Results for 'non-academic intellectual attitude'

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  1.  20
    Knowledge, Freedom and the Meaning of Life according to Herbert McCabe.Franco Manni - 2022 - New Blackfriars 103 (1104):309-316.
    New Blackfriars, Volume 103, Issue 1104, Page 309-316, March 2022.
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    Examining the Utility of an Extended Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) on Academic Dishonesty among Undergraduates.Adesile Moshood Imran, Suhaila Hussien & Aisha Salim Alaraimi - forthcoming - Journal of Academic Ethics:1-26.
    This cross-sectional study investigated the efficacy of an extended theory of planned behavior in predicting academic dishonesty among students of higher education. The participants comprised 328 undergraduates drawn from Nigerian and Malaysian public universities. Existing measures were adapted and validated using Cronbach’s alpha statistics and confirmatory factor analysis approach. The fit statistics of the extended model (χ2/df = 2.08, CFI =.926, and RMSEA =.057) were adequate. Findings revealed that academic dishonesty, especially cheating, was common in the sampled population. (...)
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    (1 other version)Zur geschichte und gegenwärtigen lage der philosophie in der ČSR.L. Hejdánek - 1991 - Studies in East European Thought 42 (3):253-258.
    Official Czech philosophy has been dominated by a mix of Engelsian philosophy of science and positivism, a combination explained in part by the survival of positivism in Czechoslovakia and the failure of analytic philosophy to make inroads into Czech thinking. However, due to Jan Patoka' 's influence in espousing the works of Husserl and Heidegger, there was an anthropologically oriented Marxism although its successes were greater abroad than in Czechoslovakia. A more neopositivistic variant of Marxism also appeared, but it was (...)
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    Accumulating academic freedom for intellectual leadership: Women professors’ experiences in Hong Kong.Nian Ruan - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (11):1097-1107.
    Intellectual leadership indicates the informal leadership of professors based on aspects such as knowledge production and dissemination, institutional services, and public engagement. Academic freedom is considered as the overarching condition for individual academics to develop intellectual leadership. Against the backdrop of internationalisation and globalisation of higher education, academics face enormous pressures to produce measurable research outputs, deliver high-quality teaching and meet all kinds of institutional requirements. In modern universities, women scholars, as the non-traditional participants in academia, must (...)
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    Book Review: The Creation of Feminist Consciousness: From the Middle Ages to 1870. [REVIEW]Roberta Davidson - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (1):185-186.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Creation of Feminist Consciousness: From the Middle Ages to 1870Roberta DavidsonThe Creation of Feminist Consciousness: From the Middle Ages to 1870, by Gerda Lerner; xii & 395 pp. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993, $27.50.Gerda Lerner’s sense that historical events matter because of their impact on individuals may have developed, in part, due to the remarkable pattern of her own life. She was an Austrian Jewish intellectual (...)
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    Academics and practitioners: nurses as intellectuals.Colin A. Holmes - 2002 - Nursing Inquiry 9 (2):73-83.
    Academics and practitioners: nurses as intellectualsIn the author's experience, nurse educators working in universities generally accept that they are ‘academics’, but dismiss suggestions that they are ‘intellectuals’ because they see it as a pretentious description referring to a small number of academics and aesthetes who inhabit a conceptual world beyond the imaginative capacity of most other people. This paper suggests that the concept of the ‘intellectual’, if not the word itself, be admitted into nursing discourse through the adoption of (...)
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    Extending patient-centred communication to non-speaking intellectually disabled persons.Ally Peabody Smith & Ashley Feinsinger - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Patient-centred communication is widely regarded as a best practice in contemporary medical care, both in terms of maximising health outcomes and respecting persons. However, not all patients communicate in ways that are easily understood by clinicians and other healthcare professionals. This is especially so for patients with non-speaking intellectual disabilities. We argue that assumptions about intellectual disability—including those in diagnostic criteria, providers’ implicit attitudes and master narratives of disability—negatively affect communicative approaches towards intellectually disabled patients.Non-speakingintellectually disabled patients may (...)
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    Higher Education, Academic Communities, and the Intellectual Virtues.Ward E. Jones - 2012 - Educational Theory 62 (6):695-711.
