Results for 'lived space'

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  1. The living space of the image.Julian Reid - 2018 - In David Hancock, Anthony Faramelli & Robert G. White (eds.), Spaces of crisis and critique: heterotopias beyond Foucault. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Epistemic Living Spaces, International Mobility, and Local Variation in Scientific Practice.Sarah R. Davies - 2020 - Minerva 58 (1):97-114.
    This article explores local variations in scientific practice through the lens of scientists’ international mobility. Its aim is twofold: to explore how the notion of epistemic living spaces may be mobilised as a tool for systematically exploring differences in scientific practice across locations, and to contribute to literature on scientific mobility. Using material from an interview study with scientists with experience of international mobility, and epistemic living spaces as an analytical frame, the paper describes a set of aspects of life (...)
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  3. Atmospheres and Lived Space.Tonino Griffero - 2014 - Studia Phaenomenologica 14:29-51.
    Through an atmospherological approach, primarily inspired by the Aisthetik and the New Phenomenology, the paper investigates the relationship between atmosphere and lived space, defines what kind of perception the atmospheric one is and examines the space we experience in the lifeworld and to which plane geometry turns out to be completely blind. Sketching briefly the history of lived space, we assume that atmospheres function as affordances that permeate the lived space, i.e. as ecological (...)
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  4. The Cycle of Lived-Space.Malgorzata A. Dereniowska - 2011 - Environment, Space, Place 3 (1):9-46.
    The article examines the reduction of architecture to the dimension of utility which results in placelessness. The modern redefinition of science as “knowing-making” is essential to this reduction, although it has fundamental and forgotten importance. Drawing upon Martin Heidegger’s and George Grant’s critique of technology, and the ideas of Alberto Pérez-Gómez and Charles-Francois Viel, the significance of the complex relations between theory and practice in architecture will be explored in the context of Kimberly Dovey’s notion of the cycle of (...)-space. A re-definition of modern “knowing-making” reveals a semioticlevel which contains new possibilities for meaningful and environmentally attuned architecture within the technological framework. I suggest “designing-building” as an alternative, understood as a process of poetic recreation of meaningful spaces. (shrink)
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  5. Lived Space, Geometric Space in Kant.Alfredo Ferrarin - 2006 - Studi Kantiani 19.
  6. Lived-Space.O. F. Bollnow - 1961 - Philosophy Today 5 (1):31.
  7. Living Space : Everyday Living in English Vernacular Houses.Matthew Johnson - 2015 - In Paul Stock (ed.), The uses of space in early modern history. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Getting to Know Patients’ Lived Space.Annelise Norlyk, Bente Martinsen & Karen Dahlberg - 2013 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 13 (2):1-12.
    The present paper explores patients’ experience of lived space at the hospital and at home. To expand the understanding of the existential meaning of lived space the study revisited two empirical studies and a study of a meta-synthesis on health and caring. Phenomenological philosophy was chosen as a theoretical framework for an excursive analysis. The paper demonstrates that existential dimensions of lived space at the hospital and at home differ significantly. For the patients, the (...)
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    Ethical Values of Daily Living Space Perspective—Based on the Vision of a Better Life.Chen Cong-lan - 2018 - International Journal of Philosophy 6 (3):61.
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    The Existential Image: Lived Space in Cinema and Architecture.Juhani Pallasmaa - 2012 - Phainomenon 25 (1):157-174.
    Walter Benjamin pointed out the affinity of cinema and architecture, and argued unexpectedly that tbese art forms are both essentially tactile arts. The tactility of the material art of building is not difficult to grasp, but the idea that a cinematic projection could result in fundamentally tactile experience certainly meets objections. However, the philosophical as well as neurological studies ofthe past few decades in perception, emotion, and thought, as well as in artistic expressions, suggest that these two arts, or poetic (...)
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    Globalization as Conceived, Perceived and Lived Spaces.Mike Crang - 1999 - Theory, Culture and Society 16 (1):167-177.
