Results for 'pursuit of justice'

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  1.  6
    The Pursuit of Justice: A Personal Philosophical History.James P. Sterba - 2013 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The Pursuit of Justice: A Personal Philosophical History is a collection of renowned scholar and philosopher James P. Sterba’s finest works - essays spanning the full spectrum of his illustrious career along with new scholarship on the enduring struggle for justice we face as a society, and as individuals in the modern world. That struggle, or pursuit, may be ongoing, but – as this book details – it has come a long way, and that progress, however (...)
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    The Pursuit of Justice.Christopher Campbell-Holt (ed.) - 2008 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This new book prints a collection of updated lectures and papers written and delivered by Lord Woolf since 1986, following his retirement in 2005 from the office of Lord Chief Justice and a judicial career that has covered part or all of the last four decades. Lord Woolf expresses his personal views and provides a panoramic insight into the main law reforms over this period. The title The Pursuit of Justice reflects Lord Woolf's determination to see that (...)
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    Self-Seeking and the Pursuit of Justice.David P. Levine - 1997 - Routledge.
    First published in 1997, this volume delves into the most influential theories of economic justice, which ground themselves in utilitarian or related contractarian ideas about the self. These ideas take self-interest to be transparent and unproblematic. Favoured assumptions about the self also make scarcity the primary reality with which economic justice must deal. Much is lost in consideration of the justness of economic arrangements when we take the wants and interests of the self for granted in this way, (...)
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    International organizations and the pursuit of justice in the world economy.Steven Weber - 2000 - Ethics and International Affairs 14:99–117.
    IOs are suffering a loss of legitimacy, and both social and technological changes associated with globalization will make it harder for IOs to recapture the power to affect the behavior of other actors in world politics.
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  5. Educational practice in pursuit of justice requires historically informed and philosophically rigorous scholarship.Winston C. Thompson - 2017 - In Antoinette Errante, Jackie M. Blount & Bruce A. Kimball (eds.), Philosophy and history of education: diverse perspectives on their value and relationship. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
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    Community Paralegals and the Pursuit of Justice edited by Vivek Maru and Varun Gauri: Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018.Erica Leni - 2020 - Human Rights Review 21 (2):211-213.
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    Testimony Under Threat: Women’s Voices and the Pursuit of Justice in Post-War Sri Lanka.Kristine Höglund - 2019 - Human Rights Review 20 (3):361-382.
    This paper foregrounds how women’s public testimony as part of a formal transitional justice initiative is shaped by the particular context in which a commission operate, including the political and security environment. While the literature has engaged with the gendered predicaments of truth commissions after peace agreements and during transitions away from non-democratic rule, the function of such initiatives in more authoritarian and in immediate post-war contexts is generally overlooked. I examine women’s testimonies from Sri Lanka’s Lessons Learned and (...)
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    The pursuit of computational justice in open systems.Jeremy Pitt, Dídac Busquets & Régis Riveret - 2015 - AI and Society 30 (3):359-378.
    Many open networks, distributed computing systems, and infrastructure management systems face a common problem: how to distribute a collectivised set of resources amongst a set of autonomous agents of heterogenous provenance. One approach is for the agents themselves to self-organise the allocation of resources with respect to a set of agreed conventional rules; but given an allocation scheme which maps resources to those agents and a set of rules for determining that allocation scheme, some natural questions arise—Is this allocation fair? (...)
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    Jus Domicile: In Pursuit of a Citizenship of Equality and Social Justice.Harald Bauder - 2012 - Journal of International Political Theory 8 (1-2):184-196.
    Although foreign workers contribute to the economy and society, their lack of citizenship renders them unequal, vulnerable and exploitable. In this article, I suggest that the citizenship principle of jus domicile can address this aspect of inequality and exploitation experienced by migrant labour. In addition, I argue that the jus domicile principle should be combined with open borders. In making this argument, I draw on a dialectical methodology and a diverse literature on social justice and liberal political theory. The (...)
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  10. James W Skillen, In Pursuit of Justice: Christian Democratic Explorations. Lanham/ Washington DC 2004: Rowman and Littlefield/ Center for Public Justice. ISBN 074253524X. [REVIEW]B. C. Wearne - 2006 - Philosophia Reformata 71 (2):185-188.
