Results for ' counter-hegemony'

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  1.  9
    Counter hegemony, popular education, and resistances: A systematic literature review on the squatters’ movement.Julia Ballesteros-Quilez, Pablo Rivera-Vargas & Judith Jacovkis - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The squatting movement is a social movement that seeks to use unoccupied land or temporarily or permanently abandoned buildings as farmland, housing, meeting places, or centers for social and cultural purposes. Its main motivation is to denounce and at the same time respond to the economic difficulties that activists believe exist to realize the right to housing. Much of what we know about this movement comes from the informational and journalistic literature generated by actors that are close or even belong (...)
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    Beyond agriculture: the counter-hegemony of community farming. [REVIEW]Neil Ravenscroft, Niamh Moore, Ed Welch & Rachel Hanney - 2013 - Agriculture and Human Values 30 (4):629-639.
    In this paper we seek to understand the interplay between increasingly widely held concerns about the hegemony of industrialized agriculture and the emergence of counter-hegemonic activities, such as membership of community supported agriculture (CSA) initiatives. Informed by Blackshaw’s (Leisure, Abingdon, Routledge, 2010) work on “liquid leisure,” we offer a new leisure-based conceptualization of the tactics of counter-hegemony, arguing in the process that food politics offers a rich site for new, transitional identity formation. Using a case study (...)
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  3. Hegemony and Counter-Hegemony in a Global Field.William Carroll - 2007 - Studies in Social Justice 1 (1):36-66.
    Social justice struggles are often framed around competing hegemonic and counter-hegemonic projects. This article compares several organizations of global civil society that have helped shape or have emerged within the changing political-economic landscape of neoliberal globalization, either as purveyors of ruling perspectives or as anti-systemic popular forums and activist groups. It interprets the dialectical relation between the two sides as a complex war of position to win new political space by assembling transnational historic blocs around divergent social visions – (...)
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    Counter‐hegemonic ethics for sustainable business.Joshua Hurtado Hurtado, Pasi Heikkurinen, Toni Ruuska, Sophia E. Hagolani-Albov & Kari Koppelmäki - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    Business ethics scholarship proposes alternatives for making companies sustainable. While these models may have advanced business practice, the alternatives rarely challenge the hegemony of the economic system. This article develops a new normative frame for sustainable business by investigating articulations of counter-hegemony and their ethical implications. Employing political discourse theory and drawing insights from a case in food production, the article finds three articulations of counter-hegemonic ethics: (1) the virtue of socio-ecological embeddedness, (2) the duty of (...)
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    Hegemony in a Multipolar World Order: Global Constitutionalism and the Großraum.Ryan Mitchell - 2019 - Jus Cogens 1 (2):129-150.
    Recent setbacks to international institutions and projects of global governance have been viewed as marking a resurgence of nation-state sovereignty. In fact, however, many of the major controversies and developments in contemporary international law and geopolitics concern the administration, autonomy, and internal hierarchy not of states, but of supra-state regions. The spatial logic of a world divided into such regions is best articulated in Carl Schmitt’s theory of the Großraum, which in various respects describes and explains key features of modern (...)
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  6. Reification and hegemony : the politics of culture in the writings of Georg Lukács and Antonio Gramsci, 1918-1938.James Robinson - unknown
    This study is a comparison of the development of the theories of reification and hegemony in the writings and political activities of Georg Lukacs and Antonio Gramsci during the years from 1918 to 1938. In demonstrating that reification and hegemony were formulated in response to the unsuccessful revolutionary movements in Hungary and Italy of 1919-1920, it becomes evident that the respective theories of Lukacs and Gramsci were meant to constitute critiques of bourgeois cultural domination. Thus, their problematic extends (...)
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  7. Gramsci and Globalisation: From Nation‐State to Transnational Hegemony.William I. Robinson - 2005 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 8 (4):559-574.
    This essay explores the matter of hegemony in the global system from the standpoint of global capitalism theory, in contrast to extant approaches that analyse this phenomenon from the standpoint of the nation‐state and the inter‐state system. It advances a conception of global hegemony in transnational social terms, linking the process of globalisation to the construction of hegemonies and counter‐hegemonies in the twenty‐first century. An emergent global capitalist historical bloc, lead by a transnational capitalist class, rather than (...)
