Results for ' Hegel's critique of Sense Certainty and of Perception ‐ tantamount to the Evans Thesis'

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  1.  34
    The Betrayal of Substance: Death, Literature, and Sexual Difference in Hegel’s “Phenomenology of Spirit” by Mary C. Rawlinson.Shannon Hoff - 2022 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 12 (1):225-229.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Betrayal of Substance: Death, Literature, and Sexual Difference in Hegel’s “Phenomenology of Spirit” by Mary C. RawlinsonShannon Hoff (bio)Mary C. Rawlinson, The Betrayal of Substance: Death, Literature, and Sexual Difference in Hegel’s “Phenomenology of Spirit” New York: University Press, 2021, 215 pp. ISBN 978-0-231-19905-6Mary rawlinson shows that to be genuinely receptive to a philosophical text one must be creative, and she brings the Phenomenology of Spirit to (...)
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  2. Hegel’s Critique of Rationalist Metaphysics in the Vorbegriff Chapter of the Encyclopedia Logic.Giorgi Lebanidze - 2019 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 36 (1):61-78.
    The paper demonstrates that a detailed analysis of Hegel’s criticism of rationalist metaphysics in the “Vorbegriff” (Preliminary Conception) chapter of the Encyclopedia Logic can shed light on the following critical features of Hegel’s metaphysics: (1) advancing semantic holism as an alternative to semantic atomism; (2) renouncing the projection of a substance-attribute formal structure onto actuality; (3) dismissing sense perception as the source of conceptual content; and (4) rejecting dualist ontology.
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  3. The Context of Being: Heidegger's Critique of Kant, Schelling, and Hegel.Craig M. Nichols - 2001 - Dissertation, Boston University
    This study interprets the movement of Heidegger's famous "turn" through an analysis of his critique of Kant, Schelling, and Hegel in the period spanning roughly 1925 to 1936. Heidegger's "turn" sought to overcome the traditional metaphysical conception of being that had come to absolute expression through Hegel's method of dialectical reflection. Heidegger was successful to the extent that he provided the final "con-text" of being as a discourse that both frames the historical "text" of being and permeates it, (...)
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  4. ‘Consciousness, Scepticism and the Critique of Categorial Concepts in Hegel’s 1807 Phenomenology of Spirit’.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2009 - In M. Bykova & M. Solopova (eds.), Сущность и Слово. Сборник научных статей к юбилею профессора Н.В.Мотрошиловой. Phenomenology & Hermeneutics Press.
    This paper (in English) highlights a hitherto neglected feature of Hegel’s 1807 Phenomenology of Spirit: its critique of the content of our basic categorial concepts. It focusses on Hegel’s semantics of cognitive reference in ‘Sense Certainty’ and his use of this semantics also in ‘Perception’ and ‘Force and Understanding’. Explicating these points enables us to understand how Hegel criticizes Pyrrhonian Scepticism on internal grounds.
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    Hegel's Grammatical Ontology: Vanishing Words and Hermeneutical Openness in the 'Phenomenology of Spirit'.Jeffrey Reid - 2021 - London: Bloomsbury.
    Reading The Phenomenology of Spirit through a linguistic lens, Jeffrey Reid provides an original commentary on Hegel's most famous work. Beginning with a close analysis of the preface, where Hegel himself addresses the book's difficulty and explains his tortured language in terms of what he calls the “speculative proposition”, Reid demonstrates how every form of consciousness discussed in The Phenomenology involves and reveals itself as a form of language. Elucidating Hegel's speculative proposition, which consists of the reversal of (...)
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  6. Hegel’s Doctrine of Determinate Negation.Jon Stewart - 1996 - Idealistic Studies 26 (1):57-78.
    Hegel’s theory of dialectic has long been a source of both endless confusion and bitter debate. It has, for instance, been oversimplified and characterized as the mechanical movement from thesis to antithesis to synthesis. In a similar vein, some philosophers in the analytic tradition have reproached Hegel’s notion of dialectic, claiming that it amounts to an outright and absurd denial of the law of contradiction. The dialectic has, moreover, been co-opted and developed by some of Hegel’s most impassioned critics (...)
