Results for 'positioning theory'

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  1.  53
    Positioning Theory som pædagogisk teori – Til et forsvar for en svag pædagogik.Morten Timmermann Korsgaard & Stig Skov Mortensen - 2014 - Studier i Pædagogisk Filosofi 3 (1):55-70.
    The article addresses the emerging framework of ‘positioning theory’, which has become influential in educational theory. We will present the central concepts and ideas of ‘positioning theory’ and subsequently how they are being used to contribute to educational theory. We will focus on an article by Svend Brinkmann where he uses ‘positioning theory’ as the foundation for moral education. Seemingly, Brinkmann uses ‘positioning theory’ rather uncritically in an attempt to ‘strengthen’ (...)
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    Social positioning theory and Dewey’s ontology of persons, objects and offices.Stephen Pratten - 2022 - Journal of Critical Realism 21 (3):288-308.
    Social positioning theory, in defending a general social ontology, is a particular extension of critical realism. It is a theory of social constitution that clarifies how items including human bein...
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  3. A Positive Theory of Social Entrepreneurship.Filipe M. Santos - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 111 (3):335-351.
    I propose a theory aimed at advancing scholarly research in social entrepreneurship. By highlighting the key trade-off between value creation and value capture and explaining when situations of simultaneous market and government failure may arise, I suggest that social entrepreneurship is the pursuit of sustainable solutions to neglected problems with positive externalities. I further discuss the situations in which problems with externalities are likely to be neglected and derive the central goal and logic of action of social entrepreneurs, in (...)
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    Positioning Theory: Vygotsky, Wittgenstein and Social Constructionist Psychology.Dorothy Howie & Michael Peters - 1996 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 26 (1):51-64.
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    Positioning Theory and Intellectual Interventions.Patrick Baert - 2012 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 42 (3):304-324.
    This article sets out the basic principles of a new theory of intellectual interventions centred round the notion of positioning. Intellectual interventions are seen as ways in which intellectuals locate themselves in the socio-political and intellectual field, thereby also positioning others. The existing contributions to the study of intellectuals often take the self-concepts or dispositions of intellectuals to be fixed, and they tend to focus on the causes and motivations behind intellectual interventions. Challenging this perspective, the (...) proposed substitutes a vocabulary of effects for the existing vocabulary of intentions and causes: rather than speculating on the sociological determinants or purposes that underlie an intellectual intervention, this theory explores its effects for the symbolic and institutional recognition of the author(s) and for the diffusion of the ideas propagated. (shrink)
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  6. Cultural stereotypes and positioning theory.Luk Van Langenhove & Rom HarrÉ - 1994 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 24 (4):359–372.
    This paper addresses the application of positioning theory, a new emerging theoretical scheme on the issue of cultural stereotyping. First, a critical conceptual analysis of the words‘cultural stereotype’is presented. Secondly, the basic tenets of positioning theory are outlined. Finally, it will be demonstrated how the framework of positioning theory can be used to analytically refine the concept of cultural stereotype. The main upshot of the article is that within social psychology, the concept of cultural (...)
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  7. 1. the relation between positive and normative economics confusion between positive and normative economics is to some extent inevitable. The subject matter of economics is regarded by almost everyone from essays in positive economics (chicago: University of chicago press, 1953), part I, sections 1, 2, 3, and 6.Positive Economics & Milton Friedman - 1979 - In Frank Hahn & Martin Hollis (eds.), Philosophy and economic theory. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 18.
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  8.  48
    Positioning Theory and Terrorist Networks.Robert E. Schmidle - 2010 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 40 (1):65-78.
    This paper makes use of a new development in social psychology, Positioning Theory, the study of the way rights and duties are ascribed, attributed and justified to and by individuals in local social groups. It links this theory with a generally Vygotsky inspired approach to understanding the means by which people are brought into terrorist networks. Focusing on the use of the Internet as a device to bring mentor and novice together, the unique role of chat rooms (...)
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    Toward A Positive Theory of Social Entrepreneurship. On Maximizing Versus Satisficing Value Capture.Alejandro Agafonow - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 125 (4):1-5.