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  8.  26
    Post-hegemony?Richard Johnson - 2007 - Theory, Culture and Society 24 (3):95-110.
    This article responds to Lash and Thoburn's articles in this volume by arguing for the value of Gramsci's strategic concept of hegemony today. It places post-hegemony theories as replicating one particular reading of Gramsci as a theorist of ideology and politics only, a reading that was deepened by certain appropriations of post-structuralist theory in the 1980s. It argues that the Prison Notebooks contain a richer legacy of concepts and historical methods, many of which are applicable to today's global (...)
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  9. The Hegemony of Psychopathy.Lajos Brons - 2017 - Santa Barbara, California: Brainstorm Books.
    Any social and political arrangement depends on acceptance. If a substantial part of a people does not accept the authority of its rulers, then those can only remain in power by means of force, and even that use of force needs to be accepted to be effective. Gramsci called this acceptance of the socio-political status quo “hegemony.” Every stable state relies primarily on hegemony as a source of control. Hegemony works through the dissemination of values and beliefs (...)
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  10.  55
    How Far is Degrowth a Really Revolutionary Counter Movement to Neoliberalism?Dorothea Elena Schoppek - 2020 - Environmental Values 29 (2):131-151.
    Capitalism is often modernised and stabilised by its very critics. Gramsci called this paradox a ‘passive revolution’. What are the pitfalls through which critique becomes absorbed? This question is taken up using a Cultural Political Economy approach for analysing the resistant potential of ‘degrowth discourses’ against the neoliberal hegemony. Degrowth advocates an economy without growth in order to achieve the transformation that is necessary in ecological and social terms. It thus does not follow the neoliberal idea of green capitalism (...)
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  11.  13
    Gramsci s Critique of Civil Society: Towards a New Concept of Hegemony.Marco Fonseca - 2016 - Routledge.
    Antonio Gramsci was an Italian Marxist thinker whose radical ideas on how to build an alternative world from below remain vigorously relevant today. Gramsci’s philosophy of praxis critically dissects the institutions of modern liberal democracy to reveal what is perhaps its deepest secret: it is the most successful political system in modernity at preserving an objective condition of domination while transforming it into a subjective conviction of freedom. Based on a careful reading of Gramsci's The Prison Notebooks, Marco Fonseca shows (...)
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    Islam, ‘Soft’ Orientalism and Hegemony: A Gramscian Rereading.Mustapha Kamal Pasha - 2005 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 8 (4):543-558.
    The neo‐Gramscian framework offers one of the more innovative contributions to a discipline long embedded in the self‐same verities of behaviouralism, positivism and neo‐Realism. As with conventional wisdom, however, neo‐Gramscians reproduce either assumptions of liberal neutrality or cultural thickness in relation to the ‘peripheral zones’ of the global political economy. These tendencies produce a variant that can be likened to ‘soft Orientalism’. In the first instance, cultural difference is not much of an impediment to the establishment of (West‐centred) global (...). In the second instance, otherness becomes the principal source of counter‐hegemonic movements or resistance. This article provides a Gramscian rereading of these antinomies in relation to the apparent consolidation of a natural attitude towards Islam in the wake of recent dramatic events. (shrink)
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    Masculinities in global perspective: hegemony, contestation, and changing structures of power.Raewyn Connell - 2016 - Theory and Society 45 (4):303-318.
    The relation between hegemony and masculinity needs reassessment in the light of postcolonial critique. A fully historical understanding of hegemony is required. The violence of colonization set up a double movement, disrupting gender orders and launching new hegemonic projects. This dynamic can be traced in changing forms through the eras of decolonization, postcolonial development, and neoliberal globalization. Specific configurations of masculinity in the contemporary metropole-apparatus can be traced, together with their relations with local power. A gender order is (...)
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  14.  80
    Cultural Violence, Hegemony and Agonistic Interventions.Fuat Gürsözlü - 2018 - In Fuat Gursozlu (ed.), Peace, Culture, and Violence. Brill. pp. 84-105.
    The chapter explores Johan Galtung’s theory of cultural violence from the perspective of a hegemony centered account of the social. It argues that once we take hegemony as a central organizing idea of the social, it becomes possible to recognize the limits of Galtung’s account of cultural violence and why his response to it remains weak. It defends a politics of contestation and a politics of disruption as possible ways to counter the risks introduced by cultural violence.
