Results for 'similarity-based approach'

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  1.  38
    Structure Modulates Similarity-Based Interference in Sluicing: An Eye Tracking study.Jesse A. Harris - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:155701.
    In cue-based content-addressable approaches to memory, a target and its competitors are retrieved in parallel from memory via a fast, associative cue-matching procedure under a severely limited focus of attention. Such a parallel matching procedure could in principle ignore the serial order or hierarchical structure characteristic of linguistic relations. I present an eye tracking while reading experiment that investigates whether the sentential position of a potential antecedent modulates the strength of similarity-based interference, a well-studied effect in which (...)
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    Logical approaches to fuzzy similarity-based reasoning: an overview.Lluís Godo & Ricardo O. Rodríguez - 2008 - In Giacomo Della Riccia, Didier Dubois & Hans-Joachim Lenz, Preferences and Similarities. Springer. pp. 75--128.
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    Accounting for the fine structure of syntactic working memory: Similarity-based interference as a unifying principle.Richard L. Lewis - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (1):105-106.
    A promising approach to more refined models consistent with the Caplan & Waters hypothesis is based on similarity-based interference, a general principle that applies across working memory domains. This may explain both the fine details of syntactic working memory phenomena and the gross fractionation for which Caplan & Waters have found evidence. Detailed models of syntactic processing that embody similarity-based interference fare well cross-linguistically.
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    From senses to texts: An all-in-one graph-based approach for measuring semantic similarity.Mohammad Taher Pilehvar & Roberto Navigli - 2015 - Artificial Intelligence 228 (C):95-128.
  5.  11
    A Novel Approach for Fuzzy Measures Acquisition Using Similarity-based Reasoning.A. Wagholikar & P. Deer - 2008 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 17 (1-3):19-36.
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    Volatility Similarity and Spillover Effects in G20 Stock Market Comovements: An ICA-Based ARMA-APARCH-M Approach.Shanglei Chai, Zhen Zhang, Mo Du & Lei Jiang - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-18.
    Financial internationalization leads to similar fluctuations and spillover effects in financial markets around the world, resulting in cross-border financial risks. This study examines comovements across G20 international stock markets while considering the volatility similarity and spillover effects. We provide a new approach using an ICA- based ARMA-APARCH-M model to shed light on whether there are spillover effects among G20 stock markets with similar dynamics. Specifically, we first identify which G20 stock markets have similar volatility features using a (...)
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    Thoughts on a Thinker-Based Approach to Freedom Of Speech.Eric Barendt - 2019 - Law and Philosophy 38 (5-6):481-494.
    While agreeing with Seana Shiffrin that any free speech theory must depend on assumptions about our need for free thinking, I am sceptical about her claim that her thinker-based approach provides the best explanation for freedom of speech. Her argument has some similarities with Mill’s argument from truth and with self-development theories, though it improves on the latter. But the thinker-based approach does not show why political discourse, broadly construed, is protected more strongly in all jurisdictions (...)
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    Analogy-Based Approaches to Improve Software Project Effort Estimation Accuracy.S. Vijayalakshmi & V. Resmi - 2019 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 29 (1):1468-1479.
    In the discipline of software development, effort estimation renders a pivotal role. For the successful development of the project, an unambiguous estimation is necessitated. But there is the inadequacy of standard methods for estimating an effort which is applicable to all projects. Hence, to procure the best way of estimating the effort becomes an indispensable need of the project manager. Mathematical models are only mediocre in performing accurate estimation. On that account, we opt for analogy-based effort estimation by means (...)
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  9. Collingwood and Manipulability-based Approaches to Causation: Methodological Issues.E. Popa - 2016 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 22 (1):139-166.
    This paper discusses methodological similarities between Collingwood's approach to causation and contemporary manipulability-based views. Firstly, I argue that on both approaches there is a preoccupation with the origin of causal concepts which further connects to the aim of establishing the priority of a certain concept/sense of causation as more fundamental. The significant difference lies in Collingwood's focus on the logical and historical priority (Collingwood's sense I) while in more recent theories the focus has been on psychology (i.e., on (...)
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  10. The Moral Status of Animals: Degrees of Moral Status and the Interest-Based Approach.Zorana Todorovic - 2021 - Philosophy and Society 2 (32):282–295.
