Results for 'participative research'

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  1.  30
    Ethical Oversight of Multinational Collaborative Research: Lessons from Africa for Building Capacity and for Policy.Jeremy Sugarman & Participants in the Partnership for Enhancing Human Research Protections Durban Workshop1 - 2007 - Research Ethics 3 (3):84-86.
    Researchers and others involved in the research enterprise from 12 African countries met with those working in ethics and oversight in the United States as part of an effort to develop research ethics capacity. Drawing on a wealth of experience among participants, discussions at the meeting revealed five categories of issues that warrant careful attention by those engaged in similar efforts as well as international policymakers and those charged with oversight of research. (1) Principal investigators should build (...)
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    Ethical human participant research in Central Asia: a quantitative analysis of attitudes and practices among social science researchers based in the region.Aipara Berekeyeva, Elaine Sharplin, Matthew Courtney & Roza Sagitova - 2024 - Research Ethics 20 (2):304-330.
    Central Asian researchers are underrepresented in the global research production in social sciences, resulting in a limited Central Asian perspective on many social issues. To stimulate the production of local knowledge, it is important to develop strong research cultures, including knowledge of ethical practices in research with human participants. There is currently scarce evidence about research ethics regulations used by social science researchers working in the Central Asian region. This article reports findings from an online survey (...)
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  3. Ethical Issues in Psychological Research on AIDS.American Psychological Association Committee for the Protection of Human Participants in Research - forthcoming - IRB: Ethics & Human Research.
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  4. Ethical Issues Surrounding Human Participants Research Using the Internet.Sandra Lee & Heidi E. Keller - 2003 - Ethics and Behavior 13 (3):211-219.
    The Internet appears to offer psychologists doing research unrestricted access to infinite amounts and types of data. However, the ethical issues surrounding the use of data and data collection methods are challenging research review boards at many institutions. This article illuminates some of the obstacles facing researchers who wish to take advantage of the Internet's flexibility. The applications of the APA ethical codes for conducting research on human participants on the Internet are reviewed. The principle of beneficence, (...)
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    Beyond the participant-researcher division: co-creating ethical relationships through care and rapport in studies of post-laryngectomy communication.Joanna Komorowska-Mach, Adrianna Wojdat & Konrad Zieliński - 2024 - Diametros 21 (80):23-37.
    This article presents the ethical implications for social science research emerging from our study on interpersonal communication after a laryngectomy. By tracing the evolution of our approach through specific research experiences and participant feedback, we provide empirical support for a flexible, multidimensional, and relational understanding of key ethical concepts, such as vulnerability and the researcher-participant relationship. Our approach has shifted from institutionally imposed rigid categorizations and somewhat stereotypical treatment of both the research group and the researcher-participant relationship (...)
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    Ethical Issues Surrounding Human Participants Research Using the Internet.Heidi E. Keller - 2003 - Ethics and Behavior 13 (3):211-219.
    The Internet appears to offer psychologists doing research unrestricted access to infinite amounts and types of data. However, the ethical issues surrounding the use of data and data collection methods are challenging research review boards at many institutions. This article illuminates some of the obstacles facing researchers who wish to take advantage of the Internet's flexibility. The applications of the APA ethical codes for conducting research on human participants on the Internet are reviewed. The principle of beneficence, (...)
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    Political representation for social justice in nursing: lessons learned from participant research with destitute asylum seekers in the UK.Fiona Cuthill - 2016 - Nursing Inquiry 23 (3):211-222.
    The concept of social justice is making a revival in nursing scholarship, in part in response to widening health inequalities and inequities in high‐income countries. In particular, critical nurse scholars have sought to develop participatory research methods using peer researchers to represent the ‘voice’ of people who are living in marginalized spaces in society. The aim of this paper is to report on the experiences of nurse and peer researchers as part of a project to explore the experiences of (...)
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    Consensus standards for introductory e-learning courses in human participants research ethics.John Williams, Dominique Sprumont, Marie Hirtle, Clement Adebamowo & Paul Braunschweiger - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (6):426-428.
