Results for 'post-war care'

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  1.  90
    Institutionalizing molecular biology in post-war Europe: a comparative study.Bruno J. Strasser - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 33 (3):515-546.
    The intellectual origins of molecular biology are usually traced back to the 1930s. By contrast, molecular biology acquired a social reality only around 1960. To understand how it came to designate a community of researchers and a professional identity, I examine the creation of the first institutes of molecular biology, which took place around 1960, in four European countries: Germany, the United Kingdom, France, and Switzerland. This paper shows how the creation of these institutes was linked to the results of (...)
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  2. Institutionalizing molecular biology in post-war europe: A comparative study.J. B. - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 33 (3):515-546.
    The intellectual origins of molecular biology are usually traced back to the 1930s. By contrast, molecular biology acquired a social reality only around 1960. To understand how it came to designate a community of researchers and a professional identity, I examine the creation of the first institutes of molecular biology, which took place around 1960, in four European countries: Germany, the United Kingdom, France, and Switzerland. This paper shows how the creation of these institutes was linked to the results of (...)
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  3.  17
    French post-war social theory: international knowledge transfer.Derek Robbins - 2012 - London: SAGE.
    French social and philosophical thought has played a very significant role in the development of European and American social theory. This detailed, timely book provides a map of the production and reception of French social thought within a global sociological context. Critically comparing the work of five key theorists Derek Robbins examines how their ideas were produced and received before persuasively setting out the key differences between their philosophical and ideological positions. The book sensitively traces the cross-currents of social theory (...)
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  4.  37
    The social nature of the mother's tie to her child: John Bowlby's theory of attachment in post-war America.Marga Vicedo - 2011 - British Journal for the History of Science 44 (3):401-426.
    This paper examines the development of British psychiatrist and psychoanalyst John Bowlby's views and their scientific and social reception in the United States during the 1950s. In a 1951 report for the World Health Organization Bowlby contended that the mother is the child's psychic organizer, as observational studies of children worldwide showed that absence of mother love had disastrous consequences for children's emotional health. By the end of the decade Bowlby had moved from observational studies of children in hospitals to (...)
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  5.  15
    The (in)visibility of violence: Jasmila Žbanić’s post-war cinema.Ilaria A. De Pascalis - 2016 - European Journal of Women's Studies 23 (4):365-380.
    The aim of the article is to discuss Jasmila Žbanić’s Esma’s Secret, On the Path and For Those Who Can Tell No Tales as a trilogy addressing the consequences of Bosnian War. The films are considered in the theoretical framework of women’s cinema as world cinema, exploring their location in relation to globalization. The article hence analyses each film’s aesthetic in light of influential feminist concepts and theories such as Rey Chow’s age of the world target, Adriana Cavarero’s horrorism and (...)
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  6.  47
    Evaluation of chloroquine as a potent anti‐malarial drug: issues of public health policy and healthcare delivery in post‐war Liberia.Moses B. F. Massaquoi & Stephen B. Kennedy - 2003 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 9 (1):83-87.
    Chloroquine-resistant plasmodium falciparum malaria is a serious public health threat that is spreading rapidly across Sub-Saharan Africa. It affects over three quarters (80%) of malarial endemic countries. Of the estimated 300-500 million cases of malaria reported annually, the vast majority of malarial-related morbidities occur among young children in Africa, especially those concentrated in the remote rural areas with inadequate access to appropriate health care services. In Liberia, in vivo studies conducted between 1993 and 2000 observed varying degrees of plasmodium (...)
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  7. Care Ethics and Dependence— Rethinking Jus Post Bellum.Sigal Ben-Porath - 2008 - Hypatia 23 (2):61-71.
    In this essay, Ben-Porath begins from the assumption that just war theory should be extended to include a jus post bellum component. Postwar conduct should be significantly informed by a care ethics perspective, particularly its political aspects as developed by Joan Tronto and others. Care ethics should be extended to the international postwar arena with one significant amendment, namely, weakening the aim of ending dependence.
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    Terminal Indifference: The Hollywood War Film Post-September 11.Kim Toffoletti & Victoria Grace - 2010 - Film-Philosophy 14 (2):62-83.
