Results for ' capitalist enterprise'

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  1.  22
    Spiritual Capitalism: The Achievement of Flow in Entrepreneurial Enterprises.Ernest Chu - 2007 - Journal of Human Values 13 (1):61-77.
    Although entrepreneurial success is usually attributed to astute financial management in the growth of economic capital, entrepreneurs may also utilize additional sources of inner guidance, creating both tangible and intangible value. This article framed one such source as spiritual capitalism, the juxtaposition of personal spirituality and marketplace dynamics. The soul's currency, or love, is characterized as a manifestation of flow in the entrepreneurial start-up process, which elicits spiritual congruence, harmonious relationships and personal fulfilment. Personal experiences as a Wall Street investment (...)
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    Nationalizations for What? Capitalist Power and Public Enterprise in Mitterrand's France.W. Rand Smith - 1990 - Politics and Society 18 (1):75-99.
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    Revisiting the protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism: Understanding the relationship between ethics and enterprise[REVIEW]Patricia Carr - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 47 (1):7 - 16.
    The last twenty years have been characterised by a significant shift inattitudes towards enterprise, entrepreneurship and small business.However though valued, entrepreneurs and small businesses are underincreasing pressure to be mindful of the social and moral implicationsof their activities. These developments have given the question ofbusiness ethics a central place in organisational research. Much of thisattention has been directed at the large organisation, despite the factthat the majority of businesses are small firms.A significant amount of the research in the area (...)
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    The Natural Roots of Capitalism and Its Virtues and Values.Sherwin Klein - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 45 (4):387 - 401.
    When we think of theories that attempt to root capitalism in nature, the one that comes most readily to mind is Social Darwinism. In this theory, nature - driven by Darwinian natural selection (the struggle for existence and the survival of the fittest) - is interpreted to imply, when applied to human activities, that extreme competition will allow the most "fit" competitors to rise to the top and to survive in this "struggle for existence," and this process of dog-eat-dog competition (...)
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    Ethics, free enterprise & public policy: original essays on moral issues in business.Richard T. De George & Joseph A. Pichler (eds.) - 1978 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Is capitalism morally justifiable? Is free enterprise compatible with social justice? Does government have a proper role in a free-enterprise system? This volume provides students with eighteen original answers to these and other compelling questions in business ethics. The contributors include philosophers, business educators, and industrial and labor leaders who together provide a basis for informed discussion of contemporary ethics and public policy issues.
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  6. Book Review : The Enterprise Culture, by Peter Sedgwick. London, SPCK,1992. viii + 197pp. 15. Is there a Gospel for the Rich? tlre Christian in a capitalist world, by Richard Harries. London, Mowbray, 1992. 182pp. 12.99. What Does the Lord Require? how American Christians thinkabout ecoi ioni ic justice, by Stephen Hart. Oxford University Press,1992. 253pp. 22.50. [REVIEW]Ronald Preston - 1994 - Studies in Christian Ethics 7 (1):115-118.
  7. On Mohammed A. Bayeh's The Ends of Globalization; Terry Boswell's and Christopher Chase-Dunn's The Spiral of Capitalism and Socialism; Raym's In the Hurricane's Eye: The Troubled Prospects of Multinational Enterprises; and Robert Went's Globalization: Neoliberal Challenge, Radical Responses.Scott MacWilliam - 2003 - Historical Materialism 11 (1):199-221.
  8. Biopower, governmentality, and capitalism through the lenses of freedom: A conceptual enquiry.Ali M. Rizvi - 2012 - Pakistan Business Review 14 (3):490-517.
    In this paper I propose a framework to understand the transition in Foucault’s work from the disciplinary model to the governmentality model. Foucault’s work on power emerges within the general context of an expression of capitalist rationality and the nature of freedom and power within it. I argue that, thus understood, Foucault’s transition to the governmentality model can be seen simultaneously as a deepening recognition of what capitalism is and how it works, but also as a recognition of the (...)
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    Capitalism with a Purpose: Can Business Ethics Fight Inequality?Rosa Fioravante & Mara Del Baldo - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (1Sup1):182-199.
