Results for 'sticking point'

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  1.  70
    Organizational sticking points on NK Landscapes.Jan W. Rivkin & Nicolaj Siggelkow - 2002 - Complexity 7 (5):31-43.
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    Buddhist-Christian dialogue: current sticking points.Durwood Foster - 1987 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 7:151-182.
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    A stick which may be grabbed by either end: Sino-Hellenic studies as a token of comparative philosophy.Ralph Weber - 2013 - .
    Recently, Jeremy Tanner has published a highly informative review article in the Journal of Hellenic Studies, in which he introduces and advertises “Sino-Hellenic Studies” as a new and upcoming subfield in academic inquiry. Tanner particularly focuses on what he terms “Sino-Hellenic comparative philosophy,” while developing his perspective clearly from within contemporary Classicists’ academic parameters. In this paper, I approach the matter precisely from the other end, i.e. from within contemporary comparative philosophy, distinguishing four different approaches in comparative philosophy, pointing out (...)
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  4. The eleatic non-stick frying pan.Simon Prosser - 2006 - Analysis 66 (3):187–194.
    A novel way of making a non-stick frying pan using a topologically open surface is described. While the article has a slight humorous element to it, it is also intended to contain some serious philosophical points concerning the nature of infinitely divisible matter and the kind of contact that must occur between objects in order for them to interact.
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  5. What Is the Point of Confirmation?Franz Huber - 2005 - Philosophy of Science 72 (5):1146-1159.
    Philosophically, one of the most important questions in the enterprise termed confirmation theory is this: Why should one stick to well confirmed theories rather than to any other theories? This paper discusses the answers to this question one gets from absolute and incremental Bayesian confirmation theory. According to absolute confirmation, one should accept ''absolutely well confirmed'' theories, because absolute confirmation takes one to true theories. An examination of two popular measures of incremental confirmation suggests the view that one should stick (...)
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  6. Don’t panic: Self-authorship without obscure metaphysics1.Adina L. Roskies - 2012 - Philosophical Perspectives 26 (1):323-342.
    In this paper I attempt to respond to the worries of the source incompatibilist, and try to sketch a naturalistically plausible, compatibilist notion of self-authorship and control that I believe captures important aspects of the folk intuitions regarding freedom and responsibility. It is my hope to thus offer those moved by source incompatibilist worries a reason not to adopt what P.F. Strawson called “the obscure and panicky metaphysics of Libertarianism” (P. F. Strawson, 1982) or the panic-inducing moral austerity of the (...)
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  7. Despising an Identity They Taught Me to Claim.Alison Bailey - 1999 - In Chris J. Cuomo & Kim Q. Hall (eds.), WHITENESS: FEMINIST PHILOSOPHICAL NARRATIVES.
    This essay is a personal philosophical reflection on particular dilemma privilege-cognizant white feminists face in thinking through how to use privilege in liberatory ways. Privilege takes on a new dimension for whites who resist common defensive or guilt-ridden responses to privilege and struggle to understand the connections between ill-gotten advantages and the genuine injustices that deny humanity to peoples of color. The temptation to despise whiteness and its accompanying privilege is a common response to white privilege awareness and it is (...)
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  8.  18
    Just War Pacifism: Must it be a Contradiction in Terms?Colin Patterson - 2019 - Studies in Christian Ethics 32 (3):370-386.
    Efforts to resolve the tension within the Christian moral theological tradition between just war theory and pacifism have so far not produced any broadly accepted resolution. Key sticking points lie both in the fact that even a just war typically involves the taking of human life, both combatant and civilian, and that the distinction between intentional and unintentional killing, so important to Christian moral reflection, is difficult to sustain in practice. Yet, with the prospect of the development of effective (...)
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    Pluralism and Perspectivism in the American Pragmatist Tradition.Matthew Brown - 2019 - In Michela Massimi (ed.), Knowledge From a Human Point of View. Springer Verlag.
