Results for 'modern international system transition'

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  1.  12
    `The Transition to the Human World of Democracy': Notes for a History of the Concept of Transition, from Early Marxism to 1989.Nicolas Guilhot - 2002 - European Journal of Social Theory 5 (2):219-242.
    Whether to a `liberal' or a `people's' democracy, the evolution of modern political systems has been consistently theorized as a `transition'. Elaborated within Marxism as the `transition to communism' and later recycled by modernization theory and comparative politics, this concept has been tightly connected to the development of macro-societal analysis. This paper argues that any attempt at writing its history should be sensitive to the deep-seated ambivalence of this concept, which has alternatively lent itself to either teleological (...)
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    Utopia and Modernity in China: Contradictions in Transition ed. by David Margolies and Qing Cao (review).Artur Blaim - 2023 - Utopian Studies 34 (1):143-153.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Utopia and Modernity in China: Contradictions in Transition ed. by David Margolies and Qing CaoArtur BlaimDavid Margolies and Qing Cao, eds. Utopia and Modernity in China: Contradictions in Transition. London: Pluto Press, 2022. 176 pp. Paperback, £19.99, ISBN 978 0 7453 4739 4In recent years, numerous publications have appeared focusing on the until now little known non-Western utopias and utopianism.1 Utopia and Modernity in China is (...)
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    Capital, Time and Transitional Dynamics.Harald Hagemann & Roberto Scazzieri (eds.) - 2009 - Routledge.
    In the words of Robert M. Solow traverse analysis "is the easiest part of skiing, but the hardest part of economics". The aim of this volume is to assess the state and scope of modern traverse analysis as it had been initiated by John Hicks in his pioneering contribution Capital and Time. The analysis of an economy which originally had been in a growth equilibrium which was disturbed by technical progress is one of the most challenging problems in economics. (...)
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    (1 other version)The metaphysical transition in farming: From the Newtonian-mechanical to the Eltonian ecological.J. Baird Callicott - 1990 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 3 (1):36-49.
    Modern agriculture is subject to a metaphysical as well as an ethical critique. As a casual review of the beliefs associated with food production in the past suggests, modern agriculture is embedded in and informed by the prevailing modern world view, Newtonian Mechanics, which is bankrupt as a scientific paradigm and unsustainable as an agricultural motif. A new holistic, organic world view is emerging from ecology and the new physics marked by four general conceptual features: Each level (...)
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    Problem Statement. In modern conditions the reconstruction of self-developing socio-technological- ecological systems, which include man as its element, is actualized. The result of such a construction will be the management of the value of technogenic risk in its biological, social and civilizational forms. And the obvious consequence will be the transition of the development of biopolitical problems to a new, no longer international, but global-evolutionary level. The theory and practice of such a reconstruction can be designated by (...)
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    Historiographical Foundations of Modern International Thought: Histories of the European States-System from Florence to Göttingen.Richard Devetak - 2015 - History of European Ideas 41 (1):62-77.
    SummaryThe foundations of modern international thought were constructed out of diverse idioms and disciplines. In his impressive book, Foundations of Modern International Thought, David Armitage focuses on the normative idioms of natural law and political philosophy from the Anglophone world, from Hobbes and Locke to Burke and Bentham. I focus on parallel developments in the empirically-oriented disciplines of history and historiography to trace the emergence of histories of the states-system in the Italian- and German-speaking worlds, (...)
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    International Institutions, Institutional Balancing, and Peaceful Order Transition.Kai He & Huiyun Feng - 2020 - Ethics and International Affairs 34 (4):487-501.
    As part of the roundtable “International Institutions and Peaceful Change,” this essay focuses on the “Kindleberger trap,” a term coined by Joseph Nye Jr. referring to the situation in which no country takes the lead to maintain international institutions in the international system. President Trump's destructive policies toward many international institutions seem to push the current international order to the brink of the Kindleberger trap. Ironically, China has pledged, at least rhetorically, to support and (...)
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    The Moral Education in the Formal School as an Inheritance of Traditional Education. 이상희 - 2018 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (119):97-112.
    The purpose of this study is to explain the historicity of moral education in school and particularly to cast light upon implications that the subject of self-cultivation in the modern enlightenment period gives to contemporary moral education. By representing characters of traditional education concerning goals and contents that the subject of self-cultivation in the modern formal school has, I raise a question about the moral education in the formal school was created for political purposes, therefore, insist that it (...)
