Results for 'moral bioenhacement'

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  1.  13
    Moral Bioenhancement and the Problems of Freedom. 이을상 - 2019 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 97:187-207.
    2008년에 미국의 『응용철학보』(The Journal of Applied Philosophy, 25 vol. 3 Issues)에 주목할 만한 두 편의 논문이(Persson & Savulescu, 2008, Douglas, 2008) 발표되었다. 여기서 처음으로 ‘도덕적 생명향상’(moral bioenhancement)이 주창된 것이다. 도덕적 생명향상이란 과학이 인간의 본성에 직접 개입하여 인간으로 하여금 “보다 나은 도덕적 동기를 갖도록 하자”는 것이다. 이로써 과학이 인간의 도덕성을 향상시키는 신기원이 열렸다. 하지만 이에 대한 반론도 만만찮은데, 그것은 대체로 인위적 향상이 인간의 자유를 제한할 것이라는 점이고, (과학에 의한) 강제적인 도덕적 동기 부여가 어떻게 자발적인 도덕의 향상을 가져올 수 있을지에 대한 (...)
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    Moral Bioenhancement as Possibility of Newly Forming a Moral Science (or Engineering). 이을상 - 2021 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 104:283-302.
    생명 향상이란 단적으로 말해 약리학적, 유전적으로 보다 향상된 기술을 이용하여 인간의 기질적 성향을 획기적으로 바꾸려는 시도다. 이렇듯 도덕적 생명 향상은 어떤 의미에서 인간을 도덕적으로 만들기 위한 일종의 ‘도덕 공학’이라 할 수 있다. 공학(engineering)이란 말 그대로 과학적 성과를 응용한 새로운 기술이다. 이 기술은 종래의 숙련된 솜씨(skill)와 다른 것이고, 따라서 도덕적 생명 향상도 종래의 도덕교육과 차별화된다고 하겠다.BR 이렇게 도덕 공학으로서 도덕적 생명 향상을 방법론적으로 확립하기 위해서는 먼저 오늘날 첨단 과학적 성과를 활용하여 우리의 행동 패턴을 어떻게 바꿀 수 있을지에 관한 논의가 필요하고(2장), 다음으로 (...)
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    Confucius and act-centered morality.Act-Centered Morality - 2000 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 27:331-344.
  4.  74
    Science, Objectivity, Morality.Morality Objectivity - 1999 - In E. L. Cerroni-Long (ed.), Anthropological theory in North America. Westport, Conn.: Bergin & Garvey. pp. 77.
  5. La teoría de los sentimientos morales de Andrés Bello.Fabio Morales - 2004 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 21:149-168.
    Este trabajo se ocupa de algunas ideas éticas del filósofo latinoamericano Andrés Bello (1781-1865), en especial de su “teoría de los sentimientos morales”. En la polémica del siglo XIX entre el llamado racionalismo ético (representado por Théodore Jouffroy) y el utilitarismo (Bentham), Bello adopta una postura intermedia, que pudiera calificarse de “hedonismo moderado” o de “eudemonismo”. Sus puntos de vista sobre la motivación moral o la manera en que la razón y el sentimiento se entrelazan para formar nuestras creencias (...)
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    Challenges to legal theory: essays in honour of Professor José Iturmendi Morales.José Iturmendi Morales, Falcón Y. Tella, María José, Martínez Muñoz, Juan Antonio & Deirdre B. Jerry (eds.) - 2021 - Boston: Brill | Nijhoff.
    Challenges to Legal Theory offers the reader a fascinating journey though a variety of multi-disciplinary topics, ranging from law and literature, and law and religion, to legal philosophy and constitutional law. The collection reflects some of the challenges that the field of legal theory currently faces. It is compiled by a selection of international and Spanish scholars, whose essays are made available in English translation for the first time. The volume is based on a collection of essays, published in Spanish, (...)
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  7. Essai métaphysique sur la methodologie morale de F. rauh.Sur la Methodologie Morale - 1967 - Archives de Philosophie 30:344.