    This paper reports the results of a workshop held in January 2013 to begin the process of establishing standards for e-learning programmes in the ethics of research involving human participants that could serve as the basis of their evaluation by individuals and groups who want to use, recommend or accredit such programmes. The standards that were drafted at the workshop cover the following topics: designer/provider qualifications, learning goals, learning objectives, content, methods, assessment of participants and assessment of the course. (...)
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    Are research participants truly informed? Readability of informed consent forms used in research.James R. P. Ogloff & Randy K. Otto - 1991 - Ethics and Behavior 1 (4):239 – 252.
    Researchers typically attempt to fulfill disclosure and informed consent requirements by having participants read and sign consent forms. The present study evaluated the reading levels of informed consent forms used in psychology research and other fields (medical research; social science and education research; and health, physical education, and recreation research). Two standardized measures of readability were employed to analyze a randomly selected sample (N = 108) of informed consent forms used in Institutional Review Board-approved research (...)
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    Action research as a catalyst for change: Empowered nurses facilitating patient participation in rehabilitation.Randi Steensgaard, Raymond Kolbaek, Julie Borup Jensen & Sanne Angel - 2021 - Nursing Inquiry 28 (1):e12370.
    Based on action research as a practitioner‐involving approach, this article communicates the findings of a two‐year study on implementing patient participation as an empowering learning process for both patients and rehabilitation nurses. At a rehabilitation facility for patients who have sustained spinal cord injuries, eight nurses were engaged throughout the process aiming at improving patient participation. The current practice was explored to understand possibilities and obstacles to patient participation. Observations, interviews and logbooks, creative workshops and reflective meetings led to (...)
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    Researching people who are bereaved: Managing risks to participants and researchers.Ashleigh E. Butler, Beverley Copnell & Helen Hall - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (1):224-234.
    Conducting qualitative research, especially in areas considered ‘sensitive’, presents many challenges. The processes involved in such research often expose both participants and the research team to a vast array of risks, which may cause damage to their personal, professional, social and cultural worlds. Historically, these risks have been considered independent of each other, with most studies exploring only the risks to participants or only risks to researchers. Additionally, most researchers only consider risks during data collection, frequently overlooking (...)
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  12.  43
    Research participation as a contract.Craig Lawson - 1995 - Ethics and Behavior 5 (3):205 – 215.
    In this article, I present a contractualist conception of human-participant research ethics, arguing that the most appropriate source of the rights and responsibilities of researcher and participant is the contractual understanding between them. This conception appears to explain many of the more fundamental ethical incidents of human-participant research. I argue that a system of contractual rights and responsibilities would allow a great deal of research that has often been felt to be ethically problematic, such as research (...)
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  13.  47
    Providing Research Results to Participants: Attitudes and Needs of Adolescents and Parents of Children with Cancer.Conrad Vincent Fernandez, Jun Gao, Caron Strahlendorf, Albert Moghrabi, Rebecca Davis Pentz, Raymond Carlton Barfield, Justin Nathaniel Baker, Darcy Santor, Charles Weijer & Eric Kodish - unknown
    PURPOSE: There is an increasing demand for researchers to provide research results to participants. Our aim was to define an appropriate process for this, based on needs and attitudes of participants. METHODS: A multicenter survey in five sites in the United States and Canada was offered to parents of children with cancer and adolescents with cancer. Respondents indicated their preferred mode of communication of research results with respect to implications; timing, provider, and content of the results; reasons for (...)
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  14.  87
    What should research participants understand to understand they are participants in research?David Wendler & Christine Grady - 2008 - Bioethics 22 (4):203–208.
    To give valid informed consent to participate in clinical research, potential participants should understand the risks, potential benefits, procedures, and alternatives. Potential participants also should understand that they are being invited to participate in research. Yet it is unclear what potential participants need to understand to satisfy this particular requirement. As a result, it is unclear what additional information investigators should disclose about the research; and it is also unclear when failures of understanding in this respect undermine (...)
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  15.  30
    L'originalité de la communication participative en Amérique Latine.Paula Capra - 2007 - Hermes 48:137.
