Results for ' Conflict (Psychology)'

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  1.  36
    The conflicting psychologies of learning—a way out.C. L. Hull - 1935 - Psychological Review 42 (6):491-516.
  2.  28
    The conflicting psychologies of self-control: A way out?John M. Hinson - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (4):685-686.
  3.  17
    Psychology: a science in conflict.Howard H. Kendler - 1981 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Kendler addresses three basic and interrelated questions that face all psychologists: What is the subject matter of psychology? What are the criteria for understanding psychological events? What ethical principles underlie the use of psychological knowledge? "[The book's] structure.... only hints at the literate and responsible handling of these current issues.... [it] would be enjoyable to use in teaching." --Psychological Report.
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    Psychological and actual group formation: Conflict is neither necessary nor sufficient.Julia Elad-Strenger & Thomas Kessler - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45.
    Conflict is neither necessary nor sufficient for the existence of groups. First, the existence of mutually supporting, rather than antagonistic, interactants is sufficient to constitute a “social group.” Second, conflict does not necessarily mark group boundaries but can also exist within an ingroup. Third, psychological representations of social groups do not only trace, but also perpetuate the existence of groups.
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  5. Conflict and creativity: Reflections on Otto Rank's psychology of art.E. Handler Spitz - 1989 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 23 (3):97-109.
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  6. Emotional conflict and Platonic psychology in the Greek novel.I. Repath - 2007 - In John Robert Morgan & Meriel Jones, Philosophical Presences in the Ancient Novel. Groningen University Library. pp. 53--84.
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  7. Psychology and ethics: Interactions and conflicts.Howard H. Kendler - 2002 - Philosophical Psychology 15 (4):489 – 508.
    The relationship between psychology and ethics is determined by whether psychology is conceptualized as a natural or a human science. If the former, then psychology is incapable of identifying universal moral imperatives because of the fact/value dichotomy that rejects the possibility of logically deriving moral principles or social policies from factual statements. In addition, the inevitability of moral pluralism raises the question as to how natural science methodology can select moral truths or social policies from a variety (...)
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    Conflicts of Interest and Your Physician: Psychological Processes That Cause Unexpected Changes in Behavior.Sunita Sah - 2012 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 40 (3):482-487.
    The medical profession is under a state of increasing scrutiny. Recent high profile scandals regarding substantial industry payments to physicians, surgeons, and medical researchers have raised serious concerns over conflicts of interest. Amidst this background, the public, physicians, and policymakers alike appear to make the same assumption regarding conflicts of interest; that doctors who succumb to influences from industry are making a deliberate choice of self-interest over professionalism and that these doctors are corrupt. In reality, a myriad of evidence from (...)
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  9. Ecological Psychology and Enactivism: Perceptually-Guided Action vs. Sensation-Based Enaction1.Catherine Read & Agnes Szokolszky - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:532803.
    Ecological Psychology and Enactivism both challenge representationist cognitive science, but the two approaches have only begun to engage in dialogue. Further conceptual clarification is required in which differences are as important as common ground. This paper enters the dialogue by focusing on important differences. After a brief account of the parallel histories of Ecological Psychology and Enactivism, we cover incompatibility between them regarding their theories of sensation and perception. First, we show how and why in ecological theory perception (...)
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    Revisiting the form and function of conflict: Neurobiological, psychological, and cultural mechanisms for attack and defense within and between groups.Carsten K. W. De Dreu & Jörg Gross - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42:e116.
    Conflict can profoundly affect individuals and their groups. Oftentimes, conflict involves a clash between one side seeking change and increased gains through victory and the other side defending the status quo and protecting against loss and defeat. However, theory and empirical research largely neglected these conflicts between attackers and defenders, and the strategic, social, and psychological consequences of attack and defense remain poorly understood. To fill this void, we model (1) the clashing of attack and defense as games (...)
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    The psychology of modern conflict: evolutionary theory, human nature and a liberal approach to war.Kenneth Payne - 2015 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    What does modern warfare, as fought by liberal societies, have in common with our human evolution? This study posits an important relationship between the two we have evolved to fight, and traditional hunter-gatherer societies were often violent places. But we also evolved to cooperate, to feel empathy and to behave altruistically towards others.
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  12. Silencing, Psychological Conflict, and the Distinction Between Virtue and Self-Control.Matthew C. Haug - 2022 - The Journal of Ethics 26 (1):93-114.
