Results for ' Relativistic flashy GRW ‐ and classical space‐time structure, and wave‐function dynamics'

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  1.  14
    New Discoveries and Deeper Insights: The View from 2010.Tim Maudlin - 2002 - In Quantum non-locality and relativity: metaphysical intimations of modern physics. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. pp. 224–259.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The GRW Theory Local Beables for GRW The Flash Ontology Relativistic Flashy GRW The Role of Local Beables The Logical Situation The Methodological Situation.
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  2. The GRW Flash Theory: A Relativistic Quantum Ontology of Matter in Space-Time?Michael Esfeld & Nicolas Gisin - 2014 - Philosophy of Science 81 (2):248-264.
    John Bell proposed an ontology for the GRW modification of quantum mechanics in terms of flashes occurring at space- time points. This article spells out the motivation for this ontology, inquires into the status of the wave function in it, critically examines the claim of its being Lorentz invariant, and considers whether it is a parsimonious but nevertheless physically adequate ontology.
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  3.  19
    Neo-classical Relativistic Mechanics Theory for Electrons that Exhibits Spin, Zitterbewegung, Dipole Moments, Wavefunctions and Dirac’s Wave Equation.James L. Beck - 2023 - Foundations of Physics 53 (3):1-39.
    In this work, a neo-classical relativistic mechanics theory is presented where the spin of an electron is an inherent part of its world space-time path as a point particle. The fourth-order equation of motion corresponds to the same covariant Lagrangian function in proper time as in special relativity except for an additional spin energy term. The theory provides a hidden-variable model of the electron where the dynamic variables give a complete description of its motion, giving a classical (...)
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    Hamiltonian Structure of the Schrödinger Classical Dynamical System.Massimo Tessarotto, Michael Mond & Davide Batic - 2016 - Foundations of Physics 46 (9):1127-1167.
    The connection between quantum mechanics and classical statistical mechanics has motivated in the past the representation of the Schrödinger quantum-wave equation in terms of “projections” onto the quantum configuration space of suitable phase-space asymptotic kinetic models. This feature has suggested the search of a possible exact super-dimensional classical dynamical system, denoted as Schrödinger CDS, which uniquely determines the time-evolution of the underlying quantum state describing a set of N like and mutually interacting quantum particles. In this paper the (...)
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    Physical Relativity: Space-Time Structure From a Dynamical Perspective.Harvey R. Brown - 2005 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Physical Relativity explores the nature of the distinction at the heart of Einstein's 1905 formulation of his special theory of relativity: that between kinematics and dynamics. Einstein himself became increasingly uncomfortable with this distinction, and with the limitations of what he called the 'principle theory' approach inspired by the logic of thermodynamics. A handful of physicists and philosophers have over the last century likewise expressed doubts about Einstein's treatment of the relativistic behaviour of rigid bodies and clocks in (...)
  6. Worlds in a Stochastic Universe: On the Emergence of World Histories in Minimal Bohmian Mechanics.Alexander Ehmann - 2020 - Dissertation, Lingnan University
    This thesis develops a detailed account of the emergence of for all practical purposes continuous, quasi-classical world histories from the discontinuous, stochastic micro dynamics of Minimal Bohmian Mechanics (MBM). MBM is a non-relativistic quantum theory. It results from excising the guiding equation from standard Bohmian Mechanics (BM) and reinterpreting the quantum equilibrium hypothesis as a stochastic guidance law for the random actualization of configurations of Bohmian particles. On MBM, there are no continuous trajectories linking up individual configurations. (...)
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  7.  51
    Semi-classical Locality for the Non-relativistic Path Integral in Configuration Space.Henrique Gomes - 2017 - Foundations of Physics 47 (9):1155-1184.
    In an accompanying paper Gomes, we have put forward an interpretation of quantum mechanics based on a non-relativistic, Lagrangian 3+1 formalism of a closed Universe M, existing on timeless configuration space \ of some field over M. However, not much was said there about the role of locality, which was not assumed. This paper is an attempt to fill that gap. Locality in full can only emerge dynamically, and is not postulated. This new understanding of locality is based solely (...)
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  8. Classical and Non-relativistic Limits of a Lorentz-Invariant Bohmian Model for a System of Spinless Particles.Sergio Hernández-Zapata & Ernesto Hernández-Zapata - 2010 - Foundations of Physics 40 (5):532-544.