    This chapter explores perspectivism in the American Pragmatist tradition. On the one hand, the thematization of perspectivism in contemporary epistemology and philosophy of science can benefit from resources in the American Pragmatist philosophical tradition. On the other hand, the Pragmatists have interesting and innovative, pluralistic views that can be illuminated through the lens of perspectivism. I pursue this inquiry primarily through examining relevant sources from the Pragmatist tradition. I will illustrate productive engagements between pragmatism and perspectivism in three areas: in (...)
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  10.  43
    Moral Personality, Perversity, and Original Sin.James Wetzel - 1995 - Journal of Religious Ethics 23 (1):3 - 25.
    This essay sets forth a philosophical reformulation and defense of the doctrine of original sin. The sticking point of the traditional doctrine is its apparent commitment to the proposition that moral guilt is heritable. While I make no claim to defend the justice of vicarious punishment (the idea of having one person suffer for the sins of another), I credit nevertheless the idea of vicarious guilt. As responsible beings, we have to answer for evil that we cannot conceivably (...)
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    A pedagogical framework for facilitating parents’ learning in nurse–parent partnership.Nick Hopwood, Teena Clerke & Anne Nguyen - 2018 - Nursing Inquiry 25 (2):e12220.
    Nursing work increasingly demands forms of expertise that complement specialist knowledge. In child and family nursing, this need arises when nurses work in partnership with parents of young children at risk. Partnership means working with parents in respectful, negotiated and empowering ways. Existing partnership literature emphasises communicative and relational skills, but this paper focuses on nurses’ capacities to facilitate parents’ learning. Referring to data from home visiting, day‐stay and specialist toddler clinic services in Sydney, a pedagogical framework is presented. Analysis (...)
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    Where did language come from? Connecting sign, song, and speech in hominin evolution.Anton Killin - 2017 - Biology and Philosophy 32 (6):759-778.
    Recently theorists have developed competing accounts of the origins and nature of protolanguage and the subsequent evolution of language. Debate over these accounts is lively. Participants ask: Is music a direct precursor of language? Were the first languages gestural? Or is language continuous with primate vocalizations, such as the alarm calls of vervets? In this article I survey the leading hypotheses and lines of evidence, favouring a largely gestural conception of protolanguage. However, the “sticking point” of gestural accounts, (...)
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  13.  51
    马克思哲学与存在论问题.Xuegong Yang - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 17:303-344.
    This paper begins with a discussion of the translations of the term “ontology” in Chinese language, and argues that its translation as “bentilun”(in Chinese PinYinorthography) can be supported by ample evidence from the history of doctrine and the tradition of Chinese culture. Therefore, It is necessary to keep this translation on condition that one distinguish strictly “ontology” as a branch of philosophy from “bentilun” as a special morphology of philosophical theory. Examining the history of metaphysics, this thesis draws a clear (...)
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  14.  40
    Experiential embodiment and human immediacy: Adorno’s negative affinity.Mark Walker - unknown
    This thesis argues for the continuing possibility of Adorno set against the backdrop of a post-modern proliferation of affects. A major theoretical contention is the concept of the subject: a sticking point within philosophy. The thesis takes this up and offers a new pathway without falling into the cliché of a renewal of Adorno’s position. Drawing on Adorno’s theoretical thoughts on the subject the thesis contends that the subject is that which by turns dissolves all eventualities or more (...)
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    Self-Confirming Biased Beliefs in Organizational “Learning by Doing”.Sanghyun Park & Phanish Puranam - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-14.
    Learning by doing, a change in beliefs due to experience, is crucial to the adaptive behaviours of organizations as well as the individuals that inhabit them. In this review paper, we summarise different pathologies of learning noted in past literature using a common underlying mechanism based on self-confirming biased beliefs. These are inaccurate beliefs about the environment that are self-confirming because acting upon these beliefs prevents their falsification. We provide a formal definition for self-confirming biased beliefs as an attractor that (...)