    Durant les années 1970 en Amérique latine, le « courant critique » est très actif dans la reformulation des méthodologies, des objets d'études et des objectifs de la recherche en communication. Dans ce contexte, il élabore le modèle de communication participative en rupture avec le diffusionnisme en prenant comme point de départ la théorie de la dépendance et du colonialisme interne. Ce modèle questionne les relations verticales dans une société donnée. En partant du cas de la radiodiffusion en Bolivie (...)
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  16.  36
    Researching sensitive and emotive topics: The participants’ voice.Jacqueline L. Crowther & Mari Lloyd-Williams - 2012 - Research Ethics 8 (4):200-211.
    There are different groups in society who may be considered vulnerable, for example those experiencing mental or physical health issues, learning disabilities, prisoners or children. There are, however, other groups in society who may also be regarded as vulnerable, such as those who are bereaved. Vulnerability in relation to the bereaved occurs as a result of experiencing a normal life event, death or a loss. In this situation vulnerability may be transient and, depending upon the management of the bereavement, generally (...)
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  17.  31
    Researchers’ perspectives on return of individual genetics results to research participants: a qualitative study.Erisa Sabakaki Mwaka, Deborah Ekusai Sebatta, Joseph Ochieng, Ian Guyton Munabi, Godfrey Bagenda, Deborah Ainembabazi & David Kaawa-Mafigiri - 2021 - Global Bioethics 32 (1):15-33.
    Genetic results are usually not returned to research participants in Uganda despite their increased demand. We report on researchers’ perceptions and experiences of return of individual genetic research results. The study involved 15 in-depth interviews of investigators involved in genetics and/or genomic research. A thematic approach was used to interpret the results. The four themes that emerged from the data were the need for return of individual results including incidental findings, community engagement and the consenting process, implications (...)
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  18.  66
    Research ethics: An investigation of patients’ motivations for their participation in genetics-related research.N. Hallowell, S. Cooke, G. Crawford, A. Lucassen & M. Parker - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (1):37-45.
    Design: Qualitative interview study. Participants: Fifty-nine patients with a family history of cancer who attend a regional cancer genetics clinic in the UK were interviewed about their current and previous research experiences. Findings: Interviewees gave a range of explanations for research participation. These were categorised as social—research participation benefits the wider society by progressing science and improving treatment for everyone; familial—research participation may improve healthcare and benefit current or future generations of the participant’s family; and personal— (...) participation provides therapeutic or non-therapeutic benefits for oneself. Conclusions: We discuss the distinction drawn between motives for research participation focused upon self and others, and observe that personal, social and familial motives can be seen as interdependent. For example, research participation that is undertaken to benefit others, particularly relatives, may also offer a number of personal benefits for self, such as enabling participants to feel that they have discharged their social or familial obligations. We argue for the need to move away from simple, static, individualised notions of research participation to a more complex, dynamic and inherently social account. (shrink)
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  19.  85
    Protecting vulnerable research participants: A Foucault-inspired analysis of ethics committees.Truls I. Juritzen, Harald Grimen & Kristin Heggen - 2011 - Nursing Ethics 18 (5):640-650.
    History has demonstrated the necessity of protecting research participants. Research ethics are based on a concept of asymmetry of power, viewing the researcher as powerful and potentially dangerous and establishing ethics committees as external agencies in the field of research. We argue in favour of expanding this perspective on relationships of power to encompass the ethics committees as one among several actors that exert power and that act in a relational interplay with researchers and participants. We employ (...)
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  20.  54
    Research biopsies in phase I studies: views and perspectives of participants and investigators.R. D. Pentz, R. D. Harvey, M. White, Z. L. Farmer, O. Dashevskaya, Z. Chen, C. Lewis, T. K. Owonikoko & F. R. Khuri - 2012 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 34 (2):1-8.
    In many research studies, tumor biopsies are an unavoidable requirement for achieving key scientific aims. Yet some commentators view mandatory research biopsies as coercive and suggest they should be optional, or at least optional until further data are obtained regarding their scientific usefulness. Further complicating the ethical picture is the fact that some research biopsies offer a potential for clinical benefit to trial participants. We interviewed and surveyed a convenience sample of participants in phase I clinical trials (...)
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  21.  92
    Understanding informed consent for participation in international health research.Ayodele S. Jegede - 2008 - Developing World Bioethics 9 (2):81-87.