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  15.  12
    Judith Butler, the Bakhtin Circle and Free Speech: State Hegemony, Race and Grievability in R.A.V. v. St Paul.John Michael Roberts - 2022 - Law and Critique 34 (2):249-267.
    In June 21, 1990, the Joneses, an African-American family living in the mainly white and working-class neighbourhood of St. Paul in Minnesota, saw a small white cross burning in their yard. By placing the burning cross on the yard, the Minnesota Supreme Court argued that one of the accused, Robert A Viktora, had engaged in ‘fighting words’. However, the US Supreme Court reversed this decision, arguing that the local authority in St Paul only legally banned certain ‘fighting words’, but not (...)
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  16.  30
    Canoeing as a Counter-Hegemonic Practice: I Can, Can You?Noor F. K. Iqbal - 2013 - Constellations (University of Alberta Student Journal) 4 (1).
    This essay analyzes a silent short film portraying an urban canoeist. The film suggests that it is possible to make conscious choices about one’s means of conveyance through the city. Using a critical theoretical framework to unpack the implications of the film, this paper argues for the need to imagine unconventional modes of transportation and examine the power structures of automotive hegemony.
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  17.  17
    Migrant Detention, Subalternity, and the Long Road Toward Hegemony.Paddy Farr - 2021 - Ethics and Social Welfare 15 (1):5-19.
    Over the past 25 years, migrant detention and criminalisation has steadily increased in the United States. This state of affairs has triggered social workers to advocate through policy and service on behalf of migrants. In order to evaluate contemporary practice, a critical position is generated through a genealogy of social work practice with migrants where the colonial archeology of contemporary social work practice is found in the history of the settlement movement. Here, an irony becomes apparent within social work. Social (...)
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  18.  62
    The power of rights and the rights of power: what future for human rights?Richard Falk - 2008 - Ethics and Global Politics 1 (1-2).
    This article explores the tensions between geopolitics and human rights under present conditions of world politics. It takes notes of the rise of human rights as a discourse in international law, and draws attention to the use of this discourse by powerful states, especially the United States, to validate non-defensive uses of force. It also notes the role of the media in facilitating the geopolitical agenda associated with exerting pressure on some conditions but exempting other situations as serious or more (...)
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  19.  10
    The Common and Counter-Hegemonic Politics: Re-Thinking Social Change.Alexandros Kioupkiolis - 2019 - Edinburgh University Press.
    Alexandros Kioupkiolis re-conceptualises the common in tandem with the political. By engaging with key thinkers of community and the commons, including Nancy, Ostrom, Hardt and Negri, together with poststructuralist conceptions of agonism and hegemony from Mouffe and Laclau, he remedies problematic issues of power relations and division.
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  20.  25
    Reinhart Koselleck – Aufklärer der Aufklärung oder Stratege kultureller Hegemonie?Sidonie Kellerer - 2023 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 71 (5):695-720.
    On the occasion of Koselleck’s hundredth birthday, this article examines the history of the reception and impact of the book that established the historian’s fame from 1973 onward. It argues that Koselleck pursues a new-right strategy of cultural hegemony in more than one respect, which has been largely overlooked so far.
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  21.  48
    Art, War and Counter-Images.Mikkel Bolt Rasmussen - 2013 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 23 (44-45):91-108.
    The article analyses the relatively meager response of artists to the ‘war on terror’ compared to the response of American artists to the war in Vietnam, where artists organized both exhibitions and protests against the war in South East Asia in the late 1960s. This of course has to do with the transformations going in contemporary art and the broader political context characterized by the hegemony of neo-liberalism. The article juxtaposes an installation by the Retort collective with an installation (...)
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  22.  15
    Redescribing fossil-fuel investments: how hegemony challengers ‘invert’ arguments in the Norwegian public discourse on climate risk.Tine S. Handeland & Liv Sunnercrantz - 2025 - Critical Discourse Studies 22 (1):37-52.
