Results for 'law of motion of modern society'

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  1.  38
    Natural law and modern society.Herbert Wallace Schneider - 1968 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 6 (1):102.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:102 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY and removal of the social self, through the devaluation of values and de-culturation, to the objectivizatlonof the ego, the state of oneness and unity with all. The remaining sections of the book give an analysis of Rumi, the universal man of the Eas~, and an analysis of Goethe, the universal man of the West. The Rumi chapter contains impressive translations of RumPs poems and the (...)
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    Natural law and modern society.Sean Coyle - 2023 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Natural Law and Modern Society presents a new theory of natural law, grounded in the thought of Saint Thomas Aquinas, aimed at answering questions relevant to the ethics and morality of the theory of law, obligation and political authority; from the domestic realm to international community.
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    Law in Modern Society.Denis James Galligan - 2006 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Providing an introduction to law in modern society, D. J. Galligan considers how legal theory, and particularly H. L. A Hart's The Concept of Law, has developed the idea of law as a highly developed social system, which has a distinctive character and structure, and which shapes and influences people's behaviour.The concept of law as a distinct social phenomenon is examined through reference to, and analysis of, the work of prominent legal and social theorists, in particular M. Weber, (...)
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    Natural law and modern society.John Cogley (ed.) - 1971 - Freeport, N.Y.,: Books for Libraries Press.
    The idea of natural law, says the author, "is based on a belief that there exists a moral order which every normal person can discover by using his reason, and of which he must take account if he is to attune himself to his necessary ends as a human being." This notion has supported the philosophy and behaviour of men in all cultures since the beginning of society. It is implicit in the Mosaic code; is fundamental in the thought (...)
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    Natural Law and Modern Society[REVIEW]Jude P. Dougherty - 1965 - New Scholasticism 39 (1):130-132.
  6. Syndicalism in Modern Society.Michel Collinet & James H. Labadie - 1956 - Diogenes 4 (14):48-62.
    Today, the French word “syndicat” designates both an association of workers and a group of producers or business concerns. In the nineteenth century, it was identified with “associations of resistance” which the law called “workers’ coalitions” and which were associations of workers, de facto or de jure, formed to improve the lot of the working class by one means or another. In this study we shall consider such organizations exclusively.
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    Law and Society in Modern India.Ludo Rocher, Marc Galanter & Rajeev Dhaan - 1993 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 113 (1):153.
  8.  15
    Faith, society and the post-secular: Private and public religion in law and theology.Christoffel Lombaard, Iain T. Benson & Eckart Otto - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (3):12.
    In pre-democratic – also pre-modern – times, religion had been at the centre of much of human life, filling the private as well as the public realm of people’s daily existence. However, with the change to democratic rule in major countries in the modern world (see, most influentially, Article 1 of the French Constitution after the French Revolution and the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, influencing all other democracies in their wake), religion has for (...)
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    Mentoring for Neuroscience and Society Careers: Lessons Learned from the Dana Foundation Career Network in Neuroscience & Society.Dana Foundation Career Network in Neuroscience & Society, Craig W. McFarland, Makenna E. Law, Ivan E. Ramirez, Emily Rodriguez, Ithika S. Senthilnathan, Adam P. Steiner, Kelisha M. Williams & Francis X. Shen - forthcoming - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience.
    With the growth of neuroscience research, new neuroscience and society (NeuroX) fields like neuroethics, neurolaw, neuroarchitecture, neuroeconomics, and many more have emerged. In this article we report on lessons learned about mentoring students in the interdisciplinary space of neuroscience and society. We draw on our experiences with the recently launched Dana Foundation Career Network in Neuroscience & Society. This resource supports educators and practitioners mentoring students aiming to apply neuroscience in diverse fields beyond medicine and biomedical science. (...)
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    Law in Civil Society[REVIEW]Michael H. Hoffheimer - 1996 - The Owl of Minerva 28 (1):122-128.