    Speaking about the state of the Hollywood film industry at the 2008 Academy Awards, the Oscars’ host – comedian Jon Stewart – made the following wry assessment: ‘Not all films did as well as Juno obviously. The films that were made about the Iraq War, let’s face it, did not do as well. But I’m telling you, if we stay the course and keep these movies in the theatres we can turn this around. I don’t care if it takes (...)
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  9.  23
    The Blurry Boundaries Between War and Peace: Do We Need to Extend Just War Theory?Lonneke Peperkamp - 2016 - Archiv Fuer Rechts Und Sozialphilosphie 102 (3):315-332.
    Saint Augustine, being seen as one of the first just war theorists, famously stated that the true object of war is peace.1And while just war theory is often said to be the leading position on the morality of war, today, it is struggling to keep up with the changing international reality. It is premised upon a certain conception of war - as armed conflict between two states - and on a clear demarcation line between the situation of war and the (...)
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    Restorative Justice and Post-Genocide Reconciliation: Ethical Implications and Community Healing in Rwanda.Jonas Musengimana - 2024 - Journal of Ethics in Higher Education 5:241-261.
    This paper explores the role of restorative justice in post-genocide reconciliation in Rwanda, focusing on its ethical implications and impact on community healing. Following the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi, Rwanda faced the challenge of addressing survivors' trauma, fostering national unity, and reconciling a divided society. Key initiatives, including the Gacaca court system, emphasized dialogue, accountability, and forgiveness to promote healing. Using restorative justice and social reconstruction theories as its conceptual frameworks, this study examines how restorative justice fosters trust, (...)
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  11.  16
    The Just War Tradition: A Model for Healthcare Ethics.Chaplain John D. Connolly - 2018 - HEC Forum 30 (2):133-152.
    Healthcare ethics committees, physicians, surgeons, nurses, families, and patients themselves are constantly under pressure to make appropriate medically ethical decisions concerning patient care. Various models for healthcare ethics decisions have been proposed throughout the years, but by and large they are focused on making the initial ethical decision. What follows is a proposed model for healthcare ethics that considers the most appropriate decisions before, during, and after any intervention. The Just War Tradition is a model that is thorough in (...)
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  12.  44
    On ‘moral injury’.Kenneth MacLeish - 2018 - History of the Human Sciences 31 (2):128-146.
    This article is concerned with theories and therapeutic practices that interpret post-traumatic combat stress as a ‘moral injury’ produced by the shock of carrying out lethal violence in uncertain battlefield conditions. While moral injury is said to share many symptoms with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), its proponents – military and Veterans Health Administration clinical psychologists, chaplains, and some psychiatrists – are concerned by PTSD’s inability to account for the meaning-based moral and ethical distress that counterinsurgency battlefields in Iraq (...)
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  13.  36
    Reflections on the Roles and Performance of International Organizations in Supporting Children Separated from their Families by War.Helen Charnley - 2007 - Ethics and Social Welfare 1 (3):253-268.
    During the 16-year civil war in Mozambique thousands of children were separated from their families as a direct or indirect result of conflict and displacement. International organizations lent support to a national family tracing and reunification programme coordinated by the government Department for Social Action. Drawing on the findings of an empirical study of the sustainability of substitute family care, this article describes the tensions associated with the involvement of international organizations during the emergency conditions of the war, in (...)
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  14.  19
    Old and new differences: social (re)integration after the war.Volodymyr Fadieiev - 2023 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 2:99-116.
    This article examines the issues of social (re)integration in Ukraine, which were actualized during the Russian-Ukrainian war in 2014-2022. The first part of the article is devoted to the consideration of theoretical issues related to the conceptualization of social integration in the social sciences and the role of the state in reproducing social relations. The author assumes that during the last decades, ideas about the role of the state in these processes have changed significantly, which was caused by the departure (...)
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  15.  11
    Post-Jungian Psychology and the Short Stories of Ray Bradbury and Kurt Vonnegut: Golden Apples of the Monkey House.Steve Gronert Ellerhoff - 2016 - Routledge.
    In this book, Steve Gronert Ellerhoff explores short stories by Ray Bradbury and Kurt Vonnegut, written between 1943 and 1968, with a post-Jungian approach. Drawing upon archetypal theories of myth from Joseph Campbell, James Hillman and their forbearer C. G. Jung, Ellerhoff demonstrates how short fiction follows archetypal patterns that can illuminate our understanding of the authors, their times, and their culture. In practice, a post-Jungian ‘mythodology’ is shown to yield great insights for the literary criticism of short (...)