    In a recent issue of the Journal of Business Ethics, Filipe M. Santos posits that social entrepreneurs maximize not on value capture, but on value creation, only satisficing on value capture to fuel operations, reinvesting in growth, whatever the specific combination of institutional means is deemed appropriate. No doubt the analytical framework of value creation and value capture casts new light on the phenomenon of social entrepreneurship, but we think Santos is asking too much by advocating a shift in focus (...)
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    On the Consistency of a Positive Theory.Olivier Esser - 1999 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 45 (1):105-116.
    In positive theories, we have an axiom scheme of comprehension for positive formulas. We study here the “generalized positive” theory GPK∞+. Natural models of this theory are hyperuniverses. The author has shown in [2] that GPK∞+ interprets the Kelley Morse class theory. Here we prove that GPK∞+ + ACWF and the Kelley-Morse class theory with the axiom of global choice and the axiom “On is ramifiable” are mutually interpretable. This shows that GPK∞+ + ACWF is a (...)
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  11.  23
    Towards a positive theory of preferences under risk.Ole Hagen - 1977 - In Maurice Allais & Ole Hagen (eds.), Expected Utility Hypotheses and the Allais Paradox. D. Reidel. pp. 271--302.
  12.  68
    Positioning theory: Vygotsky, Wittgenstein and social constructionist psychology.Dorothy Howie Andmichael Peters - 1996 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 26 (1):51–64.
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    Critical or Positive Theory? A Comment on the Status of Anthony Giddens' Social Theory.Gregor McLennan - 1984 - Theory, Culture and Society 2 (2):123-129.
  14.  65
    Examining Honneth’s Positive Theory of Recognition.Kristina Lepold - 2019 - Critical Horizons 20 (3):246-261.
    ABSTRACTIn this article I examine Axel Honneth’s positive theory of recognition. While commentators agree that Honneth’s theory qualifies as a positive theory of recognition, I believe that the deeper reason for why this is an apt characterisation is not yet fully understood. I argue that, instead of considering only what it is to recognise another person and what it means for a person to be recognised, we need to focus our attention on how Honneth pictures the practice (...)
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  15.  48
    An Interpretation of the Zermelo‐Fraenkel Set Theory and the Kelley‐Morse Set Theory in a Positive Theory.Olivier Esser - 1997 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 43 (3):369-377.
    An interesting positive theory is the GPK theory. The models of this theory include all hyperuniverses (see [5] for a definition of these ones). Here we add a form of the axiom of infinity and a new scheme to obtain GPK∞+. We show that in these conditions, we can interprete the Kelley‐Morse theory (KM) in GPK∞+ (Theorem 3.7). This needs a preliminary property which give an interpretation of the Zermelo‐Fraenkel set theory (ZF) in GPK∞+. We (...)
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  16.  12
    Dividing Lines Between Positive Theories.Anna Dmitrieva, Francesco Gallinaro & Mark Kamsma - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-25.
    We generalise the properties$\mathsf {OP}$,$\mathsf {IP}$,k-$\mathsf {TP}$,$\mathsf {TP}_{1}$,k-$\mathsf {TP}_{2}$,$\mathsf {SOP}_{1}$,$\mathsf {SOP}_{2}$, and$\mathsf {SOP}_{3}$to positive logic, and prove various implications and equivalences between them. We also provide a characterisation of stability in positive logic in analogy with the one in full first-order logic, both on the level of formulas and on the level of theories. For simple theories there are the classically equivalent definitions of not having$\mathsf {TP}$and dividing having local character, which we prove to be equivalent in positive logic as (...)
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  17.  51
    Democratic competence in normative and positive theory: Neglected implications of “the nature of belief systems in mass publics”.Jeffrey Friedman - 2006 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 18 (1-3):1-43.
    “The Nature of Belief Systems” sets forth a Hobson's choice between rule by the politically ignorant masses and rule by the ideologically constrained—which is to say, the doctrinaire—elites. On the one hand, lacking comprehensive cognitive structures, such as ideological “belief systems,” with which to understand politics, most people learn distressingly little about it. On the other hand, a spiral of conviction seems to make it difficult for the highly informed few to see any aspects of politics but those that confirm (...)
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  18.  36
    Positive relevance: A defense and a challenge.Sherrilyn Roush, Peter Achinstein & Positive Relevance Defended - 2005 - In Peter Achinstein (ed.), Scientific Evidence: Philosophical Theories & Applications. The Johns Hopkins University Press.
