Results for 'three parent IVF'

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  1. Genetic Affinity and the Right to ‘Three-parent IVF’.G. Owen Schaefer & Markus Labude - 2017 - Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics 34 (12):1577-1580.
    With the recent report of a live birth after use of Mitochondrial replacement therapy, sometimes called ‘Three-parent IVF’, the clinical application of the technique is fast becoming a reality. While the United Kingdom allows the procedure under regulatory scrutiny, it remains effectively outlawed in many other countries. We argue that such prohibitions may violate individuals’ procreative rights, grounded in individuals’ interest in genetic affinity. The interest in genetic affinity was recently endorsed by Singapore’s highest court, reflecting an emphasis (...)
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    What Is the Value of ThreeParent IVF?Tina Rulli - 2016 - Hastings Center Report 46 (4):38-47.
    In February 2016, the Institute of Medicine released a report, commissioned by the United States Food and Drug Administration, on the ethical and social‐policy implications of so‐called threeparent in vitro fertilization. The IOM endorses commencement of clinical trials on threeparent IVF, subject to some initial limitations. Also called mitochondrial replacement or transfer, threeparent IVF is an intervention comprising two distinct procedures in which the genetic materials of three people—the DNA of the father and (...)
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    Parents' Religious and Secular Perspectives on IVF Planning in Serbia.Veselin Mitrović - 2016 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 15 (43):48-81.
    The social and institutional background of this research can be summarized as the relation between public and governmental policies on the one hand, and the experience of patients and IVF experts on the other. Namely, one third of all pregnancies achieved in state-funded in vitro fertilizations obscure some ethical and health issues, especially among patients who abandon the state-funded IVF programme in Serbia. The goal of the current research is to identify, describe and understand ethical and social issues that parents (...)
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  4. Not so fast.Donna L. Dickenson & Marcy Darnovsky - 2014 - New Scientist 222:28-29.
    Three-parent IVF is proceeding towards partial legalisation in the UK, but is this process too hasty?
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    Do Mitochondrial Replacement Techniques Affect Qualitative or Numerical Identity?S. Matthew Liao - 2016 - Bioethics 31 (1):20-26.
    Mitochondrial replacement techniques, known in the popular media as 'three-parent' or 'three-person' IVFs, have the potential to enable women with mitochondrial diseases to have children who are genetically related to them but without such diseases. In the debate regarding whether MRTs should be made available, an issue that has garnered considerable attention is whether MRTs affect the characteristics of an existing individual or whether they result in the creation of a new individual, given that MRTs involve the (...)
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    Are You My Mommies?Arland K. Nichols - 2012 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 12 (4):589-596.
    Researchers seek government support for “three-parent IVF” in the United Kingdom, for the purpose of bringing to clinical practice new techniques for avoiding inherited mitochondrial diseases. The author describes the development and processes of pronuclear transfer and maternal spindle transfer and offers an ethical evaluation of this cutting-edge science in light of the Church’s teaching in Dignitas personae. Promoting a eugenic mentality, both pronuclear transfer and maternal spindle transfer involve a radical manipulation of the human genome, inherited from (...)
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    Why only the commissioning parents should undertake parental duties in surrogacy cases?Hanhui Xu - 2019 - Zeitschrift Für Ethik Und Moralphilosophie 2 (1):5-20.
    The introduction of in vitro fertilization (IVF) results in a separation of sex and reproduction which has generated enormous ethical debate (Lauritzen 1993). Surrogacy makes this situation more complicated by bringing a surrogate mother into reproduction. A surrogacy case may involve five individuals (in addition to the surrogate child). These are the commissioning couple, the gamete donors, and the surrogate mother. Hence, a surrogate child may have up to five parents, including biological parents, commissioning parents, and a gestational parent. (...)
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  8. Response to “Germ Line Therapy to Cure Mitochondrial Disease: Protocol and Ethics of In Vitro Ovum Nuclear Transplantation” by Donald S. Rubenstein, David C. Thomasma, Eric A. Schon, and Michael J. Zinaman. [REVIEW]Helen Watt - 1999 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 8 (1):88-96.