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  8. El concepto de persona en el "Proyecto Gran Simio": una reivindicación de la dicotomía sujeto/objeto en sentido moral.Asprén Morales, Samuel Doble Gutiérrez, José Rafael Herrera González, David Viejo & Antonio Manuel Liz Gutiérrez - 2000 - Laguna 7:367-373.
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    Psychological Variables Related to Adaptation to the COVID-19 Lockdown in Spain.Fabia Morales-Vives, Jorge-Manuel Dueñas, Andreu Vigil-Colet & Marta Camarero-Figuerola - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  10. Schoolboy Morality: An Address to Mothers [by E.C.P.].C. P. E. & Schoolboy Morality - 1888
  11. The Role of Four Universal Moral Competencies in Ethical Decision-Making.Rafael Morales-Sánchez & Carmen Cabello-Medina - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 116 (4):717-734.
    Current frameworks on ethical decision-making process have some limitations. This paper argues that the consideration of moral competencies, understood as moral virtues in the workplace, can enhance our understanding of why moral character contributes to ethical decision-making. After discussing the universal nature of four moral competencies (prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance), we analyse their influence on the various stages of the ethical decision-making process. We conclude by considering the managerial implications of our findings and proposing further (...)
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    3 developmental perspective on the emergence of moral personhood James C. Harris.Moral Personhood - 2010 - In Eva Feder Kittay & Licia Carlson (eds.), Cognitive Disability and its Challenge to Moral Philosophy. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 55.
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    The Transformation of Higher Education After the COVID Disruption: Emerging Challenges in an Online Learning Scenario.Víctor J. García-Morales, Aurora Garrido-Moreno & Rodrigo Martín-Rojas - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Crisis requires society to renew itself, albeit in a disruptive way. The current Covid-19 pandemic is transforming ways of working, living, and relating to each other on a global level, suddenly and dramatically. This paper focuses on the field of education to show how higher education institutions are undergoing radical transformations driven by the need to digitalize education and training processes in record time with academics who lack innate technological capabilities for online teaching. The university system must strive to overcome (...)
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  14. This section is an account of the responses toal975 questionnaire submitted to the presidents of500 of the largest US corporations about matters ranging from stealing an otherwise unobtainable drug to save one's son to whistle-blowing and bribery. The section also includes the comments of four university professors whose fields of study include ethics. As a whole, it provides an idea of the matters of moral concern among business executives and business ethics practitioners in the mid-1970s. [REVIEW]Moral Dilemmas - 1989 - In A. Pablo Iannone (ed.), Contemporary moral controversies in business. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 61.
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  15. Sustained Representation of Perspectival Shape.Jorge Morales, Axel Bax & Chaz Firestone - 2020 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117 (26):14873–14882.
    Arguably the most foundational principle in perception research is that our experience of the world goes beyond the retinal image; we perceive the distal environment itself, not the proximal stimulation it causes. Shape may be the paradigm case of such “unconscious inference”: When a coin is rotated in depth, we infer the circular object it truly is, discarding the perspectival ellipse projected on our eyes. But is this really the fate of such perspectival shapes? Or does a tilted coin retain (...)
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  16.  30
    Génesis del nóema: un análisis noemático a partir de la constitución del cuerpo adolorido.Alejandro Escudero Morales - 2020 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 15:65-80.
    The objective of this work is to carry out a genetic study on the Husserlian concept of noema based in the givenness of the real body in the passive experience of pain. The development focuses, either, on the delimitation of the painful body given in its physical sphere in attention to its material properties, and in the eventual integration of this passively given body in the so-called noetic-noematic structure regarding the intentional revelation that pain implies. To do this, pain will (...)
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  17. Domain-general and Domain-specific Patterns of Activity Support Metacognition in Human Prefrontal Cortex.Jorge Morales, Hakwan Lau & Stephen M. Fleming - 2018 - The Journal of Neuroscience 38 (14):3534-3546.
    Metacognition is the capacity to evaluate the success of one's own cognitive processes in various domains; for example, memory and perception. It remains controversial whether metacognition relies on a domain-general resource that is applied to different tasks or if self-evaluative processes are domain specific. Here, we investigated this issue directly by examining the neural substrates engaged when metacognitive judgments were made by human participants of both sexes during perceptual and memory tasks matched for stimulus and performance characteristics. By comparing patterns (...)