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    Compound Figures: A Multi-Channel View of Communication and Psychological Plausibility.Mihaela Popa-Wyatt - 2022 - Topoi 41 (3):527-538.
    Philosophical views of language have traditionally been focused on notions of truth. This is a reconstructive view in that we try to extract from an utterance in context what the sentence and speaker meaning are. This focus on meaning extraction from word sequences alone, however, is challenged by utterances which combine different types of figures. This paper argues that what appears to be a special case of ironic utterances—ironic metaphorical compounds—sheds light on the requirements for psychological plausibility of a theory (...)
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    Lurking, Distilling, Exceeding, Vibrating.Lynn Fendler - 2012 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 31 (3):315-326.
    This paper addresses two main questions: (1) What has theory been doing? and (2) What might theory be doing? The first question is addressed historically, and the second question is addressed imaginatively. In between those two topics, I have inserted a brief interval to raise some sticking points pertaining to the question, “What is properly educational about educational theory?”.
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    Are Species Social Objects? Some Notes.Elena Casetta - 2014 - Rivista di Estetica 57:173-183.
    Although biological species might seem paradigmatic natural objects, several objections can be advanced against their independence from taxonomic activities and from scientific and social practices in general. Darwin himself, in the second chapter of the Origin, claimed to be looking «at the term species as one arbitrarily given, for the sake of convenience, to a set of individuals closely resembling each other». In this contribution, I sketch the sticking points of the issue whether species are natural or social objects (...)
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  19. Panpsychism and the Inner-Outer Gap Problem.Miri Albahari - 2022 - The Monist 105 (1):25-42.
    Panpsychism is viewed by its advocates as resolving the main sticking points for materialism and dualism. While sympathetic to this approach, I locate two prevalent assumptions within modern panpsychism which I think are problematic: first, that fundamental consciousness belongs to a perspectival subject and second, that the physical world, despite being backed by conscious subject, is observer-independent. I re-introduce an argument I’d made elsewhere against the first assumption: that it lies behind the well-known combination and decombination problems. I then (...)
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  20.  60
    Rational Choice with Deontic Constraints.Joseph Heath - 2001 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 31 (3):361-388.
    Anyone who has ever lived with roommates understands the Hobbesian state of nature implicitly. People sharing accommodations quickly discover that buying groceries, doing the dishes, sweeping the floor, and a thousand other household tasks, are all prisoner's dilemmas waiting to happen. For instance, if food is purchased communally, it gives everyone an incentive to overconsume. Individuals also have an incentive to buy expensive items that the others are unlikely to want. As a result, everyone's food bill will be higher than (...)
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  21. What does the study of autism tell us about the craft of folk psychology?Richard Griffin & Daniel C. Dennett - unknown
    Autism is a neurodevelopmental condition characterized by difficulties in social interaction. Successful social interaction relies, in part, on determining the thoughts and feelings of others, an ability commonly attributed to our faculty of folk or common-sense psychology. Because the symptoms of autism should be present by around the second birthday, it follows that the study of autism should tell us something about the early emerging mechanisms necessary for the development of an intact faculty of folk psychology. Our aims in this (...)
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  22.  71
    Morally Differentiating Responsibility for Climate Change Mitigation.Christopher Michaelson - 2011 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 30 (1-2):113-136.
    The ethical tension over whether countries have differentiated responsibilities for climate change mitigation evokes the tale of a master and a man. The one who thinks she is the master is analogous to the wealthier, industrialized nations and their market actors, and the human is the rest of humanity, particularly those citizens of less developed countries. Since 1992, there has been formal, stated agreement that there should be differentiated responsibilities for climate change mitigation between developed and developing nations, but differentiation (...)
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  23.  7
    Sacrifice and the Possibilities for Environmental Action.John M. Meyer - 2015 - In Stephen Mark Gardiner & Allen Thompson (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Environmental Ethics. Oxford University Press USA.
