Results for ' Goodstein Jr'

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  1. Atoms, molecules, and Pauling, Linus.Goodstein Jr - 1984 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 51 (3):691-708.
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  2. (1 other version)The historical roots of our ecological crisis.Lynn White Jr - forthcoming - Environmental Ethics: Readings in Theory and Application, Belmont: Wadsworth Company.
  3. Ideology and etiology.H. Tristram Engelhardt Jr - 1976 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 1 (3):256-268.
  4. The mirror test.Gordon G. Gallup Jr, James R. Anderson & Daniel J. Shillito - 2002 - In Marc Bekoff, Colin Allen & Gordon M. Burghardt (eds.), The Cognitive Animal: Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives on Animal Cognition. MIT Press.
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    Amount and percentage of reinforcement and duration of goal confinement in conditioning and extinction.Stewart H. Hulse Jr - 1958 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 56 (1):48.
  6. ``Conjunctivitis".Henry E. Kyburg Jr - 1970 - In Marshall Swain (ed.), Induction, acceptance, and rational belief. Dordrecht,: Reidel. pp. 55-82.
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  7. A rational analysis of production system architecture. Anderson Jr & N. Kushmerick - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (6):509-509.
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  8. (1 other version)Epistemic Luck.Mylan Engel Jr - 2010 - In Jonathan Dancy, Ernest Sosa & Matthias Steup (eds.), A companion to epistemology, second edition. Blackwell. pp. 336-340.
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    Strength of secondary reinforcement as a determiner of the effects of duration of goal response on learning.David R. Powell Jr & Charles C. Perkins Jr - 1957 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 53 (2):106.
  10. The mere considerability of animals.Mylan Engel Jr - 2001 - Acta Analytica 16:89-108.
    Singer and Regan predicate their arguments -- for ethical vegetarianism, against animal experimentation, and for an end to animal exploitation generally -- on the equal considerability premise (EC). According to (EC), we owe humans and sentient nonhumans exactly the same degree of moral considerability. While Singer's and Regan's conclusions follow from (EC), many philosophers reject their arguments because they find (EC)'s implications morally repugnant and intuitively unacceptable. Like most people, you probably reject (EC). Never the less, you're already committed to (...)
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    Salmon's paper.E. KyburgHenry - 1965 - Philosophy of Science 32 (2):147-151.
  12.  72
    Quinean ethics.Owen J. Flanagan Jr - 1982 - Ethics 93 (1):56-74.
  13. (Abstract) Self-Identity and Its Social Metaphysical Underpinnings in the field of Education.Jr-Jiun Lian - 2024 - The International Academic Conference on Education Policy and Philosophy of Education, National Pingtung University.
    Education fundamentally focuses on 'individuals', whose human value is rooted in the expression of 'self-identity'. This process is influenced by their social rank and linguistic culture, and within varied discourses and ideological communities, different 'self-identity values' emerge. This applies to all individuals, whether they are citizens or women, and encompasses complex social metaphysical questions. For instance, how do we define social identities such as poverty, disability, privilege, or femininity? 'Intuition' and 'common sense' often fail in such definitions, especially in recognizing (...)
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    Virtue, sex, and gender: Some philosophical reflections on the moral psychology debate.Owen J. Flanagan Jr - 1982 - Ethics 92 (3):499-512.
  15. (DRAFT) 如何藉由「以人為本」進路實現國科會AI科研發展倫理指南.Jr-Jiun Lian - 2024 - 2024科技與社會(Sts)年會年度學術研討會論文 ,國立臺東大學.
    本文深入探討人工智慧(AI)於實現共同福祉與幸福、公平與非歧視、理性公共討論及自主與控制之倫理與正義重要性與挑戰。以中央研究院LLM事件及國家科學技術委員會(NSTC)AI技術研發指導方針為基礎,本文 分析AI能否滿足人類共同利益與福祉。針對AI不公正,本文評估其於區域、產業及社會影響。並探討AI公平與非歧視挑戰,尤其偏差數據訓練問題,及後處理監管,強調理性公共討論之重要性。進而,本文探討理性公眾於 公共討論中之挑戰及應對,如STEM科學素養與技術能力教育之重要性。最後,本文提出“以人為本”方法,非僅依賴AI技術效用最大化,以實現AI正義。 -/- 關鍵詞:AI倫理與正義、公平與非歧視、偏差數據訓練、公共討論、自主性、以人為本的方法.
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    The Ethnographer's Magic.George W. Stocking Jr - 1992 - In George W. Stocking (ed.), The Ethnographer's Magic and Other Essays in the History of Anthropology. Wisconsin University Press. pp. 12-59.