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    Cognition: An Introduction to Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit (review). [REVIEW]John Edward Russon - 2000 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 38 (1):131-133.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Cognition: An Introduction to Hegel's Phenomenology of SpiritJohn RussonTom Rockmore. Cognition: An Introduction to Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997. Pp vii + 247. Cloth, $40.00.Rockmore's book is an argument that Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit is a rigorous and systematic argument about epistemology (2) and it is a commentary designed to introduce students to the details of Hegel's text (1). (...)
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    ‘Hegel’s Phenomenological Method and Analysis of Consciousness’.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2009 - In The Blackwell Guide to Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 1--36.
    This chapter argues that Hegel is a major (albeit unrecognized) epistemologist: Hegel’s Introduction provides the key to his phenomenological method by showing that the Pyrrhonian Dilemma of the Criterion refutes traditional coherentist and foundationalist theories of justification. Hegel then solves this Dilemma by analyzing the possibility of constructive self- and mutual criticism. ‘Sense Certainty’ provides a sound internal critique of ‘knowledge by acquaintance’, thus undermining a key tenet of Concept Empiricism, a view Hegel further undermines by showing (...)
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  9.  52
    Embodied Meaning and Art as Sense-Making: A Critique of Beiser’s Interpretation of the ‘End of Art Thesis'.Paul Giladi - 2016 - Journal of Aesthetics and Culture 8:
    The aim of this paper is to challenge Fred Beiser’s interpretation of Hegel’s meta-aesthetical position on the future of art. According to Beiser, Hegel’s comments about the ‘pastness’ of art commit Hegel to viewing postromantic art as merely a form of individual self-expression. I both defend and extend to other territory Robert Pippin’s interpretation of Hegel as a proto-modernist, where such modernism involves (i) his rejection of both classicism and Kantian aesthetics, and (ii) his espousal of what one may call (...)
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  10. Pippin on Hegel’s Critique of Kant.Sally Sedgwick - 1993 - International Philosophical Quarterly 33 (3):273-283.
    The author of this article challenges a central thesis of Robert Pippin's book, "Hegel's Idealism": namely, that Hegel's idealism is a "completion" or "extension" of an insight first discovered but inadequately developed and appreciated by Kant. It is argued that Pippin does not establish his claim that implicit in the very idea of the transcendental unity of a perception as it is presented in the Transcendental Deduction of the "Critique of Pure Reason" is the key (...)
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  11.  81
    On the Joint Engagement of Persons: Self-Consciousness, the Symmetry Thesis and Person Perception.James M. Dow - 2012 - Philosophical Psychology 25 (1):1-27.
    In The Paradox of Self-Consciousness, Jose Luis Bermúdez presents an abductive argument for what he calls ‘the Symmetry Thesis’ about self-ascription: in order to have the ability to self-ascribe psychological predicates to oneself, one must be able to ascribe psychological predicates to other subjects like oneself. Bermúdez discusses joint engagement as a key phenomenon that underwrites his abductive argument for the Symmetry Thesis. He argues that the ability to self-ascribe is “constituted” by the intersubjective relations that are realized (...)
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  12. Hegel's Concept of Recognition: Its Origins, Development and Significance.Elliot L. Jurist - 1983 - Dissertation, Columbia University
    The fundamental aim of this study will be to offer a precise account of the meaning of Hegel's concept of recognition as it is found in the early Jena-Schriften and the Phenomenology of Spirit . However, in locating the origins of the concept in Greek tragedy, we will also be led beyond the meaning of the concept to its significance. Its significance is established most clearly insofar as the concept can be used to form the basis of an overall (...)
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  13. (1 other version)The Founding Act of Ethical Life: Hegel's Critique of Kant's Moral and Political Philosophy.Ido Geiger - 2002 - Dissertation, Yale University
    According to the received view, Kant and Hegel espouse diametrically opposed views of moral motivation. Kant holds that to act morally is to act out of reflective recognition that a proposed intention ought to be made into a universal law. Action of true moral worth can never be motivated by an immediate inclination. Hegel, in contrast, holds that the natural inclination of an agent, who has been successfully acculturated within a just society, is moral action. The received interpretation is right, (...)
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  14. The Hobbesian Ethics of Hegel's Sense-Certainty.Jeffrey Reid - 2014 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 18 (2):421-438.