    A key political-strategic question facing those aiming to foster environmental action is, When and how do environmental concerns resonate widely with citizens? This question invites reflection upon the rhetoric of “sacrifice,” especially as often deployed within wealthy consumer societies. This rhetoric has become a political sticking point that often entangles environmental discourse in a false dichotomy between sacrifice and self-interest and thereby constrains the political imaginary. By challenging this dichotomy we can draw attention to the ubiquity of notions (...)
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  24. Process Approaches to Consciousness in Psychology, Neuroscience, and Philosophy of Mind.Michel Weber & Anderson Weekes (eds.) - 2010 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    This collection opens a dialogue between process philosophy and contemporary consciousness studies. Approaching consciousness from diverse disciplinary perspectives—philosophy, psychology, neuroscience, neuropathology, psychotherapy, biology, animal ethology, and physics—the contributors offer empirical and philosophical support for a model of consciousness inspired by the process philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead (1861–1947). Whitehead’s model is developed in ways he could not have anticipated to show how it can advance current debates beyond well-known sticking points. This has trenchant consequences for epistemology and suggests fresh (...)
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  25.  39
    Special Divine Action and How to Do Philosophy of Religion.Patrick Giddy - 2011 - South African Journal of Philosophy 30 (2):143-154.
    Any notion of a god that is of relevance to us must show how it makes a difference in the world. But this idea of an interventionist god doesn’t make sense for a secular and scientific mentality such as ours. I take Brenda de Wet’s five sticking points for any religious believer that seem to fail to make the grade of intellectual integrity (2008), and argue that starting from creedal and popular formulations of the notion of a god, as (...)
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    Book review: Steven M. wise. Foreward by Jane Goodall. Rattling the cage: Toward legal rights for animals. Cambridge, mass.: Perseus books, 2000. [REVIEW]Jennifer Everett - 2002 - Ethics and the Environment 7 (1):147-153.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ethics & the Environment 7.1 (2002) 147-153 [Access article in PDF] Book Review Rattling the Cage: Toward Legal Rights for Animals Rattling the Cage: Toward Legal Rights for Animals Steven M. Wise. Foreward by Jane Goodall. Cambridge, Mass.: Perseus Books, 2000. pp. 384. US $17.50. ISBN 0-7382-0437-4 (Paperback) "Ancient philosophers claimed that all nonhuman animals had been designed and placed on this earth just for human beings. Ancient jurists (...)
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    On Changing the Subject.Paul Thom - 2000 - Metaphilosophy 31 (1-2):63-74.
    Sticking to the point is thought to be a good thing. Changing the subject, by contrast, is regarded as a sign of a wandering mind if it is unintentional and as a sign of duplicity if it is intentional. Yet, as I shall show, interpreters regularly replace an initial object of interpretation with a new object, thus “changing the subject.” They do so in one of four ways: idealization, resegmentation, reconception, and recovery. Far from being symptomatic of either (...)
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    Robots inherit human minds.Hans Moravec - 1994
    Our first tools, sticks and stones, were very different from ourselves. But many tools now resemble us, in function or form, and they are beginning to have minds. A loose parallel with our own evolution suggests how they may develop in future. Computerless industrial machinery exhibits the behavioral flexibility of single-celled organisms. Today's best computer-controlled robots are like the simpler invertebrates. A thousand-fold increase in computer power in this decade should make possible machines with reptile-like sensory and motor competence. Growing (...)
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    Linguistic representation.Jay F. Rosenberg - 1974 - Boston: D. Reidel Pub. Co..
    This book is nominally about linguistic representation. But, since it is we who do the representing, it is also about us. And, since it is the universe which we represent, it is also about the universe. In the end, then, this book is about everything, which, since it is a philosophy book, is as it should be. I recognize that it is nowadays unfashionable to write books about every thing. Philosophers of language, it will be said, ought to stick to (...)