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    Managing Data in Breeding, Selection and in Practice: A Hundred Year Problem That Requires a Rapid Solution.Richard J. Harrison & Mario Caccamo - 2022 - In Hugh F. Williamson & Sabina Leonelli, Towards Responsible Plant Data Linkage: Data Challenges for Agricultural Research and Development. Springer Verlag. pp. 37-64.
    Following the rediscovery of Mendelian genetics, food supply pressures and the rapid expansion of crop varieties with defined performance characteristics, international systems were set up throughout the 20 C to regulate the trade of seed, the protection of intellectual property and the sale of productive varieties of key agricultural crops. These systems are a highly connected but largely linear set of processes. System changes are slow to be adopted due to the cascade of effects that structural alteration would (...)
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  10.  22
    The global transformation, multiple early modernities, and international systems change.Andrew Phillips - 2016 - International Theory 8 (3):481-491.
    This article critically engages the Global Transformation thesis through the lens of multiple early modernities. The 19th century undeniably saw a profound shift in the global mode of power, driven by industrialization, rational state-building, and the rise of ideologies of progress. But this triad impacted on regions that had already been reconfigured by an early modern Eurasian Transformation, centered on an 'industrious revolution', absolutist state-building, and the spread of 'civilizing processes'. This Eurasian Transformation yielded distinct early modernities and regional (...)
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    Unnatural states: the international system and the power to change.Peter Lomas - 2014 - New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction Publishers.
    Unnatural States is a radical critique of international theory, in particular, of the assumption of state agency--that states act in the world in their own right. Peter Lomas argues that since the universal states system is inequitable and rigid, and not all states are democracies anyway, this assumption is unreal, and to adopt it means reinforcing an unjust status quo. Looking at the concepts of state, nation, and agency, Lomas sees populations struggling to find an agreed model of (...)
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  12.  42
    International law, the inherent instability of the international system, and international violence.N. Polat - 1999 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 19 (1):51-70.
    The paradox which characterizes the modern states system is that the dual structure of sovereignty and justice through which the system was originally conceived is no more, yet the system is still with us. Justice was redefined in the 19th century as a mere derivation of state sovereignty, a process reducing the focus of the system to sovereignty alone and thus dispossessing the system of a principle to mediate between the sovereign will and the (...)
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  13.  26
    The Оrigin of the Modern State: Imagination, Violence, Institutions.Oleg Bilyi & Vitalii Liakh - 2021 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac 1 (2):3-29.
    The main idea of the article is to define the role of imagination, violence and institutions in the formation of the modern state as well as to show that the important dimension of the state building is the image of the self, creative capacity of the individual to symbolic self-made activity and self-made reproduction. The symbolic world of the imaginary state is the product of the communities united symbolically, contingency and simultaneously the part of the social orders. The Nort (...)
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    Mathematical modeling of the effects of 'capability' and 'intent' on the stability of a competitive international system.Alvin M. Saperstein - 1994 - Synthese 100 (3):359 - 378.
    In international relations theory, there is a long history of Richardson-like modeling of the evolution of military capability. Usually, such models are deterministic and predictive and do not allow for the representation of the transition from competitive peace to shooting war. More recently, models have been developed which attempt to represent the evolution of relationship between nations. The relationship between nations, varying from friendship to hostility, is taken to be synonymous with the intent of nations towards each other, (...)
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    International Relations and the Philosophy of History: A Civilizational Approach.A. Yurdusev - 2003 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    International Relations and the Philosophy of History examines the concept of civilization in relation to international systems through an extensive use of the literature in the philosophy of history. A. Nuri Yurdusev demonstrates the relevance of a civilizational approach to the study of contemporary international relations by looking at the multi-civilizational nature of the modern international system, the competing claims of national and civilizational identities and the rise of civilizational consciousness after the Cold War.
  16.  25
    The Civilizational Choice of Ukraine: Questioning the Conceptual Roadmap.Oleg Rafalskyi - 2023 - Philosophy and Cosmology 30:42-52.
    Modern Ukraine is a post-colonial, post-totalitarian state in which decolonization, decommunization, and de-Russification have not yet been fully implemented. This article sets itself the goal of reviewing the agenda of the processes of civilizational transit of Ukraine and developing theoretically grounded vectors of the said process. The important fact that the current stage of development of the “worldview gravity” of Ukrainian society is characterized by an eclectic system of stereotypes is also of significant importance: here coexist both old (...)
