Results for 'poststructuralist discourse analysis'

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  1.  48
    Poststructuralist discourse theory as an independent paradigm for studying institutions: Towards a new definition of ‘discursive construction’ in institutional analysis.Thomas Jacobs - 2019 - Contemporary Political Theory 18 (3):379-401.
    Poststructuralist discourse theory is enjoying increasing recognition for its potential to contribute to the study of institutional change and continuity. Yet the most fruitful approach to realizing this potential has hitherto not been found. The main proposition so far has been to operationalize DT’s insights and concepts by adopting them into the framework of discursive institutionalism. However, an ongoing debate about the compatibility of the ontologies underlying DT and DI has cast doubts over whether such a combination is (...)
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    Hunting the poststructuralist "snark" – the role of antinomy in Essex School discourse analysis.Mick Chisnall - 2021 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 15 (2).
    Poststructuralist Discourse Theory is, in my view, a social theory for our time; embracing, as it does, the unconscious and capable of providing new insights into everything from the rise of Trumpian “post truth” through to our collective inability to universally engage with the existential threat of climate change. This article suggests an approach to the empirical analysis of problematised discourses starting from a search for dislocations. I draw from the writings of Laclau, Adorno and Derrida and (...)
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    Postcritical discourse analysis: examining the case of the student well-being discourse.Marina Schwimmer - 2024 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 58 (6):1015-1028.
    This article examines how the critical tradition initiated by Nietzsche and pursued through poststructuralism might be compatible with what is currently being described as postcritique. It does so by looking at the example of critical discourse analysis (CDA). The first section gives some indications about the state of the methodology currently known as critical discourse analysis and introduces what a ‘postcritical’ reaction could look like. The second section focuses on a concrete example and presents the main (...)
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    Discourse analysis and the epidemiology of meaning.David Allen & Pamela K. Hardin - 2001 - Nursing Philosophy 2 (2):163-176.
    This paper delineates a postmodern discourse analysis that is positioned within a semiotic theory of language. This theory of language foregrounds the performative aspects of language usage and provides the theoretical space from which to theorize the interrelationship between social organizations or structure and social agents or individuals. Our version of discourse analysis contends that social structure is enacted (production and reproduction) through the employment of various vocabularies: social structure is not something outside of, behind, or (...)
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  5.  22
    Prisoners signify: a political discourse analysis of mental illness in a prison control unit.Kristin Gates Cloyes - 2007 - Nursing Inquiry 14 (3):202-211.
    Prisoners signify: a political discourse analysis of mental illness in a prison control unitIncreasingly, US prisoners diagnosed with mental illness are housed in control units, the most restrictive form of confinement in the US prison system. This situation has led to intense debate over the legal, ethical and clinical status of mental illness. This is a semiotic struggle with profound effects, yet most related work treats mental illness as a neutral, individual variable. Few analyses locate mental illness within (...)
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    Discourse analysis and the impact of the philosophy of E nlightenment in nursing research.Kirsten Beedholm, Kirsten Lomborg & Kirsten Frederiksen - 2014 - Nursing Inquiry 21 (2):112-120.
    Discourse analysis has been introduced into nursing research as an approach which has the potential to offer new perspectives and to pose new questions to taken‐for‐granted assumptions. However, critique has arisen that when applied to nursing studies, the epistemological foundation of the discourse analysis is often overlooked. It is furthermore claimed that the methodological inspiration does not lead to any new insights and that these studies can hardly be differentiated from more traditional studies. This study supports (...)
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  7.  43
    The Philosophical Underpinnings of Social Constructionist Discourse Analysis.Marek Gralewski - 2011 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 7 (1):155-171.
    The Philosophical Underpinnings of Social Constructionist Discourse Analysis Although discourse analysis emerges as a multi-faceted research method reflecting various schools of thought, disciplines and approaches, it is possible to pinpoint some meta-theoretical issues or fundamental assumptions common for most of them. This article aims to investigate different philosophical aspects and theoretical foundations that inform discourse analysis, such as the interplay between epistemological and ontological dimensions or the definition of language itself. Because space does not (...)
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    The Conjunction of a French Rhetoric of Unity with a Competing Nationalism in New Caledonia: A Critical Discourse Analysis.Margo Lecompte-Van Poucke - 2018 - Argumentation 32 (3):351-395.
