Results for ' Anomy'

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  1.  62
    Anomie and Ethics at Work.Eva E. Tsahuridu - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 69 (2):163-174.
    The paper reports on research undertaken in three organisations seeking to explore anomie at work. This research explores whether a distinction in the levels of anomie between people's perception of the work and non-work contexts exists in three organisations, that is whether people are more likely to feel more hopeless and helpless in their work or non-work life. It also looks at whether people in different organisations have significantly different levels of anomie. A significant difference in the non-work anomie between (...)
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    Anomie: On the Link Between Social Pathology and Social Ontology.Frederick Neuhouser - 2021 - In Nicola Marcucci (ed.), Durkheim & Critique. Springer Verlag. pp. 131-162.
    This chapter examines the philosophical underpinnings of Durkheim’s account of anomie as social pathology. It examines and evaluates Durkheim’s conception of social pathology and his claim that social problems must be understood as analogous to illnesses. Further, it explores the vision of social ontology—of the kind of being that human societies have—underlying Durkheim’s position, which involves articulating the ways in which human societies are both different from and similar to biological organisms. Because Durkheim conceives of the task of social theory (...)
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  3. Turning anomie on its head: Fatalism as Durkheim's concealed and multidimensional alienation theory.Gabriel A. Acevedo - 2005 - Sociological Theory 23 (1):75-85.
    Durkheim's underdeveloped notion of fatalism is the keystone for a bridge between two conceptual categories central to Marxian and Durkheimian theory: alienation and anomie. Durkheim does not necessarily disagree with Marx that excessive regulation can be socially damaging but chooses to highlight the effects of under- regulation. A Durkheimian critique of overregulation becomes possible if we turn away from anomie and toward Durkheim's idea of fatalism-a concept that I will argue here is unexpectedly consistent with Marx's notion of alienation. We (...)
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    The Anomie of the Earth: Philosophy, Politics, and Autonomy in Europe and the Americas.Federico Luisetti, John Pickles & Wilson Kaiser (eds.) - 2015 - Duke University Press.
    The contributors to _The Anomie of the Earth_ explore the convergences and resonances between Autonomist Marxism and decolonial thinking. In discussing and rejecting Carl Schmitt's formulation of the nomos—a conceptualization of world order based on the Western tenets of law and property—the authors question the assumption of universal political subjects and look towards politics of the commons divorced from European notions of sovereignty. They contrast European Autonomism with North and South American decolonial and indigenous conceptions of autonomy, discuss the legacies (...)
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    Anomie and the Marketing Function: The Role of Control Mechanisms.Amit Saini & Mike Krush - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 83 (4):845-862.
    The authors use the theoretical notion of anomie to examine the impact of top management's control mechanisms on the environment of the marketing function. Based on a literature review and in-depth field interviews with marketing managers in diverse industries, a conceptual model is proposed that incorporates the two managerial control mechanisms, viz. output and process control, and relates their distinctive influence to anomie in the marketing function. Three contingency variables, i.e., resource scarcity, power, and ethics codification, are proposed to moderate (...)
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  6.  19
    Anomie’s Eastern origins: The Buddha’s indirect influence on Durkheim’s understanding of desire and suffering.Ryan Gunderson - 2016 - European Journal of Social Theory 19 (3):355-373.
    Durkheim’s claim in Suicide that humanity’s ‘inextinguishable thirst’ (soif inextinguible) causes suffering was adopted from Arthur Schopenhauer’s argument that the will-to-live’s ‘unquenchable thirst’ (unlöschbaren Durst) causes suffering, which was previously adopted from the Buddha’s argument that ‘ceaselessly recurring thirst’ (tṛṣṇā) causes suffering. This article retraces this demonstrable though seemingly unlikely history of ideas and reveals that the philosophical underpinnings of Durkheim’s theory of anomie are rooted, through Schopenhauer, whose thought influenced many thinkers during the Neo-Romantic fin de siècle period, including (...)
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  7. Defending Liberalism Against the Anomie Challenge.Andrew J. Cohen - 2004 - Social Theory and Practice 30 (3):391-427.
    Some claim that liberalism’s neutrality toward the Good encourages anomie, thereby disallowing social confirmation of beliefs, leaving the individual with an uncertainty about judgments that is opposed to confidence and self-respect. This is the “anomie challenge.” I begin by discussing toleration and neutrality and motivating the problem. I then look at responses to the challenge by liberal pluralists and liberalism’s critics. After dismissing both, I argue that the right to choose is the good to be advocated and that it allows (...)
