Results for 'transformation of electromagnetic quantities to hydrodynamic energy quantities'

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  1.  51
    Poynting Theorem, Relativistic Transformation of Total Energy–Momentum and Electromagnetic Energy–Momentum Tensor.Alexander Kholmetskii, Oleg Missevitch & Tolga Yarman - 2016 - Foundations of Physics 46 (2):236-261.
    We address to the Poynting theorem for the bound electromagnetic field, and demonstrate that the standard expressions for the electromagnetic energy flux and related field momentum, in general, come into the contradiction with the relativistic transformation of four-vector of total energy–momentum. We show that this inconsistency stems from the incorrect application of Poynting theorem to a system of discrete point-like charges, when the terms of self-interaction in the product \ and bound electric field \ are (...)
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  2. Relativistic transformations of thermodynamic quantities.Noam Agmon - 1977 - Foundations of Physics 7 (5-6):331-339.
    A unique solution is proposed to the problem of how thermodynamic processes between thermodynamic systems at relative rest “appear” to a moving observer. Assuming only transformations for entropy, pressure, and volume and the invariance of the “fundamental thermodynamic equation,” one can derive transformations for (thermodynamic) energy and temperature. The invariance of the first and second laws entails transformations for work and heat. All thermodynamic relations become Lorentz-invariant. The transformations thus derived are in principle equivalent to those of Einstein and (...)
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  3. On a new mathematical framework for fundamental theoretical physics.Robert E. Var - 1975 - Foundations of Physics 5 (3):407-431.
    It is shown by means of general principles and specific examples that, contrary to a long-standing misconception, the modern mathematical physics of compressible fluid dynamics provides a generally consistent and efficient language for describing many seemingly fundamental physical phenomena. It is shown to be appropriate for describing electric and gravitational force fields, the quantized structure of charged elementary particles, the speed of light propagation, relativistic phenomena, the inertia of matter, the expansion of the universe, and the physical nature of time. (...)
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    A minimum photon “rest mass” — Using Planck's constant and discontinuous electromagnetic waves.William M. Honig - 1974 - Foundations of Physics 4 (3):367-380.
    Reasons for taking1/2h/c 2 in cgs units as an equivalent in grams for the photon “rest mass” are given. Its numerical value of3.68×10 −48 g corresponds to the minimum mass equivalent energy for one half-cycle of an electromagnetic dipole field distribution, which is discontinuous. For the fluid models that are discussed, this field distribution corresponds somewhat to a hydrodynamic toroidal vortex which is stationary—if we use toroidal coordinates and assume that the ring origin has the radial velocity (...)
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    Hydrodynamics of the Physical Vacuum: II. Vorticity Dynamics.Valeriy I. Sbitnev - 2016 - Foundations of Physics 46 (10):1238-1252.
    Physical vacuum is a special superfluid medium populated by enormous amount of virtual particle-antiparticle pairs. Its motion is described by the modified Navier–Stokes equation: the pressure gradient divided by the mass density is replaced by the gradient from the quantum potential; time-averaged the viscosity vanishes, but its variance is not zero. Vortex structures arising in this medium show infinitely long lifetime owing to zero average viscosity. The nonzero variance is conditioned by exchanging the vortex energy with zero-point vacuum fluctuations. (...)
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    Reply to Post's comments on “Parity and time inversion symmetries of electromagnetic systems”.R. M. Kiehn - 1979 - Foundations of Physics 9 (5-6):425-426.
    Points of agreement and disagreement with Post's remarks on the author's discussion of the criteria to be used for reducing the eight parity and time reversal symmetry choices that the formally possible for electromagnetic quantities are noted.
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    Toward a Thermo-hydrodynamic Like Description of Schrödinger Equation via the Madelung Formulation and Fisher Information.Eyal Heifetz & Eliahu Cohen - 2015 - Foundations of Physics 45 (11):1514-1525.
    We revisit the analogy suggested by Madelung between a non-relativistic time-dependent quantum particle, to a fluid system which is pseudo-barotropic, irrotational and inviscid. We first discuss the hydrodynamical properties of the Madelung description in general, and extract a pressure like term from the Bohm potential. We show that the existence of a pressure gradient force in the fluid description, does not violate Ehrenfest’s theorem since its expectation value is zero. We also point out that incompressibility of the fluid implies conservation (...)
