Results for 'social safety net'

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  1.  24
    Tire Social Safety Net: An Alternative to Rawls's Two Principles of Justice.J. Winston Chiong - 1997 - Auslegung 22 (2):106-120.
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    In defense of the social safety net.Craig Duncan - 2014 - Think 13 (38):25-37.
    This article responds to Tibor Machan's criticisms of government provision for needy citizens. It argues that although charity may be morally worthy, private charity is inadequate to the task of providing our fellow citizens with the security they deserve; the tremendous social good of secure access to a life of dignity can only be produced by a public social safety net. Moreover, individual rights to property do not stand in the way of providing a public social (...)
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  3.  16
    The Folly of Social Safety Nets: Why Basic Income Is Needed in Eastern Europe.Guy Standing - 1997 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 64.
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    Moving Beyond Marriage: Healthcare and the Social Safety Net for Families.Robin Fretwell Wilson - 2018 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 46 (3):636-643.
    This article teases out the relationship between family form and the state's social safety nets around healthcare, showing the deep unfairness of measuring social safety nets by whether a couple marries. By continuing to tie healthcare benefits to specific family structures, we perpetuate the “galloping” inequality marking America today.This article concludes that, whatever happens with the thousands of benefits given to married couples in other domains, social policy should move beyond marriage with respect to healthcare. (...)
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    Achieving Equity with Predictive Policing Algorithms: A Social Safety Net Perspective.Chun-Ping Yen & Tzu-Wei Hung - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (3):1-16.
    Whereas using artificial intelligence (AI) to predict natural hazards is promising, applying a predictive policing algorithm (PPA) to predict human threats to others continues to be debated. Whereas PPAs were reported to be initially successful in Germany and Japan, the killing of Black Americans by police in the US has sparked a call to dismantle AI in law enforcement. However, although PPAs may statistically associate suspects with economically disadvantaged classes and ethnic minorities, the targeted groups they aim to protect are (...)
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  6.  21
    Social Work and the Safety Net.Marcia Abramson - 1982 - Hastings Center Report 12 (4):19-23.
  7.  39
    Health Reform and the Safety Net: Big Opportunities; Major Risks.Bruce Siegel, Marsha Regenstein & Peter Shin - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (3):426-432.
    Millions of Americans are dependent on what is often called the “safety net.” These loosely-organized networks of health and social service providers serve the many Americans who are uninsured, dependent on public coverage, or for a variety of reasons unable to access other private systems of care. The Institute of Medicine report, America’s Health Care Safety Net: Intact but Endangered, called attention to both the fragility and the resilience of this health care safety net. The IOM (...)
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    Rethinking the therapeutic misconception: social justice, patient advocacy, and cancer clinical trial recruitment in the US safety net.Nancy J. Burke - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):68.
    Approximately 20% of adult cancer patients are eligible to participate in a clinical trial, but only 2.5-9% do so. Accrual is even less for minority and medically underserved populations. As a result, critical life-saving treatments and quality of life services developed from research studies may not address their needs. This study questions the utility of the bioethical concern with therapeutic misconception (TM), a misconception that occurs when research subjects fail to distinguish between clinical research and ordinary treatment, and therefore attribute (...)
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    Undocumented Patients and the Not‐So‐Safe Safety Net.Caroline Rath - 2013 - Hastings Center Report 43 (5):inside back cover-inside back co.
    Working in an urban safety net facility, my colleagues and I daily face any number of challenges. In some respects, an undocumented immigration status is just another one of those challenges. However, it is a particularly interesting one given the context created by political, social, and ethical debate about immigration.
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    Perils of data-driven equity: Safety-net care and big data’s elusive grasp on health inequality.Taylor M. Cruz - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (1).
