Results for 'social-demócratas'

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  1. El partido social demócrata de Costa Rica. Una experiencia política.Osvaldo Cazanga Moncada - 1979 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 46:173-186.
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  2. El reformismo social demócrata como un hecho político en la vida nacional: El Partido Liberación Nacional.Jaime Gerardo Delgado - 1978 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 44:159-174.
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    Habermas e a retomada da social-democracia.Leno Francisco Danner - 2012 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 57 (1).
    Investiga-se, neste trabalho, a retomada, por Habermas, da posição teórico-política social-democrata, fundada na prossecução do Eestado de bem-estar social e na afirmação da centralidade da política democrática no que diz respeito à condução da evolução social, como reação ao neoliberalismo. Oo argumento central, aqui defendido, consistirá em que tal retomada da social-democracia define a posição teórico-política de Habermas em sua defesa de um projeto emancipatório de esquerda e como forma de interromper-se a desestruturação do Eestado de (...)
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    El Ángel de la Revolución.Ricardo Sánchez Ángel - 2011 - Praxis Filosófica 27:121-134.
    Este artículo tiene como objetivo, asumir desde Colombia y América Latina,el texto más renombrado del filósofo alemánWalter Benjamin: Tesis sobre elConcepto de Historia. En mi interpretación, el tiempo histórico incluye larevolución, que Benjamin sitúa en la tradición de Marx y en la “Liga Espartaco” de Alemania, para reivindicar plenamente a los vencidos y excluidos.
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    Rousseau e a radicalidade democrática.Renato Moscateli - 2023 - Princípios 30 (62).
    A associação de Rousseau às fontes filosóficas da democracia não constitui algo livre de discussões. O próprio autor preferia a qualificação de “republicano” em vez de “democrata”, e no Contrato Social apontou sérias dificuldades para a existência da democracia como uma forma de governo, ainda que suas teses sobre a soberania popular reverberem princípios tipicamente ligados às constituições democráticas. Diante disso, Kevin Inston questionou que os democratas radicais contemporâneos tenham negligenciado a contribuição do filósofo genebrino, e por isto buscou (...)
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    Alegeri morale. Teme actuale de etică aplicată.Alexandru Volacu, Daniela Cutas & Adrian Miroiu (eds.) - 2021 - Polirom.
    De ce este importanta familia? Care este statutul moral al copiilor si cine are ce responsabilitati fata de ei? Ce este consimtamintul si care sint conditiile in care este valid? Care ar trebui sa fie rolul religiei in dezbaterile publice dintr-o societate democrata? Cum ar trebui sa fie gestionate inegalitatile sociale create de mosteniri? Ar trebui ca vaccinarea sa fie obligatorie? Este legitim sa fie cenzurate anumite forme de discurs? Avem datoria sa votam si, daca da, care sint considerentele morale (...)
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    La madurez de la democracia deliberativa.James Bohman - 2016 - Co-herencia 13 (24):105-143.
    Reviso tres maneras diferentes como los ideales de la democracia deliberativa han cambiado a la luz de las preocupaciones prácticas sobre su viabilidad, es decir, haciendo cada vez más importante el problema de cómo este ideal puede acercarse a sociedades caracterizadas por profundos desacuerdos, problemas sociales de enorme complejidad e instrumentos inoperantes en sus instituciones existentes. En primer lugar, las teorías de la democracia deliberativa enfatizan el proceso mismo de la deliberación, y no sus condiciones y procedimientos ideales y contrafácticos. (...)
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    El combate por la paz en tiempos de guerra: la Ligue des Droits de l’Homme ante el dilema entre paz y democracia (1914-1918). [REVIEW]Custodio Velasco Mesa - 2024 - Araucaria 26 (56).
    Este artículo analiza la reacción, ante la Gran Guerra, de la _Ligue des Droits de l’Homme _(LDH): organización que, creada en 1898 en defensa de la revisión del juicio a Dreyfus, se convirtió en la plataforma cívica más influyente social y políticamente durante la III República francesa. Definida por salvaguardar los derechos civiles, pero también por promover la paz, la LDH se enfrentó en 1914 a un desgarrador dilema moral y político: debía elegir entre solicitar la paz inmediata o (...)
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    University of Pennsylvania Journal of Law and Social Change.Social Change - 2006 - Philosophy 9.
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    Rethinking Society for the 21st Century 3 Volume Paperback Set: Report of the International Panel on Social Progress.InternatiOnal Panel on Social Progress (ed.) - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    The International Panel on Social Progress is an independent association of top research scholars with the goal of assessing methods for improving the main institutions of modern societies. The IPSP has produced a report consisting of twenty-two chapters in three volumes that distills the research of these scholars and outlines what the best social science has to say about positive social change. Written in accessible language by scholars across the social sciences and humanities, these volumes assess (...)
