Results for ' bridge principles'

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  1.  43
    The Bridge Principle and Stigmatized Truth-Values.Ricardo Mena - 2019 - Topoi 40 (1):171-180.
    The Bridge Principle states that one shouldn’t assert a sentence that is indeterminate relative to possibilities that are still live options. This principle serves as a bridge between semantic and pragmatic presuppositions. I argue that, given the phenomenon of vagueness, the bridge principle cannot be true as formulated. An alternative formulation of the Bridge Principle is offered.
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  2. Bridge Principles and Epistemic Norms.Claire Https://Orcidorg Field & Bruno Jacinto - 2022 - Erkenntnis 89 (4):1629-1681.
    Is logic normative for belief? A standard approach to answering this question has been to investigate bridge principles relating claims of logical consequence to norms for belief. Although the question is naturally an epistemic one, bridge principles have typically been investigated in isolation from epistemic debates over the correct norms for belief. In this paper we tackle the question of whether logic is normative for belief by proposing a Kripkean model theory accounting for the interaction between (...)
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    “Counting As” a Bridge Principle: Against Searle Against Social-Scientific Laws.William Butchard & Robert D’Amico - 2011 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 41 (4):455-469.
    John Searle’s argument that social-scientific laws are impossible depends on a special open-ended feature of social kinds. We demonstrate that under a noncontentious understanding of bridging principles the so-called "counts-as" relation, found in the expression "X counts as Y in (context) C," provides a bridging principle for social kinds. If we are correct, not only are social-scientific laws possible, but the "counts as" relation might provide a more perspicuous formulation for candidate bridge principles.
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    Strong continuity implies uniform sequential continuity.Douglas Bridges, Hajime Ishihara, Peter Schuster & Luminiţa Vîţa - 2005 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 44 (7):887-895.
    Uniform sequential continuity, a property classically equivalent to sequential continuity on compact sets, is shown, constructively, to be a consequence of strong continuity on a metric space. It is then shown that in the case of a separable metric space, uniform sequential continuity implies strong continuity if and only if one adopts a certain boundedness principle that, although valid in the classical, recursive and intuitionistic setting, is independent of Heyting arithmetic.
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  5. Kant and Whewell on Bridging Principles between Metaphysics and Science.Steffen Ducheyne - 2011 - Kant Studien 102 (1):22-45.
    In this essay, I call attention to Kant’s and Whewell’s attempt to provide bridging principles between a priori principles and scientific laws. Part of Kant’s aim in the Opus postumum (ca. 1796-1803) was precisely to bridge the gap between the metaphysical foundations of natural science (on the Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science (1786) see section 1) and physics by establishing intermediary concepts or ‘Mittelbegriffe’ (henceforth this problem is referred to as ‘the bridging-problem’). I argue that the late-Kant (...)
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    (1 other version)Uniform Continuity Properties of Preference Relations.Douglas S. Bridges - 2008 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 49 (1):97-106.
    The anti-Specker property, a constructive version of sequential compactness, is used to prove constructively that a pointwise continuous, order-dense preference relation on a compact metric space is uniformly sequentially continuous. It is then shown that Ishihara's principle BD-ℕ implies that a uniformly sequentially continuous, order-dense preference relation on a separable metric space is uniformly continuous. Converses of these two theorems are also proved.
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    A Definitive Constructive Open Mapping Theorem?Douglas Bridges & Hajime Ishihara - 1998 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 44 (4):545-552.
    It is proved, within Bishop's constructive mathematics , that, in the context of a Hilbert space, the Open Mapping Theorem is equivalent to a principle that holds in intuitionistic mathematics and recursive constructive mathematics but is unlikely to be provable within BISH.
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    Education and the Market.David Bridges & Ruth Jonathan - 2002 - In Nigel Blake, Paul Smeyers, Richard D. Smith & Paul Standish (eds.), The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Education. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 126–145.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction I II.
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    A new bridge principle for the normativity of logic.Francesco Orilia - 2022 - Theoria 88 (6):1274-1292.
    Logic appears to be normative for rational belief. The thesis of the normativity of logic holds that indeed logic has such a normative status. Gilbert Harman has questioned it, thereby giving rise to what has been called “Harman's skeptical challenge”. MacFarlane has clarified that in order to answer this challenge and support the normativity of logic, one needs a “bridge principle” that appropriately connects logical entailments and norms for belief, as well as relevant desiderata for the evaluation of candidate (...)
