Results for ' DEAD'

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  1. We acknowledge with thanks receipt of the following titles. Inclusion in this list neither implies nor precludes subsequent.Deadly Sin - 2007 - Studies in Christian Ethics 20:157-160.
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  2. Uncorrected proofs-Nov. 11, 2010.Queer Consolation & Boy in Statius’ Melior’S. Dead - 2010 - American Journal of Philology 131:663-697.
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  3. (1 other version)The radioactive wolf, pieing and the goddess "Fashion".Raymond Geuss, Dada is Dead Adrian Ghenie, Nickelodeon & the Black Camisole Chantal Joffe - 2014 - In Damien Freeman & Derek Matravers (eds.), Figuring Out Figurative Art: Contemporary Philosophers on Contemporary Paintings. New York: Acumen Publishing.
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  4. Considering De-Extinction: Zombie Arguments and the Walking (And Flying and Swimming) Dead.Eric Katz - 2022 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 25 (2):81-103.
    De-extinction raises anew ontological and epistemological problems that have engaged environmental philosophers for decades. This essay re-examines these issues to provide a fuller understanding—and a critique—of de-extinction. One of my claims is that de-extinction as a philosophical problem merely recycles old issues and debates in the field (hence, “zombie” arguments). De-extinction is a project that arises out of the assertion of human domination of the natural world. Thus the acceptance of de-extinction as an environmental policy is an expression of a (...)
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  5. How the Polls Can Be Both Spot On and Dead Wrong: Using Choice Blindness to Shift Political Attitudes and Voter Intentions.Lars Hall, Thomas Strandberg, Philip Pärnamets, Andreas Lind, Betty Tärning & Petter Johansson - 2013 - PLoS ONE 8 (4):e60554. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.
    Political candidates often believe they must focus their campaign efforts on a small number of swing voters open for ideological change. Based on the wisdom of opinion polls, this might seem like a good idea. But do most voters really hold their political attitudes so firmly that they are unreceptive to persuasion? We tested this premise during the most recent general election in Sweden, in which a left- and a right-wing coalition were locked in a close race. We asked our (...)
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    Race models and analogy theories: A dead heat? Reply to Seidenberg.Dennis Norris & Gordon Brown - 1985 - Cognition 20 (2):155-168.
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  7. Dead Past, Ad hocness, and Zombies.Ernesto Graziani - 2024 - Acta Analytica (3):1-14.
    The Dead Past Growing Block theory of time—DPGB-theory—is the metaphysical view that the past and the present tenselessly exist, whereas the future does not, and that only the present hosts mentality, whereas the past lacks it and is, in this sense, dead. One main reason in favour of this view is that it is immune to the now-now objection or epistemic objection (which aims at undermining the certainty, within an A-theoretical universe, of being currently experiencing the objective present (...)
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    Dead Wrong: The Ethics of Posthumous Harm.David Boonin - 2019 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    It is possible for an act to wrongfully harm a person, even if that person is dead. David Boonin explains the puzzle of posthumous harm and examines its ethical implications for such issues as posthumous organ removal, posthumous publication of private documents, damage to graves, and posthumous punishment.
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    “Love is only between living beings who are equal in power”: On what is alive (and what is dead) in Hegel's account of marriage.Gal Katz - 2018 - European Journal of Philosophy 28 (1):93-109.
    The paper develops a conception of marital love as a complex recognitive relation, which I articulate by juxtaposing it against other recognitive relations that figure in Hegel's theory of modern civil society (i.e., respect and esteem). Drawing on Hegel's early writings, I argue that, if love is to provide its unique sort of recognition, it must obtain between “living beings who are equal in power”—a peculiar form of equality that I name (drawing on Stanley Cavell's work) “dynamic equality.” I conclude (...)
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  10. Introduction: Giorgio Agamben and the politics of the living dead.Andrew Norris - 2005 - In Politics, Metaphysics, and Death: Essays on Giorgio Agamben’s Homo Sacer. Durham: Duke University Press.
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    What is living and what is dead of the philosophy of Hegel.Benedetto Croce - 1915 - New York: Garland. Edited by Douglas Ainslie.
