Results for ' clientelism'

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  1.  1
    Clientelism in a broader frame.Peter Dorman - 2024 - Theory and Society 53 (6):1389-1413.
    While recent years have seen a substantial increase in research on clientelism, nearly all of it pertains to clientelism as an electoral strategy. This paper offers a general stocktaking of our understanding of the key issues in how clientelism arises, performs and (perhaps) diminishes, drawing on electoral studies while recognizing that findings in this realm do not always generalize to others. The specific questions addressed are: (1) What are the commonalities between electoral and non-electoral clientelism, and (...)
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    Clientelism and conceptual stretching: differentiating among concepts and among analytical levels. [REVIEW]Tina Hilgers - 2011 - Theory and Society 40 (5):567-588.
    The concept of clientelism has lost descriptive power. It has become indistinguishable from neighboring concepts and is applied across analytical levels. Using Gerring’s (Polity 31:357–393, 1999) characterization of a “good” concept, I establish the core attributes of clientelism, which, in addition to being an interest-maximizing exchange, involves longevity, diffuseness, face-to-face contact, and inequality. Using secondary sources and fieldwork data, I differentiate clientelism from concepts such as vote-buying and corruption and determine its analytical position at the microsociological level. (...)
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    From Clientelism to Cooperation: Local Government, Participatory Policy, and Civic Organizing in Porto Alegre, Brazil.Rebecca Abers - 1998 - Politics and Society 26 (4):511-537.
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    Trust, clientelism and state intervention in disaster relief policy: The case of Southern Italy.Teresa Caruso - 2013 - Human Affairs 23 (2):230-245.
    The aim of this article is to describe the consequences of state intervention at the local level after a destructive earthquake hit the south of Italy in 1980. The kind of intervention adopted, the amount of financial investment and the way in which it was distributed affected the social and economic equilibrium of the local community in terms of perceptions of trust, patronage and effects on development.
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  5. Of Corruption and Clientelism in Montesquieu, Hume, and Adam Smith in the rule of Law.Eric Schliesser - manuscript
    I frame my argument by way of Hayek's tendency to treat Hume and Smith as central articulations of the rule of law. The rest of the paper explores their defense of clientelism. First, I introduce Hume’s ideas on the utility of patronage in his essay, “Of the Independency of Parliament.” I argue that in Hume clientelism just is a feature of parliamentary business. It seems ineliminable. I then contextualize Hume’s account by comparing it to Montesquieu’s account of this (...)
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    Between Factiousness and Clientelism. On Some Burdens of Polish History.Jacek Breczko - 2013 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 25:321-332.
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    Un probleme de clientele: Marius et Les herennii.Elizabeth Deniaux - 1973 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 117 (1-2):179-196.
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    The old in the new: Voter surveillance in political clientelism and datafied campaigning.Isabel Kusche - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (1).
    This article compares political clientelism and datafied campaigning as two modes of relating politicians/parties and voters that are centred around voter surveillance. It contributes to the discussion on consequences of Big Data by showing similarities of datafied campaigns with a type of electoral politics that pre-dates the advent of mass media and is usually regarded as deficient. It thus departs from the predominant perspective on datafication and surveillance, which draws on Foucault, in order to identify the particular challenges that (...)
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    La cession de clientèle médicale.Gérard Mémeteau - 2001 - Médecine et Droit 2001 (48):1-7.
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    Coalitions and clientelism in Mexico.Jon Shefner - 2001 - Theory and Society 30 (5):593-628.
  11.  51
    Markets in votes: Alienability, strict secrecy, and political clientelism.Nicolás Maloberti - 2019 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 18 (2):193-215.
    Standard rationales for the illegality of markets in votes are based on concerns over the undue influence of wealth and the erosion of civic responsibility that would result from the commodification of votes. I present an alternative rationale based on how the mere alienability of votes alters the strategic setting faced by political actors. The inalienability of votes ensure the strict secrecy of voting, that is, the inability of voters to communicate credibly to others the content of their votes. In (...)
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    M. Severini, "La rete dei notabili. Clientele, strategie ed elezioni politiche nelle Marche in età giolittiana".Mario Caciagli - 2000 - Polis 14 (1):162-164.