    France and New Caledonia are currently involved in an ongoing debate surrounding the independence of the latter from the former that will lead to referenda in 2018–2022. The main stakeholders in the negotiation process are France, the Caldoche population of the island agglomeration and its Kanak inhabitants. Most critical discourse studies analyse texts as expressions of power entrenched in monologues. In this paper, however, the debate between the social actors is seen as a plurilogue. The study argues that the (...)
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  9.  48
    Poststructuralist Deconstruction of Meaning as a Challenge to the Discourse of Theism.Janusz Salamon - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 10 (1):75-88.
    Although it became customary to warn against confusing postmodernism with deconstructionism, it seems plausible to suggest that their central agendas are not dissimilar. Moreover, from the philosophical point of view, it is the idea of the 'deconstruction of meaning' that can be said to constitute the foundation of postmodernism understood here as an intellectual movement. It is true that grounded in the poststructuralist language analysis, deconstructionism seeks primarily to challenge the attempts inherent in the Western philosophical tradition to (...)
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    When discourse analysts tell stories: what do we ‘do’ when we use narrative as a resource to critically analyse discourse?Felicitas Macgilchrist - 2021 - Critical Discourse Studies 18 (3):387-403.
    Critical discourse analysts are being pulled in two directions. On one side, in the age of validity, inter-rater reliability and evidence-based research, it can seem subversive when researchers ‘tell stories’ (rather than ‘write reports’, ‘produce findings’ or ‘demonstrate effectiveness’). On the other side, public relations departments encourage researchers to use ‘storytelling’ techniques to engage public audiences. In this paper, I draw on social and cultural theory to assume that critical discourse analyses are always already narrative. I propose that (...)
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  11.  20
    The (im)possibilities of poststructuralist and critical social nursing inquiry.Liza Heslop - 1997 - Nursing Inquiry 4 (1):48-56.
    Methodologies of poststructuralist theory and critical social theory may be appropriated for nursing research and practice. Researchers using either methodology employ an analysis of power to explore experiences in various fields, and raise issues diat are highly relevant to nursing. However, the two methodologies differ and, often, die respective dieories are sharply opposed. In diis paper, die differences bodi from widiin and between each approach are explored, showing dieir tensions and limits. I contend that a reflexive approach to (...)
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  12.  64
    Power and politics in poststructuralist thought: new theories of the political.Saul Newman - 2005 - London, New York: Routledge.
    This book explores the impact of poststructuralism on contemporary political theory by focussing on a number of problems and issues central to politics today. Drawing on the theoretical concerns brought to light by the 'poststructuralist' thinkers Foucault, Derrida, Lacan, Deleuze and Max Stirner, Newman provides a critical examination of new developments in contemporary political theory: post-Marxism, discourse analysis, new theories of ideology and power, hegemony, radical democracy and psychoanalytic theory. He re-examines the political in light of these (...)
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  13.  70
    (1 other version)Realism, discourse, and deconstruction.Jonathan Joseph & John Michael Roberts (eds.) - 2004 - New York: Routledge.
    Theories of discourse bring to realism new ideas about how knowledge develops and how representations of reality are influenced. We gain an understanding of the conceptual aspect of social life and the processes by which meaning is produced. This collection reflects the growing interest realist critics have shown towards forms of discourse theory and deconstruction. The diverse range of contributions address such issues as the work of Derrida and deconstruction, discourse theory, Eurocentrism and poststructuralism. What unites all (...)
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  14.  30
    Psychoanalytical Theory in Postcolonial Discourse.Audrius Beinorius - 2020 - Dialogue and Universalism 30 (3):123-140.
    This article deals with some earlier applications of psychology for the analysis of the colonial condition offered by three thinkers—Octave Mannoni, Frantz Fanon and recent applications of Freudian psychoanalytical theory in the poststructuralist approach of Homi K. Bhaba. An attempt is made to compare their standpoints and reflect more broadly on what their implications mean for the future of psychoanalysis’ place in postcolonial critique. Also to answer a vital question in the theoretical project of postcolonial studies: Is psychoanalysis (...)
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  15.  22
    Assembling bodies‐without‐organs: A poststructuralist analysis of group sex between men.Dave Holmes, Chad Hammond, Lauren Orser & Huy Nguyen - 2022 - Nursing Philosophy 23 (1).