    This paper addresses the issue of the moral status of non-human animals, or the question whether sentient animals are morally considerable. The arguments for and against the moral status of animals are discussed, above all the argument from marginal cases. It is argued that sentient animals have moral status based on their having interests in their experiential well-being, but that there are degrees of moral status. Two interest-based approaches are presented and discussed: DeGrazia’s view that sentient animals have (...)
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  11. Multi-Attribute Decision Making Based on Several Trigonometric Hamming Similarity Measures under Interval Rough Neutrosophic Environment.Surapati Pramanik, Rumi Roy, Tapan Kumar Roy & Florentin Smarandache - 2018 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 19:110-118.
    In this paper, the sine, cosine and cotangent similarity measures of interval rough neutrosophic sets is proposed. Some properties of the proposed measures are discussed. We have proposed multi attribute decision making approaches based on proposed similarity measures. To demonstrate the applicability, a numerical example is solved.
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    Bridging the Gap between Similarity and Causality: An Integrated Approach to Concepts.Corinne L. Bloch-Mullins - 2018 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 69 (3):605-632.
    A growing consensus in the philosophy and psychology of concepts is that while theories such as the prototype, exemplar, and theory theories successfully account for some instances of concept formation and application, none of them successfully accounts for all such instances. I argue against this ‘new consensus’ and show that the problem is, in fact, more severe: the explanatory force of each of these theories is limited even with respect to the phenomena often cited to support it, as each fails (...)
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  13.  47
    Designing a semiotic-based approach to intercultural training.Roger Parent & Stanley Varnhagen - 2011 - Sign Systems Studies 39 (1):145-180.
    This exploratory enquiry seeks to examine the largely unexplored potential of semiotics for intercultural training and education. The proposed three-partdiscussion describes the process by which semiotic theoretical principles were selected and progressively refined into an applied model which was then pilotedthrough a 2007 research initiative entitled Tools for Cultural Development. The case study involved six groups of French and Australian trainees from both theacademic and professional sectors, in collaboration with university, government and community partners. The first part of the article (...)
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  14.  18
    Phonological similarity in multi-word units.Stefan Th Gries - 2011 - Cognitive Linguistics 22 (3):491-510.
    In this paper, I investigate the phonological similarity of different elements of the phonological pole of multi-word units. I discuss two case studies on slightly different levels of abstractness. The first case study investigates lexically fully-specified V-NPDirObj idioms such as kick the bucket and lose one's cool; the idioms investigated are taken from the Collins Cobuild Dictionary of Idioms (Harper Collins, 2002). The second case study investigates the lexically less specified way-construction, which is exemplified by He fought his way (...)
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  15.  26
    A Cognitive Approach to Conceptual Scheme and Reasoning: Focusing on Similarity and Case/Model-Based Reasoning. 정동욱 - 2023 - Journal of the Society of Philosophical Studies 142:1-23.
    토머스 쿤이 남긴 개념체계와 추론에 대한 개요는 인지과학의 성과에 힘입어 더욱 정교한 이론으로 발전했으며, 이러한 인지적 접근은 그동안 해명하기 어려웠던 과학 활동의 동학을 설명하는 데 매우 유용한 틀을 제공하고 있다. 이러한 접근은 그동안 강조되어 왔던 규칙과 정의 및 정언적 합리성의 역할을 축소시키는 한편, 그 자리에 유사관계에 의거한 개념체계와 사례/모형 기반 추론을 채우고, 과학 활동의 핵심에 과학의 ‘내용’이 아닌 과학을 수행하는 ‘인지적 행위자’를 둠으로써, 과학 활동의 양식과 내용의 변화를 유연하게 설명하는 데 상당한 성과를 내고 있다. 그러나 일반적인 인간의 인지적 능력만으로는 과학 (...)
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    Decision-theoretic and risk-based approaches to naked statistical evidence: some consequences and challenges.Rafal Urbaniak, Alicja Kowalewska, Pavel Janda & Patryk Dziurosz-Serafinowicz - 2020 - Law, Probability and Risk 19 (1):67-83.