    It is hard to imagine a revival of Schelling’s philosophy of medicine. But in the past decade, there have been seventy-five articles in American law reviews about Hegel’s philosophy of law. A comparable number of academic articles and books have also appeared. Richard Dien Winfield, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Georgia, ranks among the most ambitious and comprehensive scholars to apply Hegel to law. His latest book, Law in Civil Society, is a welcome companion to his other (...)
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    Politics, law, society, history and religion in the "politica" (1590s-1650s): interdisciplinary perspectives on an interdisciplinary subject.Robert von Friedeburg (ed.) - 2013 - New York: Georg Olms.
    The Politica as a specific genre of academic reflection on civil life developed from the later sixteenth century and flourished until at least the mid-seventeenth century, especially at universities in the Holy Roman Empire and where their influence was felt, as in the Dutch Republic. Theologians, Philosophers, Jurists, and Medical Doctors contributed books. Aside from few and only with difficulty accessible surveys, and a few individual well-researched authors, research into this genre remains a task for the future. This survey collects (...)
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    Neo-Thomism in action: law and society reshaped by neo-scholastic philosophy, 1880-1960.Wim Decock, Bart Raymaekers & Peter Heyrman (eds.) - 2021 - Leuven: Leuven University Press.
    In his encyclical 'Aeterni Patris' (1879), Pope Leo XIII expressed the conviction that the renewed study of the philosophical legacy of Saint Thomas Aquinas would help Catholics to engage in a dialogue with secular modernity while maintaining respect for Church doctrine and tradition. As a result, the neo-scholastic framework dominated Catholic intellectual production for nearly a century thereafter. This volume assesses the societal impact of the Thomist revival movement, with particular attention to the juridical dimension of this epistemic community. Contributions (...)
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    Family Law and Society in Europe from the Middle Ages to the Contemporary Era.di Renzo Villata & Maria Gigliola (eds.) - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This volume addresses the study of family law and society in Europe, from medieval to contemporary ages. It examines the topic from a legal and social point of view. Furthermore, it investigates those aspects of the new family legal history that have not commonly been examined in depth by legal historians. The volume provides a new 'global' interpretative key of the development of family law in Europe. It presents essays about family and the Christian influence, family and criminal law, (...)
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  14.  20
    Cultivating the individual and society.Robert Devigne - 2006 - History of Political Thought 27 (1):91-121.
    Can the older, virtue-centred tradition of the ancients be made to mesh with the modern political, jurisprudential and economic focus on human equality and freedom? Can empiricism's grounding of human freedom in the natural right of each individual to secure his self-preservation and self-interest be reconciled with Kant's grounding of freedom in the capacity of human beings to act out of respect for the rational moral law? Mill thought so, and his work as a whole attests to the ambition (...)
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    Economy and Society.Max Weber - 2013 - Harvard University Press.
    Published posthumously in the early 1920's, Max Weber's Economy and Society has since become recognized as one of the greatest sociological treatises of the 20th century, as well as a foundational text of the modern sociological imagination. The first strictly empirical comparison of social structures and normative orders conducted in world-historical depth, this two volume set of Economy and Society—now with new introductory material contextualizing Weber’s work for 21st century audiences—looks at social action, religion, law, bureaucracy, charisma, (...)
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  16. On secular education.Stevie Modern - 2014 - Australian Humanist, The 115:12.
    Modern, Stevie At its annual general meeting in May this year, the Council of Australian Humanist Societies voted in support of volunteer ethics teachers entering public schools and teaching ethics programs to students as a secular alternative in religious education. The motion was put to the meeting by the NSW Society with the support of the Humanist Society of Victoria. The motion was opposed by the Queensland, Western Australian and South Australian Societies. Here is why (...)
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  17.  9
    The punitive society: lectures at the College de France, 1972-1973.Michel Foucault - 2015 - New York: Picador. Edited by Bernard E. Harcourt & Graham Burchell.