    This article introduces the concept of inversion as a rhetorical-political strategy used to redescribe climate concerns from being sacrificed in favour of profitability to seeing that profitability necessitates climate concerns. Drawing on discourse theory and rhetorical analysis, the article analyses discursive struggles in the dominant discourse of fossil-fuel growth in Norway, from 2013 to 2019. By inverting the image of fossil-fuel dependency from growth and success to loss and stagnation in the Norwegian public discourse on fossil fuels and climate risk, (...)
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    Canoeing as a Counter-Hegemonic Practice: I Can, Can You?Iqbal Fk Noor - 2013 - Constellations (University of Alberta Student Journal) 4 (1).
    This essay analyzes a silent short film portraying an urban canoeist. The film suggests that it is possible to make conscious choices about one’s means of conveyance through the city. Using a critical theoretical framework to unpack the implications of the film, this paper argues for the need to imagine unconventional modes of transportation and examine the power structures of automotive hegemony.
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  24.  39
    Beyond Trump? A critique of Nancy Fraser’s call for a new left hegemony.Jeffrey C. Isaac - 2019 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 45 (9-10):1157-1169.
    Nancy Fraser’s essay ‘From Progressive Neoliberalism to Trump – and Beyond’ is an important intervention in current discussions of Trumpism and how the left, broadly, should understand and respond to it. Fraser’s piece is an admirable effort to situate Trumpism in a broader and deeper political–economic context. At the same time, her argument suffers from a kind of reductionism and takes comfort from a questionable grand narrative of emancipation that is difficult any longer to take seriously. It thus warrants both (...)
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  25.  13
    Democracy as Ambitendent Phenomenon: Problems of National and Social Solidarity.Anton Finko - 2023 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 4:39-55.
    The article’s intellectual core resides in the examination of social phenomena through the lenses of ambivalence and ambitemptiness. Democracy is conceived through the cultivation of the ideal of national solidarity within the framework of the “indivisible and unified nation” and revolution — values which, according to B. Anderson, individuals do not choose of their own volition. Nevertheless, it functions by virtue of structures that are freely chosen by individuals, specifically political parties and civil society organisations, among which trade unions assume (...)
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  26.  36
    Lenguaje y representación en la predictadura uruguaya: una lectura de Indicios pánicos, de Cristina Peri Rossi.Danny Cuéllar Aragón - 2020 - Escritos 28 (60):48-61.
    The article inquires about the role of language in Cristina Peri Rossi’s Panic Signs [Indicios pánicos]. The hypothesis of the work is that language, as a mimetic instrument of representation and creation, established itself as a way to upgrade the relations of power during the Uruguayan pre-dictatorship. Being a qualitative research based on a hermeneutical approach, the article has the following aims: i) reconstruct the background to the dictatorship leaded by Juan Maria Bordaberry, ii) frame the work within the tradition (...)
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  27.  27
    Ramping Up Resistance: Corporate Sustainable Development and Academic Research.Kate Kearins, Markus J. Milne & Helen Tregidga - 2018 - Business and Society 57 (2):292-334.
    We argue the need for academics to resist and challenge the hegemonic discourse of sustainable development within the corporate context. Laclau and Mouffe’s discourse theory provides a useful framework for recognizing the complex nature of sustainable development and a way of conceptualizing counter-hegemonies. Published empirical research that analyzes sustainable development discourse within corporate reports is examined to consider how the hegemonic discourse is constructed. Embedded assumptions within the hegemonic construction are identified including sustainable development as primarily about economic development, (...)
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  28.  31
    History, Human Rights and the Left.Alastair Davidson - 2010 - Thesis Eleven 100 (1):106-116.
    Marxists should reconsider their usual attitude to universal human rights. On the Jewish Question did not reject the entire French Declaration of 1791. In 1843 Marx and Engels were close to Babouvism, the continuation of French rights. Nor was their view that the 1791 Declaration must be completed by economic and social rights; rather, their criticism concerned the reduction of universal rights to citizen rights because it left the state the final arbiter of justice, denying the ‘voice from below’. The (...)
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  29.  6
    Ideology and the future of progressive social movements.Rafal Soborski - 2017 - New York: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    Table of contents -- Preface and acknowledgments -- Neoliberalism and its discontents in the wake of the crisis -- The crunch -- The villain -- The contestants -- Chapter content -- Ideology and its unwarranted obituaries -- The concept -- Ideology¿s foes and friends: from the politics of consensus to the end of history -- End of ideology and its unlikely enthusiasts -- Networking and its pitfalls -- Contours of the debate -- Uniqueness, horizontality and other fantasies -- Revolution without (...)