    Germ-line therapy has long been regarded with great caution both by scientists and by ethicists. Even those who do not reject germ-line therapy in principle have tended to reject it in practice as carrying unacceptable risks in our current state of knowledge. For this reason, a recent paper by Rubenstein, Thomasma, Shon, and Zinaman is unusual in putting forward a serious proposal for the use of germ-line therapy in the foreseeable future.
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    The right not to be a genetic parent?I. Glenn Cohen - manuscript
    Should the law recognize an individual's right not to be a genetic parent when genetic parenthood does not carry with it legal or gestational parenthood? If so, should we allow individuals to waive that right in advance, either by contract or a less formal means? How should the law's treatment of gestational and legal parenthood inform these questions? Developments in reproductive technology have brought these questions to the fore, most prominently in the preembryo disposition cases a number of courts (...)
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    Ethics of Mitochondrial Replacement Techniques: A Habermasian Perspective.César Palacios-González - 2016 - Bioethics 31 (1):27-36.
    Jürgen Habermas is regarded as a central bioconservative commentator in the debate on the ethics of human prenatal genetic manipulations. While his main work on this topic, The Future of Human Nature, has been widely examined in regard to his position on prenatal genetic enhancement, his arguments regarding prenatal genetic therapeutic interventions have for the most part been overlooked. In this work I do two things. First, I present the three necessary conditions that Habermas establishes for a prenatal genetic (...)
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  11. The ethical challenges of the clinical introduction of mitochondrial replacement techniques.John B. Appleby - 2015 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 18 (4):501-514.
    Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) diseases are a group of neuromuscular diseases that often cause suffering and premature death. New mitochondrial replacement techniques (MRTs) may offer women with mtDNA diseases the opportunity to have healthy offspring to whom they are genetically related. MRTs will likely be ready to license for clinical use in the near future and a discussion of the ethics of the clinical introduction ofMRTs is needed. This paper begins by evaluating three concerns about the safety of MRTs for (...)
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    It’s a Boy.Elizabeth Armstrong - 2017 - Voices in Bioethics 3.
    On September 27, 2016 people across the world looked down at their buzzing phones to see the AP Alert: “Baby born with DNA from 3 people, first from new technique.” It was an announcement met with confusion by many, but one that polarized the scientific community almost instantly. Some celebrated the birth as an advancement that could help women with a family history of mitochondrial diseases prevent the transmission of the disease to future generations; others held it unethical, citing medical (...)
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    New Pitchforks and Furtive Nature.Daniel P. Maher - 2018 - In Lisa Campo-Engelstein & Paul Burcher, Reproductive Ethics Ii: New Ideas and Innovations. Springer Verlag. pp. 113-123.
    “New ideas and innovations” are constituted in relation to the status quo: what had been new becomes old when something yet newer appears. This truism draws attention to the necessity of thinking about the new in relation to what came before. In reproductive ethics, this means, in part, that mitochondrial donation, for example, must be understood in reference to “old” IVF. It also means that we must understand this and every other technique for manipulating, facilitating, or preventing conception in relation (...)
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  14. Mental Fictionalism: Elements in Philosophy of Mind.T. Parent, Adam Toon & Tamas Demeter - manuscript
    [Under contract with CUP, in preparation] What is a mind? Is it possible for a computer or other machine to have a mind? And how would we know? Mental fictionalism offers a new approach to these timely questions. Its central idea is that mental states (thoughts, beliefs, desires) are useful fictions. When we talk about mental states, we should be seen as merely speaking “as if” humans (and perhaps other creatures or even artifacts) had such states, in order to make (...)
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  15. Saviour siblings.M. Spriggs - 2002 - Journal of Medical Ethics 28 (5):289-289.
    In Victoria, Australia, some parents are now able to select embryos free from genetic disease which will provide stem cells to treat an existing siblingA n Australian couple from Victoria have been given permission to use in vitro fertilisation technology to screen an embryo in order to “create a `perfect match’ sibling” for their seriously ill child. In vitro fertilisation is regulated in Victoria by the Infertility Treatment Authority which restricts access to people who are medically infertile or who have (...)
