Results for 'materialized schematism'

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  1.  66
    (1 other version)Kant's Transcendental Schematism.M. Woods - 1983 - Dialectica 37 (3):201-219.
    SummaryIn this paper it is argued that, contrary to some widely accepted views, Kant's doctrine of Transcendental Schematism is a coherent one. The interpretation of this doctrine is given as follows: for Kant, the imagination functions empirically and transcendentally . Empirically, an image is created out of a collection of impressions which we happen to have at any particular time: this is the «certain content« of inner sense. In order that this be an object of cognition, however, it must (...)
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    The Importance of Kant’s Schematism for Schelling’s Project of a Philosophy of Nature.Luis Fellipe Garcia - 2024 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 106 (1):79-105.
    Counteracting a widespread interpretation of Schelling’s project of a philosophy of nature as anti-Kantian, this paper claims that Kant’s doctrine of the schematism plays a central role in the emergence and development of Schelling’s project. My argument will be structured in the following way. First, I will discuss Schelling’s reception of the schematism in his Ideas for a Philosophy of Nature of 1797, especially as regards his association of it with Kant’s dynamical conception of matter in the Metaphysical (...)
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    Adorno, Heidegger and the Meaning of Music.Andrew Bowie - 1999 - Thesis Eleven 56 (1):1-23.
    T. W. Adorno's philosophy of music aims to show that music is a source of important insights into the nature of modern society. This position leads, though, to a series of methodological difficulties, some of which can be alleviated by using resources from Heidegger's hermeneutics. The essay takes the key notion of `judgementless synthesis' from Adorno's unfinished book on Beethoven and connects it to Heidegger's account of pre-propositional under-standing and to Kant's notion of schematism. This connection is shown to (...)
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    Nature’s affordances and formation length: The ontology of quantum physical experiments.Steen Brock & Rom Harré - 2016 - SATS 17 (1):1-20.
    We argue that Bohrian complementarity is a framework for making new ontological sense of scientific findings. It provides a conceptual pattern for making sense of the results of an empirical investigation into new realms or fields of natural properties. The idea of “formation length” engenders this mutual attunement of evidence and reality. Physicists want to be able to ascribe ontological features to atomic constituents and atomic processes such as “emission”, “impact”, or “change of energy-state”. These expressions supposedly refer to “local” (...)
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    Versinnlichung: Kants Transzendentaler Schematismus Und Seine Revision in der Nachfolge.Lidia Gasperoni - 2016 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Wird die Verbindung von Materie und Form, Begrifflichkeit und Sinnlichkeit, von Sinnlichem und Unsinnlichem zum Problem, so geistert in der Geschichte der Philosophie seit der Antike der Begriff des Schemas herum und ist auch heutzutage etwa in Theorien der Verkörperung zentral. Während Kant das Schema als Bedingung der Bedeutungsentstehung versteht und in kritischer Absicht von Bildern, Zeichen und Symbolen abgrenzt, ordnen Maimon, Hamann, Herder, Hegel und später Plessner dem Schematismus sinnliche und sprachliche Prozesse einer Morphogenese zu. Diese Revisionen geben Anlass (...)
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    De la pratique mathématique à la philosophie des pratiques.Ferri Fabien - 2021 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 9 (1):97-118.
    We argue that the diagram is the equivalent of the Kantian schema, i.e. the translation into time and space of a meaning, and therefore of a concept, which would otherwise be empty. Understood as a schematic structure materialized in a support, the diagram is the explicitation of the meaning of the concept understood as a guide to action. We show why the class of judgements made by diagrammatic intuition is equivalent to that of the "steps" - the expression is (...)
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    Kants These über das Sein (review). [REVIEW]Peter Fuss - 1964 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 2 (1):115-117.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 115 analytical surveys of important Rousseau themes (though their connection with the main theme is sometimes weak) : Rousseau's attitude to love, his philosophy of language, his notion of a Golden Age and Terrestrial Paradise, and his views of personal immortality. Chapter 4 ("L'amour et le pays des chim~res") shows Rousseau recoiling from love fulfillment, "rejet6 dans I'imaginaire par l'~chec de sa passion," finding satisfaction only in (...)