    Economic crises - such as the Great Recession of 2008 or the 2020 crisis triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic - have always represented an opportunity to address the relationship between macroeconomic variables and business and society’s reactions to them. Indeed, negative economic conjuncture, slump and stagnation, represent a challenge and may elicit the opportunity to rethink the role of business in tackling systemic global problems of the current system - such as persisting and raising inequalities and environmental unsustainability – by (...)
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    Capitalist Restoration and Social Crisis in Yugoslavia.Antonio Carlo - 1978 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1978 (36):81-110.
    The necessary starting point in an analysis of Yugoslavia is the level of development of self-management. The 1973 law on collective work, the goal of which was to contain growing technocratic tendencies in the enterprises, has disciplined the powers of the “work units,” the democratic cells which are directed from below (in practice, they are something similar to department assemblies) and which were supposed to provide the most authentic foundation for self-management. These productive units can be compared to Western (...) firms whose goal, as we know, it to strengthen control over production costs, increase economic efficiency, facilitate management and create a more congenial atmosphere for work. (shrink)
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    Distributed Capitalism: A Scientific Validation for “Going Local”.Nuessle Frank - 2013 - World Futures 69 (7-8):450-478.
    (2013). Distributed Capitalism: A Scientific Validation for “Going Local”. World Futures: Vol. 69, Reclaiming Free Enterprise: The Scientific and Human Story, pp. 450-478.
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    (1 other version)The Free Market Existentialist: Capitalism Without Consumerism.William Irwin - 2015 - Hoboken: Wiley.
    Incisive and engaging, The Free Market Existentialist proposes a new philosophy that is a synthesis of existentialism, amoralism, and libertarianism. Argues that Sartre’s existentialism fits better with capitalism than with Marxism Serves as a rallying cry for a new alternative, a minimal state funded by an equal tax Confronts the “final delusion” of metaphysical morality, and proposes that we have nothing to fear from an amoral world Begins an essential conversation for the 21st century for students, scholars, and armchair philosophers (...)
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  13. Financialised Capitalism: Crisis and Financial Expropriation.Costas Lapavitsas - 2009 - Historical Materialism 17 (2):114-148.
    The current crisis is one outcome of the financialisation of contemporary capitalism. It arose in the USA because of the enormous expansion of mortgage-lending, including to the poorest layers of the working class. It became general because of the trading of debt by financial institutions. These phenomena are integral to financialisation. During the last three decades, large enterprises have turned to open markets to obtain finance, forcing banks to seek alternative sources of profit. One avenue has been provision of financial (...)
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  14. Where Did Mill Go Wrong? Why the Capital-Managed Rather than the Labor-Managed Enterprise is the Predominant.Schwartz Justin - 2012 - Ohio State Law Journal 73:220-85.
    In this Article, I propose a novel law and economics explanation of a deeply puzzling aspect of business organization in market economies. Why are virtually all firms organized as capital-managed and -owned (capitalist) enterprises rather than as labor-managed and -owned cooperatives? Over 150 years ago, J.S. Mill predicted that efficiency and other advantages would eventually make worker cooperatives predominant over capitalist firms. Mill was right about the advantages but wrong about the results. The standard explanation is that (...) enterprise is more efficient. Empirical research, however, overwhelmingly contradicts this. But employees almost never even attempt to organize worker cooperatives. I critique the explanations of the three leading analysts of the subject (N. Scott Arnold, Henry Hansmann, and Gregory Dow), all of whom offer are different transactions cost accounts, as logically defective and empirically inadequate. I then propose an explanation that has been oddly neglected in the literature, that the rarity of cooperatives is explained by the collective action problem identified by writers such as Mancur Olson. Labor management is a public good that generates the n-person prisoner’s dilemma which gives rational actors the incentive to create it in suboptimal (or no) amounts. I support this by reference to the empirical facts about the origin of existing cooperatives and show that this explanation requires no strong version of a questionable rational choice theory. This explanation is supplemented by the mere exposure or familiarity effect derived from social and cognitive psychology, which turns on the fact that labor managed firms are rare, in part because of the public goods problem, thus unfamiliar, which makes them less attractive and thus more likely to be rare. My account points advocates of labor management towards solutions such as institutional changes in incentives, which, however, themselves involve public goods issues. (shrink)
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    Stephen Miller on Capitalism in the Old Regime: A Response.Henry Heller - 2013 - Historical Materialism 21 (3):109-116.