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  16. Knowing‐Wh and Embedded Questions.Ted Parent - 2014 - Philosophy Compass 9 (2):81-95.
    Do you know who you are? If the question seems unclear, it might owe to the notion of ‘knowing-wh’ (knowing-who, knowing-what, knowing-when, etc.). Such knowledge contrasts with ‘knowing-that’, the more familiar topic of epistemologists. But these days, knowing-wh is receiving more attention than ever, and here we will survey three current debates on the nature of knowing-wh. These debates concern, respectively, (1) whether all knowing-wh is reducible to knowing-that (‘generalized intellectualism’), (2) whether all knowing-wh is relativized to a contrast (...)
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  17. A Case Study of Stakeholder Identification and Prioritization by Managers.Milena M. Parent & David L. Deephouse - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 75 (1):1-23.
    The purpose of this article is to examine stakeholder identification and prioritization by managers using the power, legitimacy, and urgency framework of Mitchell et al. (Academy of Management Review 22, 853–886; 1997). We use a multi-method, comparative case study of two large-scale sporting event organizing committees, with a particular focus on interviews with managers at three hierarchical levels. We support the positive relationship between number of stakeholder attributes and perceived stakeholder salience. Managers’ hierarchical level and role have direct and (...)
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    On Some Weakened Forms of Transitivity in the Logic of Conditional Obligation.Xavier Parent - 2024 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 53 (3):721-760.
    This paper examines the logic of conditional obligation, which originates from the works of Hansson, Lewis, and others. Some weakened forms of transitivity of the betterness relation are studied. These are quasi-transitivity, Suzumura consistency, acyclicity and the interval order condition. The first three do not change the logic. The axiomatic system is the same whether or not they are introduced. This holds true under a rule of interpretation in terms of maximality and strong maximality. The interval order condition gives (...)
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    The “Three-Parent Baby”: A Case Study of How Language Frames the Ethical Debate Regarding an Emerging Technology.Vardit Ravitsky, Stanislav Birko & Raphaelle Dupras-Leduc - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (12):57-60.
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  20. Modal Realism and the Meaning of 'Exist'.T. Parent - manuscript
    Here I first raise an argument purporting to show that Lewis’ Modal Realism ends up being entirely trivial. But although I reject this line, the argument reveals how difficult it is to interpret Lewis’ thesis that possibilia “exist.” Five natural interpretations are considered, yet upon reflection, none appear entirely adequate. On the three different “concretist” interpretations of ‘exist’, Modal Realism looks insufficient for genuine ontological commitment. Whereas, on the “multiverse” interpretation, Modal Realism acknowledges physical possibilities only--and worse, (assuming either (...)
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  21. Ontological Commitment and Quantifiers.T. Parent - 2020 - In Ricki Bliss & James Miller, The Routledge Handbook of Metametaphysics. New York, NY: Routledge.
    This is a slightly opinionated review of three main factions in metaontology: Quineans, Carnapians, and Meinongians. Emphasis is given to the last camp, as the metaontological aspect of Meinongianism has been underappreciated. The final section then offers some general remarks about the legitimacy of ontology, touching on ideas I have developed in other publications.
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    A cybernetic observatory based on panoramic vision.Andr Parente & Luiz Velho - 2008 - Technoetic Arts 6 (1):79-98.
    This article is about an original virtual reality and multimedia system named Visorama, with dedicated hardware and software aimed at the following fields: digital art, entertainment, historical tourism and education. On the software level, the Visorama system includes the research of a new methodology to build and visualize a stereoscope panorama; a high-level language to provide a transition mechanism between panoramas (wipes, blending, etc.); and multipleresolution panoramas to assure the image's resolution level. On the hardware level, the Visorama simulates an (...)
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    Designing a semiotic-based approach to intercultural training.Roger Parent & Stanley Varnhagen - 2011 - Sign Systems Studies 39 (1):145-180.
    This exploratory enquiry seeks to examine the largely unexplored potential of semiotics for intercultural training and education. The proposed three-partdiscussion describes the process by which semiotic theoretical principles were selected and progressively refined into an applied model which was then pilotedthrough a 2007 research initiative entitled Tools for Cultural Development. The case study involved six groups of French and Australian trainees from both theacademic and professional sectors, in collaboration with university, government and community partners. The first part of the (...)
