Results for 'totality facts'

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  1. Something Negative about Totality Facts.Andrea Raimondi - 2023 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 19 (2):(A5)1-17.
    Armstrong famously argued in favour of introducing totality facts in our ontology. Contrary to fully negative (absence) facts, totality facts yield a theory of “moderate” or “partial” negativity, which allegedly provides an elegant solution to the truthmaking problem of negative claims and, at the same time, avoids postulating (many) first-order absences. Friends of totality facts argue that partial negativity is (i) tolerable vis-à-vis the Eleatic principle qua mark of the real, and (ii) achieves (...)
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  2. The Totality of Facts.Peter M. Sullivan - 2000 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 100 (1):175-192.
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    IX-The Totality of Facts.Peter M. Sullivan - 2000 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 100 (2):175-192.
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    'The world is the totality of things, not of facts': A Strawsonian reply to Searle.Julian Dodd - 2002 - Ratio 15 (2):176–193.
    John R. Searle claims that P.F. Strawson's well known objections to correspondence theories of truth can be side‐stepped, if we regard the correspondence theorist's facts as ‘conditions in the world’ rather than as complex objects. In response, I claim both that Searle's notion of a ‘condition in the world’ is obscure, and that such conditions cannot be the facts of a correspondence theorist on account of their being unsuited for truthmaking.The failure of Searle's attempt to come up with (...)
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  5. Freedom, food, and the total social fact : some terminological details of the category project in "Le Don" by Marcel Mauss.Erhard Schüttpelz - 2022 - In Johannes F. M. Schick, Mario Schmidt & Martin Zillinger (eds.), The social origins of thought: Durkheim, Mauss, and the category project. New York: Berghahn.
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  6. Freedom, food, and the total social fact : some terminological details of the category project in "Le Don" by Marcel Mauss.Erhard Schüttpelz - 2022 - In Johannes F. M. Schick, Mario Schmidt & Martin Zillinger (eds.), The social origins of thought: Durkheim, Mauss, and the category project. New York: Berghahn.
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    God, physicalism, and the totality of facts.Andrea Christofidou - 2007 - Philosophy 82 (4):515-542.
    The paper offers a general critique of physicalism and of one variety of nonphysicalism, arguing that such theses are untenable. By distinguishing between the absolute conception of reality and the causal completeness of physics it shows that the 'explanatory gap' is not merely epistemic but metaphysical. It defends the essential subjectivity and unity of consciousness and its inseparability from a self-conscious autonomous rational and moral being. Casting a favourable light on dualism freed from misconceptions, it suggests that the only plausible (...)
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  8. The World is the Totality of Facts, Not of Things.Agustín Rayo - 2017 - Philosophical Issues 27 (1):250-278.
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  9. A Nearly Indubitable Total Current Fact.Foucault Flips - 2009 - In Eugene W. Holland, Daniel W. Smith & Charles J. Stivale (eds.), Gilles Deleuze: Image and Text. Continuum. pp. 63.
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    Total truth: liberating Christianity from its cultural captivity.Nancy Pearcey - 2005 - Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway Books.
    In Total Truth, Nancy Pearcey offers a razor-sharp analysis of the split between public and private, fact and feelings.
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  11. Between Claude Lévi-Strauss, Pierre Bourdieu, and Michel Foucault, or : what is the meaning of Mauss's "total social fact"?Jean-François Bert - 2022 - In Johannes F. M. Schick, Mario Schmidt & Martin Zillinger (eds.), The social origins of thought: Durkheim, Mauss, and the category project. New York: Berghahn.
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  12. Between Claude Lévi-Strauss, Pierre Bourdieu, and Michel Foucault, or : what is the meaning of Mauss's "total social fact"?Jean-François Bert - 2022 - In Johannes F. M. Schick, Mario Schmidt & Martin Zillinger (eds.), The social origins of thought: Durkheim, Mauss, and the category project. New York: Berghahn.
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    Total pragmatic encroachment and belief–desire psychology.Simon Langford - forthcoming - Analytic Philosophy.
