Results for 'number theoretic indeterminacy '

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  1. Σ01 soundness isn’t enough: Number theoretic indeterminacy’s unsavory physical commitments.Sharon Berry - 2023 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 74 (2):469-484.
    It’s sometimes suggested that we can (in a sense) settle the truth-value of some statements in the language of number theory by stipulation, adopting either φ or ¬φ as an additional axiom. For example, in Clarke-Doane (2020b) and a series of recent APA presentations, Clarke-Doane suggests that any Σ01 sound expansion of our current arithmetical practice would express a truth. In this paper, I’ll argue that (given a certain popular assumption about the model-theoretic representability of languages like ours) (...)
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    Privacy Law’s Indeterminacy.Ryan Calo - 2019 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 20 (1):33-52.
    Fools rush in. ALEXANDER POPE, AN ESSAY ON CRITICISM (London, 1711). The full quotation is, “For Fools rush in where Angels fear to tread.” Id. at 66. She who hesitates is lost. Adaptation of the line, “The woman that deliberates is lost.” JOSEPH ADDISON, CATO: A TRAGEDY, AND SELECTED ESSAYS 30 (2004). See also OLIVER WENDALL HOLMES, SR., THE AUTOCRAT AT THE BREAKFAST TABLE 29 (1858) (“The woman who ‘calculates’ is lost.”). American legal realism numbers among the most important theoretical (...)
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    The logic of action: Indeterminacy, emotion, and historical narrative.William M. Reddy - 2001 - History and Theory 40 (4):10–33.
    Modern social theory, by and large, has aimed at reducing the complexity of action situations to a set of manageable abstractions. But these abstractions, whether functionalist or linguistic, fail to grasp the indeterminacy of action situations.Action proceeds by discovery and combination. The logic of action is serendipitous and combinative. From these characteristics, a number of consequences flow: The whole field of our intentions is engaged in each action situation, and cannot really be understood apart from the situation itself. (...)
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    Being ambivalent by exploiting indeterminacy in the explicit import of an utterance.Agnieszka Piskorska - 2021 - Pragmatics and Cognition 28 (2):376-393.
    In line with recent interest in weak and often not fully determinate effects of communication permeating relevance-theoretic research, I contribute a discussion on two possible sources of speaker-intended indeterminacy within explicit import of an utterance: one residing in an intentionally underspecified location of an ad hoc concept between literal or non-literal (e.g. metaphorical or hyperbolic) interpretation, and the other lying in the higher-level explicature of an utterance, and being related to propositional attitude (e.g. pretence, reporting, dissociation) or speech-act (...)
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  5. Naturalizing semantics and Putnam's model-theoretic argument.Andrea Bianchi - 2002 - Episteme NS: Revista Del Instituto de Filosofía de la Universidad Central de Venezuela 22 (1):1-19.
    Since 1976 Hilary Putnam has on many occasions proposed an argument, founded on some model-theoretic results, to the effect that any philosophical programme whose purpose is to naturalize semantics would fail to account for an important feature of every natural language, the determinacy of reference. Here, after having presented the argument, I will suggest that it does not work, because it simply assumes what it should prove, that is that we cannot extend the metatheory: Putnam appears to think that (...)
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    Models and Recursivity.Walter Dean - manuscript
    It is commonly held that the natural numbers sequence 0, 1, 2,... possesses a unique structure. Yet by a well known model theoretic argument, there exist non-standard models of the formal theory which is generally taken to axiomatize all of our practices and intentions pertaining to use of the term “natural number.” Despite the structural similarity of this argument to the influential set theoretic indeterminacy argument based on the downward L ̈owenheim-Skolem theorem, most theorists agree that (...)
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    (1 other version)Number theoretic concepts and recursive well-orderings.G. Kreisel, J. Shoenfield & Hao Wang - 1960 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 5 (1-2):42-64.
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    Conceptual, experimental, and theoretical indeterminacies in research on semantic activation without conscious identification.Daniel Holender - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (1):50-66.