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  8.  19
    Contribution of Pressure to the Energy–Momentum Density in a Moving Perfect Fluid: A Physical Perspective.Ashok K. Singal - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (1):1-20.
    In the energy–momentum density expressions for a relativistic perfect fluid with a bulk motion, one comes across a couple of pressure-dependent terms, which though well known, are to an extent, lacking in their conceptual basis and the ensuing physical interpretation. In the expression for the energy density, the rest mass density along with the kinetic energy density of the fluid constituents due to their random motion, which contributes to the pressure as well, are already included. However, in (...)
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    Equivalence Between Self-energy and Self-mass in Classical Electron Model.M. Kh Khokonov & J. U. Andersen - 2019 - Foundations of Physics 49 (7):750-782.
    A cornerstone of physics, Maxwell‘s theory of electromagnetism, apparently contains a fatal flaw. The standard expressions for the electromagnetic field energy and the self-mass of an electron of finite extension do not obey Einstein‘s famous equation, \, but instead fulfill this relation with a factor 4/3 on the left-hand side. Furthermore, the energy and momentum of the electromagnetic field associated with the charge fail to transform as a four-vector. Many famous physicists have contributed to the debate (...)
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  10. Using research on teachers' transformations of innovations to inform teacher education. The case of energy degradation.Roser Pintó, Digna Couso & Rufina Gutierrez - 2005 - Science Education 89 (1):38-55.
  11.  1
    Microscopic Legendre Transform, Canonical Ensemble and Jaynes’ Maximum Entropy Principle.Ramandeep S. Johal - 2025 - Foundations of Physics 55 (1):1-13.
    Legendre transform between thermodynamic quantities such as the Helmholtz free energy and entropy plays a key role in the formulation of the canonical ensemble. In the standard treatment, the transform exchanges the independent variable from the system’s internal energy to its conjugate variable—the inverse temperature of the heat reservoir. In this article, we formulate a microscopic version of the transform between the free energy and Shannon entropy of the system, where the conjugate variables are the microstate (...)
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  12.  92
    “True Transformations Relativity” and Electrodynamics.Tomislav Ivezić - 2001 - Foundations of Physics 31 (8):1139-1183.
    Different approaches to special relativity (SR) are discussed. The first approach is an invariant approach, which we call the “true transformations (TT) relativity.” In this approach a physical quantity in the four-dimensional spacetime is mathematically represented either by a true tensor (when no basis has been introduced) or equivalently by a coordinate-based geometric quantity comprising both components and a basis (when some basis has been introduced). This invariant approach is compared with the usual covariant approach, which mainly deals with the (...)
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  13.  31
    The dynamics of rapidly rotating bodies.M. Carmeli - 1985 - Foundations of Physics 15 (8):889-904.
    The dynamics of rapidly rotating bodies is formulated in a rotationally invariant form in all frames rotating with constant angular velocities relative to each other. This includes the energy, angular momentum, rotational frequency, and moment of inertia. The transformation between these quantities, when expressed in different frames, is then given explicitly and expressed in terms of both the angular momentum and the rotational frequency variables. Comparison with the approximate formula for the Routhian is made, and some consequences (...)
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  14. The role of neurobiology in differentiating the senses.B. Keeley - 2009 - In John Bickle (ed.), The Oxford handbook of philosophy and neuroscience. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 226--250.
    It is common to account for our senses on the basis of our sensory organs. One way of glossing why Aristotle famously counted five senses—and why his count became common sense in the West and elsewhere—is because there are five rather obvious organs of sense. In more modern accounts, this organ criterion of the senses has transformed into a neurobiological criterion; that is to say, part of what it means to be a sense is to have an associated organ with (...)
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  15.  15
    Formulating a New Three Energy Framework of Personality for Conflict Analysis and Resolution based on Triguna Concept of Bhagavad Gita.Satish Modh - 2014 - Journal of Human Values 20 (2):153-165.