    Pragmatic encroachment in epistemology is the idea that whether one knows some proposition depends on whether one can rely on it practically. Total pragmatic encroachment affirms that practical considerations of this sort encroach not just on knowledge but on all interesting normative epistemic statuses a belief might have. Ichikawa, Jarvis, and Rubin (2012) have argued that this stronger thesis conflicts with mainstream belief‐desire psychology. Worse still, they argue that attempting to defend the thesis gets one caught in vicious circularities. The (...)
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  14. Falsemakers: Something Negative about Facts.Michele Paolini Paoletti - 2014 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 90 (1):169-182.
    The author argues for the existence of negative facts. The first section is devoted to an argument, grounded on truthmaker maximalism, that aims at demonstrating that negative facts must exist at least as false propositions’ falsemakers. In the second section, the author analyzes and criticizes several attempts to get rid of negative facts: the ones based on incompatibilities, absences, totality facts and polarities, as well as the ones based on various restrictions on truthmaker maximalism or (...)
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  15. God, Totality and Possibility in Kant's Only Possible Argument.Peter Yong - 2014 - Kantian Review 19 (1):27-51.
    There has been a groundswell of interest in the account of modality that Kant sets forth in his pre-Critical Only Possible Argument. Andrew Chignell's reconstruction of Kant's theistic argument in terms of what he calls has a prima facie advantage in that it appears to be able to block the plurality objection (namely, that even if every modal fact presupposes some ground, this does not entail that all modal facts share the same ground). I argue that it is both (...)
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    Psychoanalysis and totality-psychologies.A. J. Westerman Holstijn - 1947 - Synthese 5 (9-10):431-440.
    Three remarks, which are sometimes made about Freud's distiction between Ego and Id are discussed: 1. This distinction would have no analogy in other psychological concepts. 2. The essence of the "I" would be misjudged here. 3. It would be the rest of an atomising psychology, not yet arriving at the modern views of totality. Although the common parlance concerning psychic "parts" has indeed analogies in the old atomistic-psychological conceptions, these instances, as well as the conflicting drives are and (...)
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  17. Total imagination and ontology in R. G. Collingwood.Dimitris Vardoulakis - 2006 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 14 (2):303 – 322.
    In The Principles of Art, R. G. Collingwood pursues, on the one hand, a ‘definition’ of art, and, on the other, a ‘metaphysics’. The Principles is divided into three Books. Book I is devoted mostly to craft, while Book II pertains largely to metaphysics. The fact that Book II is twice the size of Book III, where the discussion of ‘art proper’ takes place, is proof enough that the metaphysical part of the Principles is not a mere excursus. Collingwood’s ontology (...)
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    The Ethical Dimension of Leadership in the Programmes of Total Quality Management.Ginés Santiago Marco Perles - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 39 (1/2):59 - 66.
    Total Quality Management (TQM) is an overall management philosophy that includes a set of principles whose application is increasing. In fact, the business world and public institutions, such as hospitals, universities or city councils, are implementing quality programs. However, despite the wide diffusion of TQM, the success rate of this type of initiative is limited and the results, heterogeneous. Academics and professionals are therefore trying to identify the keys that explain the success or failure of this kind of initiative. Different (...)
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    Is Totalizing Thinking Totalitarian?Heribert Boeder - 1994 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 17 (1-2):299-312.
    Let us begin—as is fitting—with what is familiar. Now, familiar is by no means what ‘totalizing thinking’ is, but rather what ‘totalitarian’ means. Today this word rings in everyone’s ears, is common in public life—not so much as a descriptive, but more as a defamatory epithet. It brands political systems of our time which not only gave rise to horrifying consequences, but what is more spread terror through their form of domination. Now, rule by means of terror is in fact (...)
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    The Existence and Reality of Negative Facts.Carl Erik Kühl - 2014 - SATS 15 (2):121-147.
    The problem of the existence of negative facts as truthmakers for negative propositions was introduced by Bertrand Russell in 1918. In the debate since then, most writers have tended to reject their existence, Russell himself being the most conspicuous exception. Two other strategies have been offered. The first, usually called incompatibilism, actually goes back to Plato, whereas the second, the totality fact theory, was introduced by D. M. Armstrong in 1997. The aim of this paper is to show (...)