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  18.  25
    Comparative analysis of the emerging projects in Latin America after the crisis of the neoliberal modernity project in the early 21st century.Gustavo Morales - 2018 - Thesis Eleven 149 (1):48-66.
    This article provides a comparative and interpretative analysis of the emerging projects in Latin America after the crisis of the neoliberal modernity project. It offers a critical interpretation of the current tendencies in Latin American politics at the national level, while suggesting some hints to understand the current neoliberal crisis in Western countries after Trump’s electoral triumph. The purpose is to figure out the collective meanings behind the new national projects in Latin America (postcolonial indigeneity, confrontational populism, defective neoliberalism, and (...)
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  19. Stress, Coping, and Resilience Before and After COVID-19: A Predictive Model Based on Artificial Intelligence in the University Environment.Francisco Manuel Morales-Rodríguez, Juan Pedro Martínez-Ramón, Inmaculada Méndez & Cecilia Ruiz-Esteban - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The COVID-19 global health emergency has greatly impacted the educational field. Faced with unprecedented stress situations, professors, students, and families have employed various coping and resilience strategies throughout the confinement period. High and persistent stress levels are associated with other pathologies; hence, their detection and prevention are needed. Consequently, this study aimed to design a predictive model of stress in the educational field based on artificial intelligence that included certain sociodemographic variables, coping strategies, and resilience capacity, and to study the (...)
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  20.  20
    “Si yo no tengo dinero, ¿para qué quieres mi herencia?”: la figura del mendigo en la poesía de Joaquín Pablo Posada.Guillermo Molina Morales - 2020 - Co-herencia 17 (32):257-278.
    La figura popular del mendigo se define por su alegría, comicidad y autoexclusión social. En el siglo xix, surgió una nueva visión, de carácter realista, en torno a este personaje. El objetivo del presente artículo es rescatar la obra poética del colombiano Joaquín Pablo Posada, ya prácticamente olvidada, para estudiar cómo conforma la figura del mendigo en un tiempo de transición. Los resultados señalan la existencia de un imaginario híbrido y de carácter joco-serio. Por un lado, se mantienen los rasgos (...)
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  21.  20
    Economic Inequality Increases the Preference for Status Consumption.Andrea Velandia-Morales, Rosa Rodríguez-Bailón & Rocío Martínez - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Prior research has shown the relationship between objective economic inequality and searching for positional goods. It also investigated the relationship between social class and low income with conspicuous consumption. However, the causal relationship between economic inequality has been less explored. Furthermore, there are also few studies looking for the psychological mechanisms that underlie these effects. The current research’s main goal is to analyze the consequences of perceived economic inequality on conspicuous and status consumption and the possible psychological mechanisms that could (...)
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    Development of Flow State Self-Regulation Skills and Coping With Musical Performance Anxiety: Design and Evaluation of an Electronically Implemented Psychological Program.Laura Moral-Bofill, Andrés López de la Llave, Mᵃ Carmen Pérez-Llantada & Francisco Pablo Holgado-Tello - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Positive Psychology has turned its attention to the study of emotions in a scientific and rigorous way. Particularly, to how emotions influence people’s health, performance, or their overall life satisfaction. Within this trend, Flow theory has established a theoretical framework that helps to promote the Flow experience. Flow state, or optimal experience, is a mental state of high concentration and enjoyment that, due to its characteristics, has been considered desirable for the development of the performing activity of performing musicians. Musicians (...)
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  23. Trosko James E.Moral Decisions - unknown - Global Bioethics 15 (3-2002).
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    An ontology of online user feedback in software engineering.Itzel Morales-Ramirez, Anna Perini & Renata S. S. Guizzardi - 2015 - Applied ontology 10 (3-4):297-330.
  25.  18
    Presupuestos Morales En El Estado de Naturaleza Hobbesiano.Luis Alberto Jiménez Morales - 2023 - Praxis Filosófica 57:e20612378.
