Results for 'penal substitution'

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  1.  66
    Is penal substitution unjust?William Lane Craig - 2018 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 83 (3):231-244.
    Penal substitution in a theological context is the doctrine that God inflicted upon Christ the suffering which we deserved as the punishment for our sins, as a result of which we no longer deserve punishment. Ever since the time of Faustus Socinus, the doctrine has faced formidable, and some would say insuperable, philosophical challenges. Critics of penal substitution frequently assert that God’s punishing Christ in our place would be an injustice on God’s part. For it is (...)
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  2. Not Penal Substitution but Vicarious Punishment.Mark C. Murphy - 2009 - Faith and Philosophy 26 (3):253-273.
    The penal substitution account of the Atonement fails for conceptual reasons: punishment is expressive action, condemning the party punished, and so is not transferable from a guilty to an innocent party. But there is a relative to the penal substitution view, the vicarious punishment account, that is neither conceptually nor morally objectionable. On this view, the guilty person’s punishment consists in the suffering of an innocent to whom he or she bears a special relationship. Sinful humanity (...)
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  3. Do we believe in penal substitution?David K. Lewis - 1997 - Philosophical Papers 26 (3):203 - 209.
    If a guilty offender is justly sentenced to be punished and an innocent volunteer agrees to be punished instead, is that any reason to leave the offender unpunished? In the context of mundane criminal justice, we mostly think not. But in a religious context, some Christians do believe in penal substitution as a theory of the atonement. However, it is not just these Christians, but most of us, who are of two minds. If the punishment is an imprisonment (...)
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    The coherence of equivocal penal substitution: modern and scholastic voices.G. H. Labooy & P. M. Wisse - 2019 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 86 (3):227-241.
    In this contribution we investigate the conceptual coherence of penal substitution and its moral validity. After assessing two opposing modern contributions, we turn to Reformed and medieval scholasticism. This scholastic manoeuvre sheds additional light on the analytic questions at issue. Following Owen and Scotus in their use of a relational analysis of guilt and its punishment, we argue that penal substitution is conceptually and morally coherent, albeit not univocally vis-à-vis ordinary punishment. Absent from the case of (...)
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    Is Penal Substitution Unsatisfactory?William Lane Craig - 2019 - Philosophia Christi 21 (1):153-166.
    It might be objected to penal substitutionary theories that punishing Christ could not possibly meet the demands of divine retributive justice. For punishing another person for my crimes would not serve to remove my guilt. The Anglo-American system of justice, in fact, does countenance and even endorse cases in which a substitute satisfies the demands of retributive justice. Moreover, Christ’s being divinely and voluntarily appointed to act not merely as our substitute but as our representative enables him to serve (...)
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    Craig on Penal Substitution: A Critique.Joshua R. Farris & S. Mark Hamilton - 2021 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 63 (2):237-269.
    SummaryThe recent atonement literature reveals a growing trend accepting the thesis that the Reformer’s doctrine just is the biblical doctrine of penal substitution. This is the claim of William Lane Craig in his recent works on the atonement. In the present article, we challenge these set of claims in Craig’s recent works and advance an alternative theory of the atonement that has some significant footing in the Reformed theological tradition, most notably reflected in the theologian, William Ames. Finally, (...)
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  7. Punishing and Atoning: A New Critique of Penal Substitution.Brent G. Kyle - 2013 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 74 (2):201-218.
    The doctrine of penal substitution claims that it was good (or required) for God to punish in response to human sin, and that Christ received this punishment in our stead. I argue that this doctrine’s central factual claim—that Christ was punished by God—is mistaken. In order to punish someone, one must at least believe the recipient is responsible for an offense. But God surely did not believe the innocent Christ was responsible for an offense, let alone the offense (...)
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    Rethinking the logic of Penal Substitution.Steven Porter - 2002 - In William Lane Craig (ed.), Philosophy of religion: a reader and guide. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press. pp. 596--608.
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    Do We Believe in Consequences? Revisiting the “Incoherence Objection” to Penal Substitution.Christopher Woznicki - 2018 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 60 (2):208-228.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie Jahrgang: 60 Heft: 2 Seiten: 208-228.