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    Number-theoretic set theories.Paul Strauss - 1985 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 26 (1):81-95.
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    (1 other version)Finite Definability of Number-Theoretic Functions and Parametric Completeness of Equational Calculi.Georg Kreisel & William W. Tait - 1961 - Zeitschrift fur mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 7 (1-5):28-38.
  11. Keeping Vague Score.Sam Carter - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophy.
    This paper introduces a novel theory of vagueness. Its main aim is to show how naïve judgments about tolerance and indeterminacy can be preserved while departing from classical logic only in ways which are independently motivated. -/- The theory makes use of a bilateral approach to acceptance and rejection. Combined with a standard account of validity, this approach gives rise to an entailment relation which is non-transitive. I argue that this is desirable: it is both pre-theoretically plausible and provides (...)
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    Hierarchies of Number-Theoretic Predicates.S. C. Kleene - 1956 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 21 (4):411-412.
  13. Mathematical counterfactuals with number-theoretic antecedents and extra-mathematical explanation.Lars Arthur Tump - 2021 - Logique Et Analyse 254:191-213.
    A proposal by Baron, Colyvan, and Ripley to extend the counterfactual theory of explanation to include counterfactual reasoning about mathematical explanations of physical facts is discussed. Their suggestion is that the explanatory role of mathematics can best be captured counterfactually. This paper focuses on their example with a number-theoretic antecedent. Incorporating discussions on the structure and de re knowledge of numbers, it is argued that the approach leads to a change in the structure of numbers. As a result, (...)
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    Which number theoretic problems can be solved in recursive progressions on Π1 1-paths through O?G. Kreisel - 1972 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 37 (2):311-334.
  15. Introducing events, successful reference and reference-fixing.Friedel Weinert - 1991 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 22 (1):155-167.
    Summary One of the central questions concerning theories of reference has been the problem of how the reference of scientific terms gets fixed. Descriptive causal theories of reference, as discussed in this paper, have re-introduced the role of theoretical beliefs and conceptualisations in term introductions and reference-fixing. The present paper argues that the idea of reference-fixing as a dot-like event (baptism) is wrong: a number of episodes from the history of science are discussed to support the claim that reference-fixing (...)
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    Decidable classes of numbertheoretic sentences.I. J. Heath - 1969 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 15 (26-29):411-420.
  17. On the Relation Between Gauge and Phase Symmetries.Gabriel Catren - 2014 - Foundations of Physics 44 (12):1317-1335.
    We propose a group-theoretical interpretation of the fact that the transition from classical to quantum mechanics entails a reduction in the number of observables needed to define a physical state and \ to \ or \ in the simplest case). We argue that, in analogy to gauge theories, such a reduction results from the action of a symmetry group. To do so, we propose a conceptual analysis of formal tools coming from symplectic geometry and group representation theory, notably Souriau’s (...)
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    Indeterminate Bodies: Introduction.Kathryn Yusoff & Claire Waterton - 2017 - Body and Society 23 (3):3-22.
    Indeterminate Bodies organizes a number of theoretical and empirical studies around the concept and actuality of indeterminacy, as it relates to body and society. Located within the struggle to apprehend different categories of ‘body’ in the volatile flows of late-capital, indeterminacy is considered through such multiple incarnations as economy, contingency, inheritance, question, force, uncertainty, materiality and affective resistance to determination. While indeterminacy is often positioned as the ‘trouble’ or friction in subject/object knowledge-formation (framed as ontological or (...)
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  19. Marx, Lenin and Pashukanis on Self-Determination: Response to Robert Knox.Bill Bowring - 2011 - Historical Materialism 19 (2):113-127.
    This response to Robert Knox’s very kind and constructive review1 of my 2008 book The Degradation of the International Legal Order: The Rehabilitation of Law and the Possibility of Politics gives me the opportunity not only to answer some of his criticisms, but also, on the basis of my own reflections since 2008, to fill in some gaps. Indeed, to revise a number of my arguments. First, I restate my attempt at a materialist account of human rights. Next I (...)