    Because higher education brings members of academic communities in direct contact with students, the reflective higher education student is in an excellent position for developing two important intellectual virtues: confidence and humility. However, academic communities differ as to whether their members reach consensus, and their teaching practices reflect this difference. In this essay, Ward Jones argues that both consensus‐reaching and non‐consensus‐reaching communities can encourage the development of intellectual confidence and humility in their students, although each will (...)
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  9. The Impact of Anti-Intellectualism Attitudes and Academic Self-Efficacy on Business Students’ Perceptions of Cheating.Rafik Z. Elias - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 86 (2):199-209.
    College cheating represents a major ethical problem facing students and educators, especially in colleges of business. The current study surveys 666 business students in three universities to examine potential determinants of cheating perceptions. Anti-intellectualism refers to a student's negative view of the value and importance of intellectual pursuits and critical thinking. Academic selfefficacy refers to a student's belief in one's ability to accomplish an academic task. As hypothesized, students high in anti-intellectualism attitudes and those with low (...) self-efficacy were least likely to perceive college cheating as unethical. Considering that college cheating has been found as a predictor of workplace cheating, the results urge business instructors to reduce anti-intellectualism among students and to encourage them to put forth their best efforts. The results also serve employers by focusing attention on these two psychological variables during the hiring and promotion processes. (shrink)
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    Al-Kindi.Peter Adamson - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Al-Kindi was the first philosopher of the Islamic world. He lived in Iraq and studied in Baghdad, where he became attached to the caliphal court. In due course he would become an important figure at court: a tutor to the caliph's son, and a central figure in the translation movement of the ninth century, which rendered much of Greek philosophy, science, and medicine into Arabic. Al-Kindi's wide-ranging intellectual interests included not only philosophy but also music, astronomy, mathematics, and medicine. (...)
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  11.  37
    Philosophy and History, Customs and Ethics.Hui-Chieh Loy - 2023 - Philosophy East and West 73 (2):420-428.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and History, Customs and EthicsHui-Chieh Loy (bio)Origins of Moral-Political Philosophy in Early China: Contestation of Humaneness, Justice, and Personal Freedom. By Tao Jiang. New York: Oxford University Press, 2021.Tao Jiang's Origins of Moral-Political Philosophy in Early China is a serious tour de force of a study. In many ways, I am reminded of Angus Graham's Disputers of the Tao and Benjamin Schwartz' The World of Thought in Ancient (...)
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    Identity and Intervention: Disciplinarity as Transdisciplinarity in Gender Studies.Tuija Pulkkinen - 2015 - Theory, Culture and Society 32 (5-6):183-205.
    Within the past 40 years, feminist studies/women’s studies/gender studies/studies in gender and sexuality has effectively grown into a globally practised academic discipline while simultaneously resisting the notion of disciplinarity and strongly advocating multidisciplinarity, interdisciplinarity, and transdisciplinarity. In this article, I argue that gaining identity through refusing an identity can be viewed as being a constitutive paradox of gender studies. Through exploring gender studies as a transdisciplinary intellectual discipline, which came into existence in very particular multidisciplinary historical conditions of (...)
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  13. Intellectual Virtues and Scientific Endeavor: A Reflection on the Commitments Inherent in Generating and Possessing Knowledge.Oscar Eliezer Mendoza-De Los Santos - 2023 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 43 (1-2):18-31.
    In this essay, I reflect on the implications of intellectual virtues in scientific endeavor. To this end, I first offer a depiction of scientific endeavor by resorting to the notion of academic attitude, which involves aspects concerning the generation and possession of knowledge. Although there are differences between these activities, they have in common the engagement of diverse intellectual agents (scientists). In this sense, I analyze how intellectual virtues are linked to 1) scientific research tasks, (...)
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  14.  58
    Volunteers Versus Non-Volunteers—Which Group Cheats More, and Holds More lax Attitudes About Cheating?Aditya Simha, Josh P. Armstrong & Joseph F. Albert - 2011 - Journal of Academic Ethics 9 (3):205-215.
    Academic dishonesty has been a frequent topic of research and discussion. In this article, we examine the differences between student volunteers and student non-volunteers in terms of their attitudes towards academic dishonesty as well as their cheating behaviors. We found that student volunteers held more serious attitudes towards cheating and academic dishonesty than did student non-volunteers; however there were not many significant differences between student volunteers and student non-volunteers when it came to cheating behaviors. We finally provide (...)
