning within the various different ways of constructing a police epistemic culture, it is, a set of shared values concerning valid knowledge and practices normatively (...)
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  33.  20
    El presidencialismo, el control de convencionalidad y la democracia en los países andinos.Manuel Fernando Quinche Ramírez - 2013 - Co-herencia 10 (19):167-206.
    Este escrito explicita que en las condiciones actuales del constitucionalismo y del presidencialismo de los países andinos, el control de convencionalidad es un instrumento útil para la realización de los derechos humanos y de la democracia, por vincular al juez común y a las otras instituciones estatales, en la tarea del control del poder, ya no solo desde la Constitución y las leyes de los distintos Estados, sino desde el derecho convencional, desde el derecho contenido en las convenciones (...)
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    The possibilities and limits of AI in Chinese judicial judgment.Zichun Xu, Yang Zhao & Zhongwen Deng - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (4):1601-1611.
    Artificial intelligence (AI) technology has brought new opportunities and challenges to the judicial field, which dramatically improves judicial efficiency and may even change the judiciary's way. The concept of judicial justice in the information age has a natural affinity with artificial intelligence. As artificial intelligence continues to make breakthroughs in judicial data sorting and deep learning knowledge, judicial artificial intelligence has gradually become a reality. Artificial intelligence can conduct legal argumentation, interpret calculation results, human–computer collaboration, (...)
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  35.  26
    Emergency Powers, Constitutional (Self-)Restraint and Judicial Politics: the Turkish Constitutional Court During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Emre Turkut - 2022 - Jus Cogens 4 (3):263-284.
    This paper investigates the Turkish Constitutional Court (TCC)’s treatment of legal challenges brought against Turkey’s legal responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Drawing on a detailed examination of the TCC’s institutional features, political origins and jurisprudential trajectory, and taking three politically salient judgments of the TCC concerning Turkey’s executive-dominated pandemic control as the point of departure, the paper argues that the TCC chose to exercise judicial restraint both in protecting fundamental rights and reviewing pandemic policies of the executive. It (...)
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  36.  17
    The American Doctrine of Judicial Supremacy. [REVIEW]S. F. L. - 1960 - Review of Metaphysics 13 (3):530-530.
    Haines' work first appeared in 1914; this volume is a reprint of the enlarged second edition, which was judged at that time to be "clearly the most comprehensive survey of the origin and early growth of judicial review." In the second part, covering the period since the Civil War, Haines attempts an adequate rather than a complete quantitative study, including not only the relevant court decisions but also a survey of informed critical opinion concerning the powers of the Court (...)
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    El populismo iliberal contra el Estado de Derecho: la defensa europea de la independencia judicial.Javier Tajadura Tejada - 2023 - Araucaria 25 (53).
    La Unión Europea es una Comunidad de Derecho. El Estado de Derecho es un valor europeo consagrado en el artículo 2 del Tratado de la Unión Europea. Su efectividad requiere de la existencia de un Poder Judicial independiente en la propia Unión y en todos y cada uno de los Estados miembros. Hoy en día está amenazado por un enemigo interior: el populismo iliberal que impugna las instituciones contramayoritarias del control de poder. En la primera parte de este (...)
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  38. Political Control of Independent Administrative Agencies.Lucinda Vandervort - 1979 - Ottawa, ON, Canada: Law Reform Commission of Canada, 190 pages.
    This work examines the development and performance of federal independent regulatory bodies in Canada in the period up to 1979, with particular attention to the operation of legislative schemes that include executive review and appeal powers. The author assesses the impact of the exercise of these powers on the administrative law process, and proposes new models for the generation, interpretation, implementation, review, and enforcement of regulatory policy. The study includes a series of representative case studies based on documentation and extensive (...)
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    Study of informal reasoning in judicial agents in sexual aggression cases.Xaviera Camplá, Yurena Gancedo, Jéssica Sanmarco, Álvaro Montes & Mercedes Novo - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Background/ObjectiveJudicial decisions must rest on formal reasoning. Nevertheless, informal reasoning sources were observed in judicial judgment making. Literature has identified sexual aggression cases as the most favorable for informal reasoning. Thus, a field study was designed with the aim of assessing the incidence and effects of cognitive and motivational biases in judicial agents in a case to rape to a woman.MethodsAs for this, Chilean judicial agents assessed an allegation of sexual assault in a case where the perpetrator (...)