    Stephen Miller attempts to confute the idea that capitalist accumulation characterised the agriculture of the Île-de-France prior to the Revolution. Instead he tries to assimilate the agriculture of the north into theAnnalesmodel of neo-Malthusian agricultural cycles and Chayanovian subsistence economy which is supposedly characteristic of the Midi. I argue instead that the notion of a northern capitalist agriculture is rooted not only in the extensive modern research of Moriceau but in the political-economic writings of Turgot and Marx which (...)
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    The Pragmatics of Care in Sustainable Global Enterprise.Sheldene K. Simola - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 74 (2):131-147.
    Recent conceptualizations of sustainable global development have reflected societal concerns not only with environmental stewardship, but also with social amelioration. However, the tripartite goals of corporate profitability, environmental protection, and social responsiveness are unlikely to be achieved through conventional models of globalization. The emergent approach known as sustainable global enterprise provides a promising strategic alternate, but requires the development of “native capability” [Hart, S. L.: 2005, Capitalism at the Crossroads: The Unlimited Business Opportunities In Solving the World’s Most Difficult (...)
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    Max Weber and the Theory of Ancient Capitalism.John Love - 1986 - History and Theory 25 (2):152-172.
    Weber in his early years had taken very seriously the idea that capitalism played an important, perhaps decisive, role in the life of ancient societies. Over time he came to understand the uniqueness of historical structures, and particularly of "rational capitalistic enterprises with fixed capital, free labor, the rational specialization and combination of functions, and the allocation of productive functions on the basis of capitalistic enterprises, bound together in a market economy," which characterizes the modern world. Non-market types of profit-making (...)
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  18.  13
    Capitalism and Commerce. [REVIEW]Steven Yates - 2006 - Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 7 (2):459 - 471.
    Edward W. Younkins's book, Capitalism and Commerce: Conceptual Inundations of Free Enterprise, develops a systematic case for a free enterprise model that restricts state activity to a few clearly enumerated functions. He sets out the ideas of individual rights and property ownership, moving from here to freedom of transaction under the rule of law. He considers entrepreneurship and progress. Finally he discusses the various opponents of free enterprise and responds, concluding with a meditation on the prospects of (...)
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    Corporate Social Responsibility Under Authoritarian Capitalism: Dynamics and Prospects of State-Led and Society-Driven CSR.Bin Wu, Jeremy Moon & Peter S. Hofman - 2017 - Business and Society 56 (5):651-671.
    This article introduces the concept of corporate social responsibility in the seemingly oxymoronic context of Chinese “authoritarian capitalism.” Following an introduction to the emergence of authoritarian capitalism, the article considers the emergence of CSR in China using Matten and Moon’s framework of explaining CSR development in terms both of a business system’s historic institutions and of the impacts of new institutionalism on corporations arising from societal pressures in their global and national environments. We find two forms of CSR in China, (...)
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  20.  25
    A capitalist revolution in Latin America? [REVIEW]Alvaro Vargas Llosa - 1998 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 12 (1-2):35-48.
    While it is true, as Paul Craig Roberts and Karen Lafollete maintain in The Capitalist Revolution in Latin America, that Latin America has begun to break away from its statist tradition, the basic culture of mercantilism, corporatism, and interventionism remains, underpinned by the positivist tradition that has made public policy and legislation a substitute for the rule of law, as reflected in a schema of essential rights. The confusion between a private‐enterprise economy and a free economy is at (...)
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  21.  30
    (1 other version)Progressive labour policy, ageing marxism and unrepentant early capitalism in the chinese industrial revolution.Orlan Lee & Jonty Lim - 2001 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 10 (2):97–107.