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    Science in Eighteenth-Century French Literary Fiction: A Step to Modern Science Fiction and a New Definition of the Human Being?Arnaud Parent - 2022 - Acta Baltica Historiae Et Philosophiae Scientiarum 10 (1):78-103.
    In eighteenth-century France, scientific progress and its spreading met a growing interest among public, an enthusiasm that was to be reflected in literature. Fictional works including scientific knowledge in their narrative made their appearance, paving the ground for a genre promised to a growing success in the following centuries—science fiction. The article presents three eighteenth-century French literary works, each one centered on a different domain of science: Voltaire’s Micromégas, Charles-François Tiphaigne’s Amilec, or the Seeds of Mankind and François-Félix Nogaret’s (...)
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    What is Mental Fictionalism?Tamas Demeter, T. Parent & Adam Toon - 2022 - In Tamás Demeter, T. Parent & Adam Toon, Mental Fictionalism: Philosophical Explorations. New York & London: Routledge. pp. 1-24.
    This chapter introduces several versions of mental fictionalism, along with the main lines of objection and reply. It begins by considering the debate between eliminative materialism (“eliminativism”) versus realism about mental states as conceived in “folk psychology” (i.e., beliefs, desires, intentions, etc.). Mental fictionalism offers a way to transcend the debate by allowing talk of mental states without a commitment to realism. The idea is to treat folk psychology as a “story” and three different elaborations of this are reviewed. (...)
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  26. IVF, same-sex couples and the value of biological ties.Ezio Di Nucci - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (12):784-787.
    Ought parents, in general, to value being biologically tied to their children? Is it important, in particular, that both parents be biologically tied to their children? I will address these fundamental questions by looking at a fairly new practice within IVF treatments, so-called IVF-with-ROPA ( Reception of Oocytes from Partner ), which allows lesbian couples to „share motherhood‟ with one partner providing the eggs while the other becomes pregnant. I believe that IVF-with-ROPA is, just like other IVF treatments, morally permissible; (...)
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    The other woman: Evaluating the language of ‘three parent’ embryos.David Albert Jones - 2015 - Clinical Ethics 10 (4):97-106.
    The British Parliament has recently approved regulations to allow techniques ‘to prevent the transmission of serious mitochondrial disease from a mother to her child’. The regulations term these techniques ‘mitochondrial donation’, but in the popular media, the issue has been discussed under the heading of ‘three parent’ babies or ‘three parent’ embryos. This paper examines the language of the debate, with particular reference to one of the techniques approved. It concludes that the terminology of ‘mitochondrial donation’ (...)
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    The Only Moral Option Is Embryo Adoption.Glenn Breed - 2014 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 14 (3):441-447.
    Approximately 800,000 human embryos are currently in cryostorage in the United States. The Catholic Church holds that in vitro fertilization and cryopreservation of human embryos are intrinsically evil. IVF continues to increase at a rate of approximately 9 percent per annum. Many Catholic couples have used IVF as a means to conceive a child. There are typically additional embryos that are cryopreserved for later use. Once a couple has reached the number of children they desire, they are faced with a (...)
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    One Body but Many Kinds of Sex and Procreation: A Liberal Response.David Archard - 2015 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 63 (3):75-85.
    I contrast a liberal and a conservative approach to the morality of sex, endorsing the former with a concession as to the special nature of sex, and note Pruss’ philosophical and theological endorsement of the latter. I criticize his argumentative strategy in three regards: first, he defends Christian love as equivalent to benevolence; second, he allows for only a moral evaluation of sex; third, he moves too quickly from some factual claims to others, and thence to normative conclusions. His (...)
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    Artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization.Edward W. Keyserlingk - 1981 - Journal of Medical Humanities 3 (1):35-49.
    This paper explores some of the ethical implications of artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization. In both cases the emphasis is on the interests of the potential child. It concludes that in neither case is great optimism or great pessimism appropriate. About AID, much of the legal and ethical concern has been other than child-centered, and has focused mainly on the interests of parents and donors. Three aspects expecially remain troubling: donor selection, record-keeping and disclosure and the testing of (...)