    In the debate about the legal value of naked statistical evidence, Di Bello argues that (1) the likelihood ratio of such evidence is unknown, (2) the decision-theoretic considerations indicate that a conviction based on such evidence is unacceptable when expected utility maximization is combined with fairness constraints, and (3) the risk of mistaken conviction based on such evidence cannot be evaluated and is potentially too high. We argue that Di Bello’s argument for (1) works in a rather narrow (...)
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  17.  34
    The Design-Based Approach to the Study of Mind (in humans, other animals, and machines), Including the Study of Behaviour Involving Mental Processes.Aaron Sloman - manuscript
    When scientists attempt to explain observations of behaviour in humans and other animals, they often use language that evolved for informal discourse among people engaged in every day social interaction, like this: What does the infant/child/adult/chimp/crow perceive/understand/learn/intend? What is he/she/it conscious of? What does he/she/it experience/enjoy/desire? What is he/she/it attending to? Why did he/she/it do X, start Xing, stop Xing, speed up Xing...? Does he/she/it know that...? What did/does he/she/it expect will happen, if...? Similar comments can be made about the (...)
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  18.  30
    The design-based approach to the study of mind (in humans, other aniamls, and machines).Aaron Sloman - unknown
    When scientists discuss experimental observations, they often, unfortunately, use language that evolved for informal discourse among people engaged in every day social interaction, like this: What does the infant/child/adult/chimp/crow (etc) perceive/understand/learn/intend (etc)? What is he/she/it conscious of? What does he/she/it experience/enjoy/desire? What is he/she/it attending to? Similar comments can be made about the terminology used in many philosophical discussions about minds, cognition, language, and the relationships between evolution and learning.
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    Unsupervised approaches for measuring textual similarity between legal court case reports.Arpan Mandal, Kripabandhu Ghosh, Saptarshi Ghosh & Sekhar Mandal - 2021 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 29 (3):417-451.
    In the domain of legal information retrieval, an important challenge is to compute similarity between two legal documents. Precedents play an important role in The Common Law system, where lawyers need to frequently refer to relevant prior cases. Measuring document similarity is one of the most crucial aspects of any document retrieval system which decides the speed, scalability and accuracy of the system. Text-based and network-based methods for computing similarity among case reports have already been (...)
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  20. Personal Reactive Attitudes and Partial Responses to Others: A Partiality-Based Approach to Strawson’s Reactive Attitudes.Rosalind Chaplin - 2023 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 25 (2):323-345.
    This paper argues for a new understanding of Strawson’s distinction between personal, impersonal, and self-reactive attitudes. Many Strawsonians take these basic reactive attitude types to be distinguished by two factors. Is it the self or another who is treated with good- or ill-will? And is it the self or another who displays good- or ill-will? On this picture, when someone else wrongs me, my reactive attitude is personal; when someone else wrongs someone else, my reactive attitude is impersonal; and when (...)
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  21.  47
    An S-Curve-Based Approach of Identifying Biological Sequences.Lian-Peng Zhao, Ying-hua Lv, Chun Li, Ming-hai Yao & Xi-zi Jin - 2010 - Acta Biotheoretica 58 (1):1-14.
    The main idea of S-curve diagram is to assign different angle values to different nucleotide acid residues or to different protein amino acids, and then according to cos α j and sin α j, the values are accumulated to construct an S-curve diagram, which is in strict one-to-one correspondence with the biological sequence. In addition, the S-curve diagram proves to be without the degeneracy phenomenon, so that both the degeneracy problem represented by diagrams and the problem of visualization for biological (...)
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  22.  13
    An Improved PageRank Algorithm Based on Text Similarity Approach for Critical Standards Identification in Complex Standard Citation Networks.Yongchang Wei, Feiteng Yi, Xufeng Cui & Fangyu Chen - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-16.
    A standard system, which is a powerful tool in maintaining the normal operations and development of a specific industry, is intrinsically a complex network composed of numerous standards which coordinate and interact with each other. In a networked standard system, the identification of critical standards is of great significance when drafting and revising standards. However, a majority of the existing literature has focused on the citation relationships between standards while ignoring the intrinsic interdependent relationships between the contents of standards. To (...)