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    Normative and positive theories of public finance: contrasting Musgrave and Buchanan.Maxime Desmarais-Tremblay - 2014 - Journal of Economic Methodology 21 (3):273-289.
    This paper assesses James M. Buchanan's claim of following a positive approach in stark contrast to the normative approach to public finance of Richard A. Musgrave. The goal of this paper is to shed light on the foundations of modern American public finance by analysing one aspect of the methodology of its two most prominent fathers. I show (1) that it is difficult to distinguish Musgrave's and Buchanan's theories of public goods along the positive/normative dividing line and (2) that Buchanan's (...)
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  20. Positioning: The discursive production of selves.Bronwyn Davies & Rom Harré - 1990 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 20 (1):43–63.
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  21.  58
    (1 other version)Rational Reasonableness: Toward a Positive Theory of Public Reason.Gillian K. Hadfield & Stephen Macedo - 2012 - Law and Ethics of Human Rights 6 (1):7-46.
    Why is it important for people to agree on and articulate shared reasons for just laws, rather than whatever reasons they personally find compelling? What, if any, practical role does public reason play in liberal democratic politics? We argue that the practical role of public reason can be better appreciated by examining the confluence of normative and positive political theory; the former represented here by liberal social contract theory of John Rawls and others, and the latter by rational (...)
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  22. Barthes’s positive theory of the author.Harri Veivo - 2008 - Sign Systems Studies 36 (1):31-47.
    While it is well known that Roland Barthes consecrated his last lecture series at the Collège de France to the theme of the preparation of a novel, it is less known that his first writings on literature focused on the same question, but from a less individual point of view. The interrogation that motivates Le Degré zéro de l’écriture (1953) and many of the essays in Essais critiques (1964) is the question of how to write, of what procedures one can (...)
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    Disputes as complex social events: On the uses of positioning theory.Rom Harré & Nikki Slocum - 2003 - Common Knowledge 9 (1):100-118.
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  24. Dis-positioning Euthyphro.Ben Page - 2018 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 84 (1):31-55.
    The Euthyphro objection is often perceived, rightly or wrongly, as the king objection to theistic meta-ethics. This paper proposes a response that hasn’t been much explored within the contemporary literature, based on the metaphysics of dispositions and natural law theory. The paper will first contend that there is a parallel between ways theists conceptualise God’s role in creating laws of nature and the ways God creates goods. Drawing upon these parallels I propose a possible response to the dilemma, where (...)
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    Cambridge social ontology, the philosophical critique of modern economics and social positioning theory: an interview with Tony Lawson, part 1.Tony Lawson & Jamie Morgan - 2020 - Journal of Critical Realism 20 (1):72-97.
    In Part 1 of this wide-ranging interview Tony Lawson first discusses his role in the formation of IACR and how he relates to the generalized use of the term ‘Critical Realism’. He then provides com...
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  26.  13
    Cambridge social ontology: an introduction to social positioning theory.Yannick Slade-Caffarel - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Social ontology is the study of the nature and basic structure of social reality. It is a rapidly growing field at the intersection of philosophy and social science that has the potential to greatly assist social researchers of all kinds. One of the longest running projects in social ontology has developed over the better part of the last four decades through the work of Tony Lawson and the Cambridge Social Ontology Group. Cambridge social ontology has its origins in an assessment (...)
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  27. Comment on Mark Textor: Brentano's Positing Theory of Existence.Nils Kürbis - manuscript
    This article is the text of a commentary on a talk delivered by Mark Textor entitled 'Brentano's Positing Theory of Existence' at King's College London in December 2015. It contains ideas on implementing Textor's Neo-Brentanian theory of existence in a natural deduction proof system for negative free logic.
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    Subject Positioning and Deliberative Democracy: Understanding Social Processes Underlying Deliberation.Kieran C. O'doherty & Helen J. Davidson - 2010 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 40 (2):224-245.
  29.  35
    On positive local combinatorial dividing-lines in model theory.Vincent Guingona & Cameron Donnay Hill - 2019 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 58 (3-4):289-323.