    These thirteen lectures on the 'punitive society,' delivered at the Collège de France in the first three months of 1973, examine the way in which the relations between justice and truth that govern modern penal law were forged, and question what links them to the emergence of a new punitive regime that still dominates contemporary society. Praise for Foucault's Lectures at the Collège de France Series “Ideas spark off nearly every page...The words may have been spoken in (...)
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  18.  4
    Soul, self, and society: the new morality and the modern state.Edward L. Rubin - 2015 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Political and social commentators regularly bemoan the decline of morality in the modern world. They claim that the norms and values that held society together in the past are rapidly eroding, to be replaced by permissiveness and empty hedonism. But as Edward Rubin demonstrates in this powerful account of moral transformations, these prophets of doom are missing the point. Morality is not diminishing; instead, a new morality, centered on an ethos of human self-fulfillment, is arising to replace the (...)
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    Criminal Law Without Punishment: How Our Society Might Benefit From Abolishing Punitive Sanctions.Valerij Zisman - 2023 - De Gruyter.
    How can criminal punishment be morally justified? Zisman addresses this classical question in legal philosophy. He provides two maybe surprising answers to the question. First, as for a methodological claim, it argues that this question cannot be answered by philosophers and legal scholars alone. Rather, we need to take into account research from social psychology, economy, anthropology, and so on in order to properly analyze the arguments in defense of criminal punishment. Second, the book argues that when such research is (...)
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  20.  30
    Law and Organization in World Society[REVIEW]G. E. W. - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 16 (4):799-799.
    Carlston looks at the problem of nationalization of industries as a problem in organization arising with the increasing interdependence of national economies. He uses this as a "hard case" through which to study the structure of world society, the motivating values of action in world society, and the role of law as an organizing process in that society. By exploring this "hard case" Carlston hopes to clarify basic concepts, justify a new theoretical approach to international law, and (...)
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  21. Wisdom Speaking: Language and Society in Giambattista Vico.Michael Mooney - 1982 - Dissertation, Columbia University
    Alongside the tradition in Western thought which glories in logic, metaphysics, and science , a more variegated tradition of thought is to be found--that of rhetoric and of "wisdom"--whose focus is on the workings of human society and on language as its bond and instrument of change. Wisdom Speaking is the attempt to read Vico within this tradition and to see what it became in his hands. ;From implacable foes to cautious allies, science and wisdom have a history of (...)
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  22. Beyond the Anarchical Society: Grotius, Colonialism and Order in World Politics.Edward Keene - 2002 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    Edward Keene argues that the conventional idea of an 'anarchical society' of equal and independent sovereign states is an inadequate description of order in modern world politics. International political and legal order has always been dedicated to two distinct goals: to try to promote the toleration of different ways of life, while advocating the adoption of one specific way, that it labels 'civilization'. The nineteenth-century solution to this contradiction was to restrict the promotion of civilization to the world (...)
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  23.  46
    Information, information systems, information society: interpretations and implications.Wolfgang Hesse, Dirk Müller & Aaron Ruß - 2008 - Poiesis and Praxis 5 (3-4):159-183.
    The term information has become a universal and omnipresent keyword in almost all areas of our modern world—be it in science or society in general. This is not only obvious from the naming of whole scientific branches like Information Theory, Information Science or Informatics but even more from common speaking—characterising our present time and society as information age viz. information society. However, what information might mean, is by no means clear and there is a wide range (...)
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    Die Akkumulation des Kapitals – das Bewegungsgesetz der modernen Gesellschaft.Fritz Fiehler - 2017 - Zeitschrift für Kritische Sozialtheorie Und Philosophie 4 (1-2):135-151.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialtheorie und Philosophie Jahrgang: 4 Heft: 1-2 Seiten: 135-151.
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  25.  27
    Modern Indian Family Law.Ludo Rocher & Werner F. Menski - 2003 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 123 (1):260.
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  26.  85
    Ubuntu and the modern society.Peter Mwipikeni - 2018 - South African Journal of Philosophy 37 (3):322-334.