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    Intimate and Hostile Places: A Bachelardian Contribution to the Architecture of Lived Space.Anton Vydra - 2014 - Studia Phaenomenologica 14:53-72.
    The paper the author considers Bachelard’s approaches to the question of space in his specific phenomenological manner. After a preliminary reflection on Bachelard’s polemics with a Bergsonian underestimation of space in favor of time as duration, the paper discusses on the phenomenological attitude to the constitution of space. The next chapter explains Bachelard’s dynamical model of valorization in which positive and negative values oscillate in relation to our inner and personal experiences. The last chapter concerns the specific (...)
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  13. The Fate of Mathematical Place: Objectivity and the Theory of Lived-Space from Husserl to Casey.Edward Slowik - 2010 - In Vesselin Petkov (ed.), Space, Time, and Spacetime: Physical and Philosophical Implications of Minkowski's Unification of Space and Time. Springer. pp. 291-312.
    This essay explores theories of place, or lived-space, as regards the role of objectivity and the problem of relativism. As will be argued, the neglect of mathematics and geometry by the lived-space theorists, which can be traced to the influence of the early phenomenologists, principally the later Husserl and Heidegger, has been a major contributing factor in the relativist dilemma that afflicts the lived-space movement. By incorporating various geometrical concepts within the analysis of place, (...)
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  14. Cathedral of St Stephen, Brisbane: A Living Space for a Living Church.Tom Elich - 2009 - The Australasian Catholic Record 86 (4):403.
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    How to Live Together: Novelistic Simulations of Some Everyday Spaces.Kate Briggs (ed.) - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    In _The Preparation of the Novel_, a collection of lectures delivered at a defining moment in Roland Barthes's career, the critic spoke of his struggle to discover a different way of writing and a new approach to life. _The Neutral_ preceded this work, containing Barthes's challenge to the classic oppositions of Western thought and his effort to establish new pathways of meaning. _How to Live Together_ predates both of these achievements, a series of lectures exploring solitude and the degree of (...)
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    Affective Spaces: Architecture and the Living Body by Federico de Matteis.Jasna Sersic - 2022 - Environment, Space, Place 14 (2):142-144.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Affective Spaces: Architecture and the Living Body by Federico de MatteisJasna SersicAffective Spaces: Architecture and the Living Body BY FEDERICO DE MATTEIS New York, NY: Routledge, 2021What is architectural space? For architects, urban planners, and all involved in the design and transformation of the environment, space is a central subject. However, despite this fact, nobody accurately states what space is all about. As a result, (...)
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    City Living: How Urban Spaces and Urban Dwellers Make One Another.Quill R. Kukla - 2021 - Oxford University Press.
    City Living is about urban spaces, urban dwellers, and how these spaces and people make, shape, and change one another. More people live in cities than ever before: more than 50% of the earth's people are urban dwellers. As downtown cores gentrify and globalize, they are becoming more diverse than ever, along lines of race, ethnicity, socioeconomic class, sexuality, and age. Meanwhile, we are in the early stages of what seems sure to be a period of intense civil unrest. During (...)
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    Space-Focused Stereotypes About People Living With HIV/AIDS and the Effects on Community-Approaching Willingness.Fangfang Wen, Yang Wang, Bin Zuo, Jian Yang, Yalan Qiao, Hanxue Ye & Zengqi Luo - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Targeting people living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus, this research examined the prevalence of space-focused stereotypes and their underlying mechanism on behavioral inclinations. Study 1 adopted the explicit nomination and implicit Go/No-Go association tests to explore the existence of space-focused stereotypes of people living with HIV/AIDS. The results demonstrated that space-focused stereotypes were only manifested explicitly with characteristics such as messy, dirty, and gloomy. Study 2 demonstrated a more negative evaluation and community-approaching willingness for communities that include people (...)
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    Living in the “space of reasons”: The “rationality debate” revisited.David Davies - 1999 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 13 (3):231 – 244.