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  23.  18
    A novel network-based paragraph filtering technique for legal document similarity analysis.Mayur Makawana & Rupa G. Mehta - forthcoming - Artificial Intelligence and Law:1-23.
    The common law system is a legal system that values precedent, or previous court decisions, in the resolution of current cases. As the availability of legal documents in digital form has increased, it has become more difficult for legal professionals to manually identify relevant past cases due to the vast amount of data. Researchers have developed automated systems for determining the similarity between legal documents to address this issue. Our research explores various representations of a legal document and discusses (...)
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  24.  64
    Similarity accounts of counterfactuals: A reality check1.Alan Hájek - forthcoming - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research.
    To an unusual extent, philosophers agree that counterfactuals have truth conditions involving the most similar possible worlds where their antecedents are true, in the style of the celebrated and path‐breaking Stalnaker/Lewis accounts. Roughly, these accounts say that the counterfactual if A were the case, C would be the case is true if and only if at the most similar A‐worlds, C is true. I will argue that there are general structural problems with the appeals to both “the most” and “similar”. (...)
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    Discovering Travel Spatiotemporal Pattern Based on Sequential Events Similarity.Juanjuan Chen, Liying Huang, Chengliang Wang & Nijia Zheng - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-10.
    Travel route preferences can strongly interact with the events that happened in networked traveling, and this coevolving phenomena are essential in providing theoretical foundations for travel route recommendation and predicting collective behaviour in social systems. While most literature puts the focus on route recommendation of individual scenic spots instead of city travel, we propose a novel approach named City Travel Route Recommendation based on Sequential Events Similarity by applying the coevolving spreading dynamics of the city tour networks (...)
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  26.  37
    Making Judgments Based on Similarity and Proximity.Bodo Winter & Teenie Matlock - 2013 - Metaphor and Symbol 28 (4):219 - 232.
    In this study, we investigate the conceptual structure of the metaphor “SIMILARITY IS PROXIMITY.” The results of four experiments suggest a tight mental link between similarity and proximity. Two experiments revealed that people judge entities to be more similar to each other when they are placed closely in space, while two other experiments showed that entities are judged to be closer to each other when they are thought to be more similar. We discuss this bidirectional metaphor transfer effect (...)
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  27.  40
    Non-commutative proof construction: a constraint-based approach.Jean-Marc Andreoli, Roberto Maieli & Paul Ruet - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 142 (1):212-244.
    This work presents a computational interpretation of the construction process for cyclic linear logic and non-commutative logic sequential proofs. We assume a proof construction paradigm, based on a normalisation procedure known as focussing, which efficiently manages the non-determinism of the construction. Similarly to the commutative case, a new formulation of focussing for NL is used to introduce a general constraint-based technique in order to dealwith partial information during proof construction. In particular, the procedure develops through construction steps propagating (...)
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  28.  35
    Finding variants for construction-based dialectometry: A corpus-based approach to regional CxGs.Jonathan Dunn - 2018 - Cognitive Linguistics 29 (2):275-311.
    This paper develops a construction-based dialectometry capable of identifying previously unknown constructions and measuring the degree to which a given construction is subject to regional variation. The central idea is to learn a grammar of constructions using construction grammar induction and then to use these constructions as features for dialectometry. This offers a method for measuring the aggregate similarity between regional CxGs without limiting in advance the set of constructions subject to variation. The learned CxG is evaluated on (...)
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    Streaming big time series forecasting based on nearest similar patterns with application to energy consumption.P. Jiménez-Herrera, L. Melgar-GarcÍa, G. Asencio-Cortés & A. Troncoso - 2023 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 31 (2):255-270.
    This work presents a novel approach to forecast streaming big time series based on nearest similar patterns. This approach combines a clustering algorithm with a classifier and the nearest neighbours algorithm. It presents two separate stages: offline and online. The offline phase is for training and finding the best models for clustering, classification and the nearest neighbours algorithm. The online phase is to predict big time series in real time. In the offline phase, data are divided into (...)
