Results for ' Tobacco farms'

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  1.  34
    Fields of Cultural Contradictions: Lessons from the Tobacco Patch. [REVIEW]D. Wynne Wright - 2005 - Agriculture and Human Values 22 (4):465-477.
    Why do tobacco farmers continue to produce tobacco in light of the bleak future of this crop? Given the changing political economy of tobacco, we might expect producers to respond by diversifying their enterprises. This study of Kentucky burley tobacco farmers finds that farmers express contradictory values toward the economic role of production and the social value of tobacco consumption. The economic value of tobacco is articulated by drawing upon experiential lessons with the crop. (...)
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    Doing masculinity: gendered challenges to replacing burley tobacco in central Kentucky.Ann K. Ferrell - 2012 - Agriculture and Human Values 29 (2):137-149.
    This paper offers a case study based on qualitative research in the burley tobacco region of central Kentucky, where farmers are urged to diversify away from tobacco production. “Replacing” tobacco is difficult for economic and material reasons, but also because raising tobacco is commensurate with a locally valued way of doing masculinity. The focus is on these two questions: How can the doing of work associated with tobacco production and marketing be understood as also doing (...)
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  3.  25
    State, class, and technology in tobacco production.Gary P. Green - 1989 - Agriculture and Human Values 6 (4):54-61.
    Recent debates over the persistence of family farms have focused on the importance of “naturalistic” obstacles to the capitalist development of agriculture. According to these arguments, the existence of these barriers in some realms of agricultural production precludes the development of wage labor. I argue, however, that in many instances these obstacles are based primarily on political factors. To demonstrate this thesis I illustrate how the tobacco program until recently has proved to be an obstacle to consolidation and (...)
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    The survival of the black tobacco farmer: Empirical results and policy dilemmas. [REVIEW]Michael D. Schulman & Barbara A. Newman - 1991 - Agriculture and Human Values 8 (3):46-52.
    Panel data from a survey of small-scale farmers in the North Carolina Piedmont are used to investigate the survival of black smallholders. Results of a multivariate analysis show that owning tobacco quota and having high gross farm income, high amounts of on-farm household labor and small household size increase the propensity to survive in agriculture. Over the five-year period studied, approximately 50 percent of the original respondents were no longer actively operating farms. These results point to the complex (...)
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    The culture of child labor as a current expression of neo-colonialism.Soraya Franzoni Conde - 2024 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 24 (1):63-81.
    This article discusses how the persistence of child labor, especially in Brazil and the United States of America, constitutes a current facet of neo-colonialism. Cultivated as an educational and dignifying activity, exploited child labor persists and is naturalized. Schools, religions, and the legislation contribute to making the working class come to love and naturalize what in the past was understood as torture and punishment, thus jointly acting as a fundamental means of forming a new cultural form: the love of work. (...)
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  6. Leopold's Novel: The Land Ethic in Barbara Kingsolver's Prodigal Summer.Peter S. Wenz - 2003 - Ethics and the Environment 8 (2):106-125.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ethics & the Environment 8.2 (2003) 106-125 [Access article in PDF] Leopold's NovelThe Land Ethic in Barbara Kingsolver's Prodigal Summer Peter S. Wenz Introduction Like many good novels, Prodigal Summer's 1 account of love, tragedy, conflict, and choice in human relationships conveys an overall message about how life should be lived. In this case the message corresponds to Aldo Leopold's call for "a land ethic [that] changes the role (...)
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  7.  37
    Management of insect pests and weeds.Jeff Dlott, Ivette Perfecto, Peter Rosset, Larry Burkham, Julio Monterrey & John Vandermeer - 1993 - Agriculture and Human Values 10 (3):9-15.
    The Cuban government has undertaken the task of transforming insect pest and weed management from conventional to organic and more sustainable approaches on a nationwide basis. This paper addresses past programs and current major areas of research and implementation as well as provides examples of programs in insect and weed management. Topics covered include the newly constructed network of Centers for the Reproduction of Entomophages and Entomopathogens (CREEs), which provide the infrastructure for the implementation of biological control on state, cooperative, (...)
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  8. United States Government Policy: The Politics of Cultural and Biological Diversity.Zuni Farming - 1995 - Agriculture and Human Values 12:2-18.