    Large-scale data systems are increasingly envisioned as tools for justice, with big data analytics offering a key opportunity to advance health equity. Health systems face growing public pressure to collect data on patient “social factors,” and advocates and public officials seek to leverage such data sources as a means of system transformation. Despite the promise of this “data-driven” strategy, there is little empirical work that examines big data in action directly within the sites of care expected to transform. In (...)
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  11.  28
    Unmet Duties in Managing Financial Safety Nets.Edward J. Kane - 2011 - Business Ethics Quarterly 21 (1):1-22.
    ABSTRACT:Officials must understand why and how the public lost confidence in the federal government’s ability to manage financial turmoil. Officials outsourced to private parties responsibility for monitoring and policing the safety-net exposures that were bound to be generated by weaknesses in the securitization process. When the adverse consequences of this imprudent arrangement first emerged, officials claimed for months that the difficulties that short-funded, highly leveraged firms were facing in rolling over debt reflected only a shortage of aggregate liquidity and (...)
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    Public Financing of Pain Management: Leaky Umbrellas and Ragged Safety Nets.Timothy S. Jost - 1998 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 26 (4):290-307.
    The United States, unlike all other industrialized nations, does not have a comprehensive public system for financing health care. Nevertheless, the magnitude of America's public health care financing effort is remarkable. Of the one trillion dollars the United States spent on health care in 1996, almost half, $483.1 billion, was spent by public programs. In 1995, Medicare—our social insurance program for persons over sixty-five and the long-term disabled—overed 37.5 million Americans; Medicaid—our program for indigent elderly and disabled persons and (...)
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  13.  31
    After Insurance Reform: An Adequate Safety Net Can Bring Us to Universal Coverage.Mark A. Hall - 2009 - Hastings Center Report 39 (6):9-10.
    The overriding goal of health reform is to provide every American affordable access to adequate health care. Yet in every national effort to date, the focal means to this end has always been health insurance. Massachusetts is congratulated for having achieved nearly universal insurance coverage, and congressional Democrats are aiming for the same. But what if they don't succeed? Even in Massachusetts, 167,000 residents remain uninsured. Is it still possible to provide adequate access to medical care for those without insurance? (...)
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  14.  12
    Doors, Floors, Ladders, and Nets: Social Provision in the New American Labor Market.Eva Bertram - 2013 - Politics and Society 41 (1):29-72.
    Policy decisions during and after the New Deal tied the U.S. social contract to the employment contract, by conditioning eligibility and benefit levels for core welfare-state programs on work status and performance. The resulting system of social provision, however, embodied a set of assumptions about labor-market conditions that began to unravel with the structural economic shifts that began in the mid-1970s. Work was expected to provide open doors to employment, stable floors of security and stability over time, income (...)
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  15.  8
    The Individual Social Account as a Platform for Citizen Interaction with Government.E. Burton Swanson - 2023 - Basic Income Studies 18 (1):31-46.
    In this brief paper, offered as a policy viewpoint, I introduce what I believe to be a novel concept for supporting individual citizen interaction with the U.S. Federal government, termed the individual social account. I explore whether and how the concept might be implemented so as to strengthen the U.S. social safety net and further citizen trust and responsibility in e-government interactions. I illustrate and develop the concept as a platform for reform and suggest and discuss design (...)
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  16. Predictive policing and algorithmic fairness.Tzu-Wei Hung & Chun-Ping Yen - 2023 - Synthese 201 (6):1-29.
    This paper examines racial discrimination and algorithmic bias in predictive policing algorithms (PPAs), an emerging technology designed to predict threats and suggest solutions in law enforcement. We first describe what discrimination is in a case study of Chicago’s PPA. We then explain their causes with Broadbent’s contrastive model of causation and causal diagrams. Based on the cognitive science literature, we also explain why fairness is not an objective truth discoverable in laboratories but has context-sensitive social meanings that need to (...)
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  17. What is the Conservative Point of View about Distributive Justice?Alex Rajczi - 2014 - Public Affairs Quarterly 28 (4):341-373.