    El objetivo de este artículo es realizar una revisión del estado de la cuestión sobre el concepto de estado de naturaleza en el pensamiento de Thomas Hobbes. Dicha revisión permite articular una comprensión de la naturaleza humana, puesto que a diferencia del realismo político el estado de naturaleza en Hobbes no tiene un rol meramente hipotético. Precisamente, la idea de naturaleza humana articula una proto-moralidad que permite comprender la transición hacia el estado civil. Las investigaciones Kavka, Gauthier y Hampton han (...)
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  26.  9
    Merleau-Ponty: les liens de la liberté. A situation commune.Andrea Martínez Morales - 2024 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 49 (1):215-226.
    L'idée principale qui articule le présent article est la compréhension et la description du phénomène de la liberté à partir de la perspective phénoménologique merleau-pontyenne, donnée par l'explication et la défense du l_ien _comme _empiétement_. Cela nous fait nous situer dans une expérience ambiguë qui révélera une _liberté située_, conséquence de son projet et explication de _l'origine_ des sujets eux-mêmes, ce qui signifiera l'ipséité comme commencement ou nouveau commencement. Par conséquent, les libertés des sujets eux-mêmes, dans cette perspective, seront liées (...)
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    Toward safe AI.Andres Morales-Forero, Samuel Bassetto & Eric Coatanea - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (2):685-696.
    Since some AI algorithms with high predictive power have impacted human integrity, safety has become a crucial challenge in adopting and deploying AI. Although it is impossible to prevent an algorithm from failing in complex tasks, it is crucial to ensure that it fails safely, especially if it is a critical system. Moreover, due to AI’s unbridled development, it is imperative to minimize the methodological gaps in these systems’ engineering. This paper uses the well-known Box-Jenkins method for statistical modeling as (...)
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  28. Nurse Moral Distress: a proposed theory and research agenda.Mary C. Corley - 2002 - Nursing Ethics 9 (6):636-650.
    As professionals, nurses are engaged in a moral endeavour, and thus confront many challenges in making the right decision and taking the right action. When nurses cannot do what they think is right, they experience moral distress that leaves a moral residue. This article proposes a theory of moral distress and a research agenda to develop a better understanding of moral distress, how to prevent it, and, when it cannot be prevented, how to manage it.
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  29.  15
    The INventory of Callous-Unemotional Traits and Antisocial Behavior for Young People: Development and Validation in a Community Sample.Fabia Morales-Vives, Sandra Cosi, Urbano Lorenzo-Seva & Andreu Vigil-Colet - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Eggshell Biliverdin as an Antioxidant Maternal Effect.Judith Morales - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (8):2000010.
    In this essay, the hypothesis that biliverdin pigment plays an antioxidant role in the avian eggshell is proposed. Due to its ability to scavenge free radical species and to reduce mutation, biliverdin potentially counteracts the oxidative action of pathogens that penetrate the eggshell and/or protects the shell membrane from oxidation, thus promoting the proven antioxidant and antimicrobial capacities of the shell membrane itself. Additionally, biliverdin may be able to inhibit viral replication in the eggshell due to its ascribed antiviral properties. (...)
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    El purgatorio como dispositivo, una manifestación del poder.José Roberto Conde Morales - 2018 - Laguna 42:119-133.
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    Nathaniel Branden's Legacy to the Science of Clinical Psychology.Teresa I. Morales Gerbaud - 2016 - Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 16 (1-2):207-217.
    This article presents a summary of the key aspects of the Biocentric theory of psychology proposed and developed by Nathaniel Branden. The themes of the conscious and nonconscious aspects of the mind and their interplay in healthy and psychopathological human functioning are highlighted, with the development and maintenance of self-esteem as the centerpiece of this schema. Branden's cogent, in-depth analysis and synthesis of these issues, presented for the first time over fifty years ago, is discussed in relation to issues that (...)
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  33. Ficción y verdad : el laberinto de la perplejidad estética.Ricardo Piñero Moral - 2011 - In Joaquín Esteban Ortega & Rafael Argullol (eds.), Palabra y ficción: literatura y pensamiento en tiempo de crisis cultural. Valladolid: Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes.
