Results for ' Austria'

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  1.  14
    The possibility of knowing the essence of bodies through scientific experiments in Spinoza’s controversy with Boyle.Austria Graz - 2024 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 33 (1):86-110.
    In this paper, I argue for a novel reading of Spinoza’s position in his exchange with Boyle about Boyle’s experiment with nitre. Boyle claimed to have shown through experiments that nitre ceased to be nitre after heating. Spinoza disagreed and proposed the alternative hypothesis that nitre has changed its state and not its nature. Spinoza’s position was construed in the literature as rational scepticism denying that experiments can yield knowledge of essences because all sensory experience is underdetermined and open to (...)
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  2. The 20th International Wittgenstein Symposium will be held in Kirchberg, Lower Austria, August 10-16, 1997. The general topic will be:" The Role of Pragmatics in Contemporary Philosophy." The symposium will consist of the following six sections: 1. Pragmatic Aspects of Applied Logic. [REVIEW]Europe Austria - 1996 - Synthese 109 (291).
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  3. Meaning and causes of delusions.Musalek - Austria - 2003 - In Bill Fulford, Katherine Morris, John Z. Sadler & Giovanni Stanghellini, Nature and Narrative: An Introduction to the New Philosophy of Psychiatry. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  4. Austria and the rise of scientific philosophy.Barry Smith - 2004 - In Arkadiusz Chrudzimski & Wolfgang Huemer, Phenomenology and analysis: essays on Central European philosophy. Lancaster: Ontos. pp. 33-56.
    The term ‘Continental philosophy’ designates not philosophy on the continent of Europe as a whole, but rather a selective slice of Franco-German philosophy. Through a critical analysis of the arguments advanced by Otto Neurath, the paper addresses the issue of why Austrian philosophers in particular are not counted in the pantheon of Continental philosophers. Austrian philosophy is marked by the predominance of philosophical analysis and of the philosophy of science. The paper concludes that it is not Austria which is (...)
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  5. Austria's Repressed Guilt in Theory and Practice: Personal Encounters.Claudia Leeb - 2021 - In Vincento Pinto, Remembering the Holocaust in Germany, Austria, Italy and Israel. pp. 25-38.
    In this paper, I discuss three personal examples of contemporary Austrians' defensive reactions when confronted with the book The Political of Repressed Guilt: The Tragedy of Austrian Silence (Leeb, 2018). The defensive reactions underline that Austrians evaded confronting themselves with their repressed guilt about their violent National Socialist past and failed at working through their past. It also explains the centrality of "embodied reflective spaces" and the idea of the "subject-in-outline" to counter the continuation of the cycle of violence engendered (...)
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    Austria’s Conversion to Christianity.Frank Hinkelmann - 2022 - Perichoresis 20 (5):41-57.
    It is not until the 11th century AD that we can speak of Austria being a thoroughly Christian country. This is all the more astonishing when one considers that even before the turn of the first century most of what is today Austria was part of the Roman Empire and how quickly Christianity spread to other parts of the Roman Empire. But how did the Christianization of Austria come about in the first place? Who were the bearers (...)
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  7. The Neurath-Haller Thesis: Austria and the Rise of Scientific Philosophy.Barry Smith - 1997 - In Keith Lehrer & Johann Christian Marek, Austrian Philosophy Past and Present: Essays in Honor of Rudolf Haller. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 1-20.
    The term ‘Continental philosophy’ designates not philosophy on the continent of Europe as a whole, but rather a selective slice of Franco-German philosophy. Through a critical analysis of the arguments advanced by Otto Neurath, the paper addresses the issue of why Austrian philosophers in particular are not counted in the pantheon of Continental philosophers. Austrian philosophy is marked by the predominance of philosophical analysis and of the philosophy of science. The paper concludes that it is not Austria which is (...)
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  8. Austria vs. australia: Two versions of the identity theory.Leopold Stubenberg - 1997 - In Keith Lehrer & Johann Christian Marek, Austrian Philosophy Past and Present: Essays in Honor of Rudolf Haller. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  9. ‘Some Animals Are More Equal Than Others’: The Hierarchy of Citizenship in Austria.Suleman Lazarus - 2019 - Laws 8 (14):1-20.