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  30.  30
    The Impact of Aristotelianism on Modern Philosophy (review).Jean Robert Armogathe - 2005 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 (2):209-210.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Impact of Aristotelianism on Modern PhilosophyJean-Robert ArmogatheRiccardo Pozzo, editor. The Impact of Aristotelianism on Modern Philosophy. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2004. Pp. xvi + 336. Cloth, $69.95.The status of a "great" philosopher is to stand out for centuries, asking questions in such a way that the answers can never be definitive. Not so many of them are able to stand such a severe (...)
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    Comments on Tweyman and Davis.George Nathan - 1987 - Hume Studies 13 (1):98-103.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:98 COMMENTS ON TWEYMAN AND DAVIS Tweyman contends that in Parts X and XI of the Dialogues Philo sets aside his Pyrrhonian or skeptical approach to theology, which consists in falsifying or casting doubt on the hypotheses of Cleanthes, and instead argues for a thesis of his own, viz. what we might call the "indifference thesis" that the original source of all things is morally indifferent. Davis counters with (...)
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    Wise therapy: philosophy for counsellors.Tim LeBon - 2001 - New York: Continuum.
    Independent on Sunday October 2nd One of the country's lead­ing philosophical counsellers, and chairman of the Society for Philosophy in Practice (SPP), Tim LeBon, said it typically took around six 50 ­minute sessions for a client to move from confusion to resolution. Mr LeBon, who has 'published a book on the subject, Wise Therapy, said philoso­phy was perfectly suited to this type of therapy, dealing as it does with timeless human issues such as love, purpose, happiness and emo­tional challenges. `Wise (...)
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  33.  26
    Cash and the Hidden Economy: Experimental Evidence on Fighting Tax Evasion in Small Business Transactions.Ho Fai Chan, Uwe Dulleck, Jonas Fooken, Naomi Moy & Benno Torgler - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 185 (1):89-114.
    Increasing the tax compliance of self-employed business owners—particularly of trade-specific service providers such as those involved in construction and repair work—remains an ongoing challenge for tax authorities. From a compliance point of view, cash transactions are particularly problematic when services are paid for on the spot, as these exchanges are difficult to audit. We present experimental evidence testing ten different policy strategies rooted in the enforcement, service, and trust/social paradigms, in a setting that allows payment either via a transaction (...)
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    Civilians, terrorism, and deadly serious conventions.Jeremy Waldron - unknown
    This paper asks how we should regard the laws and customs of armed conflict, and specifically the rule prohibiting the targeting of civilians. What view should we take of the moral character and significance of such rules? Some philosophers have suggested that they are best regarded as useful conventions. This view is sometimes motivated by a "deep moral critique" of the rule protecting civilians: Jeff McMahan believes for example that the existing rules protect some who ought to be liable to (...)
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    In Memoriam: G.R.G. Mure.Errol E. Harris - 1979 - The Owl of Minerva 11 (1):10-11.
    The death of Geoffrey Mure is a greater loss to the world of scholarship than the present-day philosophical community is likely to recognize. He was one of the very few Oxford philosophers who had the courage and steadfastness to stick to his staunch belief in speculative Idealism when the explosion of Logical Positivism and the successive shock-waves of Empiricism and Ordinary Language Philosophy overwhelmed the Oxford schools. Mure’s philosophy was, therefore, not congenial to his colleagues. Nevertheless, throughout the hey-day of (...)
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  36. Commentary on Sober and Wilson, Unto Others: The Evolution and Psychology of Unselfish Behavior.Daniel C. Dennett - 2002 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 65 (3):692-696.
    Have Sober and Wilson salvaged a sophisticated and sound perspective for group selection from the rhetorical overkill of the selfish-gene’s-eye gang, or have they merely reinvented Hamilton’s and Maynard Smith’s alternative to group selection models, models that can do justice to all the observed and even imagined phenomena of cooperation in the biosphere? One of the main lessons I have learned in thinking about the issues raised by Unto Others over the last two years is that they are, at least (...)
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    Far-reaching effects of the filter bubble, the most notorious metaphor in media studies.Jernej Kaluža - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (4):1391-1393.