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  8. Anomie and the moral regulation of reality: The Durkheimian tradition in modern relief.Richard A. Hilbert - 1986 - Sociological Theory 4 (1):1-19.
  9.  26
    MDR-TB, Isolation, and Anomie: Has Anyone Referred to Social Work?: Comment on “The Ethics of Isolation for Patients With Tuberculosis in Australia”.Krista N. Watts - 2016 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 13 (1):157-158.
    MDR-TB and admission to isolation can induce a situation in which individuals are normless, unable to achieve the social goals that they have learned to pursue. Described as anomie, this situation can induce deviant behaviour. Addressing the psychosocial ethics of MDR-TB and isolation, this paper responds to the call for consideration of resource allocation and liberty.
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  10. Anomie and fatalism in Durkheim's theory of regulation.Philippe Besnard - 1993 - In Stephen P. Turner (ed.), Emile Durkheim: sociologist and moralist. New York: Routledge. pp. 169--90.
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    Anomie and the sociology of knowledge, in Durkheim and today.Kurt H. Wolff - 1988 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 14 (1):53-67.
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  12.  30
    Anomy and Reason in the English Renaissance.Marco Orru - 1986 - Journal of the History of Ideas 47 (2):177.
  13. The True Nature of Anomie.Philippe Besnard - 1988 - Sociological Theory 6 (1):91-95.
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  14.  39
    Artificial intelligence-related anomies and predictive policing: normative (dis)orders in liberal democracies.Klaus Behnam Shad - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-12.
    This article links three rarely considered dimensions related to the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI)-based technologies in the form of predictive policing and discusses them in relation to liberal democratic societies. The three dimensions are the theoretical embedding and the workings of AI within anomic conditions (1), potential normative disorders emerging from them in the form of thinking errors and discriminatory practices (2) as well as the consequences of these disorders on the psychosocial, and emotional level (3). Against this background, (...)
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  15.  34
    Sociological Structures and Accounting Misbehavior: An Institutional Anomie Theory Explanation of Restatements in Family Firms.Eugenio D’Amico, Felice Matozza & Elisabetta Mafrolla - 2023 - Business and Society 62 (2):434-469.
    This article studies the underinvestigated but fascinating issue of the sociological determinants of accounting misbehavior while focusing on an allegedly illicit accounting practice (i.e., restatement) in family- vs. nonfamily-controlled corporations. Under the framework of institutional anomie theory, we examined whether sociological structures (i.e., legal forces and cultural values) influence accounting errors inducing restatements. By applying a multivariate regression analysis to a sample of restating firms listed in 23 countries during the 2006 to 2014 period, we found that legal forces and (...)
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  16.  12
    Analysis of the anomie behavior and external motivation of college students in sports: A cross-sectional study among gender.Liping Liu, Shanping Chen & Xueyan Yang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveIn the context of Healthy China, the effect of external motivation on sports anomie behavior from the perspective of gender among Chinese college students was investigated.ParticipantsIn total, 2,340 college students were involved in this study.MethodsThe self-made scales were used, which were about anomie behavior and external motivation in sports. The independent sample T-test was used to compare the sports anomie behavior between male and female students. Then, multiple linear regression analysis was adopted to examine the effects of external motivation on (...)
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    Strategic Culture and Environmental Dimensions as Determinants of Anomie in Publicly-Traded and Privately-Held Firms.Jean L. Johnson, Kelly D. Martin & Amit Saini - 2011 - Business Ethics Quarterly 21 (3):473-502.
    ABSTRACT:Anomie is a condition in which normative guidelines for governing conduct are absent. Using survey data from a sample of U.S. manufacturing firms, we explore the impact of internal (cultural) and external (environmental) determinants of organizational anomie. We suggest that four internal organizational factors can generate or suppress organizational anomie, including strategic aggressiveness, long-term orientation, competitor orientation, and strategic flexibility. Similarly, we argue that external contextual factors, including competitive intensity and technological turbulence, can influence organizational anomie. We extend anomie and (...)
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  18.  24
    The narrative of anomie: power, agency and the.Sophie Lilian Karenina-Paterson - 2013 - Dissertation, The University of Hong Kong
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    Emblem of Anomie.Vivien Ng - 1989 - American Journal of Semiotics 6 (4):3-11.
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    Max Weber’s rationalization processes disenchantment, alienation, or anomie?Christian Etzrodt - 2024 - Theory and Society 53 (3):653-671.
