Results for ' experience, being to appropriate, to interiorize the given'

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  1.  53
    Transforming Interior Spaces: Enriching Subjective Experiences Through Design Research.Tiiu Poldma - 2010 - Journal of Research Practice 6 (2):Article M13.
    This article explores tacit knowledge of lived experience and how this form of knowledge relates to design research. It investigates how interior designers interpret user lived experiences when creating designed environments. The article argues that user experience is the basis of a form of knowledge that is useful for designers. The theoretical framework proposed in the article examines the nature of user experience and how it can be utilized in the design process. The study of lived experiences is contextualized within (...)
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  2. Can Perceptual Experiences Be Rational?Alan Millar - 2018 - Mind 127 (505):251-263.
    © Millar 2018This bold, provocative, and highly original book is in three Parts. Part I outlines a problem, sketches a solution, and defends a claim that is crucial to the solution—that ‘perceptual experiences and the processes by which they arise can be rational or irrational’. This claim is The Rationality of Perception. In Part II Siegel argues that the power of experiences to justify beliefs can be downgraded or upgraded by psychological precursors. Part III applies, and further develops, the theoretical (...)
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    Sartre's Argument for Freedom.Jeffrey Gordon - 2011 - In Michael Bruce & Steven Barbone, Just the Arguments. Chichester, West Sussex, U.K.: Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 128–130.
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    Appropriating Video Surveillance for Art and Environmental Awareness: Experiences from ARTiVIS.Mónica Mendes, Pedro Ângelo, Nuno Correia & Valentina Nisi - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (3):947-970.
    Arts, Real-Time Video and Interactivity for Sustainability is an ongoing collaborative research project investigating how real-time video, DIY surveillance technologies and sensor data can be used as a tool for environmental awareness, activism and artistic explorations. The project consists of a series of digital contexts for aesthetic contemplation of nature and civic engagement, aiming to foster awareness and empowerment of local populations through DIY surveillance. At the core of the ARTIVIS efforts are a series of interactive installations, that make use (...)
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  5. Being Appropriately Disgusted.Brian Besong - 2014 - Journal of Value Inquiry 48 (1):131-150.
    Empirical research indicates that feelings of disgust actually affect our moral beliefs and moral motivations. The question is, should they? Daniel Kelly argues that they should not. More particularly, he argues for what we may call the irrelevancy thesis and the anti-moralization thesis. According to the irrelevancy thesis, feelings of disgust should be given no weight when judging the moral character of an action (or norm, practice, outcome, or ideal). According to the anti-moralization thesis, feelings of disgust should not (...)
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    Being appropriately unusual’: a challenge for nurses in health-promoting conversations with families.Eva Gunilla Benzein, Margaretha Hagberg & Britt-Inger Saveman - 2008 - Nursing Inquiry 15 (2):106-115.
    This study describes the theoretical assumptions and the application for health‐promoting conversations, as a communication tool for nurses when talking to patients and their families. The conversations can be used on a promotional, preventive and healing level when working with family‐focused nursing. They are based on a multiverse, salutogenetic, relational and reflecting approach, and acknowledge each person's experience as equally valid, and focus on families’ resources, and the relationship between the family and its environment. By posing reflective questions, reflection is (...)
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  7.  34
    Senses of Being and Implications of IdealismIdealism: Heidegger’s Appropriation of Husserl’s Decisive Discoveries.Daniel O. Dahlstrom - 2021 - In Rodney K. B. Parker, The Idealism-Realism Debate Among Edmund Husserl’s Early Followers and Critics. Springer Verlag. pp. 261-281.
    This paper attempts to shed light on Heidegger’s critical appropriation of Husserl’s phenomenology. It begins by reviewing Heidegger’s basic criticisms of Husserl’s philosophical approach as well as his ambivalence towards it, an ambivalence that raises the question of whether Heidegger shares Husserl’s idealist trajectory. The paper then examines how Heidegger appropriates what he regards as two of Husserl’s “decisive discoveries,” namely, Husserl’s accounts of intentionality and categorial intuitions. Regarding the first discovery, the paper demonstrates how Heidegger tweaks the method of (...)