    Theories of interpersonal conflict analysis and resolution originate from sociology, social psychology and political science. These theories took shape during twentieth century after World War I and World War II. Some of the prominent conflict resolution theories are Burton’s ‘human needs theory’, Roger Fisher’s ‘principled-negotiation’ and Lederach’s ‘Conflict transformation’. Conflict is an inevitable part of living because it is related to situations of scarce resources, division of functions, power relations and role-differentiation. In the organizational environment, awareness of each employee’s (...)
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  16.  21
    Novel Principles and the Charge-Symmetric Design of Dirac’s Quantum Mechanics: I. Enhanced Eriksen’s Theorem and the Universal Charge-Index Formalism for Dirac’s Equation in External Static Fields.Yu V. Kononets - 2016 - Foundations of Physics 46 (12):1598-1633.
    The presented enhanced version of Eriksen’s theorem defines an universal transform of the Foldy–Wouthuysen type and in any external static electromagnetic field reveals a discrete symmetry of Dirac’s equation, responsible for existence of a highly influential conserved quantum number—the charge index distinguishing two branches of DE spectrum. It launches the charge-index formalism obeying the charge-index conservation law. Via its unique ability to manipulate each spectrum branch independently, the CIF creates a perfect charge-symmetric architecture of Dirac’s quantum mechanics, which resolves (...)
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  17. Coherence, brain evolution, and the unity of consciousness: The evolution of planetary consciousness in the light of brain coherence research.Nitamo Federico Montecucco - 2006 - World Futures 62 (1 & 2):127 – 133.
    The law of coherence helps us understand the physical force behind the increasing complexity of the evolutionary process, from quanta, to cells, to self-awareness and collective consciousness. The coherent electromagnetic field is the inner glue of every system, the "intelligent" energy-information communication that assures a cooperative and synergic behavior to all the components of the system, as a whole, allowing harmonious evolution and unity of consciousness. Neuropsychological experiments show that the different brain areas communicate with more or less (...)
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  18. In the light of time.Arto Annila - 2009 - Proceedings of Royal Society A 465:1173–1198.
    The concept of time is examined using the second law of thermodynamics that was recently formulated as an equation of motion. According to the statistical notion of increasing entropy, flows of energy diminish differences between energy densities that form space. The flow of energy is identified with the flow of time. The non-Euclidean energy landscape, i.e. the curved space–time, is in evolution when energy is flowing down along gradients and levelling the density differences. The flows (...)
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  19.  42
    Successive Lorentz transformations of the electromagnetic field.Abraham A. Ungar - 1991 - Foundations of Physics 21 (5):569-589.
    A velocity-orientation formalism to deal with compositions of successive Lorentz transformations, emphasizing analogies shared by Lorentz and Galilean transformations, has recently been developed. The emphasis in the present article is on the convenience of using the velocity-orientation formalism by resolving a paradox in the study of successive Lorentz transformations of the electromagnetic field that was recently raised by Mocanu. The paradox encountered by Mocanu results from the omission of the Thomas rotation (or, precession) which is involved in the composition (...)
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  20.  25
    Balancing the physics of radiation: Challenges to the system of quantities and units in radiological protection.Mariano Gazineu David, Mônica Ferreira Corrêa & Antonio Augusto Passos Videira - 2019 - Philosophy Compass 14 (3):e12568.
    Ionizing radiation is present in various situations in the contemporary world. Defining the quantities and units for this field is a complex scientific task, especially the quantities used in radiological protection (RP) to estimate the damage caused to individuals exposed to radiation (detriment). This article highlights the lack of consensus in the scientific RP community regarding the quantities and units employed in practice from the perspective of the philosophy of science. The basic concepts related to the system (...)
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  21.  38
    Einstein's miraculous year: five papers that changed the face of physics.John J. Stachel (ed.) - 2005 - Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
    After 1905, Einstein's miraculous year, physics would never be the same again. In those twelve months, Einstein shattered many cherished scientific beliefs with five extraordinary papers that would establish him as the world's leading physicist. This book brings those papers together in an accessible format. The best-known papers are the two that founded special relativity: On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies and Does the Inertia of a Body Depend on Its Energy Content? In the former, Einstein showed that absolute (...)
