Results for 'principles of justice'

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  1.  47
    The principle of justice in patient priorities in the intensive care unit: the role of significant others.K. Halvorsen, R. Forde & P. Nortvedt - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (8):483-487.
    Background: Theoretically, the principle of justice is strong in healthcare priorities both nationally and internationally. Research, however, has indicated that questions can be raised as to how this principle is dealt with in clinical intensive care. Objective: The objective of this article is to examine how significant others may affect the principle of justice in the medical treatment and nursing care of intensive care patients. Method: Field observations and in-depth interviews with physicians and nurses in intensive care units (...)
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    The principles of justice.Richard W. Wright - manuscript
    Many theorists claim that justice is a question-begging concept that has no inherent substantive content. They point to disagreements among justice theorists themselves about basic aspects of the justice theory, such as the nature of corrective justice and the distinction between it and distributive justice, as even further reason to dismiss the concept of justice or to fill it with their preferred theoretical content. Yet most persons perceive that the concept of justice is (...)
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    Principles of Justice, Primary Goods and Categories of Right: Rawls and Kant.Paul Guyer - 2018 - Kantian Review 23 (4):581-613.
    John Rawls based his theory of justice, in the work of that name, on a ‘Kantian interpretation’ of the status of human beings as ‘free and equal’ persons. In his subsequent, ‘political rather than metaphysical’ expositions of his theory, the conception of citizens of democracies as ‘free and equal’ persons retained its foundational role. But Rawls appealed only to Kant’s moral philosophy, never to Kant’s own political philosophy as expounded in his 1797 Doctrine of Right in theMetaphysics of Morals. (...)
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    The Principle Of Justice In Magna Carta Libertatum And Its Influence On The Law In General.Emine Zendeli - 2015 - Seeu Review 11 (1):59-68.
    This article aims to expound the principle of justice, as a fundamental value and as an immanent category of law, as well as one of the fundamental human rights, prescribed and guaranteed by a myriad of international instruments and documents. After a brief historical account, by focusing on Article 40 of the Magna Carta Libertatum, which states that: “To No One Will we Sell, To No One Will we refuse or delay, right or justice”, this article claims to (...)
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    A third principle of justice.Burleight T. Wilkins - 1997 - The Journal of Ethics 1 (4):355-374.
    In this paper I argue that in order to secure the commitment of believers in reasonable comprehensive doctrines to political liberalism a third principle of justice needs to be adopted in the Original Position. Rawls acknowledges that neutral legislation by the liberal state may negatively affect some reasonable comprehensive doctrines, and I offer a third principle of justice to help alleviate this problem. This principle, which I believe is in keeping with the United States constitutional history especially where (...)
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  6. Rawls’ Principles of Justice; Equity, and the Justification of Reservation in India.Shatakshi Srivastava - manuscript
    This paper examines John Rawls' renowned theory of justice, which outlines two principles of justice and their respective significance. It explores how Rawls' notion of equality aligns with the philosophical concept of equity, emphasizing that his call for citizen equality inherently incorporates fairness. Additionally, the paper discusses the application of Rawls' "Difference Principle" to India's reservation policy. Rawls' principles, which aim to support the worst-off in society, are reflected in India's system of reservations for marginalized groups, (...)
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  7. Which principle of justice can justify a universal basic income for all?Jean-Christophe Merle - 2021 - In Agus Wahyudi (ed.), Social justice: a sketch of the west and the Islamic world experiences. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.
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    Two Principles of Justice.Magdaléna Steinhauser Wesserlová - 2018 - E-Logos 25 (1):50-71.
    Príspevok je zameraný na problém spravodlivosti Johna Rawlsa v diele Teória spravodlivosti. Obsah práce je koncipovaný ako analýza dvoch princípov spravodlivosti, pričom sa zameriava na ich ťažiskové aspekty. Príspevok sa snaží vyjasniť význam dvoch zásad spravodlivosti prostredníctvom skúmania obsahového zloženia prvého i druhého princípu. V súvislosti s druhým princípom je cieľom nielen objasniť význam férovej rovnosti príležitostí, ale i vzťah druhého princípu s princípom efektívnosti a vzťah demokratického chápania spravodlivosti s princípom rozdielnosti. Zámerom príspevku je tiež poukázať na princíp distribúcie, (...)