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    The Gift Paradigm: Towards a Science of “total social facts”.Francesco Fistetti - 2023 - Elementa 3 (1-2):59-79.
    In this essay I argue that Marcel Mauss’s “Essay on the Gift” (1925) is not only intended to inaugurate a new paradigm on the terrain of ethnology and anthropology, but at the same time to make the gift a kind of novum organum of the social sciences and of moral and political philosophy itself. In the first part, I reconstructed the critique that M. Merleau-Ponty and C. Lefort have made to Lévi-Strauss’s “structuralist” reading of Mauss, and, in a second part, (...)
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  22. Unity, Plurality, and Totality as Kantian Categories.Manley Thompson - 1989 - The Monist 72 (2):168-189.
    In both editions of the Critique of Pure Reason, and in the Prolegomena, the table of the logical functions of the understanding in judgments lists under “quantity of judgments”: universal, particular, and singular; and the table of categories lists under “categories of quantity”: unity, plurality, and totality. As Kant regarded the forms of judgments as giving “the clue” to the derivation of categories and held that the two lists are “in complete agreement”, one would conclude from the tables that (...)
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    Returning to totality: Settler colonialism, decolonization, and struggles for freedom.John Grant & Corey Snelgrove - forthcoming - Philosophy and Social Criticism.
    A unifying feature of the most prominent social movements that emerged in the 2010s is their dissatisfaction with explaining injustices on a case-by-case basis. In Canada, movements against settler colonialism express a similar orientation. This elicits a return of totality thinking, which enables one to grasp the connections between what appears as isolated or fragmented moments that in fact constitute and are constituted by a larger whole. Drawing on Marxist and Indigenous theorists, we reconstruct an approach to totality (...)
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  24. The Open Universe: Totality, Self-reference and Time.Jenann Ismael - forthcoming - Australasian Philosophical Review.
    Before the twentieth century, the Universe was usually imagined as a large spatially extended thing unfolding in time. The past was fixed and the future was open; unfolding was conceived as an asymmetric process of coming into being. Relativity introduced a new vision in which space and time are presented together as a single four-dimensional manifold of events. That, together with the fact that the fundamental laws of our classical theories are symmetric in time, made understanding why the past and (...)
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  25. Totality, Regularity, and Cardinality in Probability Theory.Paolo Mancosu & Guillaume Massas - 2024 - Philosophy of Science 91 (3):721-740.
    Recent developments in generalized probability theory have renewed a debate about whether regularity (i.e., the constraint that only logical contradictions get assigned probability 0) should be a necessary feature of both chances and credences. Crucial to this debate, however, are some mathematical facts regarding the interplay between the existence of regular generalized probability measures and various cardinality assumptions. We improve on several known results in the literature regarding the existence of regular generalized probability measures. In particular, we give necessary (...)
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    Book Review: Total Cure: The Antidote to the Health Care Crisis. [REVIEW]Katherine Swartz - 2009 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 46 (1):110-112.
    Hal Luft’s new book, Total Cure: The Antidote to the Health Care Crisis, ‘‘focuses on how the [health care] system should be restructured to improve care for everyone’’. As he warns at the outset, he does not address the issue that has been the focus of so many other health system reformers– expanding health insurance coverage and finding financing so care can be delivered to everyone. Instead, Luft has concentrated on how we might improve health care—and he is explicit about (...)
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    The ethical dimension of leadership in the programmes of total quality management.GinésSantiagoMarco Perles - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 39 (1-2):59 - 66.
    Total Quality Management (TQM) is an overall management philosophy that includes a set of principles whose application is increasing. In fact, the business world and public institutions, such as hospitals, universities or city councils, are implementing quality programs. However, despite the wide diffusion of TQM, the success rate of this type of initiative is limited and the results, heterogeneous. Academics and professionals are therefore trying to identify the keys that explain the success or failure of this kind of initiative. Different (...)
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    (1 other version)The understanding of right depriving jural facts in respect to the reasons of deprivation of right of property: Legal civil aspect.A. Kostruba - 2013 - Liberal Arts in Russia 2 (5):448--457.