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    responsabilidad social en los hospitales de la red sanitaria de RS.Red Sanitaria de Responsabilidad Social - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (2):1-12.
    Se presentan los resultados de un estudio que explora la gestión de la responsabilidad social en trece hospitales de la Red Sanitaria de RS. Las conclusiones revelan que estos hospitales gestionan la RS profesionalmente y con criterios de calidad, orientados al cumplimiento de los ODS, en el marco del plan estratégico de cada hospital. Aunque, todavía se detectan déficits en su implantación departamental, su planificación, y la evaluación de sus impactos. Y debilidades como la falta de recursos y de (...)
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  12. Dying as a social-symbolic process.Social-Symbolic Death - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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  13. Henderikus J. Stam.Social Constructionism - 2000 - In Kurt Pawlik & Mark R. Rosenzweig (eds.), International Handbook of Psychology. Sage Publications.
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  14. The University and the Moral Im perati ve of Fair Trade.Social Justice Coffee - 2004 - Journal of Academic Ethics 2:1.
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    Au risque de la science: Les conséquences éducatives et sociales du développement scientifique et technique. Annales 1999-2000.Jacques Arsac & Académie D'éducation Et D'études Sociales - 2000 - Sarment Editions du Jubilé.
    A la fin du XIXe siècle, le progrès des sciences et des techniques parut ouvrir une ère de bonheur où l'homme, délivré des tâches serviles et de toutes les superstitions, serait enfin le maître de la nature et de son propre destin. Mais le XXe siècle ne tint pas ces promesses. Certes, le progrès des sciences a fait reculer la mortalité infantile et allonger l'espérance de vie. Les nouveaux moyens de communication ont permis la circulation rapide d'informations autour du globe. (...)
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    Rethinking Society for the 21st Century: Volume 1, Socio-Economic Transformations: Report of the International Panel on Social Progress.InternatiOnal Panel on Social Progress (ed.) - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    This is the first of three volumes containing a report from the International Panel on Social Progress. The IPSP is an independent association of top research scholars with the goal of assessing methods for improving the main institutions of modern societies. Written in accessible language by scholars across the social sciences and humanities, these volumes assess the achievements of world societies in past centuries, the current trends, the dangers that we are now facing, and the possible futures in (...)
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  17. Ficheiro de Revistas.Anáuse Social - 2004 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 60 (1):259.
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  18. Parcialidad epistémica.Y. Cooperación Social - 2011 - Ludus Vitalis 19 (35):205-208.
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    Fred Ablondi, Gerauld de Cordemoy: Atomist, Occasionalist, Cartesian (Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 2005).Social Norms - 2006 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 27 (1).
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    D ewey carefully distinguishes metaphysical existence from logical essences. This is an immensely important distinction for under-standing Dewey's constructivism, because, while existence is given, es.Reflex Arc Concept To Social - 2009 - In Larry A. Hickman, Stefan Neubert & Kersten Reich (eds.), John Dewey between pragmatism and constructivism. New York: Fordham University Press.
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  21. Practices of Truth-Finding in a Court of Law: The Case of Revised Stories Kim Lane Scheppele.Construction Of Social - 1994 - In Theodore R. Sarbin & John I. Kitsuse (eds.), Constructing the social. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications. pp. 84.
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  22. Utopía y Praxis.Teoría Social - 1999 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 4 (6-9).
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    The Hundred Schools of Thought and Three Issues (11).Social Order - 2002 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 33 (4):37-63.
    After the three families divided up the state of Jin and the Tian family took over Qi, the political situation in the fourth century B.C.E. appeared even more chaotic. Wei conquered Chu's Luyang and Qin's Xihe, Qin defeated Wei at Shimen , and again at Shaoliang , and Wei moved its capital to Daliang. During the mid-Warring States period, Qin became dominant in the west, Qi in the east, Chu in the south, and Wei in the center. Rapid changes occurred (...)
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    The Double-Edged Helix: Social Implications of Genetics in a Diverse Society.Joseph S. Alper, Catherine Ard, Adrienne Asch, Peter Conrad, Jon Beckwith, American Cancer Society Research Professor of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Jon Beckwith, Harry Coplan Professor of Social Sciences Peter Conrad & Lisa N. Geller - 2002
    The rapidly changing field of genetics affects society through advances in health-care and through implications of genetic research. This study addresses the impacts of new genetic discoveries and technologies on different segments of today's society. The book begins with a chapter on genetic complexity, and subsequent chapters discuss moral and ethical questions arising from today's genetics from the perspectives of health care professionals, the media, the general public, special interest groups and commercial interests.
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  25. Ontological subjectivity.Socially Constituted Knowledge - 1991 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 12 (2):175-200.
