Results for 'unselected'

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  1.  57
    Reliability and validity of measures of attentional bias towards threat in unselected student samples: seek, but will you find?Bram Van Bockstaele, Luuk Lamens, Elske Salemink, Reinout W. Wiers, Susan M. Bögels & Kyriaki Nikolaou - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (2):217-228.
    Although attentional bias is considered a key characteristic of anxiety problems, the psychometric properties of most AB measures are either problematic or unknown. We conducted two experiment...
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  2. Causes of causes.Alex Broadbent - 2012 - Philosophical Studies 158 (3):457-476.
    When is a cause of a cause of an effect also a cause of that effect? The right answer is either Sometimes or Always . In favour of Always , transitivity is considered by some to be necessary for distinguishing causes from redundant non-causal events. Moreover transitivity may be motivated by an interest in an unselective notion of causation, untroubled by principles of invidious discrimination. And causal relations appear to add up like transitive relations, so that the obtaining of the (...)
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    Attentional bias towards angry faces is moderated by the activation of a social processing mode in the general population.Benedikt Emanuel Wirth & Dirk Wentura - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (7):1317-1329.
    ABSTRACTDot-probe studies usually find an attentional bias towards threatening stimuli only in anxious participants, but not in non-anxious participants. In the present study, we conducted two experiments to investigate whether attentional bias towards angry faces in unselected samples is moderated by the extent to which the current task requires social processing. In Experiment 1, participants performed a dot-probe task involving classification of either socially meaningful targets or meaningless targets. Targets were preceded by two photographic face cues, one angry and (...)
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  4. The Selectivity of Aesthetic Explanation.Moonyoung Song - 2021 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 79 (1):5-15.
    It is widely agreed that an artwork having certain non-aesthetic properties explains its having a certain aesthetic property. One interesting feature of such an explanation is its selectivity—it cites only some of the non-aesthetic properties on which the presence of the aesthetic property depends. Hence a question arises as to what distinguishes the selected non-aesthetic properties from the unselected ones. I answer this question by proposing a selection principle modeled on Laura Franklin-Hall’s selection principle for causal explanation, according to (...)
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    Early-emerging cognitive vulnerability to depression and the serotonin transporter promoter region polymorphism.E. P. Hayden, L. R. Dougherty, B. Maloney, T. M. Olino, H. Sheikh, C. E. Durbin, J. I. Nurnberger Jr, D. K. Lahiri & D. N. Klein - 2008 - J Affect Disord 107:227-30.
    BACKGROUND: Serotonin transporter promoter genotype appears to increase risk for depression in the context of stressful life events. However, the effects of this genotype on measures of stress sensitivity are poorly understood. Therefore, this study examined whether 5-HTTLPR genotype was associated with negative information processing biases in early childhood. METHOD: Thirty-nine unselected seven-year-old children completed a negative mood induction procedure and a Self-Referent Encoding Task designed to measure positive and negative schematic processing. Children were also genotyped for the 5-HTTLPR (...)
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  6.  19
    Pronouns and Anaphora.Stephen Neale - 2006 - In Michael Devitt & Richard Hanley (eds.), The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Language. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 335--373.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Pronouns and Variables Anaphoric Pronouns in Generative Grammar Phonetic Form and Logical Form Binding and Scope The Binding Theory Aphonic Pronouns Pronouns as Determiners A Unified Account of Binding Bound and Free Discourse Anaphora Unselective Binding and Donkey Problems Notes.
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  7. (1 other version)New Issues for New Methods: Ethical and Editorial Challenges for an Experimental Philosophy.Andrea Polonioli - forthcoming - Science and Engineering Ethics.
    This paper examines a constellation of ethical and editorial issues that have arisen since philosophers started to conduct, submit and publish empirical research. These issues encompass concerns over responsible authorship, fair treatment of human subjects, ethicality of experimental procedures, availability of data, unselective reporting and publishability of research findings. This study aims to assess whether the philosophical community has as yet successfully addressed such issues. To do so, the instructions for authors, submission process and published research papers of 29 main (...)
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  8.  31
    Involuntary Entry Into Consciousness From the Activation of Sets: Object Counting and Color Naming.Sabrina Bhangal, Christina Merrick, Hyein Cho & Ezequiel Morsella - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:356070.
    High-level cognitions can enter consciousness through the activation of certain action sets and the presentation of external stimuli (“set-based entry,” for short). Set-based entry arises in a manner that is involuntary and systematic. In the Reflexive Imagery Task, for example, subjects are presented with visual objects and instructed to not think of the names of the objects. Involuntary subvocalizations arise on roughly 80% of the trials. We examined whether or not set-based entry can also occur in the case of involuntary (...)
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  9. Solving the Proportion Problem: A Plea for Selectivity.Hsiang-Yun Chen - 2016 - Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Workshop of Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics 13:16-26.