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  16.  37
    The Cultural Context of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder.Carolyn Smith-Morris - 2009 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 16 (3):235-236.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Cultural Context of Post-traumatic Stress DisorderCarolyn Smith-Morris (bio)Keywordspost-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), culture, medical anthropology, fight-or-flight responseIn his Clinical Anecdote, Dr. Christopher Bailey gamely imagines the evolutionary underpinnings of his patient's distressing lack of war wounds. As part of a careful and engaged discussion of care for his suffering patient, Dr. Bailey suggests that our evolved fight-or-flight response to the alarms of the African savannah may be (...)
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  17.  59
    Care ethics and corporeal inquiry in patient relations.Maurice Hamington - 2012 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 5 (1):52.
    Practically every development in medicine in the post–World War II period distanced the physician and the hospital from the patient and the community, disrupting personal connections and severing bonds of trust. We need an ethics that include bodily mediated knowledge as a complement to intellectual knowledge. Care is a challenging concept to explore, in part because it is employed widely and often without thoughtful parsing. Moreover, it has gained increasing significance in ethical discourse.1 Since the 1980s, feminist theorists (...)
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  18.  10
    Through the Crosshairs: War, Visual Culture, and the Weaponized Gaze.Roger Stahl - 2018 - Rutgers University Press.
    Now that it has become so commonplace, we rarely blink an eye at camera footage framed by the crosshairs of a sniper’s gun or from the perspective of a descending smart bomb. But how did this weaponized gaze become the norm for depicting war, and how has it influenced public perceptions? _Through the Crosshairs _traces the genealogy of this weapon’s-eye view across a wide range of genres, including news reports, military public relations images, action movies, video games, and social media (...)
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  19.  77
    Managed Competition in Health Care Reform: Just Another American Dream, or the Perfect Solution?Uwe E. Reinhardt - 1994 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 22 (2):106-120.
    Throughout the post-World War II decades, the United States has wrestled in its own unique style with a problem that is shared by all modern societies: how to achieve a reasonably equitable distribution of health care, without losing control of total spending on health care, and without suffocating the delivery system with controls and regulations that inhibit technical progress.Because an equitable distribution of health care inevitably requires at least some government regulation, and because government regulations tend (...)
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  20.  95
    American physicians and dual loyalty obligations in the "war on terror".Jerome Amir Singh - 2003 - BMC Medical Ethics 4 (1):1-10.
    Background Post-September 11, 2001, the U.S. government has labeled thousands of Afghan war detainees "unlawful combatants". This label effectively deprives these detainees of the protection they would receive as "prisoners of war" under international humanitarian law. Reports have emerged that indicate that thousands of detainees being held in secret military facilities outside the United States are being subjected to questionable "stress and duress" interrogation tactics by U.S. authorities. If true, American military physicians could be inadvertently becoming complicit in detainee (...)
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  21.  11
    New Perspectives in Japanese Bioethics.Alexandra Perry & C. D. Herrera (eds.) - 2015 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    Post-war Japan has seen profound and rapid social change and transformation. One of the most visible areas of change in Japan has been medicine, and particularly the ethical practices and policies that guide medical decision-making. The formal discipline of bioethics, Seimei Rinri in Japanese, has grown by leaps and bounds since the late 1970s, when it began to appear in the curriculum and professional activities of Japanese medical schools and philosophy departments. The introduction of bioethics to Japan was timely, (...)
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  22.  55
    Missing links: W. V. Quine, the making of ‘Two Dogmas’, and the analytic roots of post-analytic philosophy.Joel Isaac - 2011 - History of European Ideas 37 (3):267-279.
    This essay argues that post-analytic philosophy finds its origins not only in an invented tradition—that of ‘analytic philosophy’—but also in an invented dilemma: namely, the response to the allegedly overweening dominance of ‘positivism’ in American philosophy. I begin by surveying the problems with the folk wisdom about positivism and analytic philosophy. This pervasive narrative locates the emergence of post-analytic philosophy after a period of hegemony for logical positivism and cognate philosophical subfields. Taking seriously evidence indicating a distinct overlap (...)