    While this article aims to explore the connections between citizenship and ‘race’, it is the first study to use fictional tools as a sociological resource in exemplifying the deviation between citizenship in principle and practice in an Austrian context. The study involves interviews with 73 Austrians from three ethnic/racial groups, which were subjected to a directed approach to qualitative content analysis and coded based on sentences from George Orwell’s fictional book, ‘Animal Farm’. By using fiction as a conceptual and analytical (...)
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    (Austria) Janusz Korczak: Childhood and Children's Rights.Daniela G. Camhy - 2009 - In Eva Marsal, Takara Dobashi & Barbara Weber, Children Philosophize Worldwide: Theoretical and Practical Concepts. Frankfurt, Germany: Peter Lang GmbH. pp. 9--247.
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    Austria pro Concilio Oecumenico.J. -J. Gavigan - 1962 - Augustinianum 2 (3):532-544.
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    FOCUS: Business ethics in austria.Franz Rupert Hrubi - 1996 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 5 (1):27–32.
    Our Associate Editor for Austria describes the unique national features which underlie the recent development of modern business ethics in his country. Univ.‐Prof. Dr Franz Rupert Hrubi is a member of the Abteilung für Philosophie, the University of Economics and Business Administration, A 1090 Vienna, Schlagergasse 6, Austria.
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  13. Why Austria Perished.Oscar Jaszi - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    Austria, a Sonderfall? Defining German and Austrian identity.Dagmar C. G. Lorenz - 1997 - The European Legacy 2 (2):309-314.
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    Austria-Hungary in philosophy and science: a search for the evidence.Miklós Rédei & Friedrich Stadler - 2011 - In András Máté, Miklós Rédei & Friedrich Stadler, Der Wiener Kreis in Ungarn: The Vienna Circle in Hungary. Springer. pp. 9-24.
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    (1 other version)Austria-Hungary in philosophy and science: a search for the evidence.Miklós Rédei & Friedrich Stadler - 2011 - In András Máté, Miklós Rédei & Friedrich Stadler, Der Wiener Kreis in Ungarn: The Vienna Circle in Hungary. Springer. pp. 9-24.
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  17. (1 other version)Austria: Guilt and virtue—II.Ernst Karl Winter - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    Women politicians in Austria: Still not breaking the media ceiling.Lore Hayek, Manuel Mayrl & Uta Russmann - 2024 - Communications 49 (1):99-117.
    The underrepresentation of women politicians in the media is a persistent feature in many contemporary democracies. Gender bias in election coverage makes it harder for women to reach positions of power in politics. Drawing on the special circumstances in Austria during the 2019 election campaign which saw the first female top candidate of a major party and a caretaker government containing equal numbers of men and women and which was led by the country’s first woman as chancellor, we examine (...)
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    Unilateralism in Refugee law—Austria’s Quota Approach Under Scrutiny.Peter Hilpold - 2017 - Human Rights Review 18 (3):305-319.
    In the aftermath of the “Arab Spring” and of crumbling state structures, an exodus of unknown proportion from the Near East and from Northern Africa has set in and was further exacerbated by civil war and ISIS terror rule over large territories in the Near East. As a consequence, thousands of refugees came to Europe. Many of them fulfilled the conditions for non-refoulement according to Article 33 of the Geneva Convention on the Law of Refugees of 1951 or were at (...)
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  20. Philosophy of medicine in austria.Thomas Kenner - 1985 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 6 (1).
    It seems impossible to completely cover the field indicated by the title of this report because of the many contributions of individual physicians and non-physicians to problems of the philosophy of medicine in Austria, and to their solution. The main trends are rooted in historic developments and in the current problems of medicine and health care, which are similar world-wide. In Austria famous names like empress Maria Theresia or the physician Ignaz Semmelweis have to be mentioned in connection (...)
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  21.  11
    Healthcare Ethics Consultation in Austria: Joining the International Path of Professionalization.Jürgen Wallner - 2023 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 34 (1):69-78.