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  17. The Transition to Experiencing: II. The Evolution of Associative Learning Based on Feelings.Simona Ginsburg & Eva Jablonka - 2007 - Biological Theory 2 (3):231-243.
    We discuss the evolutionary transition from animals with limited experiencing to animals with unlimited experiencing and basic consciousness. This transition was, we suggest, intimately linked with the evolution of associative learning and with flexible reward systems based on, and modifiable by, learning. During associative learning, new pathways relating stimuli and effects are formed within a highly integrated and continuously active nervous system. We argue that the memory traces left by such new stimulus-effect relations form dynamic, flexible, and (...)
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  18. Rethinking modernity: transitions and challenges.Oana Șerban (ed.) - 2023 - Bradford: Ethics International Press.
    This edited collection examines alternative or entangled modernities as competitive narratives that blend ethics, aesthetics, and critical thinking to depict the human condition. It includes chapters covering the rivalry between scientific and aesthetic revolutions; contemporary trends in postmodernity; and study-cases on visual arts and cinema. The collection applies a philosophical view of visual arts and cinema, and competitive narratives of (post)modernity that arise from ethics and aesthetics as complementary fields. Key audiences for the book are students, PhD candidates, and scholars (...)
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    “Innovation Systems in Transition: Preconditions for Success”: The Electronics Sector in the Former Soviet Union.Heidi Smith - 2002 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 22 (6):496-512.
    During the Soviet period, the microelectronics industry in the former Soviet Union (FSU) owed its existence to the political and military objectives of the Communist Party. Consequently, investment in the industry was planned to meet the security needs of the Cold War international environment. Since the breakup of the Soviet Union, there has been a reduction in emphasis away from the mass production of electronic devices suited to military and defense needs. The emergence of a huge rise in consumer (...)
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  20.  12
    Aristotelian-Thomistic Philosophy of Measure and the International System of Units (SI).Charles Bonaventure Crowley - 1996 - Lanham: University Press of America.
    This work provides the means for re-establishing the unity of science by interpreting the whole of modern experimental science from the perspective of analogous transfer of the metaphysical principle of unity rather than in terms of efficient causality.
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  21.  22
    Modernization and Democratization: Reflections on Spain's Transition to Democracy.Jose Casanova - 1983 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 50.
  22.  7
    Трансбіополітичний Хронотоп Технологічної Цивілізації: Біо- І Геополітичні Коннотації Міжнародних Відносин.Ніна Коннова, Олег Кузь & Валентин Чешко - 2022 - Epistemological studies in Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences 5 (2):142-150.
    Problem Statement. In modern conditions the reconstruction of self-developing socio-technological-ecological systems, which include man as its element, is actualized. The result of such a construction will be the management of the value of technogenic risk in its biological, social and civilizational forms. And the obvious consequence will be the transition of the development of biopolitical problems to a new, no longer international, but global-evolutionary level. The theory and practice of such a reconstruction can be designated by the (...)
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  23. Aristotelian-Thomistic Philosophy of Measure and The: International System of Units (Si) Correlation of International System of Units with the Philosophy of Aristotle and St. Thomas.Peter A. Redpath - 1996 - Upa.
    Dealing with the metaphysical foundations of modern physical science, this book demonstrates that not only is classical metaphysics not in conflict with the principles of modern experimental science but that, when analogously transferred to the different divisions of modern science, the metaphysical principle of unity makes intelligible all the laws of modern science. This revolutionary book provides the means for reestablishing the unity of science by interpreting the whole of modern experimental science from the perspective (...)
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    Dia-logos: Ramon Llull's method of thought and artistic practice.Armador Vega & Peter Weibel (eds.) - 2018 - Minneapolis, MN: University Of Minnesota Press.
    In this book, international experts from Europe and the United States address Lullism as a remarkable and distinctive method of thinking and experimenting. The origins and impact of Ramon Llull's oeuvre as a modern thinker are presented, and their interdisciplinary and intercultural implications, which continue to this day, are explored. Ars combinatoria, generative and permutative generation of texts, the epistemic and poetic power of algorithmic systems, plus the principle of unconditional dialogue between cultural groups and their individual members, (...)
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  25.  17
    The Agrofuels Transition: Restructuring Places and Spaces in the Global Food System.Annie Shattuck & Eric Holt-Giménez - 2009 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 29 (3):180-188.