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    Commentary on "Spiritual Experience and Psychopathology".Andrew Sims - 1997 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 4 (1):79-81.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Commentary on “Spiritual Experience and Psychopathology”Andrew Sims (bio)In examining this interesting paper, we need first of all to understand what the authors are doing. They are not taking the conceptual vehicles of “spiritual experience” (SE) and “psychotic phenomena” (PP) for a gentle outing, but exposing both of them to the hardest road test they can devise. From 1,000 accounts of “spiritual experiences” that were already so dramatic that those (...)
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    Interiority, Cognitional Operations, and Aesthetic Judgment: In Dialogue with John Dadosky and Mikel Dufrenne.James R. Pambrun - 2014 - Philosophy and Theology 26 (2):307-341.
    This article proposes to elaborate aesthetic judgment. The context is John Dadosky’s call for such an elaboration in light of the theological and philosophical import of a recovery of beauty. Following Dadosky’s suggestion that this be set within Lonergan’s appeal to interiority, the article signals two points in Dadosky’s program: patterns of experience and the role of cognitional operations. The article turns to Mikel Dufrenne’s work on the phenomenology of aesthetic experience. Based on this work, data is presented on behalf (...)
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  10.  22
    Haunted experience: being, loss, memory.Julian Wolfreys - 2016 - Axminster, England: Triarchy Press.
    Julian Wolfreys starts with loss. All memory is the memory of loss... All that we are, all we experience, all we remember, all that we forget but which leaves nevertheless a trace on us, in us, a trace that countersigns and writes us as who we are (in effect the constellated matrix of Being's becoming): this is a process of loss. This just is loss. Loss is who we are. Loss is authentically the necessary and inescapable inessential essence of (...)
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    Experimental Skills and Experiment Appraisal.Xiang Chen - 1994 - In Peter Achinstein & Laura J. Snyder, Scientific methods: conceptual and historical problems. Malabar, Fla.: Krieger Pub. Co.. pp. 45--66.
    Traditional philosophy of science believes that scientists can achieve agreement on every experimental result provided it can be replicated in an appropriate way, that is, reproducible with the same experimen­tal arrangement and procedure. By analyzing the role of skills in experiment appraisal, I explain why in fact scientists do not always have consensus on experimental results despite their replication attempts. Based on a detailed analysis of a historical case, I argue that experiment replications inevitably involve a processor skill­ transference, which (...)
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    Sensory Experience in Medieval Devotion: Sound and Vision, Invisibility and Silence.Beth Williamson - 2013 - Speculum 88 (1):1-43.
    Inwardness and interiority are concepts that have a multifaceted currency within many areas of medieval studies. These fields include, but are not limited to, historical studies, theology and religious studies, literary studies, and art history. Studies on inwardness, interiority, and selfhood intersect with an interest in what has often been called “popular religion” and in devotional behavior, both clerical and lay, to produce an engagement, across many fields, with inward or private aspects of religious belief and practice. “Popular religion” has (...)
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    Foucault, Butler and corporeal experience.Joris Vlieghe - 2014 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 40 (10):1019-1035.
    This article is concerned with the possibility of conceiving a form of social critique that has its locus in the human body. Therefore I engage in a close reading of the (later) work of Butler which can be analysed as an elaboration of a Foucaldian critical ‘virtue’. In order to elaborate and to refine my ideas I go deeper into the criticisms McNay has uttered regarding the very impossibility of taking any distance from a given social or political order (...)
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  14. Idea and Experience: Edmund Husserl’s Project of Phenomenology in Ideas I. [REVIEW]J. D. J. - 1980 - Review of Metaphysics 33 (4):788-789.
