Results for ' environmental interferences'

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  1.  17
    Environmental interference.Karen Kovaka - 2024 - Biology and Philosophy 39 (5):1-22.
    One of the guiding ideas in modern environmentalist thought is that we shouldn’t interfere with nature. It’s better to leave it alone. Many of the arguments offered in favor of this presumption against environmental interference are epistemic. One such argument focuses on ineffectiveness. It says that conservation interventions often do not accomplish their goals. A second argument says that well-intentioned interference in nature produces many harmful unintended consequences. I show that these arguments do not justify the presumption against (...) interference. Both arguments depend on stronger claims, such as the claim that conservation interventions do more harm than good overall. Yet, evidence-based conservation studies do not support the idea that conservation interventions generally do not work, or that they do more harm than good. These facts seriously undermine the presumption against environmental interference. (shrink)
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    Environmental overlap and individual encoding strategy modulate memory interference in spatial navigation.Qiliang He, Elizabeth H. Beveridge, Jon Starnes, Sarah C. Goodroe & Thackery I. Brown - 2021 - Cognition 207 (C):104508.
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    Where you are affects what you can easily imagine: Environmental geometry elicits sensorimotor interference in remote perspective taking.Bernhard E. Riecke & Timothy P. McNamara - 2017 - Cognition 169 (C):1-14.
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    Why not interfere with nature?Mark A. Michael - 2002 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 5 (1):89-112.
    Advocates of an environmental ethic frequently claim that what makes an ethical theory truly and uniquely environmental is its commitment to the principle that environmental wholes such as species, ecosystems, and biotic communities are morally considerable. The prevailing view is that our primary duty towards these wholes is to respect their integrity, stability, and beauty, and that the best way to do this is to leave them alone, not interfere with them, and let nature follow its own (...)
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    How to Interfere with Nature.Mark A. Michael - 2001 - Environmental Ethics 23 (2):135-154.
    The principle that we should not interfere with nature plays a prominent role in both popular and academic accounts of environmental ethics. For example, it is often cited to justify the claims that we should not actively manage wilderness areas and that we should not extinguish naturally occurring fires in those areas. It is far from clear, however, exactly what that principle entails for our treatment of species and ecosystems. Does all human interaction with nature amount to interference? If (...)
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  6. Neural and Environmental Modulation of Motivation: What's the Moral Difference?Thomas Douglas - 2018 - In David Birks & Thomas Douglas (eds.), Treatment for Crime: Philosophical Essays on Neurointerventions in Criminal Justice. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Interventions that modify a person’s motivations through chemically or physically influencing the brain seem morally objectionable, at least when they are performed nonconsensually. This chapter raises a puzzle for attempts to explain their objectionability. It first seeks to show that the objectionability of such interventions must be explained at least in part by reference to the sort of mental interference that they involve. It then argues that it is difficult to furnish an explanation of this sort. The difficulty is that (...)
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    Double-Slit Interference Pattern for a Macroscopic Quantum System.Hamid Reza Naeij & Afshin Shafiee - 2016 - Foundations of Physics 46 (12):1634-1648.
    In this study, we solve analytically the Schrödinger equation for a macroscopic quantum oscillator as a central system coupled to two environmental micro-oscillating particles. Then, the double-slit interference patterns are investigated in two limiting cases, considering the limits of uncertainty in the position probability distribution. Moreover, we analyze the interference patterns based on a recent proposal called stochastic electrodynamics with spin. Our results show that when the quantum character of the macro-system is decreased, the diffraction pattern becomes more similar (...)
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  8. The Environmental Ethics of the Pythagoreans.J. Donald Hughes - 1980 - Environmental Ethics 2 (3):195-213.
    Two conflicting tendencies may be discerned in Pythagorean ethics as applied to the environment: on the one hand, a sense of reverence for nature and kinship with all life that opposed killing and other forms of interference in the natural world, and on the other hand, a doctrine of the separability of soul and body which denigrates the body and the external world of which it is apart. The prescriptive content of Pythagorean ethics includes prohibitions against taking life, even in (...)
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  9. Should humans interfere in the lives of elephants?H. P. P. Lotter - 2005 - Koers 70 (4):775-813.