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    Rethinking Daoism as Activism: The Political Wisdom of Daoist Texts as a Response to the Contemporary Environmental Crisis.Lisa Indraccolo - 2023 - Philosophy East and West 73 (3):781-792.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Rethinking Daoism as Activism:The Political Wisdom of Daoist Texts as a Response to the Contemporary Environmental CrisisLisa Indraccolo (bio)To propose a reading of Daoism as a form of social activism at first might sound almost paradoxical. This trend of thought is in fact well known for promoting, as a healthy, sustainable way of life for both the individual1 and the surrounding natural environment, what might actually seem the exact (...)
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    Tradizioni morali. Greci, ebrei, cristiani, islamici.Sergio Cremaschi - 2015 - Roma, Italy: Edizioni di storia e letteratura.
    Ex interiore ipso exeas. Preface. This book reconstructs the history of a still open dialectics between several ethoi, that is, shared codes of unwritten rules, moral traditions, or self-aware attempts at reforming such codes, and ethical theories discussing the nature and justification of such codes and doctrines. Its main claim is that this history neither amounts to a triumphal march of reason dispelling the mist of myth and bigotry nor to some other one-way process heading to some pre-established goal, but (...)
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    Authority, Public Dissent and the Nature of Theological Thinking.Ja Dinoia - 1988 - The Thomist 52 (2):185-207.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:AUTHORITY, PUBLIC DISSENT AND THE NATURE OF THEOLOGICAL THINKING IN A RECENT analysis of the Catholic scene, Lutheran Richard John Neuhaus described the controversy over authority and dissent in the Catholic Church as " theologically debased and ecumenically sterile." My own reading of the literature on dissent inclines me to concur with the substance of this judgment. Broad historical, cultural, and theological contexts have inevitably been neglected as the (...)
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    The Columbia History of Western Philosophy (review).Richard E. Aquila - 1999 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 37 (4):669-671.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Columbia History of Western Philosophy ed. by Richard H. PopkinRichard E. AquilaRichard H. Popkin, editor. The Columbia History of Western Philosophy. New York: Columbia University Press, 1999. Pp. xxvi + 836. Cloth, $59.95.This volume aims to “… revise the general prevailing understanding of the history of philosophy among present-day academics.” It aims to do so by emphasizing the “full intellectual and social contexts” of the ideas (...)
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  19.  55
    The New Mizrahi Narrative in Israel.Arie Kizel - 2014 - Resling.
    The trend to centralization of the Mizrahi narrative has become an integral part of the nationalistic, ethnic, religious, and ideological-political dimensions of the emerging, complex Israeli identity. This trend includes several forms of opposition: strong opposition to "melting pot" policies and their ideological leaders; opposition to the view that ethnicity is a dimension of the tension and schisms that threaten Israeli society; and, direct repulsion of attempts to silence and to dismiss Mizrahim and so marginalize them hegemonically. The Mizrahi Democratic (...)
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  20. Are Universities Undergoing an Intellectual Revolution?Nicholas Maxwell - 2009 - Oxford Magazine 1 (290):13-16.
    For over 30 years I have argued, in and out of print that, for both intellectual and humanitarian reasons, we urgently need a revolution in the aims and methods of academic inquiry. Instead of giving priority to the search for knowledge, academia needs to devote itself to seeking and promoting wisdom by rational means, wisdom being the capacity to realize what is of value in life, for oneself and others. Wisdom thus includes knowledge but much else besides. A (...)
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  21. Cicero’s academic skepticism.Harald Thorsrud - 2006 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    I distinguish two varieties of ancient skepticism on the basis of their competing attitudes towards reason. Pyrrhonian skeptics, according to Sextus Empiricus, not only doubt our ability to arrive at true beliefs, but also the value of doing so, whereas the Academics, as portrayed by Cicero, are committed to the view that true beliefs are as beneficial as they are difficult to acquire. Next, I examine Academic epistemology, focusing on one of Cicero's most important and problematic philosophical coinages---probabilitas . (...)
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  22.  11
    Intellectual substance of lyrics by Joseph Brodsky.I. I. Plekhanova - 2015 - Liberal Arts in Russiaроссийский Гуманитарный Журналrossijskij Gumanitarnyj Žurnalrossijskij Gumanitaryj Zhurnalrossiiskii Gumanitarnyi Zhurnal 4 (3):215.