    In this paper, I explore the largely ignored ethical dimension in the first section of Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit, Sense-certainty, which tends to be understood exclusively as an epistemological critique of sense-data empiricism. I approach the ethical aspect of the chapter through Hegel’s analysis of language, there, as unable to refer to individual things. I then show that the position Hegel analyses is akin to the one presented by Thomas Hobbes in his Leviathan, as well as (...)
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  15. The Genesis and Spirit of Imagination.Jennifer Ann Bates - 1997 - Dissertation, University of Toronto (Canada)
    Given the importance of imagination for Kant, Fichte and Schelling, it is significant that the word only comes up once in Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit, and that it is not a chapter heading alongside "Sense-Certainty," "Perception," "Understanding" and "Reason." ;Part I. "Imagination in Theory" looks at the development in Hegel's theory of imagination from the Differenzschrift and Faith and Knowledge, through three different versions of the Philosophy of Spirit . Part II. "Imagination in Practice," focuses (...)
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  16. Response to Franklin's Comments on 'Certainty and Domain-Independence in the Sciences of Complexity'.Kevin de Laplante - 1999 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 30 (4):725-728.
    Professor Franklin is correct to say that there are significant areas of agreement between his account of formal science (Franklin, 1994) and my critique of his account. We both agree that the domain-independence exhibited by the formal sciences is ontologically and epistemically interesting, and that the concept of ‘structure’ must be central in any analysis of domain-independence. We also agree that knowledge of the structural, relational properties of physical systems should count as empirical knowledge, and that it makes (...) to talk about an empirical ‘science’ of structure. Where we disagree is over the frequency of occasions where ‘practical certainty’ is actually attained: Franklin argues that practical certainty is not uncommon in the formal sciences, while I argue that there are barriers to practical certainty that Franklin fails to appreciate. In Franklin’s response, he briefly presents and offers criticisms of my two main arguments against his central thesis. Franklin asserts that the flaw in my first argument is that it does not appreciate that modern mathematical models exhibit structural stability, and thus that many of their predictions are robust under small variations in input or parameter values (and hence, insensitive to the inevitable gaps between estimates and actual values). Nevertheless, what I had in mind in using the term ‘realistic modelling situations’ were models of fairly complex natural systems, such as the dripping faucet, spruce budworm and ecosystem ecology examples. My objection is not that mathematical models of such systems cannot legitimately and accurately describe structural properties that are genuinely predicable of real-world systems, but simply that for.. (shrink)
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    Rationality, democracy, and freedom in marxist critiques of Hegel's philosophy of right.David Campbell - 1985 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 28 (1-4):55 – 74.
    The most valuable political theoretical contribution made by Marx's idea of socialism is towards the resolution of the seeming opposition of mass democracy and rational government. Marx follows Hegel's redefinition of political rationalization as the actualization of the nascent self?consciousness of the existing ethical world when he uses socialism as a statement of those tendencies of bourgeois society that will create the perspectives of social awareness that allow mass democracy. This thesis is made against aspects of the interpretation (...)
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  18.  7
    Hegel on Architecture, Poetry, and the Sociality of Perception.Eliza Starbuck Little - 2024 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 309 (3):119-134.
    How can a subjective experience claim universal validity? This question, posed by Kant in his Critique of Judgment, is also at the heart of Hegel's aesthetic project as I understand it. This article seeks to corroborate this proposition by analyzing how works of art transmit knowledge according to Hegel. I argue that one of the things that works of art can show according to Hegel are the apparently private subjective mental states that accompany our experience of worldly objects. (...)
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    No Being, No Singularity. Hegel’s Critique Of Sense-certainty In The »phenomenology Of Spiri«.Dieter Schönecker - 2004 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 6 (1):191-196.
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    Hegel's Phenomenological Method and Analysis of Consciousness.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2009 - In The Blackwell Guide to Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 1–36.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Hegel's Introduction Sense Certainty Perception Force and Understanding Hegel's Epistemological Analysis in the Phenomenology of Spirit Conclusion References Further Reading.
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  21.  46
    (1 other version)Hegel’s Critique of Kant.John E. Smith - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 26 (3):438 - 460.
    I am calling attention at the outset to Hegel’s procedure in interpreting the thought of others not to suggest that he simply failed to represent their views, but rather to indicate that he invariably sets them down in the midst of his own systematic idealism and judges them in accordance with the adequacy of their response to questions posed by his own position. One consequence of this approach is that Hegel views a philosophical position not primarily in terms of its (...)
