Results for ' Nostalgia'

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  1. Industrial Nostalgia and Working-Class Identity.Alfred Archer & Leonie Smith - 2024 - In Tobias Becker & Dylan Trigg (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Nostalgia. Routledge. pp. 341-353.
    This chapter brings together important contributions from geographers, historians, sociologists and media theorists, and looks at these through the lens of social philosophy on the nature of resistance and oppression, to articulate and understand both the positive and negative ways in which industrial nostalgia shapes present-day working-class identities. Celebrations of abandoned industrial sites have been criticised by some as inflicting a form of violence on working-class people (High and Lewis 2007), transforming sites of working-class loss into objects of nostalgic (...)
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    When Nostalgia Tilts to Sad: Anticipatory and Personal Nostalgia.Krystine I. Batcho - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:535113.
    Contemporary research has showcased many benefits of nostalgia, but its bittersweet character and historical reputation as unhealthy raise the possibility of less favorable impacts. In recent studies, daily diary data highlighted nostalgia’s mixed valence and suggested that nostalgia is more strongly associated with negative feelings. Variables that influence the adaptive or maladaptive dimensions of nostalgia have not yet been fully explored. Recently, a focus on when nostalgia is experienced relative to past and future was introduced (...)
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    Nostalgia’s place among self-relevant emotions.Wijnand A. P. van Tilburg, Tim Wildschut & Constantine Sedikides - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (4):742-759.
    How is nostalgia positioned among self-relevant emotions? We tested, in six studies, which self-relevant emotions are perceived as most similar versus least similar to nostalgia, and what underlies these similarities/differences. We used multidimensional scaling to chart the perceived similarities/differences among self-relevant emotions, resulting in two-dimensional models. The results were revealing. Nostalgia is positioned among self-relevant emotions characterised by positive valence, an approach orientation, and low arousal. Nostalgia most resembles pride and self-compassion, and least resembles embarrassment and (...)
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    La nostalgia como efugio al estado de angustia.Jorge Montesó Ventura - 2021 - Agora 40 (2):109-133.
    In recent years, at least in the so-called western societies, a clear trend has been established to consume products that aim to promote a state of nostalgia in the consumer: fashion, cinema, television... everything that concerns mass consumption, in its aesthetics, it dresses with elements that try to evoke part of its target's past, and it works. In this article we will analyse, understanding consumption only as the most obvious expression, what motivates us to seek stimuli that evoke the (...)
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  5. Anticipated nostalgia: Looking forward to looking back.Wing-Yee Cheung, Erica G. Hepper, Chelsea A. Reid, Jeffrey D. Green, Tim Wildschut & Constantine Sedikides - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (3):511-525.
    Anticipated nostalgia is a new construct that has received limited empirical attention. It concerns the anticipation of having nostalgic feelings for one’s present and future experiences. In three...
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    Nostalgia. Sobre el origen y el nombre de una patología sentimental.Diego S. Garrocho - 2019 - Isegoría 61:673-688.
    The aim of this paper is to expose a philosophical analysis of the type and development of a disease that, over time, became a capital sentimental experience in Late modernity: nostalgia. While the Ancient World concentrated on the study and diagnosis of a close disease like melancholy, nostalgia burst into medical manuals as a hybrid pathology between moral error and bodily defect. Its gradual assimilation rooted in a specific experience of temporality with important epistemological, political and existential connotations. (...)
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  7. Nostalgia.S. A. Howard - 2012 - Analysis 72 (4):641-650.
    Next SectionThis article argues against two dominant accounts of the nature of nostalgia. These views assume that nostalgia depends, in some way, on comparing a present situation with a past one. However, neither does justice to the full range of recognizably nostalgic experiences available to us – in particular, ‘Proustian’ nostalgia directed at involuntary autobiographical memories. Therefore, the accounts in question fail. I conclude by considering an evaluative puzzle raised by Proustian nostalgia when it is directed (...)