    The institutional guarantees of modern labour law, that provide the keystone of progressive liberalism, are often only reactionary to the entrenched concepts of socialist law. Adoption of institutions of “workers rights”, and employment protection based upon contract, inevitably nullify the ideological promise of the inalienable “right to work”. China, among the last bastions of theoretical Marxist socialism, and among the first socialist countries ready to accept that it has been in desperate need of reforming uneconomical state enterprises, seems willing to (...)
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  22.  7
    Shock Privatization: The Effects of Rapid Large-Scale Privatization on Enterprise Restructuring.Lawrence King - 2003 - Politics and Society 31 (1):3-30.
    The neoliberal-inspired “shock therapy” policies were designed to allow efficiency considerations to shape the new capitalist economies. Most experts theorized that these policies would enable postcommunist countries to close the gap with the West. After more than a decade, this prediction has been falsified. Fieldwork in 25 Russian firms demonstrates that the neoliberal prescription of mass privatization creates shocks that make successful enterprise restructuring almost impossible. Instead, most firms lower their technological level of production and retreat to nonmarket (...)
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  23.  33
    Surveillance in Capitalism Versus Surveillance Capitalism – Analisis of Contemporary Constraints of Civil Rights in the Context of Dataism and Post-Truth.Marian Zalesko, Aneta Kargol-Wasiluk & Robert Ciborowski - 2022 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 67 (1):321-334.
    The paper is devoted to the issue of surveillance in capitalism (surveillance capitalism), a phenomenon which has spread in that socio-economic system since the beginning of the 21st century. We attempt to point out the harmfulness of information technologies developing in the wrong direction, carrying the ideas of dataism and post-truth, which increasingly colonize human living space. It turns out that the information (traces) that people leave while operating on the Internet is a source of predicting human behavior in the (...)
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  24.  20
    The Influence of the Government on Corporate Environmental Reporting in China: An Authoritarian Capitalism Perspective.Pi-Shen Seet, Carol A. Tilt & Hui Situ - 2020 - Business and Society 59 (8):1589-1629.
    This study uses panel data to investigate the different roles of the Chinese government in influencing companies’ decision making about corporate environmental reporting (CER) via a two-stage process. The results show that the Chinese government appears to mainly influence the decision whether to disclose or not, but has limited influence on how much firms disclose. The results also show that the traditional model of authoritarian capitalism (under which state-owned enterprises [SOEs] are the major governance arrangement) is transforming into a new (...)
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  25.  17
    Kuyper’s early critique of unchecked capitalism.Harry Van Dyke - 2013 - Philosophia Reformata 78 (2):115-123.
    It was in the days when European society was in the throes of expanding industrial capitalism that Abraham Kuyper formulated his basic ideas about the pitfalls of the free enterprise system and the need for a structural make-over of society. Already two decades before his mature address of 1891 on the social question, he urged the church to concern herself seriously with the plight of the working classes. In 1874 he railed against “fictitious trade” and mere “paper assets.” In (...)
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  26. Ethics, Capitalism, and Multinationals.E. F. Andrews - forthcoming - Ethics and the Multinational Enterprise: Proceedings of the Sixth National Conference on Business Ethics, University Press of America, Lanham, Md.
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    Structural Power, Hegemony, and State Capitalism: Limits to China’s Global Economic Power.Kellee S. Tsai & Mingtang Liu - 2021 - Politics and Society 49 (2):235-267.
    A comparative historical perspective shows how globalization and the specificities of China’s rapid growth era limit its hegemonic potential in the twenty-first century global economy. Although state capitalism and openness to foreign capital facilitated China’s economic transformation, interactions among three forms of capital—state, private, and foreign—have produced developmental dynamics that constrain China’s capacity to assume the position of the world’s economic hegemon. These include the compromised competitiveness of China’s corporate sector due to the domination of state-owned enterprises, limits on the (...)
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    Science, Technology and Free Enterprise.Naomi Oreskes - 2010 - Centaurus 52 (4):297-310.