    According to many virtue ethicists, one of Aristotle’s important achievements was drawing a clear, qualitative distinction between the character traits of temperance and self-control. In an influential series of papers, John McDowell has argued that a clear distinction between temperance and self-control can be maintained only if one claims that, for the virtuous individual, considerations in favor of actions that are contrary to virtue are “silenced.” Some virtue ethicists reject McDowell’s silencing view as offering an implausible or inappropriate picture of (...)
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  13. Psychological Types.C. G. Jung & H. Godwin Baynes - 1923 - Journal of Philosophy 20 (23):636-640.
    _Psychological Types_ is one of Jung's most important and most famous works. First published by Routledge in the early 1920s it appeared after Jung's so-called fallow period, during which he published little, and it is perhaps the first significant book to appear after his own confrontation with the unconscious. It is the book that introduced the world to the terms 'extravert' and 'introvert'. Though very much associated with the unconscious, in _Psychological Types_ Jung shows himself to be a supreme theorist (...)
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  14. The conflict of evolutionary psychology.Paul Sheldon Davies - 1999 - In Valerie Gray Hardcastle, Where Biology Meets Psychology: Philosophical Essays. MIT Press.
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  15. Conflict and conflict resolution, social psychology of.D. G. Pruitt - 2001 - In Neil J. Smelser & Paul B. Baltes, International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier. pp. 2531--34.
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  16.  12
    The Psychological Pathway to Suicide Attempts: A Strategy of Control Without Awareness.Vanessa G. Macintyre, Warren Mansell, Daniel Pratt & Sara J. Tai - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    ObjectivesThis paper aims to identify potential areas for refinement in existing theoretical models of suicide, and introduce a new integrative theoretical framework for understanding suicide, that could inform such refinements.MethodsLiterature on existing theoretical models of suicide and how they contribute to understanding psychological processes involved in suicide was evaluated in a narrative review. This involved identifying psychological processes associated with suicide. Current understanding of these processes is discussed, and suggestions for integration of the existing literature are offered.ResultsExisting approaches to understanding (...)
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  17.  44
    Resolving A Few Conflicts in Evolutionary Psychology with Cognitive Fluidity.Robert Arp - 2007 - Southwest Philosophy Review 23 (1):105-115.
  18.  34
    Conflicting and Convergent Trends in Psychological Theory1.Carl F. Graumann - 1970 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 1 (1):51-61.
  19.  9
    Commentary : psychologically naive assumptions about the perils of conflicts of interest.Dale T. Miller - 2005 - In Don A. Moore, Conflicts of interest: challenges and solutions in business, law, medicine, and public policy. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 126.
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    Ethical conflicts in psychology (book).Norman Abeles - 1996 - Ethics and Behavior 6 (1):71 – 74.
  21.  18
    Psychological Types.Carl Gustav Jung - 1956 - Routledge.
    _Psychological Types_ is one of Jung's most important and most famous works. First published by Routledge in the early 1920s it appeared after Jung's so-called fallow period, during which he published little, and it is perhaps the first significant book to appear after his own confrontation with the unconscious. It is the book that introduced the world to the terms 'extravert' and 'introvert'. Though very much associated with the unconscious, in _Psychological Types_ Jung shows himself to be a supreme theorist (...)
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  22. Continence, temperance, and motivational conflict: Why traditional neo-Aristotelian accounts are psychologically unrealistic.Matthew C. Haug - 2022 - Philosophical Psychology 35 (2):205-225.
    Traditional neo-Aristotelian accounts hold that temperance and continence are distinct character traits that are distinguished by the extent to which their bearers experience motivational conflict. In this paper, I formulate two pairs of necessary conditions—which, collectively, I call the conformity thesis—that articulate this distinction. Then, drawing on work in contemporary social and personality psychology, I argue that the conformity thesis is false. Being highly self-controlled is the best, psychologically realistic candidate for continence. However, our best evidence suggests that (...)
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  23.  16
    The Moral Psychology of Internal Conflict: Value, Meaning, and the Enactive Mind.Ralph D. Ellis - 2017 - Cambridge University Press.
    Pushing back against the potential trivialization of moral psychology that would reduce it to emotional preferences, this book takes an enactivist, self-organizational, and hermeneutic approach to internal conflict between a basic exploratory drive motivating the search for actual truth, and opposing incentives to confabulate in the interest of conformity, authoritarianism, and cognitive dissonance, which often can lead to harmful worldviews. The result is a new possibility that ethical beliefs can have truth value and are not merely a result (...)