    Any commentator willing to brave the chilly waters of Husserl’s Ideen I ought to be commended just for the attempt. Ideas is an extremely and notoriously difficult work, and this fact complicates any attempt "to retrieve Husserl’s basic insight and to bring it to the evident givenness of that clear perception which we can greet with the exclamation, ‘Oh, now I see!'". Yet, Kohák has produced a commentary which not only retrieves Husserl’s insight but does so in the way Husserl (...)
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  15. Experience is Knowledge.Matt Duncan - 2021 - In Uriah Kriegel, Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Mind, Vol. 1. OUP. pp. 106-129.
    It seems like experience plays a positive—even essential—role in generating some knowledge. The problem is, it’s not clear what that role is. To see this, suppose that when your visual system takes in information about the world around you it skips the experience step and just automatically and immediately generates beliefs in you about your surroundings. A lot of philosophers think that, in such a case, you would (or at least could) still know, via perception, about the world around you. (...)
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    Democratizing Children's Computation: Learning Computational Science as Aesthetic Experience.Amy Voss Farris & Pratim Sengupta - 2016 - Educational Theory 66 (1-2):279-296.
    In this essay, Amy Voss Farris and Pratim Sengupta argue that a democratic approach to children's computing education in a science class must focus on the aesthetics of children's experience. In Democracy and Education, Dewey links “democracy” with a distinctive understanding of “experience.” For Dewey, the value of educational experiences lies in “the unity or integrity of experience.” In Art as Experience, Dewey presents aesthetic experience as the fundamental form of human experience that undergirds all other forms of experiences and (...)
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    Narrating Anger Appropriately: Implications for Narrative Form and Successful Coping.Tilmann Habermas & Stephan Bongard - 2024 - Emotion Review 16 (4):238-251.
    We propose that emotion psychology would significantly gain from including narrative(s) and the conversational negotiation of appropriateness. Using the example of anger, we argue that narrators need to construct plausible narratives of emotional events to achieve validating responses by listeners. We argue first that narrators attempt to demonstrate that the appraisal conditions for their emotion are given so that the emotion fits the narrated events. Second, we argue that this in turn explains why narratives of specific emotions exhibit specific (...)
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  18. Experience and Introspection.Fabian Dorsch - 2013 - In Fiona Macpherson & Dimitris Platchias, Hallucination: Philosophy and Psychology. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. pp. 175-220.
    One central fact about hallucinations is that they may be subjectively indistinguishable from perceptions. Indeed, it has been argued that the hallucinatory experiences concerned cannot— and need not—be characterized in any more positive general terms. This epistemic conception of hallucinations has been advocated as the best choice for proponents of experiential (or “naive realist”) disjunctivism—the view that perceptions and hallucinations differ essentially in their introspectible subjective characters. In this chapter, I aim to formulate and defend an intentional alternative to experiential (...)
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  19.  11
    Being Commanded by God: Katharsis for Righteousness.Paul K. Moser - 2023 - Journal of Philosophical Theological Research 25 (3):5-26.
    Many people in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic monotheistic traditions testify to their experience of being commanded by God to do something or to be a certain way. Is this kind of testimony from experience credible in some cases, and, if so, on what ground? The main thesis of this article is that it is credible in some cases and a suitable ground is available in the morally purifying experience of the human conscience. The article looks to the Hebrew Bible, (...)
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    Experiments with a data-public: Moving digital methods into critical proximity with political practice.Anders Kristian Munk & Anders Koed Madsen - 2019 - Big Data and Society 6 (1).
    Making publics visible through digital traces has recently generated interest by practitioners of public engagement and scholars within the field of digital methods. This paper presents an experiment in moving such methods into critical proximity with political practice and discusses how digital visualizations of topical debates become appropriated by actors and hardwired into existing ecologies of publics and politics. Through an experiment in rendering a specific data-public visible, it shows how the interplay between diverse conceptions of the public as well (...)
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  21.  17
    Healthcare Professionals Experience of Psychological Safety, Voice, and Silence.Róisín O'Donovan, Aoife De Brún & Eilish McAuliffe - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:626689.