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    TINA Go Home! ALBA and Re-theorizing Resistance to Global Capitalism.Thomas Muhr - 2010 - Cosmos and History 6 (2):27-54.
    Centred around Antonio Gramsci’s concept of hegemony, this paper employs a critical globalization theory framework to argue that the 1990s notion of ‘changing the world from below’, understood as resistance to capitalist globalization through a ‘transnational civil society’, requires re-theorization in the light of the contemporary developments in Our America. I make a methodological case for a neo-Gramscian approach to argue that ‘counter-hegemony’, together with an adequate theorization of the state and power, should be the preferred concept (...)
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    Gramsci’s political thought and the contemporary crisis of politics.Loris Caruso - 2016 - Thesis Eleven 136 (1):140-160.
    In the context of the worsening economic crisis analogies tend to be drawn between the economic and political crisis in Europe of the 1920s and 1930s and the current situation. Now as then, it is argued, there is the risk that a systemic economic crisis and the crisis of representative politics will in turn lead to authoritarian outcomes. Rarer, however, is the idea that the current political and economic crisis may lead to a “progressive” outcome. This article examines both options (...)
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  32.  20
    It is like ‘judging a book by its cover’: An exploration of the lived experiences of Black African mental health nurses in England.Isaac Tuffour - 2022 - Nursing Inquiry 29 (1):e12436.
    The aim of this paper was to explore the experiences of perceived prejudices faced in England by Black African mental health nurses. Purposive sampling was used to identify five nurses from sub‐Saharan Africa. They were interviewed using face‐to‐face semi‐structured interviews. Data were analysed using interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA). The findings were reported under two superordinate themes: Judging a book by its cover and opportunities. The findings showed that Black African nurses experience deep‐rooted discrimination and marginalisation. Aside from that, because of (...)
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  33.  38
    The speculum and the scalpel: The politics of impotent representation and non -representational terrorism.David Mertz - unknown
    Social philosophy at the end of the twentieth century must be prefixed by what it follows. It has become commonplace to describe our moment as postmodern and post-structuralist, perhaps also post-Marxian. While true enough, our situation more specifically must be post-Lacan, post-Althusser, post-Foucault, and post-Critical Theory. A number of theorists highlight the context this dissertation places itself in, but Slavoj Žižek and Judith Butler should be emphasized in this regard. The positive project of this dissertation begins with radical doubts about (...)
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    The paradox of emancipation: Populism, democracy and the soul of the Left.Albena Azmanova - 2019 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 45 (9-10):1186-1207.
    What is the connection between the surge of populism and the deflation of electoral support to traditional left-leaning ideological positions? How can we explain the downfall of the Left in conditions that should be propelling it to power? In its reaction both to the neo-liberal hegemony and to the rise of populism, I claim that the Left is afflicted by what Nietzsche called ‘a democratic prejudice’ – the reflex of reading history as the advent of democracy and its crisis. (...)
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  35.  21
    Cultural Theory, Biopolitics, and the Question of Power.Couze Venn - 2007 - Theory, Culture and Society 24 (3):111-124.
    This article displaces the terrain upon which the question of power in modern societies has been framed by reference to the concept of hegemony. It presents a genealogy of power which pays attention to what has been at stake in the shifts in the effectivity of the concept of hegemony for cultural theory from the 1960s, correlating the mutations in the analyses of power to shifts in the analysis of the relations of culture, politics and the economy. Questions (...)
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  36.  94
    Buen vivir, Sumak Kawsay: Aporte contrahegemónico del proceso andino.Francisco Hidalgo Flor - 2011 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 16 (53):85-94.
    Este ensayo se propone mirar las evoluciones sociales y políticas de la región andina, inscritas en las demandas por procesos constituyentes y la elaboración de nuevas constituciones en Ecuador y Bolivia, uno de cuyos aportes profundos está en que ambas recuperan el concepto, de los pueblos indígena..
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    Subalternity and Language: Overcoming the Fragmentation of Common Sense.Marcus Green & Peter Ives - 2009 - Historical Materialism 17 (1):3-30.