    A review of James Skillen's book exploring the character of Christian democracy, what it is, what it has become, what it should be.
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    Oedipa and the Pursuit of Meaning; or Truth, Justice, and the American Way.Kristin M. Langellier & Eric E. Peterson - 1982 - Semiotics:307-320.
  12.  49
    In Pursuit of Dignity and Social Justice: Changing Lives Through 100 % Inclusion—How Gram Vikas Fosters Sustainable Rural Development. [REVIEW]Nicola M. Pless & Jenny Appel - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 111 (3):389-411.
    This case study investigates Gram Vikas' innovative social entrepreneurial approach to sustainable rural development through its 'Water and Sanitation Programme'. We explore its key innovation of 100 % inclusion and the process of creating democratic, self-governing management systems. This allows us to demonstrate how a social enterprise tries to realize its vision of "an equitable and sustainable society where people live in peace with dignity", and ultimately, how it contributes to the United Nations Millennium Goals of improving health, empowering women (...)
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    Backward Causation, Isolation and the Pursuit of Justice.Milan M. Cirkovic & Suzana Cveticanin - 2002 - Epistemologia 25 (1):145-162.
    The recent operationalization of the famous Newcomb's game by Schmidt (1998) offers an interesting and thought-provoking look at the plausibility of backward causation in a Newtonian universe. Hereby we investigate two details of the Schmidt's scenario which may, at least in principle, invalidate his conclusion in two different domains: one dealing with the issue of Newtonian predictability in specific instance of human actions, and the other stemming from a possible strategy aimed at obviating the anthropically oriented view of backward causation (...)
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    Institutions of justice and intuitions of fairness: contesting goods, rules and inequalities.Udo Pesch - 2024 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 27 (2):95-108.
    This paper examines the intrinsic relation between institutions and social justice. Its starting point is that processes of institutionalization invoke societal groups to articulate justice demands which, in their turn, give rise to processes of institutional redesign. In liberal democracies, demands for justice are articulated as a pursuit for emancipation and empowerment of groups that feel excluded by dominant categorizations. The imminent presence of this twin pursuit for justice can be explained by the conceptual (...)
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  15. Critique of Justice.Sanjay Kumar Shukla (ed.) - 2009 - Allahabad: philosophy department, Ewing Christian College.
    Critique of Justice is a collection of reflective essays on ditferent dimensions of justice written by eminent scholars of Philosophy and allied disciplines who are astively engaged in the academic pursuit and promoting the cause of philosophy The book is conceived from the standpoint of multi-perspectival approach to the multifarious concept of justice which is regarded as the highest value in any civilized society On the one hand from traditional metaphysical point of view justice consists (...)
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  16.  44
    Feminist Justice and the Pursuit of Peace.James P. Sterba - 1994 - Hypatia 9 (2):173 - 187.
    I argue that the achievement of feminist justice is centrally related to the pursuit of peace, so that those who oppose violence in international arenas must, in consistency, oppose violence against women as well. This requires putting an end to the overt violence against women that takes the distinctive form of rape, battering, sexual harassment, and sexual abuse, and to the structural violence that takes the form of inequalities suffered by women in their families and in the economic (...)
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    DeChristianization of Christian Health Care Institutions, or, How the Pursuit of Social Justice and Excellence can Obscure the Pursuit of Holiness.H. Tristram Engelhardt - 2001 - Christian Bioethics 7 (1):151-161.
    H. Tristram Engelhardt, Jr.; The DeChristianization of Christian Health Care Institutions, or, How the Pursuit of Social Justice and Excellence can Obscure the.
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    In Pursuit of Respectful Teaching and Intellectually-Dynamic Social Fields.Frank Margonis - 2011 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 30 (5):433-439.
    In contrast to educational policies in the U.S., which assume an individualistic path of success and promote the assimilation of students, this essay argues for pedagogies where teachers focus upon facilitating the development of strong relationships en route to creating exciting educational environments and fertile contexts for social justice movements. Powerful teachers model the process whereby a commitment to appreciating the perspectives of individual students is combined with the orchestration of a dynamic intersubjective context, because such contexts call out (...)