    We introduce the notion of positive local combinatorial dividing-lines in model theory. We show these are equivalently characterized by indecomposable algebraically trivial Fraïssé classes and by complete prime filter classes. We exhibit the relationship between this and collapse-of-indiscernibles dividing-lines. We examine several test cases, including those arising from various classes of hypergraphs.
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    Moral positive illusion: self–other valuation difference in moral foundation theory.Tiantian Mo, Jiarui Sui, Yujie Zhao & Xinyue Zhou - 2023 - Ethics and Behavior 33 (8):684-701.
    ABSTRACT People tend to be unable to evaluate themselves accurately in many areas. One such area is their own and others’ morality. The current research explores the self–other moral valuation difference in the context of moral foundation theory. We propose that people generally have a moral positive illusion. Specifically, people overestimate their own morality and underestimate the morality of others. Two studies provide converging evidence that individuals underestimate the average moral valuations of others on the five dimensions of moral (...)
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  31. Varieties of Positioning.Rom Harré & Luk van Langenhove - 1991 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 21 (4):393-407.
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  32. Positive model theory and compact abstract theories.Itay Ben-Yaacov - 2003 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 3 (01):85-118.
    We develop positive model theory, which is a non first order analogue of classical model theory where compactness is kept at the expense of negation. The analogue of a first order theory in this framework is a compact abstract theory: several equivalent yet conceptually different presentations of this notion are given. We prove in particular that Banach and Hilbert spaces are compact abstract theories, and in fact very well-behaved as such.
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    Cambridge social ontology, the philosophical critique of modern economics and social positioning theory: an interview with Tony Lawson, part 2.Tony Lawson & Jamie Morgan - 2021 - Journal of Critical Realism 20 (2):201-237.
    In Part 1 of this wide-ranging interview, Tony Lawson discussed his role in, and relationship to, Critical Realism as well as various defences of mathematical modelling in economics. In Part 2 he t...
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    Positive Complete Theories and Positive Strong Amalgamation Property.Mohammed Belkasmi - 2024 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 53 (3):301-319.
    We introduce the notion of positive strong amalgamation property and we investigate some universal forms and properties of this notion. Considering the close relationship between the amalgamation property and the notion of complete theories, we explore the fundamental properties of positively complete theories, and we illustrate the behaviour of this notion by bringing changes to the language of the theory through the groups theory.
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    Forms of Positioning in Interdisciplinary Science Practice and Their Epistemic Effects.Lisa M. Osbeck & Nancy J. Nersessian - 2010 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 40 (2):136-161.
  36.  62
    The Dialogical Self: A Process of Positioning in Space and Time.Hubert Hermans - 2011 - In Shaun Gallagher (ed.), The Oxford handbook of the self. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This article examines the concept of the so-called dialogical self. This theory is based on the pragmatism of George Herbert Mead and the work of Mikhail Bakhtin on dialogicality. This article explains that the dialogical theory view the other not as external to self, but as part of the self and constitutive of it. It also introduces the notion of positioning as a further articulation of the dialogical self situated in time and space. The idea is that (...)
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    Varieties of positioning.Rom Harréandluk van Langenhove - 1991 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 21 (4):393–407.
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    Proof Theory for Positive Logic with Weak Negation.Marta Bílková & Almudena Colacito - 2020 - Studia Logica 108 (4):649-686.
    Proof-theoretic methods are developed for subsystems of Johansson’s logic obtained by extending the positive fragment of intuitionistic logic with weak negations. These methods are exploited to establish properties of the logical systems. In particular, cut-free complete sequent calculi are introduced and used to provide a proof of the fact that the systems satisfy the Craig interpolation property. Alternative versions of the calculi are later obtained by means of an appropriate loop-checking history mechanism. Termination of the new calculi is proved, and (...)
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  39.  47
    Positive Jonsson Theories.Bruno Poizat & Aibat Yeshkeyev - 2018 - Logica Universalis 12 (1-2):101-127.
    This paper is a general introduction to Positive Logic, where only what we call h-inductive sentences are under consideration, allowing the extension to homomorphisms of model-theoric notions which are classically associated to embeddings; in particular, the existentially closed models, that were primitively defined by Abraham Robinson, become here positively closed models. It accounts for recent results in this domain, and is oriented towards the positivisation of Jonsson theories.
