Results for ' Efficiency of Mind'

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  1.  36
    Efficiency of mind mapping for the development of speaking skills in students of non-linguistic study fields.Nataliia Orlova - 2017 - Science & Education 26 (6):151-161.
    Teaching the art of profession-related communication to students of non-linguistic study fields allows instructors to explain their students how to keep up the conversation using facts, data, concepts etc. specific to the area of their future profession. It activates the acquisition processes as well as increases students' motivation to study. The formation of oral monologue speaking skills in students of non-linguistic study fields is one of the tasks within the course of Foreign ( English) Language for Specific Purposes.This process is (...)
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    Different efficiencies of attentional orienting in different wandering minds.Nantu Hu, Sheng He & Baihua Xu - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):139-148.
    This study examined the relations between properties of attentional networks and Mind Wandering across individuals. For the attentional networks, we measured three components of attention, known as alerting, orienting, and executive control, using the Attention Network Test . To investigate MW, we measured thought probes embedded in the Sustained Attention to Response Task . Moreover, four performance characteristics of the SART were calculated as behavioral indices of MW. Three of them showed significant associations with probed MW. Most research regarding (...)
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    Peace of Mind and Organizational Citizenship Behavior.Vanchai Ariyabuddhiphongs & Atiwat Pratchawittayagorn - 2014 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 36 (2):233-252.
    A Thai company organizes a weekly sermon and meditation session for its clients and members. We hypothesized that vipassana meditation's positive effects in work would be manifested in peace of mind, loving kindness, and organizational citizenship behavior, that peace of mind would predict OCB, and that loving kindness would mediate the relationship of peace of mind to OCB. Peace of mind is operationally defined as the experience of inner peace and harmony; loving kindness as the thoughts, (...)
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    Causal Efficiency of Intentional Acts.Maria A. Sekatskaya - 2020 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 57 (1):79-95.
    Willusionists claim that recent developments in psychology and neuroscience demonstrate that consciousness is causally inefficient [Carruthers, 2007; Eagleman, 2012; Wegner, 2002]. In section 1, I show that willusionists provide two types of evidence: first, evidence that we do not always know the causes of our actions; second, evidence that we lack introspective awareness of the causal efficiency of our intentional acts.In section 2, I analyze the first type of evidence. Recent research in the field of social psychology has shown (...)
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    The problem of mind-body interaction and the causal principle of Descartes’s Third Meditation.Dmytro Sepetyi - 2021 - Sententiae 40 (1):28-43.
    The article analyses recent English publications in Cartesian studies that deal with two problems: (1) the problem of the intrinsic coherence of Descartes’s doctrine of the real distinction and interaction between mind and body and (2) the problem of the consistency of this doctrine with the causal principle formulated in the Third Meditation. The principle at issue is alternatively interpreted by different Cartesian scholars either as the Hierarchy Principle, that the cause should be at least as perfect as its (...)
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    Two systems of mind reading? A critical analysis of the two-systems theory.Anyerson Stiths Gómez Tabares - 2023 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 37 (3):331-355.
    Apperly and Butterfill's (2009) hold that there are two cognitive mind-reading systems. System 1(S1) is fast, automatic and inflexible, whereas system 2 (S2) is reflective, flexible and slow. This paper presents and discusses two central assumptions of this theory: the independence of S1 and S2 and the encapsulation of S1. It is argued that findings on longitudinal trajectories in infancy on the false belief test and visual perspective taking undermine the two-system theory in three respects: (1) S1 is not (...)
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  7.  75
    Belief Files in Theory of Mind Reasoning.Ágnes Melinda Kovács - 2016 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 7 (2):509-527.
    Humans seem to readily track their conspecifics’ mental states, such as their goals and beliefs from early infancy. However, the underlying cognitive architecture that enables such powerful abilities remains unclear. Here I will propose that a basic representational structure, the belief file, could provide the foundation for efficiently encoding, and updating information about, others’ beliefs in online social interactions. I will discuss the representational possibilities offered by the belief file and the ways in which the repertoire of mental state reasoning (...)