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  29. A capitalist conception of justice.Irving Kristol - 1978 - In Richard T. De George & Joseph A. Pichler (eds.), Ethics, free enterprise & public policy: original essays on moral issues in business. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Ethics, Free Enterprise, and Public Policy. [REVIEW]Lawrence J. Jost - 1982 - Review of Metaphysics 36 (2):445-446.
    This collection of 18 papers, most of which were originally presented at a 1976 University of Kansas Symposium, is intended to meet the growing demand for "serious analysis" of a host of "micro-moral" issues, such as corporate bribes to foreign officials, abuses in advertising, conflicts of interest, etc., as well as the "macro-moral" issue of the compatibility of "free enterprise" and "social justice." Six of the 19 authors teach philosophy and they are joined by academic colleagues in business-oriented disciplines, (...)
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  31.  14
    Organizational and psychological features of successful democratic enterprises: A systematic review of qualitative research.Christine Unterrainer, Wolfgang G. Weber, Thomas Höge & Severin Hornung - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In organizational psychology the positive effects of democratically structured enterprises on their employees are well documented. However, the longstanding viability as well as economic success of democratic enterprises in a capitalistic market environment has long been contested. For instance, this has given rise to widespread endorsement of the “degeneration thesis” and the so-called “iron law of oligarchy”. By reviewing 77 qualitative studies that examined 83 democratic enterprises within the last 50 years, the present systematic review provides evidence that such enterprises (...)
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  32. A Political and Economic Case for the Democratic Enterprise.Samuel Bowles & Herbert Gintis - 1993 - Economics and Philosophy 9 (1):75.
    We consider two reasons why firms should be owned and run democratically by their workers. The first concerns accountability : Because the employment relationship involves the exercise of power, its governance should on democratic grounds be accountable to those most directly affected. The second concerns efficiency : The democratic firm uses a lower level of inputs per unit of output than the analogous capitalist firm.
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  33. Review of The Invention of Enterprise[REVIEW]Michael Marotta - 2011 - Libertarian Papers 3.
    The Invention of Enterprise: Entrepreneurship from Ancient Mesopotamia to Modern Times, David S. Landes, Joel Mokyr, and William J. Baumol, eds., Princeton University Press, 2010, is a dense anthology that provides an “orbital view” of the history of trade and commerce. The essays encompass several theoretic frameworks while following three themes: the creation of enterprises; the distinctions between creative and corrosive capitalism; and the societies that engender those different modes.
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    The Global Economic Ethic Manifesto: Implementing a Moral Values Foundation in the Multinational Enterprise[REVIEW]Thomas A. Hemphill & Waheeda Lillevik - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 101 (2):213 - 230.
    The Global Economic Ethic Manifesto (" Manifesto") is a moral framework/code of conduct which is both interactive and interdependent with the economic function of the main institutions of the economic system: markets, governments, civil society, and supranational organizations, which lays out a common fundamental vision of what is legitimate, just, and fair in economic activities. The Manifesto includes five universally accepted principles and values: the principle of humanity; the basic values of non-violence and respect for life; the basic values of (...)
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    The Global Food Industry and “Creative Capitalism”: The Partners in Food Solutions Sustainable Business Model.Thomas A. Hemphill - 2013 - Business and Society Review 118 (4):489-511.
    Rising global food prices have driven 44 million additional people into extreme poverty—and malnutrition—in developing countries since June 2010. Partners in Food Solutions , a nonprofit social enterprise affiliated with General Mills, is proposed as the conduit for food industry managers, engineers, and scientists to initially advise small‐ and medium‐sized African mills and food processors—and later other developing countries—on improving supply chain management by addressing manufacturing problems, developing products, improving packaging, extending product shelf, and finding new product markets. In (...)
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    Oeconomia Suffocato: The Origins of Antipathy Toward Free Enterprise Among Catholic Intelligentsia.Walter E. Block & Joseph J. Hyde - 2018 - Studia Humana 7 (2):3-14.
    What is the source of the antipathy of Catholic intellectuals toward free markets? That is the issue addressed in the present paper. We see the antecedents of this viewpoint of theirs in terms of secular humanism, Marxism and mistaken views of morality and economics. One of the explanations for this phenomenon are the teachings of St Augustine. He greatly distrusted the City of Man, seeing it as anarchic and chaotic. In contrast, his City of God is more orderly, but far (...)