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  10. Swinburnian Atonement and the Doctrine of Penal Substitution.Steven L. Porter - 2004 - Faith and Philosophy 21 (2):228-241.
    This paper is a philosophical defense of the doctrine of penal substitution. I begin with a delineation of Richard Swinburne’s satisfaction-type theory of the atonement, exposing a weakness of it which motivates a renewed look at the theory of penal substitution. In explicating a theory of penal substitution, I contend that: (i) the execution of retributive punishment is morally justified in certain cases of deliberate wrongdoing; (ii) deliberate human sin against God constitutes such a (...)
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  11. The Permissibility of the Atonement as Penal Substitution.Jada Twedt Strabbing - 2016 - Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion 7:239-270.
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  12.  33
    Penal Substitutionism, Divine Justice, and the Existence of God.J. Angelo Corlett & Nathan Huffine - 2021 - Philosophy and Theology 33 (1):69-93.
    Professor William Lane Craig argues that a particular set of concerns about the Christian doctrine of penal substitution (namely, that Jesus of Nazareth was sacrificed for the sins of humanity) can be satisfied. This article provides rebuttals to said replies in an attempt to render plausible the claim that God exists to the extent that God is perfectly just, and that divine justice requires, among other things, that God never engage in the harming of innocents, consistent with any (...)
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  13.  41
    Reparative Substitution and the ‘Efficacy Objection’: Toward a Modified Satisfaction Theory of Atonement.Joshua R. Farris & S. Mark Hamilton - 2017 - Perichoresis 15 (3):97-110.
    The doctrine of the atonement is a subject of perpetual curiosity for a number of contemporary theologians. The penal substitution theory of atonement in particular has precipitated a great deal of recent interest, being held up by many Protestants as ‘the’ doctrine of atonement. In this essay, we make a defense against the objection to the Anselmian theory of atonement that is often leveled against it by exponents of the Penal Substitution theory, namely, that Christ’s work (...)
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    Czy dopuszczamy karę w zastępstwie za winowajcę? (przeł. Joanna Klara Teske).David Lewis & Joanna Klara Teske - 2021 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 69 (4):497-505.
    The David Lewis’s article concerns the issue of penal substitution in the dual context of the contemporary system of criminal law, in which punishment does not perform a compensatory function, and in the context of the Christian interpretation of Christ’s death as Atonement. It may seem that we do not believe in penal substitution, but in fact we do believe in it selectively. There are Christians who believe that Christ’s death is a payment of the debt (...)
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  15.  12
    Aliados extraños: la inferencia a la mejor explicación y el estándar de prueba penal.Larry Laudan - 2007 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho 1 (1):305-327.
    In this short essay the author deals with the fundamental question of whether the Inference to the Best Explanation (IBE) model has sufficient grounds to be considered as a substitute of the current criminal standard of proof (proof Beyond All Reasonable Doubt). After giving an overview of the IBE model as proposed in more general fields such as epistemology and the philosophy of science, and after concluding that the IBE has failed as a model of the acceptance and rejection of (...)
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    Preventing HIV Transmission via HIV Exposure Laws: Applying Logic and Mathematical Modeling to Compare Statutory Approaches to Penalizing Undisclosed Exposure to HIV.Carol L. Galletly & Steven D. Pinkerton - 2008 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 36 (3):577-584.
    Twenty-four U.S. states have enacted HIV exposure laws that prohibit HIV-positive persons from engaging in sexual activities with partners to whom they have not disclosed their HIV-status. From a public health perspective, HIV serostatus exposure laws can be viewed as structural interventions that seek to limit the spread of HIV by acting at the policy level. A central premise of these laws is that informed partners are more likely to protect themselves by declining sex, by substituting less risky activities for (...)
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  17.  62
    Punishment and Satisfaction In Aquinas’s Account of the Atonement.Nikolaus Breiner - 2018 - Faith and Philosophy 35 (2):237-256.