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    La nostalgia de realidad en las aventuras fantásticas de Alicia.Francisco Javier Guajardo-Fajardo Colunga - 2023 - Isidorianum 9 (17):59-96.
    Las obras de Carroll representan una ajunción en la que coexisten dos visiones radicalmente opuestas de la realidad. En sus obras teóricas, es un lógico perfecto que expone de forma muy clara la belleza y el orden de las ideas. Por el contrario, en Las aventuras de Alice, presenta un mundo sin un orden, una realidad siempre cambiante donde no hay ley a la que aferrarse. Así, en Carroll las dos grandes tradiciones de pensamiento que coexisten en nuestra cultura desde (...)
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  9. Nostalgia reconsidered.Paula Sweeney - 2020 - Ratio 33 (3):184-190.
    Nostalgia is standardly assumed to be directed towards the past, to involve some salient feeling of the irretrievability of the past, and to be directed towards the memory of an event. In this paper I argue that none of these standard assumptions hold. I use a time‐traveller example to demonstrate that nostalgia is not essentially past‐directed. Once nostalgia is prised from the objective past, we can examine the other purported conditions, making space for the conclusion that the (...)
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    Nostalgia, Modernity, and Counter-Acceleration.Marshawn Brewer - 2024 - Critical Horizons 25 (4):329-344.
    While much attention has been paid to the various strains of modernity’s development from its emphasis on instrumental rationality to its construction of the advent-guard, what I want to do here is examine the intersection of modernity, affectation, and acceleration. This essay contends nostalgia ameliorates identity disruption from social acceleration in late modernity. Existential threats evoke nostalgia, reconstituting familiar “homeworlds” and enabling experiential normalcy. Subjects recoup weak role-identification and unstable archetypes – byproducts of pluralisation, entrepreneurialism, and insecuritization – (...)
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    The Nostalgia of Values: Popular Depictions of Care Crisis towards Ageing Parents in India.Deblina Dey - 2016 - Journal of Human Values 22 (1):26-38.
    Popular depictions of values around care for the elderly in the media generate nostalgia for a value-rich past, in which caring practices were considered a family affair. The physical absence of family members for providing care is portrayed as a pathological symptom of contemporary society. The study, through analysis of cinematic representations, explains the cultural need for the nostalgia of virtuous intergenerational relations. Such nostalgia instils a need to reaffirm values yet at the same time in the (...)
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    Nostalgia and political theory.Lawrence Quill - 2024 - New York,: Routledge//Taylor & Francis Group.
    In Nostalgia and Political Theory, Lawrence Quill advocates the central importance of nostalgia as a theoretical response to the 'historic' past and a vertiginous present. He does so by offering detailed analyses of diverse theoretical approaches, from the ancient world to the modern day, in order to reassess the relation between nostalgia and politics. Quill proposes nostalgia as an organizing concept, silently (and not so silently) influencing theorists as they construct critiques of the present or visions (...)
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    Nostalgia de unidade: uma intersecção entre a psicanálise, a filosofia e a literatura.Rita Paiva - 2009 - Discurso 39 (39):261-290.
    Nostalgia de unidade: uma intersecção entre a psicanálise, a filosofia e a literatura.
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    Yearning for the Irretrievable: Nostalgia and Time.Saulius Geniusas - forthcoming - Emotion Review.
    Situating phenomenological reflections on nostalgia within a historical context, I argue that Kant's temporalization of nostalgia remains incomplete. Bringing into question the widespread assumption that the object of nostalgia must be the past, I argue that nostalgia can be spoken of in three fundamental ways: as nostalgia for the past, for the present, and for the future. I further clarify the relation between the three forms of nostalgia here distinguished, and some other nostalgia (...)
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    Nostalgia: Origins and Ends of an Unenlightened Disease.Helmut Illbruck - 2012 - Northwestern University Press.