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    Rethinking the Principle of Justice for Marginalized Populations During COVID-19.Henry Ashworth, Derek Soled & Michelle Morse - 2021 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 49 (4):611-621.
    In the face of limited resources during the COVID-19 pandemic response, public health experts and ethicists have sought to apply guiding principles in determining how those resources, including vaccines, should be allocated.
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    Self-Respect and the Justification of Rawlsian Principles of Justice.Pablo Aguayo Westwood - 2021 - Ethics and Social Welfare 15 (3):232-245.
    In this article I examine the importance of self-respect in the justification of Rawls’s theory of justice. First, I present two elements that are part of the contemporary debate on self-respect as a form of self-worth—namely, moral status and merit. Second, I specify the bases that support self-respect within A Theory of Justice. Finally, I discuss at length the function of self-respect in justifying the principles of justice. This inquiry implies an analysis of the relationship between (...)
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  11.  90
    Principles of justice in health care rationing.R. Cookson & Paul Dolan - 2000 - Journal of Medical Ethics 26 (5):323-329.
    This paper compares and contrasts three different substantive principles of justice for making health care priority-setting or “rationing” decisions: need principles, maximising principles and egalitarian principles. The principles are compared by tracing out their implications for a hypothetical rationing decision involving four identified patients. This decision has been the subject of an empirical study of public opinion based on small-group discussions, which found that the public seem to support a pluralistic combination of all three (...)
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  12.  68
    Concepts, Conceptions, and Principles of Justice.Loren King - 2012 - Socialist Studies 8 (1):164-172.
    G.A. Cohen argues that Rawlsian constructivism mistakenly conflates principles of justice with optimal rules of regulation, a confusion that arises out of how Rawls has us think about justice. I use the concepts/conceptions distinction to argue that while citizens may reasonably disagree about the substance and demands of justice, some principled convergence may be possible: we can agree upon regulative principles consistent with justice, as each of us understands it. Rawlian constructivism helps us find (...)
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    Principles of justice and the idea of practice-dependence.Johan Brännmark - 2019 - Ethics and Global Politics 12 (3):1-16.
    In recent years, several political theorists have argued that reasonable principles of justice are practice-dependent. In this paper it is suggested that we can distinguish between at least two main models for doing practice-dependent theorizing about justice, interpretivism and constructivism, and that they can be understood as based in two different conceptions of practices. It is then argued that the reliance on the notion of participants that characterizes interpretivism disables this approach from adequately addressing certain matters of (...)
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  14.  25
    Principles of Justice and Real-World Climate Politics.Sarah Kenehan & Corey Katz (eds.) - 2021 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    There is a major divide between the work of normative theorists and concrete climate action (or inaction) politics and policies. In this volume, authors tackle the strained relationships between principles of justice and climate politics by responding to real-world climate politics and policies, offering proposals and analyses that take concerns of feasibility seriously, and identifying immediate justice and feasibility concerns with recent proposals for climate action. Contributors look at questions of feasibility as they relate to specific international (...)
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  15.  58
    The relevance of Rawls' principle of justice for research on cognitively impaired patients.P. D. Dr Giovanni Maio - 2002 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 23 (1):45-53.
    An ethical conflict arises when we must perform research in the interest of future patients, but that this may occasionally injure the interests of today''s patients. In the case of cognitively impaired persons, the question arises whether it is compatible with humane healthcare not only to treat, but also to use these patients for research purposes. Some bioethicists and theologians have formulated a general duty of solidarity, also pertaining to cognitively impaired persons, as a justification for research on these persons. (...)
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  16.  46
    What Do the Various Principles of Justice Mean Within the Concept of Benefit Sharing?Bege Dauda, Yvonne Denier & Kris Dierickx - 2016 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 13 (2):281-293.