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  8. Toward an integrative account of social cognition: marrying theory of mind and interactionism to study the interplay of Type 1 and Type 2 processes.Vivian Bohl & Wouter van den Bos - 2012 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience:1-15.
    Traditional theory of mind (ToM) accounts for social cognition have been at the basis of most studies in the social cognitive neurosciences. However, in recent years, the need to go beyond traditional ToM accounts for understanding real life social interactions has become all the more pressing. At the same time it remains unclear whether alternative accounts, such as interactionism, can yield a sufficient description and explanation of social interactions. We argue that instead of considering ToM and interactionism as mutually (...)
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  9.  16
    English as a Foreign Language Teachers’ Identity and Motivation: The Role of Mindfulness.Dianyong Zhu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Teaching is a career with a high rate of anxiety and burnout in all phases of teaching with specific challenges related to the feature of language education. The concept of motivation can be an important basic mechanism since educators who are not motivated are distressed because of the anxious characteristic of the education profession. Moreover, educator identity is a new issue that has built a perspective to examine educators’ growth by thinking about who they are as well as how they (...)
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  10. Universal Science of Mind: Can Complexity-Based Artificial Intelligence Save the World in Crisis?Andrei P. Kirilyuk - manuscript
    While practical efforts in the field of artificial intelligence grow exponentially, the truly scientific and mathematically exact understanding of the underlying phenomena of intelligence and consciousness is still missing in the conventional science framework. The inevitably dominating empirical, trial-and-error approach has vanishing efficiency for those extremely complicated phenomena, ending up in fundamentally limited imitations of intelligent behaviour. We provide the first-principle analysis of unreduced many-body interaction process in the brain revealing its qualitatively new features, which give rise to rigorously (...)
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  11.  27
    Mind Perception of Robots Varies With Their Economic Versus Social Function.Xijing Wang & Eva G. Krumhuber - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:344193.
    While robots were traditionally built to achieve economic efficiency and financial profits, their roles are likely to change in the future with the aim to provide social support and companionship. In this research, we examined whether the robot’s proposed function (social vs. economic) impacts judgments of mind and moral treatment. Studies 1a and 1b demonstrated that robots with social function were perceived to possess greater ability for emotional experience, but not cognition, compared to those with economic function and (...)
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  12. The Unity of Efficient and Final Causality: The Mind/Body Problem Reconsidered.Henrik Lagerlund - 2011 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 19 (4):587 - 603.
    In this paper, I argue that it is in the fourteenth century that the problem of the compatibility or unity of efficient and final causality emerges. William Ockham and John Buridan start to flirt with a mechanized view of nature solely explainable by efficient causality, and they hence push final causality into the human mind and use it to explain for example action, morality and the good. Their argumentation introduces the problem of how to give a unified account of (...)
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  13.  44
    Efficiency and Enhancement in Attention Networks of Elite Shooting and Archery Athletes.Quanyu Lu, Pengli Li, Qiong Wu, Xinghua Liu & Yanhong Wu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Attention has been theorized as a system comprising three networks that can be estimated reliably by the attention network test ; the three networks are defined as alerting, orienting, and conflict control. The present study aims to identify the attention networks that are crucial for elite shooting and archery athletes and to examine whether mindfulness training can improve elite athletes' attention networks. We compared the performances in ANT between 62 elite athletes from the Chinese national team of shooting and archery (...)
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  14.  63
    Formal Identity as Isomorphism in Thomistic Philosophy of Mind.Stephen Pimentel - 2006 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 80:115-126.
    A central problem within an influential strand of recent philosophy of mind has been to explain the “conformity of mind to thing” that characterizes knowledge. John Haldane has argued that this problem can be best addressed by a development of Thomas Aquinas’s account of the “formal identity” of the knowing subject with the object known. However, such a development is difficult to present in a manner perspicuous to a contemporary audience. This paper seeks to present a persuasive account (...)
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  15.  99
    An object-oriented view on problem representation as a search-efficiency facet: Minds vs. machines. [REVIEW]Reza Zamani - 2010 - Minds and Machines 20 (1):103-117.