    Group sex among men who have sex with men may be understood as a ‘radical’ practice insofar as it transgresses dominant social discourses around appropriate sexual relations—prioritizing heteronormative, monogamous and risk‐averse sex. These practices are generally defined as steeped in risk, most commonly due to the potential for transmitting human immunodeficiency virus and sexually transmitted infections and accompanied by the possibility of legal and social repercussions. Our ethnographic research study explored the desires, practices and contexts of group sex participants (n (...)
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    Shape-shifting discourses of anorexia nervosa: reconstituting psychopathology.Pamela K. Hardin - 2003 - Nursing Inquiry 10 (4):209-217.
    HARDIN PK. Nursing Inquiry 2003; 10: 209–217 Shape-shifting discourses of anorexia nervosa: reconstituting psychopathologyThis article explores how the circuitous relationship between individuals, the media, and discursive systems replicate and reinforce the act of self-starvation in young women. Using a feminist poststructuralist methodology, the focus of this article is on how discourses and institutional practices operate to position young women who take up the subject position of wanting to be diagnosed as anorexic. Utilizing data from online accounts and individual interviews, (...)
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  17.  42
    Quality care as ethical care: a poststructural analysis of palliative and supportive district nursing care.Maurice Nagington, Catherine Walshe & Karen A. Luker - 2016 - Nursing Inquiry 23 (1):12-23.
    Quality of care is a prominent discourse in modern health‐care and has previously been conceptualised in terms of ethics. In addition, the role of knowledge has been suggested as being particularly influential with regard to the nurse–patient–carer relationship. However, to date, no analyses have examined how knowledge (as an ethical concept) impinges on quality of care. Qualitative semi‐structured interviews were conducted with 26 patients with palliative and supportive care needs receiving district nursing care and thirteen of their lay carers. (...)
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  18.  48
    A critical examination of epistemological congruence between intersectionality and feminist poststructuralism: Toward an integrated framework for health research.Andrea Willett & Josephine Etowa - 2023 - Nursing Inquiry 30 (4):e12564.
    The theoretical perspectives of intersectionality and poststructuralism have contributed meaningfully to advancing issues of social injustice within the realm of women's health research. However, the question of whether the two approaches are epistemologically commensurate has been at the heart of a polarized debate within third‐ and fourth‐wave feminist literature in recent years. In this paper, we draw on the extant literature to explore existing dilemmas within this debate and critically reflect on points of epistemological tension and congruence between the two (...)
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  19.  47
    Discursive construction and negotiation of laity on an online health forum.Antoinette Fage-Butler & Patrizia Anesa - 2016 - Pragmatics and Society 7 (2):196-216.
    E-patients are increasingly using the Internet to gain knowledge about medical conditions, thereby problematizing the biomedical assumption that patients are ‘lay’. The present paper addresses this development by investigating the epistemic identities of patients participating on an online health forum. Using poststructuralist discourse analysis to analyze a corpus of cardiology-related threads on an ‘Ask a Doctor’ forum, we compare how patients are discursively constructed by online professionals as ‘knowing’ or ‘not knowing’ with the online knowledge identities patients (...)
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  20. Representing reality: discourse, rhetoric and social construction.Jonathan Potter - 1996 - Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
    How is reality really manufactured? The idea of social construction has become a commonplace part of much social research, yet precisely what is constructed, how it is constructed, and what constructionism means are often left unclear or taken for granted. In this major work, Jonathan Potter explores the central themes raised by these questions. Representing Reality explores the different traditions in constructivist thought--including sociology of scientific knowledge; conversation analysis and ethnomethodology; and semiotics, poststructuralism, and postmodernism--to provide a lucid introduction (...)
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  21.  15
    Mixed-ethnic girls and boys as similarly powerless and powerful: embodiment of attractiveness and grotesqueness.Laurel D. Kamada - 2009 - Discourse Studies 11 (3):329-352.
    An ongoing study examining the discursive negotiation of ethnic and gendered embodied identities of adolescent girls in Japan with Japanese and `white' mixed-parentage is extended to also investigate and compare boys. This study draws on Feminist Poststructuralist Discourse Analysis which views women and girls as `simultaneously positioned as relatively powerless within a range of dominant discourses on gender, but as relatively powerful within alternative and competing social discourses'. Here, this is taken further by also giving voice to (...)