    According to Eleonore Stump, Thomas Aquinas rejects a “popular” (roughly, penal substitutionary) account of the atonement. For Stump’s Aquinas, God does not require satisfaction or punishment for human sin, and the function of satisfaction is remedial, not juridical or penal. Naturally, then, Aquinas does not, on this reading, see Christ’s passion as having saving effect in virtue of Christ substitutionally bearing the punishment for human sin that divine justice requires. I argue that Stump is incorrect. For Aquinas, divine (...)
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  18. Original sin and atonement.Oliver D. Crisp - 2008 - In Thomas P. Flint & Michael Rea (eds.), The Oxford handbook of philosophical theology. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The atonement is one of the central and defining doctrines of Christian theology. Yet the nature of the atonement – how it is that Christ's life and death on the cross actually atone for human sin – remains a theological conundrum. This article offers a new argument for an old theory of the atonement, namely, penal substitution. First, it sets out the theological context for the argument. This involves giving some account of alternative theories of the atonement in (...)
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  19.  30
    Toward an African Theory of the Atonement.Kirk Lougheed - 2022 - Journal of Analytic Theology 10:200-209.
    Contemporary philosophy of religion and analytic theology has recently experienced a revival regarding the nature of the Christian Atonement. The Kaleidoscope theory of the atonement says that the major theories such as Christus Victor, Satisfaction, Penal Substitution, and Moral Exemplar each capture an important aspect of the significance of the atonement. When taken together, they offer a fuller picture of the atonement than they do as individual theories. My goal is to add to the Kaleidoscope theory by drawing (...)
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  20.  39
    The Atonement.William Lane Craig - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    How did Christ's death overcome the estrangement and condemnation of sinners before a holy God, so as to reconcile them to Him? A great variety of theories of the atonement have been offered over the centuries to make sense of the fact that Christ by his death has provided the means of reconciliation with God: ransom theories, satisfaction theories, moral influence theories, penal substitution theories, and so on. Competing theories need to be assessed by their accord with biblical (...)
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  21.  6
    The Godly Image: Christ and Salvation in Catholic Thought from Anselm to Aquinas by Romanus Cessario, O.P.William P. Loewe - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (1):147-148.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 147 The Godly Image: Christ and Salvation in Catholic Thought from Anselm to Aquinas. By ROMANUS CESSARIO, O.P. Studies in historical theology. v. 6. Petersham, Mass.: St. Bede's Publications, 1990. Pp. xxiv + 214. $14.95 (paper). The Godly Image presents a retouched version of the author's dissertation, first published in 1982 as Christian Satisfaction in Aquinas: Towards a Personalist Understanding (Washington, DC: University Press of America). Seeking (...)
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  22. Sin, grace, and redemption in Abelard.Thomas Williams - 2004 - In Jeffrey E. Brower & Kevin Guilfoy (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Abelard. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 258-278.
    "From time to time some of my friends startle me by referring to the Atonement itself as a revolting heresy," wrote Austin Farrer, "invented by the twelfth century and exploded by the twentieth. Yet the word is in the Bible." (1) Farrer is referring to Romans 5:11 in the Authorized Version: "we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement." Here the word 'atonement'--literally, the state of being "at one"--translates the Greek (...)
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  23.  44
    Re-Thinking Atonement in Jonathan Edwards and New England Theology.S. Mark Hamilton - 2017 - Perichoresis 15 (1):85-99.
    Jonathan Edwards′ New England theology has a great deal more to say that is of contemporary doctrinal interest than it is often credited with, particularly as it relates to the doctrine of atonement. This article explores several anomalous claims made be this 18th and 19th century tradition, and in this way, challenges the recent and growing consensus that Edwards espoused the penal substitution model and his successors a moral government model. I argue that of all that is yet (...)
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  24. Atonement and the Concept of Punishment.Daniel J. Hill & Joseph Jedwab - 2015 - In Oliver Crisp & Fred Sanders (eds.), Locating Atonement. Zondervan Academic. pp. 139-153.
  25.  7
    New Threats to Freedom.Adam Bellow (ed.) - 2010 - Templeton Press.
    New Threats to Freedom In the twentieth century, free people faced a number of mortal threats,ranging from despotism, fascism, and communism to the looming menace of global terrorism. While the struggle against some of these overt dangers continues, some insidious new threats seem to have slipped past our intellectual defenses. These often unchallenged threats are quietly eroding our hard-won freedoms and, in some cases, are widely accepted as beneficial. In New Threats to Freedom, editor and author Adam Bellow has assembled (...)