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    Constructive complements of unions of two closed sets.Douglas S. Bridges - 2004 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 50 (3):293.
    It is well known that in Bishop-style constructive mathematics, the closure of the union of two subsets of ℝ is ‘not’ the union of their closures. The dual situation, involving the complement of the closure of the union, is investigated constructively, using completeness of the ambient space in order to avoid any application of Markov's Principle.
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    Weak-operator Continuity and the Existence of Adjoints.Douglas Bridges & Luminita Dediu - 1999 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 45 (2):203-206.
    It is shown, within constructive mathematics, that the unit ball B1 of the set of bounded operators on a Hilbert space H is weak-operator totally bounded. This result is then used to prove that the weak-operator continuity of the mapping T → AT on B1 is equivalent to the existence of the adjoint of A.
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  12.  44
    Education, autonomy, and democratic citizenship: philosophy in a changing world.David Bridges (ed.) - 1997 - New York: Routledge.
    This international collection forms a response from 22 educators to our changing political environment and to the reassessment they provoke of the principles shaping educational thought and practice. The philosophical discussion, however, remains clearly rooted in the world of educational practice and its political content.
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  13.  24
    Empirical Research and Recommendations for Moral Action: A Plea for the Transparent Reporting of Bridge Principles in Public Health Research.Katja Kuehlmeyer, Marcel Mertz, Joschka Haltaufderheide, Alexander Kremling, Sebastian Schleidgen & Julia Inthorn - 2022 - Public Health Ethics 15 (2):147-159.
    Academic publications of empirical public health research often entail recommendations for moral action that address practitioners and policy makers. These recommendations are regularly based on implicit moral judgments with the underlying reasons not explicitly stated. In this paper, we elaborate on the moral relevance of such judgments and the need to explain them in order to account for academic argumentation. We argue for an explicit reporting of bridge principles to increase the transparency of the reporting of public health (...)
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  14.  29
    Working without shame in international educational development? From consequentialism to casuistry.David Bridges - 2015 - Ethics and Education 10 (3):271-283.
    The central question addressed in this paper is about the ethics of engaging with educational development in countries perceived as undemocratic or as failing to respect human rights. More particularly, it examines the nature of the arguments that are brought to bear on this issue. It suggests that these are essentially consequentialist in character and hence fall prey to many of the limitations of such consequentialism, including the unpredictability of what will unfold, the indeterminacy of the consequences and the complex (...)
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  15.  66
    Competence-based education and training: Progress or villainy?David Bridges - 1996 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 30 (3):361–376.
    This paper notes the critical response that the ‘competence movement’ has received from writers in philosophy of education and argues for a more positive assessment of what it offers in relation to: (i) the place of practical competence in a liberal education, (ii) the meritocratic principles underlying the competence movement, (iii) the ‘transparency’ of expectations in assessment, and even (iv) the element of practical competence in moral performance. It emphasises, however, that not all versions of ‘competence’ can be defended (...)
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  16.  62
    Constructive notions of equicontinuity.Douglas S. Bridges - 2009 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 48 (5):437-448.
    In the informal setting of Bishop-style constructive reverse mathematics we discuss the connection between the antithesis of Specker’s theorem, Ishihara’s principle BD-N, and various types of equicontinuity. In particular, we prove that the implication from pointwise equicontinuity to uniform sequential equicontinuity is equivalent to the antithesis of Specker’s theorem; and that, for a family of functions on a separable metric space, the implication from uniform sequential equicontinuity to uniform equicontinuity is equivalent to BD-N.
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  17. Fitch's Paradox and Level-Bridging Principles.Weng Kin San - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy 117 (1):5-29.
    Fitch’s Paradox shows that if every truth is knowable, then every truth is known. Standard diagnoses identify the factivity/negative infallibility of the knowledge operator and Moorean contradictions as the root source of the result. This paper generalises Fitch’s result to show that such diagnoses are mistaken. In place of factivity/negative infallibility, the weaker assumption of any ‘level-bridging principle’ suffices. A consequence is that the result holds for some logics in which the “Moorean contradiction” commonly thought to underlie the result is (...)
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  18. Peer Disagreement and the Bridge Principle.Marc-Kevin Daoust - 2021 - Topoi 40 (5):1213-1223.