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  22.  10
    Aharonov–Bohm Effect as a Diffusion Phenomenon.Charalampos Antonakos & Andreas F. Terzis - 2024 - Foundations of Physics 54 (4):1-27.
    This paper presents a hydrodynamical view of the Aharonov–Bohm effect, using Nelson’s formulation of quantum mechanics. Our aim is to gain a better understanding of the mysteries behind this effect, such as why in the prototype Aharonov–Bohm system with a cylinder the motion of a particle is affected in a region where there is no magnetic field. Our main purpose is to use Nelson’s formulation to describe the effect and demonstrate that it can be explained by the direct action of (...)
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  23.  37
    Generalized gauge independence and the physical limitations on the von Neumann measurement postulate.T. E. Feuchtwang, E. Kazes & P. H. Cutler - 1986 - Foundations of Physics 16 (12):1263-1284.
    An analysis is presented of the significance and consequent limitations on the applicability of the von Neumann measurement postulate in quantum mechanics. Directly observable quantities, such as the expectation value of the velocity operator, are distinguished from mathematical constructs, such as the expectation value of the canonical momentum, which are not directly observable. A simple criterion to distinguish between the two types of operators is derived. The non-observability of the electromagnetic four-potentials is shown to imply the non-measurability of (...)
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  24.  17
    Transformation of the environmental regulatory system in Poland during the 1990s.Halina Szejnwald Brown - 2007 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 19 (4):26-43.
    This paper examines the transformation of environmental regulatory system in Poland during the 1990s. It is a case of institutional transplantation from the past into the present: the place remained constant but the economic and political context rapidly changed over time. Drawing on five case studies of privatized firms, a mailed questionnaire, and policy and institutional analysis, it investigates how Poland developed an effective system for managing industrial pollution while also achieving considerable socioeconomic progress. One key lesson is that (...)
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  25.  16
    Poincaré and the Reaction Principle in Electrodynamics.Olivier Darrigol - 2023 - Philosophia Scientiae 27:63-125.
    When Henri Poincaré reviewed the then competing theories of electrodynamics in the 1890s, he required their compatibility with two principles of mechanical origin—the reaction principle and the relativity principle. Historians of relativity theory have usually focused on the relativity principle and neglected or misinterpreted Poincaré’s concern with the reaction principle. In particular, most of them have interpreted his crucial article of 1900 on “Lorentz’s theory and the principle of reaction” as an attempt to save this principle by assuming an (...) momentum in addition to the momentum of matter. The purpose of this article is to dismiss this interpretation and show that Poincaré had the opposite intention as he spelled out the paradoxical consequences of Lorentz’s violation of the reaction principle. In doing so, he formally introduced a quantity that could later be interpreted as a genuine electromagnetic momentum, developed a fundamentally new understanding of Lorentz’s transformations in relation with the relativity principle and identified the paradoxes that Einstein would later solve by assuming the inertia of energy. (shrink)
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  26.  28
    Entropy and Evolution.J. Johnstone - 1932 - Philosophy 7 (27):287 - 298.
    The conception of entropy came from the theoretical study of the steam-engine, and, neglecting refinements of mathematical treatment, can easily be illustrated. The motive power of the engine comes from the transformation of the heat generated by the combustion of the fuel. The mechanism transforms the kinetic energy of the molecules of heated steam into the kinetic energy of the parts of the engine. Consider a steamship under way: for a brief period of time this can be (...)
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    Laue's Theorem Revisited: Energy-Momentum Tensors, Symmetries, and the Habitat of Globally Conserved Quantities.Domenico Giulini - 2018 - International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 15 (10).
    The energy-momentum tensor for a particular matter component summarises its local energy-momentum distribution in terms of densities and current densities. We re-investigate under what conditions these local distributions can be integrated to meaningful global quantities. This leads us directly to a classic theorem by Max von Laue concerning integrals of components of the energy-momentum tensor, whose statement and proof we recall. In the first half of this paper we do this within the realm of Special Relativity (...)
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  28.  22
    Sensible Britons and the American Revolution.Anthony Page - 2012 - Enlightenment and Dissent 28:212-239.