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  20. Can Theoretical Underdetermination support the Indeterminacy of Translation? Revisiting Quine's ‘Real Ground’.Sophie R. Allen - 2010 - Philosophy 85 (1):67-90.
    It is commonly believed that Quine's principal argument for the Indeterminacy of Translation requires an untenably strong account of the underdetermination of theories by evidence, namely that that two theories may be compatible with all possible evidence for them and yet incompatible with each other. In this article, I argue that Quine's conclusion that translation is indeterminate can be based upon the weaker, uncontroversial conception of theoretical underdetermination, in conjunction with a weak reading of the ‘Gavagai’ argument which establishes (...)
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    Philosophy and the Crisis of Contemporary Literary Theory.Suresh Raval - 1986 - The Monist 69 (1):119-132.
    There is currently great anxiety among literary critics and theorists about literary criticism’s loss of identity, both as an identifiable, coherent discipline with a recognizable set of problems and as a body of authoritative and well-founded convictions about literature and its history. Part of the reason for this anxiety is that everything that was until recently considered relatively unproblematical has now been rendered problematical. The hermeneutic of suspicion emerges as an interpretative strategy, pitting itself against the hermeneutic of belief; radical (...)
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  22. On the Application of Multiattribute Utility Theory to Models of Choice.Jeffrey Helzner - 2009 - Theory and Decision 66 (4):301-315.
    Ellsberg (The Quarterly Journal of Economics 75, 643–669 (1961); Risk, Ambiguity and Decision, Garland Publishing (2001)) argued that uncertainty is not reducible to risk. At the center of Ellsberg’s argument lies a thought experiment that has come to be known as the three-color example. It has been observed that a significant number of sophisticated decision makers violate the requirements of subjective expected utility theory when they are confronted with Ellsberg’s three-color example. More generally, such decision makers are in conflict (...)
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    A uniform approach for characterizing the provably total number-theoretic functions of KPM and its subsystems.Benjamin Blankertz & Andreas Weiermann - 1999 - Studia Logica 62 (3):399-427.
    In this article we show how to extract with the use of the Buchholz -Cichon-Weiermann approach to subrecursive hierarchies from Rathjen's 1991 ordinal analysis of KPM a characterization of the provably total number-theoretic functions of KPM and some of its subsystems in a uniform and direct way.
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    Charles Parsons. On a number theoretic choice schema and its relation to induction. Intuitionism and proof theory, Proceedings of the summer conference at Buffalo N.Y. 1968, edited by A. Kino, J. Myhill, and R. E. Vesley, Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam and London 1970, pp. 459–473. - Charles Parsons. Review of the foregoing. Zentralblatt für Mathematik and ihre Grenzgebiete, vol. 202 , pp. 12–13. - Charles Parsons. On n-quantifier induction. The journal of symbolic logic, vol. 37 , pp. 466–482. [REVIEW]Helmut Schwichtenberg - 1974 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 39 (2):342.
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    General Recursive Functions in the Number-Theoretic Formal System.Sh^|^Ocirc Maehara & Ji - 1957 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 1 (2):119-130.
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    Reading Gauss in the Computer Age: On the U.S. Reception of Gauss’s Number Theoretical Work (1938–1989).Maarten Bullynck - 2009 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 63 (5):553-580.
    C.F Gauss’s computational work in number theory attracted renewed interest in the twentieth century due to, on the one hand, the edition of Gauss’s Werke, and, on the other hand, the birth of the digital electronic computer. The involvement of the U.S. American mathematicians Derrick Henry Lehmer and Daniel Shanks with Gauss’s work is analysed, especially their continuation of work on topics as arccotangents, factors of n2 + a2, composition of binary quadratic forms. In general, this strand in Gauss’s (...)