    A completely Lorentz-invariant Bohmian model has been proposed recently for the case of a system of non-interacting spinless particles, obeying Klein-Gordon equations. It is based on a multi-temporal formalism and on the idea of treating the squared norm of the wave function as a space-time probability density. The particle’s configurations evolve in space-time in terms of a parameter σ with dimensions of time. In this work this model is further analyzed and extended to the case of an interaction with an (...)
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  9.  57
    Space-time constructivism vs. modal provincialism: Or, how special relativistic theories needn't show Minkowski chronogeometry.J. Brian Pitts - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 67:191-198.
    Already in 1835 Lobachevski entertained the possibility of multiple geometries of the same type playing a role. This idea of rival geometries has reappeared from time to time but had yet to become a key idea in space-time philosophy prior to Brown's _Physical Relativity_. Such ideas are emphasized towards the end of Brown's book, which I suggest as the interpretive key. A crucial difference between Brown's constructivist approach to space-time theory and orthodox "space-time realism" pertains to modal scope. Constructivism takes (...)
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  10.  20
    Inevitability of the Poisson Bracket Structure of the Relativistic Constraints.Jan Głowacki - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (6):1-14.
    The purpose of this paper is to shed some fresh light on the long-standing conceptual question of the origin of the well-known Poisson bracket structure of the constraints that govern the canonical dynamics of generally relativistic field theories, i.e. geometrodynamics. This structure has long been known to be the same for a wide class of fields that inhabit the space-time, namely those with non-differential coupling to gravity. It has also been noticed that an identical bracket structure can be (...)
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  11.  24
    Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves in Fractional Space Time Dimensions.Sami I. Muslih - 2023 - Foundations of Physics 53 (2):1-6.
    In this paper, we investigate non-homogeneous wave equations in fractional space-time domains of space dimension _D_, \(0 and time dimension \(\beta\), \(0. We write the wave equations in terms of potential functions and non-zero source terms. For scalar source terms, the potential functions are also scalar functions, and for vector source terms, the potential functions are vector functions. We derived an expression for the wave to propagate from the source point to the observation point. The study shows that the time (...)
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  12.  72
    Radiation Reaction of the Classical Off-Shell Relativistic Charged Particle.O. Oron & L. P. Horwitz - 2001 - Foundations of Physics 31 (6):951-966.
    It has been shown by Gupta and Padmanabhan that the radiation reaction force of the Abraham–Lorentz–Dirac equation can be obtained by a coordinate transformation from the inertial frame of an accelerating charged particle to that of the laboratory. We show that the problem may be formulated in a flat space of five dimensions, with five corresponding gauge fields in the framework of the classical version of a fully gauge covariant form of the Stueckelberg–Feynman–Schwinger covariant mechanics (the zero mode fields (...)
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  13. On the Problem of Emergence of Classical Space—Time: The Quantum-Mechanical Approach.Alexey A. Kryukov - 2003 - Foundations of Physics 34 (8):1225-1248.
    The Riemannian manifold structure of the classical (i.e., Einsteinian) space-time is derived from the structure of an abstract infinite-dimensional separable Hilbert space S. For this S is first realized as a Hilbert space H of functions of abstract parameters. The space H is associated with the space of states of a macroscopic test-particle in the universe. The spatial localization of state of the particle through its interaction with the environment is associated with the selection of a submanifold M of (...)
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  14.  65
    Relativistic hadronic mechanics: Nonunitary, axiom-preserving completion of relativistic quantum mechanics.Ruggero Maria Santilli - 1997 - Foundations of Physics 27 (5):625-729.
    The most majestic scientific achievement, of this century in mathematical beauty, axiomatic consistency, and experimental verifications has been special relativity with its unitary structure at the operator level, and canonical structure at the classical levels, which has turned out to be exactly valid for point particles moving in the homogenenous and isotropic vacuum (exterior dynamical problems). In recent decades a number of authors have studied nonunitary and noncanonical theories, here generally calleddeformations for the representation of broader conditions, such as (...)
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  15. ​​Our Fundamental Physical Space: An Essay on the Metaphysics of the Wave Function.Eddy Keming Chen - 2017 - Journal of Philosophy 114 (7):333-365.