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  26.  61
    Morality and medical science: Concepts of narcotic addiction in Britain, 1820–1926.Virginia Berridge - 1979 - Annals of Science 36 (1):67-85.
    This paper examines the evolution of ideas about narcotic addiction. In the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, addiction was not viewed as a medical condition, but as a ‘bad habit’. The contemporary reaction to De Quincey's Confessions demonstrates the general lack of medical involvement. The question of opium eating and longevity, first generated by the Mar case, brought increased medical interest and an embryo connection with the anti-opium crusade. In the second half of the century, addiction was more fully ‘medicalised’ (...)
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  27.  83
    Communal Substitutionary Atonement.Joshua Thurow - 2015 - Journal of Analytic Theology 3:47-69.
    In this paper I develop and defend a new theory of the Atonement - the Communal Substitution Theory. According to the Communal Substitution Theory, by dying on the cross Jesus either takes on the punishment for, or offers satisfaction for, the sins of the human community. Individual humans have sinned, but human communities have sinned as well. Jesus dies for the communal sins. As a result, human communities are forgiven and reconciled to God, and through the event of (...)
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    Empirical Desert, Individual Prevention, and Limiting Retributivism: A Reply.Paul Robinson, Joshua S. Barton & Matthew J. Lister - 2014 - New Criminal Law Review 17 (2):312-375.
    A number of articles and empirical studies over the past decade, most by Paul Robinson and co-authors, have suggested a relationship between the extent of the criminal law's reputation for being just in its distribution of criminal liability and punishment in the eyes of the community – its "moral credibility" – and its ability to gain that community's deference and compliance through a variety of mechanisms that enhance its crime-control effectiveness. This has led to proposals to have criminal liability and (...)
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    Justificación de Una dogmática.JuRÍdiCo-PenaL en MéXiCo - 2008 - In Ricardo Franco Guzmán (ed.), Homenaje a Ricardo Franco Guzmán: 50 años de vida académica. México, D.F.: Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Penales.
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  30. Organ donation and transplantation.Human Organs & Substituted Judgement Doctrine - 1984 - Bioethics Reporter 1 (1).
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    The Ethics of Punishment.William Temple & Howard League for Penal Reform - 1930 - Howard League for Penal Reform.
  32. Help seeking behaviour of abused older women (Cases of Austria, Belgium, Finland, Lithuania and Portugal).Ilona Tamutienė, Liesbeth De Donder, Bridget Penale, Gert Lang, Minna-Liisa Luoma & Jose Ferreira-Alves - 2014 - Filosofija. Sociologija 24 (4).
    This article based on a recent European study examines the subjective consequences of abuse against older women and their help seeking behavior. In 2010, survey data concerning experiences of abuse in domestic settings were collected from 2,880 older women across five European countries (Austria, Belgium, Finland, Lithuania, and Portugal). The results of the study indicated that overall 30.1% of older women reported at least one experience of abuse in the past year. Less than half of the victims talked about it (...)
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  33.  55
    Duality for Compact Logics and Substitution in Abstract Model Theory.Paolo Lipparini - 1985 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 31 (31-34):517-532.
  34. Seeing sounds and tingling tongues: Qualia in synaesthesia and sensory substitution.Michael Proulx & Petra Stoerig - 2006 - Anthropology and Philosophy 7 (1-2):135-150.
    In this paper we wish to bring together two seemingly independent areas of research: synaesthesia and sensory substitution. Synaesthesia refers to a rare condition where a sensory stimulus elicits not only the sensation that stimulus evokes in its own modality, but an additional one; a synaesthete may thus hear the word “Monday”, and, in addition to hearing it, have a concurrent visual experience of a red color. Sensory substitution, in contrast, attempts to substitute a sensory modality that a (...)
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  35. Strong termination for the epsilon substitution method.Grigori Mints - 1996 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 61 (4):1193-1205.
    Ackermann proved termination for a special order of reductions in Hilbert's epsilon substitution method for the first order arithmetic. We establish termination for arbitrary order of reductions.
