Results for ' Claudius Ptolemy'

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  1.  31
    The Earth: Its Size, Shape, and Immobility.Claudius Ptolemy - 2009 - In Timothy McGrew, Marc Alspector-Kelly & Fritz Allhoff, The philosophy of science: an historical anthology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 70.
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    Geography of Claudius Ptolemy. Edward Luther Stevenson.Aubrey Diller - 1935 - Isis 22 (2):533-539.
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    Geography of Claudius Ptolemy.Walter Woodburn Hyde & Edward Luther Stevenson - 1933 - American Journal of Philology 54 (3):293.
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    Geography of Claudius Ptolemy. Ptolemy, Edward Luther Stevenson.George Sarton - 1933 - Isis 20 (1):270-274.
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    L'Optique de Claude Ptolémée dans la version latine d'après l'arabe de l'émir Eugène de Sicile: Édition critique et exégétique augmentée d'une traduction française et de compléments. Claudius Ptolemy, Albert Lejeune. [REVIEW]A. Smith - 1992 - Isis 83 (2):310-311.
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    The Table of Ptolemy’s Terms.Cristian Tolsa - 2018 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 162 (2):247-264.
    The paper presents three strong arguments advocating for the exclusion of the table of Ptolemy’s own planetary terms from the original text of the Tetrabiblos. This table was vastly used by Renaissance astrologers, and much work on its rationale and its manuscript variant readings has been published recently. The author argues that the table was the product of the systematic analysis of Ptolemy’s instructions for the terms in the late antique commentary on the Tetrabiblos edited by Wolf in (...)
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    Ptolemy's Philosophy: Mathematics as a Way of Life.Jacqueline Feke - 2018 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    The Greco-Roman mathematician Claudius Ptolemy is one of the most significant figures in the history of science. He is remembered today for his astronomy, but his philosophy is almost entirely lost to history. This groundbreaking book is the first to reconstruct Ptolemy’s general philosophical system—including his metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics—and to explore its relationship to astronomy, harmonics, element theory, astrology, cosmology, psychology, and theology. -/- In this stimulating intellectual history, Jacqueline Feke uncovers references to a complex and (...)
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    The History of Ptolemy's Star Catalogue. Gerd GrasshoffDer Sternkatalog des Almagest: Die arabisch-mittelalterliche Tradition. Volume 2: Die lateinische Ubersetzung Gerhards von Cremona. Claudius Ptolemaus, Paul Kunitzsch. [REVIEW]Olaf Pedersen - 1993 - Isis 84 (3):558-560.
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    Meta-mathematical Rhetoric: Hero and Ptolemy against the Philosophers.Jacqueline Feke - 2014 - Historia Mathematica 41 (3):261-276.
    Bringing the meta-mathematics of Hero of Alexandria and Claudius Ptolemy into conversation for the first time, I argue that they employ identical rhetorical strategies in the introductions to Hero’s Belopoeica, Pneumatica, Metrica and Ptolemy’s Almagest. They each adopt a paradigmatic argument, in which they criticize the discourses of philosophers and declare epistemological supremacy for mathematics by asserting that geometrical demonstration is indisputable. The rarity of this claim—in conjunction with the paradigmatic argument—indicates that Hero and Ptolemy participated (...)
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    Rome as “Part of the Heavens”? Leon Battista Alberti’s Descriptio urbis Romae (ca. 1450) and Ptolemy’s Almagest.Maren Elisabeth Schwab - 2023 - Journal of the History of Ideas 84 (1):1-27.
    Abstract:In his Descriptio urbis Romae, Leon Battista Alberti provides step-by-step instructions for how to draw the outlines of Rome. The image transmitted through Alberti’s text is so accurate that it is justly described as the first “map” of Rome after the Forma Urbis (3rd c. CE). Alberti's idea was sparked by the renewed reading of the works of Claudius Ptolemy: the Geography, but also—as I argue for the first time—the Almagest. I show how this image blends the ways (...)
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    Technical Ekphrasis in Greek and Roman Science and Literature: The Written Machine Between Alexandria and Rome.Courtney Roby - 2016 - Cambridge University Press.
    Ekphrasis is familiar as a rhetorical tool for inducing enargeia, the vivid sense that a reader or listener is actually in the presence of the objects described. This book focuses on the ekphrastic techniques used in ancient Greek and Roman literature to describe technological artifacts. Since the literary discourse on technology extended beyond technical texts, this book explores 'technical ekphrasis' in a wide range of genres, including history, poetry, and philosophy as well as mechanical, scientific, and mathematical works. Technical authors (...)
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  12. Средиземноморское побережье африки в «географии» птолемея и в «стадиасме великого моря».Dmitry Shcheglov - 2018 - Schole 12 (2):453-479.
