Results for 'redundant prefix'

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  1.  37
    Effects of a redundant prefix on immediate recall.Kent M. Dallett - 1964 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 67 (3):296.
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    Method, Metaphysics, Metaphor (Being after Phenomenology).W. Chris Hackett - 2014 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 18 (2):54-76.
    Method, metaphysics, metaphor: three words with a common prefix, which, for philosophy, bear an ancient pedigree. Classically, the last word, as an object of philosophical reflection, has mostly been excluded from bearing any philosophical significance; we will see how this can no longer be the case today, precisely for phenomenology. If the “method” of phenomenology is wholly determined by its goal, namely, "pure" description, and if description is paradoxically only actualized in a figurative mode through guiding metaphors, then we (...)
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    Redundant truth.Philip Hugly & Charles Sayward - 1992 - Ratio 5 (1):24-37.
    A strong and weak version of the redundancy theory of truth are distinguished. An argument put forth by Michael Dummett concludes that the weak version is vitiated by truth-value gaps. The weak version is defended against this argument. The strong version, however, is vitiated by truth-value gaps.
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    Redundant, Secretive, and Isolated: When Are Clinical Trials Scientifically Valid?Kirstin Borgerson - 2014 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 24 (4):385-411.
    Clinical research has at least three problematic features: it tends to be redundant, secretive, and isolated.1 Research with these features not only wastes resources and causes harm, it also fails to meet a basic ethical requirement of research: scientific validity. As bioethicists, we should be asking why, if research with these three features is ethically unjustified, it has been so routinely approved by research ethics committees over the past half century. In what follows, I provide one answer to this (...)
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  5. Redundant Reasons.Daniel Wodak - 2020 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 98 (2):266-278.
    It is commonly held that p is a reason for A to ϕ only if p explains why A ought to ϕ. I argue that this view must be rejected because there are reasons for A to ϕ that would be redundant in any ex...
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    Redundancies in traffic signs: an exploratory study.Michał Dudek - 2022 - Semiotica 2022 (247):283-317.
    Against the background of studies on redundancy in law that completely omit the visual element in law and of studies on traffic signs that are laconic about their redundancies, the present study proposes more focused investigation into the redundancies of traffic signs. After presentation of the broader context of existing studies on traffic signs and on redundancy in law, and following a discussion of the direct inspiration for embarking upon research into this topic, the article moves to present and discuss (...)
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    Redundant epistemic symmetries.James Read & Thomas Møller-Nielsen - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 70:88-97.
  8.  26
    Redundant trials can be prevented, if the EU clinical trial regulation is applied duly.Daria Kim & Joerg Hasford - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-19.
    The problem of wasteful clinical trials has been debated relentlessly in the medical community. To a significant extent, it is attributed to redundant trials – studies that are carried out to address questions, which can be answered satisfactorily on the basis of existing knowledge and accessible evidence from prior research. This article presents the first evaluation of the potential of the EU Clinical Trials Regulation 536/2014, which entered into force in 2014 but is expected to become applicable at the (...)
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  9.  28
    CS redundancy and secondary punishment.Martin E. Seligman - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 72 (4):546.
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    On Redundant Hypotheses in Inductive Fields of Inquiry.Rishabh Jha - 2017 - International Journal of Philosophy 5 (2):12.
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  11. Redundant causation.Michael McDermott - 1995 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 46 (4):523-544.
    I propose an amendment of Lewis's counterfactual analysis of causation, designed to overcome some difficulties concerning redundant causation.
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    Observability, redundancy and modality for dynamical symmetry transformations.David Wallace - unknown
    I provide a fairly systematic analysis of when quantities that are variant under a dynamical symmetry transformation should be regarded as unobservable, or redundant, or unreal; of when models related by a dynamical symmetry transformation represent the same state of affairs; and of when mathematical structure that is variant under a dynamical symmetry transformation should be regarded as surplus. In most of these cases the answer is `it depends': depends, that is, on the details of the symmetry in question. (...)
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  13. Truth May Be Redundant.Marcus Rossberg - 2024 - In Adam C. Podlaskowski & Drew Johnson (eds.), Truth 20/20: How a Global Pandemic Shaped Truth Research. Synthese Library. pp. 103-124.
    Deflationists argue that the truth predicate does not express a substantive property, but is only required for expressive purposes. Using the resources of a fully schematic, inferentialist account of higher-order logic, truth predicates are purely logical and indeed eliminable, since they are logically definable, for any reasonable language, when we extend the language by the appropriate higher-order quantifiers. Accordingly, the truth predicate is not required for expressive purposes. Alethic deflationism thus appears to collapse into a redundancy theory of truth. In (...)