    Two questions are central to the “rationality debate” in the philosophy of social science. First, should we acknowledge differences in basic norms of epistemic and agential rationality, or in the content of perceptual experience, as the “best explanation” of radical differences in belief and practice? Second, can genuine understanding be achieved between cultures and research traditions that so differ in their beliefs and practices? I survey a number of responses to these questions, and suggest that one of these, “dialogical optimism”, (...)
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    How to Live Together: Novelistic Simulations of Some Everyday Spaces.Roland Barthes - 2012 - Columbia University Press.
    In _The Preparation of the Novel_, a collection of lectures delivered at a defining moment in Roland Barthes's career (and completed just weeks before his death), the critic spoke of his struggle to discover a different way of writing and a new approach to life. _The Neutral_ preceded this work, containing Barthes's challenge to the classic oppositions of Western thought and his effort to establish new pathways of meaning. _How to Live Together_ predates both of these achievements, a series of (...)
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    A Study on the Anthropological Meaning of Apartment as Modern Living Space. 변순용 - 2011 - Environmental Philosophy 11 (11):113-132.
    이 연구는 우선 집 그 안에 사는 사람의 품성이나 성향 내지 정서를 느끼게 해준다는 점에서 볼 때, 집이야말로 그 어떠한 건축물보다도 또한 사람이 만드는 그 어떤 물리적인 실체보다도 일상생활에서 사람의 감성이 담겨지고 표현되고 계발되어 승화시키는 그릇임을 전제한다. 이러한 전제하에 한국의 대표적인 주거 형태로 자리잡은 아파트의 의미를 전통적인 삶의 주거 구조와 비교하면서, 서구적인 아파트가 토착화되는 과정에서 발생한 변화에 주목하여, 아파트식 주거 구조에 공동체적 계기의 실현을 강조하였다. 한국의 주거문화는 생활 기능적 측면보다는 가족 구성원 중심을 강조한다. 여러 가족 구성원이 한 공간에서 모여 산다는 (...)
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    Abstract The Matter of Harmonized Living Space in Oneness of East-Asian Community Thoughts. 이명수 - 2016 - Journal of Eastern Philosophy 87 (87):223-246.
    공동체는 얼핏 보면 사회와 같은 공동생활의 공간이기도 하거니와 연대나 결속에 의한 공동생활의 장이기도 하다. 어떤 의미에서 공동체는 천차만별인 이해와 요구를 수용해 줄 수 있는 공간이어야 하는데, 그런 공동체 구상은 동아시아에서 꾸준히 진행되어 왔다. 거기에는 고대에서 현대에 이르기까지 시대 변화에 맞게 모색되는 ‘대동이상(大同理想)’도 있고 ‘만물일체’의 ‘인(仁)’의 함의를 실현할 공동체도 있다. 또한 도가의 ‘무위(無爲)’ 자연 사상이 실현되는 소국과민의 공동체도 있다. 이런 점에 유의하여 이 논문은 우선 공동체 의미에 대하여 동아시아적 각도에서 접근한다. 그러면서 거기에 보이는 ‘하나’로 조화로운 공동체에 대하여 성찰하는데, 전체주의적 공동체주의와, 전일성을 (...)
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    Atomic Spaces: Living on the Manhattan Project. Peter Bacon Hales.Russell Olwell - 1998 - Isis 89 (4):755-756.
  24. Living dead spaces : the desire for the local in the films of George Romero.Hugh S. Manon - 2011 - In John David Rhodes & Elena Gorfinkel (eds.), Taking Place: Location and the Moving Image. University of Minnesota Press.
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  25. Living in electronic space.Langdon Winner - 1990 - In Timothy Casey & Lester Embree (eds.), Lifeworld and technology. Washington, D.C: University Press of America. pp. 1--14.
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    Living Together: Psychic Space and the Demand for Sexual Equality.Drucilla Cornell - 2003 - In Ann J. Cahill & Jennifer Hansen (eds.), The Continental Feminism Reader. Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 196.