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    The Dilemma of Modernity. [REVIEW]Gerald J. Galgan - 1988 - Review of Metaphysics 42 (1):132-134.
    Caught in a dilemma-namely, the decontextualization and negation of its early interpretive schematism which served as the sole ground for a free society--modernity is presently losing its legitimacy, its fidelity to individual freedom, the "core of nondialectical humanism," which Cahoone attempts to isolate. In part 1, he argues that the "self-negating strain" of modern philosophical activity is a "methodological or systematic dualism" endemic to "subjectivism," viz., the belief that the distinction between the non-subjective and the subjective is fundamental for (...)
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    Young Nietzsche and the Wagnerian Experience (review). [REVIEW]Walter Arnold Kaufmann - 1965 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 3 (2):284-286.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:284 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY traversing "the great Arabian Desert," as Paten has so justly described it. Ewing's commentary is too compact to satisfy even a beginner. Paton's monumental two volumes are too de= tailed. The interest of Kemp Smith's classic work in the historical problem of the Critique prevents the student from gaining an over=all view of the long and prolix argument of the Analytic. Wolff's Commentary meets the (...)
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    Making sense of Kant's schematism.Making Sense of Kant'S. Schematism - 1995 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 55 (4).
  11. Alain Pottage.Literary Materiality - 2018 - In Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Law and Theory. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  12. Emilie Cloatre and David Cowan. Legalities & Materialities - 2018 - In Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Law and Theory. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Those Powerful Materialized Dreams: Peirce on Icons and the Human Imagination.Fernando Andacht - 2001 - American Journal of Semiotics 17 (3):91-116.
  14. How institutions get materialized in space : "spatialized logics" along Jerusalem's western wall.Briana Preminger & Gili S. Drori - 2016 - In Joel Gehman, Michael Lounsbury & Royston Greenwood (eds.), How institutions matter! United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing.
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    The Difference between the Materialized Consciousness in History and Class Consciousness and Marx’s Thought of Alienation.菲菲 黄 - 2022 - Advances in Philosophy 11 (3):298-302.
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  16. Biological Control Variously Materialized: Modeling, Experimentation and Exploration in Multiple Media.Tarja Knuuttila & Andrea Loettgers - 2021 - Perspectives on Science 29 (4):468-492.
    This paper examines two parallel discussions of scientific modeling which have invoked experimentation in addressing the role of models in scientific inquiry. One side discusses the experimental character of models, whereas the other focuses on their exploratory uses. Although both relate modeling to experimentation, they do so differently. The former has considered the similarities and differences between models and experiments, addressing, in particular, the epistemic value of materiality. By contrast, the focus on exploratory modeling has highlighted the various kinds of (...)
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    Fetishism and Materialized Humanity—From the First Volume of Capital. 郑宇恒 - 2022 - Advances in Philosophy 11 (6):2109.
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    The Schematism of Reason from the Dialectic to the Architectonic.Luigi Filieri - 2023 - Kantian Review 28 (3):447-457.
    In The Architectonic of Reason Lea Ypi argues that Kant ultimately fails in his attempt at grounding the systematic unity of reason because of the lack of the practical domain of freedom in the first Critique. I aim to advance a more nuanced reading of Kant’s alleged failure by (1) distinguishing between the schematism of the ideas in the Appendix to the Transcendental Dialectic and the schematism of pure reason in the Architectonic. (2) I suggest that, while the (...)
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  19. Kant's Schematism of the categories: An interpretation and defence.Nicholas F. Stang - 2022 - European Journal of Philosophy 31 (1):30-64.
    The aim of the Schematism chapter of the Critique of Pure Reason is to solve the problem posed by the “inhomogeneity” of intuitions and categories: the sensible properties of objects represented in intuition are of a different kind than the properties represented by categories. Kant's solution is to introduce what he calls “transcendental schemata,” which mediate the subsumption of objects under categories. I reconstruct Kant's solution in terms of two substantive premises, which I call Subsumption Sufficiency (i.e., that subsuming (...)