    Despite recent critiques of agrofuels, the industry is booming, signaling transformations in the world's food and fuels systems. International financial institutions, biotechnology firms, governments, and agribusiness are restructuring control over land, genetic resources, economic space, and market power. These moves prefer transnational capital at the expense of farmers in the North and extensive areas vital to the livelihoods of small producers in the Global South. This article suggests that the agrofuels boom may be a new—and particularly destructive—stage in industry's (...)
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  26.  26
    Fertility Transition in China and its Causes.Renata Pęciak - 2023 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 68 (1):409-426.
    Demographic transition faced by modern economies, including China, are among the most important long-term socio-economic challenges. In 2022, China observed its population decline for the first time since the early 1960s. The low fertility rate was of critical importance. The unprecedented one-child policy is quite commonly indicated as the main reason for the low fertility rate. However, the departure from this restrictive policy and the actions introduced under the two-child policy implemented from 2016, and then the three-child policy (...)
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  27. Logic and System: A Study of the Transition from "Vorstellung" to Thought in the Philosophy of Hegel. [REVIEW]J. G. R. - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 26 (3):528-530.
    This exceedingly rich book can be understood as an attempt to grasp the nature of Hegel’s system, specifically the relationship obtaining between that system and its vaunted "transitions." This attempt is carried out through a study of Hegel’s account of Vorstellung and thought. The operational point d'appui of the study is what Clark identifies as the central paradox essentially inherent in his subject, which may be variously formulated as: how language can be the "other" of thought and yet (...)
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  28.  54
    Transitional Regimes and the Rule of Law.Martin P. Golding - 1996 - Ratio Juris 9 (4):387-395.
    This paper seeks to establish a connection between the existence of a legal system and the ideal of the rule of law. Its point of departure is the phenomenon of a transitional regime that is attempting to restore or institute the rule of law. Lon Fuller's formulation of the canons of the rule of law as an internal morality of law is expounded as well as his notion of legal pathology as symptomatic of departure from the canons' requirements. The (...)
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    International Responsibility and the Systemic Character of International Law.Przemysław Saganek - 2017 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 52 (1):229-245.
    The question whether international law is a system is one of the modern topics discussed by specialists of international law. The text of P. Saganek poses this question with respect to the rules on international responsibility. The two aims are to establish whether the rules on state responsibility are a system themselves and whether they may prima facie support the idea of international law as such a system. The two prima facie answers (...)
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  30.  34
    International Law and the Mediation of Culture.Christian Reus-Smit - 2014 - Ethics and International Affairs 28 (1):65-82.
    When international relations scholars think about international law they either ignore culture or offer highly deterministic accounts of its role. For the majority of scholars, international law is a rational construction, an institutional solution to the problem of order in an anarchical system, a body of rules and practices that reflect the contending interests and capabilities of major states. Issues of culture barely rate a mention. For others, culture is the deep foundation of international law, (...)
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    Transitional Justice and 'National Ownership': An Assessment of the Institutional Development of the War Crimes Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina. [REVIEW]Claire Garbett - 2012 - Human Rights Review 13 (1):65-84.
    In anticipation of its closure in 2014, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia has begun to set out proposals for preserving and promoting its legacy of prosecuting persons responsible for violations of humanitarian law during the conflicts of the 1990s. A key aspect of this legacy has been to support the ‘national ownership’ of the justice systems in the former Yugoslavia that will continue to try war crimes cases in the years to come. This study explores the (...)
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  32.  8
    (1 other version)Time of Transitions.Jürgen Habermas - 2006 - Polity.
    We live in a time of turbulent change when many of the frameworks that have characterized our societies over the last few centuries – such as the international order of sovereign nation-states – are being called into question. In this new volume of essays and interviews, Habermas focuses his attention on these processes of change and provides some of the resources needed to understand them. What kind of international order should we seek to create in our contemporary global (...)
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    Caste in Modern Ceylon: The Sinhalese System in Transition.Kingsley Davis & Bryce Ryan - 1954 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 74 (1):53.
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  34. The transition to civilization and symbolically stored genomes.Jon Beach - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 34 (1):109-141.
    The study of culture and cultural selection from a biological perspective has been hampered by the lack of any firm theoretical basis for how the information for cultural traits is stored and transmitted. In addition, the study of any living system with a decentralized or multi-level information structure has been somewhat restricted due to the focus in genetics on the gene and the particular hereditary structure of multicellular organisms. Here a different perspective is used, one which regards living systems (...)