    This article discusses the topic of algorithmic personalization and the creation of the so-called “filter bubble” effect, which is often understood as one of the most problematic influences of artificial intelligence on democratic social order. The author suggests that focusing on the issue of information diversity, which had far-reaching effect on the empirical research that tried to quantitatively measure and systematically prove the existence of the filter bubbles, was the wrong starting point for the discussion on the application of (...)
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  38.  43
    Language's Dreamwork Reconsidered.Andreas Heise - 2017 - Argumenta 5:109-125.
    This paper offers both exegetical and systematic reconsiderations of Donald Davidson’s view on metaphor. In his essay What Metaphors Mean, Davidson argued against the idea that metaphors have any kind of propositional content beyond the literal meaning of the relevant sentence. Apart from this negative claim, Davidson also made a constructive proposal by suggesting that metaphor’s distinctive effect is to prompt a mental state of seeing-as. These two points seem connected insofar as Davidson makes the following assumptions. First, metaphors cause (...)
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    Exploring the Idea of Private Property: A Small Step Along the Road from Common Sense to Theory.Kenneth R. Melchin - 2003 - Journal of Macrodynamic Analysis 3:287-301.
    I had the privilege of studying with Phil McShane in 1979-80, when he was Visiting Fellow at Lonergan University College, Concordia University, Montréal. If I were to choose two points of focus from Phil’s work that have stayed with me through the years following, they would be: stick with the method, and be content with beginnings.
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    Flexible Goals Require that Inflexible Perceptual Systems Produce Veridical Representations: Implications for Realism as Revealed by Evolutionary Simulations.Marlene D. Berke, Robert Walter-Terrill, Julian Jara-Ettinger & Brian J. Scholl - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (10):e13195.
    How veridical is perception? Rather than representing objects as they actually exist in the world, might perception instead represent objects only in terms of the utility they offer to an observer? Previous work employed evolutionary modeling to show that under certain assumptions, natural selection favors such “strict‐interface” perceptual systems. This view has fueled considerable debate, but we think that discussions so far have failed to consider the implications of two critical aspects of perception. First, while existing models have explored single (...)
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    Creativity and the Context of Novelty.Pete A. Y. Gunter - 2009 - The Pluralist 4 (3):60 - 63.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Creativity and the Context of NoveltyPete A. Y. GunterAn article might have many virtues: breadth, novel perspective, conceptual background, to name a few. The strongest virtue of Professor Crosby's article is in the sharpening of arguments. In both his book, Novelty, and in the present article, he sharpens arguments which surround the concepts of determinism, novelty, and freedom. The end result is increased clarity; it is also, or so (...)
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    Descartes on the Human Soul: Philosophy and the Demands of Christian Doctrine (review).Richard A. Watson - 2000 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 38 (1):120-121.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Descartes on the Human Soul: Philosophy and the Demands of Christian DoctrineRichard A. WatsonC. F. Fowler. Descartes on the Human Soul: Philosophy and the Demands of Christian Doctrine. International Archives of the History of Ideas, 160. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999. Pp. xiii + 438. Cloth, $168.00.As Defender of the Faith, René Descartes wrote his Meditations to fulfill the request of the Fifth Lateran Council in 1513 "to (...)
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    Autism, autonomy, and authenticity.Elisabeth M. A. Späth & Karin R. Jongsma - 2020 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 23 (1):73-80.
    Autonomy of people on the autism-spectrum has only been very rarely conceptually explored. Autism spectrum is commonly considered a hetereogenous disorder, and typically described as a behaviorally-defined neurodevelopmental disorder associated with the presence of social-communication deficits and restricted and repetitive behaviors. Autism research mainly focuses on the behavior of autistic people and ways to teach them skills that are in line with social norms. Interventions such as therapies are being justified with the assumption that autists lack the capacity to be (...)