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  14. Redundant targets effects in letter identification.Gr Grice & Jw Gwynne - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (5):345-345.
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  15.  31
    Redundancy and dimensional load in stimulus identification.Robert M. Levy - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 98 (1):138.
  16. Causally Redundant Social Objects: Rejoinder to Elder-Vass.Tobias Hansson Wahlberg - 2014 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 44 (6):798-809.
    In Elder-Vass’s response to my critical discussion of his social ontology, it is maintained (1) that a social object is not identical with but is merely composed of its suitably interrelated parts, (2) that a social object is necessarily indistinguishable in terms of its causal capacities from its interrelated parts, and (3) that ontological individualism lacks an adequate ontological justification. In this reply, I argue that in view of (1) the so-called redescription principle defended by Elder-Vass ought to be reformulated (...)
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  17. Redundancy in Perceptual and Linguistic Experience: Comparing Feature-Based and Distributional Models of Semantic Representation.Brian Riordan & Michael N. Jones - 2011 - Topics in Cognitive Science 3 (2):303-345.
    Abstract Since their inception, distributional models of semantics have been criticized as inadequate cognitive theories of human semantic learning and representation. A principal challenge is that the representations derived by distributional models are purely symbolic and are not grounded in perception and action; this challenge has led many to favor feature-based models of semantic representation. We argue that the amount of perceptual and other semantic information that can be learned from purely distributional statistics has been underappreciated. We compare the representations (...)
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  18.  11
    Retrospective Redundancy: The Anthropocene and the Crisis of Historical Comprehension.Alexandre Leskanich - 2021 - New Global Studies 15 (2-3):181-192.
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  19.  48
    How Redundant Are Redundant Color Adjectives? An Efficiency-Based Analysis of Color Overspecification.Paula Rubio-Fernández - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  20.  17
    Effects of redundancy level and presentation method on the paired-associate learning of educable retardates, third graders, and eighth graders.Herman H. Spitz - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 95 (1):164.
  21. Redundant complexity: A critical analysis of intelligent design in biochemistry.Niall Shanks & Karl H. Joplin - 1999 - Philosophy of Science 66 (2):268-282.
    Biological systems exhibit complexity at all levels of organization. It has recently been argued by Michael Behe that at the biochemical level a type of complexity exists--irreducible complexity--that cannot possibly have arisen as the result of natural, evolutionary processes and must instead be the product of (supernatural) intelligent design. Recent work on self-organizing chemical reactions calls into question Behe's analysis of the origins of biochemical complexity. His central interpretative metaphor for biochemical complexity, that of the well-designed mousetrap that ceases to (...)
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  22. The redundancy objection, and why Scanlon is not a contractualist.Tamra Frei - 2008 - Journal of Political Philosophy 17 (1):47-65.
  23.  41
    Redundancy in the nervous system: Where internal models collapse.Ramesh Balasubramaniam - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (3):396-397.
    Grush has proposed a fairly comprehensive version of the idea of internal models within the framework of the emulation theory of representation. However, the formulation suffers from assumptions that render such models biologically infeasible. Here I present some problems from physiological principles of human movement production to illustrate why. Some alternative views to emulation are presented.
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  24.  21
    Redundancy in Mahābhārata verse CompositionRedundancy in Mahabharata verse Composition.Barend A. van Nooten - 1969 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 89 (1):50.
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    Redundancy as a Driving Force of Human Existence.Valery Goryunov - 2015 - Dialogue and Universalism 25 (2):244-255.
    The technosocial formula is a key concept in social cognition. It means that society needs a larger amount of life resources than people can produce. The main social goal means relationship along with technology is a provision of material production. Man is redundant to the extent to which his appearance goes beyond the natural balance. Production growth increases the amount of excess consumption and population, and at the same time the scarcity of natural resources. The volume of world energy (...)
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  26.  25
    Processing redundant information.Irving Biederman & Stephen F. Checkosky - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 83 (3p1):486.
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    Exploiting redundancy for flexible behavior: Unsupervised learning in a modular sensorimotor control architecture.Martin V. Butz, Oliver Herbort & Joachim Hoffmann - 2007 - Psychological Review 114 (4):1015-1046.
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    Redundant answers and topic-focus articulation.Pavel Materna, Eva Hajičová & Petr Sgall - 1987 - Linguistics and Philosophy 10 (1):101 - 113.
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    Redundancy in photography.Daniel Palmer - 2012 - Philosophy of Photography 3 (1):36-44.