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    Unveiling AI in the courtroom: exploring ChatGPT’s impact on judicial decision-making through a pilot Colombian case study.Riccardo Perona & Yezid Carrillo de la Rosa - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-8.
    This article examines the impact of ChatGPT on judicial reasoning, focusing on a recent Colombian case where the judge utilized ChatGPT in the decision-making process. The case, decided in January 2023, provides a unique “pilot case study” on the subject, as the judge, in the decision, openly referenced the questions he posed to ChatGPT and the responses of the system. The article explores the case’s implications, the initial reactions to it, and its meaning and implications within the evolving Colombian (...)
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    Regulating Tobacco: The Need for a Public Health Judicial Decision-Making Canon.Richard A. Daynard - 2002 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 30 (2):281-289.
    Cigarette smoke is by far the leading preventable cause of death and disease in the United States. It has been estimated to kill between 419,000 and 589,000 smokers and up to 65,000 non-smokers each year. This premier status is hardly a new development, having been true for most of the last century, and known to be true at least since the first Surgeon General’s Report in 1964.Why then are tobacco products exempt from any significant federal oversight or control? Why (...)
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    The Living Tree: Fixity and Flexibility a General Theory of (Judicial Review in a) Constitutional Democracy?Imer B. Flores - 2008 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho 1 (2):285-305.
    In this article the author aims to assess Wilfrid J. Waluchow’s more recent book, by depicting its main aim, namely to provide a better understanding of judicial review in a constitutional democracy via the “living tree” metaphor; by disapproving an unwarranted claim, purposely to reduce the metaphor to the common law (bottom-up) methodology; and by re-developing his alternative, specifically to identify the community’s constitutional political morality, with a friendly amendment, which is already explicit —or at least somehow implicit— on (...)
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    Etiquetar y castigar: la infamia como expresión actual del control social.Adriana María Ruiz Gutiérrez - 2022 - Isegoría 67:09-09.
    La infamia constituye el modelo ideal de castigo actual, ya que marca el cuerpo real y simbólico de ciertos sujetos, sin ninguna mediación institucional: los individuos y los grupos sociales se arrogan el derecho a imputar, juzgar y castigar. De manera que existen instituciones formales y, además, ciertos colectivos informales que neutralizan, excluyen, matan y encierran real y simbólicamente, ejerciendo un poder para-judicial y para-penal. En palabras más precisas, hay una penalidad que no pasa necesariamente por el poder (...) ni el proceso legal, sino por el tribunal social y psicológico efectuado por algunos agentes de control social informal. La realidad evidencia la absorción progresiva del proceso judicial en el juicio colectivo, sin ninguna garantía ni código distinto a la mirada, el murmullo social y el juicio instantáneo. La sociedad se transforma así en un tribunal permanente que odia, etiqueta y castiga, y cuya inmediatez, espontaneidad y anonimato reaviva la infamia de los viejos sistemas de la penalidad medieval, así como la devastadora marcación totalitaria. (shrink)
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    Derecho público y control del poder en la Hispanoamérica virreinal.Luis Alfonso Herrera Orellana - 2024 - Araucaria 26 (55).
    El trabajo cuestiona la tesis según la cual durante los siglos XVI y XVIII funcionó en la Hispanoamérica Virreinal un régimen autoritario y extractivo; aporta evidencia de que, por el contrario, el orden virreinal o indiano funcionó según ideas e instituciones jurídicas que, en su contexto histórico, permitieron limitar el poder de las autoridades reales y de sus representantes; y argumenta por qué no se justificaba ni benefició a los ciudadanos de las nuevas Repúblicas romper de raíz con esas instituciones (...)
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    Do we want AI judges? The acceptance of AI judges’ judicial decision-making on moral foundations.Taenyun Kim & Wei Peng - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-14.