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  23.  45
    Beyond Pathologizing Harm: Understanding PTSD in the Context of War Experience.Patricia Benner, Jodi Halpern, Deborah R. Gordon, Catherine Long Popell & Patricia W. Kelley - 2018 - Journal of Medical Humanities 39 (1):45-72.
    An alternative to objectifying approaches to understanding Post-traumatic Stress Disorder grounded in hermeneutic phenomenology is presented. Nurses who provided care for soldiers injured in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, and sixty-seven wounded male servicemen in the rehabilitation phase of their recovery were interviewed. PTSD is the one major psychiatric diagnosis where social causation is established, yet PTSD is predominantly viewed in terms of the usual neuro-physiological causal models with traumatic social events viewed as pathogens with dose related effects. (...)
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  24.  22
    Moral Injury, Moral Identity, and “Dirty Hands” in War Fighting and Police Work.Seumas Miller - 2022 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 47 (6):723-734.
    In this article, I undertake three main tasks. First, I argue that, contrary to the standard view, moral injury is not a species of PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) but rather, on the most coherent conception of moral injury, PTSD is (in effect) a species of moral injury. In doing so, I make use of the notion of caring deeply about something or someone worthy of being cared deeply about. Second, I consider so-called “dirty hands” actions in police work and (...)
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  25.  65
    Crises of Memory and the Second World War.Patrick Gerard Henry - 2007 - Philosophy and Literature 31 (1):204-209.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Crises of Memory and the Second World WarPatrick HenryCrises of Memory and the Second World War, by Susan Rubin Suleiman; x & 286 pp. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2006. $29.95.This excellent study deals widely and deeply with the crises of memory and World War II but generally focuses on France, Vichy and the Holocaust. The author defines a crisis of memory as "a moment of choice and sometimes (...)
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  26.  13
    Critical Political Economy: Complexity, Rationality, and the Logic of Post-Orthodox Pluralism.Christian Arnsperger - 2007 - Routledge.
    This book asks how a more liberating economics could be constructed and taught. It suggests that if economists today are serious about emancipation and empowerment, they will have to radically change their conception about what it means for a citizen to act rationally in a complex society. Arnsperger emphasises that current economics neglects an important fact: Many of us ask not only 'what's in it for us', within a given socio-economic context; we also care about the context itself. The (...)
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  27.  42
    Institutional integrity: Approval, toleration and holy war or 'always true to you in my fashion'.Kevin W. Wildes & J. S. - 1991 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 16 (2):211-220.
    The advent of moral pluralism in the post-modern age leads to a set of issues about how pluralistic societies can function. The questions of biomedical ethics frequently highlight the larger issues of moral pluralism and social cooperation. Reflection on these issues has focused on the decision making roles of the health care professionals, the patient, and the patient's family. One species of actor that has been neglected has been those institutions which are part of the public, secular realm (...)
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  28. Wahrheit Und Methode Grundzüge Einer Philosophischen Hermeneutik.Hans Georg Gadamer (ed.) - 1960 - Mohr.
    English summary: Gadamer's main work, Truth and Method, will be published in 2010, exactly 50 years after the first edition, in a slightly corrected version as an inexpensive student edition. This is seen as one of the few standard works of German post-war philosophy which has achieved worldwide recognition. The huge reaction to this is surprising for many reasons, among other things because in this work an important new theory is presented in intimations only using the author's own conceptual (...)
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  29.  39
    Women in the new welfare equilibrium.Gosta Esping-Andersen - 2003 - The European Legacy 8 (5):599-610.
    Feminist writings often argue that the welfare state, like the society that underpins it, is patriarchical, and that a major overhaul of policy is necessary in the quest for gender equality. This is possibly a valid claim, if not for all welfare states, then at least for some. The very same objective would, nevertheless, appear additionally persuasive if women-friendly policy can be shown to improve not only the welfare of women, but of all. In this article I shall attempt to (...)
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  30.  9
    Mulierem fortem quis inveniet: Polish Women Classicists under Communism.Elżbieta Olechowska - 2020 - Clotho 2 (2):41-56.
    While all chairs of classics after the war were entrusted to already well-established pre-war professors, female scholars, junior often only by rank, took care of the mind-boggling logistics of setting up the defunct departments and preparing them for the first cohort of students. It was an unusual group composed of various ages and levels of knowledge. Older ones saw their education put on hold during the war or attended underground university classes but did not obtain their degrees. Younger ones (...)