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  27. On the Possibility of Non-Literal Legislative Speech.Asgeirsson Hrafn - 2017 - In Francesca Poggi & Alessandro Capone (eds.), Pragmatics and Law: Practical and Theoretical Perspectives. Cham: Springer. pp. 67–101.
    The existing literature on indeterminacy in the law focuses mostly on the use of vague terms in legislation – terms the use of which makes the content of the relevant utterance to some extent indeterminate. As I aim to show, however, not only is the content of a legislative utterance often indeterminate, it is often indeterminate what the content of such an utterance is. In the first two sections of the paper, I discuss in some detail the conditions for (...)
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    Practical Indeterminacy and Theoretical Determinacy.Robert M. Baird - 2007 - Southwest Philosophy Review 23 (2):73-75.
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  29. The structuralist approach to underdetermination.Chanwoo Lee - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2):1-25.
    This paper provides an exposition of the structuralist approach to underdetermination, which aims to resolve the underdetermination of theories by identifying their common theoretical structure. Applications of the structuralist approach can be found in many areas of philosophy. I present a schema of the structuralist approach, which conceptually unifies such applications in different subject matters. It is argued that two classic arguments in the literature, Paul Benacerraf’s argument on natural numbers and W. V. O. Quine’s argument for the indeterminacy (...)
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  30. Advancing Uncertain Combinatorics through Graphization, Hyperization, and Uncertainization: Fuzzy, Neutrosophic, Soft, Rough, and Beyond. Second volume.Takaaki Fujita & Florentin Smarandache - 2024
    The second volume of “Advancing Uncertain Combinatorics through Graphization, Hyperization, and Uncertainization: Fuzzy, Neutrosophic, Soft, Rough, and Beyond” presents a deep exploration of the progress in uncertain combinatorics through innovative methodologies like graphization, hyperization, and uncertainization. This volume integrates foundational concepts from fuzzy, neutrosophic, soft, and rough set theory, among others, to further advance the field. Combinatorics and set theory, two central pillars of mathematics, focus on counting, arrangement, and the study of collections under defined rules. Combinatorics excels in handling (...)
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    On the Surprising in Science and Logic.Jean De Groot - 1987 - Review of Metaphysics 40 (4):631 - 655.
    QUINE'S DOCTRINE of the indeterminacy of translation is made possible by the principle of substitution characteristic of extensional logic. The same characteristic makes it impossible, in philosophy of science, to choose among theoretical models no one of which is obviously best suited to explain the facts. Hilary Putnam achieved a sort of closure to the problem of reference in philosophy of science, when he pointed out the implications of the Skolem-Löwenheim theorem. He said that besides the facts a theory (...)
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  32. Advancing Uncertain Combinatorics through Graphization, Hyperization, and Uncertainization: Fuzzy, Neutrosophic, Soft, Rough, and Beyond. Fifth volume: Various SuperHyperConcepts (Collected Papers).Fujita Takaaki & Florentin Smarandache - 2025 - Gallup, NM, USA: NSIA Publishing House.
    This book is the fifth volume in the series of Collected Papers on Advancing Uncertain Combinatorics through Graphization, Hyperization, and Uncertainization: Fuzzy, Neutrosophic, Soft, Rough, and Beyond. This volume specifically delves into the concept of Various SuperHyperConcepts, building on the foundational advancements introduced in previous volumes. The series aims to explore the ongoing evolution of uncertain combinatorics through innovative methodologies such as graphization, hyperization, and uncertainization. These approaches integrate and extend core concepts from fuzzy, neutrosophic, soft, and rough set theories, (...)
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    G. Kreisel, J. Shoenfield, and Hao Wang. Number theoretic concepts and recursive well-orderings. Archiv für mathematische Logik und Grundlagenforschung, vol. 5 , pp. 42–64. [REVIEW]Ann M. Singleterry - 1966 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 31 (3):511-512.