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    Politics of memory, urban space and the discourse of counterhegemonic commemoration: a discourse-ethnographic analysis of the ‘Living Memorial’ in Budapest’s ‘Liberty Square’.Natalia Krzyżanowska - 2023 - Critical Discourse Studies 20 (5):540-560.
    This study analyses of the Living Memorial: a counter-monumental installation located since 2014 in the highly contested Szabadság (‘Liberty’) Square in central Budapest, Hungary. The focus on the LM allows showcasing it as a unique type of commemorative installation that not only contests the current Hungarian top-down, hegemonic narrations and practices of memory but also counteracts the country’s politicised and ideologised narrations of the past. The LM is explored as a dialogical ‘nexus’ of, on the one hand, individual, lived (...)
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  28. Living in smooth space: Deleuze, postcolonialism and the subaltern.Andrews Robinson & Simon Tormey - 2010 - In Simone Bignall & Paul Patton (eds.), Deleuze and the Postcolonial. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 20--40.
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    Agentive Spaces, the “Background”, and Other Not Well Articulated Influences in Shaping our Lives.John Shotter - 2013 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 43 (2):133-154.
    What is special about all our living exchanges with our surroundings is that they occur within the ceaseless, intertwined flow of many unfolding strands of spontaneously responsive, living activity. This requires us to adopt a kind of fluid, process thinking, a shift from thinking of events as occurring between things and beings existing as separate entities prior to their inter-action, to events occurring within a continuously unfolding, holistic but stranded flow of events, with no clear, already existing boundaries to be (...)
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    The Spacing of Time and the Place of Hospitality: Living Together According to Bruno Latour and Jacques Derrida.Marie-Eve Morin - 2015 - Parallax 21 (1): 26-41.
    In this article, I pursue the question whether it is possible to understand Derridean ethics in terms of space rather than time. More precisely, I ask whether what Derrida proposes as an ethics (and exactly what that is will have to be explained) falls under the general heading of future-oriented, ‘eschatological’ or ‘messianic’, ethics that sacrifices the present for a better future, or whether it can be understood in terms of presence, more specifically of the demand to cohabit here (...)
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    Streets to Live In: Justice, Space, and Sharing the Road.Laura M. Hartman & David Prytherch - 2015 - Environmental Ethics 37 (1):21-44.
    Public streets are central to the built environment, where individuals seek a fair share of the roadway’s benefits and harms. But the American street, an asphalt landscape typically defined and designed for cars, can be inaccessible, unhealthy, and dangerous for the non-motorized, whose transportation choices have the smallest ecological footprint. Concern for social equity and sustainability requires rethinking the street geographically and ethically, and asking: “In what sense is the street a space of justice? How do traditional street regulation (...)
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    Creating a Space for Absent Voices: Disabled Women's Experience of Receiving Assistance with Daily Living Activities.Jenny Morris - 1995 - Feminist Review 51 (1):68-93.
    Feminist research on community care and ‘informal carers’ identified this as a women's issue but failed to address the interests and experiences of older and disabled women – those who received ‘care’ One consequence is that such feminist research has implicitly, and sometimes explicitly, undermined disabled women's rights to a home, children and personal relationships. Using qualitative research, the article highlights the actual experience of women whose physical impairment means that they need help with daily living activities, looking at the (...)
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    SPACE AND ROMAN HOUSES - (M.A.) Anderson Space, Movement, and Visibility in Pompeian Houses. Pp. xiv + 261, ills, map. London and New York: Routledge, 2023. Cased, £120, US$160. ISBN: 978-1-472-48595-3. - (R.C.) Beacham, (H.) Denard Living Theatre in the Ancient Roman House. Theatricalism in the Domestic Sphere. Pp. xxx + 515, b/w & colour ills. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023. Cased, £120, US$155. ISBN: 978-1-316-51094-0. [REVIEW]Ville Hakanen - 2024 - The Classical Review 74 (1):241-245.