    From an object-oriented perspective, this paper investigates the interdisciplinary aspects of problem representation as well the differences between representation of problems in the mind and that in the machine. By defining an object as a combination of a symbol-structure and its associated operations, it shows how the representation of problems can become related to control, which conducts the search in finding a solution. Different types of representation of problems in the machine are classified into four categories, and in a (...)
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  16. Mind change efficient learning.Oliver Schulte - unknown
    This paper studies efficient learning with respect to mind changes. Our starting point is the idea that a learner that is efficient with respect to mind changes minimizes mind changes not only globally in the entire learning problem, but also locally in subproblems after receiving some evidence. Formalizing this idea leads to the notion of uniform mind change optimality. We characterize the structure of language classes that can be identified with at most α mind changes (...)
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  17.  68
    The Mind’s Focus as an Efficient Cause.Michael Renemann - 2010 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 84 (4):693-710.
    Central to early modern Scholastic theories of artistic production (whether the artist is God or a human being) is the term “idea,” which, in the traditionalaccount, signifies “that which is being imitated in the process of artistic production.” Francisco Suárez rejects this account, on the grounds that, by making theidea depend on being imitated, it obviously leaves the idea without any (efficient) causal role. On his alternative account, the exemplary cause governing the production process is not an “objective representation” or (...)
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  18.  38
    A map of technopolitics: Deep convergence, platform ontologies, and cognitive efficiency.Michael A. Peters - 2020 - Thesis Eleven 158 (1):117-140.
    This paper, based on an invited Thesis Eleven presentation, provides a ‘map of technopolitics’ that springs from an investigation of the theoretical notion of technological convergence adopted by the US National Science Foundation, signaling a new paradigm of ‘nano-bio-info-cogno’ technologies. This integration at the nano-level is expected to drive the next wave of scientific research, technology and knowledge economy. The paper explores the concept of ‘technopolitics’ by investigating the links between Wittgenstein’s anti-scientism and Lyotard’s ‘technoscience’, reviewing the history of the (...)
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  19.  5
    Digital Cartography of Thought: Enhancing EFL Reading Comprehension Through Mind Mapping.Mustakim Sagita, Issy Yuliasri, Abdurrahman Faridi & Hendi Pratama - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1078-1094.
    Current educational research focuses on classroom instruction and employing technology to improve learning. This research proposes Digital Mind Mapping with Collaborative Learning in the fourth semester of the English department curriculum. This research investigates the possibility of using Digital Mind Mapping, combined with Collaborative Learning, to enhance academic performance in students. The data on these issues is collected by implementing a research project incorporating mixed methods research. The research comprises interviews with teachers and students currently enrolled in the (...)
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  20. The Priority of Preferences in the Evolution of Minds.David Spurrett - manuscript
    More philosophical effort is spent articulating evolutionary rationales for the development of belief-like capacities than for precursors of desires or preferences. Nobody, though, seriously expects naturally evolved minds to be disinterested epistemologists. We agree that world-representing states won’t pay their way without supporting capacities that prioritise from an organism’s available repertoire of activities in light of stored (and occurrent) information. Some concede that desire-like states would be one way of solving this problem. Taking preferences as my starting point instead of (...)
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  21.  52
    The Economic Mind of Charles Sanders Peirce.James R. Wible - 2008 - Contemporary Pragmatism 5 (2):39-67.
    Charles Peirce had significant interests in economics. He reworked the mathematical economic models of Cournot and Jevons in the 1870s. He conceived of the transitive axiom of consumer preferences in 1874. Peirce also developed a thesis of the cognitive efficiency of the human mind, abduction. He criticized Newcomb's economic writings. These forays into economics affected the six essays on pragmatism. These interests in economics are integrated with the meaning of the pragmatic maxim in Peirce's 1903 Harvard Lectures.
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  22.  75
    William of Ockham’s Distinction Between “Real” Efficient Causes and Strictly Sine Qua Non Causes.André Goddu - 1996 - The Monist 79 (3):357-367.