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    In Pursuit of a Balance: the Regulation of Conscience and Access to Sexual Reproductive Health Care.Diya Uberoi & Beatriz Galli - 2017 - Human Rights Review 18 (3):283-304.
    In any given society, rights are said to co-exist. When rights, however, begin to conflict, a balance must be sought. In few fields has the ability of governments to accommodate two conflicting sets of rights been so controversial as it has in the case of conscientious objection in reproductive health care. Today, states have an obligation under international law to protect the right to the freedom of thought, conscience, and religion of medical providers. They also, however, have an obligation to (...)
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  20. There’s No Justice: Why Pursuit of a Virtue is Not the Solution to Epistemic Injustice.Benjamin R. Sherman - 2016 - Social Epistemology 30 (3):229-250.
    Miranda Fricker’s book Epistemic Injustice calls attention to an important sort of moral and intellectual wrongdoing, that of failing to give others their intellectual due. When we fail to recognize others’ knowledge, or undervalue their beliefs and judgments, we fail in two important respects. First, we miss out on the opportunity to improve and refine our own sets of beliefs and judgments. Second—and more relevant to the term “injustice”—we can deny people the intellectual respect they deserve. Along with describing the (...)
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    The Ethics of Justice Without Illusions.Louis E. Wolcher - 2016 - New York: Routledge.
    The founding premise of this book is that the nimbus of prestige which once surrounded the idea of justice has now been dimmed to such a degree that it is no longer sufficient to secure the possibility of a good conscience for those who undertake, in good faith, to make the world a better place in the spheres of politics and law. The many decent human beings who have noticed and experienced this diminishment of justice’s prestige find themselves (...)
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  22. Jews and Christians: In Pursuit of Social Justice.Randall M. Falk & Walter J. Harrelson - 1996
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  23. The justice(s) of the o'tan (corazonar) : Tseltal women's experiences in the pursuit of self-justice.Laura Edith Saavedra Hernández - 2025 - In Ricardo Sanín Restrepo, Marinella Machado Araujo & Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni (eds.), Decrypting justice: from epistemic violence to immanent democracy. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
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    Feeling the absence of justice : notes on our pathological reliance on punitive justice.Anastasia Chamberlen & Henrique Carvalho - forthcoming - Howard Journal of Crime and Justice.
    This paper critically examines our relationship with justice in contemporary western liberal settings, with a particular focus on why our pursuit of justice is intimately entangled with punitive logics. It does so by defining this approach to justice as predominantly pathological, in the sense that it follows a logic that is akin to that displayed in our contemporary sensibilities regarding bodily pain. We deploy the concept of ‘dys-appearance’ used by Drew Leder in the context of his (...)
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    Multilateralism and Megaregionalism from the Grounds-of-Justice Standpoint.Mathias Risse - 2017 - Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric 10 (1).
    This paper considers the trend towards megaregionalism that became prominent in the trade domain in the last years of the Obama administration. While megaregionalism has fallen by the wayside since Trump’s inauguration, the underlying rationale for such treaties will most likely reassert itself rather soon. So there are structural issues that need to be discussed from a standpoint of global justice. In all likelihood, megaregionalism is detrimental to global justice. TTIP in particular, or anything like it, might derail (...)
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    The Possibility of Justice: The Work of Paulo Freire and Difference.Claudia Rozas - 2007 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 26 (6):561-570.
    The work of Paulo Freire, while remaining important to many educators, has been challenged by some postmodernist arguments. In particular, the pursuit of justice becomes difficult, or at least more complicated, when the concept of difference is taken seriously. This paper reconsiders the Freirean commitment to justice in the light of ideas from Young (1990, Justice and the politics of difference, New Jersey: Princeton University Press) and Pavlich and Ratner (1996 Justice and the Postmodern, In (...)
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    Thurgood Marshall's pursuit of equality through law.Adam Fairclough - 2004 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 7 (4):177-199.