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  13. Philosophy of science issues in clientelism research.Harold Kincaid, Miquel Pellicer & Eva Wegner - 2022 - In Harold Kincaid & Jeroen van Bouwel (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Political Science. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    S. Piattoni (a cura di), "Clientelism, Interests, and Democratic Representation".Salvatore Vassallo - 2002 - Polis 16 (1):143-148.
  15.  9
    Mundane talk at work: Multiactivity in interactions between professionals and their clientele.Anne-Sylvie Horlacher & Elwys De Stefani - 2018 - Discourse Studies 20 (2):221-245.
    This article examines how participants coordinate concurrent activities in hair salon interactions and during driving lessons. In both settings, participants devote considerable time to chatting about mundane topics. This sort of conversation has traditionally been studied as an instance of small talk. The first part of the article retraces the epistemological origins of this notion. The analytical section shows how an analysis based on talk alone may lead researchers to distinguish small talk from task-directed talk, in line with previous studies. (...)
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    Coproducing Rural Public Schools in Brazil: Contestation, Clientelism, and the Landless Workers’ Movement.Rebecca Tarlau - 2013 - Politics and Society 41 (3):395-424.
    The Landless Workers’ Movement has been the principal protagonist developing an alternative educational proposal for rural public schools in Brazil. This article analyzes the MST’s differential success implementing this proposal in municipal and state public schools. The process is both participatory—activists working with government officials to implement MST goals—and contentious—the movement mobilizing support for its education initiatives through various forms of protest. In some locations, the MST has succeeded in institutionalizing a participatory relationship with government actors, while in other regions (...)
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  17. “From the client's point(s) of view”: How poor people perceive and evaluate political clientelism[REVIEW]Javier Auyero - 1999 - Theory and Society 28 (2):297-334.
  18. Interest Articulation and Lobbying in Unregulated Legal Contexts: The Case of Albania.Gerti Sqapi - 2022 - Economicus 21 (2):172-183.
    The main argument of this paper is that the legal regulation of lobbying is an important factor for disciplining/curbing the undue (illicit) influence of different interest groups on the political-making process, especially in countries with post-communist and nonconsolidated democracies such as Albania. In three decades of political and economic transition from a one-party communist system to a democratic one and towards a market economy, the democratization of Albania has faced various problems, which have often led to a loss of public (...)
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    Accounting Ratio Analyses of Inequality of Minority Lawyers.KiKyung Song & EunYoung Whang - 2018 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 37 (2-3):237-264.
    With the expansion of clientele’s demographics and international transactions, many law firms began to open doors to non-mainstreamers—minority lawyers to join the legal workforce. Decades have passed and the inequality in compensation between minority and non-minority attorneys is still one of the most controversial issues in the legal profession. Based on human capital and labor discrimination theory, we examine the productivity and compensation differences between minority attorneys and non-minority counterparts. The sample consists of 554 firm-year observations of the 200 largest (...)
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    Between Collective Action and Individual Appropriation: The Informal Dimensions of Participatory Budgeting in Recife, Brazil.Camille Goirand & Françoise Montambeault - 2016 - Politics and Society 44 (1):143-171.
    Examining the concept of clientelism in analysis of participatory processes, we investigate how collective and individual action are articulated in practices in the case of participatory budgeting in Recife, Brazil. We use ethnographic work to look how collective actors mobilize within the PB process in Recife and show that PB’s territorial and redistributive nature provides fertile ground for informal exchanges to be entrenched in institutional processes at the micro level. Microsocial interactions between political entrepreneurs, intermediaries, and ordinary participants in (...)
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    Centers and peripheries: The development of British physiology, 1870?1914.Stella V. F. Butler - 1988 - Journal of the History of Biology 21 (3):473-500.
    By 1910 the Cambridge University physiology department had become the kernel of British physiology. Between 1909 and 1914 an astonishing number of young and talented scientists passed through the laboratory. The University College department was also a stimulating place of study under the dynamic leadership of Ernest Starling.I have argued that the reasons for this metropolitan axis within British physiology lie with the social structure of late-Victorian and Edwardian higher education. Cambridge, Oxford, and University College London were national institutions attracting (...)
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  22. An overview of information ethics issues in a world-wide context.Elizabeth A. Buchanan - 1999 - Ethics and Information Technology 1 (3):193-201.