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  22.  27
    Entre libération et représentation réductrice : La pornographie gaie masculine comme véhicule de stéréotypes.Simon Corneau, Geneviève Rail & Dave Holmes - 2010 - Mediatropes 2 (2):136-166.
    Inspirée d’un cadre poststructuraliste, cette étude qualitative de « réception d’un médium » nous a permis de mettre en lumière les « lectures » que font une vingtaine de consommateurs de pornographie des notions de masculinité, de race et ethnicité, du milieu gai et du genre en lien avec la pornographie qu’ils consomment. Les résultats qui émergent de notre analyse critique de discours sont à l’effet que les lectures des consommateurs sont majoritairement dominantes, reproduisant ainsi les stéréotypes présents en société (...)
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  23. In Pursuit of the Functional Definition of a Mind: The Pivotal Role of a Discourse.Vitalii Shymko - 2018 - Psycholinguistics 24 (1):403-424.
    This article is devoted to describing results of conceptualization of the idea of mind at the stage of maturity. Delineated the acquisition by the energy system (mind) of stable morphological characteristics, which associated with such a pivotal formation as the discourse. A qualitative structural and ontological sign of the system transition to this stage is the transformation of the verbal morphology of the mind into a discursive one. The analysis of the poststructuralist understanding of discourse in (...)
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  24.  31
    Hip hop feminism in Sweden: Intersectionality, feminist critique and female masculinity.Kalle Berggren - 2014 - European Journal of Women's Studies 21 (3):233-250.
    Hip hop has grown into a worldwide genre in recent decades, often being associated with issues of race and class. However, as research on ‘hip hop feminism’ in the US context demonstrates, the categories of gender and sexuality are no less fundamental. In the growing body of international hip hop research, though, questions about gender have been relatively absent, and relatively little is known about how gender norms are negotiated and challenged in hip hop in Europe. This article seeks to (...)
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  25.  31
    Qualitative research from a feminist perspective in the postmodern era: methodological, ethical and reflexive concerns.Carmel Seibold - 2000 - Nursing Inquiry 7 (3):147-155.
    Qualitative research from a feminist perspective in the postmodern era: methodological, ethical and reflexive concerns Developing methodology is an ongoing process in certain types of qualitative research. This paper describes the process in a study of single midlife women, detailing reflexive concerns on the ethics of data collection and dissemination of research findings from a feminist postmodern perspective, as well as the way in which modification of techniques of analysis occurred as the study progressed. Beginning research questions were concerned (...)
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  26. Discursive positioning of doctors and e‑patients in online medical consultations in China.Yu Zhang - 2024 - Pragmatics and Society 15 (6):839-857.
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  27.  12
    The deconstruction of Baudrillard: the "unexpected reversibility" of discourse.Aleksandar S. Santrač - 2005 - Lewiston, N.Y.: Edwin Mellen Press.
    Jean Baudrillard is one of the outstanding representatives both of French poststructuralism and postmodernism. Because of radical criticism it was not possible for him to establish a logically coherent theoretical system; the philosophical aspects of his work are specifically merged, therefore, into a critical asystematic fragmentarism, which is the subject of this work. From the critique of the political economy of the sign, through critiques of rationalism, reality, progress, truth, history to the theory of simulation, Baudrillard's specific para-concepts (fatal strategy, (...)
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  28.  13
    Manufacturing dissent: The discursive formation of nuclear proliferation.Rachelle Vessey, Stephanie Schnurr, Lena Rethel, Alexandra Homolar & Malcolm N. MacDonald - 2015 - Discourse and Communication 9 (2):173-197.
    This article draws on the conceptualisation of ‘discursive formation’ to examine the particular configuration of the ‘objects, subjects, concepts and strategies’ which constituted ‘nuclear proliferation’ between 2006 and 2012. While previous studies have mostly explored the discourse of nuclear proliferation through the analysis of newspaper texts, few have considered corpora from different sites or considered the changes, transformations and contradictions that take place when meanings are delocated from one site and relocated in another. Elements of poststructuralist (...) theory, critical linguistics and corpus linguistics are brought together to consider how events were constructed within two corpora: UN Security Council resolutions and newspaper articles published in prominent UK and US broadsheets. WordSmith Tools was used to analyse word frequencies, statistical patterns of keywords, word collocation profiles and concordance patterns. Results indicate that the most salient lexical items refer to actors, strategic actions and technologies. As these constituents of nuclear proliferation are delocated from the political sphere and relocated in the public sphere, three discursive strategies unfold: personalisation, normalisation or exceptionalisation, and reification. (shrink)
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  29.  18
    Madness, sex, and risk: A poststructural analysis.Alicia M. Evans, Dave Holmes & Chris Quinn - 2020 - Nursing Inquiry 27 (4):e12359.