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    Chapter 1 Living in Smooth Space: Deleuze, Postcolonialism and the Subaltern.Andrew Robinson & Simon Tormey - 2010 - In Simone Bignall & Paul Patton (eds.), Deleuze and the Postcolonial. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 20-40.
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    How to Live Together: Novelistic Simulations of Some Everyday Spaces.Viola Brisolin - 2016 - The European Legacy 21 (1):84-85.
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    Implicit short-lived motor representations of space in brain damaged and healthy subjects.Yves Rossetti - 1998 - Consciousness and Cognition 7 (3):520-558.
    This article reviews experimental evidence for a specific sensorimotor function which can be dissociated from higher level representations of space. It attempts to delineate this function on the basis of results obtained by psychophysical experiments performed with brain damaged and healthy subjects. Eye and hand movement control exhibit automatic features, such that they are incompatible with conscious control. In addition, they rely on a reference frame different from the one used by conscious perception. Neuropsychological cases provide a strong support (...)
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    The Arendtian Public Space of Black Lives Matter.Julie Kuhlken - 2021 - Southwest Philosophy Review 37 (2):71-74.
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  38. Gendered Sounds, Spaces and Places. Deep Situated Listening Among Hearing Heads and Affective Bodies / Sanne Krogh Groth ; The Field is Mined and Full of “Minas”- Women's Music in Paraíba : Kalyne Lima and Sinta A Liga Crew / Tânia Mello Neiva ; Working with Womens Work : Towards the embodied curator / Irene Revell ; Tejucupapo Women : Sound Mangrove and Performance Creation / Luciana Lyra ; New Methodologies in Sound Art and Performance Practice ; Looking for Silence in the Body / Ida Mara Freire ; OUR body in #sonicwilderness & #soundasgrowing / Antye Greie (AGF/poemproducer) ; What makes the Wolves Howl Under the Moon? Sound Poetics of Territory-Spirit-Bodies for Well-Living / Laila Rosa & Adriana Gabriela Santos Teixeira ; Dispatches: Cartographing and Sharing Listenings / Lílian Campesato and Valéria Bonafé ; Applying Feminist Methodologies in the Sonic Arts : Listening To Brazilian Women Talk about Sound.Linda O. Keeffe & Isabel Nogueira - 2022 - In Linda O'Keeffe & Isabel Nogueira (eds.), The body in sound, music and performance: studies in audio and sonic arts. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Totalitarian Space and the Destruction of Aura.Saladdin Ahmed - 2019 - Albany, NY, USA: SUNY Press.
    We live today within a system in which state and corporate power aim to render space flat, transparent, and uniform, for only then can it be truly controlled. The gaze of power and the commodity form are capable of infiltrating even the darkest of corners, and often, we invite them into our most private spaces. We do so as a matter of convenience, but also to placate ourselves and cope with the alienation inherent in our everyday lives. The resulting (...)
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  40. Exiled space, in‐between space: existential spatiality in Ana Mendieta's Siluetas Series.Mariana Ortega - 2004 - Philosophy and Geography 7 (1):25-41.
    Existential space is lived space, space permeated by our raced, gendered selves. It is representative of our very existence. The purpose of this essay is to explore the intersection between this lived space and art by analyzing the work of the Cuban‐born artist Ana Mendieta and showing how her Siluetas Series discloses a space of exile. The first section discusses existential spatiality as explained by the phenomenologists Heidegger and Watsuji and as represented in (...)
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    ‘Practicing’ Cosmopolitanism in Knowledge Spaces, Cityscapes and Marketplaces.Payel Chattopadhyay Mukherjee & Arnapurna Rath - 2015 - Journal of Human Values 21 (2):87-98.
    In this article, we observe the possibility of ‘practicing’ cosmopolitanism in three distinct experiential spaces intrinsic to human existence: knowledge spaces, habitation spaces and marketplaces. Although cosmopolitanism has been overwhelmingly deliberated upon across multiple disciplines, it has been confined to ‘conceptualisms’ in the Western scholarship. On the other hand, we find that some of the works of thinkers, such as, Rabindranath Tagore’s Creative Unity (1922), Aurobindo Ghosh’s The Ideal of Human Unity (1915–1918) and Mikhail Bakhtin’s Rabelais and His World (1984), (...)