    The mathematical structure of realist quantum theories has given rise to a debate about how our ordinary 3-dimensional space is related to the 3N-dimensional configuration space on which the wave function is defined. Which of the two spaces is our (more) fundamental physical space? I review the debate between 3N-Fundamentalists and 3D-Fundamentalists and evaluate it based on three criteria. I argue that when we consider which view leads to a deeper understanding of the physical world, especially given the deeper topological (...)
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  16.  38
    Dual Relativistic Quantum Mechanics I.Tepper L. Gill, Gonzalo Ares de Parga, Trey Morris & Mamadou Wade - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 52 (4):1-21.
    It was shown in Dirac A117, 610; A118, 351, 1928) that the ultra-violet divergence in quantum electrodynamics is caused by a violation of the time-energy uncertainly relationship, due to the implicit assumption of infinitesimal time information. In Wheeler et al. it was shown that Einstein’s special theory of relativity and Maxwell’s field theory have mathematically equivalent dual versions. The dual versions arise from an identity relating observer time to proper time as a contact transformation on configuration space, which leaves phase (...)
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  17.  11
    A de Broglie–Bohm Model of Pure Shape Dynamics: N-Body system.Pooya Farokhi, Tim Koslowski, Pedro Naranjo & Antonio Vassallo - 2024 - Foundations of Physics 54 (3):1-26.
    We provide the construction of a de Broglie–Bohm model of the N-body system within the framework of Pure Shape Dynamics. The equation of state of the curve in shape space is worked out, with the instantaneous shape being guided by a wave function. In order to get a better understanding of the dynamical system, we also give some numerical analysis of the 3-body case. Remarkably enough, our simulations typically show the attractor-driven behaviour of complexity, well known in the (...) case, thereby providing further evidence for the claim that the arrow of complexity is the ultimate cause of the experienced arrow of time. (shrink)
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  18.  77
    Unconventional Approach to Orbital-Free Density Functional Theory Derived from a Model of Extended Electrons.Werner A. Hofer - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (4):754-791.
    An equation proposed by Levy, Perdew and Sahni (Phys. Rev. A 30:2745, 1984) is an orbital-free formulation of density functional theory. However, this equation describes a bosonic system. Here, we analyze on a very fundamental level, how this equation could be extended to yield a formulation for a general fermionic distribution of charge and spin. This analysis starts at the level of single electrons and with the question, how spin actually comes into a charge distribution in a non-relativistic model. (...)
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  19.  74
    Quantum conformal fluctuations near the classical space-time singularity.J. V. Narlikar - 1981 - Foundations of Physics 11 (5-6):473-492.
    This paper investigates the behavior of conformal fluctuations of space-time geometry that are admissible under the quantized version of Einstein's general relativity. The approach to quantum gravity is via path integrals. It is shown that considerable simplification results when only the conformal degrees of freedom are considered under this scheme, so much so that it is possible to write down a formal kernel in the most general case where the space-time contains arbitrary distributions of particles with no other interaction except (...)
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  20.  96
    Differentiable probabilities: A new viewpoint on spin, gauge invariance, gauge fields, and relativistic quantum mechanics. [REVIEW]R. Eugene Collins - 1996 - Foundations of Physics 26 (11):1469-1527.
    A new approach to developing formulisms of physics based solely on laws of mathematics is presented. From simple, classical statistical definitions for the observed space-time position and proper velocity of a particle having a discrete spectrum of internal states we derive u generalized Schrödinger equation on the space-time manifold. This governs the evolution of an N component wave function with each component square integrable over this manifold and is structured like that for a charged particle in an electromagnetic field (...)
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  21. A Flea on Schrödinger's Cat.P. N. & Robin Reuvers - 2013 - Foundations of Physics 43 (3):373-407.
    We propose a technical reformulation of the measurement problem of quantum mechanics, which is based on the postulate that the final state of a measurement is classical; this accords with experimental practice as well as with Bohr’s views. Unlike the usual formulation (in which the post-measurement state is a unit vector in Hilbert space), our version actually opens the possibility of admitting a purely technical solution within the confines of conventional quantum theory (as opposed to solutions that either modify (...)