    Culling seems to be a cruel method of human interference in the lives of elephants. The method of culling is generally used to control population numbers of highly developed mammals to protect vegetation and habitat for other less important species. Many people are against human interference in the lives of elephants. In this article aspects of this highly controversial issue are explored. Three fascinating characteristics of this ethical dilemma are discussed in the introductory part, and then the major arguments raised (...)
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    Rational Goal-Setting in Environmental Policy : Foundations and Applications.Karin Edvardsson Björnberg - unknown
    The overall aim of this thesis is to present a model for rational goal-setting and to illustrate how it can be applied in evaluations of public policies, in particular policies concerning sustainable development and environmental quality. The contents of the thesis are divided into two sections: a theoretical section and an empirical section. Paper I identifies a set of rationality criteria for single goals and discusses them in relation to the typical function of goals. It is argued that goals (...)
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  11.  60
    Environmental atrocities and non-sentient life.Claudia Card - 2004 - Ethics and the Environment 9 (1):23-45.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Environmental Atrocities and Non-Sentient LifeClaudia Card (bio)Environmental Atrocities and Non-Sentient Life1. To Whom (or to What) Can Evils Be Done?Mention of environmental atrocities calls to mind such catastrophes as major oil spills, which ruin the fishing (not to mention the fish) for extended periods. Such carelessness is not simply a disaster to human projects. It destroys or endangers species and ecosystems as well as individual organisms, (...)
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  12.  63
    Right to Place: A Political Theory of Animal Rights in Harmony with Environmental and Ecological Principles.Eleni Panagiotarakou - 2014 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 9 (3):114-139.
    Eleni Panagiotarakou | : The focus of this paper is on the “right to place” as a political theory of wild animal rights. Out of the debate between terrestrial cosmopolitans inspired by Kant and Arendt and rooted cosmopolitan animal right theorists, the right to place emerges from the fold of rooted cosmopolitanism in tandem with environmental and ecological principles. Contrary to terrestrial cosmopolitans—who favour extending citizenship rights to wild animals and advocate at the same time large-scale humanitarian interventions and (...)
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  13.  11
    Theorizing the Non-human through Spatial and Environmental Thought.Justin Williams - 2016 - In Teena Gabrielson, Cheryl Hall, John M. Meyer & David Schlosberg (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Environmental Political Theory. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK.
    This chapter explores the relationship between environmental thought and geographic spatial theory. Both lines of thought problematize the role of non-humans in political and ethical life. Although both environmental and spatial thinkers argue for a dynamic exchange between humans and nature, the environment, the built environment, or their non-human surroundings, they tend to focus on different elements of those non-human surroundings and deploy different conceptual frameworks to analyze them. Additionally, environmental thinkers attend more to the ability of (...)
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  14.  68
    To act or not to act? Sheltering animals from the wild: A pluralistic account of a conflict between animal and environmental ethics.Bernice Bovenkerk, Frans Stafleu, Ronno Tramper, Jan Vorstenbosch & Frans W. A. Brom - 2003 - Ethics, Place and Environment 6 (1):13 – 26.
    The leading question of this article is whether it is acceptable, from a moral point of view, to take wild animals that are ill out of their natural habitat and temporarily bring them under human control with the purpose of curing them. To this end the so-called 'seal debate' was examined. In the Netherlands, seals that are lost or ill are rescued and taken into shelters, where they are cured and afterwards reintroduced into their natural environment. Recently, this practice has (...)
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  15. Radical hope for living well in a warmer world.Allen Thompson - 2009 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 23 (1-2):43-55.
    Environmental changes can bear upon the environmental virtues, having effects not only on the conditions of their application but also altering the concepts themselves. I argue that impending radical changes in global climate will likely precipitate significant changes in the dominate world culture of consumerism and then consider how these changes could alter the moral landscape, particularly culturally thick conceptions of the environmental virtues. According to Jonathan Lear, as the last principal chief of the Crow Nation, Plenty (...)
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  16.  29
    Two-Particle Asynchronous Quantum Correlation: Wavefunction Collapse Acting as a Beamsplitter.F. V. Kowalski & R. S. Browne - 2016 - Foundations of Physics 46 (3):300-329.