    One explanation of rational peer disagreement is that agents find themselves in an epistemically permissive situation. In fact, some authors have suggested that, while evidence could be impermissive at the intrapersonal level, it is permissive at the interpersonal level. In this paper, I challenge such a claim. I will argue that, at least in cases of rational disagreement under full disclosure, there cannot be more interpersonal epistemically permissive situations than there are intrapersonal epistemically permissive situations. In other words, with respect (...)
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  19. Epistemic characterizations of validity and level-bridging principles.Joshua Schechter - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (1):153-178.
    How should we understand validity? A standard way to characterize validity is in terms of the preservation of truth (or truth in a model). But there are several problems facing such characterizations. An alternative approach is to characterize validity epistemically, for instance in terms of the preservation of an epistemic status. In this paper, I raise a problem for such views. First, I argue that if the relevant epistemic status is factive, such as being in a position to know or (...)
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  20.  66
    Theoretical terms and bridge principles: A critique of Hempel's (self-)criticisms. [REVIEW]C. Ulises Moulines - 1985 - Erkenntnis 22 (1-3):97 - 117.
  21.  34
    Complements of Intersections in Constructive Mathematics.Douglas S. Bridges & Hajime Ishihara - 1994 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 40 (1):35-43.
    We examine, from a constructive perspective, the relation between the complements of S, T, and S ∩ T in X, where X is either a metric space or a normed linear space. The fundamental question addressed is: If x is distinct from each element of S ∩ T, if s ϵ S, and if t ϵ T, is x distinct from s or from t? Although the classical answer to this question is trivially affirmative, constructive answers involve Markov's principle and (...)
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  22.  42
    Double sequences, almost Cauchyness and BD-N.Josef Berger, Douglas Bridges & Erik Palmgren - 2012 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 20 (1):349-354.
    It is shown that, relative to Bishop-style constructive mathematics, the boundedness principle BD-N is equivalent both to a general result about the convergence of double sequences and to a particular one about Cauchyness in a semi-metric space.
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  23. Does Informational Semantics Commit Euthyphro's Fallacy?Jason Bridges - 2006 - Noûs 40 (3):522-547.
    In this paper, I argue that informational semantics, the most well-known and worked-out naturalistic account of intentional content, conflicts with a fundamental psychological principle about the conditions of belief-formation. Since this principle is an important premise in the argument for informational semantics, the upshot is that the view is self-contradictory??indeed, it turns out to be guilty of a sophisticated version of the fallacy famously committed by Euthyphro in the eponymous Platonic dialogue. Criticisms of naturalistic accounts of content typically proceed piecemeal (...)
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  24.  21
    Philosophical Writings: A Selection (review). [REVIEW]Geoffrey G. Bridges - 1964 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 2 (1):92-96.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:92 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY is a great deal to blame for the wrongheaded views that got about in the ancient world concerning this gifted Alexandrian thinker; and in the whole business there is more than a hint of clash between Eastern and Western temperament. When, in dealing with modern critics of Origen, he roundly castigates the scholarly ghettoism that goes on, one is in complete sympathy. Kerr for instance (...)
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    DNA turnover and mutation in resting cells.Bryn A. Bridges - 1997 - Bioessays 19 (4):347-352.
    There is growing evidence that mutations can arise in non‐dividing cells (both bacterial and mammalian) in the absence of chromosomal replication. The processes that are involved are still largely unknown but may include two separate mechanisms. In the first, DNA lesions resulting from the action of endogenous mutagens may give rise to RNA transcripts with miscoded bases. If these confer the ability to initiate DNA replication, the DNA lesions may have an opportunity to miscode during replication and thus could give (...)
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  26.  15
    Sequential Continuity of Functions in Constructive Analysis.Douglas Bridges & Ayan Mahalanobis - 2000 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 46 (1):139-143.
    It is shown that in any model of constructive mathematics in which a certain omniscience principle is false, for strongly extensional functions on an interval the distinction between sequentially continuous and regulated disappears. It follows, without the use of Markov's Principle, that any recursive function of bounded variation on a bounded closed interval is recursively sequentially continuous.
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  27.  44
    The Principle-at-Risk Analysis (PaRA): Operationalising Digital Ethics by Bridging Principles and Operations of a Digital Ethics Advisory Panel.André T. Nemat, Sarah J. Becker, Simon Lucas, Sean Thomas, Isabel Gadea & Jean Enno Charton - 2023 - Minds and Machines 33 (4):737-760.