    The aim of this paper is to analyze which concept describes the central theme in Max Weber’s works — the rationalization processes — best: disenchantment, alienation, or anomie. I first describe how Weber’s rationalization processes were understood in the past. Most scholars have interpreted these processes as disenchantment, although some have seen a stronger affinity to the Marxist concept of alienation. Since the majority have regarded disenchantment as the central theme of Weber’s legacy, I discuss Weber’s rare statements about the (...)
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  21.  94
    Le travail et l'identité narrative : l'anomie sociale dans l'Europe contemporaine.Noëlle Burgi - 2011 - Synthesis Philosophica 26 (1):93-103.
    Depuis la fin des années 70, l’érosion croissante des droits sociaux, résultat des restructurations successives des marchés du travail nationaux encouragées au niveau de l’Union européenne, ainsi que l’émergence consécutive d’une société de compétition, ont mené à l’anomie sociale tout en ouvrant la porte à un nouvel ordre normatif disciplinaire. Ce nouvel ordre forme et refaçonne l’identité individuelle et collective en enfermant les gens dans des modèles de relations favorisant la peur, l’indifférence, l’intolérance envers l’autrui, ou encore le sentiment de (...)
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  22.  8
    The Construction of Psychological Intervention Mechanism of Deep Learning in the Prevention of Legal Anomie.Caixia Zou - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The convenience of big data processing technology has played a great advantage in many scenarios, and its deep learning can effectively mine different types of data in data sets. Applying this method to mining psychological prediction data set of legal anomie behavior can effectively prevent the occurrence of illegal behavior. The effective analysis of its psychological characteristics and the changes of psychological emotions will have hidden dangers, so it is necessary to extract this kind of data in such cases. Therefore, (...)
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  23.  54
    Authority versus anomie.Albert E. Tibbs - 1970 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 8 (2-3):191-198.
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  24. Moral autonomy and anomy in the office.Wim Vandekerckhove & E. Tsahuridu - 2008 - In Jeremy Wisnewski (ed.), The Office and Philosophy: Scenes From the Unexamined Life. Blackwell. pp. 38--48.
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  25. Alienation and anomie.Steven Lukes - 1967 - In Peter Laslett (ed.), Philosophy, politics and society, third series: a collection. Oxford,: Blackwell.
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  26. Nomologie et anomie: lecture de deux antinomies in Kant: Critique du jugement (1790-1990)(1ère partie).Véronique Zanetti - 1990 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 44 (175):581-603.
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  27.  10
    Exploring the Association between Social Anomie and Behaviors of Academic Dishonesty among University Students: A Case Study from a Public University in Jordan.Ziad M. Alkhazaleh & Amjed Abojedi - forthcoming - Journal of Academic Ethics:1-25.
    When students experience unfairness and normlessness in their academic environment, it exemplifies the concept of social anomie. where students may justify dishonest actions such as exam cheating, plagiarism, and others. Academic honesty, a crucial moral characteristic, fundamentally relies on values, rules, and social norms. Against this backdrop, we conducted a mixed-methods study to capture students’ perspectives on academic dishonesty and social anomie. The current study questions investigate the levels of social anomie and academic dishonesty and the correlation between them based (...)
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  28.  34
    Economy and Supervisors’ Ethical Values: Exploring the Mediating Role of Noneconomic Institutions in a Cross-National Test of Institutional Anomie Theory.Kristine Velasquez Tuliao & Chung-wen Chen - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 156 (3):823-838.
    This study examined the direct influence of national economic condition, as well as the indirect effects through the strength of noneconomic institutions on supervisors’ ethical reasoning using the institutional anomie theory developed by Messner and Rosenfeld :1393–1416, 2001). Utilizing data of 20,025 supervisors across 52 countries, the analyses showed that high disparity in the economic distribution directly and indirectly leads to unethical values. High economic inequality in a country resulted in high tendency of supervisors to justify unethical acts. In addition, (...)
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  29.  13
    2. The Management of Anomie: The State of Exception in Postcommunist Russia.Sergei Prozorov - 2012 - In Marcelo Svirsky & Simone Bignall (eds.), Agamben and Colonialism. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 32-51.
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  30. Reviews : Marco Orrù, Anomie: History and Meanings, London : Allen & Unwin, 1987, £25.00, xii+210 pp. [REVIEW]Mike Gane - 1989 - History of the Human Sciences 2 (2):277-279.