    This paper examines the conservative point of view about distributive justice. The first section explains the methodology used to develop this point of view. The second section describes one conservative point of view and briefly provides empirical evidence that it reflects the viewpoint of many ordinary conservatives. The third section explains how this conservative view can ground objections to social safety net programs, using as examples the recent health reform legislation and more extensive proposals for a true national (...)
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  18.  28
    Social Quality Indicators in Times of Crisis: The Case of Greece.Konstantinos G. Kougias - 2014 - International Journal of Social Quality 4 (2):46-68.
    Chronic deficiencies of the Greek welfare state and the introduction of austerity measures as part of the international financial bailout agreements have created an explosive cocktail of poverty and social exclusion that severely tested the resilience of the frail social safety net and the demands of equity. The score on the indicators of social quality has worsened considerably as the Greek welfare system was overhauled. This article examines the four conditional factors of social quality from (...)
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  19.  19
    We: Reviving Social Hope.Ronald Aronson - 2017 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    The election of Donald Trump has exposed American society’s profound crisis of hope. By 2016 a generation of shrinking employment, rising inequality, the attack on public education, and the shredding of the social safety net, had set the stage for stunning insurgencies at opposite ends of the political spectrum. Against this dire background, Ronald Aronson offers an answer. He argues for a unique conception of social hope, one with the power for understanding and acting upon the present (...)
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  20.  11
    Children needs and childcare: an illustration of how underappreciated social and economic needs shape the farm enterprise.Florence A. Becot & Shoshanah M. Inwood - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-20.
    Despite 40-year-old evidence of childcare challenges limiting women’s participation in agriculture in the United States, it was not until a major societal crisis, COVID-19, that farm organizations and policy makers began to recognize that these challenges negatively impact the farm enterprise. Among farm persistence and farm transition scholars, farm households’ social and economic needs, including childcare, have also been underappreciated despite the constant exchange of time, money, and energy between the farm household and the enterprise. We use survey responses (...)
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  21.  96
    For-Profit Corporations in a Just Society: A Social Contract Argument Concerning the Rights and Responsibilities of Corporations.John Douglas Bishop - 2008 - Business Ethics Quarterly 18 (2):191-212.
    This article develops contractarian business ethics by applying social contract arguments to a specific question: What are the pre-legal (or moral) rights and responsibilities of corporations? The argument uses a hypothetical social contract to show the existence of for-profit corporations in democratic capitalist societies is consistent with Rawls’s fundamental principles of justice. Corporations ought to have recognised their rights to be autonomous, to pursue private purposes, and to engage in economic activities. Corporations have a responsibility to respect the (...)
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  22.  56
    Are The Economic Liberties Basic?Alan Patten - 2014 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 26 (3):362-374.
    According to John Tomasi's Free Market Fairness, there are serious constraints on what a liberal state may do to promote economic justice. Tomasi defends this claim by arguing that important economic liberties ought to be regarded as “basic” and given special priority over other liberal concerns, including those of economic justice. I argue that Tomasi's defense of this claim is unsuccessful. One problem takes the form of a dilemma: depending on how the claim is formulated more precisely, Tomasi's argument seems (...)
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  23.  49
    A Mosaic Temporality: New Dynamics of the Gender and Marriage System in Contemporary Urban China.Ji Yingchun - 2017 - Temporalités 26.
    Contemporary Chinese society has witnessed ongoing complex institutional and cultural reconfiguration, driven by the transition from the socialist planned economy to marketization and later its deep engagement in globalization and neoliberalism. In this reshaping of Chinese society, tradition and modernity, the resurgence of patriarchal Confucian tradition, the socialist version of modernity, the capitalist version of modernity, and the socialist heritage intermingle, and all seem to define a mosaic temporality.Facing the increasing uncertainties of the market, family members in post-reform China have (...)
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  24.  7
    Incomes and the Welfare State: Essays on Britain and Europe.Anthony Barnes Atkinson - 1995 - Cambridge University Press.