    In his text, `Information strategies', written at the cusp of the emergence of digital photography in 1985, German artist and photography critic Andreas Müller-Pohle predicted that soon `it will be possible to generate and regenerate literally every conceivable - or inconceivable - picture through a computer terminal'. This realization coincided with Müller-Pohle's critique of conventional photography, which he dubbed `photographism' drawing on the philosopher Vilém Flusser's work. For Flusser, photographers are functionaries of an apparatus based on automation, programmed to produce (...)
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  30.  72
    Fair process and the redundancy of bioethics: A polemic.Richard Ashcroft - 2008 - Public Health Ethics 1 (1):3-9.
    Queen Mary, University of London, School of Law, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS, UK. Tel: +442078825126, Fax: +442089818733, Email: r.ashcroft{at} ' + u + '@' + d + ' '//--> Abstract Recent doctrine in both national and international organisations concerned with public health planning and resource allocation has it that direct ethical justification of substantive decisions is so difficult as to be impossible. Instead, we should agree on criteria of procedural justice and reach decisions whose justification lies in how (...)
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  31.  59
    Redundancy matters: Flexible learning of multiple contingencies in infants.Vladimir M. Sloutsky & Christopher W. Robinson - 2013 - Cognition 126 (2):156-164.
  32.  53
    Redundant publication in biomedical sciences: Scientific misconduct or necessity? [REVIEW]Tom Jefferson - 1998 - Science and Engineering Ethics 4 (2):135-140.
    Redundant publication in biomedical sciences is the presentation of the same information or data set more than once. Forms of redundant publication include “salami slicing”, in which similar text accompanies data presented in disaggregated fashion in different publications and “duplicate or multiple publication” in which identical information is presented with a virtually identical text. Estimates of prevalence of the phenomenon put it at 10 to 25% of published literature. Redundant publication can be considered unethical, or fraudulent, when (...)
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  33.  62
    The redundancy of positivism as a paradigm for nursing research.Margarita Corry, Sam Porter & Hugh McKenna - 2019 - Nursing Philosophy 20 (1):e12230.
    New nursing researchers are faced with a smorgasbord of competing methodologies. Sometimes, they are encouraged to adopt the research paradigms beloved of their senior colleagues. This is a problem if those paradigms are no longer of contemporary methodological relevance. The aim of this paper was to provide clarity about current research paradigms. It seeks to interrogate the continuing viability of positivism as a guiding paradigm for nursing research. It does this by critically analysing the methodological literature. Five major paradigms are (...)
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    Adaptive redundancy, denominator neglect, and the base-rate fallacy.Christopher R. Wolfe - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (3):286-287.
    Homo sapiens have evolved a dual-process cognitive architecture that is adaptive but prone to systematic errors. Fuzzy-trace theory predicts that nested or overlapping class-inclusion relations create processing interference, resulting in denominator neglect: behaving as if one ignores marginal denominators in a 2 × 2 table. Ignoring marginal denominators leads to fallacies in base-rate problems and conjunctive and disjunctive probability estimates.
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  35.  55
    Redundancy, degeneracy and deviance in action.Berent Enc - 1985 - Philosophical Studies 48 (3):353 - 374.
  36.  24
    Spurious transcription factor binding: Non‐functional or genetically redundant?Mikhail Spivakov - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (8):798-806.
    Transcription factor binding sites (TFBSs) on the DNA are generally accepted as the key nodes of gene control. However, the multitudes of TFBSs identified in genome‐wide studies, some of them seemingly unconstrained in evolution, have prompted the view that in many cases TF binding may serve no biological function. Yet, insights from transcriptional biochemistry, population genetics and functional genomics suggest that rather than segregating into ‘functional’ or ‘non‐functional’, TFBS inputs to their target genes may be generally cumulative, with varying degrees (...)
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  37. How to be a redundant realist.Kurt L. Sylvan - 2012 - Episteme 9 (3):271-282.
    In Group Agency, List and Pettit defend ‘non-redundant realism’ about group agency, a view on which facts about group agents are not ‘readily reducible’ to facts about individuals, and the dependence of group agents on individuals is so holistic that one cannot predict facts about group agents on the basis of facts about their members. This paper undermines L&P's case in three stages. §1 shows that L&P's core argument is invalid. L&P infer and from two facts: that group agents (...)
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  38. Neural Redundancy and Its Relation to Neural Reuse.John Zerilli - 2019 - Philosophy of Science 86 (5):1191-1201.
    Evidence of the pervasiveness of neural reuse in the human brain has forced a revision of the standard conception of modularity in the cognitive sciences. One persistent line of argument against such revision, however, cites the evidence of cognitive dissociations. While this article takes the dissociations seriously, it contends that the traditional modular account is not the best explanation. The key to the puzzle is neural redundancy. The article offers both a philosophical analysis of the relation between reuse and redundancy (...)