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  24.  43
    The moral psychology of conflicts of interest: Insights from affective neuroscience.Paul Thagard - 2007 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 24 (4):367–380.
    abstract This paper is an investigation of the moral psychology of decisions that involve a conflict of interest. It draws on the burgeoning field of affective neuroscience, which is the study of the neurobiology of emotional systems in the brain. I show that a recent neurocomputational model of how the brain integrates cognitive and affective information in decision‐making can help to answer some important descriptive and normative questions about the moral psychology of conflicts of interest. These questions (...)
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  25.  35
    Jesus, psychological type and conflict: A study in biblical hermeneutics applying the reader perspective and SIFT approach to Mark 11:11–21. [REVIEW]Leslie J. Francis & Tania Ap Siôn - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (4).
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  26.  39
    Psychological conflict and human nature: The case of behaviourism and cognition.Hugh M. Lacey - 1980 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 10 (3):131–156.
    A reasonable choice between Skinner's and Chomsky's theories requires reference to a conception of human nature. It is explained in detail why this is so, in the context of an analysis of what it is to ‘choose’ a theory. This account helps to explain the unity and coherence of the science, methodology, conception of science, object of scientific inquiry and views towards control of each of Skinner and Chomsky, and thereby explains the chasm which separates the parties to their respective (...)
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    Psychological analysis of intrapersonal conflict in secondary school students.Zoriana Kovalchuk - 2017 - Science and Education: Academic Journal of Ushynsky University 17 (3):73-77.
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  28. A Conflict in Common-Sense Moral Psychology.Aaron Z. Zimmerman - 2009 - Utilitas 21 (4):401-423.
    Ordinary thinking about morality and rationality is inconsistent. To arrive at a view of morality that is as faithful to common thought as consistency will allow we must admit that it is not always irrational to knowingly act against the weight of reasons.
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  29.  7
    Pioneer in Peace Psychology: Milton Schwebel: A Special Issue of Peace and Conflict.Richard V. Wagner (ed.) - 2004 - Psychology Press.
    This issue is the first in a projected series of issues devoted to the contributions of pioneers in the field of peace psychology, starting with _Peace and Conflict_ Founding Editor, Milton Schwebel. This inaugural issue presents not only portions of the interview with Schwebel, but a brief resumé and representative publications for each decade, 1940-2000. It continues with statements from three of his colleagues providing accounts of his importance to them. Then, a paper dealing with the moral development of (...)
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  30.  14
    Resolving A Few Conflicts in Evolutionary Psychology with Cognitive Fluidity.Dave Beisecker - 2007 - Southwest Philosophy Review 23 (1):105-115.
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  31.  6
    Asian Peace Psychology: A Special Issue of Peace and Conflict.Richard V. Wagner (ed.) - 2003 - Psychology Press.
    These six articles place conflicts in Asia within the context of peace psychology, catalogues the diversity of conflicts in Asia, describes the inspiring success Philippine citizens have had in effecting drastic change in political leadership through nonviolent protest, and examines stereotypes in Sino-Japanese relations. Research on two extremist groups in Pakistan-one endorsing and one not endorsing violent confrontation is then examined. The concluding article contributes to the argument that Asia can provide novel examples of conflict that broaden our (...)
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  32.  19
    The moral psychology of the puppet conflict and agreement in Plato's laws.José Antonio Giménez Salinas - 2019 - Ideas Y Valores 68 (171):137-159.
    RESUMEN El trabajo presenta un modelo de psicología moral a partir del análisis del libro primero de las Leyes de Platón y, en particular, de la imagen de la marioneta. Entre los intérpretes contemporáneos se debate sobre si esta imagen compromete una comprensión de la templanza como "victoria" sobre los placeres o si más bien respalda una comprensión de esta virtud como "acuerdo" entre estos y la razón. Para responder a esta cuestión, se recurrirá a la psicología bipartita del Filebo. (...)
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  33. On the conflicts between biological and social evolution and between psychology and moral tradition.Donald T. Campbell - 1976 - Zygon 11 (3):167-208.
  34.  16
    Positive Psychology Interventions as an Opportunity in Arab Countries to Promoting Well-Being.Asma A. Basurrah, Mohammed Al-Haj Baddar & Zelda Di Blasi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:793608.