    The topics of language and subaltern social groups appear throughout Antonio Gramsci's Prison Notebooks. Although Gramsci often associates the problem of political fragmentation among subaltern groups with issues concerning language and common sense, there are only a few notes where he explicitly connects his overlapping analyses of language and subalternity. We build on the few places in the literature on Gramsci that focus on how he relates common sense to the questions of language or subalternity. By explicitly tracing out these (...)
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    Notas sobre el papel de la Ciencia Social en los procesos de estructuración de hegemonía y contra-hegemonía.Albert Noguera Fernández - 2006 - Polis 14.
    Este artículo discute el papel que la ciencia social ha jugado en la evolución histórica de nuestras sociedades. La historia cíclica de las revoluciones es la historia cíclica de la deconstrucción-construcción de la Ciencia Social. En la actualidad, los acontecimientos ocurridos en el mundo durante la década de los ochenta e inicios de los noventa, pusieron al descubierto la debilidad de la ciencia social progresista para entender los interrogantes y problemáticas de nuestra realidad De este contexto surge un debate, que (...)
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    Text and Context in the Argument of Lenin’s What Is to Be Done?Alan Shandro - 2010 - Historical Materialism 18 (3):75-89.
    Lars Lih’s Lenin Rediscovered aims to overthrow what he labels the textbook-myth of Leninism through a comprehensive reconstruction of Lenin’s relationship, both to the Kautskyite orthodoxy that dominated the international socialist movement, and more local polemics. While the resulting rereading of Lenin’s early Marxism is a powerful counter to the ‘textbook-interpretation’ of Leninism, Lih has perhaps ‘bent the stick’ too far in an attempt to prove Lenin’s orthodoxy. Importantly, he misconstrues Lenin’s critique of ‘economism’ through a too-narrow reading of (...)
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    Gramsci reloaded dans la condition postcoloniale : identité nationale et désidentification dans le « linguistic turn ».Frank Jablonka - 2012 - Actuel Marx 52 (2):149-163.
    The present paper offers a postcolonial ‘conversion’ of Gramsci’s linguistic approach to political and cultural practice and theory. The ethnolinguistic and sociocultural divide which Gramsci focuses on in relation to the question of Southern Italy reemerges in our times, in the context of the globalized postcolonial and migratory conditions in the Western metropoles. Particularly in France, where the memory of the Algerian war of independence is still alive, the established hegemony is confronted with the presence of a North African (...)
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  41. Philosophy of psychiatry after diagnostic kinds.Kathryn Tabb - 2019 - Synthese 196 (6):2177-2195.
    A significant portion of the scholarship in analytic philosophy of psychiatry has been devoted to the problem of what kind of kind psychiatric disorders are. Efforts have included descriptive projects, which aim to identify what psychiatrists in fact refer to when they diagnose, and prescriptive ones, which argue over that to which diagnostic categories should refer. In other words, philosophers have occupied themselves with what I call “diagnostic kinds”. However, the pride of place traditionally given to diagnostic kinds in psychiatric (...)
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    A Postmodern Feminist Perspective on Organizations in the Natural Environment.Kelly C. Strong - 1996 - Business and Society 35 (1):62-78.
    Concern over the natural environment has been a persistent problem for industrialized society. One possible reason for the enduring anxiety over the condition of the ecosystem may be that the masculinist perspective dominant in business education, research, and practice does not allow us to envision sustainable solutions. This manuscript traces the rise of masculinist hegemony in organizational science and counters with a postmodern feminist alternative that may provide more workable, long-term solutions to environmental degradation. Examples of changes in business (...)
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    Against the enclosure of the ethical commons: Radical environmentalism as an “ethics of place”.Mick Smith - 1997 - Environmental Ethics 19 (4):339-353.
    Inspired by recent anti-roads protests in Britain, I attempt to articulate a radical environmental ethos and, at the same time, to produce a cogent moral analysis of the dialectic between environmental destruction and protection. In this analysis, voiced in terms of a spatial metaphoric, an “ethics of place,” I seek to subvert the hegemony of modernity’s formal systematization and codification of values whilestill conserving something of modernity’s critical heritage: to reconstitute ethics in order to counter the current enclosure (...)