    This article presents an overview of significant issues facing contemporary information professionals. As the world of information continues to grow at unprecedented speed and in unprecedented volume, questions must be faced by information professionals. Will we participate in the worldwide mythology of equal access for all, or will we truly work towards this debatable goal? Will we accept the narrowing of choice for our corresponding increasing diverse clientele? Such questions must be considered in a holistic context and an understanding of (...)
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    PAMELA'S PLACE: Power and Negotiation in the Hair Salon.Debra Gimlin - 1996 - Gender and Society 10 (5):505-526.
    This article draws from field research in a Long Island beauty salon to explore the ways that female beauty work constructs gendered, classed identities. Stylists use their attachment to beauty culture to nullify status differences between themselves and their clientele, and to imagine themselves their customers' friends and social equals. However, the emotional ties stylists profess force them to accomodate clients' appearance preferences, even when they are, in the stylists' estimation, unattractive or unstylish. Hairdressers' emotion work thus serves to undermine (...)
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    Pluies d’or. L’orfèvrerie rhodienne orientalisante du contexte archéologique à l’atelier.Anne Mazet Coulié - 2022 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 145 (145.2):599-666.
    This article on Rhodian Orientalizing jewelry re‑examines the corpus preserved in the Louvre Museum, focusing on the figured plaques and elaborate jewels. The re‑examination of the contexts of discovery offers a new framework for interpreting the technical aspects of production and highlights the existence of several workshop practices that produced, repaired and reworked jewels in Antiquity. One of the major conclusions of the investigation is that these objects were used and sometimes reworked over several generations before being deposited in the (...)
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    Achieving Double Bottom-Line Performance in Hybrid Organisations: A Machine-Learning Approach.Eline Van der Auwera, Bert D’Espallier & Roy Mersland - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 190 (3):625-647.
    Drawing on a global sample of microfinance institutions (MFIs), this paper offers insights into the trade-off versus synergy debate of adopting multiple institutional goals in hybrid organisations. Additionally, it unravels which organisation- and country-specific determinants associate with top joint performance using machine-learning techniques. We find that the synergy versus trade-off debate is not dichotomous. Rather, MFIs can be strong both socially and financially but not while charging low interest rates. In our sample, 17% of MFIs serve a low-income clientele in (...)
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    Reproducing the value of professional expertise in post‐traditional culture: Financial advice and the creation of the client.Alan Aldridge - 1998 - Cultural Values 2 (4):445-462.
    The UK's personal financial services sector has been the site of controversy over alleged professional malpractice. Financial advisers’ status as professionals is in question, and their claim to knowledge and expertise is apparently challenged by an extensive consumer literature on personal finance. This article analyses a corpus of seventeen consumer guides to personal finance and money management published in the UK, together with a range of financial material available on the internet. These guides urge readers to give high priority to (...)
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    Catégories et clivages.Olivier Bouba-Olga, Magali Talandier & Martin Vanier - 2022 - Multitudes 1:202-208.
    Le politique a tendance à découper le territoire en tranches catégorielles de taille (espaces ruraux, villes petites et moyennes, métropoles) ou binaires (espaces « périphériques », métropoles « incluses ») de manière à en servir les clientèles au gré des opportunités. Est-ce la fin de la paix territoriale et l’activation de clivages sociaux par le truchement du territoire? Voilà pour le politique. Du côté des scientifiques, le besoin d’un cadre d’analyse comparable dans le temps pousse de nombreux statisticiens et chercheurs (...)
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    Ethically providing Routine HIV testing services to bereaved populations.Barbara Burmen, Joseph O. Mogunde & Daniel P. O. Kwaro - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (1):195-200.
    Background: The delivery of public health policies may be in conflict with individualism. Objectives: To propose measures to ethically provide routine HIV testing services to persons visiting a funeral home. Research design: A document analysis of study documents and presentations made to an institutional review board. Participants and research context: Institutional review board members (both lay and professionals) and Study investigators attending an `open session' where study investigators were invited to elaborate on some study procedures. Ethical considerations: Identities of all (...)
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    El estado del bienestar español: valoración y perspectivas de futuro.Jorge Calero - 2021 - Araucaria 23 (47).