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  22. On the Conceptual Issues Surrounding the Notion of Relational Bohmian Dynamics.Antonio Vassallo & Pui Him Ip - 2016 - Foundations of Physics 46 (8):943-972.
    The paper presents a program to construct a non-relativistic relational Bohmian theory, that is, a theory of N moving point-like particles that dispenses with space and time as fundamental background structures. The relational program proposed is based on the best-matching framework originally developed by Julian Barbour. In particular, the paper focuses on the conceptual problems that arise when trying to implement such a program. It is argued that pursuing a relational strategy in the Bohmian context leads to a more (...)
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  23.  81
    A Flea on Schrödinger’s Cat.Np Klaas Landsman & Robin Reuvers - 2013 - Foundations of Physics 43 (3):373-407.
    We propose a technical reformulation of the measurement problem of quantum mechanics, which is based on the postulate that the final state of a measurement is classical; this accords with experimental practice as well as with Bohr’s views. Unlike the usual formulation (in which the post-measurement state is a unit vector in Hilbert space), our version actually opens the possibility of admitting a purely technical solution within the confines of conventional quantum theory (as opposed to solutions that either modify (...)
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  24.  40
    A first-order equation for spin in a manifestly relativistically covariant quantum theory.A. Arensburg & L. P. Horwitz - 1992 - Foundations of Physics 22 (8):1025-1039.
    Relativistic quantum mechanics has been formulated as a theory of the evolution ofevents in spacetime; the wave functions are square-integrable functions on the four-dimensional spacetime, parametrized by a universal invariant world time τ. The representation of states with spin is induced with a little group that is the subgroup of O(3, 1) leaving invariant a timelike vector nμ; a positive definite invariant scalar product, for which matrix elements of tensor operators are covariant, emerges from this construction. In a previous (...)
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  25.  91
    Proper-Time Formulation of Relativistic Dynamics.J. M. C. Montanus - 2001 - Foundations of Physics 31 (9):1357-1400.
    It will be argued that Minkowski's implementation of distances is inconsistent. An alternative implementation will be proposed. In the new model the proper time of an object is taken as its fourth coordinate. Distances will be measured according to a four dimensional Euclidean metric. In the present approach mass is a constant of motion. A mass can therefore be ascribed to photons and neutrinos. Mechanics and dynamics will be reformulated in close correspondence with classical physics. Of particular interest (...)
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  26.  38
    Quantized fiber dynamics for extended elementary objects involving gravitation.W. Drechsler - 1992 - Foundations of Physics 22 (8):1041-1077.
    The geometro-stochastic quantization of a gauge theory for extended objects based on the (4, 1)-de Sitter group is used for the description of quantized matter in interaction with gravitation. In this context a Hilbert bundle ℋ over curved space-time B is introduced, possessing the standard fiber ℋ $_{\bar \eta }^{(\rho )} $ , being a resolution kernel Hilbert space (with resolution generator $\tilde \eta $ and generalized coherent state basis) carrying a spin-zero phase space representation of G=SO(4, 1) belonging to (...)
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  27. Naturalización de la Metafísica Modal.Carlos Romero - 2021 - Dissertation, National Autonomous University of Mexico
    ⦿ In my dissertation I introduce, motivate and take the first steps in the implementation of, the project of naturalising modal metaphysics: the transformation of the field into a chapter of the philosophy of science rather than speculative, autonomous metaphysics. -/- ⦿ In the introduction, I explain the concept of naturalisation that I apply throughout the dissertation, which I argue to be an improvement on Ladyman and Ross' proposal for naturalised metaphysics. I also object to Williamson's proposal that modal metaphysics (...)
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  28.  99
    The problems in quantum foundations in the light of gauge theories.Yuval Ne'eman - 1986 - Foundations of Physics 16 (4):361-377.
    We review the issues of nonseparability and seemingly acausal propagation of information in EPR, as displayed by experiments and the failure of Bell's inequalities. We show that global effects are in the very nature of the geometric structure of modern physical theories, occurring even at the classical level. The Aharonov-Bohm effect, magnetic monopoles, instantons, etc. result from the topology and homotopy features of the fiber bundle manifolds of gauge theories. The conservation of probabilities, a supposedly highly quantum effect, is (...)