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    Moral communication in modern societies.Thomas Luckmann - 2002 - Human Studies 25 (1):19-32.
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    Mothers but not wives: The Biakē custom and its implications on the Ogoni contemporary society.Burabari Sunday Deezia - 2024 - Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions 13 (1):47-60.
    The _Biakē _custom, an ancient practice among the Ogoni indigenous people, refers to a system by which certain girls or women are not allowed to marry, but are legitimately allowed to raise children for their parents or family, because of some peculiar circumstances of the household, thus the idea of ‘mothers but not wives.’ However, the _Biakē _practice has been misconstrued with the malapropism called ‘_Sira_-Custom,’ implying a system in which the first daughters are not given out for marriage. This (...)
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  29.  19
    Confucian Moral Culture and Modern Society Development. 최문기 - 2018 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (120):1-22.
    이 논문의 일차적 목적은 ‘유가의 도덕문화’가 ‘현대사회의 발전’에 기여할 수 있는 부분을 밝히고자 하는 것이다. 유가의 도덕문화를 해석하기 위해 채택한 이론적 배경은 ‘문화적 지식 구성 이론(Cultural Knowledge Construct Theory)’이고, 여기에 추가해서 유가의 도덕문화가 ‘현대사회의 발전’에 함의하는 바를 해석하기 위해 채택한 이론적 배경은 ‘인간체계 이론(Human Systems Theory)’이다. 이 연구의 특징은 한 마디로 기존의 정통 유가사상에서 다루었던 도덕문화와 사회발전 관계를 ‘문화적 지식-구성 이론’과 ‘인간체계 이론’에 의거해서 새롭게 해석하고자 하는데 있다고 하겠다. 이 논문에서의 논의 전개는 크게 두 부분으로 구성되는데, 먼저 1) 유가사상이 지향한 (...)
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    How to cross boundaries in the information society: vulnerability, responsiveness, and accountability.Massimo Durante - 2013 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 43 (1):9-21.
    The paper examines how the current evolution and growth of ICTs enables a greater number of individuals to communicate and interact with each other on a larger scale: this phenomenon enables people to cross the conventional boundaries set up across modernity. The presence of diverse barriers does not however disappear, and we therefore still experience cultural, political, legal and moral boundaries in the globalised Information Society. The paper suggests that the issue of boundaries is to be understood, primarily, in (...)
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  31.  11
    Famine, disease and the social order in early modern society.James A. Jaffe - 1991 - History of European Ideas 13 (3):303-304.
  32.  74
    Freedom in modern society: Rousseau's challenge.Mark Evans - 1995 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 38 (3):233 – 255.
    Rousseau's political thought has been accredited with major influence upon subsequent radical democratic thinking, but in fact its contradictions and obscurities render the real import of its legacy deeply ambiguous. This article aims to identify its central message through clarification of the Social Contract's presuppositions and prescriptions, interpreted in the light of his other writings. Although the modernity of his thought is evident in the priority he gives to individual freedom, Rousseau's disturbing novelty lies in his belief that this can (...)
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  33.  20
    Critical theory and democracy: civil society, dictatorship, and constitutionalism in Andrew Arato's democratic theory.Enrique Peruzzotti, Martín Plot & Andrew Arato (eds.) - 2012 - New York: Routledge.
    This book focuses on Andrew Arato’s democratic theory and its relevance to contemporary issues such as processes of democratization, civil society, constitution-making, and the modern Executive. Andrew Arato is -both globally and disciplinarily- a prominent thinker in the fields of democratic theory, constitutional law, and comparative politics, influencing several generations of scholars. This is the first volume to systematically address his democratic theory. Including contributions from leading scholars such as Dick Howard, Ulrich Preuss, Hubertus Buchstein, Janos Kis, Uri (...)