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    Technological Other/Quasi Other: Reflection on Lived Experience.Stacey Irwin - 2005 - Human Studies 28 (4):453-467.
    This reflection focuses on lived experience with the Technological Other (Quasi-Other) while pursuing creative video and film activities. In the last decade work in the video and film industries has been transformed through digital manipulation and enhancement brought about by increasingly sophisticated computer technologies. The rules of the craft have not changed but the relationship the artist/editor experiences with these new digital tools has brought about increasingly interesting existential experiences in the creative process. How might this new way of (...)
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    Finding a Place in Space: Jane Addams and the Ethics of Choosing Where to Live.Mike Jostedt - 2023 - Southwest Philosophy Review 39 (1):217-223.
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  44. The organization of space for living beings in the works of Federico Cesi, founder of the Accademia-dei-Lincei.Y. Conry & E. Cuvelier - 1997 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 17 (2).
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    Below and Beyond the Signifier: Space as a Living Semiotic Horizon, a Key to Interculturality and a Challenge for Law.Ishvarananda Cucco - 2024 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (4):1389-1417.
    This paper focus on the problem posed by the rigidity of categories to the translation/transaction operation of the intercultural approach to law. This rigidity holds subjects back from leaving the more structured paradigms (moral, social, cultural, legal) of their culture. The first methodological issue this paper seeks to clarify is to place the problem of categories within a narrowly delimited research horizon in which this issue can be treated with an appropriate degree of scientific rigor. This need seems to find (...)
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    Soul Space.Tine Wilde - 2019 - Amsterdam, NL: Wopublications.
    SOUL SPACE is a poetic photo book about the ways in which God is manifest as a hidden travel advisor. Challenging the existing religious communities, Soul Space announces the birth of the eMigrant - an electronic Deity that will alter our world in an unprecedented manner. -/- Soul Space combines philosophy and photography in an inquiry into religious experience. The book covers the first part of a trilogy aiming to study and elaborate three different perspectives on the (...)
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  47. Implicit perception in action: Short-lived motor representation of space.Yves Rossetti - 2001 - In Peter G. Grossenbacher (ed.), Finding Consciousness in the Brain: A Neurocognitive Approach. Advances in Consciousness Research. John Benjamins. pp. 133-181.
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    Game is to Space as Narrative is to Time. A Ricœurian Anthropology of Play and Game as Spatial Mimesis.Nathan Ferret - 2021 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 12 (2):44-56.
    By studying the logic that unites play, the rules of games and the body of players, this article intends to highlight a spatial mimesis through play and games. It consists of carrying out a Ricœurian anthropology of play and game, taking Ricœur's analysis of the relationship between time and narrative as a model. The article then shows that play prefigures the physical space as a lived space, that game configures a space of rules and that the (...)
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  49. Space and Pluralism.Stefano Moroni & David Weberman (eds.) - 2016 - Budapest: CEU Press.
    This book addresses the social, functional and symbolic dimensions of urban space in today’s world. The twelve essays range from a conceptual framing of the issues to case descriptions, rich with illustrations. Together they provide a thorough exploration of the nature and significance of social space and particular aspects of its distribution in today’s urban spaces and the various factors that are competing for it. -/- The book addresses a topic that is intrinsically interdisciplinary. Questions of space (...)
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    Time-space Contexts, Knowledge and Management.Mika Aaltonen - 2011 - Philosophy of Management 10 (3):79-84.
    Our lives take place within specific time-space contexts, and in everyday life these contexts are taken as self-evident. Simultaneously, we have accepted the classical idea of fixed, permanent and acontextual truths. This paper argues that people use and are aware of various time-space contexts, and have implicitly created knowledge and approaches that work within them. The paper further argues that explicit consideration of time-space contexts should influence the tools, techniques and methods we use when making sense of (...)
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