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  22. Hegel’s Internal Critique of Naïve Realism.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2000 - Journal of Philosophical Research 25:173-229.
    This article reconstructs Hegel’s chapter “Sense Certainty” (Phenomenology of Spirit, chap. 1) in detail in its historical and philosophical context. Hegel’s chapter develops a sound internal critique of naive realism that shows that sensation is necessary but not sufficient for knowledge of sensed particulars. Cognitive reference to particulars also requires using a priori conceptions of space, spaces, time, times, self, and individuation. Several standard objections to and misinterpretations of Hegel’s chapter are rebutted. Hegel’s protosemantics is shown to (...)
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  23. From Greek Polis to Modern State: Hegel's Critique of Ancient Greek Ethical Life.David W. Loy - 2003 - Dissertation, Saint Louis University
    Hegel's relationship to the Greek ideal of his day is well known: early in his career he saw the Greeks as an alternative to modernity, but by 1805 he had retreated from the Greek ideal, although he still admired the Greeks. Despite agreement that the Greeks played a central role in Hegel's thought, only a few commentators have offered an interpretation of Hegel's account of Greek ethical life. This dissertation presents just such an interpretation. ;I begin by (...)
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  24. Gadamer on Understanding, Knowledge and Truth: An Interpretation and Critique of His Epistemology.Matthew P. Kuenning - 1998 - Dissertation, Fordham University
    Chapter 1 reconstructs Gadamer's fundamental philosophical task. The task is the problem of certainty, which is the problem of responding in some way or another to reasons that seem to show that we need, but cannot complete, the justificationalist project. Justificationalism is the view that we need a special philosophical of all human knowledge all at once. Chapter 2 argues that Hegel and Heidegger both try to solve the problem of certainty by transforming the realist conception of truth (...)
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  25. Hegel's Defense of the Ontological Argument for the Existence of God.Kevin Harrelson - 2004 - Dissertation, University of Kentucky
    The following dissertation is a study of the "ontological proof' for God's existence, specifically of the controversy concerning this proof from the seventeenth through the nineteenth centuries. As the title indicates, the primary theme is Hegel's defense and reformulation of the proof. I argue for a metaphysical interpretation of Hegel's Science of Logic, by showing that one of Hegel's chief goals in the Logic is to provide a demonstration for the thesis that "necessary existence belongs to (...)
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  26. Hegel's critique of pure mechanism and the philosophical appeal of the logic project.James Kreines - 2004 - European Journal of Philosophy 12 (1):38–74.
    I undertake here the challenges of clarifying and defending Hegel’s mechanism argument, and showing how it throws some much-needed light on the nature and philosophical appeal of the Logic project. I will argue that the key to all this is Hegel’s focus on a philosophical problem concerning explanation itself. Unfortunately, this problem can easily be obscured from us by contemporary tastes and assumptions. In particular, where Hegel discusses mechanism and teleology, we must not read him as if he meant to (...)
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  27.  93
    Hegel’s Critique of the Enlightenment. [REVIEW]Leo Rauch - 1987 - The Owl of Minerva 19 (1):99-101.
    Many of Hegel’s characteristic ideas came from the Enlightenment. We ought therefore to find much instruction from his own critique of that movement. Would such a critique of his be self-defeating? Only in the most superficial sense. Rather, it would be entirely consistent with his notion of self-consciousness : namely, that the self becomes what it is in self-awareness. Hegel’s fulfillment of his indebtedness to the Enlightenment would thus necessarily entail his thoroughgoing and self-conscious critique of (...)
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  28.  87
    The Sovereignty of Reason: Making Sense of Hegel's Philosophy of Objective Spirit.Chong-Fuk Lau - 2011 - Idealistic Studies 41 (3):167-185.
    This paper aims to make better sense of Hegel’s Philosophy of Objective Spirit and defend it against the charge of political conservatism and optimism. I will argue for the left Hegelian position in the theological-philosophical respect, thereby leaving the left-right divide in the social-political respect largely open. I will explain that Hegel’s commitment to the inherent rationality of the state and the course of human history as the progress of freedom does not imply blind optimism, since his thesis (...)
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  29. Phenomenology of Flesh: Fanon’s Critique of Hegelian Recognition and Buck-Morss’ Haiti Thesis.Grant Brown - 2024 - Rhizomes: Cultural Studies in Emerging Knowledge 1 (40):1-17.