    The paper argues that the depiction of the Mediterranean coast of Africa in Ptolemy’s Geography was based on a source similar to the Stadiasmus of the Great Sea. Ptolemy’s and the Stadiasmus’ toponymy and distances between major points are mostly in good agreement. Ptolemy’s place names overlap with those of the Stadiasmus by 80%, and the total length of the coastline from Alexandria to Utica on Ptolemy’s map deviates from the Stadiasmus data by only 1% or (...)
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    Cross cultural exchanges in the ancient world: Early connections between Azania and diverse civilizations of the Indian Ocean, the Mediterranean basin and distant regions in the African continent.Felix A. Chami - forthcoming - Diogenes:1-18.
    In the Roman time, Azania and its capital Rhapta had cultural and economic connections with diverse civilizations of the world, including those in the Mediterranean basin, the Middle East, India, the Far East, and the deep interior of Africa. Information about Azania was first provided by the Romans – Pliny the Elder, Claudius Ptolemy, and sources such as the Periplus of the Erythraean Sea. Apart from the Romans, other people of the Middle East, including the Homerites or Himyarites, (...)
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    Épître à Gallus sur la vie, le testament et les écrits d'Aristote.Ptolemy - 2021 - Paris: Les Belles Lettres. Edited by Marwan Rashed & Ptolemy.
    Voici, pour la premiere fois edite et traduit, un texte grec antique perdu dans la langue originale et conserve en arabe. Il s'agit d'une lettre redigee par un mysterieux Ptolemee, philologue aristotelicien actif a Alexandrie autour de l'an 200 apres J.-C., dans laquelle celui-ci rapporte la Biographie et le Testament d'Aristote, ainsi qu'un Catalogue d'une centaine de titres inconnu par ailleurs. Ce vestige est l'une de nos meilleures sources d'information - et la seule qui soit interne a l'ecole peripateticienne - (...)
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    Monochord and harmonic canon: Two comments on ptol. Harm. 2.12 and 2.13.S. Ptolemy - 2011 - Classical Quarterly 61 (2):677-689.
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    Claudius Messner: Anerkennung und Kommunikation oder: vom Versuch eine Welle zu lesen (Rezensionsabhandlung).Claudius Messner - 2007 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 93 (4):576-586.
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    Luhmann’s Judgment.Claudius Messner - 2014 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 27 (2):359-387.
    This paper explores what is apparently a non-topic for Luhmann. Luhmann is preoccupied with decision-making rather than with judgment. The paper argues that Luhmann, attempting to find a way out of the dilemma between the fundamentalism of positivistic legal theory and the relativism of anti-foundationalist post-modern thinking, presents the epistemological–ethical doublet of a “self-binding” of the law. In this bootstrapping manoeuvre decision plays the central part. The paper begins by examining judgment in its relation to decision as considered by non-system-theoretical (...)
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  18. Observing victims. Global insecurities and the systemic imagination of justice in world society.Claudius Messner - 2004 - In Ronnie Lippens, Imaginary boundaries of justice: social justice across disciplines. Portland, Or.: Hart. pp. 185--202.
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    Die existenzial-ontologische Bestimmung des lumen naturale.Claudius Strube - 1996 - Heidegger Studies 12:109-119.
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    Now This : On the Gradual Production of Justice Whilst Doing Law and Music.Claudius Messner - 2018 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 31 (2):187-214.
    This paper examines the role of performance in law and music as a structural means of their self-programming construction. Music and law are considered as parallel social practices or performative doings. The paper begins with a critical analysis of the special aesthetical features of present-day juridical practice as exemplified by legal trial and legal expertise. Drawing upon reflections on the modern discourse on aesthetics and art, the article then examines in greater detail the specific traits of performance in law and (...)
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  21.  14
    Heidegger und der Neukantianismus.Claudius Strube (ed.) - 2009 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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  22.  15
    Talking Across Differences: Networks, Law and the Violence of the Word.Claudius Messner - forthcoming - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique:1-32.
    In this paper, I propose to use Johan Galtung’s notion of structural violence as aguide for linking society’s problems of processing social meaning to the very idea of law. At the heart of my interest is the discrepancy Galtung sees between real and possible social conditions. I will first focus on the specific character of violence as communication. I will then consider the consequences of the heterogeneity of the languages that law speaks. Law and everyday practice not only refer to (...)
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  23.  25
    Causality from the point of view of the engineer.R. Howard Claudius - 1932 - Philosophical Review 41 (4):399-409.
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    Closing the genotype–phenotype gap: Emerging technologies for evolutionary genetics in ecological model vertebrate systems.Claudius F. Kratochwil & Axel Meyer - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (2):213-226.