    As a Franciscan friar, student, teacher, philosopher, theologian, and political theorist, William of Ockham was and remains one of the most stimulating thinkers of the Middle Ages. The one consistent characteristic of his professional output—both as a student and later as an opponent of papal authoritarianism—was the provocative nature of his ideas. In required commentaries on standard theological texts as well as in his later, more independently inspired treatises, Ockham demonstrated a genuine talent for suggesting and sustaining a number of (...)
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  23.  70
    The adaptive importance of cognitive efficiency: an alternative theory of why we have beliefs and desires.Armin Schulz - 2010 - Biology and Philosophy 26 (1):31-50.
    Finding out why we have beliefs and desires is important for a thorough understanding of the nature of our minds (and those of other animals). It is therefore unsurprising that several accounts have been presented that are meant to answer this question. At least in the philosophical literature, the most widely accepted of these are due to Kim Sterelny and Peter Godfrey-Smith, who argue that beliefs and desires evolved due to their enabling us to be behaviourally flexible in a way (...)
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  24. Equality, Efficiency, and Sufficiency: Responding to Multiple Parameters of Distributive Justice During Charitable Distribution.Colin J. Palmer, Bryan Paton, Linda Barclay & Jakob Hohwy - 2013 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 4 (4):659-674.
    Distributive justice decision making tends to require a trade off between different valued outcomes. The present study tracked computer mouse cursor movements in a forced-choice paradigm to examine for tension between different parameters of distributive justice during the decision-making process. Participants chose between set meal distributions, to third parties, that maximised either equality (the evenness of the distribution) or efficiency (the total number of meals distributed). Across different formulations of these dilemmas, responding was consistent with the notion that individuals (...)
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  25.  24
    (2 other versions)The social construction of the cultural mind.György Gergely & Gergely Csibra - 2005 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 6 (3):463-481.
    How does cultural knowledge shape the development of human minds and, conversely, what kind of species-specific social-cognitive mechanisms have evolved to support the intergenerational reproduction of cultural knowledge? We critically examine current theories proposing a human-specific drive to identify with and imitate conspecifics as the evolutionary mechanism underlying cultural learning. We summarize new data demonstrating the selective interpretive nature of imitative learning in 14-month-olds and argue that the predictive scope of existing imitative learning models is either too broad or too (...)
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  26.  48
    Distribution of cognition between minds and artifacts: Augmentation of mediation? [REVIEW]Victor Kaptelinin - 1996 - AI and Society 10 (1):15-25.
    Two approaches to externally distributed individual cognition are contrasted in the paper. The first begins with making a distinction between minds and artifacts, both considered as structural components of larger-scale cognitive systems, while the second focuses on the dynamic coordination of internal and external resources within the context of human interaction with the world. Conceptual limitations of the first approach are discussed. The notion of functional organs is introduced and applied for identifying the types of abilities associated with efficient integration (...)
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  27. Mind changes and testability: How formal and statistical learning theory converge in the new Riddle of induction.Daniel Steel - manuscript
    This essay demonstrates a previously unnoticed connection between formal and statistical learning theory with regard to Nelson Goodman’s new riddle of induction. Discussions of Goodman’s riddle in formal learning theory explain how conjecturing “all green” before “all grue” can enhance efficient convergence to the truth, where efficiency is understood in terms of minimizing the maximum number of retractions or “mind changes.” Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC) dimension is a central concept in statistical learning theory and is similar to Popper’s notion of (...)
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  28. Précis of how children learn the meanings of words.Paul Bloom - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (6):1095-1103.
    Normal children learn tens of thousands of words, and do so quickly and efficiently, often in highly impoverished environments. In How Children Learn the Meanings of Words, I argue that word learning is the product of certain cognitive and linguistic abilities that include the ability to acquire concepts, an appreciation of syntactic cues to meaning, and a rich understanding of the mental states of other people. These capacities are powerful, early emerging, and to some extent uniquely human, but they are (...)
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  29.  41
    Sensitivity to the Sampling Process Emerges From the Principle of Efficiency.Julian Jara-Ettinger, Felix Sun, Laura Schulz & Joshua B. Tenenbaum - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (S1):270-286.