    Introduction: original questions -- Nostalgia's early modern origins: cultural backgrounds -- Dr. Thomas Willis and the science of nervous sensibility -- Nostalgia's original theories: implications and effects -- The ranz-des-vaches -- "Medical" nostalgia and its uses in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Europe -- Critics of nostalgia: Kant, Schopenhauer, and the question of time -- Nostalgia's modern translations -- Uncanny acts of violence -- Postmodern reencounters -- Conclusion: the end of nostalgia.
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  16. Nostalgia como anhelo del presente que nunca llegó a ser.Jorge Montesó-Ventura - 2024 - Endoxa 54:217-239.
    La nostalgia se ha convertido en uno de los temples anímicos protagonistas a la hora de condicionar nuestro comportamiento dentro de las llamadas sociedades occidentales, se aprecia en fenómenos que cubren desde el consumo de ocio hasta el resurgir de movimientos de inspiración idealista que movilizan parte de las resistencias de hoy. En el presente artículo analizaremos dicha presencia contrastando la hipótesis que la nostalgia emerge como respuesta a la angustia que tales sociedades provocan en sus ciudadanos, sujetos (...)
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    Nostalgia.Johan Gamper - manuscript
    Jag har brutit med vårt aktuella paradigm. Detta är varför. /Ihave broken with our present paradigm. This is why.
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    Nostalgia, reflection, brooding: Psychological benefits and autobiographical memory functions.Tonglin Jiang, Wing-Yee Cheung, Tim Wildschut & Constantine Sedikides - 2021 - Consciousness and Cognition 90 (C):103107.
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  19. Nostalgia and the renaissance romance.Donald Beecher - 2010 - Philosophy and Literature 34 (2):281-301.
    The study to follow is concerned with the structure of romance in the ancient and Renaissance periods from the perspective of nostalgia, to be defined here as one of the most deeply engrained features of the human psyche. The argument in brief is that of all the literary genres of the early modern era, romance tells the story of homecoming with the greatest sense of imperative, constituting a tropism in the form of a literary motif that originates in the (...)
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    Nostalgias.Michael Janover - 2000 - Critical Horizons 1 (1):113-133.
    This paper launches a thought experiment the aim of which is to recover and defend an idea of nostalgia as something other than merely maudlin yearning after the days of yore. Much critical comment on nostalgia, in everyday parlance and in academic debate, begins from the standpoint that the time longed for was never really as it is now, nostalgically, imagined. The force and validity of this jibe is admitted in this paper, but it argues that the concept (...)
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    Environments Past: Nostalgia in Environmental Policy and Governance.Jordan P. Howell, Jennifer Kitson & David Clowney - 2019 - Environmental Values 28 (3):305-323.
    A variety of factors shape environmental policy and governance (EPG) processes, from perceptions of physical ecology and profit motives to social justice and concerns with landscape aesthetics. Many scholars have examined the role of values in EPG, and demonstrated that attempts to incorporate (especially) non-market values into EPG are loaded with both practical and conceptual challenges. Nevertheless, it is clear that non-market values of all types play a crucial role in shaping EPG outcomes. In this article we explore the role (...)
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    Revenge and Nostalgia: Reconciling Nietzsche and Heidegger on the question of coming to terms with the past.Bradley Bryan - 2012 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 38 (1):25-38.
    In certain respects, contemporary thought treats the politics of revenge with disdain while celebrating and employing a politics that is decidedly nostalgic. And yet, following Nietzsche’s work regarding the inherent vengefulness of nostalgic political programs, one is led to an impasse. This article attempts to make plain for politics what is at stake in Nietzsche’s account of revenge, and how political and social action might navigate the distance between revenge and nostalgia. The article brings the thought of Nietzsche and (...)
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    Nostalgia and Heroism: Theoretical Convergence of Memory, Motivation, and Function.Scott T. Allison & Jeffrey D. Green - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This article seeks to develop theoretical convergences between the science of nostalgia and the science of heroism. We take four approaches in forging a conceptual relationship between these two phenomena. First, we examine the definitions of nostalgia and heroism from scholars, laypeople, and across cultures, noting how the history of defining the two phenomena has shaped current conceptualizations. Second, we demonstrate how nostalgic experiences consist of reminiscences about our own personal heroism and about cultural role models and heroes. (...)