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    Études sur la philosophie morale, au XIXe siècle: leçons professées à l'École des hautes études sociales.Gustave Belot & Ecole des Hautes Études Sociales - 1904 - Paris: F. Alcan.
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    Part 4 Beyond Social Wholes?Beyond Social Wholes - 2010 - In Ton Otto & Nils Bubandt (eds.), Experiments in holism: theory and practice in contemporary anthropology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
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    Equipped to Face the Challenge: Christian Social Ethics in Our Generation : Talks to the Social Workers Christian Fellowship.Claire Wendelken, E. David Cook & Social Workers Christian Fellowship - 1995
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  29. Kuhn's Evolutionary Social Epistemology.K. Brad Wray - 2011 - Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
    Kuhn's Structure of Scientific Revolutions has been enduringly influential in philosophy of science, challenging many common presuppositions about the nature of science and the growth of scientific knowledge. However, philosophers have misunderstood Kuhn's view, treating him as a relativist or social constructionist. In this book, Brad Wray argues that Kuhn provides a useful framework for developing an epistemology of science that takes account of the constructive role that social factors play in scientific inquiry. He examines the core concepts (...)
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  30. Corporate Social Responsibility: An Empirical Investigation of U.S. Organizations.Adam Lindgreen, Valérie Swaen & Wesley J. Johnston - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 85 (S2):303 - 323.
    Organizations that believe they should "give something back" to the society have embraced the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR). Although the theoretical underpinnings of CSR have been frequently debated, empirical studies often involve only limited aspects, implying that theory may not be congruent with actual practices and may impede understanding and further development of CSR. The authors investigate actual CSR practices related to five different stakeholder groups, develop an instrument to measure those CSR practices, and apply it to (...)
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  31. Effective Awe-Inspiring Visual Content Strategy for Social Media Engagement with Ethical Fashion Brands: The Mediating Role of Deontological Ethical Beliefs.Weilin Pu, Yilu Wang, Giuseppe Daniele Ibello, Rishav Chakraborty, Mojun Yang, Ka Wing Chan, Rafi Chowdhury, Felix Septianto & Junbum Kwon - 2025 - Journal of Business Ethics 196 (4):753-771.
    The demand for ethical fashion products has grown in recent years, with consumers caring more about how the product is made. Based on the deontological underpinnings of ethical fashion, the present research provides recommendations to ethical fashion brands by leveraging the emotion of awe through visual representations. This research examines 5362 Instagram posts of five ethical fashion brands and shows that the presence of awe-inspiring visual elements increases consumer engagement on social media for ethical fashion brands. Further, this research (...)
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    Appearance in this list does not preclude a future review of the book. Where they are known prices are either in $ US or in£ UK. Attfield, Robin, Value, Obligation, and Meta-Ethics, Amsterdam, Holland, Rodophi, 1995, pp. 319. Bahm, Archie, Comparative Philosophy, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, World. [REVIEW]Social Change - 1996 - Mind 105.
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  33. Notes and.Cuardernos de Politica Social & Families Dans le Monde - 1951 - The Eugenics Review 42:213.
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    Rethinking Society for the 21st Century: Volume 3, Transformations in Values, Norms, Cultures: Report of the International Panel on Social Progress.InternatiOnal Panel on Social Progress - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    This is the third of three volumes containing a report from the International Panel on Social Progress. The IPSP is an independent association of top research scholars with the goal of assessing methods for improving the main institutions of modern societies. Written in accessible language by scholars across the social sciences and humanities, these volumes assess the achievements of world societies in past centuries, the current trends, the dangers that we are now facing, and the possible futures in (...)
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  35. Fr. Mrowiec.—Die Idée der Gerechtigkeit in der Pastoralkonsti-tution «Gaudium et Spes» des Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzils. Coll. Europâische Hochschulschriften. Reihe XXIII, 166. Bern, P. Lang, 1983, 21 X 15, 202 p., 54 FS. [REVIEW]Justice Sociale - 1985 - Nouvelle Revue Théologique 107:137.
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    The Social Construction of Technology: Structural Considerations.Daniel Lee Kleinman & Hans K. Klein - 2002 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 27 (1):28-52.
    Although scholarship in the social construction of technology has contributed much to illuminating technological development, most work using this theoretical approach is committed to an agency-centered approach. SCOT scholars have made only limited contributions to illustrating the influence of social structures. In this article, the authors argue for the importance of structural concepts to understanding technological development. They summarize the SCOT conceptual framework defined by Trevor Pinch and Wiebe Bijker and survey some of the methodological and explanatory difficulties (...)