    The analysis of approaches to understanding of jural facts is accomplished in the article. The definition of right depriving jural facts in civil law is brought. It’s researched the classical for Roman-Germany legal system reasons for deprivation of right of property and the concrete actions or events that deprive such a right are analyzed. All examined facts of property rights deprivation could be classified and arranged into four basic groups: cessation of the property existance (destruction of property), (...)
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    ‘The fact that’: Stance nouns in disciplinary writing.Ken Hyland & Feng Jiang - 2015 - Discourse Studies 17 (5):529-550.
    The linguistic resources used by academic writers to adopt a position and engage with readers, variously described as evaluation, stance and metadiscourse, have attracted considerable attention in recent years. A relatively overlooked means of expressing a stance, however, is through a Noun Complement structure, where a stance head noun takes a nominal complement clause. This pattern allows a writer to front-load attitude meanings and offers an explicit statement of evaluation of the proposition which follows. In this article, we explore the (...)
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  30. Background theories and total science.P. D. Magnus - 2005 - Philosophy of Science 72 (5):1064-1075.
    Background theories in science are used both to prove and to disprove that theory choice is underdetermined by data. The alleged proof appeals to the fact that experiments to decide between theories typically require auxiliary assumptions from other theories. If this generates a kind of underdetermination, it shows that standards of scientific inference are fallible and must be appropriately contextualized. The alleged disproof appeals to the possibility of suitable background theories to show that no theory choice can be timelessly or (...)
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  31. If you believe in positive facts, you should believe in negative facts.Gunnar Björnsson - 2007 - Hommage À Wlodek. Philosophical Papers Dedicated to Wlodek Rabinowicz.
    Substantial metaphysical theory has long struggled with the question of negative facts, facts capable of making it true that Valerie isn’t vigorous. This paper argues that there is an elegant solution to these problems available to anyone who thinks that there are positive facts. Bradley’s regress and considerations of ontological parsimony show that an object’s having a property is an affair internal to the object and the property, just as numerical identity and distinctness are internal to the (...)
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  32. Fact-constructivism and the Science Wars: Is the Pre-existence of the World a Valid Objection against Idealism?Hector Ferreiro - 2022 - In Jesper Lundsfryd Rasmussen & Christoph Asmuth (eds.), Philosophisches Anfangen. Reflexionen des Anfangs als Charakteristikum des neuzeitlichen und modernen Denkens Kultur. Königshausen & Neumann. pp. 319–339.
    Metaphysics relies on the presupposition of the non-being of the world: since the world has once not existed it is necessary to postulate a cause for its existence, i.e. an extrinsic principle to explain the absolute beginning of the causal series of all things that constitute the world. After the critique of theologizing metaphysics by authors like Kant, Hegel and Nietzsche, the notion of an absolute beginning still persists though in a field in which it often goes as such unnoticed, (...)
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    Facts, Possibilities, and the World. Three Lessons from the Tractatus.Hans Sluga - 2023 - In Friedrich Stadler (ed.), Wittgenstein and the Vienna Circle: 100 Years After the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. Springer Verlag. pp. 67-85.
    Wittgenstein’s Tractatus has always been and remains a puzzle and that from its first page onwards. According to its initial assertions, the totality of facts constitutes the world and the totality of states of affairs defines the space of logical possibilities. But what are facts? What are possible states of affairs? And why do we need to consider their totality? Frege and Russell were the first to grapple with these interpretational questions. The ever-growing secondary literature (...)
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    Facts, Fictions or Reasoning. Law as the Subject Matter of Jurisprudence.Matti Ilmari Niemi - 2003 - Ratio Juris 16 (1):1-13.
    This paper deals with the problems involved in the concept of knowledge in the sphere of law. Traditionally, the idea of knowledge has dealt with the presumption of given objects of information. According to this approach, knowing means finding these objects. This is the natural and understandable foundation of metaphysical or philosophical realism. Cognition and cognitive interest are directed outside the sentences by which they are described. This is the point of departure of legal positivism as well. However, it is (...)
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  35. Negative Facts.L. Nathan Oaklander - 2005 - Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Online.