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  24. La nostalgia restauradora, el ocaso de la hermenéutica del punto de vista ajeno.Jorge Montesó-Ventura - 2018 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 75:177-190.
    Nostalgia is the emotional effect that causes searching between memories the disappeared home, longed for. In itself, while researching in memories, it implies a certain degree of self-absorption and individuation, because the memories are in extremely particular, a return to the self. When this nostalgia is filled with a restorative eagerness, when it has social and political pretensions, this return translates into a marked distancing between one’s point of view and that of any other, until it becomes a (...)
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  25. Nostalgia and Temporal Self-Appraisal: Divergent Evaluations of Past and Present Selves.Keith Markman, Hannah Osborn & Jennifer Howell - 2022 - Self and Identity 21 (2):163-184.
    The present research examined how nostalgia influences temporal self-appraisals and whether those appraisals relate to current mood. Across two studies, participants recalled either an ordinary or nostalgic memory and provided appraisals of their present and past selves. Participants who recalled nostalgic memories evaluated their past selves more positively than their present selves, whereas the reverse occurred for those who recalled ordinary memories. Those who recalled a positive future event also evaluated their future selves more positively than their present selves. (...)
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    Nostalgia strengthens global self-continuity through holistic thinking.Emily K. Hong, Constantine Sedikides & Tim Wildschut - 2021 - Cognition and Emotion 35 (4):730-737.
    The sociologist Fred Davis (1979) was the first to propose that nostalgic reverie plays a role in connecting temporally distinct aspects of the self. His proposal has stood the test of time. Yet, t...
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    Nostalgia enhances route learning in a virtual environment.Edward S. Redhead, Tim Wildschut, Alice Oliver, Matthew O. Parker, Antony P. Wood & Constantine Sedikides - 2023 - Cognition and Emotion 37 (4):617-632.
    Salient landmarks enhance route learning. We hypothesised that semantically salient nostalgic landmarks would improve route learning compared to non-nostalgic landmarks. In two experiments, participants learned a route through a computer-generated maze using directional arrows and wall-mounted pictures. On the test trial, the arrows were removed, and participants completed the maze using only the pictures. In the nostalgia condition, pictures were of popular music artists and TV characters from 5 to 10 years ago. In the control condition, they were recent (...)
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  28. La nostalgia del prójimo en la reflexión de Miguel de Unamuno.Angelo Marocco - 2007 - Información Filosófica 4 (1):80-100.
    Il presente articolo si propone di cogliere alcuni aspetti della riflessione antropologica di Miguel de Unamuno. In particolare, si intende qui mostrare il rilievo e l’attualità della dimensione interpersonale nel pensiero unamuniano. Nella comunicazione la persona è per Unamuno esposta al rischio di essere un oggetto fra gli altri dell'altro che è di fronte. Ed è proprio in questo preciso momento che la trama della comunicazione intersoggettiva viene bruscamente interrotta per ritornare nella solitudine. Il dialogo si logora allorché si ha (...)
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  29. Nostalgia de futuro”, expectativas pasadas en la no-experiencia del presente.Jorge Montesó Ventura - 2022 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 19:119-138.
    A partir de la aparentemente contradictoria expresión “nostalgia de futuro”, en el presente artículo nos adentramos en el análisis del complejo entramado de tensiones temporales que subyacen a la experiencia humana, en concreto bajo la coloración del tono nostálgico. Trataremos de analizar las relaciones de interdependencia que guardan los distintos horizontes temporales, tanto en la experiencia nostálgica como en la experiencia originaria a la que esta refiere y que es materia de evocación. En tal contexto, pondremos especial énfasis en (...)