    Humans can seamlessly infer other people's preferences, based on what they do. Broadly, two types of accounts have been proposed to explain different aspects of this ability. The first account focuses on spatial information: Agents' efficient navigation in space reveals what they like. The second account focuses on statistical information: Uncommon choices reveal stronger preferences. Together, these two lines of research suggest that we have two distinct capacities for inferring preferences. Here we propose that this is not the case, and (...)
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  30.  15
    Human-mind-inspired processing model for computing.Chinthanie Weerakoon, Asoka Karunananda & Naomal Dias - 2020 - Mind and Society 19 (2):237-256.
    Among various computing models, it is difficult to find a model inspired from the human mind to improve the computational efficiency of the computer. In fact, the human mind becomes competent in responding for the inputs, resourcefully and mindfully acquiring knowledge and experience over continuous processing with the time. Further, as it is possible to find deeper explanation for the human mind in the Buddhism, the introduction of a computing model imitating the human mind based (...)
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  31.  6
    Efficient mechanisms.Jorge Ignacio Fuentes - 2025 - Philosophical Psychology 38 (2):555-578.
    A distinguishing feature of neural computation and information processing is that it fits models that describe the most efficient strategies for performing different cognitive tasks. Efficiency determines a distinctive sense of teleology involving optimal performance and resource management through a specific strategy. I articulate this kind of teleology and call it efficient teleological function. I argue that efficient teleological function is compatible with mechanistic explanation and, most likely, neural computational mechanisms are efficiently functional in this sense. They are members (...)
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  32. The extended mind hypothesis: an anti-metaphysical vaccine.Giorgio Airoldi - 2019 - Sofia 8 (1):10-29.
    Discussions about the extended mind have ‘extended’ in various directions in the last decades. While applied to other aspects of human cognition and even consciousness, the extended-mind hypothesis has also been criticized, as it questions fundamental ideas such as the image of a dual world, divided between an external and an internal domain by the border of ‘skin and skull’, the idea of a localized and constant decision center, and the role of internal representations. We suggest that the (...)
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  33. Gesticulation as the integration of body and mind-a semantics of nodding.Daihyun Chung - manuscript
    Human mind and human body have been separated from each other as belonging to familiar different categories. But what if we are supposed to admit a category of bodily posture? This is a paper to advance a thesis that mental content in bodily posture is a basis to integrate mind and body. First, what is the basis to claim that there is such a thing as a bodily posture? We humans all communicate each other not only through an (...)
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  34.  74
    Mindfulness meditation counteracts self-control depletion.Malte Friese, Claude Messner & Yves Schaffner - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (2):1016-1022.
    Mindfulness meditation describes a set of different mental techniques to train attention and awareness. Trait mindfulness and extended mindfulness interventions can benefit self-control. The present study investigated the short-term consequences of mindfulness meditation under conditions of limited self-control resources. Specifically, we hypothesized that a brief period of mindfulness meditation would counteract the deleterious effect that the exertion of self-control has on subsequent self-control performance. Participants who had been depleted of self-control resources by an emotion suppression task showed decrements in self-control (...)
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  35.  28
    Computational complexity and cognitive science : How the body and the world help the mind be efficient.Peter Gärdenfors - unknown
    This book illustrates the program of Logical-Informational Dynamics. Rational agents exploit the information available in the world in delicate ways, adopt a wide range of epistemic attitudes, and in that process, constantly change the world itself. Logical-Informational Dynamics is about logical systems putting such activities at center stage, focusing on the events by which we acquire information and change attitudes. Its contributions show many current logics of information and change at work, often in multi-agent settings where social behavior is essential, (...)
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  36. The Relevance of Belief Outsourcing to Whether Arguments Can Change Minds.Scott Hill - 2024 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 124 (2):191-196.