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  30.  10
    Comparing the motivational underpinnings of sustainable consumption across contexts using a scenario-based approach.Rouven Doran, Simen Bø & Daniel Hanss - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    A sample of tourists responded to a survey addressing purchasing intentions and consumption motives in relation to buying sustainable groceries at a local food market. These intentions and motives were contrasted for two consumption contexts: on vacation vs. at home. An initial analysis of the data indicated that self-reported purchasing intentions were weaker for a vacation scenario than for a home scenario. Further analyses suggested that motives associated with purchasing intentions were not universal between contexts. At home, normative motives were (...)
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    Fostering creative selling through ethics. An emotion‐based approach.Belén Bande, Sandra Castro-González, Pilar Fernández-Ferrín & Guadalupe Vila-Vázquez - 2022 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (1):211-225.
    Research on salesperson creativity remains as one of the most under-researched topics in the sales literature despite the evidence that encouraging creativity in the sales domain is a source of competitive advantage. This paper aims to fill this research gap by exploring the influence of perceived ethical climate on salesperson creative performance, paying special attention to the role that emotions play in this process. Data provided by 176 supervisor–salesperson dyads confirm that the trust/responsibility dimension of an ethical climate is positively (...)
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    Infertility treatment for postmenopausal patients: An equity-based approach.Susan M. Purviance - 1995 - Ethics and Behavior 5 (1):15 – 24.
    This article examines two questions pertaining to the extension of infertility treatment to postmenopausal women. First, what concepts and principles of infertility practice apply to assisted reproduction for the postmenopausal patient? Second, what role should these concepts play in the development of an ethical justification for extending women's reproductive lives past the menopausal boundary? The argument offered here supports their claim to infertility services on the basis of the formal principle of justice, which requires that similar cases be treated similarly. (...)
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  33.  51
    (1 other version)Possibility, relevant similarity, and structural knowledge.Tom Schoonen - 2022 - Synthese 200 (1):1-22.
    Recently, interest has surged in similarity-based epistemologies of possibility. However, it has been pointed out that the notion of ‘relevant similarity’ is not properly developed in this literature. In this paper, I look at the research done in the field of analogical reasoning, where we find that one of the most promising ways of capturing relevance in similarity reasoning is by relying on the predictive analogy similarity relation. This takes relevant similarity to be (...) on shared properties that have structural relations to the property of interest. I argue that if we base our epistemology of possibility on similarity reasoning on the predictive analogy similarity relation, we require prior knowledge of the specifics of these structural relations. I discuss a number of possible responses to this on behalf of the similarity theorists given their methodological approach to the epistemology of modality more generally. They could either opt for making explicit the metaphysics underlying these structural relations, in which case they need to spell out how we can come to know these relations. Or they could opt for developing a theory that explains why we do not need to have explicit knowledge of these structural relations; for example by suggesting that we make use of epistemic shortcuts. (shrink)
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    Machine learning and essentialism.Kristina Šekrst & Sandro Skansi - 2022 - Philosophical Problems in Science 73:171-196.
    Machine learning and essentialism have been connected in the past by various researchers, in order to state that the main paradigm in machine learning processes is equivalent to choosing the “essential” attributes for the machine to search for. Our goal in this paper is to show that there are connections between machine learning and essentialism, but only for some kinds of machine learning, and often not including deep learning methods. Similarity-based approaches, more connected to the overall prototype theory, (...)
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  35.  20
    Sustained Effectiveness of Evidence-Based Parenting Programs After the Research Trial Ends.Gemma R. Gray, Vasiliki Totsika & Geoff Lindsay - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:366935.
    Despite ample evidence of the efficacy and effectiveness of evidence-based parenting programmes (EBPPs) within research-led environments, there is very little evidence of maintenance of effectiveness when programmes are delivered as part of regular service provision. The present study examined the effectiveness of EBPPs provided during a period of sustained service-led implementation in comparison to research-led effectiveness evaluation. Data from 3706 parents who received EBPPs during sustained implementation by services were compared to data from 1390 parents who had participated in (...)
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    Strudel: A Corpus‐Based Semantic Model Based on Properties and Types.Marco Baroni, Brian Murphy, Eduard Barbu & Massimo Poesio - 2010 - Cognitive Science 34 (2):222-254.