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  29.  56
    On the electromagnetic interaction in relativistic quantum mechanics.L. P. Horwitz - 1984 - Foundations of Physics 14 (10):1027-1046.
    A fundamental problem in the construction of local electromagnetic interactions in the framework of relativistic wave equations of Klein-Gordon or Dirac type is discussed, and shown to be resolved in a relativistic quantum theory of events described by functions in a Hilbert space on the manifold of space-time. The relation, abstracted from the structure of the electromagnetic current, between sequences of events, parametrized by an evolution parameter τ (“historical time”), and the commonly accepted notion of particles is reviewed. (...)
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  30. A Proposal for a Metaphysics of Self-Subsisting Structures. II. Quantum Physics.Antonio Vassallo, Pedro Naranjo & Tim Koslowski - 2024 - Foundations of Physics 54 (5):1-29.
    The paper presents an extension of the metaphysics of self-subsisting structures set out in a companion paper to the realm of non-relativistic quantum physics. The discussion is centered around a Pure Shape Dynamics model representing a relational implementation of a de Broglie-Bohm N-body system. An interpretation of this model in terms of self-subsisting structures is proposed and assessed against the background of the debate on the metaphysics of quantum physics, with a particular emphasis on the nature of the (...)
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  31.  64
    Gravitational Self-force from Quantized Linear Metric Perturbations in Curved Space.Chad R. Galley - 2007 - Foundations of Physics 37 (4-5):460-479.
    We present a formal derivation of the Mino–Sasaki–Tanaka–Quinn–Wald (MSTQW) equation describing the self-force on a (semi-) classical relativistic point mass moving under the influence of quantized linear metric perturbations on a curved background space–time. The curvature of the space–time implies that the dynamics of the particle and the field is history-dependent and as such requires a non-equilibrium formalism to ensure the consistent evolution of both particle and field, viz., the worldline influence functional and the closed- time-path (CTP) (...)
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  32. Representation of the Resonance of a Relativistic Quantum Field Theoretical Lee–Friedrichs Model in Lax–Phillips Scattering Theory.Y. Strauss & L. P. Horwitz - 2000 - Foundations of Physics 30 (5):653-694.
    The quantum mechanical description of the evolution of an unstable system defined initially as a state in a Hilbert space at a given time does not provide a semigroup (exponential) decay, law. The Wigner–Weisskopf survival amplitude, describing reversible quantum transitions, may be dominated by exponential type decay in pole approximation at times not too short or too long, but, in the two channel case, for example, the pole residues are not orthogonal, and the evolution does riot correspond to a semigroup (...)
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  33.  57
    Geometry as an aspect of dynamics.A. L. L. Videira, A. L. Rocha Barros & N. C. Fernandes - 1985 - Foundations of Physics 15 (12):1247-1262.
    Contrary to the predominant way of doing physics, we claim that the geometrical structure of a general differentiable space-time manifold can be determined from purely dynamical considerations. Anyn-dimensional manifoldV a has associated with it a symplectic structure given by the2n numbersp andx of the2n-dimensional cotangent fiber bundle TVn. Hence, one is led, in a natural way, to the Hamiltonian description of dynamics, constructed in terms of the covariant momentump (a dynamical quantity) and of the contravariant position vectorx (a geometrical (...)
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  34. Fundamental Problems in the Unification of Physics.Michael Heller, Leszek Pysiak & Wiesław Sasin - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (5):905-918.
    We discuss the following problems, plaguing the present search for the “final theory”: (1) How to find a mathematical structure rich enough to be suitably approximated by the mathematical structures of general relativity and quantum mechanics? (2) How to reconcile nonlocal phenomena of quantum mechanics with time honored causality and reality postulates? (3) Does the collapse of the wave function contain some hints concerning the future quantum gravity theory? (4) It seems that the final theory cannot avoid the problem of (...)
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  35. Object spaces: An organizing strategy for biological theorizing.Beckett Sterner - 2009 - Biological Theory 4 (3):280-286.
    A classic analytic approach to biological phenomena seeks to refine definitions until classes are sufficiently homogenous to support prediction and explanation, but this approach founders on cases where a single process produces objects with similar forms but heterogeneous behaviors. I introduce object spaces as a tool to tackle this challenging diversity of biological objects in terms of causal processes with well-defined formal properties. Object spaces have three primary components: (1) a combinatorial biological process such as protein synthesis that generates objects (...)