    In terms of its impact on Britain, historians have long treated the American Revolution as the poor cousin of the French Revolution. Following E P Thompson's Marxist emphasis on the 1790s as the start of The making of the English working class (1963), scholars have devoted enormous amounts of time and energy to studying British popular politics and intellectual developments in the last decade of the eighteenth century. The American Revolution has traditionally attracted less attention outside American national historiography.

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  29.  98
    Broken Weyl Invariance and the Origin of Mass.W. Drechsler & H. Tann - 1999 - Foundations of Physics 29 (7):1023-1064.
    A massless Weyl-invariant dynamics of a scalar, a Dirac spinor, and electromagnetic fields is formulated in a Weyl space, W4, allowing for conformal rescalings of the metric and of all fields with nontrivial Weyl weight together with the associated transformations of the Weyl vector fields κμ, representing the D(1) gauge fields, with D(1) denoting the dilatation group. To study the appearance of nonzero masses in the theory the Weyl symmetry is broken explicitly and the corresponding reduction of the Weyl (...)
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  30.  72
    On “Gauge Renormalization” in Classical Electrodynamics.Alexander L. Kholmetskii - 2006 - Foundations of Physics 36 (5):715-744.
    In this paper we pay attention to the inconsistency in the derivation of the symmetric electromagnetic energy–momentum tensor for a system of charged particles from its canonical form, when the homogeneous Maxwell’s equations are applied to the symmetrizing gauge transformation, while the non-homogeneous Maxwell’s equations are used to obtain the motional equation. Applying the appropriate non-homogeneous Maxwell’s equations to both operations, we obtained an additional symmetric term in the tensor, named as “compensating term”. Analyzing the structure of (...)
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  31. Coordinate transform invariance.John L. Johnson - 1996 - Foundations of Physics 26 (11):1529-1557.
    A four-dimensional operator is shown to contain the operator-generators for rotation, scale, reflections, and boosts. The hypothesis is advanced that a physical system changes under this operator by at most a complex phase factor due to invariance against the choice of menial frame. A canonical transform gives a simple relation between space-time and energy-momentum. The basic conserved quantity is a four-dimensional angular momentum and/or coupling constant. The differential of this function contains a second-order differential product which is constrained as (...)
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  32.  81
    Dissipation in the Klein-Gordon Field.Boris Leaf - 1999 - Foundations of Physics 29 (9):1457-1478.
    The formalism of (±)-frequency parts , previously applied to solution of the D'Alembert equation in the case of the electromagnetic field, is applied to solution of the Klein-Gordon equation for the K-G field in the presence of sources. Retarded and advanced field operators are obtained as solutions, whose frequency parts satisfy a complex inhomogeneous K-G equation. Fourier transforms of these frequency parts are solutions of the central equation, which determines the time dependence of the destruction/creation operators of the field. (...)
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  33.  58
    Principes de biologie mathématique.Vito Volterra - 1937 - Acta Biotheoretica 3 (1):1-36.
    This memoir consists of two parts, of which the first deals with the foundations of the theory of the struggle for existence, and begins with the introduction of the important concept of quantity of life, besides that of population. The fundamental equations are then established for the case where the individuals of a biological association mutually devour each other, the reasoning being based on the principle of encounters and on the fundamental hypothesis of the existence of equivalents of the individuals (...)
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  34.  21
    Teaching & learning guide for: Balancing the physics of radiation: Challenges to the system of quantities and units in radiological protection.Mariano Gazineu David, Mônica Ferreira Corrêa & Antônio Augusto Passos Videira - 2019 - Philosophy Compass 14 (3):e12570.
    Ionizing radiation is present in various situations in the contemporary world. Defining the quantities and units for this field is a complex scientific task, especially the quantities used in radiological protection (RP) to estimate the damage caused to individuals exposed to radiation (detriment). This article highlights the lack of consensus in the scientific RP community regarding the quantities and units employed in practice from the perspective of the philosophy of science. The basic concepts related to the system (...)
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  35.  37
    Transformation of person and society in the anthropotechnical turn: Educational aspect.V. N. Vashkevich & O. V. Dobrodum - 2018 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 13:112-123.