    The Welfare State is a key policy issue of the 1990s. The essays in this book depart from much of the recent economic debate in emphasising the positive contributions of the Welfare State, and in assessing its efficiency in relation to the objectives which it is intended to achieve. These objectives are not just the alleviation of poverty but more broadly the provision of security and the redistribution of income. Part A of the book sets the current debate in the (...)
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  25. On the person-based predictive policing of AI.Tzu-Wei Hung & Chun-Ping Yen - 2020 - Ethics and Information Technology 23 (3):165-176.
    Should you be targeted by police for a crime that AI predicts you will commit? In this paper, we analyse when, and to what extent, the person-based predictive policing (PP) — using AI technology to identify and handle individuals who are likely to breach the law — could be justifiably employed. We first examine PP’s epistemological limits, and then argue that these defects by no means refrain from its usage; they are worse in humans. Next, based on major AI ethics (...)
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  26.  21
    Alfred Müller-Armack-Economic Policy Maker and Sociologist of Religion.Christian Watrin - 2003 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 13 (2).
    Alfred Müller-Armack was one of the very important policy-makers who initiated the West-German economic recovery after WWII. He devised the underlying economic program of the so-called “German Miracle”, which was not a miracle at all. It was the outcome of a rigorous rule transformation from the bankrupt central planning of the Nazi- regime to a market economic order based on the principles of classical liberalism combined with a social safety net for all who suffered from the terrible consequences (...)
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    Equality of resources, risk, and the ideal market.Lars Lindblom - 2015 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 8 (1):1.
    Ronald Dworkin's theory of equality of resources makes extensive use of markets. I show that all these markets rely on one specific neoclassical conception of the ideal market in full equilibrium, as analyzed by Debreu. This market must be understood as operating under circumstances of certainty, and this is incompatible with several components of Dworkin's account. In particular, it does not allow one to hold people responsible for their option luck, and it implies a high social safety net (...)
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    Housing Policy in Lithuania: A Qualitative Study of Social Housing Problems.Jolanta Aidukaitė - 2024 - Filosofija. Sociologija 35 (2).
    This article aims to examine the Lithuanian housing policy system, with a special emphasis on social housing issues. This study is based on 20 semi-structured interviews with the decision makers and recipients of social housing. The analysis reveals the issues related to access to social housing, management and administration issues, problems related to stigmatisation of social housing recipients, and their overall satisfaction with the provided support.The study shows that accessing social housing and living in (...) housing is not an easy task. Social housing recipients have to wait in queues for a long time, experience stigmatisation and constant fear that they may lose their social housing due to a strict income monitoring. On the other hand, the municipality tries to provide friendly strategies to solve individual cases and looks for the best solutions possible to meet the needs of social housing recipients. The findings show that massive privatisation in Lithuania created a dualistic housing market favouring home ownership and marginalising social housing as a safety net for the most vulnerable people. At the same time, a massive home ownership society formed a safety net for many, with family ties playing a crucial role. Housing safety is offered as a part of social assistance programs for the most vulnerable parts of the population. (shrink)
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    Rights Angles.Loren E. Lomasky - 2016 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Loren Lomasky is a leading advocate of a rights-based libertarian approach to political and social issues. This volume collects fifteen of his articles that have appeared since his influential volume Persons, Rights, and the Moral Community alongside one new essay. The volume represents Lomasky's more recent efforts at constructing the underpinnings of liberal rights theory, in which he formulates a series of questions about the nature and scope of rights and rights holders.Among the questions Lomasky addresses: In what way (...)
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  30.  57
    Biomimicry in Agriculture: Is the Ecological System-Design Model the Future Agricultural Paradigm?Milutin Stojanovic - 2019 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 32 (5):789-804.