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  31. Social Responsibility and the Olympic Games: The Mediating Role of Consumer Attributions. [REVIEW]Matthew Walker, Bob Heere, Milena M. Parent & Dan Drane - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 95 (4):659 - 680.
    Current literature suggests that corporate social responsibility (CSR) can affect consumers' attitudes towards an organization and is regarded as a driver for reputation-building and fostering sustained consumer patronage. Although prior research has addressed the direct influence of CSR on consumer responses, this research examined the mediating influence of consumer's perceived organizational motives within an NGO setting.Given the heightened public attention surrounding the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, data were collected from consumers of the Games to assess their perceptions of the International (...)
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    Unconventional combinations of prospective parents: ethical challenges faced by IVF providers.Klitzman Robert - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):18.
    BackgroundProfessional guidelines have addressed ethical dilemmas posed by a few types of nontraditional procreative arrangements, but many questions arise regarding how providers view and make decisions about these and other such arrangements.MethodsThirty-seven ART providers and 10 patients were interviewed in-depth for approximately 1 h each. Interviews were systematically analyzed.ResultsProviders faced a range of challenges and ethical dilemmas concerning both the content and the process of decisions about requests for unconventional interfamilial and other reproductive combinations. Providers vary in how they respond (...)
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    How Many Parents Can a Child Have? Philosophical Reflections on the 'Three Parent Case'.Samantha Brennan & Bill Cameron - 2015 - Dialogue 54 (1):45-61.
    À la suite des récentes décisions légales reconnaissant plus de deux parents à certains enfants canadiens, nous nous demandons s’il existe des raisons morales pour limiter à deux le nombre de parents qu’un enfant peut avoir. Nous examinons quelques arguments traditionnels soutenant cette position et nous trouvons qu’ils ne suffisent pas pour la justifier. Nous présentons aussi un argument inspiré par le travail de Brighouse et Swift au sujet des bienfaits d’être parent, et nous montrons qu’il n’est pas assez (...)
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    Parenting Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders Through the Transition to Adulthood.Anonymous One, Anonymous Two, Lorri Centineo, Anonymous Three, Virginia Clapp, Catherine Cornell, Nancy Coughlin, David McDonald, Mark Osteen, Laura Shumaker, Julie Van der Poel & Anonymous Four - 2012 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2 (3):151-181.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Parenting Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders Through the Transition to AdulthoodAnonymous One, Anonymous Two, Lorri Centineo, Anonymous Three, Virginia Clapp, Catherine Cornell, Nancy Coughlin, David McDonald, Mark Osteen, Laura Shumaker, Julie Van der Poel, Anonymous FourMy Son's Life with Autistic Spectrum DisorderAnonymous OneThis is the story of how my son, David, has tried to become independent. David is now 25–years–old. His immediate family is his dad, a brother (...)
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    Artificial Wombs, Surplus Embryos, and Parent-Friendly IVF.Joshua Shaw - 2024 - Philosophy and Technology 37 (2):1-19.
    There has been considerable discussion about the impact artificial womb technology may have on debates in reproductive ethics. Much of it has focused on abortion. Some ethicists have also proposed, however, that artificial wombs will lead to more embryo adoption, and, in doing so, that they will eliminate an alleged moral tension between opposing most abortions based on a full moral status view of fetuses/embryos but not opposing the use of surplus embryos in fertility medicine. This article evaluates this argument, (...)
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    Ethical Evaluation in Health Technology Assessment: A Challenge for Applied Philosophy.Georges-Auguste Legault, Jean-Pierre Béland, Monelle Parent, Suzanne K.-Bédard, Christian A. Bellemare, Louise Bernier, Pierre Dagenais, Charles-Étienne Daniel, Hubert Gagnon & Johane Patenaude - 2019 - Open Journal of Philosophy 9 (3):331-351.
    The integration of ethical analysis in Health Technology Assessment (HTA) has proven difficult to implement even though it is explicitly recognized as an important component of such assessments in HTA literature. When compared to the standardized scientific method for systematic reviews in HTA, the diversity of ethical analysis has been characterized as a fundamental barrier to the integration of ethics. The present paper aims to identify the theoretical and practical differences between the approaches underpinning ethical analysis in HTA and clarify (...)