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  31.  9
    Describing cinema.Timothy Corrigan - 2024 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Describing Cinema is part theory, part rhetoric, and part pedagogy. It examines and demonstrates acts of describing scenes, shots, and sequences in films, as probably the most common and the most underestimated way viewers respond to movies. Practiced energetically and carefully, descriptions become exceptionally rich ways to demonstrate and celebrate the activities, varieties, and challenges of a central generative movement in the viewing and interpretation of films. My motto might be an inversion of one character's tongue-in-cheek remark in Jean-Luc Godard's (...)
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  32.  92
    Breve storia dell'etica.Sergio Cremaschi - 2012 - Roma RM, Italia: Carocci.
    The book reconstructs the history of Western ethics. The approach chosen focuses the endless dialectic of moral codes, or different kinds of ethos, moral doctrines that are preached in order to bring about a reform of existing ethos, and ethical theories that have taken shape in the context of controversies about the ethos and moral doctrines as means of justifying or reforming moral doctrines. Such dialectic is what is meant here by the phrase ‘moral traditions’, taken as a name for (...)
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  33.  10
    Anthropological Dimension of Wartime Ecocide: Ecofeminist Methodological Assessments.K. I. Karpenko, R. E. Hagengruber & C. R. Nielsen - 2024 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 25:84-99.
    _Purpose._ The authors aim to disclose the anthropological dimension of ecocide during and after Russia’s war against Ukraine, relying on the multidisciplinary practices and intellectual production of ecofeminist women thinkers, including philosophers, sociologists, historians, psychologists, and others. _The theoretical basis_ methodological approaches in philosophical anthropology, phenomenology, analytical philosophy, communicative philosophy, existentialism, ethics of justice, and ethics of care determine the study’s theoretical basis._ Originality._ For the first time, a systematic analysis of the anthropological dimension of ecocide has been carried (...)
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  34.  18
    Louis Althusser and the Traditions of French Marxism.William S. Lewis - 2005 - Lexington Books.
    In a careful exposition of French Marxism, William Lewis places Althusser and his thought alongside the pre- and post-war French communist intellectual climate: the result is an excellent and unique work. Part theoretical treatise on some of Althusser's more complicated and less explored ideas, part intellectual history, Louis Althusser and the Traditions of French Marxism is, in total, an important text for philosophy, French and francophone studies, political thought, cultural studies, marxist thought, and several other disciplines interested in the (...)
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  35.  2
    A new virtual ethics: interconnectedness and interrelationality in videogames.René Reinhold Schallegger - 2024 - Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, Inc. Publishers.
    We are witnessing the collapse of the post-war consensus, the implosion of the caring society. In times of social, economic, and political insecurity, egotism spreads, and most popular videogames are designed following a logic of consumerist self-gratification and self-empowerment. Deeply political, they contribute to the transformation of players into lacking members of our societies. Consequently, we need to affect change in what game designers do by changing both why and how they do it. Using the reach of the mainstream (...)
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  36.  8
    Wealth and Well‐Being.Partha Dasgupta - 2001 - In Human Well-Being and the Natural Environment. Oxford University Press.
    Develops the concept of sustainable development and shows how it is related to the maintenance of social well‐being through time. It is shown that wealth, estimated in terms of accounting prices, serves admirably as an index of well‐being over time and across generations. A country's wealth measures the social worth of its capital assets. The notion of wealth developed here is a comprehensive one, including in it the social worth of manufactured and human capital, public knowledge, and natural capital. Given (...)
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  37.  36
    Realization of the International Human Right to Health in an Economically Integrated North America.Eleanor D. Kinney - 2009 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 37 (4):807-818.
    During World War II, the Allies created the United Nations and its associated international institutions to stabilize the post-war world. The Allies envisioned a coordinated world in which human rights for all were respected, economic and social progress for all promoted, and global warfare prevented. This was a phenomenally fantastic vision that seemed unattainable in the wake of the most devastating global war in history.Today, the world is witnessing some of the fruits of these mid-20th century events and aspirations, (...)