    The features of J. Brodsky’s lyricism, which are caused by intellectual dominant of his consciousness, are explored in the article. Intellect here is understood as ‘directed thinking‘ ; in artistic version it is described as project-reflexive thinking. The article gives basic characteristics of the poet’s consciousness, which caused maximum closeness between biographic and poetic ‘Me‘, striving for alienation from the world and self-discipline in spiritual development. The connection between attitude towards the world and its’ artistic realization is observed. (...)
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  23.  26
    Academic Skepticism in Hume and Kant: A Ciceronian Critique of Metaphysics by Catalina González Quintero (review).Zuzana Parusniková - 2023 - Hume Studies 48 (2):346-350.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Academic Skepticism in Hume and Kant: A Ciceronian Critique of Metaphysics by Catalina González QuinteroZuzana ParusnikováCatalina González Quintero. Academic Skepticism in Hume and Kant: A Ciceronian Critique of Metaphysics. Cham: Springer, 2022. Pp. 268. Hardcover. ISBN: 978-3-030-89749-9. £99.99.This book is a valuable contribution to the rapidly expanding field of research into the formative impact of ancient skepticism on early modern philosophy. This new paradigm was introduced (...)
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    The drivers of academic cheating in online learning among Filipino undergraduate students.Jeannie A. Perez, Reinier Dave Zapanta, Rowena P. Heradura & Silfa C. Napicol - 2025 - Ethics and Behavior 35 (2):113-128.
    The susceptibility of online learning to cheating behavior remains a contentious and unresolved issue. A cross-sectional explanatory research design was utilized to test the hypothesized factors influencing academic cheating in online learning. Our study involved 562 participants, selected through a non-probability sampling technique, who were surveyed using online questionnaires designed to measure the identified factors. We tested the hypotheses by utilizing path analysis through the partial least square regression approach within the SMART-PLS software. The demographics such as gender and (...)
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    Knowledge, Attitudes, Risk Perceptions, and Practices of Spanish Adolescents Toward the COVID-19 Pandemic: Validation and Results of the Spanish Version of the Questionnaire.Alejandra Aguilar-Latorre, Ángela Asensio-Martínez, Olga García-Sanz & Bárbara Oliván-Blázquez - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: Adolescence is a period with physical, psychological, biological, intellectual, and social changes in which there is usually little perception of risk. COVID-19 has generated constant situations of change and uncertainty worldwide. During the pandemic, the acquisition of preventive behaviors has been relevant. Various studies carried out with adults associate risk perception and the implementation of preventive behaviors with knowledge about the COVID-19 and with age, but there are not many studies with adolescents. Therefore, the objective is to validate, (...)
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  26.  16
    De-Intellectualizing American Sociology: A History, of sorts.Stephen Turner - 2012 - Journal of Sociology 48 (4):346-363.
    Sociology once debated ‘the social’ and did so with a public readership. Even as late as the Second World War, sociologists commanded a wide public on questions about the nature of society, altruism and the direction of social evolution. As a result of several waves of professionalization, however, these issues have vanished from academic sociology and from the public writings of sociologists. From the 1960s onwards sociologists instead wrote for the public by supporting social movements. Discussion within sociology became (...)
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    Discourse analysis of academic debate of ethics for AGI.Ross Graham - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (4):1519-1532.
    Artificial general intelligence is a greatly anticipated technology with non-trivial existential risks, defined as machine intelligence with competence as great/greater than humans. To date, social scientists have dedicated little effort to the ethics of AGI or AGI researchers. This paper employs inductive discourse analysis of the academic literature of two intellectual groups writing on the ethics of AGI—applied and/or ‘basic’ scientific disciplines henceforth referred to as technicians (e.g., computer science, electrical engineering, physics), and philosophy-adjacent disciplines henceforth referred to (...)
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    The ethical attitudes of information technology professionals: a comparative study between the USA and the Middle East.Luay Tahat, Mohammad I. Elian, Nabeel N. Sawalha & Fuad N. Al-Shaikh - 2014 - Ethics and Information Technology 16 (3):241-249.
    This paper aims at investigating comparatively the ethical orientation of information technology professionals in the Middle East and the United States. It tests for attitudes toward and awareness of ethically-related issues, namely intellectual property, privacy and other general ethical IT aspects. In addition, through a comparison between the two regions, this paper intends to examine whether differences in IT professional demographics and characteristics, including gender and academic level, have any impact on attitudes to business ethics. A ttest is (...)