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  9. Preaching that Matters: The Bible and Our Lives.Stephen Farm - 1998
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  10. Frozen rats, mice, chicks & guinea pigs-from $25.00 per 100. Live crickets $18.00 per thousand. Mc, visa, amx & disc. Fob: Perfect pets, inc., 23180 Sherwood, belleville, mi 48111: Phone (734) 461-1362, fax (734). [REVIEW]Carolina Mouse Farm, Creative Aquatic, Custom Cages, Dunthorpe Press, Freedom Breeder, Glades Herp, Kevin Bryant Reptile, Feeder Rodents, Maryland Reptile Farm & Pro Exotics - 1997 - Vivarium 9:64.
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  11. Medium Enterprises in Indonesia'.Non-Farm Small - forthcoming - Knowledge, Technology & Policy.
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  12. The call of the wild?Artificial Lives & Philosophical Dimensions Of Farm - 1995 - In T. B. Mepham, Gregory A. Tucker & Julian Wiseman (eds.), Issues in agricultural bioethics. Nottingham: Nottingham University Press.
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  13. Join the international iguana so-ciety and help save endangered species of iguanas. Yearly membership $25, includes quarterlyjournal, iguana times. Send check or money order to: Iis, dept. V, po box. [REVIEW]Pro Exotics, Rainwater Reptiles, Rainbow Mealworms, Cricket Rep-Cal, Reptile Haven, Sandfire Dragon Ranch, Sticky Tongue Farms, Sweetman Exotics, That Pet Place & Top Hat Cricket Farm - 1998 - Vivarium 9:64.
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  14.  42
    Farming salmon ethically.E. A. Needham & Hugh Lehman - 1991 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 4 (1):78-81.
    Salmon farming is a rapidly expanding industry. In order for it to develop in an ethical manner, many ethical issues must be confronted. Among these are questions regarding the quality of life of salmon on farms. To develop reasonable answers to these questions considerable thought must be devoted to developing appropriate standards of care for salmon. If these questions are not addressed the results could be bad both for salmon and for salmon farmers.
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  15. How Tobacco Health Warnings Can Foster Autonomy.A. Barton - 2013 - Public Health Ethics 6 (2):207-219.
    I investigate whether tobacco health warnings’ interference with autonomy is ethically justifiable in order to deter people from smoking. I dissociate first the informational role and the persuasive role of tobacco health warnings and show that both roles enable typical addicted smokers to better rule themselves, fostering their autonomy. The fact that some messages address people’s non-deliberative faculties is therefore compensated by a larger positive influence on their autonomy. However, misleading messages are not ethically justified and should be (...)
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  16.  87
    Tobacco Habit: Historical, Cultural, Neurobiological, and Genetic Features of People's Relationship with an Addictive Drug.Patrizia Russo, Candida Nastrucci, Giulio Alzetta & Clara Szalai - 2011 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 54 (4):557-577.
    Tobacco, divine, rare superexcellent tobacco, which goes far beyond all panaceas, potable gold and philosopher's stones, a sovereign remedy to all diseases.Although most of the toxicity, including cancerogenicity, of tobacco is related to a mix of components other than nicotine present in cigarettes (U.S. Surgeon General 2010), it is indeed nicotine that causes addiction to smoking (Benowitz 2010; Russo et al. 2011).In 1988, the U.S. Surgeon General's Report concluded that cigarettes and other forms of tobacco are (...)
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  17.  40
    Tobacco bans and smokers’ autonomy.Daniel Halliday - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (5):303-304.
    Should tobacco be banned? The answer depends largely on two further questions. How much are smokers benefitted by being made to stop, or to not start? And what is the moral cost of their being made to stop by their government, as opposed to stopping due to the influence of policies that fall short of coercion? Grill and Voigt provide one answer to the first question. They argue that the benefits of cessation are high enough to justify a ban (...)
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  18.  75
    Tobacco Control Litigation: Broader Impacts on Health Rights Adjudication.Oscar A. Cabrera & Juan Carballo - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (1):147-162.
    There is perhaps no area of law that so effectively protects human health and thereby advances the right to the highest attainable standard of health, as tobacco control. Globally, tobacco is responsible for 1 in 10 adult deaths, and is on track to kill 10 million people per year, mostly in developing countries, representing a US$200 billion drain on the global economy. Yet experience in recent decades has shown that a range of tobacco control measures, such as (...)
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  19.  29
    Tobacco, taxation, and fairness.H. V. McLachlan - 2002 - Journal of Medical Ethics 28 (6):381-383.