    Healthcare ethics consultation has been developed, practiced, and analyzed internationally. However, only a few professional standards have evolved globally in this field that would be comparable to standards in other areas of healthcare. This article cannot compensate for this situation. It contributes to the ongoing debate on professionalization by presenting experiences with ethics consultation in Austria, though. After exploring its contexts and providing an overview of one of its primary ethics programs, the article analyzes the underlying assumptions of “ethics (...)
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  22.  24
    Designing digital tools for quality assurance in 24-hour home-care in Austria.Franz Werner, Elisabeth Haslinger-Baumann, Elisabeth Kupka-Klepsch & Carina Hauser - 2022 - Human Affairs 32 (2):213-227.
    The cost-effectiveness of 24-hour care makes it a major source of support for elderly people in need of home-based care in Austria. Language barriers, feelings of isolation when living with chronically ill people and a lack of adequate training and quality control create stressful working conditions for 24-hour caregivers in Austria, who mainly come from Slovakia, Hungary and Romania. The challenges not only affect the 24-hour caregivers themselves but also their clients, relatives and registered care agency nurses in (...)
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  23.  28
    Cultures and Strategies in the Regulation of Nanotechnology in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the European Union.Monika Kurath, Michael Nentwich, Torsten Fleischer & Iris Eisenberger - 2014 - NanoEthics 8 (2):121-140.
    This interdisciplinary, social scientific analysis of the regulatory discourse on nanotechnology in the three German-speaking countries of Germany, Austria and Switzerland and in the EU between 2000 and 2013 has shown three distinct phases, characterised by shifts in the configuration of actors and in the thematic scope from nanotechnology to nano-materials. Compared to modes of governance based on traditional statutory law, modes of governance based on less binding forms of soft law and self-regulation (like codes of conduct, guidelines and (...)
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    Out of Austria: Natasha Wheatley’s Staatenlehre.Charles S. Maier - 2024 - History of European Ideas 50 (6):1124-1126.
    The Life and Death of States is a wonderful book: a study in the intellectual history of law grounded not in the Anglo-Saxon but Central European tradition. Natasha Wheatley takes as her protagonis...
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    ‘Systemic rationalization’ in Austria: Social and political mediation in technology use and work organization. [REVIEW]Georg Aichholzer - 1991 - AI and Society 5 (4):277-295.
    The paper analyses restructuring processes occuring with the introduction of information technologies into firms in Austria and assesses how far the evidence lends support to the thesis of a fundamental change in rationalization patterns as postulated by continental industrial sociologists claiming the emergence of a novel type of ‘systemic rationalization’. Based on a research perspective putting emphasis on several levels of social mediation of technological change the broad conclusion is the following: there are clear indications of a novel ‘systemic’ (...)
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  26. A theory of Austria.Wolfgang Grassl & Barry Smith - 1986 - In Nyiri J. N., From Bolzano to Wittgenstein: The Tradition of Austrian Philosophy. Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky. pp. 11-30.
    The present essay seeks, by way of the Austrian example, to make a contribution to what might be called the philosophy of the supranational state. More specifically, we shall attempt to use certain ideas on the philosophy of Gestalten as a basis for understanding some aspects of that political and cultural phenomenon which was variously called the Austrian Empire, the Habsburg Empire, the Danube Monarchy or Kakanien.
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  27.  36
    Women’s viewpoints on egg freezing in Austria: an online Q-methodology study.Johanna Kostenzer, Antoinette de Bont & Job van Exel - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-12.
    BackgroundEgg freezing has emerged as a technology of assisted reproductive medicine that allows women to plan for the anticipated loss of fertility and hence to preserve the option to conceive with their own eggs. The technology is surrounded by value-conflicts and is subject to ongoing discussions. This study aims at contributing to the empirical-ethical debate by exploring women’s viewpoints on egg freezing in Austria, where egg freezing for social reasons is currently not allowed.MethodsQ-methodology was used to identify prevailing viewpoints (...)
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    Between “Medical” and “Social” Egg Freezing: A Comparative Analysis of Regulatory Frameworks in Austria, Germany, Israel, and the Netherlands.Nitzan Rimon-Zarfaty, Johanna Kostenzer, Lisa-Katharina Sismuth & Antoinette de Bont - 2021 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 18 (4):683-699.