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    On the Resurrection of the Dead: A New Metaphysics of Afterlife for Christian Thought.James T. Turner - 2018 - London: Routledge.
    Christian tradition has largely held three affirmations on the resurrection of the physical body. Firstly, that bodily resurrection is not a superfluous hope of afterlife. Secondly, there is immediate post-mortem existence in Paradise. Finally, there is numerical identity between pre-mortem and post-resurrection human beings. The same tradition also largely adheres to a robust doctrine of The Intermediate State, a paradisiacal disembodied state of existence following the biological death of a human being. This book argues that these positions are in fact (...)
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    The Dead Donor Rule: Should We Stretch It, Bend It, or Abandon It?Robert M. Arnold & Stuart J. Youngner - 1993 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 3 (2):263-278.
    The dead donor rule—that persons must be dead before their organs are taken—is a central part of the moral framework underlying organ procurement. Efforts to increase the pool of transplantable organs have been forced either to redefine death (e.g., anencephaly) or take advantage of ambiguities in the current definition of death (e.g., the Pittsburgh protocol). Society's growing acceptance of circumstances in which health care professionals can hasten a patient's death also may weaken the symbolic importance of the (...) donor rule. We consider the implications of these efforts to continually revise the line between life and death and ask whether it would be preferable to abandon the dead donor rule and rely entirely on informed consent as a safeguard against abuse. (shrink)
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    Are inequalities between us and the dead intergenerationally unjust?Axel Gosseries - 2019 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 22 (3):284-300.
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    Chaos control of uncertain time-delay chaotic systems with input dead-zone nonlinearity.Ming-Chang Pai - 2016 - Complexity 21 (3):13-20.
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  16. Do Not Disturb? Archaeology and the Rights of the Dead.Paul Bahn - 1984 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 1 (2):213-225.
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    Why ‘Negative Control’ is a Dead End: A Reply to Mainz and Uhrenfeldt.Lauritz Aastrup Munch - 2021 - Res Publica 27 (4):661-667.
    Mainz and Uhrenfeldt have recently claimed that a violation of the right to privacy can be defined successfully under reliance on the notion of ‘Negative Control’. In this reply, I show that ‘Negative Control’ is unrelated to privacy right violations. It follows that control theorists have yet to put forth a successful normative account of privacy.
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    Terminating the pregnancy of a brain-dead mother: Does a fetus have a right to life? The law in South Africa.David Jan McQuoid-Mason - 2014 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 7 (2):44.
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    Beyond the Living and the Dead.Karl Ameriks - 2019 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 40 (1):33-61.
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    What is Living and What is Dead in Brave New World.Mark Walker - 2013 - In Happy-People-Pills for All. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 19–40.
    This chapter starts with a brief summary of Huxley's fictional dystopia Brave New World. Huxley's work is relevant in terms of its philosophical treatment of the issues and irrelevant in terms of a technological prophecy. Soma is the happy pill of Brave New World. The main theme of bioconservatives who cite Brave New World as an objection to happy‐people‐pills is that turning our world into Brave New World would involve a catastrophic loss of the higher aspects of our humanity. If (...)
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    Introduction: Giorgio Agamben and the Politics of the Living Dead.Andrew Norris - 2005 - In Politics, Metaphysics, and Death: Essays on Giorgio Agamben’s Homo Sacer. Durham: Duke University Press. pp. 1-30.
  22.  11
    ‘Those who Die for Life Cannot be Called Dead:’1 Women and Human Rights Protest in Latin America.Jennifer G. Schirmer - 1989 - Feminist Review 32 (1):3-29.
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  23. Economics of NHS Cost-Saving and its Morality on the 'Living-Dead'.Emerson Abraham Jackson - forthcoming - Journal of Heterodox Economics.
    This article was championed in view of the notion of (perceived) economic rationalisation which seem to be the foremost of patients' care in the NHS as opposed to addressing distress to their existing well-being, while in a state of being tormented with agonising news of prolonged ill health. Serious consideration is given to addressing the need to rationalise resources in ensuring the long standing history of the NHS' free health care is critically addressed, but not in a way that destroys (...)