    The author defends himself against an attack by Smith and Bopp on his views on smoking and taxation. The theory that, on the grounds of equity and/or fairness, smokers should pay via taxation on tobacco for the health care costs of treating smoking-related medical conditions is discussed and shown to be defective. It is argued that the fundamental mistake that Smith and Bopp make is to confuse and conflate the separate issues of whether particular taxes are fair and whether (...)
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    Animal Farm Prophecy Fulfilled in Africa: A Call to a Values and Systems Revolution.Chiku Watchman Malunga - 2014 - Upa.
    "Animal Farm" Prophecy Fulfilled in Africa discusses why deep levels of poverty and suffering persist in Africa despite all the successive regime changes over the last half century. The author discusses how lasting improvements will only occur when the systems, rather than only the individuals, are changed or replaced.
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    Farm-related information use and users: A discussion of some European videotex experiences.G. Schiefer, M. Harkin, L.-N. Netter, Q. Scally & M. Wilkinson - 1990 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 3 (3):58-66.
    Current discussions on the utilization of information technologies for agriculture, place emphasis on the collection and processing of information on the farm, through the introduction and use of computers as management support in process control and database management. However, because of farm management's dependency on outside information support for the production control and market engagement, the communication of information and the improvement of its efficiency is of similar, if not greater, importance. This article, therefore, places its main focus on the (...)
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  22.  8
    Small Farms, Big Ideas.Craig Van Pelt - 2017-07-26 - In William Irwin & Roy T. Cook (eds.), LEGO® and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 145–151.
    The farms in the LEGO Farm theme are immaculate. They feature sparkling clean tractors, pristine fences, and the complete absence of dirt. Whether it is on purpose, or a limitation based on the number of pieces that can be placed inside a box, LEGO Farm presents an agricultural utopia. The farms are smaller, less dependent on toxic inputs, and friendlier to animals than real‐life commercial farms. LEGO Farm often features animals that are clean and well fed. Some (...)
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  23.  34
    Farm to school in British Columbia: mobilizing food literacy for food sovereignty.Lisa Jordan Powell & Hannah Wittman - 2018 - Agriculture and Human Values 35 (1):193-206.
    Farm to school programs have been positioned as interventions that can support goals of the global food sovereignty movement, including strengthening local food production systems, improving food access and food justice for urban populations, and reducing distancing between producers and consumers. However, there has been little assessment of how and to what extent farm to school programs can actually function as a mechanism leading to the achievement of food sovereignty. As implemented in North America, farm to school programs encompass activities (...)
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  24.  22
    Big Tobacco and the human genome: driving the scientific bandwagon?Helen M. Wallace - 2009 - Genomics, Society and Policy 5 (1):1-54.
    The tobacco industry first began to promote the idea that a minority of smokers are 'genetically predisposed' to lung cancer in the 1950s. We used tobacco industry documents available as a result of litigation to investigate the role of the tobacco industry in funding the 'scientific bandwagon' described by Fujimura, in which genetics has come to dominate the cancer research agenda. From 1990-1995 inclusive, 52% of the project funding allocated by British American Tobacco's Scientific Research Group (...)
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  25.  75
    Farming Animals and the Capabilities Approach: Understanding Roles and Responsibilities through Narrative Ethics.Raymond Anthony - 2009 - Society and Animals 17 (3):257-278.
    In the Proceedings that emerged from the Second International Workshop on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group Level, Sandoe, Christiansen, & Appleby challenged participants to ponder four fundamental questions:a. What is the baseline standard for morally acceptable animal welfare?b. What is a good animal life?c. What farming purposes are legitimate?d. What kinds of compromises are acceptable in a less-than-perfect world?Continued reflection on those questions warrants examination of the shape of our modern agricultural ethic. It also calls for (...)
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  26.  71
    Examining Tobacco Control Strategies and Aims Through a Social Justice Lens: An Application of Sen's Capability Approach.E. Breton & W. Sherlaw - 2011 - Public Health Ethics 4 (2):149-159.
    Although the effectiveness of some tobacco programs and policies has been clearly demonstrated in reducing the overall population smoking prevalence, the health benefits are not equally distributed across all socio-economic classes; a situation that clearly runs against the equalitarian ethos of most modern states. In this article, we evaluate the benefits of using Sen’s Capability Approach as a theory of social justice to guide public health program and policy development in a way that would prevent the further increase of (...)