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  35.  6
    Ideas in conflict: international law and the global war on terror.Eric Engle - 2013 - The Hague, The Netherlands: Eleven International Publishing.
    Contemporary international law. Methodology -- The origin of sovereignty in Roman and medieval law -- The transformation of sovereignty and international law in late modernity -- The transformation of international law by human rights -- The UN convention system and US foreign policy -- IR realism and the positivity of international law -- Containment and disengagement -- Assassination and international law -- Humanitarian intervention and international law -- Lawfare, Wikileaks, and the rule of (...)
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  36.  15
    The International Political Thought of Carl Schmitt: Terror, Liberal War and the Crisis of Global Order.Louiza Odysseos & Fabio Petito (eds.) - 2007 - Routledge.
    Presenting the first critical analysis of Carl Schmitt's _The Nomos of the Earth_ and how it relates to the epochal changes in the international system that have risen from the collapse of the ‘Westphalian’ international order. There is an emerging recognition in political theory circles that core issues, such as order, social justice, rights, need to be studied in their global context. Schmitt’s international political thought provides a stepping stone in these related paths, offering an alternative (...)
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  37. Unique transition probabilities in the modal interpretation.E. P. - 1996 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 27 (2):133-159.
    The modal interpretation of quantum theory ascribes at each instant physical magnitudes with definite values to quantum systems. Starting from certain natural requirements, I determine unique solutions for the evolution of these possessed magnitudes in free systems and in special cases of interacting systems. The evolution is given in terms of transition probabilities that relate the values of the possessed magnitudes at one instant to the values at a second instant. I also determine a joint property ascription to a (...)
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  38.  59
    Existential Urgency: Contemporaneity, Biennials and Social Form.Peter Osborne - 2015 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 24 (49).
    What happens to the form of the biennial when biennials become part of a world system of art institutions, subject to the historical temporality of a global contemporaneity? In particular, what happens when the periodic rhythms of national narratives of biennial exhibitions are overcoded by a serial sequence of international biennials – competing for contemporaneity – seemingly without end? This essay approaches these questions via a consideration of the debate about the transitional symbolic significance of the 1989 Third (...)
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    The International Element, Statehood and Democratic Nation-building: Exploring the Role of the EU and International Community in Kosovo's State-formation and State-building.Dren Doli - 2019 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book represents a unique endeavor to elucidate the story of Kosovo's unilateral quest for statehood. It is an inquiry into the international legal aspects and processes that shaped and surrounded the creation of the state of Kosovo. Being created outside the post-colonial context, Kosovo offers a unique yet controversial example of state emergence both in the theory and practice of creation of states. Accordingly, the book investigates the legal pathways, strategies, developments and policy positions of international agencies/actors (...)
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    Implosion of the Education.Tigran Marinosyan - 2018 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 11:7-21.
    The strength of the ideological explosion of the beginning of the last century, which led to the destruction of the principles of structural-matrix thinking, standard-stereotyped behavior, undoubtedly also reached the education system. However, according to the author’s opinion, the reason for the beginning of transformations in the sphere of education is not an external impact on the education system. External factors of influence, undoubtedly, contributed to the corrosion of the shell of the education system, but the breakthrough (...)
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    Power Transitions, Global Justice, and the Virtues of Pluralism.Andrew Hurrell - 2013 - Ethics and International Affairs 27 (2):189-205.
    Broad comparisons of international relations across time—of the prospects for peace and of the possibilities for a new ethics for a connected world—typically focus on two dimensions: economic globalization and integration on the one hand, and the character of major interstate relations on the other. One of the most striking features of the pre-1914 world was precisely the coincidence of intensified globalization with a dramatic deterioration in major power relations, the downfall of concert-style approaches to international order, and (...)
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  42.  96
    (1 other version)The concept of transition in quantum mechanics.James L. Park - 1970 - Foundations of Physics 1 (1):23-33.
    The concept of quantum transition is critically examined from the perspective of the modern quantum theory of measurement. Historically rooted in the famous quantum jump of the Old Quantum Theory, the transition idea survives today in experimental jargon due to (1) the notion of uncontrollable disturbance of a system by measurement operations and (2) the wave-packet reduction hypothesis in several forms. Explicit counterexamples to both (1) and (2) are presented in terms of quantum measurement theory. It (...)