    This study explored the acceptance of artificial intelligence-based judicial decision-making (AI-JDM) as compared to human judges, focusing on the moral foundations of the cases involved using within-subject experiments. The study found a general aversion toward AI-JDM regarding perceived risk, permissibility, and social approval. However, when cases are rooted in the moral foundation of fairness, AI-JDM receives slightly higher social approval, though the effect size remains small. The study also found that demographic factors like racial/ethnic status and age significantly affect (...)
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    Preemption of Local Smoke-Free Air Ordinances: The Implications of Judicial Opinions for Meeting National Health Objectives.Jean C. O'Connor, Allison MacNeil, Jamie F. Chriqui, Michael Tynan, Hannalori Bates & Shelby K. S. Eidson - 2008 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 36 (2):403-412.
    Despite governmental and private antismoking initiatives, tobacco smoking remains a significant public health and economic challenge. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that for each year between 1997 and 2001, cigarette smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke caused approximately 438,000 U.S. residents to die prematurely, resulting in 5.5 million years of potential life lost, and in $92 billion dollars of lost productivity. Also, despite convincing scientific data that laws against indoor smoking protect people from the negative health (...)
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    Embarking on the second green revolution for sustainable agriculture in india: A judicious mix of traditional wisdom and modern knowledge in ecological farming. [REVIEW]Rajiv K. Sinha - 1997 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 10 (2):183-197.
    The Green Revolution in India which was heralded in the 1960‘s was a mixed blessing. Ambitious use of agro-chemicals boosted food production but also destroyed the agricultural ecosystem. Of late Indian farmers and agricultural scientists have realized this and are anxious to find alternatives – perhaps a non-chemical agriculture – and have even revived their age-old traditional techniques of natural farming. Scientists are working to find economically cheaper and ecologically safer alternatives to agro-chemicals. Blue-Green Algae Biofertilizers, Earthworm Vermicomposts, biological (...) of pests and herbal biopesticides are showing promise. Saline agriculture and sewage farming are also being promoted in India to augment food production in the face of water scarcity. There is a move to search for alternative foods, which are more nutritious, cheaper and have shorter harvest cycles. Farm and food policy in India has to change its outlook before there can be a second green revolution. (shrink)
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    Surveying Judges about artificial intelligence: profession, judicial adjudication, and legal principles.Andreia Martinho - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-16.
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is set to bring changes to legal systems. These technologies may have positive practical implications when it comes to access, efficiency, and accuracy in Justice. However, there are still many uncertainties and challenges associated with the implementation of AI in the legal space. In this research, we surveyed Judges on critical challenges related to the Judging Profession in the AI paradigm; Automated Adjudication; and Legal Principles. Our results suggest that (i) Judges are hesitant about changes in their (...)
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  49.  17
    Uma defesa do princípio da maioria no contexto dos debates sobre a legitimidade democrática do controle jurisdicional de constitucionalidade das leis.Martônio Mont'Alverne Barreto Lima & Paulo de Tarso Fernandes Souza - 2022 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 40 (1):184-195.
    O principal objetivo deste artigo é realizar uma crítica ao argumento segundo o qual o princípio majoritário apresenta riscos à democracia, usualmente empregado pelos defensores da legitimidade democrática do controle jurisdicional de constitucionalidade das leis. Em uma sociedade democrática, onde os princípios da liberdade e da igualdade são adotados, o princípio majoritário fornece um critério justo para identificar os pontos de vista que devem prevalecer ao final de processos coletivos de tomada de decisão. As regras da unanimidade e da maioria (...)
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    Athens and Chalkis: a study in imperial control.Martin Ostwald - 2002 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 122:134-143.
    The basic contention of this article is that, contrary to a widely held and influential view, the Chalkis Decree does not constitute evidence that Athens tried to impose democracies on rebellious allies after their subjugation. It contains an exchange of oaths between Athens and Chalkis, confirming an 'agreement' (homologia), the contents of which are lost. The oaths show Athenian concern for the protection of the Athenian democracy and its friends at Chalkis, and impose some judicial but no political restrictions (...)
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