    The body of the one deemed mad often remains a sexual body with sexual needs. Mental health services respond to these demands of the body in various ways, including constructing rules around physical movement. In this context, we were interested in how mental health clinicians problematized the sexual needs and practices of residents of a long‐stay mental health rehabilitation facility and how solutions were constructed in relation to the residents’ sexual desires. This paper reports findings from mental health clinicians, as (...)
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  30.  14
    “IF IT'S NOT ON, IT'S NOT ON”—OR IS IT?: Discursive Constraints on Women's Condom Use.Marion Doherty, Kathryn Mcphillips & Nicola Gavey - 2001 - Gender and Society 15 (6):917-934.
    Safer sex campaigns for heterosexuals have sometimes targeted women in particular to take responsibility for condom use. In this article, the authors question some of the assumptions underlying this strategy, for instance, the assumptions of women's relatively unproblematic relationship with condoms and women's control over condom use. The authors interviewed 14 women about their experiences and views of condoms and of heterosexual relationships more broadly. Using a feminist poststructuralist form of discourse analysis, they examine their accounts in (...)
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  31.  24
    A discursive exploration of nursing work in the hospital emergency setting.Liza Heslop - 1998 - Nursing Inquiry 5 (2):87-95.
    Emergency nurses apply specialist knowledge to the practice of emergency care. This paper discusses the ways in which three emergency nurses understand the nature of their care from their own frames of reference and experiences and presents some of the data collected in a larger study. Various discourses, which compete to inform emergency nurses' understandings of practice, are linked with the notion of nurses as subjects; that is, each discourse may inform, shape and constitute the practice of the nurse (...)
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  32.  40
    Does deliberative democracy need deliberative democrats? Revisiting Habermas’ defence of discourse ethics.Nick O'Donovan - 2013 - Contemporary Political Theory 12 (2):123-144.
    Many political theorists today appeal to, or assume the existence of, a political culture in which the public values of Western liberal democracies are embedded – a political culture that is necessary to render their ideas plausible and their proposals feasible. This article contrasts this approach with the more ambitious arguments advanced by Jürgen Habermas in his original account of discourse ethics – a moral theory to which, he supposed, all human beings were demonstrably and ineluctably bound by the (...)
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  33.  38
    Discourse analysis as a methodology for nursing inquiry.Penny Powers - 1996 - Nursing Inquiry 3 (4):207-217.
    Discourse analysis is a relatively recent form of inquiry without a strict step‐by‐step method. The methodology of discourse analysis has a longer history in Continental Europe than in other countries.1 The complex theoretical assumptions, the goals and the target (discourse) have been explicated, but the methodology may be applied in different ways. This paper will describe discourse analysis and give examples of some of the possible variations. It is the claim of this paper (...)
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  34.  59
    Political discourse analysis: a decolonial approach.Yunana Ahmed - 2021 - Critical Discourse Studies 18 (1):139-155.
    This paper draws attention to the significance of incorporating decolonial methodologies in analyzing political discourse in a postcolonial world, particularly in Africa. The decolonial approach to political discourse focuses on the ways politics in postcolonial context is imbricated in the logic of coloniality. Decolonial approach is considered necessary rather than sufficient in interrogating the hegemonic structure of colonialism in Africa's political discourse. The paper uses critical discourse analysis situated within decolonial methodologies to analyze former President (...)
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  35.  28
    The Lacanian Imaginary and Modern Chinese Intellectuality.Guanjun Wu - 2016 - Social Imaginaries 2 (1):71-94.
    Jacques Lacan’s theorization of the imaginary has been regarded generally as an organic part of the crucial development of psychoanalytic theory in its post-Freudian stage. This article situates the Lacanian imaginary in the context of contemporary discussions of ‘theory after poststructuralism’, arguing that it moves radically beyond the poststructuralist terrains of deconstruction and discourse-analysis, and is able to off er new insights on various studies. Especially, it can help (re)examine some aporias in the field of Sinology. This (...)