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  20.  49
    Schematism and Free Play: The Imagination’s Formal Power as a Unifying Feature in Kant’s Doctrine of the Faculties.Jackson Hoerth - 2020 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (12):314-337.
    The role of the imagination within Kant’s Critical framework remains an issue for any attempt to unify the three Critique s through the Doctrine of the Faculties. This work provides a reading of the imagination that serves to unify the imagination through its formal capacity, or ability to recognize harmony and produce the necessary lawfulness that grounds the possibility of judgment. The argument of this work exists in 2 parts. 1) The imagination’s formal ability is present, yet concealed, as early (...)
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  21. Emily Grabham.Praxiographies' of Time : Law, Temporalities & Material Worlds - 2018 - In Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Law and Theory. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Schematism and Embodiment in Kant's Opus postumum.Jeffrey Wilson - 2022 - In Edgar Valdez (ed.), Rethinking Kant Volume 6. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
    Two intertwined themes run through Kant’s last, unfinished work, known to us as the Opus postumum: the comprehensibility of physics as a science and of human freedom as a causal power.1 The two themes come together in Kant’s theory of self-positing. Although the Opus postumum has received substantial attention in recent decades, there has been an insufficient focus on human embodiment (self-positing) as the bridge between nature and freedom in Kant’s final period. In this paper, I contribute to remedying this (...)
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  23. Text-Book to Kant the Critique of Pure Reason : Aesthetic, Categories, Schematism.James Hutchison Stirling & Immanuel Kant - 1881 - Oliver and Boyd Simpkin, Marshall.
  24. (1 other version)The Schematism and Empirical Concepts.Robert B. Pippin - 1976 - Kant Studien 67 (1-4):156-171.
  25. Transcendental Schematism and the Problem of the Synthetic a priori.Henry E. Allison - 1981 - Dialectica 35 (1/2):57.
    SummaryThe paper is concerned with the connection between Kant's conception of transcendental schematism and his analysis of the conditions of the possibility of synthetic a priori judgments. After dealing with some of the standard objections to Kant's theory, I argue that transcendental schemata must be construed as pure intuitions. I then point out that the Principles of Pure Understanding are a set of synthetic a priori judgments which assert the function of the various schemata as necessary conditions of the (...)
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  26.  40
    ‘A schematism of analogy with which we cannot dispense’. Kant on indirect representation in politics.Donald Loose - 2013 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 74 (2):90-107.
    In this article the importance of the representational character of politics is illustrated on the basis of the philosophy of Kant. The vanishing of the noumenal in post-modern thinking seems to imply fundamental changes in the sensitive response – aesthetics of the beautiful and the sublime – to politics. In the Kantian paradigm the meaning of our affective response to the violence of (human) nature is ruled by a moral perspective of practical reason. Although the representation of practical reason in (...)
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    The Schematism of Possession in the Early Rechtslehre Drafts.Jeffrey L. Wilson - 2021 - In Camilla Serck-Hanssen & Beatrix Himmelmann (eds.), The Court of Reason: Proceedings of the 13th International Kant Congress. De Gruyter. pp. 1923-1930.
    Kant insists in the Rechtslehre that the right of possession is intelligible and abstracts from all sensible conditions but often maintains in his earlier drafts that empirical possession serves as the schema of intelligible possession. This paper addresses the questions, Why does Kant think in the early drafts that the right of possession requires a schematism? What work is this schematism meant to do? How does it operate in detail? What similarities between the schematism of possession and (...)
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    Transcendental Schematism and Scheme of Intelligible World. Kant and Plato.Andrii Baumeister - 2001 - Sententiae 3 (1):3-22.