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    “What is living and What is Dead” in materialism?John H. Zammito - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 67:89-96.
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  25. The dead donor rule, voluntary active euthanasia, and capital punishment.Christian Coons & Noah Levin - 2009 - Bioethics 25 (5):236-243.
    We argue that the dead donor rule, which states that multiple vital organs should only be taken from dead patients, is justified neither in principle nor in practice. We use a thought experiment and a guiding assumption in the literature about the justification of moral principles to undermine the theoretical justification for the rule. We then offer two real world analogues to this thought experiment, voluntary active euthanasia and capital punishment, and argue that the moral permissibility of terminating (...)
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    The Dead Donor Rule.John A. Robertson - 1999 - Hastings Center Report 29 (6):6.
    The scarcity of vital organs has prompted several calls to either modify the dead donor rule or interpret it more broadly. Given its symbolic importance, however, the rule should be changed only cautiously.
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    Out of the Cave: A Philosophical Inquiry into the Dead Sea Scrolls Research.Edna Ullmann-Margalit - 2006 - Harvard University Press.
    Looking at the Essene connection, the archaeology of Qumran, and the sectarian nature of the scrolls community, this work explores the different arenas, and ways, in which contesting theories of the scrolls do battle. In this context, it finds examples that exercise philosophers of science as well as the general public.
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  28. Deadly vices.Gabriele Taylor - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Gabriele Taylor presents a philosophical investigation of the "ordinary" vices traditionally seen as "death to the soul": sloth, envy, avarice, pride, anger, lust, and gluttony. In the course of a richly detailed discussion of individual and interrelated vices, which complements recent work by moral philosophers on virtue, she shows why these "deadly sins" are correctly so named and grouped together.
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    A place for the animal dead: Pets, pet cemeteries and animal ethics in late Victorian Britain.Philip Howell - 2002 - Ethics, Place and Environment 5 (1):5 – 22.
    The recent 'animal turn' in geography has contributed to a critical examination of the inseparable geographies of human and non-human animals, and has a clear ethical dimension. This paper is intended to explore these same ethical issues through a consideration of the historical geography of petkeeping as this relates to the death and commemoration of favourite household animals. The emergence of the pet cemetery, towards the end of the 19th century, is a significant step in itself, but this was only (...)
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    Is the Spiritual Formation Movement Dead?Steven L. Porter - 2015 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 8 (1):2-7.
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    Newell's program, like Hilbert's, is dead; let's move on.Yingrui Yang & Selmer Bringsjord - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (5):627-627.
    We draw an analogy between Hilbert's program (HP) for mathematics and Newell's program (NP) for cognitive modeling. The analogy reveals that NP, like HP before it, is fundamentally flawed. The only alternative is a program anchored by an admission that cognition is more than computation.
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  32. The Dead Donor Rule: Can It Withstand Critical Scrutiny?F. G. Miller, R. D. Truog & D. W. Brock - 2010 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 35 (3):299-312.
    Transplantation of vital organs has been premised ethically and legally on "the dead donor rule" (DDR)—the requirement that donors are determined to be dead before these organs are procured. Nevertheless, scholars have argued cogently that donors of vital organs, including those diagnosed as "brain dead" and those declared dead according to cardiopulmonary criteria, are not in fact dead at the time that vital organs are being procured. In this article, we challenge the normative rationale for (...)
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  33. The Resurgence of Pre-Indo- European Elements in the Western Medieval Cult of the Dead.Maurice Broëns & Wells Chamberlin - 1960 - Diogenes 8 (30):75-103.
    Most of Europe's indigenous myths are divided into two large traditional currents, one common to all of the conquering peoples who came down from the North during the two millenniums which preceded our era, the other inherited from more or less confused Alpine and Mediterranean substrata. This proposed classification, debatable perhaps because it is too schematic, has become such a classic that we no longer need to show the abundant arguments on which it is based. But it does explain so (...)
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    Glimpses from the Past: Michael Wertheimer dead at 95.Lothar Spillmann - 2023 - Gestalt Theory 45 (1-2):13-15.