    Healthcare professionals who feel psychologically safe believe it is safe to take interpersonal risks such as voicing concerns, asking questions and giving feedback. Psychological safety is a complex phenomenon which is influenced by organizational, team and individual level factors. However, it has primarily been assessed as a team-level phenomenon. This study focused on understanding healthcare professionals' individual experiences of psychological safety. We aim to gain a fuller understanding of the influence team leaders, interpersonal relationships and individual characteristics have on individuals' (...)
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  22. Religious Experience without Belief? Toward an Imaginative Account of Religious Engagement.Amber Griffioen - 2016 - In Thomas Hardtke, Ulrich Schmiedel & Tobias Tan, Religious Experience Revisited: Expressing the Inexpressible? pp. 73-88.
    It is commonly supposed that a certain kind of belief is necessary for religious experience. Yet it is not clear that this must be so. In this article, I defend the possibility that a subject could have a genuine emotional religious experience without thereby necessarily believing that the purported object of her experience corresponds to reality and/or is the cause of her experience. Imaginative engagement, I argue, may evoke emotional religious experiences that may be said to be both genuine and (...)
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  23.  22
    Inappropriate? Gay characters affect adults’ perceived age appropriateness of animated cartoons.Christian von Sikorski, Brigitte Naderer & Doreen Brandt - 2023 - Communications 48 (1):28-42.
    Children’s movies and animated cartoons today increasingly include homosexual characters, which can be welcomed from an equal-rights perspective. Yet, an intensive public debate has been initiated regarding the (age) appropriateness of such depictions. So far, it is unclear how heterosexual adults react to the presence of gay characters in children’s animated cartoons. Drawing from social identity theory, we conducted an experiment in Germany. Using the Powtoon animation software, we created two versions of a trailer of a fictitious animated cartoon based (...)
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  24.  25
    How individual ethical frameworks shape physician trainees’ experiences providing end-of-life care: a qualitative study.Sarah Rosenwohl-Mack, Daniel Dohan, Thea Matthews, Jason Neil Batten & Elizabeth Dzeng - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):e72-e72.
    ObjectivesThe end of life is an ethically challenging time requiring complex decision-making. This study describes ethical frameworks among physician trainees, explores how these frameworks manifest and relates these frameworks to experiences delivering end-of-life care.DesignWe conducted semistructured in-depth exploratory qualitative interviews with physician trainees about experiences of end-of-life care and moral distress. We analysed the interviews using thematic analysis.SettingAcademic teaching hospitals in the United States and United Kingdom.ParticipantsWe interviewed 30 physician trainees. We purposefully sampled across three domains we expected to be (...)
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  25.  14
    Working experience of nurse anesthetists with beneficence for patients.Chontira Panaso - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (4):508-520.
    Background Nowadays, patients in Thailand have easier access to public health services, resulting in an increased number of patients undergoing surgery. Therefore, the Royal College of Anesthesiologists produces nurse anesthetists to reduce the shortage of anesthesiologists who can perform general anesthesia under the physician’s supervision. As a result, nurse anesthetists must have the consciousness to work on the basis of ethics and professional standards. Nurse anesthetists have work experience that aims to benefit patients and make them as safe as possible. (...)
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    Understanding lived experiences of nurse managers about managerial ethics.Nazi Nejat, Soleman Zand, Majid Taheri & Mahboobeh Khosravani - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (2):162-179.
    Introduction Expressions of Managerial ethics as a clinical phenomenon in Nursing Ethics as expressed by nurse managers were investigated. A coherence could be detected between the concepts and phenomena of Managerial ethics and nurse managers as a context. Background Managerial ethics as a new approach has emerged in the perspective and by prioritizing ethics in the organization has provided the basis for creating and promoting individual and organizational effectiveness. Managers’ and staff’s adherence to professional ethics helps hospitals to achieve their (...)
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  27. Experimenting on Contextualism: Between-Subjects vs. Within-Subjects.Adrian Ziółkowski - 2017 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 36 (3):139-162.