    The concept of benefit sharing pertains to the act of giving something in return to the participants, communities, and the country that have participated in global health research or bioprospecting activities. One of the key concerns of benefit sharing is the ethical justifications or reasons to support the practice of the concept in global health research and bioprospecting. This article evaluates one of such ethical justifications and its meaning to benefit sharing, namely justice. We conducted a systematic review to (...)
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  17.  29
    The Divided Principle of Justice: Ethical Decision-Making at Surge Capacity.Sunit Das & Connor T. A. Brenna - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (8):37-39.
    As Alfandre and colleagues describe in “Between Usual and Crisis Phases of a Public Health Emergency: The Mediating Role of Contingency Measures”, efforts to maintain standards of care durin...
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  18.  22
    The Indeterminacy of the Principles of Justice: The Debate on Property-Owing Democracy Versus the Welfare State and the Ideal of Social Union.Ingrid Salvatore - forthcoming - Res Publica:1-22.
    In the past decade, scholars such as Samuel Freeman, Martin O’Neill, Alan Thomas and others have argued that no matter how widely Rawls’s theory of justice (TJ) was understood as a defence of the welfare state (WS), the socio-economic system Rawls defends and always defended is property-owing democracy (POD). In this article I present the argument that Rawls did not defend POD in TJ. However, while the claim that it was POD the socio-economic system implied by the principle of (...)
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    Rawls’s Principle of Justice as Fairness and Its Application to the Issue of Same-Sex Marriage.John Scott Gray - 2004 - South African Journal of Philosophy 23 (2):158-170.
    This essay applies the principle of justice as fairness to the issue of same-sex marriage. I will outline Rawls’s theory of justice, including the original position and the veil of ignorance as the means by which choosers craft a just state. In considering whether same-sex marriage should be permissible, I argue that a just society, formulated in the Rawlsian context of justice as fairness, should allow them. I assert that gays and lesbians do count as equal citizens (...)
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  20. Confronting ethical permissibility in animal research: rejecting a common assumption and extending a principle of justice.Chong Un Choe Smith - 2014 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 35 (2):175-185.
    A common assumption in the selection of nonhuman animal subjects for research and the approval of research is that, if the risks of a procedure are too great for humans, and if there is a so-called scientific necessity, then it is permissible to use nonhuman animal subjects. I reject the common assumption as neglecting the central ethical issue of the permissibility of using nonhuman animal subjects and as being inconsistent with the principle of justice used in human subjects research (...)
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  21. Harris's principle of justice in health care.Ruth Macklin - 2015 - In John Coggon, Sarah Chan, Søren Holm, Thomasine Kimbrough Kushner & John Harris (eds.), From reason to practice in bioethics: an anthology dedicated to the works of John Harris. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
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    (1 other version)How to Justify Principles of Justice.Zhang Guoqing - 2019 - Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy 2019 (4):163-192.
    John Rawls assumes that in the original position, under the veil of ignorance, after bargaining amongst each other, free, equal, moral and rational persons would make a rational decision to accept the principles of justice as fairness and thus the principles are established. Critics, however, question the authenticity and validity of this justification strategy. When rational individuals take the principles of justice as an original agreement, it is not a real contract. Rawls’s conception of (...) as fairness is just a personal notion, some individuals may accept it, but it is impossible to be accepted by all human beings in a real world. Therefore there is a justification/acceptance paradox of those principles which are the core of his political philosophy. So how should we justify those principles? Its answers may be provided not in the light of a philosophical justification but of a scientific one. (shrink)
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  23.  42
    Market Mechanisms and Principles of Justice.Erich H. Loewy - 1990 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 9 (3-4):103-119.
  24.  58
    The Eroding Principle of Justice in Teaching Medical Professionalism.Jason E. Glenn - 2012 - HEC Forum 24 (4):293-305.