    To participate in health research, there is a need for well-administered informed consent. Understanding of informed consent, especially in international health research, is influenced by the participants' understanding of information and the meaning attached to the information communicated to them regarding the purpose and procedure of the research. Incorrect information and the power differential between researcher and participants may lead to participants becoming victims of harmful research procedures. Meningitis epidemics in Kano in early 1996 led to (...)
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  22.  24
    Research Participants Should Be Rewarded Rather than “Compensated for Time and Burdens”.Joanna Różyńska - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (3):53-55.
    Paying research subjects for their participation in biomedical studies is an increasingly common and acceptable practice. Nevertheless, it continues to raise numerous conceptual, ethical, and pract...
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  23.  38
    Protecting Research Subjects from Prohibited Multi-Participation in Clinical Trials.Hans-Peter Graf - 2011 - Research Ethics 7 (4):136-147.
    The protection of human research subjects in clinical studies is regulated by international guidelines and national laws. Research Ethics Committees play an important role here, as they review the documentation for clinical studies under consideration of ethical aspects. This documentation includes an exclusion or wash-out period which designates when study subjects may not have participated in another study or be allowed to take part in a future one within a specified time period. However not all research subjects (...)
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    Participants’ safety versus confidentiality: A case study of HIV research.Juan Manuel Leyva-Moral & Maria Feijoo-Cid - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (3):376-380.
    Background When conducting qualitative research, participants usually share lots of personal and private information with the researcher. As researchers, we must preserve participants’ identity and confidentiality of the data. Objective To critically analyze an ethical conflict encountered regarding confidentiality when doing qualitative research. Research design Case study. Findings and discussion one of the participants in a study aiming to explain the meaning of living with HIV verbalized his imminent intention to commit suicide because of stigma of other (...)
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    Deceiving Research Participants: Is It Inconsistent With Valid Consent?David Wendler - 2022 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 47 (4):558-571.
    It is widely assumed that the use of deception in research is always inconsistent with obtaining valid consent. In addition, guidelines and regulations permit research without valid consent only when it poses no greater than minimal risk. Current practice thus prohibits studies that use deception and pose greater than minimal risk, including studies that rely on deceptive methods to evaluate experimental treatments. To assess whether these prohibitions are justified, the present paper evaluates five arguments that might be thought (...)
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  26. Participation in biomedical research: The consent process as viewed by children, adolescents, young adults, and physicians.John C. Fletcher - forthcoming - Research Ethics.
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    Paying research subjects: participants' perspectives.M. L. Russell - 2000 - Journal of Medical Ethics 26 (2):126-130.
    Objective—To explore the opinions of unpaid healthy volunteers on the payment of research subjects.Design—Prospective cohort.Setting—Southern Alberta, Canada.Participants—Medically eligible persons responding to recruiting advertisements for a randomised vaccine trial were invited to take part in a study of informed consent at the point at which they formally consented or refused trial participation. Of 72 invited, 67 returned questionnaires at baseline and 54 at follow-up.Outcome measures—Proportions of persons who agreed or disagreed with three close-ended statements on the payment of research (...)
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  28.  56
    Why participating in scientific research is a moral duty.Joanna Forsberg, Mats Hansson & Stefan Eriksson - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (5):325-328.
    Our starting point in this article is the debate between John Harris and Iain Brassington on whether or not there is a duty to take part in scientific research. We consider the arguments that have been put forward based on fairness and a duty to rescue, and suggest an alternative justification grounded in a hypothetical agreement: that is, because effective healthcare cannot be taken for granted, but requires continuous medical research, and nobody knows what kind of healthcare they (...)
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  29.  32
    Participant recall and understandings of information on biobanking and future genomic research: experiences from a multi-disease community-based health screening and biobank platform in rural South Africa.Janet Seeley, Emily B. Wong, Mark J. Siedner, Olivier Koole, Dickman Gareta, Resign Gunda, Dumsani Gumede, Nothando Ngwenya & Manono Luthuli - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-11.