    Thurgood Marshall (1908?1993) profoundly shaped the direction and success of the American civil rights struggle. Joining the staff of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1936, he headed its Legal Defense and Educational Fund from 1939 until 1961, subsequently becoming a federal appeals court judge, Solicitor General, and Justice of the US Supreme Court. Marshall was more an egalitarian integrationist than a pluralist and deployed the law in pursuit of this moral objective. Although (...)
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  28. The Human Right to Democracy and the Pursuit of Global Justice.Pablo Gilabert - 2020 - In Thom Brooks (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Global Justice. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 279-301.
  29. Comparative Assessments of Justice, Political Feasibility, and Ideal Theory.Pablo Gilabert - 2012 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 15 (1):39-56.
    What should our theorizing about social justice aim at? Many political philosophers think that a crucial goal is to identify a perfectly just society. Amartya Sen disagrees. In The Idea of Justice, he argues that the proper goal of an inquiry about justice is to undertake comparative assessments of feasible social scenarios in order to identify reforms that involve justice-enhancement, or injustice-reduction, even if the results fall short of perfect justice. Sen calls this the “comparative (...)
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    Theories of Justice: A Treatise on Social Justice, Vol. 1.Brian Barry - 1989 - University of California Press.
    What is social justice? In _Theories of Justice_ Brian Barry provides a systematic and detailed analysis of two kinds of answers. One is that justice arises from a sense of the advantage to everyone of having constraints on the pursuit of self-interest. The other answer connects the idea of justice with that of impartiality. Though the first book of a trilogy, _Theories of Justice_ stands alone and constitutes a major contribution to the debate about social (...) that began in 1971 with Rawls's _A Theory of Justice_. (shrink)
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    (1 other version)Ideas of justice and reconstructions of Confucian justice.Tim Murphy & Ralph Weber - 2016 - Asian Philosophy 26 (2):99-118.
    ABSTRACTConfucianism tends to play only a marginal role in current theorizing about justice, which is a global pursuit dominated by Western theory and its strong tendency to assume that justice refers to some substantive conception of distributive, socioeconomic justice. This article examines and compares reconstructions of Confucian justice by Joseph Chan, May Sim, and Fan Ruiping. Each reconstruction makes reference to both classical and modern Western justice theory and thus each involves a comparative approach; (...)
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    Nurturing the Sense of Justice.Waheed Hussain - 2012-02-17 - In Martin O'Neill & Thad Williamson (eds.), Property‐Owning Democracy. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 180–200.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Two Forms of Property‐Owning Democracy What Is Stability? Why Does It Matter? The Sense of Justice Participation in Public Life Three Distinctive Features of Rawls's View Democratic Corporatism and Participation Objections Conclusion References.
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    The Fair Society: The Science of Human Nature and the Pursuit of Social Justice[REVIEW]Jeff Noonan - 2013 - Journal of Critical Realism 12 (3):410-412.
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    Justice, Democracy, and the Role of Political Philosophy.Brian Berkey - 2020 - Australasian Philosophical Review 4 (1):51-56.
    In this paper, I argue that de Shalit’s claim that there is a tension between a commitment to democracy and methodological approaches in political philosophy that do not take the views of members of the public as inputs to theorizing is mistaken. I also argue that adopting the method of ‘public reflective equilibrium’ that de Shalit recommends would undercut important roles that political philosophy should play in both our thinking about and our pursuit of justice.
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  35. Peter Corning: The Fair Society: The science of human nature and the pursuit of social justice: University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2011. [REVIEW]Holly Lawford-Smith - 2012 - Biology and Philosophy 27 (2):313-320.
    Peter Corning: The Fair Society: The science of human nature and the pursuit of social justice Content Type Journal Article Category Review Essay Pages 1-8 DOI 10.1007/s10539-011-9304-0 Authors Holly Lawford-Smith, Centre for Applied Ethics and Public Philosophy, Charles Sturt University, Canberra, Australia Journal Biology and Philosophy Online ISSN 1572-8404 Print ISSN 0169-3867.
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  36. A national context—mexico and its pursuit of social justice.J. Sepulveda Amor - 1995 - In Zbigniew Bańkowski & John H. Bryant (eds.), Poverty, vulnerability, the value of human life, and the emergence of bioethics: highlights and papers of the XXVIIIth CIOMS Conference, Ixtapa, Guerrero State, Mexico, 17-20 April 1994. Geneva: CIOMS. pp. 28--4.