    If propositions are made true in virtue of corresponding to facts, then what are the truth-makers of true negative propositions such as ‘The apple is not red’? Russell argued that there must be negative facts to account for what makes true negative propositions true and false positive propositions false. Others, more parsimonious in their ontological commitments, have attempted to avoid them. Wittgenstein rejected them since he was loath to think that the sign for negation referred to a negative (...)
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    The place of faith in a world of fact.Emerson W. Shideler - 1985 - Zygon 20 (3):243-263.
    . The relation of religion and science is presented in terms of the interrelationship of domains generated within a reflexive real world concept by status assignment. The domain of religion is articulated by the concepts of ultimacy, totality, and eternity, which are boundary conditions on all status assignments. The domain of science is a status assignment, that of determining the facts and constraints of the real world, and is articulated by the concepts of empiricism, objectivity, and order. The (...)
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    The Created Ego in Levinas' Totality and Infinity.April D. Capili - 2011 - Sophia 50 (4):677-692.
    There are two seemingly opposed descriptions of the subject in Totality and Infinity : the separate and autonomous I and the self that is ready to respond to the Other’s suffering and need. This paper points out that there is in fact another way Levinas speaks of the subject, which reinforces and reconciles the other two accounts. Throughout his first major work, Levinas explains how the ego is allowed to emerge as such by the Other who constantly confronts it. (...)
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  38. Exploring the Deduction of the Category of Totality from within the Analytic of the Sublime.Levi Haeck - 2020 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (12):381-401.
    I defend an interpretation of the first Critique’s category of totality based on Kant’s analysis of totality in the third Critique’s Analytic of the mathematical sublime. I show, firstly, that in the latter Kant delineates the category of totality — however general it may be — in relation to the essentially singular standpoint of the subject. Despite the fact that sublime and categorial totality have a significantly different scope and function, they do share such a singular (...)
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  39. Mental fact and mental fiction.Tim Crane & Katalin Farkas - 2022 - In Tamás Demeter, T. Parent & Adam Toon (eds.), Mental Fictionalism: Philosophical Explorations. New York & London: Routledge. pp. 303-319.
    It is common to distinguish between conscious mental episodes and standing mental states — those mental features like beliefs, desires or intentions, which a subject can have even if she is not conscious, or when her consciousness is occupied with something else. This paper presents a view of standing mental states according to which these states are less real than episodes of consciousness. It starts from the usual view that states like beliefs and desires are not directly present to the (...)
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    The Left After May 1968 and the Longing for Total Revolution.Luc Boltanski - 2002 - Thesis Eleven 69 (1):1-20.
    In various European countries, the relation between `the left' and `the right' presents itself today in paradoxical form: the attenuation of the differences at the level of policy making is accompanied by the persistence, if not even strengthening, of the polarisation in terms of verbal position taking and of partisan self-description. To understand this situation, one needs to return to that which constitutes the ideological core of the opposition between left and right. The left remains marked, though not necessarily in (...)
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  41. Making it totally explicit.Janice L. Dowell - 2006 - Philosophical Papers 35 (2):137-170.
    This paper begins by isolating the reductive component of Brandom's inferentialism. In order to assess to what extent that reductive component is supported by the considerations Brandom marshals in its defense, I assess the comparative degree of support those considerations provide a non-reductive counterpart of Brandom's original, reductive theory. One of the central claims here is that once the reductive and non-reductive theories are placed side-by-side, it is clear that, save one, all of the considerations Brandom marshals in defense of (...)
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  42. Lo sguardo sul tutto. L’ottica della visione del mondo: The Totalizing View. The Standpoint of World-Views.Herbert Schnädelbach - 2000 - la Società Degli Individui 8.
    La vista rappresenta il nostro legame più importante con il mondo. C’è un chiaro nesso tra questo fatto e l’importanza che nella terminologia filosofica tradizionale hanno da sempre le metafore incentrate sul senso della vista rispetto alla conoscenza. Nel XIX secolo alla grande varietà di concetti ottici come ‘teoria’, ‘evidenza’, ‘intuizione’, ‘illuminismo’ si è aggiunta la nozione di ‘Weltanshauung’ che sta ad indicare una concezione complessiva del mondo, radicata in un determinato punto di vista, individuale o collettivo che sia. Queste (...)