    Recent attempts to develop and apply digital ethics principles to address the challenges of the digital transformation leave organisations with an operationalisation gap. To successfully implement such guidance, they must find ways to translate high-level ethics frameworks into practical methods and tools that match their specific workflows and needs. Here, we describe the development of a standardised risk assessment tool, the Principle-at-Risk Analysis (PaRA), as a means to close this operationalisation gap for a key level of the ethics infrastructure (...)
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  28. Hume's Is-Ought Thesis in Logics with Alethic-Deontic Bridge Principles.Gerhard Schurz - 1994 - Logique Et Analyse 37:265-293.
  29.  26
    Constructive aspects of Riemann’s permutation theorem for series.J. Berger, Douglas Bridges, Hannes Diener & Helmet Schwichtenberg - 2023 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 33 (1):49-61.
    The notions of permutable and weak-permutable convergence of a series|$\sum _{n=1}^{\infty }a_{n}$|of real numbers are introduced. Classically, these two notions are equivalent, and, by Riemann’s two main theorems on the convergence of series, a convergent series is permutably convergent if and only if it is absolutely convergent. Working within Bishop-style constructive mathematics, we prove that Ishihara’s principle BD-|$\mathbb {N}$|implies that every permutably convergent series is absolutely convergent. Since there are models of constructive mathematics in which the Riemann permutation theorem for (...)
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  30.  36
    Service as a Bridge between Ethical Principles and Business Practice: A Catholic Social Teaching Perspective.Gregorio Guitián - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 128 (1):59-72.
    This article presents the ethical concept of service as a way of specifying higher ethical principles in business practice. We set out from the work of a number of scholars who have found some shared ethical principles for doing business in a context of cultural diversity. Love, benevolence, consideration, and other related concepts are considered to be important guiding concepts for business but it is not clear how they are to be operationalized. We argue that the ethical concept (...)
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  31.  44
    Bridging the civilian-military divide in responsible AI principles and practices.Rachel Azafrani & Abhishek Gupta - 2023 - Ethics and Information Technology 25 (2):1-5.
    Advances in AI research have brought increasingly sophisticated capabilities to AI systems and heightened the societal consequences of their use. Researchers and industry professionals have responded by contemplating responsible principles and practices for AI system design. At the same time, defense institutions are contemplating ethical guidelines and requirements for the development and use of AI for warfare. However, varying ethical and procedural approaches to technological development, research emphasis on offensive uses of AI, and lack of appropriate venues for multistakeholder (...)
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  32.  76
    Operationalising AI ethics: how are companies bridging the gap between practice and principles? An exploratory study.Javier Camacho Ibáñez & Mónica Villas Olmeda - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (4):1663-1687.
    Despite the increase in the research field of ethics in artificial intelligence, most efforts have focused on the debate about principles and guidelines for responsible AI, but not enough attention has been given to the “how” of applied ethics. This paper aims to advance the research exploring the gap between practice and principles in AI ethics by identifying how companies are applying those guidelines and principles in practice. Through a qualitative methodology based on 22 semi-structured interviews and (...)
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    Bridging Western Ethics and Japanese Local Ethics by Listening to Nurses' Concerns.Shigeko Izumi - 2006 - Nursing Ethics 13 (3):275-283.
    Among Japanese nurses ethics is perceived as being distant and unrelated to their practice, although this is filled with ethical concerns and the making of ethical decisions. The reasons for this dissociation are the primacy of western values in modern Japanese health care systems and the suppression of Japanese nurses’ indigenous ethical values because of domination by western ethics. A hermeneutic study was conducted to listen to the ethical voices of Japanese nurses. Seven ethical concerns were revealed. Although some of (...)
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  34. Bridging emotion theory and neurobiology through dynamic systems modeling.Marc D. Lewis - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (2):169-194.
    Efforts to bridge emotion theory with neurobiology can be facilitated by dynamic systems (DS) modeling. DS principles stipulate higher-order wholes emerging from lower-order constituents through bidirectional causal processes cognition relations. I then present a psychological model based on this reconceptualization, identifying trigger, self-amplification, and self-stabilization phases of emotion-appraisal states, leading to consolidating traits. The article goes on to describe neural structures and functions involved in appraisal and emotion, as well as DS mechanisms of integration by which they interact. (...)
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  35. To Bridge the Gap between Sensorimotor and Higher Levels, AI Will Need Help from Psychology.F. Guerin - 2013 - Constructivist Foundations 9 (1):56-57.