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  27. Industrial Farm Animal Production: A Comprehensive Moral Critique.John Rossi & Samual A. Garner - 2014 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 27 (3):479-522.
    Over the past century, animal agriculture in the United States has transformed from a system of small, family farms to a largely industrialized model—often known as ‘industrial farm animal production’ (IFAP). This model has successfully produced a large supply of cheap meat, eggs and dairy products, but at significant costs to animal welfare, the environment, the risk of zoonotic disease, the economic and social health of rural communities, and overall food abundance. Over the past 40 years, numerous critiques of (...)
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  28.  37
    Environmental beliefs and farm practices of New Zealand farmers Contrasting pathways to sustainability.John R. Fairweather & Hugh R. Campbell - 2003 - Agriculture and Human Values 20 (3):287-300.
    Sustainable farming, and waysto achieve it, are important issues foragricultural policy. New Zealand provides aninteresting case for examining sustainableagriculture options because gene technologieshave not been commercially released and thereis a small but rapidly expanding organicsector. There is no strong governmentsubsidization of agriculture, so while policiesseem to favor both options to some degree,neither has been directly supported. Resultsfrom a survey of 656 farmers are used to revealthe intentions, environmental values, andfarming practices for organic, conventional,and GE intending farmers. The results show thatorganic (...)
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  29. Farming Made Her Stupid.Lisa Heldke - 2006 - Hypatia 21 (3):151 - 165.
    This essay is an examination of stupid knowing, an attempt to catalog a particular species of knowing, and to understand when, how, and why the label "stupid" gets applied to marginalized groups of knowers. Heldke examines the ways the defining processes work and the conditions that make them possible, by considering one group of people who get defined as stupid: rural people. In part, the author intends her identification and categorization of stupid knowing to support the work of theorists of (...)
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  30.  9
    Tobacco Smoke: The Double Standard.James Repace - 1984 - Philosophy & Public Policy Quarterly 4 (1):6.
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    Tobacco Endgame: The Poverty Conundrum.Lawrence O. Gostin - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (3):10-11.
    There is no more striking public health triumph than the demise of the “brown plague.” The cigarette was once the accoutrement of a good life, but smoking is now a tragic habit of the poor. By the mid‐1960s, half of all men and a third of women in the United States smoked. Today the national prevalence is 18 percent, with rates in major cities below 15 percent. A suite of policies drove down smoking rates—antismoking campaigns, taxation, clean air laws, package (...)
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  32.  33
    Farm to institution programs: organizing practices that enable and constrain Vermont’s alternative food supply chains.Sarah N. Heiss, Noelle K. Sevoian, David S. Conner & Linda Berlin - 2015 - Agriculture and Human Values 32 (1):87-97.
    Farm to institution programs represent alternative supply chains that aim to organize the activities of local producers with institutions that feed the local community. The current study demonstrates the value of structuration theory :75–80, 1983; The constitution of society: outline of the theory of structuration. University of California Press, Berkeley, 1984) for conceptualizing how FTI agents create, maintain, and change organizational structures associated with FTI and traditional supply chains. Based on interviews with supply chain agents participating in FTI programs, we (...)
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  33.  42
    Veganic farming in the United States: farmer perceptions, motivations, and experiences.Mona Seymour & Alisha Utter - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (4):1139-1159.
    Veganic agriculture, often described as farming that is free of synthetic and animal-based inputs, represents an alternative to chemical-based industrial agriculture and the prevailing alternative, organic agriculture, respectively. Despite the promise of veganic methods in diverse realms such as food safety, environmental sustainability, and animal liberation, it has a small literature base. This article draws primarily on interviews conducted in 2018 with 25 veganic farmers from 19 farms in the United States to establish some baseline empirical research on this (...)
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  34.  44
    Farming alone? What’s up with the “C” in community supported agriculture.Antoinette Pole & Margaret Gray - 2013 - Agriculture and Human Values 30 (1):85-100.
    This study reconsiders the purported benefits of community found in Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). Using an online survey of members who belong to CSAs in New York, between November and December 2010, we assess members’ reasons for joining a CSA, and their perceptions of community within their CSA and beyond. A total of 565 CSA members responded to the survey. Results show an overwhelming majority of members joined their CSA for fresh, local, organic produce, while few respondents joined their CSA (...)