    BackgroundLimited research has been conducted on explanations and understandings of biobanking for future genomic research in African contexts with low literacy and limited healthcare access. We report on the findings of a sub-study on participant understanding embedded in a multi-disease community health screening and biobank platform study known as ‘Vukuzazi’ in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.MethodsSemi-structured interviews were conducted with research participants who had been invited to take part in the Vukuzazi study, including both participants and non-participants, and (...)
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    Researching about us without us: exploring research participation and the politics of disability rights in the context of the Mental Capacity Act 2005.Gillian Loomes - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (6):424-427.
    The right to active participation by disabled people in academic research has been discussed at length in recent years, along with the potential for such research to function as a tool in challenging oppression and pursuing disability rights. Significant ethical, legal and methodological dilemmas arise, however, in circumstances where a disabled person loses the capacity to provide informed consent to such participation. In this article, I consider disability politics and academic research in the context of the Mental (...)
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  31.  47
    Research Participants' Views on Ethics in Social Research: Issues for Research Ethics Committees.Jane Lewis & Jenny Graham - 2007 - Research Ethics 3 (3):73-79.
    The study reported in this paper explored the ethical requirements of social research participants, an area where there is still little empirical research, by interviewing people who had participated in one of five recent social research studies. The findings endorse the conceptualization of informed consent as a process rather than a one-off event. Four different dynamics of decision-making were followed by participants in terms of the timing of decisions to participate and the information on which they were (...)
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  32.  61
    Returning a Research Participant's Genomic Results to Relatives: Analysis and Recommendations.Susan M. Wolf, Rebecca Branum, Barbara A. Koenig, Gloria M. Petersen, Susan A. Berry, Laura M. Beskow, Mary B. Daly, Conrad V. Fernandez, Robert C. Green, Bonnie S. LeRoy, Noralane M. Lindor, P. Pearl O'Rourke, Carmen Radecki Breitkopf, Mark A. Rothstein, Brian Van Ness & Benjamin S. Wilfond - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (3):440-463.
    Genomic research results and incidental findings with health implications for a research participant are of potential interest not only to the participant, but also to the participant's family. Yet investigators lack guidance on return of results to relatives, including after the participant's death. In this paper, a national working group offers consensus analysis and recommendations, including an ethical framework to guide investigators in managing this challenging issue, before and after the participant's death.
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  33. Payment for research participation: a coercive offer?A. Wertheimer & F. G. Miller - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (5):389-392.
    Payment for research participation has raised ethical concerns, especially with respect to its potential for coercion. We argue that characterising payment for research participation as coercive is misguided, because offers of benefit cannot constitute coercion. In this article we analyse the concept of coercion, refute mistaken conceptions of coercion and explain why the offer of payment for research participation is never coercive but in some cases may produce undue inducement.
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    Increasing physician participation as subjects in scientific and quality improvement research.Amy L. McGuire & Sylvia J. Hysong - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1–4.
    Background The twenty-first century has witnessed an exponential increase in healthcare quality research. As such activities become more prevalent, physicians are increasingly needed to participate as subjects in research and quality improvement (QI) projects. This raises an important ethical question: how should physicians be remunerated for participating as research and/or QI subjects? Financial versus non-monetary incentives for participation Research suggests participation in research and QI is often driven by conditional altruism, the idea that although initial (...)
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    Exit from Brain Device Research: A Modified Grounded Theory Study of Researcher Obligations and Participant Experiences.Lauren R. Sankary, Megan Zelinsky, Andre Machado, Taylor Rush, Alexandra White & Paul J. Ford - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 13 (4):215-226.
    As clinical trials end, little is understood about how participants exiting from clinical trials approach decisions related to the removal or post-trial use of investigational brain implants, such as deep brain stimulation (DBS) devices. This empirical bioethics study examines how research participants experience the process of exit from research at the end of clinical trials of implanted neural devices. Using a modified grounded theory study design, we conducted semi-structured, in-depth interviews with 16 former research participants from clinical (...)
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  36.  25
    Unwarranted Participant Questions and Virtuous Researcher Lies.Paul Davis - 2011 - Research Ethics 7 (3):91-99.
    Most writing on research ethics is about researcher treatment of participants. This essay considers a participant threat to researcher privacy and integrity. It is based partly upon a real-life sport research case, and discusses a participant request to know if the researcher supports a particular and popular football team. The researcher does support this team, but felt disinclined to answer truthfully, and so lied. It is argued, with the help of analogous cases, that the participant question is what (...)