    This philosophical investigation interrogates the relationship between G.W.F. Hegel’s concept of the master-slave dialectic in The Phenomenology of Spirit and the critique and reformulation of it by Frantz Fanon in Black Skin, White Masks. As a means of contextualization and expansion of Hegel’s original textual account, I consider Susan Buck-Morss’ seminal defense through grounding the dialectic in Hegel’s possible historical knowledge of the Haitian Revolution. I maintain that despite a compelling picture, Buck-Morss’ insights are unable to fully vindicate Hegel (...)
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  30. Readings of “Consciousness”: Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit.Agemir Bavaresco, Andrew Cooper, Andrew J. Latham & Thomas Raysmith - 2014 - Journal of General Philosophy 1 (1):15-26.
    This paper walks through four different approaches to Hegel's notion of Consciousness in the Phenomenology of Spirit. Through taking four different approaches our aim is to explore the multifaceted nature of the phenomenological movement of consciousness. The first part provides an overview of the three chapters of the section on Consciousness, namely Sense-Certainty, Perception and Force and the Understanding, attempting to unearth the implicit logic that undergirds Consciousness’ experience. The second part focuses specifically on the shape (...)
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  31. On Hegel's Critique of Kant's Subjectivism in the Transcendental Deduction.Dennis Schulting - 2017 - In Kant's Radical Subjectivism: Perspectives on the Transcendental Deduction. London, UK: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 341-370.
    In this chapter, I expound Hegel’s critique of Kant, which he first and most elaborately presented in his early essay Faith and Knowledge (1802), by focusing on the criticism that Hegel levelled against Kant’s (supposedly) arbitrary subjectivism about the categories. This relates to the restriction thesis of Kant’s transcendental idealism: categorially governed empirical knowledge only applies to appearances, not to things in themselves, and so does not reach objective reality, according to Hegel. Hegel claims that this restriction of (...)
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  32. Hegel’s Critique of Aristotle’s Philosophy of Mind. [REVIEW]Errol E. Harris - 1970 - The Owl of Minerva 1 (3):4-5.
    A revival of interest in Hegel is long overdue. Both the Analytic movement and the post-World War II access of interest in Existentialism resulted from a reaction against Hegelian idealism, but disagreement with a philosopher’s theories is no good reason for neglecting to study them - in fact, to disagree without knowledge is to risk serious error, and to criticize without understanding is merely to reveal lack of scholarship. It is therefore all to the good that attention should be drawn (...)
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  33. The Impossibility of the Present: Heidegger's Resistance to Hegel.Victoria I. Burke - 1996 - Dissertation, University of Toronto (Canada)
    This thesis is a critique of Hegel from a Heideggerian standpoint focusing on the role of action in community. It argues, first, that Heidegger has a more highly developed account of the present of action than does Hegel on account of his theory of temporality. On the basis of a discussion of the nature of action and it's site, I examine the way in which action functions in community in both Hegel and Heidegger. For Hegel, action is essential (...)
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  34.  65
    The groundlessness of sense: a critique of Husserl’s idea of grounding.Bernhard Waldenfels, Charles Driker-Ohren & Mohsen Saber - 2024 - Continental Philosophy Review 57 (1):1-15.
    This article critiques Husserl’s idea of grounding through an exploration of his notion of the lifeworld. First, it sketches different senses of the lifeworld in the Crisis and explains in what sense it is taken to be a universal foundation of all sense-formation. Second, it criticizes Husserl’s idea of grounding and shows that it fails because the alleged foundation—namely, the lifeworld as a perceptual world, or rather lifeworldly experience as perception—is inadequately determined. Perception cannot function as (...)
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  35. Hegel's phenomenology of the 'animalic soul' and the dementia of sense of the robot (english translation).Dieter Wandschneider - 2022 - In Wolfgang Neuser & Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer (eds.), Die Idee der Natur. Analyse, Ästhetik und Psychologie in Hegels Naturphilosophie. Königshausen & Neumann. pp. 449–460.
    Without doubt already ‘higher’ animals which as such have phenomenal perception possess an animalic soul. The contrasting comparison of animal and robot proves to be revealing: What does the animal have that the robot does not? A key role here plays Hegel’s interpretation, which can be addressed as a phenomenology of the ‘animalic soul’. His dictum ‘Only what is living feels a lack’ refers to the principle of self-preservation which governs everything organic. Concerning higher animals this too appears as (...)