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    No-Self, Dōgen, the Senika Doctrine, and Western Views of Soul.Gerhard Faden - 2011 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 31:41-54.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:No-Self, Dōgen, the Senika Doctrine, and Western Views of SoulGerhard FadenNo-Self Versus SoulFrom the very beginning of Buddhism, the concept of no-self (P. anattā, J. muga) has been at the heart of Buddhist thought. Based on this concept, Buddhist apologetics rejected the concept of Atman in the Upanishads as well as Western concepts of soul. Christian authors, on the other hand, see an unbridgeable abyss between what they call (...)
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    Bipedalism, canine tooth reduction, and obligatory tool use.C. Loring Brace - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (4):507-508.
    Bipedalism in the earliest hominid specimens is always accompanied by the reduction of projecting canine teeth. Body size is smaller than chimpanzees or humans, but molar teeth are markedly larger. Use of a pointed stick for defensive purposes on the one hand, and digging for USOs on the other, may be why bipedalism was selected for. Passing such learned behavior to the next generation may have played a role in selecting for language.
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    Representationalism and the linguistic question in early modern philosophy.Dachun Yang - 2008 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 3 (4):595-606.
    The view of language is greatly changed from early modern philosophy to later modern philosophy and to postmodern philosophy. The linguistic question in early modern philosophy, which is characterized by rationalism and empiricism, is discussed in this paper. Linguistic phenomena are not at the center of philosophical reflections in early modern philosophy. The subject of consciousness is at the center of the philosophy, which makes language serve purely as an instrument for representing thoughts. Locke, Leibniz and Descartes consider language from (...)
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  47. From Orality to Writing: The Reality of a Conversion through the Work of the Jesuit Father Jose de Anchieta (1534-1597).Jean-Claude Laborie - 2000 - Diogenes 48 (191):56-71.
    We are in 1563, somewhere on a Brazilian beach about 100 kilometres north of what is now São Paulo. A young man in a cowled robe alone on the beach is writing a poem on the sand with the point of his stick. The hostage of a savage tribe for weeks, he struggles daily against manifold carnal temptations, personified in the voluptuous native women who come to visit him every evening in his hammock, and addresses his Latin verses to (...)
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  48. Uno scetticismo inquieto. Montaigne e i suoi modelli antichi [Restless skepticism. Montaigne and his ancient models].Charles Larmore - 2008 - la Società Degli Individui 33:142-158.
    Montaigne ha trasformato radicalmente l’idea di scetticismo tramandatagli dal­l’antichità. Egli ritiene infatti che la meta del pensiero non debba con­sistere nella quiete dello spirito, come so­stenevano gli scettici antichi, ben­sì che ci manteniamo fedeli alla condizione umana se riconosciamo la nostra fondamentale mutevolezza e arrischiamo prospettive differenti, senza tut­­tavia identificarci in esse al punto da non essere disposti a rivederle o ab­bandonarle.Montaigne had completely transformed the skepticism’s idea handed down to him from the past. While the ancient skeptics believed that (...)
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  49. Plural type quantification.Yoad Winter - manuscript
    This paper introduces some of the main components of a novel type theoretical semantics for quantifi- cation with plural noun phrases. This theory, unlike previous ones, sticks to the standard generalized quantifier treatment of singular noun phrases and uses only one lifting operator per semantic category (predicate, quantifier and determiner) for quantification with plurals. Following Bennett (1974), plural individuals are treated as functions of type ¢¡ . Plural nouns and other plural predicates accordingly denote £ ¢¡¥¤¦¡ functions. Such predicates do (...)
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  50.  38
    Can a Curriculum of Moral Education be Postmodern?Fritz Oser - 1999 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 31 (2):231-236.
    SummaryWhat does our analysis mean for moral education? Let's take the first of our four aims mentioned above, the development of moral judgement abilities. With regard to the subject matter, the method, the teacher as person, and the community, we might follow from a postmodern point of view:second, that there is not just one valid method to de‐equilibrate children's moral cognitive schemata, but, again, that the chosen method is believed to be effective–knowing that it is just one option;third, that (...)
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