    A two-body quantum correlation is calculated for a particle reflecting from a moving mirror. Correlated interference results when the incident and reflected particle substates and their associated mirror substates overlap. Using the Copenhagen interpretation of measurement, an asynchronous joint probability density, which is a function both of the different positions and different times at which the particle and mirror are measured, is derived assuming that no interaction occurs between each measurement. Measurement of the particle first, in the correlated interference region, (...)
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  17.  53
    From value to values: sustainable consumption at farmers markets. [REVIEW]Alison Hope Alkon - 2008 - Agriculture and Human Values 25 (4):487-498.
    Advocates of environmental sustainability and social justice increasingly pursue their goals through the promotion of so-called “green” products such as locally grown organic produce. While many scholars support this strategy, others criticize it harshly, arguing that environmental degradation and social injustice are inherent results of capitalism and that positive social change must be achieved through collective action. This study draws upon 18 months of ethnographic fieldwork at two farmers markets located in demographically different parts of the San Francisco (...)
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  18. On the (Im)possibility of Scalable Quantum Computing.Andrew Knight - manuscript
    The potential for scalable quantum computing depends on the viability of fault tolerance and quantum error correction, by which the entropy of environmental noise is removed during a quantum computation to maintain the physical reversibility of the computer’s logical qubits. However, the theory underlying quantum error correction applies a linguistic double standard to the words “noise” and “measurement” by treating environmental interactions during a quantum computation as inherently reversible, and environmental interactions at the end of a quantum (...)
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  19. Ecological Engineering: Reshaping Our Environments to Achieve Our Goals.Neil Levy - 2012 - Philosophy and Technology 25 (4):589-604.
    Human beings are subject to a range of cognitive and affective limitations which interfere with our ability to pursue our individual and social goals. I argue that shaping our environment to avoid triggering these limitations or to constrain the harms they cause is likely to be more effective than genetic or pharmaceutical modifications of our capacities because our limitations are often the flip side of beneficial dispositions and because available enhancements seem to impose significant costs. I argue that carefully selected (...)
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  20.  14
    Agency without actors?: new approaches to collective action.Jan-Hendrik Passoth, Birgit Maria Peuker & Michael W. J. Schillmeier (eds.) - 2012 - New York: Routledge.
    Agency without Actors? New Approaches to collective Action is rethinking a key issue in social theory and research: the question of agency. The history of sociological thought is deeply intertwined with the discourse of human agency as an effect of social relations. In most recent discussions the role of non-humans gains a substantial impact. Consequently the book asks: Are nonhumans active, do they have agency? And if so: how and in what different ways? The volume offers a critical state-of-the-art debate (...)
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  21.  18
    (1 other version)The eco-ethical contribution of Menico Torchio – a forgotten pioneer of European Bioethics.Iva Rincic, Amir Muzur & Cristina Richie - 2023 - Philosophy, Ethics and Humanities in Medicine 18 (1):1-6.
    Background In 1926, Fritz Jahr described bio-ethics (German: bio-ethik) as “the assumption of moral obligations not only towards humans, but towards all forms of life.” Jahr summarized his philosophy by declaring, “Respect every living being on principle as an end in itself and treat it, if possible, as such!.” Bioethics was thus originally an ethical system concerned with the “problems of interference with other living beings… and generally everything related to the balance of the ecosystem” according to the 1978 Encyclopedia (...)
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  22.  17
    Questão ambiental e coletivo de pensamento.Munir Jorge Felicio - 2019 - Trans/Form/Ação 42 (2):213-234.
    Resumo: Para ampliar a compreensão das problemáticas ambientais atuais, este texto reúne as análises interpretativas de dois documentos, os quais, por possuírem perspectivas distintas, contribuem significativamente com o estudo da teoria fleckiana. São dois coletivos de pensamento desenvolvendo práticas científicas com intencionalidades advindas das opções teóricas e políticas, configurando um processo dinâmico de produção de conhecimento. A essência de cada um desses coletivos de pensamento consiste na ampliação e na disseminação da ideia transpessoal, por ela não pertencer, de forma exclusiva, (...)