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    A New Career’: nostalgia, mortality, and David Bowie’s ‘I Can’t Give Everything Away.Alice Masterson - 2021 - Journal for Cultural Research 25 (4):413-428.
    David Bowie’s swansong album Blackstar occupies a unique position in its proximity to the artist’s death: just two days. It thus provides an opportunity to examine how music, nostalgia, and mortali...
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    Feminist collective memory and nostalgia in gynaecological self-help in contemporary Europe.Lucile Quéré - 2021 - European Journal of Women's Studies 28 (3):337-352.
    Gynaecological self-help, a well-known and historical feminist practice from the Second Wave movements which aims at embodying a radical alternative to traditional reproductive politics, is resurging today in France, Switzerland and Belgium. Drawing on empirical observations and interviews, this article questions the links between feminist memory of self-help, the shaping of nostalgia and the production of a political feminist ‘we’. Born at the end of the 1960s in the United States, feminist self-help travelled internationally and was appropriated differently depending (...)
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    La nostalgia de Cioran.Catalina Elena Dobre - 2020 - Sevilla: Thémata.
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  33. Nostalgia.Ralph Harper - 1966 - [Cleveland]: Press of Western Reserve University.
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    Nostalgia for the Present: Ethnography and Photography in a Moroccan Berber Village.David Crawford & Bart Deseyn - 2014 - Leiden University Press.
    Anthropology and photography have been linked since the nineteenth century, but their relationship has never been entirely comfortable—and has grown less so in recent years. Nostalgia for the Present aims to repair that relationship by involving intentional participants in an inclusive conversation; it is the fruit of a collaboration among an ethnographer, a photographer, a group of Moroccan farmers, and Abdelkrim Bamouh—a native intellectual whose deep understanding of rural Morocco made him not merely a translator but a facilitator of (...)
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    Food-evoked nostalgia.Chelsea A. Reid, Jeffrey D. Green, Sophie Buchmaier, Devin K. McSween, Tim Wildschut & Constantine Sedikides - 2023 - Cognition and Emotion 37 (1):34-48.
    In three studies, we examined food as an elicitor of nostalgia. Study 1 participants visualised eating either a nostalgic or regularly consumed food. Study 2 participants visualised consuming 12 foods. Study 3 participants consumed 12 flavour samples. Following their food experiences, all participants responded to questions regarding the profile of food-evoked nostalgia (i.e. autobiographical relevance, arousal, familiarity, positive and negative emotions) and several psychological functions (i.e. positive affect, self-esteem, social connectedness, meaning in life). Study 2 and 3 participants (...)
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    Nostalgia de futuro: el transhumanismo y la libertad trascendental.Rafael Monterde-Ferrando - forthcoming - Studia Poliana:129-150.
    En el presente artículo se analiza la noción de nostalgia de futuro para comprender su significado en el contexto de la filosofía transhumanista y en el de la filosofía de Leonardo Polo. Se ha elegido como representantes del transhumanismo a los que históricamente son sus padres intelectuales: Julian Huxley y Fereidoun M. Esfandiary, quien más tarde cambió su nombre a FM-2030. El objetivo del artículo es analizar las dos filosofías para profundizar en el deseo de trascendencia que cada una (...)
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  37. XIII.—Nostalgia for the Particular.Iris Murdoch - 1952 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 52 (1):243-260.
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    The Dilemmas of Radical Nostalgia in British Psychogeography.Alastair Bonnett - 2009 - Theory, Culture and Society 26 (1):45-70.
    This article argues that British psychogeography is an arena of conflict between two important and unresolved strands within radicalism: the use of the past to critique industrial modernity and the suppression of nostalgia. The article begins by outlining the emergence of nostalgia as a site of dilemma and creativity within political radicalism. It is shown that as nostalgia became marginalized within mainstream radicalism it became available as a provocative resource for `counter-cultural' interventions. The article then turns to (...)
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    Nostalgia and shrinkage: Philosophy and culture under post-postmodern conditions.Peter Strandbrink - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (14):1408-1409.