    Comprising almost a third of greenhouse gas emissions and having an equally prominent role in pollution of soils, fresh water, coastal ecosystems, and food chains in general, agriculture is, alongside industry and electricity/heat production, one of the three biggest anthropogenic causes of breaching the planetary boundaries. Most of the problems in agriculture, like soil degradation and diminishing biodiversity, are caused by unfit uses of existing technologies and approaches mimicking the agriculturally-relevant functioning natural ecosystems seem necessary for appropriate organization of our (...)
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  31.  49
    Poverty: Not a Justification for Banning Physician‐Assisted Death.Lindsey M. Freeman, Susannah L. Rose & Stuart J. Youngner - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (6):38-46.
    Many critics of the legalization of physician‐assisted death oppose it in part because they fear it will further disadvantage those who are already economically disadvantaged. This argument points to a serious problem of how economic considerations can influence medical decisions, but in the context of PAD, the concern is not borne out. We will provide empirical evidence suggesting that concerns about money influence medical decisions throughout the full course of illness, but at the end of life, financial pressure is much (...)
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    Infanticide, moral status and moral reasons: the importance of context.Leslie Francis & Anita Silvers - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (5):289-292.
    Giubilini and Minerva ask why birth should be a critical dividing line between acceptable and unacceptable reasons for terminating existence. Their argument is that birth does not change moral status in the sense that is relevant: the ability to be harmed by interruption of one's aims. Rather than question the plausibility of their position or the argument they give, we ask instead about the importance to scholarship or policy of publishing the article: does it to any extent make a novel (...)
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  33.  13
    The Sustainable Development Goals and Business Students’ Preferences: An Exploratory Study.James W. Westerman, Yalcin Acikgoz, Lubna Nafees, Emmeline dePillis & Jennifer Westerman - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 17:99-114.
    To effectively teach the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals to enhance corporate social responsibility, we need to understand the predictors of business student predispositions towards the SDGs. We examine whether location, authoritarianism, religiosity, and individualism influence university business student SDG preferences. Results indicate authoritarian and religious business students emphasize SDGs with an orientation towards the health and economic well-being of their local communities. The results also indicate the most significant factor in predicting SDG preference was university location. Southeastern U.S. (...)
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  34.  36
    Of goats and groups: A study on social capital in development projects. [REVIEW]Nicoline de Haan - 2001 - Agriculture and Human Values 18 (1):71-84.
    More and more development projects are using group or community approaches to disseminate technology and resources. It is believed that using such an approach will provide a safety net as well as social control to ensure the sustainability of the technology and resource. However, little is known of the exact process and social networks that are mobilized and used in using such an approach. Particular attention is devoted in the paper to gender differences and the concept of (...)
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  35.  24
    Income inequality and the informal economy in transition economies.Barkley Rosser - manuscript
    For transition economies, income inequality is positively correlated with the share of output produced in the informal economy. Increases in income inequality also tend to be correlated with increases in the share of output produced in the unofficial economy. These hypotheses are supported significantly by empirical data for sixteen transition economies between 1987 to 1989 and 1993 to 1994. Various causal mechanisms may operate in both directions, an increasingly large informal economy causing more inequality due to falling tax revenues and (...)
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  36.  8
    Capitalizing on Community: Affordable Housing Markets in the Age of Participation.John N. Robinson - 2020 - Politics and Society 48 (2):171-198.
    This article examines the affordable housing market to develop a new way to understand the problem of co-optation in participatory urban governance. Through a case study of the Chicago metropolitan area, it uses data from 105 in-depth interviews—supplemented with ethnographic, archival, and secondary data—to shed light on the circumstances in which poverty-managing organizations compete for the resources necessary to house marginalized populations. Findings show how community-based groups, which have long housed the poorest neighborhoods and residents, are systematically excluded from access (...)