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  36.  62
    Harvey R. brown: Physical relativity: Space‐time structure from a dynamical perspective Robert DiSalle: Understanding space‐time: The philosophical developments of physics from Newton to Einstein.Reviewed by Nick Huggett - 2009 - Philosophy of Science 76 (3).
    The two books discussed here make important contributions to our understanding of the role of spacetime concepts in physical theories and how that understanding has changed during the evolution of physics. Both emphasize what can be called a ‘dynamical’ account, according to which geometric structures should be understood in terms of their roles in the laws governing matter and force. I explore how the books contribute to such a project; while generally sympathetic, I offer criticisms of some historical claims concerning (...)
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  37.  31
    Space-time structure.Erwin Schrödinger - 1950 - Cambridge [Eng.]: University Press.
    INTRODUCTION In Einstein's theory of gravitation matter and its dynamical interaction are based on the notion of an intrinsic geometric structure of the space -time continuum. The ideal aspiration, the ultimate aim, of the theory is not more and ...
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  38.  39
    Harvey Brown's Physical Relativity: Space-time structure from a dynamical perspective.Simon Saunders - forthcoming - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics.
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    Symplectic Quantization I: Dynamics of Quantum Fluctuations in a Relativistic Field Theory.Giacomo Gradenigo & Roberto Livi - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (3):1-12.
    We propose here a new symplectic quantization scheme, where quantum fluctuations of a scalar field theory stem from two main assumptions: relativistic invariance and equiprobability of the field configurations with identical value of the action. In this approach the fictitious time of stochastic quantization becomes a genuine additional time variable, with respect to the coordinate time of relativity. Thisintrinsic timeis associated to a symplectic evolution in the action space, which allows one to investigate not only asymptotic, i.e. equilibrium, properties (...)
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  40.  98
    Entropic concepts in electronic structure theory.Roman F. Nalewajski - 2012 - Foundations of Chemistry 16 (1):27-62.
    It is argued that some elusive “entropic” characteristics of chemical bonds, e.g., bond multiplicities (orders), which connect the bonded atoms in molecules, can be probed using quantities and techniques of Information Theory (IT). This complementary perspective increases our insight and understanding of the molecular electronic structure. The specific IT tools for detecting effects of chemical bonds and predicting their entropic multiplicities in molecules are summarized. Alternative information densities, including measures of the local entropy deficiency or its displacement relative to the (...)
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  41. A kinematic model for a partially resolved dynamical system in a Euclidean.Mohammed Sanduk - 2012 - Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Application 1 (6):40-51.
    The work is an attempt to transfer a structure from Euclidean plane (pure geometrical) under the physical observation limit (resolving power) to a physical space (observable space). The transformation from the mathematical space to physical space passes through the observation condition. The mathematical modelling is adopted. The project is based on two stapes: (1) Looking for a simple mathematical model satisfies the definition of Euclidian plane; (2)That model is examined against three observation resolution conditions (resolved, unresolved and partially resolved). The (...)
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  42.  88
    Standing Waves in the Lorentz-Covariant World.Y. S. Kim & Marilyn E. Noz - 2005 - Foundations of Physics 35 (7):1289-1305.
    When Einstein formulated his special relativity, he developed his dynamics for point particles. Of course, many valiant efforts have been made to extend his relativity to rigid bodies, but this subject is forgotten in history. This is largely because of the emergence of quantum mechanics with wave-particle duality. Instead of Lorentz-boosting rigid bodies, we now boost waves and have to deal with Lorentz transformations of waves. We now have some nderstanding of plane waves or running waves in the covariant (...)
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  43.  73
    Dynamic sign structures in visual art.Jörg Zeller - 2006 - Cultura 3 (2):33-41.
    It seems obvious that signs in visual art and musical notation are static carriers of visual and acoustic information. Both types of sign, however, represent dynamic processes. In real space-time, there exists no static visible thing or static audible sound. The sources of visible or audible information are dynamic – i.e. complementary substantialenergetic-informational – entities extending in space-time. The same is true of an artificial or organic receiver and processor of visual or audible information. Reality and semiosis – to be, (...)