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    The Nostalgia for Eden.Noel Dermot O'Donoghue - 2001 - The Chesterton Review 27 (1-2):39-45.
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  41. Nostalgia za Grecją u zarania niemieckiego klasycyzmu.Jacques Taminiaux - 2011 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 4 (19).
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    Invasion, alienation, and imperialist nostalgia: Overcoming the necrophilous nature of neoliberal schools.John E. Petrovic & Aaron M. Kuntz - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (10):957-969.
    The authors present a materialist analysis of the effects of neoliberalism in education. Specifically, they contend that neoliberalism is a form of cultural invasion that begets necrophilia. Neoliberalism is necrophilous in promoting a cultural desire to fix fluid systems and processes. Such desire manufactures both individuals known and culturally felt experiences of alienation which are, it is argued, symptomatic of an imperialist nostalgia that permeates educational policy and practice. The authors point to ‘unschooling in schools’ as a mechanism for (...)
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    Backward glances: Feminism, nostalgia and Joan Braderman’s The Heretics (2009).Roxanne Loree Runyon & Michelle Meagher - 2017 - Feminist Theory 18 (3):343-356.
    Although nostalgia is a much-maligned orientation to the world, feminist scholars including Heather Hillsburg (2013) and Kate Eichhorn (2015) have argued that it might be recuperated for feminist ends. This article mobilises the call to rethink nostalgia through an analysis of the feminist stories and storytelling in Joan Braderman’s 2009 film, The Heretics. A documentary about a feminist collective founded in New York City in the 1970s, The Heretics sets up a way of thinking about feminism’s past that (...)
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    Republican nostalgia, the division of labour, and the origins of inequality in the thought of the Abbé Sieyès.Angus Harwood Brown - 2024 - Intellectual History Review 34 (2):433-456.
    The Abbé Sieyès is usually portrayed as a thoroughly modern thinker and a critic of the nostalgic Classical Republicanism of some of his contemporaries, in favour of a “modern republicanism”, founded upon the division of labour and commercial sociability in a nation composed of equal labourers and producers. But Sieyès’s unpublished manuscripts suggest he, in fact, regarded modern labourers as unskilled “Machines du Travail”, dulled by work and incapable of exercising the duties of citizenship, a critique grounded in a critical (...)
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    The world of nostalgia.Edward S. Casey - 1987 - Man and World 20 (4):361-384.
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    From "Nostalgia for Classic" to "The End of Classic as Nostalgia": Winckelmann and Burckhardt.María del Rosario Acosta - 2005 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 31:39-63.
    Este texto se propone responder a la pregunta acerca de la relación entre estética y filosofía de la historia a partir del examen de las teorías estéticas de Winckelmann (mediados del s. XVIII) frente a las reflexiones acerca de la historia de Burckhardt (finales del s. XIX), atravesadas ambas por el significado que adquiere en cada una de ellas el concepto de lo clásico. La idea es mostrar cómo una historia del arte como la de Winckelmann, cuyo criterio es el (...)
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  47. Platonism, Moral Nostalgia and the City of Pigs.Rachel Barney - 2001 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 17 (1):207-27.
    Plato’s depiction of the first city in the Republic (Book II), the so-called ‘city of pigs’, is often read as expressing nostalgia for an earlier, simpler era in which moral norms were secure. This goes naturally with readings of other Platonic texts (including Republic I and the Gorgias) as expressing a sense of moral decline or crisis in Plato’s own time. This image of Plato as a spokesman for ‘moral nostalgia’ is here traced in various nineteenth- and twentieth-century (...)
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  48. Nostalgia for the future time past and the construction of Europe.Paolo Bernardini - 2000 - Giornale di Metafisica 22 (3):373-402.
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  49. La nostalgia della memoria: il paziente e l'analista.Aldo Carotenuto - 1988 - Milano: Bompiani.
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    Nostalgia: When Are We Ever at Home?Barbara Cassin - 2020 - Fordham University Press.
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