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  36. Plethon's Critique of Aristotle's Theory of Sense Perception in the Light of the 15th-Century Controversy on the Philosophy of Plato and Aristotle.A. N. Stavelas - 2017 - In Daniel Heider, Lukáš Lička & Marek Otisk (eds.), Perception in Scholastics and Their Interlocutors. Praha: Filosofia.
  37. Spinozist Pantheism and the Truth of "Sense Certainty": What the Eleusinian Mysteries Tell us about Hegel's Phenomenology.Brady Bowman - 2012 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 50 (1):85-110.
    The Opening Chapter of Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit, called "Sense Certainty," is brief: 283 lines or about seven and a half pages in the critical edition of Hegel's works . Just over half the text is devoted to a series of thought experiments1 that focus on "the Here" and "the Now" as the two basic forms of immediate sensuous particularity Hegel calls "the This." The chapter's main goal is to demonstrate that, in truth, the object of (...)
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    The Role of Material Impressions in Reid's Theory of Vision: A Critique of Gideon Yaffe's “Reid on the Perception of the Visible Figure”.Lorne Falkenstein & Giovanni B. Grandi - 2003 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 1 (2):117-133.
    Reid maintained that the perceptions that we obtain from the senses of smell, taste, hearing, and touch are ‘suggested’ by corresponding sensations. However, he made an exception for the sense of vision. According to Reid, our perceptions of the real figure, position, and magnitude of bodies are suggested by their visible appearances, which are not sensations but objects of perception in their own right. These visible appearances have figure, position, and magnitude, as well as ‘colour,’ and the standard (...)
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  39. The Certainty of Sense-Certainty.Nathan Andersen - 2010 - Idealistic Studies 40 (3):215-234.
    Commentators on the Phenomenology of Spirit have offered careful but conflicting accounts of Hegel’s chapter on sense-certainty, either defending his starting point and analysis or challenging it on its own terms for presupposing too much. Much of the disagreement regarding both the subject matter and success of Hegel’s chapter on sense-certainty can be traced to misunderstandings regarding the nature and role of certainty itself in the Phenomenology of Spirit. Specifically, such confusions can be traced to (...)
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    (3 other versions)Principles of human knowledge and Three dialogues.George Berkeley (ed.) - 1710/1988 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Berkeley's idealism started a revolution in philosophy. As one of the great empiricist thinkers he not only influenced British philosophers from Hume to Russell and the logical positivists in the twentieth century, he also set the scene for the continental idealism of Hegel and even the philosophy of Marx. -/- There has never been such a radical critique of common sense and perception as that given in Berkeley's Principles of Human Knowledge (1710). His views were met with (...)
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    Hegel`s Phenomenology of Spirit and the Problem of the Kantian Thing-in-itself.Afshin Alikhani - 2024 - Falsafe (the Iranian Journal of Philosophy) 22 (1):307-326.
    The concept of the thing in itself in Kant's philosophy is the element which deprives us of knowing the thing as it is in itself. Hegel, who believed that knowledge is limited by nothing but itself, had to eliminate the thing in itself in his Absolute Idealism and in this way make his concept of Knowledge absolute. Many scholars believe that he did so in the first part of his Phenomenology of Spirit, titled 'Consciousness'. In this paper, in contrast to (...)
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    Performativity and Theatricality of the Absolute Spirit in Hegel’s Theory of Dramatic Poetry in Modernity.Tomislav Zelić - 2023 - Distinctio 2 (1):37-62.
    In contrast to the discussion of theater in the tradition of Western philosophy from Plato and Aristotle through Rousseau and Diderot to Artaud and Brecht, who either devalued or valorized theatricality, Hegel adopts an intermediate point of view between these two extremes. He neither devalues nor valorizes theatricality, but rather maintains that it constitutes an essential dimension of poetic drama through which it presents its ideal and fictive reality to sense perception. While in pre-modernity dramatic poetry was able (...)
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    Hegel’s vanity. Schelling’s early critique of absolute idealism.Juan José Rodríguez - 2023 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 84 (1):1-17.