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  38.  25
    The Experiment of Night: Jan Patočka on War, and a Christianity to Come.Martin Kočí - 2017 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 19 (1):107-124.
    Sacrifice, solidarity, and social decadence were essential themes not only for Patočka's philosophical work, but also for his personal life. In the "Varna Lectures" sacrifice is characterized uniquely as the privation of a clear telos, as counter-escapist, and as sutured to a comportment of finite life that is non-causal and non-purposive. In his Heretical Essays a similar hope is expressed to extract meaningfulness from use-value, and to deploy a Socratic and Christian "Care for the Soul" that can counteract the (...)
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    Traditional truth, poetry, sacrament: for my mother, on her 70th birthday.Josef Pieper - 2019 - South Bend, Indiana: St. Augustine's Press.
    Pieper collects his contributions to radio programs and to a number of journals and periodicals. The book also includes a selection of notes and comments. The contributions fall into two main groups: the period which encompasses the immediate pre-war period as well as the war period itself, and the post-war period up to 1953.The reader becomes witness, first, to Pieper's problems with the National Socialist regime and, second, to his problems with the ensuing challenges to religious life as it (...)
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    ‘Peace and happiness await us’: Psychotherapy in Yugoslavia, 1945–85.Mat Savelli - 2018 - History of the Human Sciences 31 (4):38-57.
    Previous accounts of psychiatry within Communist Europe have emphasized the dominance of biological approaches to mental health treatment. Psychotherapy was thus framed as a taboo or marginal component of East European psychiatric care. In more recent years, this interpretation has been re-examined as historians are beginning to delve deeper into the diversity of mental healthcare within the Communist world, noting many instances in which psychotherapeutic techniques and theory entered into clinical practice. Despite their excellent work uncovering these hitherto neglected (...)
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    Rupture and Continuity: Abortion, the Medical Profession, and the Transitional State—A Polish Case Study.Atina Krajewska - 2021 - Feminist Legal Studies 29 (3):323-350.
    Taking Poland as a case study, this article examines the sociological and historical-institutional factors that determine the relationship between the process of medical professionalisation and reproductive rights in transitional societies. Focusing on three periods in Polish history, (a) Partition era (1772–1918), (b) the Second Polish Republic (1918–1939), and (c) the post-war period (1945–1989), it identifies ruptures and continuities that have shaped the development of the Polish medical profession and its attitude towards abortion care today. Using insights from feminist (...)
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    Overcoming Post-War Traumas and Confl icts through Dialogue in Distributed Cognition.Augustine Banka - 2017 - Journal for Perspectives of Economic Political and Social Integration 23 (1-2):15-48.
    The following paper presents a proposal of a theoretical foundation for an application of distributed cognition in overcoming post-war traumas and related social conflicts. The distributed cognition theory states that the cognitive system is a structure distributed between internal-mental and external-objective social world representations across time and space. The basic issue of dialogue in distributed cognition is that distribution as information dissemination in each cognitive component functions in a systemic integrity. The presented perspective of overcoming traumas and war conflicts (...)
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    (1 other version)Adorno.Brian O'Connor - 2005 - New York: Routledge.
    Theodor W. Adorno was one of the foremost philosophers and social theorists of the post-war period. Crucial to the development of Critical Theory, his highly original and distinctive but often difficult writings not only advance questions of fundamental philosophical significance, but provide deep-reaching analyses of literature, art, music sociology and political theory. In this comprehensive introduction, Brian O’Connor explains Adorno’s philosophy for those coming to his work for the first time, through original new lines of interpretation. Beginning with an (...)
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  44.  55
    (1 other version)Handbook for health care ethics committees.Linda Farber Post - 2007 - Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Edited by Jeffrey Blustein & Nancy N. Dubler.
    The Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) requires as a condition of accreditation that every health care institution -- hospital, nursing home, or home care agency -- have a standing mechanism to address ethical issues. Most organizations have chosen to fulfill this requirement with an interdisciplinary ethics committee. The best of these committees are knowledgeable, creative, and effective resources in their institutions. Many are wellmeaning but lack the information, experience, and skills to negotiate adequately the (...)
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    Schleiermacher and Barth: Self-transcendence and Neo-liberalism.D. Seiple - 2006 - In Edith Lawler, Jeffery Kinlaw & Ruth Drucilla Richardson (eds.), _The State of Schleiermacher Scholarship Today_. Lewiston: The Edwin Mellen Press. pp. 181-206.