    The article aims at describing the Spanish welfare state and assessing its problems and perspectives. The description of its characteristics, based on a comparison with European countries, makes it possible to identify patterns similar to those of other Southern welfare states, with an important subsidiarity with regard to the family and an orientation towards the protection of the older population. Regarding the identification of problems, two technical problems are highlighted in the article. First, those related to sensitivity to economic crises, (...)
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    Philosophy of the Yi: unity and dialectics.Zhongying Cheng & On Cho Ng (eds.) - 2010 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    This volume, an assemblage of essays previously published in the Journal of Chinese Philosophy, conveniently and strategically brings together some of the trenchant interpretations and analyses of the salient, structural aspects of the philosophy of the Yijing. They reveal how the ancient Classic offers a graphically vivid and conceptually dynamic dramaturgy of the ways in which the natural world works in conjunction with the human one. Its cosmological architectonics and philosophical worldview continue to have enormous purchase on our current imagination, (...)
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    Spanish mutual fund fees and less sophisticated investors: examination and ethical implications.Rocío Marco Crespo - 2009 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 18 (3):224-240.
    Some mutual funds not only apply the usual asset management and custodial fees, but also front loads and redemption fees as a kind of ‘toll charge’ payable on entering and/or leaving the fund. The aim of this work is to examine the implications of the different loads and fees applied to mutual fund investors in the Spanish market. The results show that there is a relationship between the various charges and fees. The fact that load fund companies charge higher management (...)
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    Picturing the Pain of Animal Others: Rationalising Form, Function and Suffering in Veterinary Orthopaedics.Chris Degeling - 2009 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 31 (3-4):377 - 403.
    Advances in veterinary orthopaedics are assessed on their ability to improve the function and wellbeing of animal patients. And yet historically veterinarians have struggled to bridge the divide between an animal's physicality and its interior experience of its function in clinical settings. For much of the twentieth century, most practitioners were agnostic to the possibility of animal mentation and its implications for suffering. This attitude has changed as veterinarians adapted to technological innovations and the emergence of a clientele who claimed (...)
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    (1 other version)Le commerce du moi, modèle économique du profilage.Karine Douplitzky - 2009 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 53 (1):113.
    On n'a pas attendu le Net pour établir un commerce profitable des données personnelles. Depuis la vente par correspondance jusqu'aux cartes de fidélité, des milliers de fichiers sont venus grossir les bases de données des grandes marques qui stockent, nettoient et monnayent leurs informations clientèle. Dans le monde réel donc, il semble presque consensuel d'être fichés et démarchés par des enseignes. En revanche, sur le Net, les internautes semblent davantage inquiets du devenir des traces qu'ils laissent en ligne. Qu'est-ce que (...)
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    Émergence d'une culture, déclin d'une profession.Abdou Salam Fall & Laurent Vidal - 2006 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 2 (2):239-264.
    À partir d’une approche anthropologique des prises en charge médicales de la tuberculose et du paludisme, ainsi que des conceptions et usages de la prévention dans des milieux urbains d’Afrique de l’Ouest , ce texte interroge la nature du métier de soignant. Après nous être penchés sur les spécificités de ce type d’étude anthropologique en milieu médical, nous nous attachons à décrypter les processus d’occultations des singularités du malade qui caractérisent les messages et discours de prévention. Dans les structures de (...)
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    Reform in public health: where does it take nursing?Heather Gibb - 1998 - Nursing Inquiry 5 (4):258-267.
    Reform in public health: where does it take nursing?The Australian healthcare system is undergoing changes that are impacting tangibly on professional nursing practice. While the evidence is clear that the changes pose a challenge to maintaining standards amidst resource cuts and restructuring, the processes through which these changes occur and the decisions which drive the reforms remain complex and largely obscure. This paper intends to stimulate further thinking and debate among nurses about the effects of these reforms on the conduct (...)
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    Community food assistance, informal social networks, and the labor of care.Hilda Kurtz, Abigail Borron, Jerry Shannon & Alexis Weaver - 2019 - Agriculture and Human Values 36 (3):495-505.
    In 2016, the Atlanta Community Food Bank launched the Stabilizing Lives project to develop programs and policies that could better address clients’ needs as well as including clientele as part of the planning process. The ACFB partnered with a research team at the University of Georgia to conduct a participatory research project aimed at developing deeper insights into the factors contributing to both instability and stability in the lives of pantry clientele. This article describes the outcomes this research, offering both (...)