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    Semiospheric transitions.Edna Andrews & Elena Maksimova - 2008 - Sign Systems Studies 36 (2):259-268.
    Lotman’s contribution to semiotic theory, anthroposemiotics, the study of artistic texts and defining the relationship between language and culture represent some of the most powerful work produced within the Tartu–Moscow School of Semiotics. The importance of translation is one of the central principles that unites all of Lotman’s work. In the following paper, we will consider Lotman’s definition of translatability in the context of (1) the definition of semiospheric internal and external boundaries and the importance of crossing these boundaries, (2) (...)
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  44. Who Wrote the Book of Life? Information and the Transformation of Molecular Biology, 1945–55.Lily E. Kay - 1995 - Science in Context 8 (4):609-634.
    The ArgumentThis paper focuses on the opening of a discursive space: the emergence of informational and scriptural representations of life and their self-negating consequences for the construction of biological meaning. It probes the notion of writing and the book of life and shows how molecular biology's claims to a status of language and texuality undermines its own objective of control. These textual significations were historically contingent. The informational representations of heredity and life were not an outcome of the internal cognitive (...)
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  45. Manas (Mind) Structure: Exposing the Mysterious Functional Anatomy in the Indian System of Medical Philosophy.M. K. S. Chauhan - 2024 - Philosophy International Journal 7 (2):1-6. Translated by MKS Chauhan.
    The mind is not structured anatomically, as emphasized by modern pathology. Instead, it is expanded as a whole in a subtle form behind the physical body. In the Indian system of medical philosophy, the mind is considered as the astral nerves made third body, which identified as the ‘Manomaya-sharira’ (subconscious mind). The mind is composed of millions of astralnadis, through which Pranic-energies circulate freely into the astral anatomy of mind. Seven-chakras are found parallel to the spine, serving as (...)
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    Freud and the Culture of Psychoanalysis : Studies in the Transition From Victorian Humanism to Modernity.Steven Marcus - 2016 - Routledge.
    Originally published in 1984, this book broke new ground in assessing Freud as both an exemplary late-Victorian and as a pivotal figure in the creation of modern thought and culture. In his close reading of various of Freud’s theoretical and clinical texts, including two of the most famous case histories, Steven Marcus uncovers the steps in the development of Freud’s thought, the dynamics and contradictions and ‘the intellectual and emotional urgings, forces and conflicts that were at work… as the (...)
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    International law in context.Cara Warren - 2022 - Durham, North Carolina: Carolina Academic Press.
    International Law in Context is a pedagogy-forward textbook. It reflects the recent paradigm shift in legal education, which focuses more on what students actually learn rather than the material to which they are exposed. The text aims to prepare the next generation of U.S. lawyers to engage with our interconnected world and to critically evaluate the U.S.'s role within the international legal order. The work is divided into three parts that accomplish these goals. Part One lays a foundation. (...)
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    Justice Without Transition: Truth Commissions in the Context of Repressive Rule. [REVIEW]Brian Grodsky - 2008 - Human Rights Review 9 (3):281-297.
    While the study of transitional justice, and especially truth commissions, has gained in popularity over the past two decades, the literature is overwhelmingly focused on activities in democratizing states. This introduces a selection bias that interferes with proper analysis of causes and consequences of transitional justice on a global scale. In this paper, I discuss conditions under which new repressive elites, and even old repressive elites who survive to rule and repress in nominally new systems, may choose to launch broad (...)
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    International Relations Theory of War.Ofer Israeli - 2019 - Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, an imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC.
    This book tries to answer two key questions. The first is why certain periods are more prone to war than others. The other is why certain wars that involve polar powers end with their territorial expansion whereas other wars end in their contraction or maintaining their territorial status. In conclusion, it is asked whether the polarity of the system affects these two outcomes, and if so, how.
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  50. Reparations, International Law and Global Justice: A New Frontier.Richard Falk - 2006 - In De Greiff Pablo, The handbook of reparations. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 478--503.
    This paper assesses recent trends in international law regarding the availability and character of reparations. Presently, reparations issues have arisen particularly in domestic societies searching for transitional justice in the aftermath of authoritarian rule. These issues are shaped by national legal systems, but are also influenced by international practice. In these transitional settings, the search for justice is affected by political preoccupations such as the persistent influence of displaced prior authoritarian leadership as well as by real and alleged (...)
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