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  23.  44
    Efficiency and Enhancement in Attention Networks of Elite Shooting and Archery Athletes.Quanyu Lu, Pengli Li, Qiong Wu, Xinghua Liu & Yanhong Wu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Attention has been theorized as a system comprising three networks that can be estimated reliably by the attention network test ; the three networks are defined as alerting, orienting, and conflict control. The present study aims to identify the attention networks that are crucial for elite shooting and archery athletes and to examine whether mindfulness training can improve elite athletes' attention networks. We compared the performances in ANT between 62 elite athletes from the Chinese national team of shooting and archery (...)
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    Mourning or Melancholia.J. Melvin Woody - 2009 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 16 (3):245-247.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Mourning or MelancholiaJ. Melvin Woody (bio)Keywords“objective correlative”, depression, grief, cognitive-affective dissonanceIn a celebrated and controversial critical essay, T.S. Eliot faults Shakespeare's Hamlet on the grounds that the playwright has not provided sufficient “objective correlative” for the moods of his melancholy Dane. For lack of the “complete adequacy of the external to the emotion” that he finds in Shakespeare's other tragedies, Eliot judges that “the play is almost certainly an (...)
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  25.  63
    River Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images Based on Composite Attention Network.Zhiyong Fan, Jianmin Hou, Qiang Zang, Yunjie Chen & Fei Yan - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-13.
    River segmentation of remote sensing images is of important research significance and application value for environmental monitoring, disaster warning, and agricultural planning in an area. In this study, we propose a river segmentation model in remote sensing images based on composite attention network to solve the problems of abundant river details in images and the interference of non-river information including bridges, shadows, and roads. To improve the segmentation efficiency, a composite attention mechanism is firstly introduced in the central region (...)
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  26.  75
    Demarcating misconduct from misinterpretations and mistakes.Hanne Andersen - unknown
    Within recent years, scientific misconduct has become an increasingly important topic, not only in the scientific community, but in the general public as well. Spectacular cases have been extensively covered in the news media, such as the cases of the Korean stem cell researcher Hwang, the German nanoscientist Schön, or the Norwegian cancer researcher Sudbø. In Science's latest annual "breakthrough of the year" report from December 2006, the descriptions of the year's hottest breakthroughs were accompanied by a similar description of (...)
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  27.  45
    The Liberation of Humanity and Nature.Eric Katz - 2002 - Environmental Values 11 (4):397-405.
    What does the ' liberation ' of nature mean? In this essay, I use a pragmatic methodology to reject the idea that we need a metaphysical understanding of the nature of nature before we can speak of nature's liberation, and explain the sense of liberation as being the continuation of human non-interference in natural processes. Two real life policy cases are cited as examples: beach restoration on Fire Island and rock climbing in designated wilderness areas.
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  28. Distributed selves: Personal identity and extended memory systems.Richard Heersmink - 2017 - Synthese 194 (8):3135–3151.
    This paper explores the implications of extended and distributed cognition theory for our notions of personal identity. On an extended and distributed approach to cognition, external information is under certain conditions constitutive of memory. On a narrative approach to personal identity, autobiographical memory is constitutive of our diachronic self. In this paper, I bring these two approaches together and argue that external information can be constitutive of one’s autobiographical memory and thus also of one’s diachronic self. To develop this claim, (...)
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    Failing the market, failing deliberative democracy: How scaling up corporate carbon reporting proliferates information asymmetries.Ingmar Lippert - 2016 - Big Data and Society 3 (2).
    Corporate carbon footprint data has become ubiquitous. This data is also highly promissory. But as this paper argues, such data fails both consumers and citizens. The governance of climate change seemingly requires a strong foundation of data on emission sources. Economists approach climate change as a market failure, where the optimisation of the atmosphere is to be evidence based and data driven. Citizens or consumers, state or private agents of control, all require deep access to information to judge emission realities. (...)
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    Path planning for mobile robots navigation with obstacle avoidance based on octrees.Rud V. V. & Panaseiko H. N. - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence Scientific Journal 25 (4):25-30.