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    Indigenous knowledges : a genealogy of representations and applications in developing contexts of environmental education and development in southern Africa.Soul Shava - unknown
    This study was developed around concerns about how indigenous knowledges have been represented and applied in environment and development education. The first phase of the study is a genealogical analysis after Michel Foucault. This probes representations and applications of plant-based indigenous knowledge in selected anthropological, botanical and environmental education texts in southern Africa. The emerging insights were deepened using a Social Realism vantage point after Margaret Archer to shed light on agential issues in environmental education and development contexts. Here her (...)
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    (1 other version)The ‘Bush Doctrine’ as a hegemonic discourse strategy.Mark Rigstad - 2009 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 12 (3):377-398.
    Even if preventive military counter-terrorism may sometimes be ethically justifiable, it remains an open question whether the Bush Doctrine presented a discursively coherent account of the relevant normative conditions. With a view towards answering this question, this article critically examines efforts to ground the morally personifying language of the Bush Doctrine in term of hegemonic stability theory. Particular critical attention is paid to the arguments of leading proponents of this brand of game theory, including J. Yoo, E. Posner, A. (...)
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    How coloniality generated religious illiteracy in Africa, and how to compensate the situation: Perspectives on Lesotho.Rasebate I. Mokotso - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):1-6.
    This article debated how coloniality created religious illiteracy in Lesotho. Three parameters were suggested in this regard. Firstly, it is assumed that the prevalence of religious illiteracy started during missionary involvement in Lesotho. Secondly, it is argued that three strategies were applied in this exertion: the missionaries categorised Basotho as being without religion and, therefore, are liable for conversion into religion, which is Christianity. This predisposition ended up in the creation of religion synonymic to Christianity whilst all others disqualified, Basotho (...)
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    Multiaccentual coalitions, dialogic grief and carnivalesque assemblies: Judith Butler and Mikhail Bakhtin meet in the world of ethics.John M. Roberts - forthcoming - Philosophy and Social Criticism.
    This article for the first time seeks to bring together theoretical insights from Judith Butler and Mikhail Bakhtin in order to strengthen their respective understanding of ethics. First, the article suggests that Bakhtin’s theory of dialogic events and the ‘multiaccentuality’ and thematic nature of everyday utterances can help Butler address criticisms that suggest her work concentrates too heavily on invariant meanings in utterances. Second, Butler’s theory of coalitions can usefully politicise Bakhtin’s ideas on utterances, while her ethics of grief is (...)
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    On ‘the Politics of Repair Beyond Repair’: Radical Democracy and the Right to Repair Movement.Javier Lloveras, Mario Pansera & Adrian Smith - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-20.
    This paper analyses the right to repair (R2R) movement through the lens of radical democracy, elucidating the opportunities and limitations for advancing a democratic repair ethics against a backdrop of power imbalances and vested interests. We commence our analysis by exploring broader political-economic trends, demonstrating that Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) are increasingly shifting towards asset-based repair strategies. In this landscape, hegemony is preserved not solely through deterrence tactics like planned obsolescence but also by conceding repairability while monopolizing repair and (...)
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    Didactic Analysis of the Panslavistic Mythology in the Philosophical Reflections of Ivan Mirchuk.В Прокопенко - 2024 - Philosophical Horizons 48:17-26.
    In the article, the author analyzes the views of the leading ideologues of the concept of pan-Slavism in the Russian Empire, who, according to Ivan Mirchuk, had a decisive influence on the formation of the modern ideological mythologeme of the hegemony of the Russian state on a planetary scale and contributed to the deepening of ideological differences between Western and Eastern civilizations. Using the example of the arguments of representatives of the Slavophile stream of Russian Pan-Slavism regarding its messianic (...)
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    Construction, Control and Family Planning in Tanzania: Some Bodies the Same and Some Bodies Different.L. A. Richey - 2004 - Feminist Review 78 (1):56-79.
    The benefits of family planning for those who desire it, and the possibilities of coercion against those who do not, are well-known aspects of international population policies. Family planning technologies, more than simply a means for preventing conception, are involved as identity artefacts in the construction of bodies and in the reproduction of power relations. As such, modern contraceptives, organized by and implemented through, donor-funded programmes constitute a discursive apparatus through which scattered hegemonies are disseminated. Women's use of family planning, (...)
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