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    Putting the Puzzle Back Together—A Narrative Case Study of an Athlete Who Survived Child Sexual Abuse in Sport.Allyson Gillard, Elisabeth St-Pierre, Stephanie Radziszewski & Sylvie Parent - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Denunciations of child sexual abuse in the sport context have been increasing in the last decades. Studies estimate that between 14 and 29% of athletes have been victim of at least one form of sexual violence in sport before the age of 18. However, studies suggest that many do not disclose their experience of CSA during childhood. This finding is alarming since studies have shown that the healing process usually starts with disclosure. Moreover, little is known about the healing process (...)
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    Ethical and conceptual aspects of mitochondrial replacement techniques (“three-parent child”).Giovanni Rubeis & Florian Steger - 2019 - Ethik in der Medizin 31 (2):143-158.
    Der weltweit erste Mitochondrien-Transfer, auch als Erzeugung eines „Drei-Eltern-Kindes“ bezeichnet, hat 2016 eine intensive Debatte ausgelöst. Hinsichtlich des Verfahrens, das bisher nur in Großbritannien zugelassen ist, werden auch verschiedene ethische Aspekte angesprochen. Dazu gehören die Risikoabwägung, die reproduktive Selbstbestimmung und die psychosoziale Entwicklung eines Kindes, das von drei Individuen abstammt. Dabei fällt auf, dass zentrale konzeptuelle Fragen hinsichtlich des Mitochondrien-Transfers nicht geklärt sind. Ist der Mitochondrien-Transfer eine genetische Intervention in die Keimbahn? Handelt es sich bei dem Verfahren um eine medizinisch (...)
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    In vitro fertilization (IVF) and the risk of birth and developmental defects - facts and fictions.Barbara Dolinska - 2009 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 40 (3):145-155.
    In vitro fertilization and the risk of birth and developmental defects - facts and fictions Poland is being swept by a wave of discussions on various aspects of IVF application. Scientists of various disciplines are getting involved in these discussions as opponents to this form of procreation. Referring to research carried out all over the world, they demonstrate that children born thanks to the in vitro procedure are significantly more susceptible to all sorts of disease. The author, surveying available research (...)
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    Is it ethical to provide IVF add-ons when there is no evidence of a benefit if the patient requests it?Mila Stefanova Zemyarska - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (5):346-350.
    In vitro fertilisation (IVF) ‘add-ons’ are therapeutic or diagnostic tools developed in an endeavour to improve the success rate of infertility treatment. However, there is no conclusive evidence that these interventions are a beneficial or effective adjunct of assisted reproductive technologies. Additionally, IVF add-ons are often implemented in clinical practice before their safety can be thoroughly ascertained. Yet, patients continue to request and pay large sums for such additional IVF tools. Hence, this essay set out to examine if it is (...)
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    Borderlands of Life: IVF Embryos and the Law in the United States, United Kingdom, and Germany.Ingrid Metzler & Sheila Jasanoff - 2020 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 45 (6):1001-1037.
    Human embryos produced in labs since the 1970s have generated layers of uncertainty for law and policy: ontological, moral, and administrative. Ontologically, these lab-made entities fall into a gray zone between life and not-yet-life. Should in vitro embryos be treated as inanimate matter, like abandoned postsurgical tissue, or as private property? Morally, should they exist largely outside of state control in the zone of free reproductive choice or should they be regarded as autonomous human lives and thus entitled to constitutional (...)
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    Lesbian shared biological motherhood: the ethics of IVF with reception of oocytes from partner.Kristin Zeiler & Anna Malmquist - 2014 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 17 (3):347-355.
    In vitro fertilization with reception of oocytes from partners allows lesbian mothers to share biological motherhood. The gestational mother receives an egg from her partner who becomes the genetic mother. This article examines the ethics of IVF with ROPA with a focus on the welfare of the woman and the resulting child, on whether ROPA qualifies as a “legitimate” medical therapy that falls within the goals of medicine, and on the meaning and value attributed to a biologically shared bond between (...)