  31.  18
    Deep Learning-Based Text Emotion Analysis for Legal Anomie.Botong She - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Text emotion analysis is an effective way for analyzing the emotion of the subjects’ anomie behaviors. This paper proposes a text emotion analysis framework based on word embedding and splicing. Bi-direction Convolutional Word Embedding Classification Framework can express the word vector in the text and embed the part of speech tagging information as a feature of sentence representation. In addition, an emotional parallel learning mechanism is proposed, which uses the temporal information of the parallel structure calculated by Bi-LSTM to update (...)
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  32.  17
    Sacred lambencies and thin crusts: Scottish writers, industrialisation and anomie, 1785–1914.Christopher Harvie - 1999 - Cultural Values 3 (2):196-212.
    You think that a wall as solid as the earth separates civilisation from barbarism. I tell you the division is a thread, a sheet of glass’... This essay is a biography of this traumatic Edwrdian image, expressed in J. G. Fraser and H. G. Wells as well as in John Buchan's first thriller, The Power‐House of 1913. It traces the creer of the volcanic metaphor, particularly eruptive in Scotland, beyond Carlyle's French Revolution to the scientific controversies of the Enlightenment.
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  33.  42
    Must Managers Leave Ethics at Home? Economics and Moral Anomie in Business Organisations.Richard Mckenna & Eva E. Tsahuridu - 2001 - Philosophy of Management 1 (3):67-76.
    Why is it that some business managers appear to behave differently in private and at work? How, if at all, are the decisions managers make affected by the nature of their organisations? What impact do organisational values have on the moral autonomy of managers? A research project into these questions is now under way in three disparate Australian business firms and this paper sets out the premise underlying it. For purposes of research the general premise is that the moral character (...)
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  34. Creating and maintaining ethical work climates: Anomie in the workplace and implications for managing change. Society for Business Ethics Best Paper Award, 1992.D. Vidaver-Cohen - 1993 - Business Ethics Quarterly 3 (4):343-358.
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    The Psychological Approach to PoliticsThe Political Community: A Study of Anomie. Sebastian de Grazia.Alan Gewirth - 1949 - Ethics 59 (3):211-.
  36.  27
    Kult des Individuums. Zum Verhältnis von Autonomie und Anomie bei Durkheim und Guyau.Maria-Sibylla Lotter - 1999 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 53 (2):236 - 258.
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    Must Managers Leave Ethics at Home? Economics and Moral Anomie in Business Organisations.Richard J. McKenna & Eva E. Tsahuridu - 2001 - Philosophy of Management 1 (3):67-76.
    Why is it that some business managers appear to behave differently in private and at work? How, if at all, are the decisions managers make affected by the nature of their organisations? What impact do organisational values have on the moral autonomy of managers? A research project into these questions is now under way in three disparate Australian business firms and this paper sets out the premise underlying it. For purposes of research the general premise is that the moral character (...)
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  38.  16
    An Analysis of Related Issues of Moral Anomie from the Perspective of Ethics.飞飞 晏 - 2023 - Advances in Philosophy 12 (6):1246-1251.
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  39.  74
    Intellectuals and the crisis of democratization in Nigeria: Towards a theory of postcolonial anomie. [REVIEW]Adebayo Williams - 1998 - Theory and Society 27 (2):287-307.
  40.  38
    An Exploration of Factors Affecting Work Anomia.Eva E. Tsahuridu - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 99 (2):297 - 305.
    Anomie, a societal and anomia an individual characteristic is employed to understand the behaviour of people and more recently it has been used to explore and understand the moral behaviour of people at work. This article reports on research undertaken to explore the relationship between organisational interest, ethical ideologies, employment, religion and ethnic origin on work and nonwork anomia. An objective of this research was to ascertain whether participants that were not employed had lower levels of work-related anomia than those (...)
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  41.  67
    Are Workers More Likely to be Deviant than Managers? A Cross-National Analysis.Chung-wen Chen - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 123 (2):221-233.
    Using Robert Merton’s perspective on social structure [Social theory and structure. Free Press, New York, 1968], this study tested the individual-level association between job position and ethical reasoning. Anomie theory was employed to examine how country-level factors moderate that individual-level association. The hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) method was used to analyze 22,359 subjects from 28 nations. The statistical results proved that workers are more likely to justify ethically suspect behaviors, and that this individual-level relationship is moderated by the country-level factors (...)
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  42.  24
    Le non-droit, l’état d’exception et l’incertitude juridique comme outils de domination politique.Marie Goupy - 2018 - Astérion 19 (19).