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  35.  34
    Use of tobacco purge in a therapeutic community for the treatment of substance use disorders.Tereza Rumlerová, Eric Kube, Nahuel Simonet, Fabio Friso & Matteo Politi - 2023 - Anthropology of Consciousness 34 (1):7-34.
    In the Peruvian Amazon, tobacco (Nicotiana rustica) is considered a master plant and is the main curing tool of local healers. Among its several medicinal uses, we find drinking tobacco juice with the purpose of purging in order to heal on a physical, mental, and spiritual level. This specific practice is part of the addiction treatment protocol developed at Takiwasi Center. The goal of this investigation was to focus on the effects of the tobacco purge as reported (...)
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  36.  46
    Tobacco Control Legislation: Tools for Public Health Improvement.James G. Hodge & Gabriel B. Eber - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (3):516-523.
    Government’s responsibility to safeguard the public’s health through law has been part of the social contract since ancient times. Cicero declared salus populi suprema lex esto - “the safety of the people is the supreme law”. Disraeli proclaimed that protecting the public’s health is the first duty of the statesman. Of the ten most important public health achievements of the 20th century in the US., seven are directly related to legal interventions, including legislative interventions. As new and existing risks to (...)
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  37.  34
    Regulating Tobacco: The Need for a Public Health Judicial Decision-Making Canon.Richard A. Daynard - 2002 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 30 (2):281-289.
    Cigarette smoke is by far the leading preventable cause of death and disease in the United States. It has been estimated to kill between 419,000 and 589,000 smokers and up to 65,000 non-smokers each year. This premier status is hardly a new development, having been true for most of the last century, and known to be true at least since the first Surgeon General’s Report in 1964.Why then are tobacco products exempt from any significant federal oversight or control? Why (...)
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  38.  13
    The Welfare Effects of Tobacco Taxation: Estimates for 5 Countries/regions.Jordi Prat, Gonglu Lu, Hyongwon Kim & Deepak Lal - 2003 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 13 (1).
    This paper provides estimates of the economic welfare effects of tobacco taxation in India, S.Africa, S.Korea, Japan and the European Union. It argues that past studies of the cost-benefits of smoking are flawed as they fail to net out Paretoirrelevant pecuniary externalities. It estimates tobacco demand for both the myopic and rational addiction models and finds the latter invariably perform better. It finds that the net welfare losses associated with current tax levels an increase over current taxation of (...)
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  39. Tobacco regulation: autonomy up in smoke?C. R. Hooper & Craig K. Agule - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (6):365-368.
    Over the past few decades, “Big Tobacco” has spread its tentacles across the developing world with devastating results. The global incidence of smoking has increased exponentially in Africa, Asia and South America and it is leading to an equally rapid increase in the incidence of smoking-induced morbidity and mortality on these continents. The World Health Organization (WHO) has tried to respond to this crisis by devising a set of regulations to limit the spread of smoking, and many countries have (...)
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  40.  26
    Regulating Tobacco Product Advertising and Promotions in the Retail Environment: A Roadmap for States and Localities.Tamara Lange, Michael Hoefges & Kurt M. Ribisl - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (4):878-896.
    The evidence linking tobacco product advertising to adolescent smoking initiation and resulting long-term addiction, premature death, and disability is well established. Each link in the causal chain has been substantiated: children and adolescents are especially vulnerable to advertising; point-of-sale advertising comprises 92.1% of cigarette advertising and marketing expenditures by manufacturers and 71.3% of smokeless tobacco advertising; tobacco companies have targeted youth through advertising; advertising exposure causes adolescents to start and to continue smoking; among adults who become daily (...)
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  41. Industrial Farming is Not Cruel to Animals.Timothy Hsiao - 2017 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 30 (1):37-54.
    Critics of industrial animal agriculture have argued that its practices are cruel, inhumane, or otherwise degrading to animals. These arguments sometimes form the basis of a larger case for the complete abolition of animal agriculture, while others argue for more modest welfare-based reforms that allow for certain types of industrial farming. This paper defends industrial farming against the charge of cruelty. As upsetting as certain practices may seem, I argue that they need not be construed as cruel or inhumane. Any (...)
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    Patient Rights and Law: tobacco smoking in psychiatric wards and the Israeli Prevention of Smoking Act.Ilya Kagan, Ronit Kigli-Shemesh, Nili Tabak, Moshe Z. Abramowitz & Jacob Margolin - 2004 - Nursing Ethics 11 (5):472-478.