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  37.  18
    Divergent distributional dynamics in transitional economies.Barkley Rosser - manuscript
    Among the most striking developments in the process of economic transition has been the very diverse paths these economies have taken with respect to income distribution, with some maintaining degrees of equality similar to the socialist era while others now exhibit degrees of inequality noticeably greater than any advanced market capitalist economies. We argue that these outcomes reflect divergent dynamics with multiple equilibria wherein the pattern of income distribution interacts with the level of corruption and the breakdown of the public (...)
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    Human Trafficking in Russia and Other Post-Soviet States.Yuliya V. Tverdova - 2011 - Human Rights Review 12 (3):329-344.
    Since the collapse of the Soviet regime, post-communist states have rapidly learned the modern face of slavery. Slavic women have been trafficked to the sex markets of Western Europe, Asia, and North America. The surge in human trafficking is the result of numerous factors, including the dramatic fall of the economic system and complete deterioration of the social safety net. This paper explores the causes and conditions of the growth of the trade in persons in the region, the (...)
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    Freedom that matters.H. E. Baber - unknown
    Ideologues of the American Dream doctrine assume that state intervention aimed at providing social safety nets for citizens and reducing economic inequality, restricts freedom and undermines individual opportunity. This assumption is the result of empirical misinformation and, more fundamentally, a conceptual mistake. Robust empirical data indicate that economic equality, far from stifling initiative or undermining opportunity, is conducive to social mobility.
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    Beyond Individual Rights.Judy D. Whipps - 2023 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 15 (1).
    Jane Addams, Florence Kelley, and second-generation Hull House activist Grace Abbott were at the forefront of a reconstruction of early twentieth-century American democracy. They worked to reframe U.S. political democracy, expanding its focus beyond individual rights to caring for the social community. The movement away from laissez-faire government toward state and federal legislation protecting children, women, and workers was often halting, sometimes stymied by public opposition, and other times blocked by Supreme Court decisions. Grace Abbott’s social and political (...)
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  41. Carbon Pricing and COVID-19.Kian Mintz-Woo, Francis Dennig, Hongxun Liu & Thomas Schinko - 2021 - Climate Policy 21 (10):1272-1280.
    A question arising from the COVID-19 crisis is whether the merits of cases for climate policies have been affected. This article focuses on carbon pricing, in the form of either carbon taxes or emissions trading. It discusses the extent to which relative costs and benefits of introducing carbon pricing may have changed in the context of COVID-19, during both the crisis and the recovery period to follow. In several ways, the case for introducing a carbon price is stronger during the (...)
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    (1 other version)Responsibility in Universal Healthcare.Eric Cyphers & Arthur Kuflik - 2023 - Voices in Bioethics 9.
    Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash ABSTRACT The coverage of healthcare costs allegedly brought about by people’s own earlier health-adverse behaviors is certainly a matter of justice. However, this raises the following questions: justice for whom? Is it right to take people’s past behaviors into account in determining their access to healthcare? If so, how do we go about taking those behaviors into account? These bioethical questions become even more complex when we consider them in the context of (...)
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  43. Payers are Morally Responsible for Reimbursing Social Care by Medical Facilities: How to Make Value-Based Payments Work for Vulnerable Patients.Jacob Riegler - 2024 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 52 (4):883-902.
    Payers have shaped the healthcare system in the United States as fee-for-service has facilitated a care model that prioritizes volume over the sake of patient care. This worsens health disparities, especially in safety net facilities where ancillary social work is both necessary clinically and completely uncompensated. Using concepts from Iris Marion Young’s Responsibility for Justice, it can be concluded that payers have a moral responsibility for reimbursing social care to address historical injustices. In this article, I describe (...)
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    The Three Principles of Classical Liberalism (from John Locke to John Tomasi) : A Consequentialist Defence of the Limited Welfare State.O. Lehto - 2015 - Dissertation, University of Helsinki
    I provide a defence of the classical liberal tradition (from Locke and Smith to Hayek and Tomasi) as a blueprint for a 'bleeding-heart libertarian' framework of society. Such a society defends three principles: 1) Freedom from private coercion (Private Property), 2) Freedom from public coercion (Limited Government); and 3) Within these limits, the provision of a limited range of public goods and public welfare (Limited Welfare State). I show that principles can be abstracted from a reading of the classical liberal (...)