    Open peer commentary on the article “A Computational Constructivist Model as an Anticipatory Learning Mechanism for Coupled Agent–Environment Systems” by Filipo Studzinski Perotto. Upshot: Constructivist theory gives a nice high-level account of how knowledge can be autonomously developed by an agent interacting with an environment, but it fails to detail the mechanisms needed to bridge the gap between low levels of sensorimotor data and higher levels of cognition. AI workers are trying to bridge this gap, using task-specific engineering (...)
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  36. Evolutionary debunking: the Milvian Bridge destabilized.Christos Kyriacou - 2019 - Synthese 196 (7):2695-2713.
    Recent literature has paid attention to a demarcation problem for evolutionary debunking arguments. This is the problem of asking in virtue of what regulative metaepistemic norm evolutionary considerations either render a belief justified, or debunk it as unjustified. I examine the so-called ‘Milvian Bridge principle’ A new science of religion, Routledge, New York, 2012; Sloan, McKenny, Eggelson Darwin in the 21st century: nature, humanity, and God, University Press, Notre Dame, 2015)), which offers exactly such a called for regulative metaepistemic (...)
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  37. No ground to bridge the gap.Elisabetta Sassarini - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):7981–7999.
    This paper examines an argument by Schaffer (2017) that aims to prove how, contrary to what many philosophers hold, there is no special explanatory gap occurring in the connection between the physical and the phenomenal. This is because a gap of the same kind can be found in every connection between a more fundamental and a less fundamental level of reality. These gaps lurk everywhere in nature. For Schaffer, they can be bridged by means of substantive metaphysical principles such (...)
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  38. A Bridge from Semantic Value to Content.Brian Rabern - 2017 - Philosophical Topics 45 (2):181-207.
    A common view relating compositional semantics and the objects of assertion holds the following: Sentences φ and ψ expresses the same proposition iff φ and ψ have the same modal profile. Following Dummett, Evans, and Lewis, Stanley argues that this view is fundamentally mistaken. According to Dummett, we must distinguish the semantic contribution a sentence makes to more complex expressions in which it occurs from its assertoric content. Stojnić insists that views which distinguish the roles of content and semantic value (...)
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    Cultural bridging, art-science and Aotearoa New Zealand.Ian M. Clothier - 2012 - Technoetic Arts 10 (1):33-38.
    The project ‘Te Kore Rongo Hungaora’/‘Uncontainable Second Nature’ is predicated on a bridge between Māori and European cultures. Based on this view, works from art and science were re-contextualized as cultural texts symbolic of belief systems. The project was conceived and curated for exhibitions in Istanbul and Rio de Janeiro. Discipline was not viewed as fixed, but fluid in a transformational environment. Five themes were selected from within European and Māori world-views: cosmological context, all is energy, life emerged from (...)
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  40. Bridging the Gap between Individual and Corporate Responsible Behaviour: Toward a Performative Concept of Corporate Codes.Vincent Blok - 2017 - Philosophy of Management 16 (2):117-136.
    We reflect on the nature of corporate codes of conduct is this article. Based on John Austin’s speech act theory, four characteristics of a performative concept of corporate codes will be introduced: 1) the existential self-performative of the firm identity, 2) which is demanded by and responsive to their stakeholders; 3) Because corporate codes are structurally threatened by the possibility of failure, 4) embracing the code not only consists in actual corporate responsible behaviour in light of the code, but in (...)
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  41.  62
    Building Bridges with the Right Tools: Modality and the Standard Model.Steven French - unknown
    The current state of the relationship between metaphysics and the philosophy of science might appear to be one best described as ‘hostility on both sides’. In an attempt to bridge this gap, French and McKenzie have suggested a two fold strategy: on the one hand, if metaphysics is to be taken to have something direct to say about reality, the implications of physics need to be properly appreciated; on the other, one does not have to agree with the claim (...)
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  42. Bridging the gap between medical and bioinformatics: An ontological case study in colon carcinoma.Anand Kumar, Yum Lina Yip, Barry Smith & Pierre Grenon - 2006 - Computers in Biology and Medicine 36 (7):694--711.
    Ontological principles are needed in order to bridge the gap between medical and biological information in a robust and computable fashion. This is essential in order to draw inferences across the levels of granularity which span medicine and biology, an example of which include the understanding of the roles of tumor markers in the development and progress of carcinoma. Such information integration is also important for the integration of genomics information with the information contained in the electronic patient (...)
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    Principled positions: postmodernism and the rediscovery of value.Judith Squires (ed.) - 1993 - London: Lawrence & Wishart.