    The article considers the problem of navigating mobile robots and finding the best way to the goal in real-time in a space surrounded by unknown objects. The motor actions of the robot must be defined and adapted to changes in the environment. When using only laser scanners on mobile work, objects above or below the lasers' level will remain obstacles to the robot. Current algorithms and principles of navigation are considered. Extended the existing real-time interference detection system using lasers by (...)
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    Brazilian Soybean Production: Emergy Analysis With an Expanded Scope.Marcos Watanabe, Robert Bonifácio, Otávio Cavalett & Enrique Ortega - 2005 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 25 (4):323-334.
    This article offers the results of emergy analysis used to evaluate four different soybean production systems in Brazil that were divided into two main categories: biological models (organic and ecological farms) and industrial models (green-revolution chemical farms and herbicide with no-tillage farms). The biological models show better environmental, economical, and social performance indicators; however, at the national level, discussion of transgenic soybean seed release considers only industrial models without any mention of biological models. Classic emergy analysis shows biological options (...)
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  32. Wild Animal Ethics: The Moral and Political Problem of Wild Animal Suffering.Kyle Johannsen - 2020 - New York, NY, USA: Routledge.
    Though many ethicists have the intuition that we should leave nature alone, Kyle Johannsen argues that we have a duty to research safe ways of providing large-scale assistance to wild animals. Using concepts from moral and political philosophy to analyze the issue of wild animal suffering (WAS), Johannsen explores how a collective, institutional obligation to assist wild animals should be understood. He claims that with enough research, genetic editing may one day give us the power to safely intervene without perpetually (...)
  33.  7
    Parallax of Growth: The Philosophy of Ecology and Economy.Ole Bjerg - 2016 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    Contemporary capitalism is caught in a dual crisis of economy and ecology. Central to both dimensions of this crisis is the issue of growth. On the one hand, capitalist economies must exhibit perpetual growth in order to function properly. On the other hand, the expansion of capitalist production and consumption ultimately interferes with the processes of natural growth that we find within the domain of ecology. Parallax of Growth explores the ideas of economy and ecology and the factors that have (...)
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    DAVIS, Angela. Mulheres, raça e classe. Tradução de Heci Regina Candiani. São Paulo: Boitempo, 2016, 244p.Aléxia Bretas - 2019 - Trans/Form/Ação 42 (2):235-246.
    Resumo: Para ampliar a compreensão das problemáticas ambientais atuais, este texto reúne as análises interpretativas de dois documentos, os quais, por possuírem perspectivas distintas, contribuem significativamente com o estudo da teoria fleckiana. São dois coletivos de pensamento desenvolvendo práticas científicas com intencionalidades advindas das opções teóricas e políticas, configurando um processo dinâmico de produção de conhecimento. A essência de cada um desses coletivos de pensamento consiste na ampliação e na disseminação da ideia transpessoal, por ela não pertencer, de forma exclusiva, (...)
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  35.  65
    Liberty of Ecological Conscience.Aaron Lercher - 2006 - Environmental Ethics 28 (3):315-322.
    Our concern for nonhuman nature can be justified in terms of a human right to liberty of ecological conscience. This right is analogous to the right to religious liberty, and is equally worthy of recognition as that fundamental liberty. The liberty of ecological conscience, like religious liberty, is a negative right against interference. Each ecological conscience supports a claim to protection of the parts of nonhuman nature that are current or potential sites of its active pursuit of natural value. If (...)
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  36. Special Issue: "Business Ethics in a Global Economy".Nien-hê Hsieh - 2004 - Business Ethics Quarterly 14 (4):643-661.
    :Building on John Rawls’s account of the Law of Peoples, this paper examines the grounds and scope of the obligations of transnational corporations that are owned by members of developed economies and operate in developing economies. The paper advances two broad claims. First, the paper argues that there are conditions under which TNCs have obligations to fulfill a limited duty of assistance toward those living in developing economies, even though the duty is normally understood to fall on the governments of (...)
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  37.  25
    Distinguishing Extinction and Natural Selection in the Anthropocene: Preventing the Panda Paradox through Practical Education Measures.Yael Wyner & Rob DeSalle - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (2):1900206.