    Kant considers unity of aim as connected to the form of a whole, what makes impossible to reject any of its parts. Science emerges a priori as an idea which, requiring for its own realization a scheme, due to unity of the aim architectonically makes the whole possible. Scheme of science divides the whole in connection with its idea. Kant opposes science and technic, i.e. accidental efficient deeds, which cannot constitute the whole. Plato considers the One to be prior principle. (...)
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    Understanding schematism and the nature of schemata.Christian Onof - unknown
    Book synopsis: The five volumes contain the main papers and lectures of invited speakers that were presented at the X. International Kant Congress in Sao Paolo in 2005.
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  30. Practical schematism, teleology and the unity of the metaphysics of morals.Gary Banham - 2007 - In Kyriaki Goudeli, Pavlos Kontos & Iole Patelle (eds.), Kant: making reason intuitive. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    In this piece I address the question of how the two parts of the *Metaphysics of Morals* are to be related to each other through invocation of the notion of practical schematism. In the process I argue that understanding the notion of moral teleology will help us address the relationship between Kant's principles of right, virtue and the categorical imperative.
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  31. (1 other version)Schematism.W. H. Walsh - 1957 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 49:95.
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  32. Construction, schematism, and imagination.J. Michael Young - 1984 - Topoi 3 (2):123-131.
  33. Consequences of schematism.Alberto Voltolini - 2009 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 8 (1):135-150.
    In his (2001a) and in some related papers, Tim Crane has maintained that intentional objects are schematic entities, in the sense that, insofar as being an intentional object is not a genuine metaphysical category, qua objects of thought intentional objects have no particular nature. This approach to intentionalia is the metaphysical counterpart of the later Husserl's ontological approach to the same entities, according to which qua objects of thought intentionalia are indifferent to existence. But to buy a metaphysically deflationary approach (...)
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    From Kantian schematism to the system of experience’s invariants: the coordination of concepts and spatio-temporal objects in Cassirer’s philosophy.Hernán Pringe - unknown
    This paper analyzes Cassirer's account of the coordination of concepts and spatio-temporal objects. We shall see that, in contradistinction to Kantian schematism, Cassirer maintains that this coordination is not achieved by means of a third element, which albeit intellectual is nevertheless also sensible. Rather, in Cassirer's view, the coordination will take place through a specification of the concepts that should be sought “within the domain of concepts itself.”.
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    Understanding Schematism and the Nature of Schemata.Margit Ruffing, Guido A. De Almeida, Ricardo R. Terra & Valerio Rohden - 2008 - In Margit Ruffing, Guido A. De Almeida, Ricardo R. Terra & Valerio Rohden (eds.), Law and Peace in Kant's Philosophy/Recht und Frieden in der Philosophie Kants: Proceedings of the 10th International Kant Congress/Akten des X. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Schematism Chapter in the Critique of Pure Reason.Hidehisa Sakai - 1978 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 5 (3):111-133.
  37. Making Sense of Kant’s Schematism.Michael Pendlebury - 1995 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 55 (4):777-797.
    In this paper I advance an account of Kant’s Schematism according to which a schema in general is a pattern of imaginative synthesis that explains how intuitions have the content required for them to fall under a concept corresponding to the schema. An empirical schema is a pattern of imaginative synthesis that is responsive to the qualities of the sensations involved in the intuition which it synthesizes. A transcendental schema, in contrast, is not responsive to the particular qualities of (...)
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  38.  39
    Schematism: Aesthetic device or psychological necessity.John Fizer - 1969 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 27 (4):417-423.
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  39. Schematism and Freedom.Nathan Rotenstreich - 1974 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 28 (110):464-74.
  40.  23
    From the Schematism to the Typic. How Can We Be moral?Lara Scaglia - 2021 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (13):323-343.
    Kant’s chapter “On the Typic of the Pure Practical Power of Judgement” is one of the most obscure passages of the Critique of Practical Reason and it has often been regarded as a mere appendix. However, it deals with a fundamental question, namely, how can the pure practical law be applied to particular cases. In this paper, I would like to make an original contribution towards a better understanding of this chapter by comparing it to the Schematism chapter on (...)