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    Toward a Directed Benevolent Market Polity: Rethinking Medical Morality in Transitional China.Ruiping Fan - 2008 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 17 (3):280-292.
    Healthcare systems in Singapore, Hong Kong, and mainland China are strikingly distinct from those in the West. Economically speaking, each of the aforementioned Eastern systems relies in great measure on private expenditures supplemented by savings accounts. Western nations, on the other hand, typically exhibit government funding and wariness about healthcare savings accounts. This essay argues that these and other differences between Pacific Rim healthcare systems and Western systems should be assessed in light of background Confucian commitments operating in the former. (...)
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    “Suits To Self-Sufficiency”: Dress for Success and Neoliberal Maternalism.Linda M. Blum & Emily R. Cummins - 2015 - Gender and Society 29 (5):623-646.
    In 1997 the women-run nonprofit organization Dress for Success opened its first location with the aim of empowering low-income women by providing gently used suits for job interviews. Drawing on eight months of fieldwork in an affiliate office, we analyze cross-race and cross-class interactions between privileged volunteers and low-income clients to demonstrate the emergence of what we term “neoliberal maternalism.” Historical forms of maternalism—the mother-centric voluntarism aimed at assisting indigent families a century ago—emphasized women’s domesticity and promoted the earliest welfare (...)
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    Food Insecurity in Pakistan: Causes and Policy Response. [REVIEW]S. Akhtar Ali Shah - 2011 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 24 (5):493-509.
    There is evidence of continued food insecurity and malnutrition in Pakistan despite significant progress made in terms of food production in recent years. According to “Vision 2030” of the Planning Commission of Pakistan, about half of the population in the country suffers from absolute to moderate malnutrition, with the most vulnerable being children, women, and elderly among the lowest income group. The Government of Pakistan has been taking a series of policy initiatives and strategic measures to combat food insecurity issues. (...)
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    Theories of Overindebtedness: Interaction of Structure and Culture.Jean Braucher - 2006 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 7 (2):323-346.
    Consumer bankruptcy scholars typically stress either a structural or a cultural account of individuals’ problems with debt. Drawing on the history of poverty research, this article argues that research on consumer overindebtedness and bankruptcy should avoid the pitfall of seeing structural and cultural factors as opposing explanations. Deregulation of the credit industry and an incomplete social safety net are key structural conditions that lead to a culture hospitable to overindebtedness. Furthermore, the interaction of structure and culture has practical (...)
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    A hinge of history: governance in an emerging new world.George P. Shultz - 2020 - Stanford, California: Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University. Edited by James Timbie.
    The world is at an inflection point. Advancing technologies are creating new opportunities and challenges. Great demographic changes are occurring rapidly, with significant consequences. Governance everywhere is in disarray. A new world is emerging. These are some of the key insights to emerge from a series of interdisciplinary roundtables and global expert contributions hosted by the Hoover Institution. In these pages, George P. Shultz and James Timbie examine a range of issues shaping our present and future, region by region. Concrete (...)
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  50.  40
    Food Insecurity in Pakistan: Causes and Policy Response. [REVIEW]Mohammad Aslam Khan & S. Akhtar Ali Shah - 2011 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 24 (5):493-509.
    There is evidence of continued food insecurity and malnutrition in Pakistan despite significant progress made in terms of food production in recent years. According to “Vision 2030” of the Planning Commission of Pakistan, about half of the population in the country suffers from absolute to moderate malnutrition, with the most vulnerable being children, women, and elderly among the lowest income group. The Government of Pakistan has been taking a series of policy initiatives and strategic measures to combat food insecurity issues. (...)
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