    This paper aims to confront two notions that have acquired a particular importance in contemporary reflections on the law: the notion of “un-law” (“Unrecht” or “non-droit”), that was constructed after the second WW in order to think about the specific nature of “Nazi law”; and the notion of “state of exception” (“Ausnahmezustand” or “état d’exception”), which is now commonly tied up with the idea of juridical anomie. This confrontation extends the analysis that is especially exposed by the very concept of (...)
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  43.  10
    The Sanctity of Totemism: The Elixir of Society ——Durkheim's "Religious Society" and confucius' "Rooting Ritual Regulations in Humaneness" Share the Same Path, but Have Different Returns.Zhiheng Su & Zhilong Yan - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 15 (4):200-219.
    It is well known that totem worship is an early product of human society, from which it can be argued that East and West share a common cultural origin, although totem worship cannot be identified as the initial origin of all human civilizations, it is the common premise from which all subsequent clans, tribes, and groups emerged. When societies face upheaval and change and breed conflict and chaos, salvation may be found in the common cultural origins of humankind. This paper (...)
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  44.  18
    Transubstantiation as a normative process: James Joyce and Carl Schmitt in 1922.Wojciech Engelking - 2024 - Thesis Eleven 181 (1):34-55.
    The thesis that legal norms are rooted in theology is not new. It is worth considering, however, to what extent not only singular norms, but also models of normativity are the structural representation of theological concepts. In this article, I consider transubstantiation as one of such ideas. I analyse its place in two political theologies published at the same time (in 1922): Carl Schmitt’s Political Theology and James Joyce’s Ulysses. I argue that both thinkers used the idea of transubstantiation as (...)
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  45. (1 other version)Análisis estructuralista de la teoría de la anomia.Cláudio Abreu - 2014 - Metatheoria 4 (2):09-22.
    Although we may find the concept of anomie in Greek thought, it is since Durkheim that the concept begins to be used specifically as a sociological concept. However, a theory of anomie only becomes consolidated since “Social Structure and Anomie” by Robert K. Merton (Merton 1938). The theory becomes important and conquers its space in the rest of the century as one of the most productive theories about deviance. In this study, based on a contemporary conception of scientific theory, that (...)
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  46. The appropriation of abandonment: Giorgio Agamben on the state of nature and the political. [REVIEW]Sergei Prozorov - 2009 - Continental Philosophy Review 42 (3):327-353.
    The paper addresses Giorgio Agamben’s affirmation of post-sovereign politics by analyzing his critical engagement with the Hobbesian problematic of the state of nature. Radicalizing Carl Schmitt’s criticism of Hobbes, Agamben deconstructs the distinction between the state of nature and the civil order of the Commonwealth by demonstrating the ‘inclusive exclusion’ of the former within the latter in the manner of the state of exception, which functions as a negative foundation of any positive order. Since the state of nature is no (...)
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  47.  64
    Autonomy and commitment: Compatible ideals.Aharon Aviram - 1995 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 29 (1):61–73.
    Fears of alienation and anomie in liberal societies have driven many writers to emphasize care and commitment as essential ingredients of human well-being and as educational aims. Conceiving autonomy to be incompatible with these values, they have concluded that autonomy should be replaced with alternative conceptions of human well-being and of education that emphasize care and commitment. The claim I will try to defend in this paper is that, in contrast to these views, there is no contradiction between autonomy on (...)
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    Namāyah-i muṭālaʻāt va taḥqīqāt-i kārburdī-i manāṭiq.Āminah Salīqahʹdār & Maḥbūbah Khaṭīb (eds.) - 2008 - Tihrān: Intishārāt-i Vinūs.
    Iranian research on anomie; enjoining good and forbidding evil.
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  49. Professional ethics and civic morals.Émile Durkheim - 1957 - New York: Routledge.
    In Professional Ethics and Civic Morals , Emile Durkheim outlined the core of his theory of morality and social rights which was to dominate his work throughout the course of his life. In Durkheim's view, sociology is a science of morals which are objective social facts, and these moral regulations form the basis of individual rights and obligations. This book is crucial to an understanding of Durkheim's sociology because it contains his much-neglected theory of the state as a moral institution, (...)
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    Problems and development strategies for research ethics committees in China’s higher education institutions.Jiyin Zhou - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):56-56.
    The establishment of research ethics committees (REC) in China’s higher education institutions (HEI) is lagging far behind western developed countries. This has at least partly directly led to anomie in scientific research ethics, as seen in the recent controversies involving a proposed human head transplant and gene-edited babies. At present, the problems for REC in China’s HEI include lack of regulation, informal ethics reviews, lack of supervision and insufficient ethics review capacity. To counteract these problems, suggested measures include mandatory formation (...)
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