    In this article, we present for the first time Schelling’s early critique of absolute idealism within his middle metaphysics (1804–1820), which has great relevance and influence on the subsequent course of German philosophy, and, more broadly considered, on later systematic thinking about the categories of unity and duality. We aim to show how Schelling defends a form of metaphysical duality, from 1804 onwards, without relapsing into a stronger Kantian dualism. In this sense, our author rejects both the dualism (...)
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  44. Schelling's Critique of Hegel: Options and Responses, in the Spirit of Highlighting Shared Insights.James Kreines - 2024 - Society for German Idealism and Romanticism 7:26-40.
    The late Schelling offers an important philosophical critique of Hegel. In this paper, I consider the critique, and options for Hegelian reply. But I do not consider this in the spirit of a zero-sum contest. The point is rather that it is worth exploring both sides of the conflict in ways that, together, support the philosophical importance of this period of philosophy. Here I take as a partner the explanation and defense of Schelling's critique in Dews' _Schelling's (...)
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    Hegel on What Cannot Be Said: an Interpretation of the Ineffable in the Phenomenology's ‘Sense-Certainty’.Ariën Voogt - 2022 - Hegel Bulletin 43 (2):220-241.
    It is often claimed that Hegel's philosophy cannot accept that something would remain beyond the grasp of conceptual language, and that his thought therefore systematically represses the possibility that something cannot be said. By analysing Hegel's account of the ineffable in the ‘Sense-Certainty’ chapter of the Phenomenology of Spirit, this article argues that Hegel does not repress, but firmly confronts the problem of what cannot be said. With the help of Giorgio Agamben's linguistic interpretation, it is (...)
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  46. Hegel's conception of philosophical critique. The concept of consciousness and the structure of proof in the introduction to the phenomenology of spirit.Ulrich Schlösser - manuscript
    Among philosophers in the period of change between the late 18th and early 19th centuries it was a widespread conviction that, because the status of a demonstrative theory made up of axioms and proofs was neither available nor desirable for philosophy, philosophical critique would also not be external to the business of philosophy. Rather it was to belong to the essence of philosophy itself. Against this background Hegel occupied himself almost from the beginning of his philosophical thinking with the (...)
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    Irony in earnest: rethinking Hegel’s critique of romantic irony.Jason Miller - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    In the so-called ‘irony debate,’ one of the most infamous polemics of modern intellectual history, G.W.F. Hegel accuses his German romantic contemporaries of being ‘nicht im Ernst’—not in earnest—with respect to irony. Given how this complaint is lodged alongside other, highly charged accusations (e.g. ‘hypocrisy,’ ‘absolute sophistry’ and ‘evil’), the unsurprising consensus among scholars today is that Hegel’s critique does injustice to the philosophically rich account of romantic irony. Acknowledging this vindication of romantic irony, however, I want to revisit (...)
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  48. Intersubjective Norms and the Claims of Conscience: A Hegelian Ethics.Lydia L. Moland - 2002 - Dissertation, Boston University
    This dissertation argues that an agent's particular commitments are an integral and necessary part of his autonomy. I refer to Hegel's Philosophy of Right to argue that the autonomous self is in fact a committed self. According to Hegel, freedom is only possible when the agent inhabits roles within a family, civil society, and the greater community of the state. These roles make up the agent's practical identity, or the set of commitments and characteristics around which he orients his (...)
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  49. Wittgenstein’s Critique of the Additive Conception of Language.James F. Conant - 2020 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review 9.
    This paper argues that Wittgenstein, both early and late, rejects the idea that the logically simpler and more fundamental case is that of "the mere sign" and that what a meaningful symbol is can be explained through the elaboration of an appropriately supplemented conception of the sign: the sign plus something. Rather the sign, in the logically fundamental case of its mode of occurrence, is an internal aspect of the symbol. The Tractatus puts this point as follows: “The sign is (...)
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  50. Hegel, Russell, and the foundations of philosophy.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2009 - In Angelica Nuzzo (ed.), Hegel and the Analytic Tradition. Continuum.
    Though philosophical antipodes, Hegel and Russell were profound philosophical revolutionaries. They both subjected contemporaneous philosophy to searching critique, and they addressed many important issues about the character of philosophy itself. Examining their disagreements is enormously fruitful. Here I focus on one central issue raised in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit: the tenability of the foundationalist model of rational justification. I consider both the general question of the tenability of the foundationalist model itself, and the specific question of the tenability of (...)
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