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    Coercive offers and research participation: a comment on Wertheimer and Miller.J. McMillan - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (7):383-384.
    Concepts such as ‘coercion’ and ‘inducement’ are often used within bioethics without much reflection upon what they mean. This is particularly so in research ethics where they are assumed to imply that payment for research participation is unethical. Wertheimer and Miller advance our thinking about these concepts and research ethics in a significant way, specifically by questioning the possibility of genuine offers ever being coercive. This commentary argues that they are right to question this assumption, however, more (...)
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    Bereaved participants’ reasons for wanting their real names used in thanatology research.Bonnie J. Scarth - 2016 - Research Ethics 12 (2):80-96.
    This research ethics article focuses on an unexpected finding from my Master’s thesis examining bereaved participants’ experiences of taking part in sensitive qualitative research: some participants wanted their real names used in my written dissertation and any subsequent empirical publications. While conducting interviews for my thesis and explaining the consent process, early responses highlighted the problematic notion of anonymity for participants engaged in qualitative research. Several participants asserted the significance of immortalizing their deceased loved ones in the (...)
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    Viewing Research Participation as a Moral Obligation: In Whose Interests?Stuart Rennie - 2011 - Hastings Center Report 41 (2):40.
    Over the past few years, a growing number of people have called for reconceptualizing participation in health research as a moral obligation. John Harris argues that seriously debilitating diseases give rise to important needs, and since medical research is necessary to relieve those needs in many circumstances, people are morally obligated to act as research subjects.1 Rosamond Rhodes claims that research participation is a moral obligation for reasons of justice, beneficence, and self-development: because we all benefit (...)
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    ‘Risky’ research and participants' interests: the ethics of phase 2C clinical trials.Sarah Chan, Ying-Kiat Zee, Gordon Jayson & John Harris - 2011 - Clinical Ethics 6 (2):91-96.
    Biomedical research involving human participants is highly regulated and subject to stringent ethical requirements. Clinical research ethics, regulation and policy have tended to focus almost exclusively on the protection of participants' interests against harms that might result from taking part in research. Less consideration, however, has been given to the interests that patients may themselves have in research participation, even in trials that may be beyond the bounds of current clinical research practice. In this paper, (...)
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    Enabling the Voices of Marginalized Groups of People in Theoretical Business Ethics Research.Kristian Alm & David S. A. Guttormsen - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 182 (2):303-320.
    The paper addresses an understudied but highly relevant group of people within corporate organizations and society in general—the marginalized—as well as their narration, and criticism, of personal lived experiences of marginalization in business. They are conventionally perceived to lack traditional forms of power such as public influence, formal authority, education, money, and political positions; however, they still possess the resources to impact their situations, their circumstances, and the structures that determine their situations. Business ethics researchers seldom consider marginalized people’s voices (...)
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    Paternalism and Utilitarianism in Research with Human Participants.David B. Resnik - 2012 - Health Care Analysis (1):1-13.
    In this article I defend a rule utilitarian approach to paternalistic policies in research with human participants. Some rules that restrict individual autonomy can be justified on the grounds that they help to maximize the overall balance of benefits over risks in research. The consequences that should be considered when formulating policy include not only likely impacts on research participants, but also impacts on investigators, institutions, sponsors, and the scientific community. The public reaction to adverse events in (...)
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  43. Social Research Ethics: An Examination of the Merits of Covert Participant Observation.Martin Bulmer (ed.) - 1982 - Holmes & Meier Publishers.
  44.  17
    Blurred Researcher–Participant Boundaries in Critical Research: Do Non-clinicians and Clinicians Experience Similar Dual-Role Tensions?Jean Hay-Smith, Melanie Brown, Lynley Anderson & Gareth J. Treharne - 2018 - In Catriona Ida Macleod, Jacqueline Marx, Phindezwa Mnyaka & Gareth J. Treharne (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Ethics in Critical Research. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 145-161.