    Presents a history of ethnographic fieldwork in British anthropology from Tylor to Malinowski.
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    Kant, Hegel, and Habermas.H. Tristram Engelhardt Jr - 2010 - Review of Metaphysics 63 (4):871-903.
  18.  21
    Introduction to ‘Philosophy and Argumentum ad Hominem’.Henry W. Johnstone Jr - 1993 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 12 (3-4):24-24.
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    Book Review:Essays in Positive Economics. Milton Friedman. [REVIEW]Henry M. Oliver Jr - 1954 - Ethics 65 (1):71-.
  20.  64
    Cognitive/Evolutionary Psychology and the History of Racism.P. JacksonJohn - 2017 - Philosophy of Science 84 (2):296-314.
    Philosophical defenses of cognitive/evolutionary psychological accounts of racialism claim that classification based on phenotypical features of humans was common historically and is evidence for a species-typical, cognitive mechanism for essentializing. They conclude that social constructionist accounts of racialism must be supplemented by cognitive/evolutionary psychology. This article argues that phenotypical classifications were uncommon historically until such classifications were socially constructed. Moreover, some philosophers equivocate between two different meanings of “racial thinking.” The article concludes that social constructionist accounts are far more robust (...)
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    Using newspapers to examine the nature of science.Ivan A. Shibley Jr - 2003 - Science & Education 12 (7):691-702.
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    Sunk‐Cost Effects on Purely Behavioral Investments.Marcus Cunha Jr & Fabio Caldieraro - 2009 - Cognitive Science 33 (1):105-113.
    Although the sunk‐cost effect is a well‐documented psychological phenomenon in monetary investments, existing literature investigating behavioral investments (e.g., time, effort) has not replicated this effect except when such investments relate to monetary values. The current explanation for this discrepancy proposes that purely behavioral sunk‐cost effects are unlikely to be observed because they are difficult to book, track, and balance in a mental account. Conversely, we argue that, through an effort‐justification mechanism, people account for the amount of behavioral resources invested when (...)
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  23. An Incomplete Diagnosis.Alan G. Phillips Jr - 2007 - Ars Disputandi 7:1566-5399.
    In this discussion note, I examine scattered comments about evil from John Dewey’s works. After a brief consideration of what critics like Reinhold Niebuhr have said about the weaknesses of Dewey’s theodicy, I will offer my own critique. In short, I argue that Dewey subverts his own theory of inquiry when he comes to the problem of the origin and genesis of evil.
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  24. Democracy and Laissez Faire: the New York State Constitution of 1846.Arthur Ekirch Jr - 1978 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 1 (4):319-323.
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  25. Bioethics as politics : a critical reassessment.H. Tristram Engelhardt Jr - 2007 - In Lisa A. Eckenwiler & Felicia Cohn (eds.), The ethics of bioethics: mapping the moral landscape. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
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  26. Perlocutionary Silencing: A Linguistic Harm That Prevents Discursive Influence.David C. Spewak Jr - 2023 - Hypatia 38 (1):86-104.
    Various philosophers discuss perlocutionary silencing, but none defend an account of perlocutionary silencing. This gap may exist because perlocutionary success depends on extralinguistic effects, whereas silencing interrupts speech, leaving theorists to rely on extemporary accounts when they discuss perlocutionary silencing. Consequently, scholars assume perlocutionary silencing occurs but neglect to explain how perlocutionary silencing harms speakers as speakers. In relation to that shortcoming, I defend a novel account of perlocutionary silencing. I argue that speakers experience perlocutionary silencing when they are illegitimately (...)
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  27. School Performance, Leadership and Core Behavioral Competencies of School Heads: Does Higher Degree Matter?Romeo Lepardo Jr & Manuel Caingcoy - 2020 - Journal of Advances in Social Science and Humanities 6 (5):1190-1196.
    This paper finds out whether a higher degree matters in school performance, and in demonstrating leadership and core behavioral competencies among school heads. This was conducted to support the existing and future policies of the Department of Education and interested funders for the scholarship and advanced studies of school heads. Using a cross-sectional method, it involved 192 randomly selected participants. Data on school performance was obtained at the office of Surigao del Sur Division, while data on competencies were gathered through (...)
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  28. The Invulnerability of Goodness: The Ethical and Psychological Theory of Plotinus. Bussanich Jr - 1990 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 6:151-84.
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    Theories as mere conventions.Henry E. Kyburg Jr - 1956 - In C. Wade Savage (ed.), Scientific Theories. University of Minnesota Press. pp. 158-174.