    There is a wealth of evidence which indicates that arguments are not very efficient tools for changing minds. Against this scepticism, Dutilh Novaes (2023) presents evidence that, given the right social context, arguments sometimes play a significant role in belief revision. However, drawing on Levy (2021), I argue that the evidence Dutilh Novaes cites is compatible with the view that it is not arguments that change individual minds but instead belief outsourcing that occurs alongside the consideration of arguments.
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  37. The Digital Mind: How Computers (Re)Structure Human Consciousness.Brian L. Ott - 2023 - Philosophies 8 (1):4.
    Technologies of communication condition human sense-making. They do so by creating the social environment we inhabit and extending their structural biases and logics through human use. As such, this essay inquires into the prevailing habits of mind in the digital era. Employing a media ecology of communication, I argue that digital computers and microprocessors are defined by three structural properties and, hence, underlying logics: digitization (binary code), algorithmic execution (input/output), and efficiency (machine logic). Repeated exposure to these logics (...)
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  38.  13
    Mindfulness for busy people: turning frantic and frazzled into calm and composed.Michael Sinclair - 2013 - Harlow, England: Pearson. Edited by Josie Seydel.
    The audio content that accompanies this book can be downloaded and played for free from Be more, achieve more and stress less – how mindfulness can change the way you live Mindfulness for Busy People will show you how to apply the transformative power of mindfulness to your busy life, helping you to de-stress, find your own unique space of calm, and ready yourself for whatever challenges you face. Helping you to cultivate and practice mindfulness straight away, you’ll discover: (...)
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    Minds in motion in memory: Enhanced spatial memory driven by the perceived animacy of simple shapes.Benjamin van Buren & Brian J. Scholl - 2017 - Cognition 163 (C):87-92.
    Even simple geometric shapes are seen as animate and goal-directed when they move in certain ways. Previous research has revealed a great deal about the cues that elicit such percepts, but much less about the consequences for other aspects of perception and cognition. Here we explored whether simple shapes that are perceived as animate and goal-directed are prioritized in memory. We investigated this by asking whether subjects better remember the locations of displays that are seen as animate vs. inanimate, con- (...)
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    Forming the mind: Essays on the internal senses and the mind/body problem from avicenna to the medical enlightenment (review).Kevin White - 2008 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 47 (1):pp. 137-138.
    This collection grew out of a conference held in Uppsala in 2002, at which an international group of scholars met to discuss several texts from between 1100 and 1700 dealing with questions of philosophical psychology. The conference was motivated by the thesis that the history of philosophy in these six centuries should not be divided into a medieval and a modern period, but rather seen as a continuous tradition .Henrik Lagerlund’s introduction traces the origin of issues in contemporary philosophy of (...)
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  41. What is Mindreading?Shannon Spaulding - 2019 - WIREs Cognitive Science 11 (3).
    Theory of mind, also known as mindreading, refers to our ability to attribute mental states to agents in order to make sense of and interact with other agents. Recently, theorists in this literature have advanced a broad conception of mindreading. In particular, psychologists and philosophers have examined how we attribute knowledge, intention, mentalistically-loaded stereotypes, and personality traits to others. Moreover, the diversity of our goals in a social interaction – precision, efficiency, self/in-group protection – generates diversity in the (...)
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    From Instrumental to Integral Mindfulness: Toward a More Holistic and Transformative Approach in Schools.Rodrigo Brito, Stephen Joseph & Edward Sellman - 2021 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 41 (1):91-109.
    Although the implementation of mindfulness-based interventions in educational contexts appear to have demonstrated some benefits for students and teachers in research studies conducted over the last two decades, there are also those who criticize MBI’s for their instrumental focus. Exploring this debate, this article offers a case for the implementation of a more holistic and integral approach to mindfulness in educational settings. It will draw upon the philosophical legacy of Martin Heidegger and other critical theorists, who contest the dominant framing (...)
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    Thou Shalt Make a Human Mind in the Likeness of a Machine.Tomi Kokkonen, Ilmari Hirvonen & Matti Mäkikangas - 2022-10-17 - In Kevin S. Decker (ed.), Dune and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 87–98.