    Boundaries between research and clinical practice blur in health research conducted by clinician-researchers. We describe a typology, of clinician-researcher dual-role tensions, with two overarching catalysts: acting as a clinical resource for patient-participants and forming researcher–participant relationships mirroring clinician–patient relationships. Using the typology as an analytic template we explored blurred boundaries in five illustrative, non-clinician, critical studies. Like clinician-researchers, critical researchers act in ways that promote rapport and relationships with their participants, which can blur boundaries. While clinician-researchers see tension (...)
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    Protecting Participants in Genomic Research: Understanding the “Web of Protections” Afforded by Federal and State Law.Leslie E. Wolf, Catherine M. Hammack, Erin Fuse Brown, Kathleen M. Brelsford & Laura M. Beskow - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (1):126-141.
    Researchers now commonly collect biospecimens for genomic analysis together with information from mobile devices and electronic health records. This rich combination of data creates new opportunities for understanding and addressing important health issues, but also intensifies challenges to privacy and confidentiality. Here, we elucidate the “web” of legal protections for precision medicine research by integrating findings from qualitative interviews with structured legal research and applying them to realistic research scenarios involving various privacy threats.
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    Scientific research, technological innovation and the agenda of social justice, democratic participation and sustainability.Hugh Lacey - 2014 - Scientiae Studia 12 (SPE):37-55.
    Modern science, whose methodologies give special privilege to using decontextualizing strategies and downplay the role of context-sensitive strategies, have been extraordinarily successful in producing knowledge whose applications have transformed the shape of the lifeworld. Nevertheless, I argue that how the mainstream of the modern scientific tradition interprets the nature and objectives of science is incoherent; and that today there are two competing interpretations of scientific activities that are coherent and that maintain continuity with the success of the tradition: "commercially-oriented technoscience" (...)
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    Reconceptualizing participant vulnerability in Scholarship of Teaching and Learning research: exploring the perspectives of health faculty students in Aotearoa New Zealand.Amanda B. Lees, Rosemary Godbold & Simon Walters - 2024 - Research Ethics 20 (1):36-63.
    While the need to protect vulnerable research participants is universal, conceptual challenges with the notion of vulnerability may result in the under or over-protection of participants. Ethics review bodies making assumptions about who is vulnerable and in what circumstance can be viewed as paternalistic if they do not consider participant viewpoints. Our study focuses on participant vulnerability in Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) research. We aim to illuminate students’ views on participant vulnerability to contribute to critical analysis (...)
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    Research ethics: Participants’ perceptions of motivation, randomisation and withdrawal in a randomised controlled trial of interventions for prevention of depression.J. B. Grant, A. J. Mackinnon, H. Christensen & J. Walker - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (12):768-733.
    Aims and background: Little is known about how participants perceive prevention trials, particularly trials designed to prevent mental illness. This study examined participants’ motives for participating in a trial and their views of randomisation and the ability to withdraw from a randomised controlled trial for prevention of depression. Methods: Participants were older adults reporting elevated depression symptoms living in urban and regional locations in Australia who had consented to participate in an RCT of interventions to prevent depression. Participants rated their (...)
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    Writer and participant visibility in quantitative and qualitative research: a corpus-assisted study of human agent verbs in health science publications.Ruth Breeze - 2024 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 20 (1):1-23.
    Quantitative and qualitative research writing is thought to differ in a number of ways, which include the visibility given to the human agents involved, that is, writers and participants in the study. However, most studies have so far centred on writer visibility alone, which has been measured principally through personal pronoun use. This paper approaches the issue of writer and participant visibility in one area of research where both quantitative and qualitative methods are frequent, namely health sciences. A (...)
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    Authorship disputes and patient research participation: collaborating across backgrounds.Will Hall - 2023 - Research Ethics 19 (1):90-101.
    Public participation and survivor research in mental health are widely recognized as vital to the field. At the same time, contributions of patient collaborators can present unique challenges to determining authorship. Using an unresolved dispute around research contributions to the American Psychiatric Association’s Psychiatric Services journal, authorship and contribution are addressed. Recommendations are suggested to prevent dilemmas and achieve responsible research credit inclusion, especially among researchers with different backgrounds and asymmetric power relations. Researchers and publishers can prepare (...)
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