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    Dans les pas d’un ministre, dans les rouages d’un ministère.Sylvain Laurens - 2016 - Temporalités 23.
    À partir de l’analyse des agendas du directeur de cabinet d’un ministre en poste dans les années 1970, il s’agit dans cet article d’analyser comment la position de directeur de cabinet est occupée au quotidien et sur le plan des pratiques. Ces agendas seront tout d’abord exploités statistiquement et qualitativement afin de saisir comment l’occupation d’un tel rôle charnière nécessite d’arbitrer entre les différentes temporalités des activités administratives, politiques et médiatiques. Sous la Ve République, le directeur de cabinet occupe, en (...)
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    Race as a Ghost Variable in (White) Opioid Research.Jules Netherland, Caroline Parker & Helena Hansen - 2020 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 45 (5):848-876.
    This paper traces the unspoken, implicit white racial logic of the brain disease model of addiction, which is based on seemingly universal, disembodied brains devoid of social or environmental influences. In the United States, this implicit white logic led to “context-free” neuroscience that made the social hierarchies of addiction and its consequences invisible to, and thus exacerbated by, national policies on opioids. The brain disease model of addiction was selectively deployed among the white middle-class population that had long accessed narcotics (...)
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    Van Dyck at the English Court: The Relations of Portraiture and Allegory.Mark Roskill - 1987 - Critical Inquiry 14 (1):173-199.
    Anthony van Dyck’s period of service to the Stuart court stretches from 1632, when he was appointed “principalle Paynter in ordinary to their Majesties” and knighted, to his death at the end of 1641. After an earlier visit of a few months, beginning in December 160, van Dyck had gone to Italy to improve himself; there he had defected from the service of James I. On his return to England this was forgiven, and in the early years he was mainly (...)
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    Artisanal Surgery in the Early 17th Century. The Practice Journal of a Barber-Surgeon in Münster.Michael Stolberg - 2023 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 31 (4):357-385.
    This paper presents and analyzes the practice journal of a barber-surgeon in the town of Münster, in Northern Germany, in which he recorded about 950 cases he treated between 1602 and 1614. Based on this source, it examines the clientele and the fees of a German barber-surgeon in the early seventeenth century, and looks at the injuries and complaints for which patients sought his treatment.
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    Nouvelles lois archaïques de Lyttos.Micheline Van Effenterre & Henri Van Effenterre - 1985 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 109 (1):157-188.
    H. et M. van Effenterre présentent un décret inédit des environs de 500 av. J.-C. interdisant l'accueil des étrangers dans la cité de Lyttos qui avait été découvert par N. Platon. Ils en étudient l'alphabet, le dialecte et la syntaxe, et le rapport avec la xénèlasia et la dikè exoulès. Ils y reconnaîtraient la méfiance de la cité contre des rapatriés parmi lesquels l'aristocratie des cosmes chercherait une clientèle, en particulier une main-d'œuvre nécessaire au développement de l'élevage. En effet, un (...)
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    L’intervention clinique auprès des prévenus atteints de troubles de santé mentale.Thierry Webanck - 2001 - Éthique Publique 3 (1).
    Plusieurs de ceux qui présentent des problèmes de santé mentale se retrouvent dans le système judiciaire. Leur profil clinique se caractérise par une problématique complexe où se juxtaposent divers troubles ou déficits. Il n’est pas toujours facile de dépister ces personnes et d’intervenir auprès d’elles dans le cadre du processus judiciaire et pénal, qui n’est pas conçu pour répondre à leurs besoins cliniques. De son côté, le réseau de la santé et des services sociaux semble lui aussi peu adapté pour (...)
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    Kwestie etyczne w prawie giełdowym okresu zaborów i pierwszych lat niepodległości Polski (do 1921 r.).Bogusław Piotr Marks - 2010 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 13 (2):71-82.
    The object of the article are the questions concerning the „ethical aspects” of functioning of stock exchange law during partitions of Poland and in the first years of independent Poland. The analysis covers the period from 1817 (when in Warsaw the first official stock exchange on Polish territory was created) to 1921 when the first in independent Poland Act about the Organization of Stock Exchanges was passed. In the 19th century, several stock exchanges were created on Polish territory, from which (...)