    In August 2001, the Israeli Ministry of Health issued its Limitation of Smoking in Public Places Order, categorically forbidding smoking in hospitals. This forced the mental health system to cope with the issue of smoking inside psychiatric hospitals. The main problem was smoking by compulsorily hospitalized psychiatric patients in closed wards. An attempt by a psychiatric hospital to implement the tobacco smoking restraint instruction by banning the sale of cigarettes inside the hospital led to the development of a black (...)
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    Farming God’s Way: agronomy and faith contested.Harry Spaling & Kendra Vander Kooy - 2019 - Agriculture and Human Values 36 (3):411-426.
    Farming God’s Way (FGW) is a type of conservation agriculture (CA) that re-interprets the CA principles of no tillage, mulching and crop rotation using biblical metaphors such as God doesn’t plow, God’s blanket, and the Garden of Eden. Through faith-based networks, FGW has spread throughout Sub-Saharan Africa, and beyond, as a development intervention for improving food security, adapting to climate change, and restoring soil productivity for resource-poor farming households. This research identifies and compares the production, sustainability and faith claims of (...)
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    Farming systems approaches to international technical cooperation in agriculture and rural life.Cornelia Butler Flora - 1988 - Agriculture and Human Values 5 (1-2):24-34.
    A farming systems approach to development has meant many things over the past 15 years, depending on its institutional and ecological setting, its target populations, and the goals motivating its implementation. Despite the diversity of approaches, and the sometimes rancorous discussion over which was best and why, the approach is now recognized in many places as the only one that can identify and respond to the needs of limited resource farm families, especially those in marginal ecosystems. Involving an iterative process (...)
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    (1 other version)Social Tobacco Warnings Can Influence Implicit Associations and Explicit Cognitions.Barbara C. N. Müller, Rinske Haverkamp, Silvia Kanters, Huriye Yaldiz & Shuang Li - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Previous research showed that fear-inducing graphic warning labels can lead to cognitive dissonance and defensive responses. Less threatening, social-related warning labels do not elicit these defensive responses, making them more effective in preventing smoking in adults. Given that smoking numbers are still too high among youngsters, it is crucial to investigate how warning labels should be designed to prevent teenagers from starting smoking in the first place. In two studies, we investigated whether comparable effects of social-related warning labels could be (...)
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    Farming ethics in practice: from freedom to professional moral autonomy for farmers.Franck L. B. Meijboom & Frans R. Stafleu - 2016 - Agriculture and Human Values 33 (2):403-414.
    Food production, water management, land use, and animal and public health are all topics of extensive public debate. These themes are linked to the core activities of the agricultural sector, and more specifically to the work of farmers. Nonetheless, the ethical discussions are mostly initiated by interest groups in society rather than by farmers. At least in Europe, consumer organizations and animal welfare and environmental organizations are more present in the public debate than farmers. This is not how it should (...)
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    Tobacco-logisches.Edmund Husserl - 2004 - New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 4:274-283.
  48.  49
    Tobacco Use Decreases Visual Sensitivity in Schizophrenia.Thiago M. P. Fernandes, Michael J. Oliveira de Andrade, Jessica B. Santana, Renata M. Toscano Barreto Lyra Nogueira & Natanael A. Dos Santos - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  49. CSR Business as Usual? The Case of the Tobacco Industry.Guido Palazzo & Ulf Richter - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 61 (4):387-401.
    Tobacco companies have started to position themselves as good corporate citizens. The effort towards CSR engagement in the tobacco industry is not only heavily criticized by anti-tobacco NGOs. Some opponents such as the the World Health Organization have even categorically questioned the possibility of social responsibility in the tobacco industry. The paper will demonstrate that the deep distrust towards tobacco companies is linked to the lethal character of their products and the dubious behavior of their (...)
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    Farming God’s Way: agronomy and faith contested.Kendra Kooy & Harry Spaling - 2019 - Agriculture and Human Values 36 (3):411-426.
    Farming God’s Way (FGW) is a type of conservation agriculture (CA) that re-interprets the CA principles of no tillage, mulching and crop rotation using biblical metaphors such as God doesn’t plow, God’s blanket, and the Garden of Eden. Through faith-based networks, FGW has spread throughout Sub-Saharan Africa, and beyond, as a development intervention for improving food security, adapting to climate change, and restoring soil productivity for resource-poor farming households. This research identifies and compares the production, sustainability and faith claims of (...)
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