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  39.  14
    (1 other version)Redundancies, re‐organisations, transfers and mergers in the higher education sector: Employment law and human resources aspects.John McMullen - 2008 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 12 (1):20-25.
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    Redundancy in the Nervous System as Substrate for Consciousness: Relation to the Anatomy and Chemistry of Remembering.Aryeh Routtenberg - 1980 - In J. M. Davidson & Richard J. Davidson (eds.), The Psychobiology of Consciousness. Plenum. pp. 105--127.
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    Redundancy in the full-report procedure.George Wolford & Samuel Hollingsworth - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 3 (6):457-458.
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  42.  11
    Redundancy in logic I: CNF propositional formulae.Paolo Liberatore - 2005 - Artificial Intelligence 163 (2):203-232.
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    The redundancy problem: From knowledge-infallibilism to knowledge-minimalism.Stephen Hetherington - 2018 - Synthese 195 (11):4683-4702.
    Among the epistemological ideas commonly associated with the Descartes of the Meditations, at any rate, is a knowledge-infallibilism. Such an idea was seemingly a vital element in Descartes’s search for truth within that investigative setting: only a true belief gained infallibly could be knowledge, as the Meditations conceived of this. Contemporary epistemologists are less likely than Descartes was to advocate our ever seeking knowledge-infallibility, if only because most are doubtful as to its ever being available. Still, they would agree—in a (...)
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  44. The redundancy of the act.John Collins - 2018 - Synthese 195 (8):3519-3545.
    The theory that structured propositions are complex act-types has been independently articulated by Peter Hanks and Scott Soames. The present paper argues that the role of the act in such theories is supererogatory, for the individuation conditions of the act-based propositions remain wholly at the level of concepts and their formal combination, features which the traditional structured proposition theorist endorses. Thus, it is shown that the traditional problems for structured propositions are only ameliorable on the act conception by appeal to (...)
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  45.  78
    Are Human Rights Redundant in the Ethical Codes of Psychologists?Alfred Allan - 2013 - Ethics and Behavior 23 (4):251-265.
    The codes of ethics and conduct of a number of psychology bodies explicitly refer to human rights, and the American Psychological Association recently expanded the use of the construct when it amended standard 1.02 of the Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. What is unclear is how these references to human rights should be interpreted. In this article I examine the historical development of human rights and associated constructs and the contemporary meaning of human rights. As human rights (...)
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  46. Can Scanlon avoid redundancy by passing the buck?David McNaughton & Piers Rawling - 2003 - Analysis 63 (4):328-331.
    Scanlon suggests a buck-passing account of goodness. To say that something is good is not to give a reason to, say, favour it; rather it is to say that there are such reasons. When it comes to wrongness, however, Scanlon rejects a buck-passing account: to say that j ing is wrong is, on his view, to give a sufficient moral reason not to j. Philip Stratton-Lake 2003 argues that Scanlon can evade a redundancy objection against his (Scanlon’s) view of wrongness (...)
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  47.  16
    Informationally redundant utterances elicit pragmatic inferences.Ekaterina Kravtchenko & Vera Demberg - 2022 - Cognition 225 (C):105159.
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  48.  62
    Distributed robustness versus redundancy as causes of mutational robustness.Andreas Wagner - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (2):176-188.
  49. Antagonistic Redundancy -- A Theory of Error-Correcting Information Transfer in Organisms.Johannes W. Dietrich & Bernhard O. Boehm - 2004 - In Robert Trappl (ed.), Cybernetics and Systems 2004. Wien, Österreich: pp. 225-30.
    Living organisms are exposed to numerous influencing factors. This holds also true for their infrastructures that are processing and transducing information like endocrine networks or nerval channels. Therefore, the ability to compensate for noise is crucial for survival. An efficient mechanism to neutralise disturbances is instantiated in form of parallel complementary communication channels exerting antagonistic effects at their common receivers. Different signal processing types share the ability to suppress noise, to widen the system’s regulation capacity, and to provide for variable (...)
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  50.  28
    Redundancy of Redundancy in Justifications of Verdicts of Polish The Constitutional Tribuna.Jan Winczorek - 2016 - Informal Logic 36 (3):371-394.
    The results of an empirical study of 150 justifications of verdicts of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal are discussed. CT justifies its decisions mostly on authoritative references to previous decisions and other doxa- type arguments. It thus does not convince the audience of a decision's validity, but rather documents it. Further, the methodology changes depending on features of the case. The results are analysed using a conceptual framework of sociological systems theory. It is shown that CT's justification methodology ignores the redundancy (...)
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