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    On triparenting. Is having three committed parents better than having only two?Daniela Cutas - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (12):735-738.
    Although research indicates that single parenting is not by itself worse for children than their being brought up by both their parents, there are reasons why it is better for children to have more than one committed parent. If having two committed parents is better, everything else being equal, than having just one, I argue that it might be even better for children to have three committed parents. There might, in addition, be further reasons why allowing triparenting would (...)
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  44. Parental virtue: A new way of thinking about the morality of reproductive actions.Rosalind Mcdougall - 2007 - Bioethics 21 (4):181–190.
    In this paper I explore the potential of virtue ethical ideas to generate a new way of thinking about the ethical questions surrounding the creation of children. Applying ideas from neo-Aristotelian virtue ethics to the parental sphere specifically, I develop a framework for the moral assessment of reproductive actions that centres on the concept of parental virtue. I suggest that the character traits of the good parent can be used as a basis for determining the moral permissibility of a (...)
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    Islamic Viewpoints on Opportunistic Sex Selection of IVF Embryos upon doing Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Preventing Genetic Diseases.Sayyed Mohamed Muhsin, Shaima Zohair Arab & Alexis Heng Boon Chin - 2023 - Asian Bioethics Review 16 (2):223-232.
    In recent years, preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) of IVF embryos have gained much traction in clinical assisted reproduction for preventing various genetic defects, including Down syndrome. However, such genetic tests inevitably reveal the sex of IVF embryos by identifying the sex (X and Y) chromosomes. In many countries with less stringent IVF regulations, information on the sex of embryos that are tested to be genetically normal is readily shared with patients. This would thus present Muslim patients with unintended opportunities for (...)
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    When Parents Refuse: Resolving Entrenched Disagreements Between Parents and Clinicians in Situations of Uncertainty and Complexity.Janine Penfield Winters - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (8):20-31.
    When shared decision making breaks down and parents and medical providers have developed entrenched and conflicting views, ethical frameworks are needed to find a way forward. This article reviews the evolution of thought about the best interest standard and then discusses the advantages of the harm principle (HP) and the zone of parental discretion (ZPD). Applying these frameworks to parental refusals in situations of complexity and uncertainty presents challenges that necessitate concrete substeps to analyze the big picture and identify key (...)
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    Lingering technological entanglements: Experiences of childlessness after IVF.Elina Helosvuori - 2020 - European Journal of Women's Studies 27 (3):267-281.
    For over four decades, feminist studies of assisted reproductive technologies have been interested in the ethical, political and personal implications of in vitro fertilization and other infertility treatments. Most work on the implications of ART for women has focused on the demanding cyclical process of trying to become pregnant by using the technology. However, less attention has been paid to the implications of experiencing IVF after the conception phase. This article tackles the under-researched topic of the aftermath of IVF, and (...)
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    Three virtues of effective parenting: lessons from Confucius on the power of benevolence, wisdom, and courage.Shirley Yuen - 2005 - Boston: Tuttle.
    How to raise a child with confidence, kindness, and intelligence.
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  49. Parental partiality and the intergenerational transmission of advantage.Thomas Douglas - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (10):2735-2756.
    Parents typically favour their own children over others’. For example, most parents invest more time and money in their own children than in other children. This parental partiality is usually regarded as morally permissible, or even obligatory, but it can have undesirable distributive effects. For example, it may create unfair or otherwise undesirable advantages for the favoured child. A number of authors have found it necessary to justify parental partiality in the face of these distributive concerns, and they have typically (...)
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    A Cord of Three Strands: A New Approach to Parent Engagement in Schools.Soo Hong & Jean Anyon - 2011 - Harvard Education Press.
    How can low-income, non-English-speaking parents become advocates, leaders, and role models in their children’s schools? _A Cord of Three Strands_ offers a close study of the Logan Square Neighborhood Association, a grassroots organization on the northwest side of Chicago, whose work on parent engagement has drawn national attention. The author identifies three elements—induction, integration, and investment—that together capture the dynamic and developmental nature of successful parent engagement. Writing with both optimism and urgency, author Soo Hong offers (...)
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