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  29.  10
    Dynamic Assessment of Reading Difficulties: Predictive and Incremental Validity on Attitude toward Reading and the Use of Dialogue/Participation Strategies in Classroom Activities.Juan-José Navarro & Laura Lara - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:230315.
    Dynamic Assessment (DA) has been shown to have more predictive value than conventional tests for academic performance. However, in relation to reading difficulties, further research is needed to determine the predictive validity of DA for specific aspects of the different processes involved in reading and the differential validity of DA for different subgroups of students with an academic disadvantage. This paper analyzes the implementation of a DA device that evaluates processes involved in reading (EDPL) among 60 students with (...)
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  30.  97
    Perceptions of dishonesty among two-year college students: Academic versus business situations. [REVIEW]M. Lynnette Smyth & James R. Davis - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 51 (1):63-73.
    This study statistically analyzes two-year college students' attitudes toward cheating via a survey containing academic and business situations that the students evaluated on a seven point scale from unethical to ethical. When both the general questions concerning attitudes about cheating and the opinions on the ethical statements are considered, the business students were generally more unethical in their behavior and attitudes than non-business majors. These results indicate a need for more ethical exposure in business courses to help students distinguish (...)
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    ‘In a completely different light’? The role of ‘being affected’ for the epistemic perspectives and moral attitudes of patients, relatives and lay people.Silke Schicktanz, Mark Schweda & Martina Franzen - 2008 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 11 (1):57-72.
    In this paper, we explore and discuss the use of the concept of being affected in biomedical decision making processes in Germany. The corresponding German term ‘Betroffenheit’ characterizes on the one hand a relation between a state of affairs and a person and on the other an emotional reaction that involves feelings like concern and empathy with the suffering of others. An example for the increasing relevance of being affected is the postulation of the participation of people with disabilities and (...)
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  32.  32
    (1 other version)Lost in Universalization? On the Difficulty of Localizing the European Intellectual.Francis Cheneval, Justine Lacroix & Kalypso Nicolaidis - 2010 - In [no title]. pp. 31-49.
    European Stories is the first book of its kind in any European language. Its authors explore the many different ways 'public intellectuals' have debated Europe - the EU and its periphery - within distinct epistemological, disciplinary, ideological and above all national traditions. The chapters focus on the post-1989 era but with a view to the long history of the 'European idea' and its variants across the continent. To what extent such ideas frame the attitude of European publics is left (...)
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  33. The moral behavior of ethics professors: Relationships among self-reported behavior, expressed normative attitude, and directly observed behavior.Eric Schwitzgebel & Joshua Rust - 2014 - Philosophical Psychology 27 (3):293-327.
    Do philosophy professors specializing in ethics behave, on average, any morally better than do other professors? If not, do they at least behave more consistently with their expressed values? These questions have never been systematically studied. We examine the self-reported moral attitudes and moral behavior of 198 ethics professors, 208 non-ethicist philosophers, and 167 professors in departments other than philosophy on eight moral issues: academic society membership, voting, staying in touch with one's mother, vegetarianism, organ and blood donation, responsiveness (...)
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  34. Deep Disagreement, Hinge Commitments, and Intellectual Humility.Drew Johnson - 2022 - Episteme 19 (3):353-372.
    Why is it that some instances of disagreement appear to be so intractable? And what is the appropriate way to handle such disagreements, especially concerning matters about which there are important practical and political needs for us to come to a consensus? In this paper, I consider an explanation of the apparent intractability of deep disagreement offered by hinge epistemology. According to this explanation, at least some deep disagreements are rationally unresolvable because they concern ‘hinge’ commitments that are unresponsive to (...)
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  35.  22
    Dialogic Feminist Gathering and the Prevention of Gender Violence in Girls With Intellectual Disabilities.Roseli Rodrigues de Mello, Marta Soler-Gallart, Fabiana Marini Braga & Laura Natividad-Sancho - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:662241.
    Adolescent gender-based violence prevention and sexuality education is a topic of current concern given the increasing numbers of violence directed at girls. International organizations indicate that one in three girls aged 15 to 19 have experienced gender-based violence in their sexual relationships that this risk may be as much as 3–4 times higher for girls with disabilities. Following the good results obtained in the research project “Free_Teen_Desire” led by the University of Cambridge and funded by the Marie Curie Actions Program (...)