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    Konjekturen zu Chariton von Aphrodisias, Bücher I-IV.Manuel Sanz Morales - 2007 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 151 (1):95-104.
    Conjectures to Chariton of Aphrodisias. Legendum: 1.1.12-13 νυμφαγωγη̃σαι, 1.1.15 άπέλιπεν, 1.1.15 bis προσδραμών αύτη̃, 1.7.1 έκ Λυκίας, 1.7.6 ενθεμένους, 2.4.3 ὓπνον μέν οὐκ έλάμβανεν, 2.4.7 τις, 2.5.7 „αἰτου̃μαι..., 3.2.3 τις, 3.6.7 τις, 3.9.2 ὥσπερ έμμανής γενομένη, στήσασα, 4.3.4-5,,Χαιρέαν λέγεις τὸν φίλον;",, " εἶπεν ό Πολύχαρμος, 4.6.7 οὖν καί σκότος.
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  35. Transgresiones entre jóvenes de Guadalajara : ampliando los límites de la identidad.Zeyda Rodríguez Morales - 2013 - In Agustín Vaca & Louis Cardaillac (eds.), De transgresiones y transgresores: historia y cultura. Zapopan, Jalisco: El Colegio de Jalisco.
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    (1 other version)Editorial Franciscanum 172.Jaime Laurence Bonilla Morales - 2019 - Franciscanum 61 (172):1-5.
    En este Editorial se presenta una reflexión sobre la gestión de la revista en Redalyc, para luego presentar los artículos de la sección de filosofía y de teología.
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    La libertad a debate: la lectura de los textos cartesianos en Sartre y Ricœur.Isabel Morales Benito - 2020 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 80:185-198.
    En el artículo se elabora una comparación sobre la libertad en Sartre y en Ricœur a partir de la lectura que ambos realizan de los textos cartesianos. En «La liberté cartésienne», Sartre sostiene que la libertad creadora que Descartes ve en Dios no es otra cosa que la auténtica libertad del hombre. En Lo voluntario y lo involuntario, Ricœur determina a partir de la generosidad cartesiana que «querer no es crear». Se argumenta que, valorado en su conjunto, el planteamiento de (...)
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    Maushumi Guha and Amita Chatterjee.Morality In Cyberspace - 2010 - In Shashi Motilal (ed.), Applied ethics and human rights: conceptual analysis and contextual applications. New York: Anthem Press.
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    García Varas, Ana.“Ideas e imá.Juan Diego Morales - 2013 - Ideas Y Valores 62 (151).
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    Jullien, François. El rodeo y el ac.Juan Diego Morales & Alejandro Rosas - 2012 - Ideas Y Valores 61 (150).
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  41. Richard Joyce.Schmorality Morality - 2008 - In Paul Bloomfield (ed.), Morality and Self-Interest. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 51.
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    Editorial Franciscanum 170.Jaime Laurence Bonilla Morales - 2018 - Franciscanum 60 (170):11-17.
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    Involucrarse activamente en la Vida en común: Una invitación desde la noción de amistad en Gadamer.Cristian Camilo Garzón Morales - 2020 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 33:195-217.
    RESUMEN El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en resaltar y rescatar la apropiación que Gadamer hace del concepto de la amistad, la philía griega. Se intentará ver su sentido específico en una suerte de exhortación, una contribución que no se hace bajo el título de experto ni de especialista sino de ciudadano que interpreta su propia realidad. En primer lugar, observaremos cómo este llamado se puede identificar como una tendencia propia de los análisis que Gadamer realiza sobre problemáticas sociales de (...)
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    Multitudes, colecciones E Infinito: La emergencia Del enfoque conjuntista en la obra de Bernhard Bolzano.Luis Alberto Canela Morales - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 13:31.
    El artículo tiene por objetivo analizar ciertos pasajes fundamentales de la Wissenschaftslehre y de las Paradoxien des Unendlichen de Bernard Bolzano en cuanto al análisis conjuntista se refiere. En dichos pasajes, Bolzano desarrolla conceptos fundamentales tales como multitud, colección e infinito que anticipan el carácter conjuntista y del análisis matemático moderno. Asimismo, se presentará un breve estudio de las Contribuciones a una más fundada exposición de la matemática y el apéndice, Sobre la teoría kantiana de la construcción de conceptos a (...)