    Positive Psychology Interventions as an Opportunity in Arab Countries to Promoting Well-being AbstractIn this perspective paper, we emphasize the importance of further research on culturally-sensitive positive psychology interventions in the Arab region. We argue that these interventions are needed in the region because they not only reduce mental health problems but also promote well-being and flourishing. To achieve this, we shed light on the cultural elements of the Arab region and how the concept of well-being differs from that (...)
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  35.  15
    The Effect of Psychological Capital and Role Conflict on the Academic Entrepreneurial Intents of Chinese Teachers in Higher Education: A Study Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior.Kai Liao, Ziyang Liu & Bing Li - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Because academic entrepreneurship is an innovation driving force in China’s economy, teachers are key knowledge creators in the process of entrepreneurship. Therefore, it is particularly important to give attention to the individual psychological mechanism factors at play in the process of teachers in higher education academic entrepreneurship. The purpose of this study is to identify individual psychological capital and role conflict issues among university teachers in China. To accomplish this aim, we investigated the emergence of positive academic entrepreneurial intents, (...)
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  36. Bounded ethicality as a psychological barrier to recognizing conflicts of interest.Dolly Chugh, Max H. Bazerman & Mahzarin R. Banaji - 2005 - In Don A. Moore, Conflicts of interest: challenges and solutions in business, law, medicine, and public policy. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  37.  60
    The Philosophy of Psychology.George Botterill & Peter Carruthers - 1999 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Peter Carruthers.
    What is the relationship between common-sense, or 'folk', psychology and contemporary scientific psychology? Are they in conflict with one another? Or do they perform quite different, though perhaps complementary, roles? George Botterill and Peter Carruthers discuss these questions, defending a robust form of realism about the commitments of folk psychology and about the prospects for integrating those commitments into natural science. Their focus throughout the book is on the ways in which cognitive science presents a challenge (...)
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  38.  12
    Psychological science and Christian faith: insights and enrichments from constructive dialogue.Malcolm A. Jeeves - 2018 - West Conshohocken, PA: Templeton Press. Edited by Thomas E. Ludwig.
    Resetting the agenda -- The conflict motif in historical perspective -- From conflict to concordism -- Integration under the microscope : historical perspective -- Integration : contemporary views -- Insights from n neuropsychology : an overview -- Insights from neuropsychology about spirituality -- Insights about conversion, morality, wisdom, and memory -- Insights from evolutionary psychology -- Insights about human needs and motivation -- Social psychology and faith : stories of conflict, concordism, and authentic congruence (by (...)
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    Psychology and Philosophy.Gary Hatfield - 2010 - In Dean Moyar, The Routledge Companion to Nineteenth Century Philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 522-53.
    This chapter first discusses psychology in the eighteenth century as the background to nineteenth-century psychology. It then recounts developments within German psychology, British psychology, evolutionary psychology, and American psychology, followed by a discussion of introspective methods in the laboratory. The final three sections discuss conflicting opinions on the existence of unconscious mental states, review relations between philosophy and psychology, and survey the state of psychology in the early twentieth century.
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  40.  7
    Millennium Issue Ii: Psychological Contributions to Building Cultures of Peace.: A Special Issue of Peace and Conflict.Abelardo Brenes & Michael G. Wessells (eds.) - 2001 - Psychology Press.
    To build cultures of peace, one must often lay aside the "expert" label and become a student in the world who is willing to learn from other cultures in pursuit of peace. To set up an intercultural dialogue on this topic, the Committee for the Psychological Study of Peace, in conjunction with the University for Peace and the Institute for Psychological Research of the University of Costa Rica, sponsored the 6th International Symposium on the Contribution of Psychology to Peace. (...)
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  41.  20
    Work-Family Conflict Impact on Psychological Safety and Psychological Well-Being: A Job Performance Model.Bojan Obrenovic, Akmal du JianguoKhudaykulov & Muhammad Aamir Shafique Khan - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  42.  89
    Folk psychology as theory or practice? The case for eliminative materialism.John M. Preston - 1989 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 32 (3):277-303.
    One foundation of Eliminative Materialism is the claim that the totality of our ordinary resources for explaining and predicting behaviour, ?Folk Psychology?, constitutes a theoretical scheme, potentially in conflict with other theories of behaviour. Recent attacks upon this claim, as well as the defence by Paul Churchland, are examined and found to be lacking in a suitably realistic conception of theory. By finding such a conception, and by correctly identifying the level of conceptual structures within which Folk (...) is located, the original claim is reinforced. (shrink)
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  43.  5
    Child psychology from Vienna to London: Charlotte Bühler, concepts of childhood, and parenting advice in interwar Britain.Katharina Rowold - 2025 - History of the Human Sciences 38 (1):3-25.