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  30. The problem of moral responsibility in medicine.Sumner B. Twiss Jr - 1977 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 2 (4):330-375.
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    A graduate programme in history, philosophy and science teaching in Brazil.Olival Freire Jr & Robinson M. Tenório - 2001 - Science & Education 10 (6):601-608.
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  32. (DRAFT) Can Moral Propositions Serve as Perceptual Content?Jr-Jiun Lian - 2021 - Taiwanese Philosophical Association Annual Conference 2021. Translated by Jr-Jiun Lian.
    Contentful Moral Perceptualists such as Audi (2013), Lord (2018), McNaughton (1988), McBrayer (2010a, 2010b), Cowan (2014, 2015), and Werner (2016, 2018) claim that moral propositions can serve as the content of perception for moral subjects. However, in my original interpretation, recent critics of moral perceptualism, such as Faraci (2015), Väyrynen (2018), and Chudnoff (2015), subtly suggest that it is more reasonable to claim that moral propositions are the content of cognition rather than perception. Faraci, Väyrynen, and Chudnoff argue that the (...)
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    Conclusion: Christian Traditions of War and Peace.Anthony F. Lang Jr - 2024 - Studies in Christian Ethics 37 (3):704-709.
    This article provides an overview of the contributions to this special issue. It organizes the contributions through three conceptual lenses: the person, the state, and the church.
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  34. The Neglected Costs of the Warfare State: An Austrian Tribute to Seymour Melman.Thomas E. Woods Jr - 2010 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 22 (1):103-25.
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  35. Inductive logic and inductive reasoning.H. E. Kyburg Jr - 2008 - In Jonathan Eric Adler & Lance J. Rips (eds.), Reasoning: Studies of Human Inference and its Foundations. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  36. Taking Hunger Seriously.Mylan Engel Jr - 2004 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 4 (1):29-57.
    An argument is advanced to show that affluent and moderately affluent people, like you and me, are morally obligated: (O1) To provide modest financial support for famine relief organizations and/or other humanitanan organizations working to reduce the amount of unnecessary suffering and death in the world, and (O2) To refrain from squandering food that could be fed to humans in situations of food scarcity. Unlike other ethical arguments for the obligation to assist the world’s absolutely poor, my argument is not (...)
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  37. The ‘Big Bang’ Argument for the Existence of God.Theodore Schick Jr - 1998 - Philo 1 (1):95-104.
    Some believe that evidence for the big bang is evidence for the existence of god. Who else, they ask, could have caused such a thing? In this paper, I evaluate the big bang argument, compare it with the traditional first-cause argument, and consider the relative plausibility of various natural explanations of the big bang.
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  38. Computer Simulation of Human Thinking: An Inquiry into its Possibility and Implications.Napoleon Mabaquiao Jr - 2011 - Philosophia 40 (1):76-87.
    Critical in the computationalist account of the mind is the phenomenon called computational or computer simulation of human thinking, which is used to establish the theses that human thinking is a computational process and that computing machines are thinking systems. Accordingly, if human thinking can be simulated computationally then human thinking is a computational process; and if human thinking is a computational process then its computational simulation is itself a thinking process. This paper shows that the said phenomenon—the computational simulation (...)
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    Aquinas, Suarez, and Malebranche on Instrumental Causation and Premotion.Louis A. Mancha Jr - 2012 - International Philosophical Quarterly 52 (3):335-353.
    In the analysis of Aquinas, instrumental causation is central to his doctrine of providence, yet their connection is not widely understood. On the one hand, early modern thinkers like Nicolas Malebranche claim that any notion of instrumental causation is unintelligible as a mode of divine operation. Alternatively, certain Thomists commit Aquinas to the doctrine of premotion, which partially resolves the problem of instrumental causation, but only at the cost of eliminating the causal freedom of creatures. In this paper I address (...)
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    Explanatory update theory: Applications of counterfactual reasoning to causation.Charles L. Ortiz Jr - 1999 - Artificial Intelligence 108 (1-2):125-178.
  41. Dreyfus on Heidegger's Critique of Husserl's Intentionality: A Review.Napoleon Mabaquiao Jr - 2010 - Philosophia 38 (1).
    This paper primarily disputes Dreyfus’s account of Heidegger’s critique of Husserl’s theory of intentionality. Specifically, it raises objections to the three central claims of such an account; namely: that Searle’s theory of intentional action can be used as a stand-in for Husserl’s; that Heidegger rejects the primordiality of the intentionality of consciousness; and that Heidegger distinguishes between conscious and unconscious types of intentional actions and he privileges the latter over the former. I show the first to be unwarranted owing to (...)