    According to contextualism, vast majority of natural-language expressions are context-sensitive. When testing whether this claim is reflected in Folk intuitions, some interesting methodological questions were raised such as: which experimental design is more appropriate for testing contextualism – the within- or the between-subject design? The main thesis of this paper is that the between-subject design should be preferred. The first experiment aims at assessing the difference between the results obtained for within-subjects measurements (where all participants assess all contexts) and between-subject (...)
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  28. Optimal experience: psychological studies of flow in consciousness.Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi & Isabella Selega Csikszentmihalyi (eds.) - 1988 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    What constitutes enjoyment of life? Optimal Experience: Psychological Studies of Flow in Consciousness offers a comprehensive survey of theoretical and empirical investigations of the "flow" experience, a desirable or optimal state of consciousness that enhances a person's psychic state. "Flow" can be said to occur when people are able to meet the challenges of their environment with appropriate skills, and accordingly feel a sense of well-being, a sense of mastery, and a heightened sense of self-esteem. The authors show the (...)
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  29.  80
    Knowledge, Experiences and Views of German University Students Toward Neuroenhancement: An Empirical-Ethical Analysis.Cynthia Forlini, Jan Schildmann, Patrik Roser, Radim Beranek & Jochen Vollmann - 2014 - Neuroethics 8 (2):83-92.
    Across normative and empirical disciplines, considerable attention has been devoted to the prevalence and ethics of the non-medical use of prescription and illegal stimulants for neuroenhancement among students. A predominant assumption is that neuroenhancement is prevalent, in demand, and calls for appropriate policy action. In this paper, we present data on the prevalence, views and knowledge from a large sample of German students in three different universities and analyze the findings from a moral pragmatics perspective. The results of our study (...)
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  30.  6
    Personal psychedelic experience of psychedelic therapists during training: should it be required, optional, or prohibited?Daniel Https://Orcidorg624X Villiger - forthcoming - .
    Personal psychedelic experience is common among psychedelic therapists and often considered to be a necessary aspect of training: only personal psychedelic experience allows psychedelic therapists to properly guide patients through their own psychedelic experience, to truly understand that experience, and to help them integrate it into their lives. But is this really true? The present paper examines the value of therapists’ personal psychedelic experience, why this value may be higher than that of personal experience with other psychotropic drugs, and whether (...)
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  31.  40
    Aesthetic Experience and Empathy in Vasily Sesemann’s Phenomenological Aesthetics.Dalius Jonkus - 2023 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 10 (2):211-225.
    Vasily Sesemann’s aesthetics is a transcendental philosophy that seeks to answer the question of how an experience of beauty is possible. Sesemann insists that aesthetics should focus on the study of the aesthetic object itself, and through it go to the problematics of the act of perception and creativity. Sesemann states that not only the relationship between the work of art and the perceiver is important in order to understand the aesthetic object, but also the relationship between the work of (...)
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    Non-Bayesian Inference: Causal Structure Trumps Correlation.Bénédicte Bes, Steven Sloman, Christopher G. Lucas & Éric Raufaste - 2012 - Cognitive Science 36 (7):1178-1203.
    The study tests the hypothesis that conditional probability judgments can be influenced by causal links between the target event and the evidence even when the statistical relations among variables are held constant. Three experiments varied the causal structure relating three variables and found that (a) the target event was perceived as more probable when it was linked to evidence by a causal chain than when both variables shared a common cause; (b) predictive chains in which evidence is a cause of (...)
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  33.  59
    Causal Graphs for EPR Experiments.Paul M. Näger - 2013 - Preprint.
    We examine possible causal structures of experiments with entangled quantum objects. Previously, these structures have been obscured by assuming a misleading probabilistic analysis of quantum non locality as 'Outcome Dependence or Parameter Dependence' and by directly associating these correlations with influences. Here we try to overcome these shortcomings: we proceed from a recent stronger Bell argument, which provides an appropriate probabilistic description, and apply the rigorous methods of causal graph theory. Against the standard view that there is only an influence (...)