    In the midst of only the 6th mass extinction in the Earth's history, we must rethink how we teach evolution to prevent natural selection from being incorrectly used as a biological justification for inaction in the face of today's human‐caused mass extinction crisis. Pundits, policy makers, and the general public regularly identify the extinction of endangered species as natural selection at work, rather than attributing modern‐day extinction to the sudden catastrophic bad luck of human caused environmental change, a phenomenon (...)
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  38. Introduction: In Search of a Lost Liberalism.Demin Duan & Ryan Wines - 2010 - Ethical Perspectives 17 (3):365-370.
    The theme of this issue of Ethical Perspectives is the French tradition in liberal thought, and the unique contribution that this tradition can make to debates in contemporary liberalism. It is inspired by a colloquium held at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in December of 2008 entitled “In Search of a Lost Liberalism: Constant, Tocqueville, and the singularity of French Liberalism.” This colloquium was held in conjunction with the retirement of Leuven professor and former Dean of the Institute of Philosophy, André (...)
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    Points of No Return.Stefan Skrimshire - 2009 - Environmental Philosophy 6 (2):1-20.
    According to recent scientific reports, certain climatic tipping points can be understood as “points of no return,” in which, for instance, anthropogenic interference changes global temperatures irreversibly. Such an outcome presents a situation unlike any considered before by risk theorists, for it introduces an element of radical uncertainty into the very value (considered ethically, culturally, and politically) of taking action on climate change. In the following I argue that ethical bases for action that rely on traditional concepts of risk (such (...)
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    Estimating Systemic Cognitive States from a Mixture of Physiological and Brain Signals.Matthias Scheutz, Shuchin Aeron, Ayca Aygun, J. P. de Ruiter, Sergio Fantini, Cristianne Fernandez, Zachary Haga, Thuan Nguyen & Boyang Lyu - 2024 - Topics in Cognitive Science 16 (3):485-526.
    As human–machine teams are being considered for a variety of mixed-initiative tasks, detecting and being responsive to human cognitive states, in particular systematic cognitive states, is among the most critical capabilities for artificial systems to ensure smooth interactions with humans and high overall team performance. Various human physiological parameters, such as heart rate, respiration rate, blood pressure, and skin conductance, as well as brain activity inferred from functional near-infrared spectroscopy or electroencephalogram, have been linked to different systemic cognitive states, such (...)
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    The right of humans to a healthy environment, a fourth generation human right.Daniela Pîrvu - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (2).
    This article aims to clarify the relationship between human rights and the environment, as it results from the jurisprudence of the two supranational institutions at the level of the European Union. It can be said that, to date, the jurisprudence covered by this article reflects the most important principles that the Court has applied in environmental case law. The article sets out the three most important principles regarding the individual rights that could be affected by environmental damage. On (...)
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    Remote Sensing Monitoring and Ecological Risk Assessment of Landscape Patterning in the Agro-Pastoral Ecotone of Northeast China.Min Guo & Shijun Wang - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-13.
    The agro-pastoral ecotone, an ecological transition zone connecting adjacent areas of agricultural planting area and grassland animal husbandry, has three features: a complex natural condition, relatively pronounced population pressure, and a fragile ecological environment. In this study, we conducted an ecosystem risk assessment in the western part of Jilin Province, China, based on multiscale and multitemporal remote sensing images and land-use data. Furthermore, we focused on land-use change from 1995 to 2015 by applying the dynamic change information survey method and (...)
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    An Analytical Study of the External Environment of the Coevolution between Manufacturing and Logistics Based on the Logistic Model.Yunfei Zhou & Li Yan - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-8.
    This paper focuses on the external environmental capacity of the coevolution system of the manufacturing industry and logistics industry. This paper first constructs a dynamic model of the external environmental capacity of the coevolution system by using the logistic model and then simulates the effects of two factors: one factor is the institutional environment affected by the random interference factors of policy and the other factor is the industrial environment affected by the random interference factors of the industrial (...)
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    The Wrath of Capital: Neoliberalism and Climate Change Politics.Adrian Parr - 2012 - Columbia University Press.