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  42. The Philosophy of Animal Rights: A Brief Introduction for Students and Teachers.Mylan Engel Jr - 2010 - Lantern Books. Edited by Kathie Jenni.
    The book also contains an extensive bibliography of references and philosophical resources.
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  43. Naturalizing mencius.James Behuniak Jr - 2011 - Philosophy East and West 61 (3):492-515.
    In a recent paper titled “Mencius and an Ethics of the New Century,” Donald J. Munro argues that recent theories in the evolutionary sciences regarding the biological basis of altruism and infant bonding might lend credence to Mencius’ philosophy of human nature.1 Such theories, says Munro, support Mencius’ contention that certain moral concepts derive from something that is inborn. What such naturalistic theories do not address, however, is whether or not these moral concepts are also “founded on something transcendental,” and (...)
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    Sickness and healing and the evolutionary foundations of mind and minding.Fabrega Horacio Jr - 2011 - Mens Sana Monographs 9 (1):159.
    Disease represents a principal tentacle of natural selection and a staple theme of evolutionary medicine. However, it is through a small portal of entry and a very long lineage that disease as sickness entered behavioural spaces and human consciousness. This has a long evolutionary history. Anyone interested in the origins of medicine and psychiatry as social institution has to start with analysis of how mind and body were conceptualised and played out behaviourally following the pongid/hominin split and thereafter. The early (...)
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    John Lachs: Mediation, Love of Life, and Santayana.Herman J. Saatkamp Jr - 2024 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 59 (3):297-312.
    Abstract:John Lachs considers his major philosophical contributions to be his work on mediation, the love of life, and his explication of George Santayana's philosophical and literary outlooks. All three are undergirded by Lachs's effort to make philosophy relevant to people's lives. This article examines these three contributions with both a critical eye and an admiration for Lachs's efforts. The conclusion provides an assessment often missed in critiques of Lachs's work.
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  46. Transcendence and the Elusive Science of the Mind.Napoleon M. Mabaquiao Jr - 2009 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 13 (1-3).
    This essay shows the presence of transcendence in the on-going attempt to come up with a purely scientific account of the workings of the human mind. At the center of the developmental stages of this attempt is the computational theory of mind, which regards the human mind as some kind of computer. With Wittgenstein’s analysis of the limits of linguistic representation in the Tractatus as a framework, it is argued that the various difficulties encountered by this attempt are primarily due (...)
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    "Embracing the one" in the daodejing.James Behuniak Jr - 2009 - Philosophy East and West 59 (3):pp. 364-381.
    "Embracing the One" (baoyi 抱—) and "holding to the One" (zhiyi 孰—) are phrases that appear in different versions of the Daodejing. This essay argues that, in a specific philosophical context, these two phrases represent competing philosophical attitudes that stem from opposing cosmological visions. The recently unearthed "Great One Produces the Waters" (Taiyishengshui ) assists in the reconstruction of this philosophical context, as does a re-reading of the "One" in the famous generative sequence of chapter 42 of the Daodejing. Ultimately, (...)
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    Two Ways of Being at Peace With Our Fate and Nature in the Zhuangzi.Frank P. Saunders Jr - 2024 - Philosophy East and West 74 (4):725-744.
    This article offers an interpretation of anming 安命 or "being at peace with fate" in the Zhuangzi that highlights its heterogeneous understanding and usage throughout the text. To do so, it focuses on two main approaches to anming in the Zhuangzi 《 莊子》. The first approach emphasizes our relationship with the forces of the cosmos, which have no regard for our values or preferences, and encourages us to clearly understand these forces, to adopt an attitude of peace or serenity toward (...)
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  49. Fibonacci and Continued Fractions.T. E. Phipps Jr - 2008 - Apeiron: Studies in Infinite Nature 15 (4):534.
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    Nietzsche e as consequências de um grande terremoto: metafísica ou grande saúde?Wilson Antonio Frezzatti Jr - 2024 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 14 (2):e85522.
    Por meio de sua fisiopsicologia, isto é, da morfologia e doutrina do desenvolvimento da vontade de potência, Nietzsche avalia a condição impulsional de indivíduos e culturas. Assim, produções que afirmam a vida como um movimento contínuo de autossuperação são sintomas de uma dinâmica saudável; mórbidos são os organismos que procuram estratégias de conservação e paralisação das mudanças, como, por exemplo, a metafísica. Nesse contexto teórico, este artigo pretende investigar a reação de Nietzsche em face de um grande terremoto ocorrido em (...)
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