    This paper, written from the perspective of a liberal Protestant, addresses Karl Barth’s famous dispute with his predecessor Friedrich Schleiermacher. It claims that despite the vehemence he often employs against Schleiermacher, a careful assessment of Barth reveals an ever-shifting ambivalence. Barth’s dismissal was very much a heated reaction amidst post-war circumstances, and Schleiermacher served as a symbol for aspects of pre-war culture and theology that are not necessarily reflective of Schleiermacher’s original project. Later in his career, Barth seems to (...)
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    Post-War New Zealand Literary Critique.James Smithies - 2008 - Thesis Eleven 92 (1):87-107.
    For most of the 20th century literature and criticism of literature functioned as central engines of cultural change across the western world. This was especially the case in ex-colonial societies like New Zealand where writers and intellectuals frequently expressed a desire to create sophisticated local cultures which could compete with the foundation societies in Europe. Between 1940 and 1984 New Zealand writers and intellectuals developed a mode of literary criticism which this essay refers to as `Literary Critique' for this very (...)
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    Post-War Saints: 1945–1960.James Baaden - 2014 - History of European Ideas 40 (6):873-892.
    SummaryThis article addresses the appeal of saints and sainthood in the years 1945 to 1960. Part 1 cites the 1957 diary of Susan Sontag, who focused on the cultural power of the Roman Catholic Church and drew attention to three European women: Teresa of Avila, Edith Stein, and Frances Cabrini. Reasons that these three (all Catholic saints) would have been in Susan Sontag's mind in 1957 are explored. In Part 2, wider attention is applied to the year 1957. Writers who (...)
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  48. Philosophy of medicine in the netherlands.Henk Have & Arie Arend - 1985 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 6 (1).
    This report explores the relationship between philosophy and medicine in the Netherlands. In Section 1 we outline the ups and downs of medico-philosophical research in our country: pre-war flourishing, post-war decline, and modern renaissance. In Section 2 we review recent Dutch literature in the philosophy of medicine. The topics dealt with include methodology of medical science, alternative medicine, the basic concepts of medicine, anthropological medicine, medicalization, medicine and culture, and health care ethics.
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    Introduction to Special Section on Virtue in the Loop: Virtue Ethics and Military AI.D. C. Washington, I. N. Notre Dame, National Securityhe is Currently Working on Two Books: A. Muse of Fire: Why The Technology, on What Happens to Wartime Innovations When the War is Over U. S. Military Forgets What It Learns in War, U. S. Army Asymmetric Warfare Group The Shot in the Dark: A. History of the, Global Power Competition His Writing has Appeared in Russian Analytical Digest The First Comprehensive Overview of A. Unit That Helped the Army Adapt to the Post-9/11 Era of Counterinsurgency, The New Atlantis Triple Helix, War on the Rocks Fare Forward, Science Before Receiving A. Phd in Moral Theology From Notre Dame He has Published Widely on Bioethics, Technology Ethics He is the Author of Science Religion, Christian Ethics, Anxiety Tomorrow’S. Troubles: Risk, Prudence in an Age of Algorithmic Governance, The Ethics of Precision Medicine & Encountering Artificial Intelligence - 2025 - Journal of Military Ethics 23 (3):245-250.
    This essay introduces this special issue on virtue ethics in relation to military AI. It describes the current situation of military AI ethics as following that of AI ethics in general, caught between consequentialism and deontology. Virtue ethics serves as an alternative that can address some of the weaknesses of these dominant forms of ethics. The essay describes how the articles in the issue exemplify the value of virtue-related approaches for these questions, before ending with thoughts for further research.
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    The Paradoxes of Post-War Italian Political Thought.Jan-Werner Müller - 2013 - History of European Ideas 39 (1):79-102.
    Summary This article examines the complex nature of post-war Italian political thought, stressing the importance of Italy's unusual institutional and historical political arrangements, but also the vibrancy of its political ideologies in this period. In the past it has often been argued that the dysfunctional nature of post-war Italian democracy with its rapidly changing governments, and widespread corruption—which nonetheless coexisted with the one party, the Christian Democrats, being constantly in power—led to the atrophying of political theory in general, (...)
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