    Introduction. Anthropotechnical turn in culture is based on educational practices that characterize a person as a subject and at the same time as an object of educational and corrective influence. Theoretical basis. We use the method of categorical analysis, which allows revealing the main outlook potentials of anthropotechnical turn as an essential transformation of modern socio-culture. Originality. For the first time, we conducted a categorical analysis of the glossary of anthropotechnical turn as dialectic of active and passive in the (...)
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  36.  29
    Some generalizations of the virial theorem.Edward Teller - 1986 - Foundations of Physics 16 (5):423-435.
    Generalizations of the virial theorem are derived: In atomic physics, in systems including electromagnetic radiation, in Newtonian gravitation, and in general relativity and also some types of nuclear forces. The cases discussed are limited to potentials which can be produced by the exchange of one particle, which include potentials of the form1/r. The method used is to set equal a change in energy produced by an infinitesimal similarity transformation to a change of energy obtained by a (...)
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  37. Logic, mathematics, physics: from a loose thread to the close link: Or what gravity is for both logic and mathematics rather than only for physics.Vasil Penchev - 2023 - Astrophysics, Cosmology and Gravitation Ejournal 2 (52):1-82.
    Gravitation is interpreted to be an “ontomathematical” force or interaction rather than an only physical one. That approach restores Newton’s original design of universal gravitation in the framework of “The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy”, which allows for Einstein’s special and general relativity to be also reinterpreted ontomathematically. The entanglement theory of quantum gravitation is inherently involved also ontomathematically by virtue of the consideration of the qubit Hilbert space after entanglement as the Fourier counterpart of pseudo-Riemannian space. Gravitation can be (...)
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  38.  11
    Is electromagnetic field momentum due to the flow of field energy?Oliver Davis Johns - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 88 (C):358-366.
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    Research on the Transformation of Contemporary Chinese Science Fiction by Zhan Ling (review).Shaoming Duan - 2023 - Utopian Studies 33 (3):521-527.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Research on the Transformation of Contemporary Chinese Science Fiction by Zhan LingShaoming DuanZhan Ling. Research on the Transformation of Contemporary Chinese Science Fiction. Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, 2022, 324 pages, softcover, ¥ 118.00 ISBN: 978-7-5203-9465-9.Research on the Transformation of Contemporary Chinese Science Fiction is a laudable scholarly endeavor that provides reader with a unique interpretation of the representative works in contemporary China science fiction. (...)
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  40. Positive- and negative-frequency parts of D'Alembert's equation with applications in electrodynamics.Boris Leaf - 1996 - Foundations of Physics 26 (3):337-368.
    It is shown that in every gauge the potential of the electromagnetic field in the presence of sources is resolved by an extension of the Helmholtz theorem into a solenoidal component and an irrotational component irrelevant for description of the field. Only irrotational components are affected by gauge transformations; in Coulomb gauge the irrotational component vanishes: the potential is solenoidal. The method of solution of the wave equation by use of positive- and negative-frequency parts is extended to solutions of (...)
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    On the Metaphysical Link between Religion & Science.Contzen Pereira - 2015 - Scientific GOD Journal 6 (7):292-298.
    In this article, the author explores the mystery of the soul. “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul”. The soul by common definition is the spiritual or immaterial part of a living being, regarded as immortal. To find a possible metaphysical link between religion and science, the author suggests that the soul is the immaterial aspect of electromagnetic energy that can transform but cannot be destroyed. According (...)
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  42. From classical to relativistic mechanics: Electromagnetic models of the electron.Michel Janssen - unknown
    “Special relativity killed the classical dream of using the energy-momentumvelocity relations as a means of probing the dynamical origins of [the mass of the electron]. The relations are purely kinematical” (Pais, 1982, 159). This perceptive comment comes from a section on the pre-relativistic notion of electromagnetic mass in ‘Subtle is the Lord . . . ’, Abraham Pais’ highly acclaimed biography of Albert Einstein. ‘Kinematical’ in this context means ‘independent of the details of the dynamics’. In this paper (...)
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    Compatibility of Larmor’s Formula with Radiation Reaction for an Accelerated Charge.Ashok K. Singal - 2016 - Foundations of Physics 46 (5):554-574.