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    Immanent Politics, Participatory Democracy, and the Pursuit of Eudaimonia.Geoffrey Allan Plauché - 2011 - Libertarian Papers 3:16.
    This paper builds on the burgeoning tradition of Aristotelian liberalism. It identifies and critiques a fundamental inequality inherent in the nature of the state and, in particular, the liberal representative-democratic state: namely, an institutionalized inequality in authority. The analysis draws on and synthesizes disparate philosophical and political traditions: Aristotle’s virtue ethics and politics, Locke’s natural rights and idea of equality in authority in the state of nature , the New Left’s conception of participatory democracy , and philosophical anarchism. The deleterious (...)
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    Preferring Justice: Rationality, Self-transformation, And The Sense Of Justice.Eric Cave - 1998 - Westview Press.
    Does which side of the fence we are on determine our perceptions of justice? Philosopher Eric M. Cave argues that rules of justice would benefit the members of a community little if individuals lacked an effective desire to comply with these rules. However, sometimes a sense of justice appears to do no more than to limit what individuals can do in pursuit of their own ends. Cave presents a provocative vehicle for self-examination.
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    For the Pursuit of Peace As a Moral Task from a Kantian Perspective.Ha Poong Kim - 1991 - Idealistic Studies 21 (2-3):114-123.
    “What must we do to prevent a nuclear omnicide?” I want to answer this question from a Kantian perspective. For Kant a state of peace is not only the denial of a state of war but also a state of justice, in which right rules might. Kant’s concept of peace is normative. According to him, practical reason commands us to leave the state of nature, which is a state of war, and establish a state of peace, inasmuch as this (...)
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  40. Philosophical Theories of Justice and Agency.Kevin M. Graham - 1996 - Dissertation, University of Toronto (Canada)
    Every theory of justice presupposes a theory of agency which specifies the nature, capacities, and needs of the agents to whom it applies. Likewise, every theory of agency can serve as the basis for a theory of justice which specifies the social conditions in which persons can develop and exercise their capacities for agency. Contemporary liberal, communitarian, and feminist theories of justice all share an abstract understanding of agency as involving the capacity to pursue a conception of (...)
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    In Pursuit of a Just Society: Martin Luther King, Jr., and John Rawls.Robert Michael Franklin - 1990 - Journal of Religious Ethics 18 (2):57 - 77.
    The social thought of Martin Luther King, Jr., creatively joins the particularity of the African-American freedom struggle, with its roots deep in black religious experience, to the universalist rhetoric of America's constitutive documents to produce an inclusive conception of justice for all in American society. This essay places King's thought in dialogue with that of the contemporary American moral philosopher John Rawls. Such conversation is important in both directions. Secular moral philosophers such as Rawls are challenged by King's thought (...)
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    iPod, YouTube, Wii Play: Theological Engagements with Entertainment by D. Brent Laytham, and: If These Walls Could Talk: Community Muralism and the Beauty of Justice by Maureen H. O’Connell.Joel Warden - 2015 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 35 (1):199-202.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:iPod, YouTube, Wii Play: Theological Engagements with Entertainment by D. Brent Laytham, and: If These Walls Could Talk: Community Muralism and the Beauty of Justice by Maureen H. O’ConnellJoel WardeniPod, YouTube, Wii Play: Theological Engagements with Entertainment By D. Brent Laytham EUGENE, OR: CASCADE, 2012. 209 PP. $24.00If These Walls Could Talk: Community Muralism and the Beauty of Justice By Maureen H. O’Connell COLLEGEVILLE, MN: LITURGICAL (...)
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    Interpreting from the Interstices: The Role of Justice in a Liberal Democracy—Lessons from Michael Walzer and Emmanuel Levinas.Nicholas R. Brown - 2016 - Levinas Studies 10 (1):155-185.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Interpreting from the IntersticesThe Role of Justice in a Liberal Democracy—Lessons from Michael Walzer and Emmanuel LevinasNicholas R. Brown (bio)1As anyone who is familiar with more recent theological debate can attest, the appraisal of the liberal democratic tradition has undergone a radical reevaluation in the wake of Stanley Hauerwas’s and Alasdair MacIntyre’s scathing critiques. As a result of their blistering assault, religious ethicists and philosophers now find themselves (...)