    The analysis of genetic and epigenetic mechanisms of the genotype–phenotypic connection has, so far, only been possible in a handful of genetic model systems. Recent technological advances, including next‐generation sequencing methods such as RNA‐seq, ChIP‐seq and RAD‐seq, and genome‐editing approaches including CRISPR‐Cas, now permit to address these fundamental questions of biology also in organisms that have been studied in their natural habitats. We provide an overview of the benefits and drawbacks of these novel techniques and experimental approaches that can now (...)
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  25.  8
    Experience: Implikationen für Mensch, Gesellschaft und Politik: Festschrift für Wolfgang Leidhold.Claudius Mandel, Philipp Thimm & Wolfgang Leidhold (eds.) - 2021 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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    A Handbook of Medical Library Practice. Janet Doe.Claudius Mayer - 1944 - Isis 35 (1):48-51.
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    Notes and Correspondence.Claudius Mayer, George Sarton & E. Dijksterhuis - 1949 - Isis 40 (2):119-122.
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    Introduction to Special Issue SI: Luhmann.Claudius Messner - 2014 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 27 (2):313-324.
    This year marks the 30th anniversary of the publication of Niklas Luhmann’s (1927–1998) magnum opus Soziale Systeme. Grundriss einer allgemeinen Theorie [14]. On the occasion, this Special Issue of the International Journal for the Semiotics of Law celebrates the contribution of Luhmann’s thinking to our understanding of law, justice, and society.Luhmann’s work is wide open for argument. Some consider it the grand unified theory able to completely grasp social reality. Others see nothing but a substantially void conglomeration of analytical constructs (...)
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    Law, Brain, and Society: Enrico Pattaro, The Law and the Right. A Reappraisal of the Reality That Ought to Be Springer, 2007, pp. xxxiii+457.Claudius Messner - 2010 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 23 (1):99-109.
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    Aus gutem Grund: Praśastapādas anumāna-Lehre und die drei Bedingungen des logischen Grundes.Claudius Nenninger - 1992 - Reinbek: Verlag für Orientalische Fachpublikationen.
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    Heideggers Wende zum Deutschen Idealismus. Die Interpretation der »Wissenschaftslehre« von 1794.Claudius Strube - 1997 - Fichte-Studien 13:51-64.
    »Fichte legt alles Gewicht auf den Weg und die Begründung und nicht auf das, was schon ist, als solches, d.h. auf die darin beschlossene Grundfrage, was das ist -- das endliche Ich, das schon ist --, und wie es denn schon ist. Fichte gibt -- und das ist der Grundzug der Metaphysik als Wissenschaftslehre -- der Gewißheit den Vorzug vor der Wahrheit.«.
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    Kritik und Rezeption von,Sein und Zeit' in den ersten Jahren nach seinem Erscheinen.Claudius Strube - 1983 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 9:41-67.
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    Wissenschaft wieder als lebenswelt: Heideggers ursprüngliche Idee einer Universitätsreform.Claudius Strube - 2003 - Heidegger Studies 19:49-64.
  34. Etisk vurdering.Claudius Edward Theodor Wilkens - 1916 - København,: Universitetsbogtrykkeriet (J. H. Schultz a/s).
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    “Living” Law: Performative, Not Discursive. [REVIEW]Claudius Messner - 2012 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 25 (4):537-552.
    This article questions some assumptions in legal, moral and political theory regarding the law’s ways of functioning. As the constant revival of the topos ‘living law’ shows, underlying common models of law, and of the legitimacy of law, is, though often implicitly, the view that law is or should be particular, near to the facts, flexible, susceptible to realities, and as a consequence accessible to modernisations. However, this article proposes an immanent critique of similar hopes or fears, and it argues (...)
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  36. Phänomenologie der Anschauung Und des Ausdrucks Theorie der Philosophischen Begriffsbildung.Martin Heidegger & Claudius Strube - 1993 - Klostermann.
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    Focusing in Wason's selection task: Content and instruction effects.Roberta E. Love & Claudius M. Kessler - 1995 - Thinking and Reasoning 1 (2):153 – 182.
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    Akademgorodok: Building for the Future—and Finding it Does Not Work. [REVIEW]Claudius Gellert - 2000 - Minerva 37 (4):405-415.
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    Space, time and life.Claudius Henricus de Goeje - 1951 - Leiden,: Brill.
  40.  15
    What is time?Claudius Henricus de Goeje - 1949 - Leiden,: Brill.
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    Metaphysisches Fragen: Colloquium über die Grundform des Philosophierens.Paulus Engelhardt & Claudius Strube (eds.) - 2008 - Köln: Böhlau.