    It is shown that the well-known disparity in classical electrodynamics between the power losses calculated from the radiation reaction and that from Larmor’s formula, is succinctly understood when a proper distinction is made between quantities expressed in terms of a “real time” and those expressed in terms of a retarded time. It is explicitly shown that an accelerated charge, taken to be a sphere of vanishingly small radius \, experiences at any time a self-force proportional to the acceleration it (...)
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    Metaphysics of Maximus the Confessor: Dynamics of Actualization and Transformation of the Cosmos.И.Е Сурков - 2024 - History of Philosophy 29 (1):142-149.
    The review introduces readers to a new monograph by the Norwegian historian of philosophy T.T. Tollefsen. In the new book, the author summarizes his many years of research into the legacy of St. Maximus the Confessor, one of the most important and sophisticated Byzantine thinkers. The metaphysics of St. Maximus is described as a large philosophical system, as coherent and rational as other systems of late Antiquity. Its distinctive feature is its emphasized dynamism, which consists in the movement of the (...)
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  45.  20
    Transformation for the energy flux of the electromagnetic wave.D. L. Khokhlov & R. -Korsakov St - 2010 - Apeiron: Studies in Infinite Nature 17 (2):73.
  46.  60
    Biological causation.Ralph S. Lillie - 1940 - Philosophy of Science 7 (3):314-336.
    It would appear that among scientific men discussion of the general principles of natural science has, on the whole, proved more congenial to mathematicians and physicists than to biologists. Just why this should be so might be difficult to explain or justify. But one reason seems to lie in the comparative ambiguity of the concept of causation in biology. In general, the term causation has been used in science to designate the special rôle of active factors, rather than of passive (...)
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  47. Derivation of Classical Mechanics in an Energetic Framework via Conservation and Relativity.Philip Goyal - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 1 (11):1426-1479.
    The notions of conservation and relativity lie at the heart of classical mechanics, and were critical to its early development. However, in Newton’s theory of mechanics, these symmetry principles were eclipsed by domain-specific laws. In view of the importance of symmetry principles in elucidating the structure of physical theories, it is natural to ask to what extent conservation and relativity determine the structure of mechanics. In this paper, we address this question by deriving classical mechanics—both nonrelativistic and relativistic—using relativity and (...)
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  48.  72
    A Velocity Field and Operator for Spinning Particles in (Nonrelativistic) Quantum Mechanics.Giovanni Salesi & Erasmo Recami - 1998 - Foundations of Physics 28 (5):763-773.
    Starting from the formal expressions of the hydrodynamical (or “local”) quantities employed in the applications of Clifford algebras to quantum mechanics, we introduce—in terms of the ordinary tensorial language—a new definition for the field of a generic quantity. By translating from Clifford into tensor algebra, we also propose a new (nonrelativistic) velocity operator for a spin- ${\frac{1}{2}}$ particle. This operator appears as the sum of the ordinary part p/m describing the mean motion (the motion of the center-of-mass), and of (...)
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  49.  51
    Gödel axiom mappings in special relativity and quantum-electromagnetic theory.William M. Honig - 1976 - Foundations of Physics 6 (1):37-57.
    Exponential mappings into an imaginary space or number field for the axioms of a theory, which are in the form of propositional constants and variables, make possible: (a) an understanding of the meaning and differences between the Lorentz transformation constants, such that their product is still equal to one, but the axioms at each end of the transformations are logically inverse and separately consistent; (b) an interpretation of the psi function phase factor which is part of the axiomE=hf; (c) (...)
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    Extension of trigonometric and hyperbolic functions to vectorial arguments and its application to the representation of rotations and Lorentz transformations.H. Yamasaki - 1983 - Foundations of Physics 13 (11):1139-1154.
    The use of the axial vector representing a three-dimensional rotation makes the rotation representation much more compact by extending the trigonometric functions to vectorial arguments. Similarly, the pure Lorentz transformations are compactly treated by generalizing a scalar rapidity to a vector quantity in spatial three-dimensional cases and extending hyperbolic functions to vectorial arguments. A calculation of the Wigner rotation simplified by using the extended functions illustrates the fact that the rapidity vector space obeys hyperbolic geometry. New representations bring a Lorentz-invariant (...)
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