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    Social and Conceptual Issues in Astrobiology.Carlos Mariscal & Kelly C. Smith (eds.) - 2020 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    This book focuses on the emerging scientific discipline of astrobiology, exploring the humanistic issues of this multidisciplinary field. To be sure, there are myriad scientific questions that astrobiologists have only begun to address. However, this is not a purely scientific enterprise. More research on the broader social and conceptual aspects of astrobiology is needed. Just what are our ethical obligations toward different sorts of alien life? Should we attempt to communicate with life beyond our planet? What is “life” in (...)
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    Social Freedom: The Responsibility View.Kristjan Kristjánsson - 1996 - Cambridge University Press.
    When is it correct to say that a person's freedom is restricted? Can poverty constrain freedom? Can you constrain your own freedom, for instance through weakness of the will or self-deception, and are you not truly free unless you act on a rational choice? Kristján Kristjánsson offers a critical analysis of the main components of a theory of negative liberty: the nature of obstacles and constraints, the weight of obstacles and the relation of freedom to power and autonomy. Through this (...)
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  39. Gregory Schopen.on Avoiding Ghosts & Social Censure - 1992 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 20:1-39.
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    Voluntary codes of conduct for multinational corporations: Promises and challenges.Socially Responsible Investing & Barbara Krumsiek - 2004 - Business and Society Review 109 (4):583-593.
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    Promoting Socially Responsible Business, Ethical Trade and Acceptable Labour Standards.David Lewis, Great Britain & Social Development Systems for Coordinated Poverty Eradication - 2000
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    " Disconnected at the.Catholic Social Doctrine - 2005 - In Nicholas Capaldi (ed.), Business and religion: a clash of civilizations? Salem, MA: M & M Scrivener Press.
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    (1 other version)A social cognitive developmental perspective on moral judgment.Larisa Heiphetz & Liane Young - 2014 - Behaviour 151 (2-3).
    Moral judgment constitutes an important aspect of adults’ social interactions. How do adults’ moral judgments develop? We discuss work from cognitive and social psychology on adults’ moral judgment, and we review developmental research to illuminate its origins. Work in these fields shows that adults make nuanced moral judgments based on a number of factors, including harm aversion, and that the origins of such judgments lie early in development. We begin by reviewing evidence showing that distress signals can cue (...)
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  44. Secci ón investigativa.Sociales de la Discapacidad Las Representaciones, Delcdeld Dentro & Escolar la Integración - forthcoming - Areté. Revista de Filosofía.
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    Freedom and Experience: Essays Presented to Horace M. Kallen.New School for Social Research (ed.) - 1947 - New York: Cooper Square Publishers.
  46. A complete list of Sen's writings is available a t http://www. economics. harvard.Collective Choice & Social Welfare - 2009 - In Christopher W. Morris (ed.), Amartya Sen. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Anthropological, Social, and Moral Limitations of a Multiplicity of Genders.Hilge Landweer & Translated By Gertrude Postl - 2005 - Hypatia 20 (2):27-47.
    This work argues from a social-theoretical perspective for the view that every concept of 'gender' remains bound to reproduction. As every culture is interested in its continuity, it distinguishes individuals according to their assumed possible contribution to reproduction and so develops a fundamental dual classification. Subsequent gender categories are necessarily derived from this one. The conceptual and empirical arguments for this thesis are illustrated through an imagined dystopia. There I envision under what conditions a complete dissociation of the concepts (...)
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    Cognitive/affective processes, social interaction, and social structure as representational re-descriptions: their contrastive bandwidths and spatio-temporal foci.Aaron V. Cicourel - 2006 - Mind and Society 5 (1):39-70.
    Research on brain or cognitive/affective processes, culture, social interaction, and structural analysis are overlapping but often independent ways humans have attempted to understand the origins of their evolution, historical, and contemporary development. Each level seeks to employ its own theoretical concepts and methods for depicting human nature and categorizing objects and events in the world, and often relies on different sources of evidence to support theoretical claims. Each level makes reference to different temporal bandwidths (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, (...)
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    Blocker, H. Gene. Metaphysics and absurdity.(Lanham, maryland: University press of america). 2013. Pp. 187.£ 19.99 (pbk). Brand, Peg zeglin (ed.) Beauty unlimited.(Bloomington: Indiana university press). 2013. Pp. 448.£ 18.99 (pbk). [REVIEW]Social Cooperation - 2013 - British Journal of Aesthetics 53 (2):257.
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    Social Avalanche: Crowds, Cities and Financial Markets.Christian Borch - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    Individuality and collectivity are central concepts in sociological inquiry. Incorporating cultural history, social theory, urban and economic sociology, Borch proposes an innovative rethinking of these key terms and their interconnections via the concept of the social avalanche. Drawing on classical sociology, he argues that while individuality embodies a tension between the collective and individual autonomy, certain situations, such as crowds and other moments of group behaviour, can subsume the individual entirely within the collective. These events, or social (...)
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