    Although climate change has become the dominant concern of the twenty-first century, global powers refuse to implement the changes necessary to reverse these trends. Instead, they have neoliberalized nature and climate change politics and discourse, and there are indications of a more virulent strain of capital accumulation on the horizon. Adrian Parr calls attention to the problematic socioeconomic conditions of neoliberal capitalism underpinning the world's environmental challenges, and she argues that, until we grasp the implications of neoliberalism's interference in (...)
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  45. Climate change, collective harm and legitimate coercion.Elizabeth Cripps - 2011 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 14 (2):171-193.
    Liberalism faces a tension between its commitment to minimal interference with individual liberty and the urgent need for strong collective action on global climate change. This paper attempts to resolve that tension. It does so on the one hand by defending an expanded model of collective moral responsibility, according to which a set of individuals can be responsible, qua ?putative group?, for harm resulting from the predictable aggregation of their individual acts. On the other, it defends a collectivized version of (...)
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    Legitimizing Values in Regulatory Science.Manuela Fernández Pinto & Daniel Hicks - 2019 - Environmental Health Perspectives 3 (127):035001-1-035001-8.
    Background: Over the last several decades, scientists and social groups have frequently raised concerns about politicization or political interference in regulatory science. Public actors (environmentalists and industry advocates, politically aligned public figures, scientists and political commentators, in the United States as well as in other countries) across major political-regulatory controversies have expressed concerns about the inappropriate politicization of science. Although we share concerns about the politicization of science, they are frequently framed in terms of an ideal of value-free science, according (...)
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    Of archipelagos and arrows.Debbora Battaglia - 2011 - Common Knowledge 17 (1):151-154.
    These comments on Eduardo Viveiros de Castro's article, “Zeno and the Art of Anthropology,” emphasize, first, his engagement with ideas of Gilles Deleuze that open to the political dimension of Amerindian perspectivism and to a “multinatural” understanding of human-to-environment relations; these form the foundation of postdevelopment action in this part of the world and orient actors' “postures of attention” to power relations. Second, this commentary raises questions concerning arrows—archetypal of the protentive element of Amerindian “speculative ontology” and, as such, symbolic (...)
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    Demographic explanations of neanderthal extinction: a reply to Currie and Meneganzin.Krist Vaesen - 2023 - Biology and Philosophy 38 (2):1-6.
    In a recent paper, Currie and Meneganzin (Biol Phil, 2022, 37, 50) critically engage with a recent demographic explanation of the demise of Neanderthals (Vaesen et al. 2019). Currie and Meneganzin suggest that, contrary to how it is (supposedly) presented, Vaesen et al.’s explanation is not (and in fact, could never be) ‘stand-alone’, i.e., competition and environmental factors always interfere with demographic ones. Here I argue that Currie and Meneganzin misconstrue what the study in question does and does not (...)
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  49. Embodying Autistic Cognition: Towards Reconceiving Certain 'Autism-Related' Behavioral Atypicalities as Functional.Michael D. Doan & Andrew Fenton - 2012 - In Jami L. Anderson & Simon Cushing (eds.), The Philosophy of Autism. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Some researchers and autistic activists have recently suggested that because some ‘autism-related’ behavioural atypicalities have a function or purpose they may be desirable rather than undesirable. Examples of such behavioural atypicalities include hand-flapping, repeatedly ordering objects (e.g., toys) in rows, and profoundly restricted routines. A common view, as represented in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) IV-TR (APA, 2000), is that many of these behaviours lack adaptive function or purpose, interfere with learning, and constitute the non-social behavioural (...)
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    Controversy over genetically modified crops in India: discursive strategies and social identities of farmers.Tomiko Yamaguchi - 2007 - Discourse Studies 9 (1):87-107.
    The controversies over genetically modified crops in India involve what Gieryn refers to as ‘boundary work’ in the ongoing competition for credibility and trustworthiness among claimsmakers with opposing points of view. Discourse about GM crops involves extensive drawing of boundaries by actors including policymakers, technocrats, NGOs, scientists, industrialists, and farmers. The issues raised range from governmental processes to moral and ethical implications, from environmental consequences to integration into the global economy. Those involved in these discussions frequently invoke the idealized (...)
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