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  36.  25
    Science, religious beliefs, and historiography: Assessing the scientification of religion's method and theory.Leonardo Ambasciano - 2016 - Zygon 51 (4):1062-1066.
    In the recent past, attempts to revitalize historico-religious studies have challenged the charismatic appeal of some of the most celebrated scholars of the twentieth century. At the same time, the old and ideological frameworks that characterized the field have been critically analyzed and deconstructed. The disciplinary status quo, taken for granted for quite a long time, has been shaken to its foundation, paving the way for new approaches. However, the postmodern tenet of problematizing any authority has also become a convenient (...)
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  37.  25
    Critical Discourse Analysis: a practical introduction to power in language.Huihui Jiang - forthcoming - Critical Discourse Studies.
    Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is a continuously developing and problem-oriented interdisciplinary research field. It is interested in ‘analyzing hidden, opaque, and visible structures of domina...
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  38.  41
    Reframing caring as discursive practice: a critical review of conceptual analyses of caring in nursing.Andrew Sargent - 2012 - Nursing Inquiry 19 (2):134-143.
    SARGENT A. Nursing Inquiry 2012; 19: 134–143 [Epub ahead of print]Reframing caring as discursive practice: a critical review of conceptual analyses of caring in nursingThis study critically examines the way in which the concept of caring is presented in the nursing literature through conceptual analytic approaches. A critical reflection on the potential consequences of representing a concept of caring as vague and ambiguous, yet central to ontology and epistemology in professional nursing is presented drawing on comparisons between the conceptual analyses (...)
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    Discourse analysis as a qualitative and quantitative technique in the social sciences.Sebastián Sayago - 2014 - Cinta de Moebio 49:1-10.
    This article proposes that Discourse Analysis (DA) be methodologically characterized as an analytical technique for the social sciences. To do this, it must first be situated in relation to two other methodological tools used for the study of discourse: hermeneutics and Content Analysis. Subsequently, the article will define DA, focusing on one aspect in particular: its compatibility with both qualitative and quantitative research strategies. It will then examine the usefulness of this technique in the process of (...)
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    Critical discourse analysis for nursing research.Jennifer L. Smith - 2007 - Nursing Inquiry 14 (1):60-70.
    Critical discourse analysis is a useful and productive qualitative methodology but has been underutilized within nursing research. In order to redress this deficiency the research presented in this article represents an exploration of the way in which critical discourse analysis may be applied to the analysis of public debates around policy for nursing practice. In this article the author discusses the history of the application of critical discourse analysis and provides an example of (...)
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    Discourse analysis on newspaper reports of apostasy cases.Azweed Mohamad, Radzuwan Ab Rashid, Kamariah Yunus, Shireena Basree Abdul Rahman, Saadiyah Darus, Razali Musa & Kamarul Shukri Mat Teh - 2017 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 16 (48):96-111.
    This paper aims to provide insights into the Malaysian newspaper reports on apostasy cases in the country. Being a Muslim country with multi-religions, apostasy is highly sensitive hence any issues related to apostasy need to be carefully managed. Four keywords were used to identify newspaper reports for the analysis. Two newspaper reports met the selection criteria and were analysed using a discourse analysis approach focusing on Grammatical Analysis, Macrostructures, and Rhetorical Structures. The analysis reveals that (...)
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    Análisis crítico de la redefinición de “ideología” en el pensamiento político contemporáneo.Matías González - 2011 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 36 (1):93-115.
    El presente trabajo analizará una serie de esfuerzos teóricos recientes vinculados a la posible redefinición y aprehensión conceptual de los fenómenos de ideología en las sociedades contemporáneas. El estudio desplegará algunos de los problemas que se presentan al interior de esta clase de esfuerzos conceptuales, enfocando especialmente en el contexto del pensamiento político de raíces postestructurales y lacanianas. Se observará, en suma, el modo en que dichas redefiniciones confrontan con ciertas dificultades o generan tensiones conceptuales debido al tipo de presupuestos (...)
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    Operationalizing heterogeneity in poststructuralist discourse theory: the heterogeneous logics of international trade politics.Thomas Jacobs - 2021 - Critical Discourse Studies 18 (6):602-618.