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  37.  73
    Debi Ghate and Richard E. Ralston: Why businessmen need philosophy: the capitalist’s guide to the ideas behind Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged.Mario Garitta - 2012 - Poiesis and Praxis 8 (4):197-201.
    The essays in this book are meant to serve as an introduction to those ideas of Ayn Rand, which are of particular relevance to business people. Rand was known as a spirited defender of the laissez-faire free enterprise system. It is less commonly known that Rand was also deeply committed to the centrality of the enterprise of philosophy for both public and private life. The essays in this book try to bridge the gap between these two aspects of (...)
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    The “Unspeakable Blessing”: Street Children, Reform Rhetoric, and Misery in Early Industrial Capitalism.Bruce Bellingham - 1983 - Politics and Society 12 (3):303-330.
    … surely there would be men enough, willing and glad to contribute to the regeneration of the poor outcasts of the city. It is no longer an experiment since the Children's Aid has removed of this class, in thirteen years, eleven thousand two hundred and seventy two! Who would not rejoice to aid in such an enterprise…? Money only is wanting. Shall that be an insurmountable obstacle in the way of accomplishing such an unspeakable blessing? New York Children's Aid (...)
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    Mill's `socialism'.Dale E. Miller - 2003 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 2 (2):213-238.
    Insofar as John Stuart Mill can be accurately described as a socialist, his is a socialism that a classical liberal ought to be able to live with, if not to love. Mill's view is that capitalist economies should at some point undergo a `spontaneous' and incremental process of socialization, involving the formation of worker-controlled `socialistic' enterprises through either the transformation of `capitalistic' enterprises or creation de novo. This process would entail few violations of core libertarian principles. It would proceed (...)
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    Anarchism and Authenticity, or Why SAMCRO Shouldn't Fight History.Peter S. Fosl - 2013 - In George A. Dunn & Jason T. Eberl (eds.), Sons of Anarchy and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 201–213.
    We can think of the club not as a small business, but as a would‐be “anarchist‐syndicalist commune.” Anarcho‐syndicalism is a kind of anarchism based in labor unions, where workers take control of the economy not through a top‐down government bureaucracy but through revolutionary labor associations called “syndicates. The club resembles just such a syndicate: it's hierarchical, but, unlike capitalist enterprises, it is a democratically governed hierarchy. The state is essentially an instrument of class struggle and will gradually “wither away,” (...)
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    The Expansion and Restructuring of Intellectual Property and Its Implications for the Developing World.David Lea - 2008 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 11 (1):37-60.
    In this paper we begin with a reference to the work of Hernando de Soto The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere Else, and his characterization of the Western institution of formal property. We note the linkages that he sees between the institution and successful capitalist enterprise. Therefore, given the appropriateness of his analysis, it would appear to be worthwhile for developing and less developed countries to adjust their systems of ownership to (...)
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    Hannah Arendt on anti-Black racism, the public realm, and higher education.Brian Smith - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (12):2054-2071.
    In recent years, a growing number of scholars have accused Arendt of anti-Black racism. Some of these criticisms can be traced to certain passages in her essay On Violence about black radicals making what she believed to be unreasonable curriculum demands, namely the establishment of Black Studies programs. The purpose of this paper is to contextualize these controversial passages within her deeply anti-modern thinking about the role of higher education in society. While her arguments remain troubling, when read along with (...)
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    Le socialisme en Occident. Unifications théoriques et distinctions opératoires.Giuseppe Prestipino, Jean-Pierre Potier & Jacques Texier - 1988 - Actuel Marx 4 (1):11.
    Operational distinction : it is capitalism as a totalitary system that must be fought and not capitalist enterprise as such or merchant exchange in general. Theoretical unification : the three major problems - environment, women and youth - must be analysed in the light of this totalitarian capitalist concept.