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  44. Excitation dynamics of micro-structured atmospheric pressure plasma arrays.H. Boettner, J. Waskoenig, D. O'Connell, T. L. Kim, P. A. Tchertchian, J. Winter & V. Schulz-von der Gathen - unknown
    The spatial dynamics of the optical emission from an array of 50 times 50 individual microcavity plasma devices is investigated. The array is operated in argon and argon-neon mixtures close to atmospheric pressure with an ac voltage. The optical emission is analysed with phase and space resolution. It has been found that the emission is not continuous over the entire ac period, but occurs once per half period. Each of the observed emission phases shows a self-pulsing of the discharge, (...)
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    Coherent phase spaces. Semiclassical semantics.Sergey Slavnov - 2005 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 131 (1-3):177-225.
    The category of coherent phase spaces introduced by the author is a refinement of the symplectic “category” of A. Weinstein. This category is *-autonomous and thus provides a denotational model for Multiplicative Linear Logic. Coherent phase spaces are symplectic manifolds equipped with a certain extra structure of “coherence”. They may be thought of as “infinitesimal” analogues of familiar coherent spaces of Linear Logic. The role of cliques is played by Lagrangian submanifolds of ambient spaces. Physically, a symplectic manifold is the (...)
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  46.  13
    Relativistic Quantum Mechanics.Lawrence P. Horwitz - 2015 - Dordrecht: Imprint: Springer.
    This book describes a relativistic quantum theory developed by the author starting from the E.C.G. Stueckelberg approach proposed in the early 40s. In this framework a universal invariant evolution parameter (corresponding to the time originally postulated by Newton) is introduced to describe dynamical evolution. This theory is able to provide solutions for some of the fundamental problems encountered in early attempts to construct a relativistic quantum theory. A relativistically covariant construction is given for which particle spins and angular (...)
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  47. A Journey More Important Than Its Destination: Einstein's Quest for General Relativity, 1907–1920.Michel Janssen - unknown
    In 1907, Einstein set out to fully relativize all motion, no matter whether uniform or accelerated. After five failed attempts between 1907 and 1918, he finally threw in the towel around 1920, setting himself a new goal. For the rest of his life he searched for a classical field theory unifying gravity and electromagnetism. As he struggled to relativize motion, Einstein had to readjust both his approach and his objectives at almost every step along the way; he got himself (...)
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  48. On the Metaphysics of Quantum Mechanics.Valia Allori - 2013 - In Soazig Lebihan, La philosophie de la physique: d'aujourd'hui a demain. Editions Vuibert.
    What is quantum mechanics about? The most natural way to interpret quantum mechanics realistically as a theory about the world might seem to be what is called wave function ontology: the view according to which the wave function mathematically represents in a complete way fundamentally all there is in the world. Erwin Schroedinger was one of the first proponents of such a view, but he dismissed it after he realized it led to macroscopic superpositions (if the wave function evolves in (...)
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    Quantum Equilibrium in Stochastic de Broglie–Bohm–Bell Quantum Mechanics.Jeroen C. Vink - 2023 - Foundations of Physics 53 (1):1-19.
    This paper investigates dynamical relaxation to quantum equilibrium in the stochastic de Broglie–Bohm–Bell formulation of quantum mechanics. The time-dependent probability distributions are computed as in a Markov process with slowly varying transition matrices. Numerical simulations, supported by exact results for the large-time behavior of sequences of (slowly varying) transition matrices, confirm previous findings that indicate that de Broglie–Bohm–Bell dynamics allows an arbitrary initial probability distribution to relax to quantum equilibrium; i.e., there is no need to make the ad-hoc assumption (...)
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    Orbit Sum Rules for the Quantum Wave Functions of the Strongly Chaotic Hadamard Billiard in Arbitrary Dimensions.R. Aurich & F. Steiner - 2001 - Foundations of Physics 31 (4):569-592.
    Sum rules are derived for the quantum wave functions of the Hadamard billiard in arbitrary dimensions. This billiard is a strongly chaotic (Anosov) system which consists of a point particle moving freely on a D-dimensional compact manifold (orbifold) of constant negative curvature. The sum rules express a general (two-point)correlation function of the quantum mechanical wave functions in terms of a sum over the orbits of the corresponding classical system. By taking the trace of the orbit sum rule or pre-trace (...)
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