    This article examines the difficulties encountered in teaching professionalism to medical students in the current social and political climate where economic considerations take top priority in health care decision making. The conflict between the commitment to advocate at all times the interests of one’s patients over one’s own interests is discussed. With personal, institutional, tech industry, pharmaceutical industry, and third-party payer financial imperatives that stand between patients and the delivery of health care, this article investigates how medical ethics instructors are (...)
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  25. (1 other version)Principles of Social Justice.David Miller - 2002 - Philosophical Quarterly 52 (207):274-276.
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  26. Nonviolence as the ultimate principle of justice.Tom Krettek - 2003 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 26 (3):229-239.
  27.  47
    Positing a difference between acts and omissions: the principle of justice, Rachels' cases and moral weakness.R. Mohindra - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (5):293-299.
    The difficulty in discovering a difference between killing and letting die has led many philosophers to deny the distinction. This paper seeks to develop an argument defending the distinction between killing and letting die. In relation to Rachels’ cases, the argument is that (a) even accepting that Smith and Jones may select equally heinous options from the choices they have available to them, (b) the fact that the choices available to them are different is morally relevant, and (c) this difference (...)
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  28. Will the Real Principles of Justice Please Stand Up?David Wiens - 2017 - In Kevin Vallier & Michael Weber (eds.), Political Utopias: Contemporary Debates. New York, NY: Oup Usa.
    This chapter develops a ``nesting'' model of deontic normative principles (i.e., principles that specify moral constraints upon action) as a means to understanding the notion of a ``fundamental normative principle''. I show that an apparently promising attempt to make sense of this notion such that the ``real'' or ``fundamental'' demands of justice upon action are not constrained by social facts is either self-defeating or relatively unappealing. We should treat fundamental normative principles not as specifying fundamental constraints (...)
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    Integrating Principles of Care, Compassion and Justice in Organizations: Exploring Dynamic Nature of Organizational Justice.Khuram Shahzad, Hassan Sohaib Murad, Naveda Kitchlew & Shahid A. Zia - 2014 - Journal of Human Values 20 (2):167-181.
    This article aims to respond to the long-lived perceived incompatibility between care and compassion and justice in organizational literature. It is argued that principles of care and compassion and principles of justice are compatible with each other and can be integrated in organizations in such a way that both will supplement each other. Previous researches tend to view concepts of care and compassion and justice either as competing or inheriting some fundamental trade-offs. This article argues (...)
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  30.  89
    Research ethics and the principle of justice as fairness – a restatement.Giovanni Maio - 2003 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 24 (5):395-406.
    In my recent article, I addressed the question of whether a potential categorical exclusion of decisionally impaired patients from non-therapeutic medical research would be inaccordance with the Principle of Justice as Fairness. I came to the conclusion that a categorical exclusion of decisionally impaired persons from relevant research projects may collide with Rawls’s understanding of Justice as Fairness. Derek Bell has criticized my paper by denying that it is legitimate to apply Rawls to this bioethical problem. In my (...)
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  31. ‘Perhaps the most important primary good’: self-respect and Rawls’s principles of justice.Nir Eyal - 2005 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 4 (2):195-219.
    The article begins by reconstructing the just distribution of the social bases of self-respect, a principle of justice that is covert in Rawls’s writing. I argue that, for Rawls, justice mandates that each social basis for self-respect be equalized. Curiously, for Rawls, that principle ranks higher than Rawls’s two more famous principles of justice - equal liberty and the difference principle. I then recall Rawls’s well-known confusion between self-respect and another form of self-appraisal, namely, confidence in (...)
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  32. Self-Determination As Principle of Justice.Iris Marion Young - 1979 - Philosophical Forum 11 (1):30.
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    Problems in the Motivational Basis of Rawls’ Principles of Justice.Kazi Asm Nurul Huda - forthcoming - Philosophy and Progress:45-60.