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    Kenneth V. Iserson. Death to Dust: What Happens to Dead Bodies?.Charles Weijer - unknown
  36. 17. Benedetto Croce. What Is Living and What Is Dead in the Philosophy of Hegel.Rebecca Copenhaver & Brian P. A. Copenhaver - 2012 - In Rebecca Copenhaver & Brian P. A. Copenhaver (eds.), From Kant to Croce: Modern Philosophy in Italy, 1800-1950. University of Toronto Press. pp. 533-641.
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    Types of Rubrics in the Egyptian Book of the Dead.T. George Allen - 1936 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 56 (2):145-154.
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  38. The present absence of desire in a dead body.Ph D. Andrea Celenza - 2019 - In Stephanie Brody & Frances Arnold (eds.), Psychoanalytic perspectives on women and their experience of desire, ambition and leadership. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Resolving the interfaith conflict over burial preparation: Who has the right to bury the dead?Ansori Ansori, Karimatul Khasanah & Mohamad Sobirin - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1):7.
    The body of the deceased is not an object but still a person. It deserves to be treated respectfully, and often this respect is expressed through religious rites. However, problems arise when the family of the deceased follow different faiths and disagree over the burial rite. Such a scenario is examined in this study where the immediate family of the deceased professed different faiths and could not agree on the burial rites to be performed. This research is intended to examine (...)
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  40. Josephus' Description of the Essenes Illustrated by the Dead Sea Scrolls.Todd S. Beall - 1988
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  41. Religious epistemology and the history of the Dead Sea scrolls community.Shane Berg - 2011 - In John Joseph Collins & Daniel C. Harlow (eds.), The "other" in Second Temple Judaism: essays in honor of John J. Collins. Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co..
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    New Testament Textual Criticism is dead! Long live New Testament Textual Criticism!J. Eugene Botha - 2007 - HTS Theological Studies 63 (2).
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    Case study: Research with brain-dead children.Ronald Carson - 1981 - Journal of Medical Humanities 3 (1):50-53.
    The esophageal obturator airway is a device used throughout the United States to facilitate artificial respiration of critically ill patients who are not hospitalized. Its use is restricted to persons who are over 15 years old because obturators for children are not available. A protocol submitted to an institutional review board intended to develop EOAs suitable for use in children. The investigators proposed to perform preliminary testing of these devices on children who had sustained irreversible loss of brain function. In (...)
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    Dying as supreme opportunity: A comparison of Plato's "phaedo" and "the tibetan book of the dead".Maurice Cohen - 1976 - Philosophy East and West 26 (3):317-327.
  45. The Scepter and the Star: The Messiahs of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Other Ancient Literature.John J. Collins - 1995
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    4. All Human Beings and Animals Are Inside Ethics: Reflections on Cognitive Disability and the Dead.Alice Crary - 2016 - In Inside Ethics: On the Demands of Moral Thought. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. pp. 121-164.
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    Categorical perception of speech: A largely dead horse, surpassingly well kicked.Robert G. Crowder - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (4):760-760.
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    (META-PHILOSOPHY) PHILOSOPHY's GHOST Dead Discipline Walking.Ulrich De Balbian - 2017 - Oxford: Academic Publishers.
    I have been working on meta-philosophy for quite some time and was pleasantly surprised to encounter, mid-May 2017, someone who shares this commitment (apart from his many other interests and specializations) for very similar reasons as my own. He is Dr Desh Ray Sirswal from India and one of his numerous websites, blogs, journals, etc is - I let him speak for himself. “My objective is to achieve an intellectual detachment from all philosophical systems, and not to solve specific (...)
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    Biblical Studies: Why Beat a Dead Horse?Hans Derks - 2010 - The European Legacy 15 (2):233-236.
  50. One monk, one donkey, one dead man : contexts for a homicide in a tenth-century Sahagún Charter.Julio Escalona - 2023 - In Isabel Alfonso Antón, José M. Andrade & André Evangelista Marques (eds.), Records and processes of dispute settlement in early medieval societies: Iberia and beyond. Boston: Brill.
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