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    The “Medical friendship” or the true meaning of the doctor-patient relationship from two complementary perspectives: Goya and Laín.Roger Ruiz-Moral - 2022 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 25 (1):111-117.
    This essay aims to broaden the understanding of the nature of the physician–patient relationship. To do so, the concept of medical philia that Pedro Laín Entralgo proposes is analysed and is considered taking into consideration the relational trait of the human being and the structure of human action as a story of the permanent tension that exists between freedom and truth, where the ontological foundation of the hermeneutic of the "Gift" and the analogy of “Love” as the central dynamic of (...)
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  46. Equality as Reciprocity: John Stuart Mill's "the Subjection of Women".Maria Helena Morales - 1992 - Dissertation, University of Pennsylvania
    I put equality at the center of John Stuart Mill's practical philosophy. His principle of "perfect equality" embodies a substantive relational ideal, which I call "equality as reciprocity." This ideal requires removing injustices due to domination and subjection in human associations, including the family. Justice grounded on perfect equality must be the basis of personal, social, and political life, because the moral sentiments, chief among human beings' "higher" faculties, find adequate channels only under equality. Genuine happiness, which involves the (...)
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    Moral and social reasons to acknowledge the use of cognitive enhancers in competitive-selective contexts.Mirko D. Garasic & Andrea Lavazza - 2016 - BMC Medical Ethics 17 (1):1-12.
    BackgroundAlthough some of the most radical hypothesis related to the practical implementations of human enhancement have yet to become even close to reality, the use of cognitive enhancers is a very tangible phenomenon occurring with increasing popularity in university campuses as well as in other contexts. It is now well documented that the use of cognitive enhancers is not only increasingly common in Western countries, but also gradually accepted as a normal procedure by the media as well. In fact, its (...)
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    Epistemological analysis of the work social mechanics or theory of human movement, considered in its nature, its effects and its causes, of José Eusebio Caro.Marcos Fidel Barrera Morales Barrera Morales & José Luis Da Silva - 2024 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 45 (130):118-143.
    Las ideas expuestas por José Eusebio Caro en su obra inconclusa intitulada Mecánica social o Teoría del movimiento humano, considerado en su naturaleza, en sus efectos y en sus causas, en 1836, recoge aspectos característicos del pensamiento de las primeras décadas del Siglo XIX, con raíces algunas de ellas en ápocas anteriores. La riqueza intelectual de la obra en mención indujo la investigación analítica, de la cual da cuenta este documento, según la siguiente pregunta de investigación: ¿Cuáles son los rasgos (...)
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  49.  19
    El texto cartesiano de la adoración y la hipótesis de los juicios implícitos verdaderos.Mauricio Alejandro Otaíza Morales & Pablo López-Silva - 2020 - Ideas Y Valores 69 (174):101-122.
    El carácter analítico de Meditationes implica que, por una parte, ninguna verdad puede ser interpretada sin referencia al lugar concreto que ocupa en el orden de razones y, por otra, que no existen en Meditationes ficciones que permanezcan advertidamente como tales. Sin embargo, la presencia de algunas pasiones no ha sido justificada, lo que pone en cuestión el carácter analítico de la obra. Proponemos que tales pasiones son efecto de juicios implícitos. Para poner a prueba nuestra hipótesis, hemos elegido un (...)
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    Ce que la défaite n’a pas emporté.Bárbara Barrera Morales - 2023 - Multitudes 91 (2):228-232.
    Si l’« explosion sociale » chilienne a rassemblé une série de mouvements sociaux, il est certain que les féminismes ont joué un rôle fondamental dans l’établissement de revendications contre les abus, les inégalités et la précarité de la vie. Malgré l’échec du rejet de la nouvelle Constitution, cet article approfondit deux normes minimales historiques que les féministes ont réussi à établir au niveau institutionnel et social : la parité dans la participation politique et la condamnation généralisée de la violence à (...)
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