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    In Memory of Lenore Davidoff 1923-2014.Martha Vicinus - 2015 - Feminist Studies 41 (3):698-698.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Lenore Davidoff 1923–2014 Lenore Davidoff, a pioneering historian of British women, died October 19, 2014, from Hodgkins’ lymphoma. We have lost a generous and influential leader in gender studies and an early supporter of Feminist Studies. Born in the United States, Davidoff left in 1953 to study sociology at the London School of Economics. Her first book, The Best Circles: Society, Etiquette and the Season (1973), led her to (...)
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    Humanisation?: Psychoanalysis, Symbolisation, and the Body of the Unconscious.Colette Soler - 2018 - Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Edited by Benjamin Farrow & Hugues D'Alascio.
    Unquenched desire, the dividing up of the drives, repetition, and symptom are the keywords for the effects that the unconscious, as deciphered by Freud, has on the body. Harmony is not on the agenda, but rather the discordance, unlinking, and arrogance of cynical jouissances. It seems that the discourse of capitalism is today increasing their deleterious consequences - with all of these demonstrative suicides, but also suicides as diverse as those of terrorists, Tibetan monks, those beleaguered by the capitalist (...)
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    The Immaterial: Knowledge, Value and Capital.André Gorz - 2010 - Seagull Books.
    In _The Immaterial_,_ _French social philosopher André Gorz argues, in his finely-tuned and polemical style, that the economic boom that accelerated in the 1990s and crashed so spectacularly in 2008 was based largely on an immaterial consumption of symbols and ideas, as capitalism tried to overcome the crisis of the formally industrial regime by throwing itself into a new, so-called knowledge economy. In this, the last full-length theoretical work Gorz completed before his death, he argues instead for the creation of (...)
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    Gap : Social Responsibility Campaign or Window Dressing?Michelle Amazeen - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 99 (2):167-182.
    This study interrogates the Gap campaign from a political economic perspective to determine whether it goes beyond merely touting the virtuous line of social responsibility. Critics cite the irony of capitalist-based solutions that perpetuate the inequities they are trying to address. Others suggest the aid generated is problematic in and of itself because it keeps Africa from becoming self-sufficient. This research contends the purpose of the Gap’s participation is genuine, going beyond window dressing and the surface level benefit of (...)
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  48. Kierkegaard’s Three Spheres and Cinematic Fairy Tale Pedagogy in 'Frozen,' 'Moana,' and 'Tangled'.A. G. Holdier - 2021 - Journal of Religion and Popular Culture 33 (2):105–119.
    Although Disney films are sometimes denigrated as popular or “low” art forms, this article argues that they often engage deeply with, and thereby communicate, significant moral truths. The capitalistic enterprise of contemporary modern cinema demands that cinematic moral pedagogy be sublimated into non-partisan forms, often by substituting secular proxies for otherwise divine or spiritual components. By adapting Søren Kierkegaard’s tripartite existential anthropology of the self, I analyze the subjective experiences of the protagonists in three recent animated fairy tales—Disney’s Frozen, (...)
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  49.  37
    The rate of profit and economic stagnation in the United States economy.Fred Moseley - 1997 - Historical Materialism 1 (1):161-174.
    In the first thirty years after World War II, the US economy performed very well. The rate of growth averaged 4—5%, the rate of unemployment was seldom above 5%, inflation was almost non-existent, and the living standards of workers improved steadily. These were the ‘good old days'. However, this long period of expansion and prosperity ended in the 1970s. Since then, both the rate of unemployment and the rate of inflation have been much higher than before, and the average real (...)
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  50.  72
    Good kid, m.A.A.d city: Kendrick Lamar's Autoethnographic Method.James B. Haile - 2018 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 32 (3):488-498.
    ABSTRACT In characterizing his second studio album, good kid, m.A.A.d city, as a “short film” Kendrick Lamar offers something of a public declaration: We, the listening audience, are not hearing another hip-hop album, just another “autobiography” or slice of one person's life, but, rather, something else; we are hearing a mixture of social, cultural, and personal narrative truth in what will be termed “autoethnography.” In doing so, Lamar offers us a new way of thinking about hip-hop as a whole, not (...)
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