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  43. Graphology - a total write-off.Barry L. Beyerstein - 2007 - In Sergio Della Sala (ed.), Tall Tales About the Mind and Brain: Separating Fact From Fiction. Oxford University Press.
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    Ontology of Substances and Ontology of Facts: back to Comparison.Mikhail A. Smirnov & Смирнов Михаил Алексеевич - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (2):345-360.
    The purpose of this work is to characterize clearly the early Wittgenstein’s position in context of the contemporary discussions between the adherers of classical ontology, based on the notion of substance, and its detractors. The Aristotle’s ousiology is usually regarded as a locus classicus of substantial ontology. A noticeable tendency in the contemporary philosophy is the rejective stance towards the notion of substance and towards the vision of the reality as the ‘totality of things’ ( summa rerum ). This (...)
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    Why content relativism does not imply fact relativism.Achim Lohmar - 2006 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 73 (1):145-162.
    There is widespread belief among realists that it is consistent to think of the world as a totality of absolute facts and of our representation of the world as perspectival. As a pluralist Michael Lynch has challenged this view by arguing that relativism about representational content en tails relativism about facts. Lynch's 'T-argument' is presented and discussed in detail. It is argued not only that the 'T-argument' fails and that content relativism and fact absolutism are compatible, but (...)
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  46. Something from Nothing: Why Some Negative Existentials are Fundamental.Fatema Amijee - 2021 - In Sara Bernstein & Tyron Goldschmidt (eds.), Non-Being: New Essays on the Metaphysics of Nonexistence. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 50-68.
    It strikes many as obvious that negative facts—such as that Justin Trudeau is not the prime minister of Australia—are not fundamental: negative facts must ultimately be explained in terms of positive facts (for instance, that Justin Trudeau is the prime minister of Canada). I focus on a particular class of negative facts: contingent negative existentials (such as that there are no 10ft tall humans). If contingent negative existentials are not fundamental, then they must be explained. But (...)
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  47. “Many people are saying…”: Applying the lessons of naïve skepticism to the fight against fake news and other “total bullshit”.Jake Wright - 2020 - Postdigital Science and Education 2 (1):113-131.
    ‘Fake news’ has become an increasingly common refrain in public discourse, though the term itself has several uses, at least one of which constitutes Frankfurtian bullshit. After examining what sorts of fake news appeals do and do not count as bullshit, I discuss strategies for overcoming our openness to such bullshit. I do so by drawing a parallel between openness to bullshit and naïve skepticism—one’s willingness to reject the concept of truth on unsupported or ill-considered grounds—and suggest that this parallel (...)
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    Aesthetic experience in the political philosophy of A. Kojève: towards understanding the practice and theory of the total state.Pavel Egorov - 2023 - Sotsium I Vlast 4 (98):21-36.
    Introduction. The article is focused on analyzing the aesthetic aspect of A. Kojève’s philosophy, the ability of his philosophy, from an aesthetic point of view, to clarify a number of key problems of the modern political and cultural environment. The purpose of the study is to determine the epistemological attitude of A. Kojève’s philosophy able to clarify the way in which his philosophy problematizes the current cultural and political reality. Methods. Hermeneutics, comparative analysis and deconstruction are used as research methods. (...)
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  49. Review of Pierre Kerszberg’s Critique and Totality[REVIEW]Stefanie Rocknak - 2000 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 22 (1):343-347.
    As Pierre Kerszberg retraces Kant’s critical account of the human being’s confounded, if not tortured, attempts to grasp totality, the reader may occasionally lose sight of the general objectives of the book. In fact, my main criticism of the book concerns Kerszberg’s somewhat cavalier approach to presenting a clear structure of thought. Yet, regardless of the occasional confusion, Critique and Totality is rich with insight and fresh historical perspectives.
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  50. There’s no existent like ‘no existence’ like no existent I know.Jonathan Tallant - 2010 - Philosophical Studies 148 (3):387-400.
    The aim of this paper is to motivate and then defend a restricted version of the truth-maker theory. In defending such a theory I hope to do away with the perceived need for ‘negative existents’ such as totality facts and the like.
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