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  41. Kant and the Art of Schematism.Samantha Matherne - 2014 - Kantian Review 19 (2):181-205.
    In the Critique of Pure Reason, Kant describes schematism as a (A141/B180–1). While most commentators treat this as Kant's metaphorical way of saying schematism is something too obscure to explain, I argue that we should follow up Kant's clue and treat schematism literally as Kunst. By letting our interpretation of schematism be guided by Kant's theoretically exact ways of using the term Kunst in the Critique of Judgment we gain valuable insight into the nature of (...), as well as its connection to Kant's concerns in the third Critique. (shrink)
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  42. Material symbols.Andy Clark - 2006 - Philosophical Psychology 19 (3):291-307.
    What is the relation between the material, conventional symbol structures that we encounter in the spoken and written word, and human thought? A common assumption, that structures a wide variety of otherwise competing views, is that the way in which these material, conventional symbol-structures do their work is by being translated into some kind of content-matching inner code. One alternative to this view is the tempting but thoroughly elusive idea that we somehow think in some natural language (such as English). (...)
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  43.  60
    The material theory of induction.John D. Norton - 2021 - Calgary, Alberta, Canada: University of Calgary Press.
    The inaugural title in the new, Open Access series BSPS Open, The Material Theory of Induction will initiate a new tradition in the analysis of inductive inference. The fundamental burden of a theory of inductive inference is to determine which are the good inductive inferences or relations of inductive support and why it is that they are so. The traditional approach is modeled on that taken in accounts of deductive inference. It seeks universally applicable schemas or rules or a single (...)
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  44.  24
    The Problem of Schematism in Kant and its Transformation in Southwest Neo-Kantianism.Christian Krijnen - 2020 - Kant Yearbook 12 (1):81-114.
    The meaning and validity of Kant’s Kant’s doctrine of schematism remains contested until today. In neo-Kantianism and post-War transcendental philosophy, Kant’s schematism of the pure concepts of understanding is transformed drastically. Kant’s thesis of heterogeneity is overcome by taking it back into the internal relationships of the structure of cognition. The spontaneity of thought, performing schematizations, is retained, but Kant’s project of conceiving of the foundations of knowledge in the fashion of a theory of apperception of the I (...)
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    Schematism and schemata: Kant and the PDP.Gertrudis Van de Vijver - forthcoming - Communication and Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Journal.
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    IX.—Schematism.T. D. Weldon - 1948 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 48 (1):139-152.
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    The schematism in Baldwin's logic.C. H. Williams - 1910 - Philosophical Review 19 (1):34-52.
  48. Categories, Schematism and Forms of Judgment.Richard E. Aquila - 1976 - Ratio (Misc.) 18 (1):31.
  49. The logical structure of time according to the chapter on the Schematism.Mario Caimi - 2012 - Kant Studien 103 (4):415-428.
    : Usually, when studying schematism we devote almost exclusive attention to the study of the modifications that the categories suffer when combined with time. Instead, we have focused our attention on the determinations that time receives when combined with the categories. Departing from the definition of the transcendental schemata as “determinations of time”, an attempt is made to establish the various determinations that time receives from each one of the categories, as these perform the determination of time in (...). The categories of quantity allow us to think of time as a series of homogeneous unities; the categories of quality show each instant of time as a receptacle able to receive the different intensities of the real; the categories of relation establish a rule-dependent order on the flow of time; finally, the categories of modality determine the whole of time forming a collective unity that gathers or embraces each one of the instants of time preserving its specificity. (shrink)
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    Materials Research in France: A Short-lived National Initiative (1982–1994).Emanuel Bertrand & Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent - 2011 - Minerva 49 (2):191-214.
    This paper describes the French initiative in materials research against both a national and an international background, in an attempt to disentangle the local circumstances, which prompted this governmental initiative, and to characterize the specific profile of materials research in France. In presenting a biography of the interdisciplinary program in materials research (PIRMAT), we argue that: i) the PIRMAT denotes a failure of the French science policy in materials research; ii) the leadership of the CNRS led to a specific style (...)
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