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  34. Egoism, Labour, and Possession: A reading of “Interiority and Economy,” Section II of Lévinas' Totality of Infinity.Jacob Blumenfeld - 2014 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 45 (2):107-117.
    Lévinas is the philosopher of the absolutely Other, the thinker of the primacy of the ethical relation, the poet of the face. Against the formalism of Kantian subjectivity, the totality of the Hegelian system, the monism of Husserlian phenomenology and the instrumentalism of Heideggerian ontology, Lévinas develops a phenomenological account of the ethical relation grounded in the idea of infinity, an idea which is concretely produced in the experience with the absolutely other, particularly, in their face. The face of the (...)
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  35. Remembering Robert Seydel.Lauren Haaftern-Schick & Sura Levine - 2011 - Continent 1 (2):141-144.
    continent. 1.2 (2011): 141-144. This January, while preparing a new course, Robert Seydel was struck and killed by an unexpected heart attack. He was a critically under-appreciated artist and one of the most beloved and admired professors at Hampshire College. At the time of his passing, Seydel was on the brink of a major artistic and career milestone. His Book of Ruth was being prepared for publication by Siglio Press. His publisher describes the book as: “an alchemical assemblage that (...)
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  36. Experience and Reason.Fabian Dorsch - 2011 - Rero Doc.
    This collection brings together a selection of my recently published or forthcoming articles. What unites them is their common concern with one of the central ambitions of philosophy, namely to get clearer about our first-personal perspective onto the world and our minds. Three aspects of that perspective are of particular importance: consciousness, intentionality, and rationality. The collected essays address metaphysical and epistemological questions both concerning the nature of each of these aspects and concerning the various connections among them. More generally, (...)
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  37. When are thought experiments poor ones?Jeanne Peijnenburg & David Atkinson - 2003 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 34 (2):305-322.
    A characteristic of contemporary analytic philosophy is its ample use of thought experiments. We formulate two features that can lead one to suspect that a given thought experiment is a poor one. Although these features are especially in evidence within the philosophy of mind, they can, surprisingly enough, also be discerned in some celebrated scientific thought experiments. Yet in the latter case the consequences appear to be less disastrous. We conclude that the use of thought experiments is more successful (...)
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    Patients’ experiences of waiting for a liver transplantation.Ida Torunn Bjørk & Dagfinn Nåden - 2008 - Nursing Inquiry 15 (4):289-298.
    Organ transplantation has increased worldwide while the number of organ donors have not increased similarly. Consequently, the waiting period for transplant candidates is prolonged. Patient narratives have uncovered physical and psychosocial suffering in the transplantation process. However, relatively few studies have explored patients’ experiences in the actual waiting period. This qualitative study was conducted in Norway and aimed to describe patients’ experiences of being accepted as recipients of a new liver and their waiting following this decision. A sample of (...)
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  39. Experience of Being: Origin, Paradigmatic Potential, Ways and Means of Cultural Reception.Leonid Solonko - 2024 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 4:43-52.
    The article is devoted to the experience of being; it suggests that the experience of being is the basis of human subjectivity and is responsible for ensuring the connection between man and the universe. Intuitions born in the process of being experience are used by a person to solve existential problems. Being experience in its immediacy was revealed to man in the epoch of transition from primitive communal relations to class society. The discursive comprehension of the (...)
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    Can Politics be Thought in Interiority?Sylvan Lazarus & Harper - 2016 - Cosmos and History 12 (1):107-130.
    “Can Politics be Thought in Interiority” is an essay from The Intelligence of Politics, one of two book-length works published by French anthropologist and political theorist, Sylvain Lazarus. The English translation of Lazarus’ first book, Anthropology of the Name, is set to come out in August 2015, and while that work can rightly be considered his magnum opus, “Can Politics be Thought in Interiority” provides a comprehensive, yet succinct statement of the concepts outlined in this much longer text. Broadly speaking, (...)