    In God Emperor of Dune, Leto II explains to Moneo why people destroyed thinking machines in the Butlerian Jihad: "Humans had set those machines to usurp our sense of beauty, our necessary selfdom out of which we make living judgments." The Orange Catholic Bible (OCB), the key religious text in the Dune universe, forbids the creation of machines that imitate human thinking: "Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a man's mind." The OCB focuses on human (...)
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  44. Simulation and Understanding Other Minds.Sherrilyn Roush - 2016 - Philosophical Issues 26 (1):351-373.
    There is much disagreement about how extensive a role theoretical mind-reading, behavior-reading, and simulation each have and need to have in our knowing and understanding other minds, and how each method is implemented in the brain, but less discussion of the epistemological question what it is about the products of these methods that makes them count as knowledge or understanding. This question has become especially salient recently as some have the intuition that mirror neurons can bring understanding of another's (...)
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  45. The Unbearable Shallow Understanding of Deep Learning.Alessio Plebe & Giorgio Grasso - 2019 - Minds and Machines 29 (4):515-553.
    This paper analyzes the rapid and unexpected rise of deep learning within Artificial Intelligence and its applications. It tackles the possible reasons for this remarkable success, providing candidate paths towards a satisfactory explanation of why it works so well, at least in some domains. A historical account is given for the ups and downs, which have characterized neural networks research and its evolution from “shallow” to “deep” learning architectures. A precise account of “success” is given, in order to sieve out (...)
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  46.  24
    Mind the gap: Griffith University’s approach to the governance of ethical conduct in human research.Gary Allen - 2007 - Monash Bioethics Review 26 (1-2):57-67.
    It is perhaps not coincidental that, at the same time the apparent institutional risks associated with the conduct of human research are increasing, so are the complaints from researchers about research ethics committees. Rather than seeking to implement systems that more efficiently catch wrong-doing, in 2003 Griffith University began implementing an alternative approach. This new approach focused on resourcing the reflective practice of researchers through every stage of their work — well before, and long after, they seek ethical clearance for (...)
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    Mindfulness and Trauma: Some Striking Similarities.Yochai Ataria - 2018 - Anthropology of Consciousness 29 (1):44-56.
    The traumatic experience and the meditative experience differ in many respects. For instance, it is possible to suggest that while a sense of helplessness is the most important feature of the traumatic experience, meditation does not involve a similar sense of helplessness. Furthermore, while trauma is shocking and horrifying, meditation is considered to be constructive and efficient in reducing stress and improving welfare. Yet, with this in mind, by comparing interviews with twelve senior meditators on the one hand and (...)
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    Individual Chunking Ability Predicts Efficient or Shallow L2 Processing: Eye-Tracking Evidence From Multiword Units in Relative Clauses.Manuel F. Pulido - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Behavioral studies on language processing rely on the eye-mind assumption, which states that the time spent looking at text is an index of the time spent processing it. In most cases, relatively shorter reading times are interpreted as evidence of greater processing efficiency. However, previous evidence from L2 research indicates that non-native participants who present fast reading times are not always more efficient readers, but rather shallow parsers. Because earlier studies did not identify a reliable predictor of variability (...)
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  49. Tractability and the computational mind.Rineke Verbrugge & Jakub Szymanik - 2018 - In Mark Sprevak & Matteo Colombo (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of the Computational Mind. Routledge. pp. 339-353.
    We overview logical and computational explanations of the notion of tractability as applied in cognitive science. We start by introducing the basics of mathematical theories of complexity: computability theory, computational complexity theory, and descriptive complexity theory. Computational philosophy of mind often identifies mental algorithms with computable functions. However, with the development of programming practice it has become apparent that for some computable problems finding effective algorithms is hardly possible. Some problems need too much computational resource, e.g., time or memory, (...)
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  50. Justification as truth-finding efficiency: How ockham's razor works.Kevin T. Kelly - 2004 - Minds and Machines 14 (4):485-505.
    I propose that empirical procedures, like computational procedures, are justified in terms of truth-finding efficiency. I contrast the idea with more standard philosophies of science and illustrate it by deriving Ockham's razor from the aim of minimizing dramatic changes of opinion en route to the truth.
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