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    Introduction: A New Pocket of Intellectual Space.Peter Skafish, Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, Patrice Maniglier & Louis Morelle - 2016 - Common Knowledge 22 (3):385-392.
    This introduction to “Anthropological Philosophy: Symposium on an Unanticipated Conceptual Practice” comprises a brief history of attitudes among anthropologists toward the philosophical field of ontology, and attitudes among professional philosophers toward the kinds of alien and marginal thinking with which anthropology is concerned. After the narrative reaches what has been called the “ontological turn” in anthropology, which is generally assumed to represent the current moment in relations between the disciplines, the author discloses the recent emergence of an unexpected cultural practice: (...)
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    From Chinese civil society to Chinese civil sphere: A conceptual reconfiguration of the space between state and society that facilitates intellectual debates.Runya Qiaoan - 2023 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 49 (5):568-580.
    Scholarship on Chinese civil society suffers from a weak theorization of the concept, in which civil society is generally defined as NGOs (non-governmental organizations) that exists in the third sector. This article examines the dimension between state and society known as ‘civil sphere’, a concept that is broader and more mysterious than the conventional notion of ‘civil society’. Civil sphere can be understood as a discursive structure that defines what is civil and what is uncivil in a society. Taking the (...)
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  38. Patenting and licensing of university research: promoting innovation or undermining academic values?Sigrid Sterckx - 2011 - Science and Engineering Ethics 17 (1):45-64.
    Since the 1980s in the US and the 1990s in Europe, patenting and licensing activities by universities have massively increased. This is strongly encouraged by governments throughout the Western world. Many regard academic patenting as essential to achieve ‘knowledge transfer’ from academia to industry. This trend has far-reaching consequences for access to the fruits of academic research and so the question arises whether the current policies are indeed promoting innovation or whether they are instead a symptom of a (...)
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    Nursing students’ perceptions of faculty members’ ethical/unethical attitudes.Sevda Arslan & Leyla Dinç - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (7):789-801.
    Background: Through education, individuals acquire knowledge, skill and attitudes that facilitate professional socialization; it involves intellectual, emotional and psychomotor skill development. Teachers are role models for behaviour modification and value development. Objective: To examine students’ perceptions of faculty members’ ethical and unethical attitudes during interactions in undergraduate nursing. Research design: This descriptive study consisted of two phases. In Phase I, we developed an instrument, which was administered to nursing students to assess validity and reliability. Exploratory factor analysis yielded 32 (...)
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    Enjoyment, as an Instrument for Academic Quality Management, in the Peruvian Higher University Education.Deyna Lozano, Marisol Rojas, Vilma Puma, Edwin Huayhua, Raúl Ito, Rolando Jara, J. Luzmila Benique, Freddy Copari, Milton Quispe & José Pineda - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1064-1081.
    In recent years, educational organisations have used different tools and strategies to enhance their services, such as gamification, flipped classroom and Project-Based Learning have been imple-mented to provide quality education. In this sense, enjoyment, which is focused on the emotional well-being of students, contributes to integral formation and academic performance. Therefore, the target was to explore students' perceptions about enjoyment, as a tool that allows identifying the needs, and weaknesses, addressing the risks of educational organisations of higher education as (...)
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    Adventism in Ukraine: Attitude to national and cultural traditions, phenomena of the present.Anatoliy Moskovchuk - 1997 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 6:33-36.
    Ukraine is the motherland of not only Ukrainians but also of many national minorities with different cultures and traditions. Ukraine is a Christian country in general, with non-Christian and non-Christian religions and confessional currents, along with traditional churches - Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant - rooted and actively developing non-traditional Ukrainian culture and spirituality. In Ukraine there is a complex process of spiritual revival, especially in the intellectual environment. Many are written and talk about the preservation of cultural heritage. Everywhere, monuments (...)
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    Human Freedom and the Philosophical Attitude.Sharon Rider - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (11):1185-1197.
    Attempts to describe the essential features of the Western philosophical tradition can often be characterized as ‘boundary work’, that is, the attempt to create, promote, attack, or reinforce specific notions of the ‘philosophical’ in order to demarcate it as a field of intellectual inquiry. During the last century, the dominant tendency has been to delineate the discipline in terms of formal methods, techniques, and concepts and a given set of standard problems and alternative available solutions. One vital feature of (...)
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    Ethical issues related to the provision of audit and non-audit services: Evidence from academic research. [REVIEW]Hollis Ashbaugh - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 52 (2):143-148.