    Egg freezing has led to heated debates in healthcare policy and bioethics. A crucial issue in this context concerns the distinction between “medical” and “social” egg freezing —contrasting objections to bio-medicalization with claims for oversimplification. Yet such categorization remains a criterion for regulation. This paper aims to explore the “regulatory boundary-work” around the “medical”–”social” distinction in different egg freezing regulations. Based on systematic documents’ analysis we present a cross-national comparison of the way the “medical”–”social” differentiation finds expression in regulatory frameworks (...)
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    Filling the Empty Shell. The Public Debate on CSR in Austria as a Paradigmatic Example of a Political Discourse.Bernhard Mark-Ungericht & Richard Weiskopf - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 70 (3):285-297.
    Instead of essentializing and defining what CSR “is”, we analyze CSR as a political discourse in which different actors struggle to fill the empty shell of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) with a legitimate interpretation. In this paper we take the current debate on CSR in Austria as an example to demonstrate how this debate is shaped by changes in the greater socio-economic environment. We suggest that this debate might be paradigmatic for the development of CSR in the European/International context. (...)
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  30. Measuring consumers' ethical position in austria, Britain, brunei, Hong Kong, and USA.Charles C. Cui, Vince Mitchell, Bodo B. Schlegelmilch & Bettina Cornwell - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 62 (1):57 - 71.
    Previous studies have found Forsyth’s Ethical Position Questionnaire (EPQ) to vary between countries, but none has made a systematic evaluation of its psychometric properties across consumers from many countries. Using confirmatory factor analysis and multi-group LISREL analysis, this paper explores the factor structure of the EPQ and the measurement equivalence in five societies: Austria, Britain, Brunei, Hong Kong and USA. The results suggest that the modified scale, measuring idealism and relativism, was applicable in all five societies. Equivalence was found (...)
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  31.  12
    A Personal-Ethical Reflection on the Training for Foster Parents in Austria.Gottfried Schweiger - 2023 - Ethics and Social Welfare 17 (3):333-342.
    In Austria, foster parents are screened and selected by local child and youth welfare services, and then they are required to complete several weeks of training. This essay is a personal reflection on this training, which I completed with my wife in early 2022. However, I am also writing this personal reflection from an ethical perspective informed by my work as an ethicist and philosopher at the university. Topics that concern me are the understanding of child and youth welfare, (...)
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    Austria-Hungary and the Founding of the German Empire. European Decisions 1867–1871. [REVIEW]William M. Johnston - 1981 - Philosophy and History 14 (1):94-96.
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    Austria’s Incorporation with the German Reich. Planning and Realization of the Political and Administrative Anschluss (1938–1940). [REVIEW]Bernd Warlich - 1973 - Philosophy and History 6 (2):190-192.
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    Recontextualising fascist ideologies of the past: right-wing discourses on employment and nativism in Austria and the United Kingdom.John E. Richardson & Ruth Wodak - 2009 - Critical Discourse Studies 6 (4):251-267.
    In this article, we trace the histories of discourses supporting ‘jobs for natives’ in the UK and Austria using the discourse-historical approach to critical discourse studies. DHA uses four ‘levels of context’ as heuristic devices in critical analysis. In this article, we focus our attention predominantly on the broadest of these, largely eschewing the text internal analysis typical of CDA, in favour of a wider contextual sweep. In this way, we deconstruct and trace the conceptual history of British and (...)
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    Framing the CAP reform 2013 in Austria’s agricultural media.Andrea Obweger, Hermine Mitter & Erwin Schmid - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (4):1393-1415.
    The reform process of the CAP is increasingly open to actors that apply different frames. Recent research reveals the consistent use of five frames during CAP reform processes: the policy mechanism frame, the farmers’ economic frame, the societal concerns frame, the budgetary frame, and the foreign trade frame. Our qualitative content analysis of 1,155 newspaper articles from Austria’s largest agricultural newspaper published between 01/10/2010 and 31/01/2015 confirms that these five frames are also used in national CAP reporting and consist (...)
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  36.  16
    Political TV interviews in Austria 1981–2016 – Structures and strategies through times of substantial change in media and politics. [REVIEW]Andreas Riedl - 2020 - Communications 45 (2):131-155.