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    General Recursive Functions in the Number-Theoretic Formal System.Shôji Maehara - 1957 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 1 (2):119-130.
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    Kleene S. C.. Hierarchies of number-theoretic predicates. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, Bd. 61 , S. 193–213. [REVIEW]Werner Markwald - 1956 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 21 (4):411-412.
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  36. Measuring the mental.Garris Rogonyan - 2016 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 50 (4):168-186.
    The article considers pros and cons for a theoretic-measurement analogy, proposed by some philosophers as an illustration of semantic indeterminacy. Within this analogy ascribing of meanings to a certain linguistic expressions is compared with attribution of numbers according to a certain theory of measurement. Donald Davidson used this analogy in order to extend W.V.O. Quine's thesis of indeterminacy of translation to the interpretation of all human behavior. In other words, not only linguistic meanings, but all mental states (...)
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    Might Quantum-Induced Deviations from the Einstein Equations Detectably Affect Gravitational Wave Propagation?Adrian Kent - 2013 - Foundations of Physics 43 (6):707-718.
    A quantum measurement-like event can produce any of a number of macroscopically distinct results, with corresponding macroscopically distinct gravitational fields, from the same initial state. Hence the probabilistically evolving large-scale structure of space-time is not precisely or even always approximately described by the deterministic Einstein equations.Since the standard treatment of gravitational wave propagation assumes the validity of the Einstein equations, it is questionable whether we should expect all its predictions to be empirically verified. In particular, one might expect the (...)
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    A Scrutiny of Reference.Graham Nerlich - 1972 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 1 (3):315 - 326.
    In many of his writings, Quine has argued that language is indeterminate in various ways. He has pursued, at length and often, an ingenious conclusion about one such way, which he sometimes calls the inscrutability of reference and, sometimes, the inscrutability of terms. It is the conclusion that one dimension of indeterminacy leaves the references of general terms unfixed among a number of alternatives; further, that no sort of scrutiny of the terms or of the occasions of their (...)
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  39. Maehara Shôji. General recursive functions in the number-theoretic formal system. Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science, vol. 1 no. 2 , pp. 119–130. [REVIEW]J. R. Shoenfield - 1962 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 27 (1):90-90.
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    How high the sky? Rumfitt on the (putative) indeterminacy of the set-theoretic universe.Crispin Wright - 2018 - Philosophical Studies 175 (8):2067-2078.
    This comment focuses on Chapter 9 of The Boundary Stones of Thought and the argument, due to William Tait, that Ian Rumfitt there sustains for the indeterminacy of set. I argue that Michael Dummett’s argument, based on the notion of indefinite extensibility and set aside by Rumfitt, provides a more powerful basis for the same conclusion. In addition, I outline two difficulties for the way Rumfitt attempts to save classical logic from acknowledged failures of the principle of bivalence, one (...)
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    Georg Kreisel and William W. Tait. Finite definability of number-theoretic functions and parametric completeness of equational calculi. Zeitschrift für mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik, vol. 7 , pp. 28–38. [REVIEW]Rohit Parikh - 1967 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (2):270-271.
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    Determinacy and indeterminacy: Theoretical and philosophical perspectives.George Butterworth - 1997 - In Alan Fogel, Maria C. D. P. Lyra & Jaan Valsiner (eds.), Dynamics and indeterminism in developmental and social processes. Mahwah, N.J.: L. Erlbaum. pp. 111.
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  43. Ontic Indeterminacy: Chinese Madhyamaka in the Contemporary Context.Chien-Hsing Ho - 2020 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 98 (3):419-433.
    A number of analytical philosophers have recently endorsed the view that the world itself is indeterminate in some respect. Intriguingly, ideas similar to the view are expressed by thinkers from Chinese Madhyamaka Buddhism, which may shed light on the current discussion of worldly indeterminacy. Using as a basis Chinese Madhyamaka thought, together with Jessica Wilson’s account of indeterminacy, I develop an ontological conception of indeterminacy, termed ontic indeterminacy, which centres on two complementary ideas—conclusive indeterminability and (...)