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  34.  10
    Cohesion, unity and stability in modern societies.Veit Bader - 2001 - In Anton van Harskamp & A. W. Musschenga, The many faces of individualism. Sterling, Va.: Peeters. pp. 107--32.
  35.  37
    Essays in Classical and Modern Hindu Law.Ludo Rocher & J. Duncan M. Derrett - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (3):367.
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    Introduction to Modern Hindu Law.Ludwik Sternbach & J. Duncan M. Derrett - 1966 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 86 (2):218.
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    Habermas, modernity, and law.Mathieu Deflem (ed.) - 1996 - Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
    The work of Jürgen Habermas has long been regarded as central to the development of social and political theory and philosophy in the late 20th century. With the publication of his latest book Between Facts and Norms, Habermas has signalled the importance of exploring modern legal theory to our understanding of democratic society. Habermas, Modernity, and Law brings together leading scholars from around the world to provide a clear introduction to this key development in Habermas's work. With chapters (...)
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  38.  48
    Mechanics and the Royal Society, 1668-70.A. Rupert Hall - 1966 - British Journal for the History of Science 3 (1):24-38.
    Apart from statics, about which I shall say nothing, there were three chief centres of interest in mechanics in the 1660's: the motions of pendulums; the laws of motion; the free fall of heavy bodies and the motion of projectiles.In the first the influence of Huygens was dominant; I have placed it so because it was of very lively contemporary concern. The second area of interest descended partly from Galileo and partly from Descartes; the third from Galileo alone. (...)
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  39.  13
    Moral sentiments in modern society: a new answer to classical questions.Gabriël van den Brink (ed.) - 2016 - Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
    CONTENTS: 1. The question: from Adam Smith to our days. 2. Theoretical perspectives on modernization. 3. Introduction to Dutch society: Liquid modernity. 4. Symptoms of moral erosion: nuisance and violence. 5. Ordinary people and their highest ideals. 6. Modernization and the change of values. 7. Moral behaviour and professional life. 8. Moral sentiments and social imagination. 9. The moral healing of modern wounds. 10. Dutch society in the European context. 11. Modern society and moral defence. (...)
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  40.  23
    Liberalism and Modern Society[REVIEW]Jack Crittenden - 1993 - Review of Metaphysics 47 (2):359-360.
    In this book of exemplary scholarship Bellamy traces the conflict within modern liberalism between its ethical strand and the social-economic order that supported that strand. The rise of modern industrial society, and the social and political changes concomitant with it, transformed ethical liberalism into economic liberalism, with the result that the philosophical underpinnings to liberalism were weakened to the point of near collapse.
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    Deciphering Information Technologies: Modern Societies as Networks.Nico Stehr - 2000 - European Journal of Social Theory 3 (1):83-94.
    This essay advances two sets of critical observations about Manuel Castells's suggestion and detailed elaboration of the idea that modern society from the 1980s onwards constitutes a network society and that the unity in the diversity of global restructuring has to be seen in the massive deployment of information and communication technologies in all spheres of modern social life. The criticism attends to the possibility that the emphasis on the social role of information technologies in advanced (...)
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  42.  8
    Islam in modern societies: facts, issues, and perspectives in the west.Jamel Khermimoun - 2018 - Bloomington, Indiana,: Westbow Press, a division of Thomas Nelson & Zondervan.
    Jamel Khermimoun considers that Muslims born in France and in the West now build their identity not from an imported model but from a strong sense of belonging to the nation, which they claim at the same time as their Islam. He wants to shed light on his reading of texts guided by the spirit of flexibility and openness advocated by Islam. We must listen carefully to what he has to say to us; one must know how to confront ones (...)
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    Social isolation in modern society.Roelof Hortulanus, Anja Machielse & Ludwien Meeuwesen - 2004 - Routledge. Edited by Ann Brooks.
    Social isolation has serious repercussions for people and communities across the globe, yet knowledge about this phenomenon has remained rather limited – until now. The first multidisciplinary study to explore this issue, Social Isolation in Modern Society integrates relevant research traditions in the social sciences and brings together sociological theories of social networks and psychological theories of feelings of loneliness. Both traditions are embedded in research, with the results of a large-scale international study being used to describe the (...)