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    Confessing Feminist Theory: What's “I” Got to Do with It?Susan David Bernstein - 1992 - Hypatia 7 (2):120-147.
    Confessional modes of self-representation have become crucial in feminist epistemologies that broaden and contextualize the location and production of knowledge. In some versions of confessional feminism, the insertion of “I” is reflective, the product of an uncomplicated notion of experience that shuttles into academic discourse apersonal truth. In contrast to reflective intrusions of the first person, reflexive confessing is primarily a questioning mode that imposes self-vigilance on the process of self positioning.
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  41. Comparing theories by their positive and negative contents.Isabella C. Burger & Johannes Heidema - 1994 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 45 (2):605-630.
    relative to the actual world) of a propositional theory are defined. A theory is ‘closer to the truth’ the logically stronger its positive content and the logically weaker its negative content. This proposal delivers the same verisimilar preordering of theories that has been defined by Brink and Heidema as a ‘power ordering’. The preordering may be collapsed to a partial ordering and then embedded into a complete distributive lattice. The preordering may also be refined to a partial ordering (...)
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  42.  26
    Feedback theory of how joint receptors regulate the timing and positioning of a limb.Jack A. Adams - 1977 - Psychological Review 84 (6):504-523.
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    Some theories with positive induction of ordinal strength ϕω.Gerhard Jäger & Thomas Strahm - 1996 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 61 (3):818-842.
    This paper deals with: (i) the theory ID # 1 which results from $\widehat{\mathrm{ID}}_1$ by restricting induction on the natural numbers to formulas which are positive in the fixed point constants, (ii) the theory BON(μ) plus various forms of positive induction, and (iii) a subtheory of Peano arithmetic with ordinals in which induction on the natural numbers is restricted to formulas which are Σ in the ordinals. We show that these systems have proof-theoretic strength φω 0.
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    Methodological and Analytical Dilemmas in Autoethnographic Research.Elena Maydell - 2010 - Journal of Research Practice 6 (1):Article M5.
    This article presents an argument on the application of theoretical and methodological frameworks to the study of identity from an autoethnographic perspective. In order to guide the analysis process, the author employed social constructionism as the main theoretical foundation, whereas thematic analysis and positioning theory were deployed as the methodological frameworks. Further, in the process of using ethnographic methods to study the identity of Russian immigrants to New Zealand, the author found herself also needing to use autoethnography to (...)
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  45. Experiments on positioning, positioning the experiments.K. Stemplewska-Zakowicz, J. Walecka, A. Gabinska, B. Zalewski, H. Zuszek, P. Oles & H. J. M. Hermans - 2005 - In Piotr Oleś & H. J. M. Hermans (eds.), The dialogical self: theory and research. Lublin: Wydawn. KUL.
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    Completely positive mappings in quantum dynamics and measurement theory.Paul Busch & Pekka J. Lahti - 1990 - Foundations of Physics 20 (12):1429-1439.
    The role of completely positive mappings in quantum dynamics and measurement theory is reanalyzed in light of the possibility of a generalized dynamics.
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    Information theory and stimulus encoding in free and serial recall: Ordinal position of formal similarity.Douglas L. Nelson - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 80 (3p1):537.
  48.  31
    Information theory and stimulus encoding in paired-associate acquisition: Ordinal position of formal similarity.Douglas L. Nelson & Frank A. Rowe - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 79 (2p1):342.
  49. La position spéculative de Hegel dans son écrit "Differenz des Fichte'schen und Schelling' schen System der Philosophie" à la lumière de la Théorie de la Science.Reinhard Lauth - 1983 - Archives de Philosophie 46 (1):59.
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    Theories of types and names with positive stratified comprehension.Pierluigi Minari - 1999 - Studia Logica 62 (2):215-242.
    We introduce a certain extension of -calculus, and show that it has the Church-Rosser property. The associated open-term extensional combinatory algebra is used as a basis to construct models for theories of Explict Mathematics (formulated in the language of "types and names") with positive stratified comprehension. In such models, types are interpreted as collections of solutions (of terms) w.r. to a set of numerals. Exploiting extensionality, we prove some consistency results for special ontological axioms which are refutable under elementary comprehension.
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