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  44. Theoretical implications of the study of numbers and numerals in mundurucu.Pierre Pica & Alain Lecomte - 2008 - Philosophical Psychology 21 (4):507 – 522.
    Developing earlier studies of the system of numbers in Mundurucu, this paper argues that the Mundurucu numeral system is far more complex than usually assumed. The Mundurucu numeral system provides indirect but insightful arguments for a modular approach to numbers and numerals. It is argued that distinct components must be distinguished, such as a system of representation of numbers in the format of internal magnitudes, a system of representation for individuals and sets, and one-to-one correspondences between the numerosity expressed by (...)
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  45. Metaphysical indeterminacy in the multiverse.Claudio Calosi & Jessica Wilson - 2022 - In Valia Allori (ed.), Quantum Mechanics and Fundamentality: Naturalizing Quantum Theory between Scientific Realism and Ontological Indeterminacy. Cham: Springer. pp. 375-395.
    One might suppose that Everettian quantum mechanics (EQM) is inhospitable to metaphysial indeterminacy (MI), given that, as A. Wilson (2020) puts it, "the central idea of EQM is to replace indeterminacy with multiplicity" (77). But as Wilson goes on to suggest, the popular decoherence-based understanding of EQM (henceforth: DEQM) appears to admit of indeterminacy in both world number and world nature, where the latter indeterminacy---our focus here---is plausibly metaphysical. After a brief presentation of DEQM (S1), (...)
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    Wang Hao. Set-theoretical basis for real numbers.J. Barkley Rosser - 1951 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 16 (3):216-216.
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    Indeterminacy and final causation in the process of sign determination.Priscila Monteiro Borges & Juliana Rocha Franco - 2022 - Cognitio 23 (1):59925-59925.
    In semiotics, final causation can be related to the process of determination (PAPE, 1993). From Peirce’s point of view, determination is not a causal determinism, but a delimitation of a range of possibilities. One starts from objects towards interpretants, in a process mediated by the sign, in which the dynamic object works as a force that constrains interpretants to correspond to their objects. The correspondence between object and interpretant is important because it is through a generated interpretant that the object (...)
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    (1 other version)Indeterminacy and Society.Russell Hardin - 2003 - Princeton University Press.
    In simple action theory, when people choose between courses of action, they know what the outcome will be. When an individual is making a choice "against nature," such as switching on a light, that assumption may hold true. But in strategic interaction outcomes, indeterminacy is pervasive and often intractable. Whether one is choosing for oneself or making a choice about a policy matter, it is usually possible only to make a guess about the outcome, one based on anticipating what (...)
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  49. Metaphysical indeterminacy in Everettian quantum mechanics.David Glick & Baptiste Le Bihan - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 14 (3):1-22.
    The question of whether Everettian quantum mechanics (EQM) justifies the existence of metaphysical indeterminacy has recently come to the fore. Metaphysical indeterminacy has been argued to emerge from three sources: coherent superpositions, the indefinite number of branches in the quantum multiverse and the nature of these branches. This paper reviews the evidence and concludes that those arguments don’t rely on EQM alone and rest on metaphysical auxiliary assumptions that transcend the physics of EQM. We show how EQM (...)
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  50. Indeterminacy of fair infinite lotteries.Philip Kremer - 2014 - Synthese 191 (8):1757-1760.
    In ‘Fair Infinite Lotteries’ (FIL), Wenmackers and Horsten use non-standard analysis to construct a family of nicely-behaved hyperrational-valued probability measures on sets of natural numbers. Each probability measure in FIL is determined by a free ultrafilter on the natural numbers: distinct free ultrafilters determine distinct probability measures. The authors reply to a worry about a consequent ‘arbitrariness’ by remarking, “A different choice of free ultrafilter produces a different ... probability function with the same standard part but infinitesimal differences.” They illustrate (...)
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