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    Dissociations among attention, perception, and awareness during object-substitution masking.Geoffrey F. Woodman & Steven J. Luck - 2003 - Psychological Science 14 (6):605-611.
  37.  10
    Distal attribution and distance perception in sensory substitution.J. H. Siegle & W. H. Warren - 2010 - Perception 39.
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  38. What is the question to which 'substitution'is the answer.Robert Bernasconi - 2002 - In Robert Bernasconi & Simon Critchley (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Lévinas. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 234--251.
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    The changing picture of object substitution masking: reply to Di Lollo.Endel Põder - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    An automatic theorem prover for substitution and detachment systems.Jeremy George Peterson - 1978 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 19 (1):119-122.
  41.  34
    Phylogenetic Inference and the Misplaced Premise of Substitution Rates.Kirk Fitzhugh - 2021 - Acta Biotheoretica 69 (4):799-819.
    Three competing ‘methods’ have been endorsed for inferring phylogenetic hypotheses: parsimony, likelihood, and Bayesianism. The latter two have been claimed superior because they take into account rates of sequence substitution. Can rates of substitution be justified on its own accord in inferences of explanatory hypotheses? Answering this question requires addressing four issues: (1) the aim of scientific inquiry, (2) the nature of why-questions, (3) explanatory hypotheses as answers to why-questions, and (4) acknowledging that neither parsimony, likelihood, nor Bayesianism (...)
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  42. Thoralf Skolem and the epsilon substitution method for predicate logic.Grigori Mints - 1996 - Nordic Journal of Philosophical Logic 1 (2):133-146.
  43.  21
    A shortened proof of Sobociński's theorem concerning a restricted rule of substitution in the field of propositional calculi.Charles H. Lambros - 1979 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 20 (1):112-114.
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    Auswechselverhalten im Fußball – eine empirische Analyse / Player substitution in soccer – a empirical analysis.Hannah Geyer - 2009 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 6 (1):47-69.
    Zusammenfassung Die Auswechslung von Spielern stellt neben der Halbzeitpause die einzige Möglichkeit für einen Fußballtrainer dar, während des Spiels Einfluss auf Strategie und Taktik seines Teams zu nehmen. Da die Anzahl der möglichen Wechsel beschränkt ist, kommt diesen Auswechslungen eine große Bedeutung zu. Der Beitrag stellt daher Gründe für die Auswechslung von Spielern im Fußball dar und zeigt anhand von Daten der 1. Fußball-Bundesliga, dass unter anderem der aktuelle Spielstand Auswirkungen auf Zeitpunkt und Art der Auswechslung hat. Zusätzlich zeigen die (...)
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  45.  27
    Finite Logics and the simple substitution property.Tsutomu Hosoi & Katsumi Sasaki - 1990 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 19 (3):74-78.
  46.  16
    On predicate letter formulas which have no substitution instances provable in a first order language.Kenneth Weston - 1965 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 6 (4):296-300.
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    Spatial phenomena in material places. Reflections on sensory substitution, shape perception, and the external nature of the senses.Filip Mattens - 2019 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 18 (5):833-854.
    From the outside, our senses are spatially integrated in our body in manifestly different ways. This paper starts from the suggestion that the philosophical formulation of the problem of spatial perception, as it flows from the modern opposition of mind and world, is partly responsible for the fact that philosophers have often explicitly disregarded the spatial nature of the senses themselves. An indirect consequence is that much philosophical work focuses on how the senses can – or cannot – perceive the (...)
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    Reading the World through the Skin and Ears: A New Perspective on Sensory Substitution.Ophelia Deroy & Malika Auvray - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
  49.  21
    Introducción a la autoría Y la participación en el derecho penal mexicano.Enrique Díaz Aranda - 2008 - In Ricardo Franco Guzmán (ed.), Homenaje a Ricardo Franco Guzmán: 50 años de vida académica. México, D.F.: Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Penales.
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    Inclupación y castigo: ensayos sobre la filosofía del Derecho Penal.Gustavo A. Beade - 2017 - Buenos Aires: Universidad de Palermo. Edited by Jaime E. Malamud Goti.
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