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    Aussenpolitik und Politikbegriff bei Carl Schmitt.Claudius R. Köster - 1998 - Neubiberg: Institut für Staatswissenschaften, Universität der Bundeswehr München.
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  43. Natürliche Theologie in der Moralphilosophie und der politischen Ökonomie bei Adam Smith.Claudius Luterbacher-Maineri - 2008 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 55 (2):345-355.
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    Max Webers vergessene Zeitgenossen. Studien zur Genese der Wissenschaftslehre.Gerhard Wagner & Claudius Härpfer (eds.) - 2015 - Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag..
    Max Weber ist ein Klassiker der Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften. Sein Werk gehört weltweit zum Kernbestand von Forschung und Lehre, und dies gilt besonders für seine methodologischen Schriften, denen auch 100 Jahre nach ihrer Publikation nachhaltige Aufmerksamkeit beschieden ist. Allerdings gibt es immer noch kein einvernehmliches Verständnis von Webers Position. Der Grund dafür liegt in der mangelnden Aufarbeitung der Quellen. Viele wichtige Autoren, deren Werke Weber rezipierte, sind in Vergessenheit geraten. Sie in Erinnerung zu rufen, ist dringend notwendig, um seine Wissenschaftslehre (...)
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    Practical Wisdom: Management’s No Longer Forgotten Virtue.Claus Dierksmeier, André Habisch & Claudius Bachmann - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (1):147-165.
    The ancient virtue of practical wisdom has lately been enjoying a remarkable renaissance in management literature. The purpose of this article is to add clarity and bring synergy to the interdisciplinary debate. In a review of the wide-ranging field of the existing literature from a philosophical, theological, psychological, and managerial perspective, we show that, although different in terms of approach, methodologies, and justification, the distinct traditions of research on practical wisdom can indeed complement one another. We suggest a conciliatory conception (...)
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    Managing Tensions in Corporate Sustainability Through a Practical Wisdom Lens.Laura F. Sasse-Werhahn, Claudius Bachmann & André Habisch - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 163 (1):53-66.
    Previous research has underlined the significance of practical wisdom pertaining to corporate sustainability. Recent studies, however, have identified managing opposing but interlocked tensions related to environmental, social, and economic aspects as one of the most crucial future challenges in CS. Therefore, we apply the established link between wisdom and sustainability to the pressing topic of managing tensions in CS. We commence with a literature overview of tensions in sustainability management, which manifests our basic work assumption concerning the need for practical (...)
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  47.  18
    Von der Systemphilosophie zur systematischen Philosophie - Nicolai Hartmann.Gerald Hartung, Matthias Wunsch & Claudius Strube (eds.) - 2012 - De Gruyter.
    Nicolai Hartmann hat philosophische Studien zur Erkenntnistheorie, Ontologie, Ethik, Philosophie des Geistes und Naturphilosophie geschrieben. Die Beiträge des Bandes gehen davon aus, dass seine Arbeit auf all diesen Feldern im Zeichen der Verabschiedung der Systemphilosophie sowie der Begründung einer Konzeption systematischen Philosophierens steht. Im Zentrum von Hartmanns Denken steht das "Kategorienproblem", d. i. die Frage nach den elementaren Strukturen der Wirklichkeit und der menschlichen Erkenntnis. In seinem Bezug auf die philosophische Tradition und seiner Hinwendung zu den Natur- und Sozialwissenschaften unter (...)
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    To what extent are the wishes of a signatory reflected in their advance directive: a qualitative analysis.Friedemann Nauck, Matthias Becker, Claudius King, Lukas Radbruch, Raymond Voltz & Birgit Jaspers - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):52.
    Advance directives (ADs) are assumed to reflect the patients’ preferences, even if these are not clearly expressed. Research into whether this assumption is correct has been lacking. This study explores to what extent ADs reflect the true wishes of the signatories.
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    Ptolemy's Ancient Planetary Observations.Alexander Jones - 2006 - Annals of Science 63 (3):255-290.
    Summary The Almagest of Ptolemy (mid-second century ad) contains eleven dated reports of observations of the positions of planets made during the third century bc in Babylon and Hellenistic Egypt. The present paper investigates the character, purpose, and conventions of the observational programmes from which these reports derive, the channels of their transmission to Ptolemy's time, and the fidelity of Ptolemy's presentation of them. Like the Babylonian observational programme, about which we have considerable knowledge through cuneiform documents, (...)
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    Nicolai Hartmann und die Aufgabe systematischer Philosophie.Gerald Hartung, Matthias Wunsch & Claudius Strube - 2012 - In Gerald Hartung, Matthias Wunsch & Claudius Strube, Von der Systemphilosophie zur systematischen Philosophie - Nicolai Hartmann. De Gruyter. pp. 1-20.
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