    The paper explores the logical structure of Rawlsian justice principles in order to see whether their justificatory or explanatory conditions are unproblematic. To facilitate this purpose, drawing on readers of Rawls, the author shows that the Aristotelian principle is used to explain the principles of rational choice, particularly the principle of inclusiveness. Then, on the basis of the Aristotelian principle, Rawls justifies his conclusion, via the principles of rational choice and the theory of primary goods. After (...)
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  34.  50
    On the Lexical Ordering of Social States According To Rawls' Principles of Justice.Juan Hersztajn Moldau - 1992 - Economics and Philosophy 8 (1):141.
    This article is concerned with the selection of an appropriate model of choice to underlie Rawls' two principles of justice. Rawls' first principle of justice states that basic liberty is not to be sacrificed for other objectives, including wealth. His second principle of justice suggests that even a minute decrease in the well-being of the least prosperous classes should not be accepted in exchange for an increase, no matter how large, in the well-being of more well-to-do (...)
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  35. Habermas and Rawls on an Epistemic Status of the Principles of Justice.Krzysztof Kędziora - 2019 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 34:31-46.
    The so-called debate between Jürgen Habermas and John Rawls concentrated mainly on the latter’s political liberalism. It dealt with the many aspects of Rawls’s philosophical project. In this article, I focus only on one of them, namely the epistemic or cognitivistic nature of principles of justice. The first part provides an overview of the debate, while the second part aims to show that Habermas has not misinterpreted Rawls’s position. I argue that Habermas rightly considers Rawls’s conception of (...) as a moral one. In the last part, I discuss two key questions raised by Habermas. The first concerns the relation between justification and acceptance of the principles of justice. The second concerns the relation between two validity terms: truth and reasonableness. (shrink)
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    The search for the principle of justice for infertile couples: characterization of the brazilian population and bioethical discussion.Drauzio Oppenheimer, Francisca Rego & Rui Nunes - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-9.
    Background Infertility is an increasingly prevalent disease in society and is considered by the World Health Organization to be a public health problem. An important ethical issue arises from the clarification of reproductive rights in a fair and equal way. The objective of this study was to deepen and update the knowledge and discussion about the difficulty of accessing infertility treatments in Brazil. Methods A cross-sectional observational study was carried out through the application of an online questionnaire that collected the (...)
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  37. Are intellectual property rights compatible with Rawlsian principles of justice?Darryl J. Murphy - 2012 - Ethics and Information Technology 14 (2):109-121.
    This paper argues that intellectual property rights are incompatible with Rawls’s principles of justice. This conclusion is based upon an analysis of the social stratification that emerges as a result of the patent mechanism which defines a marginalized group and ensure that its members remain alienated from the rights, benefits, and freedoms afforded by the patent product. This stratification is further complicated, so I argue, by the copyright mechanism that restricts and redistributes those rights already distributed by means (...)
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    Towards an internormative hermeneutics for social justice: principles of justice and recognition in John Rawls and Axel Honneth.Christiana Idika - 2017 - Berlin: Peter Lang.
    The author discusses to what extent a generally binding norm of social justice can be established in a modern, plural society. Though the principles of social justice and their sources of normativity are plural, they are interdependent. It is their intelligibility that makes them universal.
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    (1 other version)Fairness and microcredit interest rates: from Rawlsian principles of justice to the distribution of the bargaining range.Marek Hudon & Arvind Ashta - 2013 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 22 (3):277-291.
    This paper addresses the fairness of microcredit interest rates. Since microfinance institutions provide credit for the poor at relatively high prices, the fairness of their interest rates has been repeatedly debated. We first apply Rawls' principles of justice to the case of microcredit interest rates and suggest some limitations related to the hypothesis of rationality of the borrowers and the level of inequality. We then suggest another framework based on the analysis of the distribution of the benefits generated (...)
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    Wolff, Rawls, and the principles of justice.John O'Connor - 1968 - Philosophical Studies 19 (6):93 - 95.
  41.  22
    The principle of cooperation as an application of the cooperative principle in some recent rulings of the Court of Justice of the European Union regarding Romania.Alina Gioroceanu - 2022 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 18 (1):91-112.