    I argues that quantificational adverbs are unselective binders over individuals. The Lewisian analysis, however, fails to recognize the ambiguity in some quantificationally modified conditionals. That the Lewisian approach cannot predict some attested reading is known as the “proportion problem.” I propose a solution based on the following ideas: (a) quantificational adverbs bind selectively; (b) a singular indefinite and its anaphoric pronoun may introduce a plural discourse referent, and (c) plural predication is elusive.
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  10.  47
    The Recognition Signal Hypothesis for the Adaptive Evolution of Religion.Luke J. Matthews - 2012 - Human Nature 23 (2):218-249.
    Recent research on the evolution of religion has focused on whether religion is an unselected by-product of evolutionary processes or if it is instead an adaptation by natural selection. Adaptive hypotheses for religion include direct fitness benefits from improved health and indirect fitness benefits mediated by costly signals and/or cultural group selection. Herein, I propose that religious denominations achieve indirect fitness gains for members through the use of ecologically arbitrary beliefs, rituals, and moral rules that function as recognition markers (...)
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  11.  81
    Multisensory, Nature-Inspired Recharge Rooms Yield Short-Term Reductions in Perceived Stress Among Frontline Healthcare Workers.David Putrino, Jonathan Ripp, Joseph E. Herrera, Mar Cortes, Christopher Kellner, Dahlia Rizk & Kristen Dams-O’Connor - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    We are currently facing global healthcare crisis that has placed unprecedented stress on healthcare workers as a result of the coronavirus disease 2019. It is imperative that we develop novel tools to assist healthcare workers in dealing with the significant additional stress and trauma that has arisen as a result of the pandemic. Based in research on the effects of immersive environments on mood, a neuroscience research laboratory was rapidly repurposed using commercially available technologies and materials to create a nature-inspired (...)
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  12.  30
    Conception of Saviour Siblings: Religious Views in Malaysia.Chee Ying Kuek & Sharon Kaur A./P. Gurmukh Singh - 2022 - Asian Bioethics Review 14 (4):363-377.
    The advancement of human reproductive technology has made it possible for parents with a child affected by a haematological disorder to select and bring into being, a prospective child who can act as a matched stem cell donor. This can be done through the use of preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) coupled with human leukocyte antigen (HLA) typing (PGD-HLA typing), or HLA tying as a standalone procedure, where a healthy embryo, which is an HLA match to the existing sick sibling, is (...)
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  13.  46
    Distributing arguments.Molly Diesing & Eloise Jelinek - 1995 - Natural Language Semantics 3 (2):123-176.
    We examine several cases of object movement from various languages, and demonstrate that the syntactic behavior of objects can be derived from certain conditions on LF representations. Conditions on LF relevant to the distribution of arguments are identified as relative scope fixing and type mismatch repair. These two conditions interact with the multiple semantic types that may be assigned to NPs (cf. Partee 1987) to induce movement of certain objects out of the VP, universally by LF and parametrically in the (...)
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  14. Symptoms and selection bias: The influence of selection towards specialist care on the relationship between symptoms and diagnoses.J. A. Knottnerus, P. G. Knipschild & F. Sturmans - 1989 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 10 (1).
    Observations with respect to the relationship between symptoms and diseases can seriously be biased by selection phenomena. This selection may occur from the general population, via consultation behavior, diagnostic and therapeutic activities of the general practitioner, and by referral.Relationships may be suggested and reproduced even if they do not exist in unselected populations, as a product of diagnostic routines. Correction for selection bias can only be achieved by choosing proper comparison groups. While this can be done in a general (...)
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  15.  87
    The Elevated Plus-Maze Test: Differential Psychopharmacology of Anxiety-Related Behavior.Cornelius R. Pawlak, Britta D. Karrenbauer, Peggy Schneider & Ying-Jui Ho - 2012 - Emotion Review 4 (1):98-115.
    The role of individual factors in behavioral neuroscience is an important, but still neglected, area of research. For example, the Elevated Plus-Maze Test has been one of the most used paradigms to gauge unconditioned aversively motivated behavior in rodents. However, despite a great number of experiments with this test there have been only few efforts to assess systematic individual variations in the elevated plus-maze and related neurobiological functions. The present review aims to give, first, a general overview and introduction about (...)
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  16.  62
    High mental disorder rates are based on invalid measures: Questions about the claimed ubiquity of mutation-induced dysfunction.Jerome C. Wakefield - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (4):424-426.
    Three reservations about Keller & Miller's (K&M's) argument are explored: Serious validity problems afflict epidemiological criteria discriminating disorders from non-disorders, so high rates may be misleading. Normal variation need not be mild disorder, contrary to a possible interpretation of K&M's article. And, rather than mutation-selection balance, true disorders may result from unselected combinations of normal variants over many loci. (Published Online November 9 2006).