    The deconstruction of all 'principled positions' creates a value vacuum which, in turn, leads to a state of ethical and political paralysis. The contributors to Principled Positions ponder these dilemmas and try to build bridges between the modernist absolutes of truth, value and justice and the anti-totalising spirit of postmodernism.
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    6. Bridging scientia and experience: the last evolution of Cartesian foundationalism.Andrea Strazzoni - 2018 - In Dutch Cartesianism and the Birth of Philosophy of Science: From Regius to ‘s Gravesande. Berlin-Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 126-170.
    The sixth chapter focuses on the evolution of Cartesianism in the last quarter of the seventeenth century in Leiden and Amsterdam, against the background of the emergence of alternative views in natural philosophy capable of replacing it as a dominant paradigm, namely, the experimental philosophy of Robert Boyle and the mathematical-experimental approach of Huygens and Newton. The last evolution of Cartesianism is reconstructed in this chapter by considering the ‘Cartesian empiricism’ of Burchard de Volder, and the reflections on the language (...)
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    Bridging the Past and Present: Sustainable Water Management Technologies Through the Lens of Hydro-Science in Ancient India.Rohini Dasgupta, Ayan Biswas & Debajit Dutta - 2025 - Journal of Human Values 31 (1):45-60.
    This article delves into the ancient Indian techniques of sustainable water resource management and the corresponding modern-day approaches of hydro-science towards sustainability. This article takes a comprehensive look at the traditional methods of water management that have been practised in India for centuries and highlights their relevance in the present-day context. The ancient techniques of water management in India, including rainwater harvesting, groundwater recharge and canal systems, were developed based on a deep understanding of the local ecosystems and the water (...)
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  46. Techniques of Bridging the Gulf: Dialectic and Reductionism in McDowell and Fichte.Jens Lemanski - 2020 - Edukacja Filozoficzna 69 (1):7-36.
    “Dialectic” has been a matter of growing interest in contemporary philosophy. The present article analyzes dialectical methods and positions them by reference to two paradigmatic texts of German idealism and analytic philosophy, i.e. J.G. Fichte’s Science of Knowing (1804) and J. McDowell’s Mind and World. Both dialectical approaches will be interpreted with regard to their contribution in the debate on reductionism and anti-reductionism: both Fichte and McDowell claim that philosophical positions and logical terms stand in a dualistic relationship to one (...)
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  47. (1 other version)Bridging the Gap between Aristotle’s Use and Theory of Metaphora.Margarita Vega - 2016 - Apeiron: A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 2 (50).
    This paper addresses alleged contradictions between the use and theory of metaphora in Aristotle. Some authors claim that these inconsistencies are resolved by showing that the use of metaphorai is allowed in the technai and forbidden in the epistemai. This paper instead unpacks Aristotle’s view on language, as it is contained in the semantics of metaphora, to make sense of Aristotle’s statements on metaphora. My proposal is that Aristotle refers to metaphora under different nomenclatures (metaphora, metapherein, and metaphorikon einai) as (...)
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    Is water a mixure?: bridging the distinction between physical and chemical properties.Paul Needham - 2008 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 39 (1):66-77.
    Two inter-linked theses are defended in this paper. One is the Duhemian theme that a rigid distinction between physical and chemical properties cannot be upheld. Duhem maintained this view not because the latter are reducible to the former, but because if physics is to remain consistent with chemistry it must prove possible to expand it to accommodate new features, and a rigid distinction would be a barrier to this process. The second theme is that naturally occurring isotopic variants of water (...)
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    (1 other version)The Principle of Fairness and Political Obligation.George Klosko - 1987 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In this now-classic work, he clearly and systematically formulates what others thought impossible_a principle of fairness that specifies a set of conditions which grounds existing political obligations and bridges the gap between the abstract accounts of political principles and the actual beliefs of political actors. Brought up-to-date with a new introduction, this new edition will be of great interest to all interested in political thought.
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  50. Bridging The Emissions Gap: A Plea For Taking Up The Slack.Anne Schwenkenbecher - 2013 - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche 3 (1):273-301.
    With the existing commitments to climate change mitigation, global warming is likely to exceed 2°C and to trigger irreversible and harmful threshold effects. The difference between the reductions necessary to keep the 2°C limit and those reductions countries have currently committed to is called the ‘emissions gap’. I argue that capable states not only have a moral duty to make voluntary contributions to bridge that gap, but that complying states ought to make up for the failures of some other (...)
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