    Computational models of meaning trained on naturally occurring text successfully model human performance on tasks involving simple similarity measures, but they characterize meaning in terms of undifferentiated bags of words or topical dimensions. This has led some to question their psychological plausibility (Murphy, 2002;Schunn, 1999). We present here a fully automatic method for extracting a structured and comprehensive set of concept descriptions directly from an English part‐of‐speech‐tagged corpus. Concepts are characterized by weighted properties, enriched with concept–property types that approximate (...)
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    Processes of Similarity Judgment.Levi B. Larkey & Arthur B. Markman - 2005 - Cognitive Science 29 (6):1061-1076.
    Similarity underlies fundamental cognitive capabilities such as memory, categorization, decision making, problem solving, and reasoning. Although recent approaches to similarity appreciate the structure of mental representations, they differ in the processes posited to operate over these representations. We present an experiment that differentiates among extant structural accounts of similarity in their ability to account for patterns of similarity ratings. These data pose a challenge for transformation‐based models and all but one mapping‐based model, the (...) as Interactive Activation and Mapping (SIAM) model of similarity. (shrink)
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    Model-based and Qualitative Reasoning in Biomedicine.Peter Lucas - unknown
    These are the working notes of the workshop on Model-based and Qualitative Reasoning in Biomedicine, which was held during the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, AIME’03, on 19th October, 2003, in Protaras, Cyprus. The workshop brought together various researchers involved in the development and use of model-based and qualitative reasoning methods in tackling biomedical problems. Much of the biomedical knowledge is essentially model-based, as it is the understanding of the structure and function of biomedical systems (...)
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    Analogy, Similarity, and the Periodic Table of Arguments.Jean H. M. Wagemans - 2018 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 55 (1):63-75.
    The aim of this paper is to indicate the systematic place of arguments based on the concept of analogy within the theoretical framework of the Periodic Table of Arguments, a new method for describing and classifying arguments that integrates traditional dialectical accounts of arguments and fallacies and rhetorical accounts of the means of persuasion (logos, ethos, pathos) into a comprehensive framework. The paper begins with an inventory of existing approaches to arguments based on analogy, similarity and adjacent (...)
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    Quaternion-Based Texture Analysis of Multiband Satellite Images: Application to the Estimation of Aboveground Biomass in the East Region of Cameroon.Cedrigue Boris Djiongo Kenfack, Olivier Monga, Serge Moto Mpong & René Ndoundam - 2018 - Acta Biotheoretica 66 (1):17-60.
    Within the last decade, several approaches using quaternion numbers to handle and model multiband images in a holistic manner were introduced. The quaternion Fourier transform can be efficiently used to model texture in multidimensional data such as color images. For practical application, multispectral satellite data appear as a primary source for measuring past trends and monitoring changes in forest carbon stocks. In this work, we propose a texture-color descriptor based on the quaternion Fourier transform to extract relevant information from (...)
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    Patient Similarity in the Era of Precision Medicine: A Philosophical Analysis.Giovanni Boniolo, Raffaella Campaner & Massimiliano Carrara - 2023 - Erkenntnis 88 (7):2911-2932.
    According to N. Goodman, the Carnapian notion of similarity is useless in science and without interest for philosophy. In our paper we suggest that, given the current role that the notion of similarity has in managing biomedical big data, this drastic position should be revised, and similarity should be provided a scientifically useful philosophical interpretation. With the advent of the new sequencing technologies, imaging technologies and with the improvements of health records, the number of genomics, post-genomics and (...)
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    Homophily-Based Link Prediction in The Facebook Online Social Network: A Rough Sets Approach.Roa A. Aboo Khachfeh & Islam Elkabani - 2015 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 24 (4):491-503.
    Online social networks are highly dynamic and sparse. One of the main problems in analyzing these networks is the problem of predicting the existence of links between users on these networks: the link prediction problem. Many studies have been conducted to predict links using a variety of techniques like the decision tree and the logistic regression approaches. In this work, we will illustrate the use of the rough set theory in predicting links over the Facebook social network based on (...)
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  43. A top-level model of case-based argumentation for explanation: Formalisation and experiments.Henry Prakken & Rosa Ratsma - 2022 - Argument and Computation 13 (2):159-194.