    Audit standards require auditors to conduct audits being independent in mental attitude from their clients. Regulators and financial statement users are concerned that auditors compromise their independence by allowing clients that contract for consulting services, i.e., non-audit services, more financial statement discretion relative to clients that demand relatively little non-audit services from their auditor. This paper begins by discussing the role of auditing in the capital markets and the various stakeholders that rely on audited financial information in making their (...)
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    How Slavoj became Žižek: the digital making of a public intellectual.Eliran Bar-El - 2023 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Slovenian philosopher bad boy Slavoj Žižek is one of the most famous intellectuals in the world. He publishes at a breakneck speed and lectures around the world. He has an unmistakable speaking style and set of mannerisms that have made him ripe material for internet humor and meme culture. YouTube clips of his talks, interviews, and media appearances often have tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of views. How did an intellectual from a remote Eastern European country (...)
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    The Development of Philosophical Activities of the Academic Philosophy Cafe From Language Game to Theater Game.Wang Huiling ) - 2021 - Philosophical Practice and Counseling 11:121-141.
    In Practical Philosophy Education, besides the learning of conceptual knowledge and working with an introspective method, students are actively engaged whereby they are played in a new form as a language game. The negative attitudes and the pretending performances were revised from the exercise of answering questions to asking question, and then to continue asking. 1957 Coffee proposes the “cross-questioning” model of using knowledge to play the “game” of philosophy. This playing experience is passed down intellectually in the form of (...)
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  46. The Present Situation of Philosophy in Hungary (Philosophical Institutions, Orientations and Attitudes).Sandor Laczko - 2009 - Filozofia 64 (2):97-106.
    After the rule of the canonized Marxism has come to an end, the present situation of philosophy in Hungary might be characterized as pluralistic and colourful. The academic, educational and institutional structure of philosophy, as well as the situation concerning the publication of journals and books has changed equally. In general, each of the relevant philosophical trends has gained its representation, significant individual and collective achievements have been reached, and we have also witnessed the rise of a new philosophical (...)
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    The Ethics of Justice Without Illusions.Louis E. Wolcher - 2016 - New York: Routledge.
    The founding premise of this book is that the nimbus of prestige which once surrounded the idea of justice has now been dimmed to such a degree that it is no longer sufficient to secure the possibility of a good conscience for those who undertake, in good faith, to make the world a better place in the spheres of politics and law. The many decent human beings who have noticed and experienced this diminishment of justice’s prestige find themselves in a (...)
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  48. A minor philosophy.Roberto Farneti - 2010 - Philosophia 38 (1):1-28.
    This article surveys the output of contemporary Italian philosophers and distinguishes three principal ways of approaching their intellectual endeavor: denial, the “evil-queen syndrome,” and compliance. Philosophers in a state of denial seem unaware of the loss in status that Italian philosophy as an academic discipline suffers in international forums. The evil-queen syndrome concerns the habit of compiling surveys of past philosophies, focusing on traditions of which one considers oneself the privileged inheritor. Compliance—in its commendable aspect—refers to the growing (...)
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  49. Non-Professional Healthcare Workers and Ethical Obligations to Work during Pandemic Influenza.H. Draper, T. Sorell, J. Ives, S. Damery, S. Greenfield, J. Parry, J. Petts & S. Wilson - 2010 - Public Health Ethics 3 (1):23-34.
    Most academic papers on ethics in pandemics concentrate on the duties of healthcare professionals. This paper will consider non-professional healthcare workers: do they have a moral obligation to work during an influenza pandemic? If so, is this an obligation that outweighs others they might have, e.g., as parents, and should such an obligation be backed up by the coercive power of law? This paper considers whether non-professional healthcare workers—porters, domestic service workers, catering staff, clerks, IT support workers, etc.—have an (...)
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    Non-instrumental roles of science.John Ziman - 2003 - Science and Engineering Ethics 9 (1):17-27.
    Nowadays, science is treated an instrument of policy, serving the material interests of government and commerce. Traditionally, however, it also has important non-instrumental social functions, such as the creation of critical scenarios and world pictures, the stimulation of rational attitudes, and the production of enlightened practitioners and independent experts. The transition from academic to ‘post-academic’ science threatens the performance of these functions, which are inconsistent with strictly instrumental modes of knowledge production. In particular, expert objectivity is negated by (...)
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