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  17.  19
    Testing the Specificity of Predictors of Reading, Spelling and Maths: A New Model of the Association Among Learning Skills Based on Competence, Performance and Acquisition.Pierluigi Zoccolotti, Maria De Luca, Chiara Valeria Marinelli & Donatella Spinelli - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    In a previous study we examined reading, spelling, and maths skills in an unselected group of 129 Italian children attending fifth grade by testing various cognitive predictors; results showed a high degree of predictors’ selectivity for each of these three behaviors. In the present study, we focused on the specificity of the predictors by performing cross-analyses on the same dataset; i.e., we predicted spelling and maths skills based on reading predictors, reading based on maths predictors and so on. Results (...)
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  18.  22
    David Lewis's Place in Analytic Philosophy.Scott Soames - 2015 - In Barry Loewer & Jonathan Schaffer (eds.), A companion to David Lewis. Chichester, West Sussex ;: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 80–98.
    A renegade positivist himself, Quine eschewed apriority, necessity, and analyticity, while (for a time) adopting a holistic version of verificationism. Despite similarities in their opposition to Quine, the differences between Lewis and Kripke were large ‐ especially in the semantics and metaphysics of modality. They also had different philosophical styles. Lewis's (1970b) was one of the cutting‐edge texts of its time ‐ along with work by Richard Montague, David Kaplan, and Robert Stalnaker. Together, they laid out a powerful framework for (...)
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  19. Mild cognitive impairment: Where does it go from here?John Bond & Lynne Corner - 2006 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 13 (1):29-30.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Mild Cognitive Impairment:Where Does It Go From Here?John Bond (bio) and Lynne Corner (bio)Keywordsbiomedicalization, dementia, mild cognitive impairment, subjectivityThe joy of formal interdisciplinary discussion of this kind is the way that ideas presented through the gaze of social scientists stimulate such exciting thoughts and responses from other disciplines such as philosophy and psychology. We would like to thank Sabat and Thornton for their supportive and provocative reactions to our (...)
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  20. Intensional Choice Functions for Which Phrases.Maribel Romero - unknown
    There are two main approaches to the scopal properties of the N’-restrictors of which-phrases. One line attributes widest scope within the interrogative clause to the entire which-phrase, outside the question formation operator, often assumed to reside in C0. The result is Karttunen ’s question denotation --exemplified in --,1 whose distinctive feature is that the semantic contribution of the N’- restrictor of the which-phrase is represented outside the so-called question nucleus, i.e., outside the subformula “p=…”. The second main avenue interprets the (...)
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  21.  21
    Family Break-Down and Stress in Huntington's Chorea.Audrey Tyler, P. S. Harper, Kathleen Davies & R. G. Newcome - 1983 - Journal of Biosocial Science 15 (2):127-138.
    SummaryThe incidence of family breakdown and stress has been examined in an unselected group of 92 South Wales families, each containing a patient suffering from Huntington's chorea, and related to the onset and duration of the disease, age of the patient, and behavioural symptoms shown. The frequency of actual and attempted suicide is analysed and the effects of the disorder on the primary care agent for the patient discussed. Some of the effects on children and the needs of the (...)
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  22. Two types of donkey sentences.Lisa L. S. Cheng & C. T. James Huang - 1996 - Natural Language Semantics 4 (2):121-163.
    Mandarin Chinese exhibits two paradigms of conditionals with indefinite wh-words that have the semantics of donkey sentences, represented by ‘bare conditionals’ on the one hand and ruguo- and dou-conditionals on the other. The bare conditionals require multiple occurrences of wh-words, disallowing the use of overt or covert anaphoric elements in the consequent clause, whereas the ruguo- and dou-conditionals present a completely opposite pattern. We argue that the bare conditionals are cases of unselective binding par excellence (Heim 1982, Kamp 1981) while (...)
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  23.  9
    Sex Differences in Attentional Selection Following Gaze and Arrow Cues.Jeanette A. Chacón-Candia, Juan Lupiáñez, Maria Casagrande & Andrea Marotta - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Although the majority of literature has shown undistinguishable attentional effects when eye-gaze and arrows are used as cues, recent research has found that whereas eye-gaze selectively orient attention to the specific location or part of the object looked at, arrows unselectively direct attention towards parts of the environment. However, it is unclear whether this dissociation between gaze and arrow cues is related to social cognitive mechanisms such as the attribution of mental states (Theory of Mind, ToM). We aimed at replicating (...)
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  24.  40
    Artifacts in the investigation of sensitivity to vibration.L. D. Goodfellow - 1945 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 35 (5):425.
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  25.  26
    First episode psychosis: a novel methodology reveals higher than expected incidence; a reality‐based population profile in Northumberland, UK.S. E. Proctor, E. Mitford & R. Paxton - 2004 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 10 (4):539-547.