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    Rape and Adultery in Ancient Greek and Yoruba Societies.Olakunbi O. Olasope - 2014 - Journal of Philosophy and Culture 5 (1):67-114.
    In Athens and other ancient cultures, a woman, whatever her status and whatever her age or social class, was, in law, a perpetual minor. Throughout her life, she was in the legal control of a guardian who represented her in law. Rape, as unlawful carnal knowledge of a woman, warranted a capital charge in the Graeco-Roman world. It still carries a capital charge in some societies and is considered a felony in others. As for adultery, it may be prosecuted in (...)
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  45. Buddhist ethics and modern society: an international symposium.Charles Wei-Hsun Fu & Sandra Ann Wawrytko (eds.) - 1991 - New York: Greenwood Press.
    This volume offers a comprehensive overview of the status of the Buddhist tradition in a contemporary and global context. Buddhist experts from several Asian and Western nations address a number of ethical problems from the Buddhist perspective, including medical and environmental ethics, feminism, the social impacts of materialism, and ethnic minorities. All major schools of Buddhism are represented--Mahayana, Theravada, and Vajrayana--as well as a variety of sects such as Ch'an/Zen, Lojong, and Pure Land.
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  46. Ethical politics and modern society: T. H. Green's practical philosophy and modern China.James Jai-Hau Liu - 2020 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Ethical Politics and Modern Society introduces and critically examines British idealist philosopher, Thomas Hill Green, his practical philosophy and its reception in China between the late nineteenth century and the early twentieth century. As a response to the modernity issue in Great Britain, Green's philosophy, in particular his ethical politics, anticipated a practical solution to the individual alienation issue in modern society. Witnessing the resemblance between Green's ethical politics and classical Chinese ethical and political thought, some (...)
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    Classical social theory and modern society: Marx, Durkheim, Weber.Edward Cary Royce - 2015 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
    Classical Social Theory and Modern Society introduces students to Marx, Durkheim, and Weber. After surveying the historical context in which they wrote, the book provides an overview of each thinker, then places them in dialogue with each other on four issues that remain relevant to life in today's modern world.
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    Anxiety and Uncertainty in Modern Society.Bart Pattyn & Luc van Liedekerke - 2001 - Ethical Perspectives 8 (2):88-104.
    The intention of this paper is to relate the various standpoints regarding anxiety and uncertainty. Within the humanities and social sciences, research is pursued in many different disciplines without much interaction between them. Everyone's thinking is based on concepts which are domain-specific, and the distinctions, methods and arguments used are the ones that are generally accepted within the discipline. The divergent conclusions constitute pieces of a puzzle that are seldom if ever put together. There are even doubts about whether such (...)
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    Secular Morality and Religious Ethics: Convergence and Divergence in Modern Society.Ana Björnsson - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (2):140-155.
    Comparing and contrasting nonreligious and religious perspectives on ethics and morals has perhaps attracted the greatest attention of any secular study area. There are indeed negative preconceptions about seculars that express worries about how morality can be preserved without the influence of religion. The research begins with definitions and categories of morality, along with current views on how they came to be and how to evaluate them. Examined are secular attitudes and actions in areas including prosociality, violence, criminal activity, drug (...)
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    Women’s rights in Muslim societies: Lessons from the Moroccan experience.Nouzha Guessous - 2012 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 38 (4-5):525-533.
    Major changes have taken place in Muslim societies in general during the last decades. Traditional family and social organizational structures have come into conflict with the perceptions and needs of development and modern state-building. Moreover, the international context of globalization, as well as changes in intercommunity relations through immigration, have also deeply affected social and cultural mutations by facilitating contact between different cultures and civilizations. Of the dilemmas arising from these changes, those concerning women’s and men’s roles were the (...)
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