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    The "Tabulae Iliacae" in their Hellenistic literary context: texts on the tables.Michael Squire - 2010 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 130:67-96.
    This article re-evaluates the 22 so-called Tabulae Iliacae. Where most scholars (especially in the English speaking world) have tended to dismiss these objects as 'trivial' and 'confused', or as 'rubbish' intended for the Roman 'nouveaux riches', this article relates them to the literary poetics of the Hellenistic world, especially Greek ecphrastic epigram. Concentrating on the tablets' verbal inscriptions, the article draws attention to three epigraphic features in particular. First, it explores the various literary allusivenesses of the two epigrammatic invocations inscribed (...)
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    Advertising cadavers in the republic of letters: anatomical publications in the early modern Netherlands.DÁniel MargÓcsy - 2009 - British Journal for the History of Science 42 (2):187-210.
    This paper sketches how late seventeenth-century Dutch anatomists used printed publications to advertise their anatomical preparations, inventions and instructional technologies to an international clientele. It focuses on anatomists Frederik Ruysch and Lodewijk de Bils , inventors of two separate anatomical preparation methods for preserving cadavers and body parts in a lifelike state for decades or centuries. Ruysch's and de Bils's publications functioned as an ‘advertisement’ for their preparations. These printed volumes informed potential customers that anatomical preparations were aesthetically pleasing and (...)
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  46. The Clinic in Three Medieval Societies.William R. Jones - 1983 - Diogenes 31 (122):86-101.
    The different ways in which the three medieval societies of Byzantium, Latin Christendom, and Islam institutionalized the charitable impulse present in their respective faiths reflected the fundamentally different religious values which motivated these civilizations as well as their different levels of material and intellectual development. All three societies exalted the relief of human suffering, especially the care of the sick, as a religiously sanctioned gesture; and all three invented or adopted institutional means for attaining this pious objective. The various medieval (...)
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    (1 other version)Buddhist-Christian Dialogue and Comparative Scripture: Minzu University October 11, 2014.Thomas Cattoi - 2015 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 35:211-212.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Dialogue:Moving ForwardThomas Cattoi (bio) and Carol S. Anderson (bio)The San Francisco Bay Area is an interesting location in which to ponder Buddhist-Christian relations. The website lists more than a hundred institutions affiliated with Buddhist organizations—a density higher than in the Beijing metropolitan area. Some of these centers have a clearly ethnic and denominational character, serving a predominantly immigrant population. Some, like many of the Tibetan organizations, function (...)
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    Controlling political corruption in Italy: What did not work, what can be done.Donatella Della Porta & Alberto Vannucci - 1996 - Res Publica 38 (2):353-369.
    The paper dealt with the control on political corruption in Italy, in particular with the reasons why most of the control mechanisms did not work for a long time, allowingfor the development of"tangentopoli". First of all, we briefly discussed the reasons why the controls ''from below"--that is, from citizens or electors--did not function in Italy: the pervasive occupation of the administration and the civil society by the political parties, as well as "secret" agreements between political parties in order to avoid (...)
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    La Monarchie éclairée de l'abbé de Saint-Pierre: une science politique des modernes.Carole Dornier - 2020 - [Liverpool]: Liverpool University Press. Edited by Charles Irénée Castel de Saint-Pierre.
    The Abbé de Saint-Pierre, best known for his 'Project for Perpetual Peace', in fact left a much larger and more coherent body of political and moral writing, but it has been only partially studied. This book, the first systematic exploration of his entire corpus, offers a complete re-evaluation of this important author's contributions to the Enlightenment. From the first decades of the eighteenth century, Saint-Pierre set forth a pioneering vision of politics as the harmonisation of interests, anticipating Bentham as a (...)
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  50.  23
    Les entreprises françaises mondiales et l'usage du français..Michel Franck - 2004 - Hermes 40:158.
    L'Observatoire de la Formation, de l'Emploi et des Métiers de la CCIP a rédigé un rapport en juin 2003 sur les pratiques linguistiques des entreprises françaises exerçant une activité internationale, afin de mesurer les impacts de la mondialisation des échanges sur l'usage de la langue française au sein de ces entreprises. Il ressort de cette analyse que les entreprises interrogées ne ressentent pas de barrière linguistique forte dans le développement de leurs activités à l'international. Si l'anglais est considéré comme un (...)
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