    This paper proposes a formal top-level model of explaining the outputs of machine-learning-based decision-making applications and evaluates it experimentally with three data sets. The model draws on AI & law research on argumentation with cases, which models how lawyers draw analogies to past cases and discuss their relevant similarities and differences in terms of relevant factors and dimensions in the problem domain. A case-based approach is natural since the input data of machine-learning applications can be seen as (...)
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  44. It’s Time for Principles-Based Accounting Ethics.Albert D. Spalding & Alfonso Oddo - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 99 (S1):49-59.
    The American Institute of certified public accountants (AICPA) has promulgated a Code of Professional Conduct , which has served as the primary ethical standard for public accountants in the United States for more than 20 years. It is now out of date and needs to be replaced with a code of ethics. Just as U.S. generally accepted accounting principles are being migrated toward “principles-based accounting” as part of a convergence with international financial reporting standards, a similar process needs to (...)
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    Effects of Guideline-Based Training on the Quality of Formal Ontologies: A Randomized Controlled Trial.M. Boeker, L. Jansen, J. Röhl, N. Grewe, D. Seddig-Raufie & S. Schulz - 2013 - PLoS ONE 1.
    BACKGROUND -/- The importance of ontologies in the biomedical domain is generally recognized. However, their quality is often too poor for large-scale use in critical applications, at least partially due to insufficient training of ontology developers. -/- OBJECTIVE -/- To show the efficacy of guideline-based ontology development training on the performance of ontology developers. The hypothesis was that students who received training on top-level ontologies and design patterns perform better than those who only received training in the basic principles (...)
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    From a Sociology-Based Islamic Legal Methodology to Secular Law: Ziya Gökalp’s Views on Fiqh in the Turkish Modernisation Process.Sema Çakır - 2025 - Kocaeli İLahiyat Dergisi 8 (2):174-199.
    The ramifications of modernity and the resultant challenges compelled Ottoman intellectuals and state officials to contemplate matters like as innovation, progress, and change. The pursuit of remedies to eradicate political, military, and economic deficiencies was similarly evident in the legal domain. Ziya Gökalp articulated his perspectives on the origins, societal efficacy, and adaptability of law within the framework of the Turkism movement, presenting several methodologies that redefined the interplay among religion, law, society, and state. The most characteristic method among them (...)
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    Case Classification, Similarities, Spaces of Reasons, and Coherences.Marcello Guarini - unknown
    A simple recurrent artificial neural network is used to classify situations as permissible or impermissible. The trained ANN can be understood as having set up a similarity space of cases at the level of its internal or hidden units. An analysis of the network’s internal representations is undertaken using a new visualization technique for state space approaches to understanding similarity. Insights from the literature on moral philosophy pertaining to contributory standards will be used to interpret the state space (...)
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    A Similarity Function for Feature Pattern Clustering and High Dimensional Text Document Classification.Vinay Kumar Kotte, Srinivasan Rajavelu & Elijah Blessing Rajsingh - 2020 - Foundations of Science 25 (4):1077-1094.
    Text document classification and clustering is an important learning task which fits to both data mining and machine learning areas. The learning task throws several challenges when it is required to process high dimensional text documents. Word distribution in text documents plays a very key role in learning process. Research related to high dimensional text document classification and clustering is usually limited to application of traditional distance functions and most of the research contributions in the existing literature did not consider (...)
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    Toward a construction-based account of shared intentions in social cognition.F. Dominey Peter - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (5):696-696.
    This commentary analyzes the target article to determine whether shared-intention development could be implemented and tested in robotic systems. The analysis indicates that such an implementation should be feasible and will likely rely on a construction-based approach similar to that employed in the construction grammar framework.
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    Common-Knowledge-Based Pragmatics.Richard Warner - 2021 - In Fabrizio Macagno & Alessandro Capone, Inquiries in philosophical pragmatics. Theoretical developments. Cham: Springer. pp. 21-31.
    Suppose a speaker S and an audience A are in a communication coordination problem. That is, for some proposition p, they each prefer that S mean that p and that A believe p in response. How do they coordinate their thought and action to solve the problem? The Gricean answer is that they reason their way to the solution. Pragmatics makes a similar assumption. “Pragmatics involves perception augmented by some species of ‘ampliative’ inference … a sort of reasoning”. There are (...)
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