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  44. The deliberative democrat’s Idea of Justice.John S. Dryzek - 2013 - European Journal of Political Theory 12 (4):329-346.
    In Amartya Sen’s The Idea of Justice, democracy is necessary for the reconciliation of plural justice claims. Sen’s treatment of democracy is however incomplete and inadequate: democracy is under-specified, there are unrecognized difficulties in any context featuring deep moral disagreement or deep division and a conceptualization of public reason in the singular erodes his pluralism. These faults undermine Sen’s account of justice. Developments in the theory of deliberative democracy can be deployed to remedy these deficiencies. This deployment (...)
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    The Neo-Performative Teacher: School Reform, Entrepreneurialism and the Pursuit of Educational Equity.Chris Wilkins, Brad Gobby & Amanda Keddie - 2021 - British Journal of Educational Studies 69 (1):27-45.
    The impact of neoliberal reforms of education systems on the work of teachers and school leaders, particularly in relation to high-stakes accountability frameworks, has been extensively studied in recent decades. One significant aspect of neoliberal schooling is the emergence of quasi-autonomous public schools (such as Academies in England, Charter Schools in the USA and Independent Public Schools in Australia), characterised by heterarchical governance models, the promotion of entrepreneurial leadership cultures, and the promotion of a discourse of pursuing educational equity by (...)
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    “Truly a Women of Color Organization”: Negotiating Sameness and Difference in Pursuit of Intersectionality.Zakiya Luna - 2016 - Gender and Society 30 (5):769-790.
    Research on the U.S. women’s movement has documented the difficulties of cross-racial work between White women and women of racial/ethnic minorities. Less understood is how racial/ethnic minorities do cross-racial work among themselves to construct a collective identity of “women of color” that encourages solidarity across race, class, and other statuses. Drawing on research from the reproductive justice movement, I examine how women of color organizations that strive for intersectional praxis negotiate sameness and difference. I identify two different logics at (...)
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    Keeping justice (largely) out of charity: Pluralism and the division of labor between charitable organizations and the state.Daniel Halliday & Matthew Harding - 2020 - Legal Theory 26 (4):281-304.
    Justice can be pursued by the state, or through voluntary charity. This paper seeks to contribute to the debate about the appropriate division of labor between government and charitable agencies by developing a positive account of the charity sector's moral foundations. The account given here is grounded in a legal conception of charity, as a set of subsidies and privileges designed to cultivate a wide variety of activities aimed at enhancing civic virtue and autonomy. Among other things, this implies (...)
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  48. The circumstances of justice: Pluralism, community, and friendship.Neera Kapur Badhwar - 1993 - Journal of Political Philosophy 1 (3):250–276.
    Liberal political theory sees justice as the "first virtue" of a good society, the virtue that guides individuals' conceptions of their own good, and protects the equal liberty of all to pursue their ends, so long as these ends and pursuits are just. But ever since Marx's declaration that "liberty as a right of man is not founded upon the relations between man and man, but rather upon the separation of man from man...,"i liberal society has been frequently criticized (...)
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    Philosophy before the Greeks: the pursuit of truth in ancient Babylonia.Marc Van de Mieroop - 2016 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    There is a growing recognition that philosophy isn’t unique to the West, that it didn’t begin only with the classical Greeks, and that Greek philosophy was influenced by Near Eastern traditions. Yet even today there is a widespread assumption that what came before the Greeks was "before philosophy." In Philosophy before the Greeks, Marc Van De Mieroop, an acclaimed historian of the ancient Near East, presents a groundbreaking argument that, for three millennia before the Greeks, one Near Eastern people had (...)
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    [Book review] the pursuit of absolute integrity, how corruption control makes government ineffective. [REVIEW]Frank Anechiarico & James B. Jacobs - 1997 - Criminal Justice Ethics 16 (2):35-41.
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