    In media-centered democracies, political TV interviews can reveal a lot about the relationship between journalists and politicians. However, knowledge about these formats during non-election times is lacking. Against this background, this study aims to generate insights about specific conversation strategies, the staging of politics, and agenda control in a long-term comparison, and to link them with media logic, which has been identified as a factor that shapes agenda-setting strategies in related contexts. Following a static-dynamic approach, a quantitative content analysis was (...)
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    Exploring the mind in Austria (1874–1918) and defending Mach’s neutral monism.María de Paz - forthcoming - British Journal for the History of Philosophy:1-11.
    The paper is structured into two main sections. Following a brief introduction, the second section delves into various overarching topics regarding Mark Textor’s work The Disappearance of the Soul and the Turn against Metaphysics. Specifically, it examines certain omissions within Textor’s portrayal of the history of philosophy of mind, notably the oversight of Freud and Du Bois-Reymond, and considers some general issues concerning Brentano’s understanding of the mind. In the subsequent third section, the paper advocates Mach’s neutral monism from an (...)
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  38.  27
    Stakeholder Engagement: Keeping Business Legitimate in Austria’s Natural Mineral Water Bottling Industry.Anna Katharina Provasnek, Erwin Schmid & Gerald Steiner - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (2):467-484.
    Stakeholder maneuvers such as Internet media attacks or consumer boycotts can have devastating effects on companies. By contrary, vital relationships between companies and their stakeholders can be highly beneficial. A review of the existing stakeholder-management literature suggests to engage stakeholders in business activities in a positive manner. However, the types of successful engagement activities differ across industries. The purposes of this article are to develop an explanatory framework based on the literature findings, to introduce stakeholder-engagement literature to a segment of (...)
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  39.  13
    Coming to Terms with Biomedical Technologies in Different Technopolitical Cultures: A Comparative Analysis of Focus Groups on Organ Transplantation and Genetic Testing in Austria, France, and the Netherlands.Peter Winkler, Maximilian Fochler & Ulrike Felt - 2010 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 35 (4):525-553.
    In this comparative analysis of twelve focus groups conducted in Austria, France, and the Netherlands, we investigate how lay people come to terms with two biomedical technologies. Using the term ‘‘technopolitical culture,’’ we aim to show that the ways in which technosciences are interwoven with a specific society frame how citizens build their individual and collective positions toward them. We investigate how the focus group participants conceptualized organ transplantation and genetic testing, their perceptions of individual agency in relation to (...)
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  40. Catholic Social Thought In Austria.Anton Burghardt - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    Argumentation in Germany and Austria: An Overview of the Recent Literature.Manfred Kienpointner Brinton - 1991 - Informal Logic 13 (3).
  42.  31
    Assistentia Pro Provincia Austriae.Joannes-J. Gavigan - 1966 - Augustinianum 6 (2):259-293.
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    Haiderism East of Austria:Reaction, Impact and Parallels.Miklós Haraszti - 2000 - Constellations 7 (3):305-315.
  44. The Corporative Experiment in Austria.Erich Hula - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    Germany and Austria.Friedrich Jodl - 1895 - The Monist 6 (1):111-124.
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    Philosophy in Germany and Austria.Friedrich Jodl - 1899 - The Monist 9 (2):248-264.
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  47. Argumentation in Germany and Austria: An Overview of the Recent Literature.Manfred Kienpointner - 1991 - Informal Logic 13 (3):129-136.
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  48. Fichte-Tagung en Zwetl (Austria).R. L. - 1977 - Anuario Filosófico 10 (2):225-228.
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  49. The Communist Party of Austria.Roberta Pasquarè - 2015 - In Unfit/Unwilling to Govern: The Radical Left in Europe since 1989.
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    Neonatology in Austria: ethics to improve practice.Michal Stanak - 2020 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 23 (3):361-369.
    In the world of Austrian neonatal intensive care units, the role of ethics is recognized only partially. The normatively tense cases that are at the backdrop of this essay concern the situations around the limit of viability, which is the point in the development of an extremely preterm infant at which there are chances of extra-uterine survival. This essay first outlines the key explicit ethical challenges that are mainly concerned with notions of uncertainty and best interest. Then, it attempts to (...)
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