    The aim of the paper is to establish a relation between the cooperative principle formulated by H.P. Grice in pragmatics and the principle of sincere cooperation laid down in the founding Treaties on the European Union and interpretated by the Court of Justice of the European Union, intimately linked to the ethical imperative of cooperation, in a cultural framework shared by the Member States. The key concepts are ratio and value and the case-law analysed is provided by the recent (...)
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    Justifying Principles of Justice from a Post-Kantian Standpoint.Constantin Stamatis - 2013 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 99 (4):447-461.
    The article grapples with the question how we can think over principles of justice in a horizon radically modified in comparison with the times of the French revolution. Our approach insists on two corollary questions, in tune with Kant’s critical philosophy. What does it mean to speculate on such principles and how do these interconnect in a transcendental guise with the basic legal concepts of modern legal culture? How does practical Reason work together with the intellect and (...)
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    The maximin rule argument for Rawls's principles of justice.Bruce Langtry - 1985 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 63 (1):64 – 77.
    John Rawls, in A Theory of Justice, sometimes asserts each of the two premises of the following argument, and also the conclusion: (1) The parties in the original position would adopt the maximin rule. (2) The maximin rule, when applied to the task pof the parties in the original position, enjoins the choice of Rawls's two principles of justice in preference to the lother listed alternative. (3) Therefore the parties would choose Rawls's two principles. In this (...)
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    The Turn of the Principle of Justice—On the Reconstruction of the Stability of the Principle of Justice by Rawls’ Idea of “Overlapping Consensus”. 王毅鹏潘世莲 - 2022 - Advances in Philosophy 11 (6):1465.
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    Principles of Justice in Taxation. Stephen F. Weston.Max West - 1905 - International Journal of Ethics 15 (3):388-389.
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    Political Values, Principles of Justice, and Property-Owning Democracy.Martin O'Neill - 2012 - In Martin O'Neill & Thad Williamson (eds.), Property-Owning Democracy: Rawls and Beyond. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 75.
  47. The Basic Structure and the Principles of Justice.András Miklós - 2011 - Utilitas 23 (2):161-182.
    This paper develops an account of how economic and political institutions can limit the applicability of principles of justice even in non-relational cosmopolitan conceptions. It shows that fundamental principles of justice underdetermine fair distributive shares as well as justice -based requirements. It argues that institutions partially constitute the content of justice by determining distributive shares and by resolving indeterminacies about justice -based requirements resulting from strategic interaction and disagreement. In the absence of existing (...)
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    Stone Soup: Distributional Goods and Principles of Justice.Mark Silcox - 2020 - Social Theory and Practice 46 (4):869-889.
    Certain sorts of disputes about principles of distributive justice that have occupied a great deal of attention in recent political philosophy turn out to be fundamentally unresolvable, when they are conducted in ignorance of whether an important subclass of basic social goods exists within any particular society. I employ the folktale ‘Stone Soup’ to illustrate how such distributional goods might come into existence. Using the debate about John Rawls’s Difference Principle as an example, I argue that a proper (...)
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    Does Rawls’s First Principle of Justice Allow for Consensus? A Note.Nurdane Şimşek & Manuel Knoll - 2018 - In Manuel Knoll, Stephen Snyder & Nurdane Şimşek (eds.), New Perspectives on Distributive Justice: Deep Disagreements, Pluralism, and the Problem of Consensus. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter. pp. 127-130.
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    The epistemic status of the principles of justice in Habermas and Rawls.Gunnar Skirbekk - 2021 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 38:131-138.
    The debate between Habermas and Rawls that took place in 1990s concerned how philosophy can justify the principles of justice under the conditions of pluralism of different and irreconcilable moral, philosophical, and religious doctrines. The context of the debate was mainly Rawls’ Political Liberalism and Habermas’ Between Facts and Norms as well. This paper argues that a wider geo-cultural perspective is pertinent in order to better comprehend the different justification strategies in Habermas and Rawls, concerning the principle of (...)
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