    ABSTRACT Ever since an intense theoretical debate over a decade ago, the concept of heterogeneity has had a well-established place within poststructuralist Discourse Theory. It captures the interactions between the heart of the space of representation and its margins, between excluded excess and manifest presence; and conceptualizes particularities, differential remainders, and discursive exteriority. The analytical implications of heterogeneity remain underexploited, however. This contribution makes the case that one way to operationalize the notion of heterogeneity in empirical research is (...)
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    Ecological discourse analysis and meaning interpretation of BBC news reports on 2019 Australian bushfires from the perspective of transitivity system.Meijing Li & Zhencong Liu - 2024 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 20 (1):131-148.
    The unprecedented 2019/20 Australian bushfires prompted this paper to conduct a transitivity analysis on the top three processes (material, relational, and verbal) in selected BBC news reports. Guided by the ecological philosophical view of “harmony with diversity, interaction, and coexistence,” the research aims to interpret ecological meanings in the text and enhance people’s awareness of environment conservation. The findings reveal that these news reports predominantly utilized material and relational processes to depict the devastating impact of the Australian bushfires on (...)
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    Discourse analysis of statements of purpose: Connecting academic and professional genres.Carme Bach & Carmen López-Ferrero - 2016 - Discourse Studies 18 (3):286-310.
    As a discourse genre, statements of purpose are characterized by their occluded status in the academy and by their hybrid nature. Statements of purpose are required in applications for a place in a postgraduate course, and they are requested to obtain information about the academic and professional background and skills of each applicant. A study of the genre’s linguistic and textual features is needed in Spanish to discover and understand writers’ and readers’ perception of this genre. A corpus of (...)
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    A corpus-assisted critical discourse analysis of news reporting on China’s air pollution in the official Chinese English-language press.Guofeng Wang - 2018 - Discourse and Communication 12 (6):645-662.
    This corpus-assisted critical discourse analysis of news reports on air pollution published from 2008 through 2015 by China Daily, China’s largest official English-language newspaper, reveals a significant attitudinal shift around the end of 2011 as regards public awareness of increasing air pollution levels in China and related public criticism. It also constructs a clear image of the increasing determination and resolve of the Chinese central government over the course of this 8-year period to take action to effectively reduce (...)
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    A critical discourse analysis of British national newspaper representations of the academic level of nurse education: too clever for our own good?Karen Gillett - 2012 - Nursing Inquiry 19 (4):297-307.
    GILLETT K. Nursing Inquiry 2012; 19: 297–307 A critical discourse analysis of British national newspaper representations of the academic level of nurse education: too clever for our own good?This critical discourse analysis examines articles about the academic level of nurse education that appeared in British national newspapers between 1999 and 2009. British newspaper journalists regularly attribute problems with recruitment into nursing and nursing care to the increasing academic nature of nurse education. It is impossible to separate (...)
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    Critical discourse analysis, topoi and mystification: disability policy documents from a Norwegian NGO.Jan Grue - 2009 - Discourse Studies 11 (3):305-328.
    In disability studies, social and medical explanatory models are seen as being conflicting or mutually exclusive, and as mystifying respectively bodily impairment and the agency of social and environmental factors. This article uses critical discourse analysis to discuss the relationship between such models in policy documents produced by The Norwegian Federation of Organizations of Disabled People. Analysis of key topoi in the policy documents shows that they display elements of both social and medical discourse, and that (...)
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    Cognitive Discourse Analysis : An Introduction.Thora Tenbrink - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    Analysing language data systematically and looking closely at how people formulate their thoughts can reveal astonishing insights about the human mind. Without presupposing specific subject knowledge, this book gently introduces its readers to theoretical insights as well as practical principles for systematic linguistic analysis from a cognitive perspective. Drawing on Thora Tenbrink's twenty years' experience in both linguistics and cognitive science, this book offers theoretical guidance and practical advice for doing cognitive discourse analysis. It covers areas of (...)
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    Discourse analysis, cognition and evidentials.Louis de Saussure - 2011 - Discourse Studies 13 (6):781-788.
    This article echoes concerns recently formulated regarding CDA’s lack of attention to cognitive science. From a cognitive pragmatic viewpoint, I argue that discourse analysis should undergo an epistemological change in order to seriously take into account what cognitive approaches have to offer, in particular as regards the automatic processing of utterances and the subsequent non-conscious evaluation of contents vis-a-vis previously held beliefs. I regard the epistemological tension in CDA as stemming from a wider tension of the same sort (...)
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