    This article investigates an overlooked aspect of the life and work of the Viennese child psychologist Charlotte Bühler. Known for directing a department of child psychology at the Vienna Psychological Institute, Bühler intermittently lived in London from 1934 until her emigration to the United States in 1940. There she established a wide network of connections in the fields of child psychology and progressive education, provided training to several child psychologists, opened a child guidance centre, and dispensed advice in (...)
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  44.  31
    Psychological ownership: Actors' and observers' perspectives.Carey K. Morewedge & Liad Weiss - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e344.
    Psychological ownership may be judged differently or similarly for self and others. Potential differences in how ownership is evaluated by actors and observers raise important questions about the concept of ownership (what is Mine, Ours, and Theirs) and how to resolve conflicting perceptions.
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  45.  18
    Analysis of internal processes of conflict behavior among Iranian rangeland exploiters: Application of environmental psychology.Latif Haji & Dariush Hayati - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:957760.
    Conflicts over rangeland exploitation have been a serious challenge in Iran, rooted in human behavior. Accordingly, this study aimed to provide a comprehensive theoretical framework in the field of analyzing conflict behavior among rangeland exploiters. This research is a descriptive-correlational and causal-relational study conducted using a cross-sectional survey. The statistical population of the study was rangeland exploiters in one of the northwest provinces of Iran (N= 66,867) of whom 384 people were selected as a sample and stratified random sampling (...)
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    Humanistic psychology as "the other": The marginalization of dissident voices within academic institutions.Scott D. Churchill - 1997 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 17 (2):137-149.
    Explores both the place and displacement of humanistic psychology within institutional contexts ranging from private liberal arts colleges to professional organizations like the American Psychological Association. First, from the perspective of social constructionism, we present the function and marginalization of humanistic psychologists within American academic psychology. Next we consider, from the perspective of A. Schutz's social phenomenology, humanistic psychology's place within academic psychology as "the stranger," both in terms of the fundamental incongruence of "traditional" versus "humanistic" (...)
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  47.  24
    Moral licensing effect of work engagement: The role of psychological entitlement and relationship conflict with supervisors.Lianghua Zhang & Yongli Wang - 2025 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 34 (2):423-436.
    Given the importance of work engagement for organizations and the almost unified and steadfast understanding of its benefits, it is imperative to investigate the potential downside of work engagement to prevent unexpected damage. However, there has been relatively little research on its negative impacts. Drawing on the moral licensing theory, this study identifies the potential negative effects of work engagement by exploring the mediating role of psychological entitlement. An online experiment and a survey are conducted to test the theoretical model. (...)
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  48.  48
    Kant’s Moral Psychology: Resolving Conflict between Happiness and Morality.Anne Margaret Baxley - 2021 - In Camilla Serck-Hanssen & Beatrix Himmelmann, The Court of Reason: Proceedings of the 13th International Kant Congress. De Gruyter. pp. 1375-1386.
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    Adorno and Horkheimer’s collective psychology.Benjamin Lamb-Books - 2013 - Thesis Eleven 117 (1):40-54.
    This article demonstrates how Adorno and Horkheimer’s turn to psychoanalytic concepts like sublimation and intra-psychic conflict strengthened critical theory. The piecemeal collective psychology they produced was used to understand fascism and anti-Semitism. But the full significance of these psychoanalytic explanations was concealed by Adorno, who elsewhere denied the possibility of psychology proper after the death of the individual. Adorno and Horkheimer’s underhanded borrowing from psychoanalysis for social analysis had the effect of filtering collective psychology through the (...)
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    The psychological experience of “We”: alienation, community and engagement in Being and Nothingness.Sylvia Mara Pires de Freitas - 2024 - ARGUMENTOS - Revista de Filosofia 31:74-85.
    The article addresses the psychological experience of the "We" developed in Being and Nothingness (BN), and how it resonates within the social dynamics of Critique of Dialectical Reason (CDR). It is problematized about which "We" is spoken in the condition of Being-with. In BN, Sartre demonstrates that the foundation of human relationships is conflict, as being-with-others is rooted in being-for-others. This, therefore, reflects on the impossibility of psychological experiences of the Us-object and We-subject to support alienation and engagement. We (...)
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