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  41. Must Adaptive Preferences Be Prudentially Bad for Us.Rosa Terlazzo - 2017 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 3 (4):412-429.
    In this paper, I argue for the counter-intuitive conclusion that the same adaptive preference can be both prudentially good and prudentially bad for its holder: that is, it can be prudentially objectionable from one temporal perspective, but prudentially unobjectionable from another. Given the possibility of transformative experiences, there is an important sense in which even worrisome adaptive preferences can be prudentially good for us. That is, if transformative experiences lead us to develop adaptive preferences, then their objects can become (...)
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    Appropriate Allocation of Authority in Diverse Democracies.Corsin Bisaz - 2015 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 101 (1):60-74.
    By and large, it is argued that political decisions in a democracy derive their legitimacy from the _demos_, the democratic people, through a qualified and fair procedure. However, the _demos_ cannot be seen as a natural given and its legitimate delimitation has recently become an issue of much debate. This essay supports and defends the view that a _demos_ cannot be 'generally legitimate,' but only with regard to a specific issue. In consequence, the appropriate allocation of authority will be (...)
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    Integrating parallel conversations in an institutionalized society: Experiments with Team Syntegrity online.Marcus Vinicius A. F. R. Bernardo - 2021 - Technoetic Arts 19 (1):61-69.
    For the philosopher Ivan Illich, society became a set of systems rather than a group of people. As such, society depersonalizes life and brings the need for open non-systematized spaces where people can act and interact outside their typical roles. On the other hand, an absence of formal structures may simply open spaces for the informal reproduction of society’s already well-established structures. Given this conjuncture, can systems be designed to foster personal expression? The answer I found in cybernetics is (...)
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    Characterizing Aesthetic Experience.Haewan Lee - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 1:161-167.
    In this paper, I suggest what I think is an appropriate characterization of aesthetic experience. I do this by critically assessing Noel Carroll’s position and Gary Iseminger’s counterposition. Carroll claims that aesthetic experience should be understood only as an experience of the aesthetic content of an object. Although I accept many of Carroll’s points, I find his position unconvincing. I contend that, in addition to the content, positive value plays a significant role as a constituent of aesthetic experience. Unlike Carroll, (...)
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    Environmental Externalities and Weak Appropriability: Influences on Firm Pollution Reduction Technology Development.Alfred A. Marcus & Joel Malen - 2019 - Business and Society 58 (8):1599-1633.
    Technological development plays a critical role in society’s ability to address environmental issues. Building on Teece’s profiting from innovation framework, we articulate how a double-externality problem weakens the appropriability regime surrounding pollution reduction technology (PRT). We then develop a theoretical framework articulating how weak appropriability induces firms to modify their innovation strategies for PRT development by increasing the extent to which they engage in organizational exploration (rather than exploitation) and emphasizing incremental (rather than radical) technologies. Noting that the effects of (...)
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    Autonomy, Experience, and Therapy.Dominic Murphy - 2004 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 11 (4):303-307.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Autonomy, Experience, and TherapyDominic Murphy (bio)The contemporary philosophical idea of autonomy has a psychological implication, to wit, that there exists a comprehensive set of ideal competences, realized in our mind/brain, that enable a person to be self-governing. Autonomy is normally accorded individuals who enjoy a certain kind of psychological functioning and, perhaps, a certain sort of psychological history (Christman 1991). We think that autonomous individuals critically evaluate their life (...)
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    Experience, appearance, and hidden features.D. Gene Witmer - 2001 - PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness 7.
    Charles Siewert has given us an ingenious thought experiment involving a limited lack of conscious experience. The possibility of the described case is incompatible with a number of popular theories of consciousness. Siewert acknowledges, however, that this possibility is not a direct threat to "hidden feature" theories. I aim to do two things: first, strengthen his defense of the claim that the case is genuinely possible by considering and rejecting some further attempts to explain away our temptation to believe (...)
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    Vivencia interior de la Ley natural en san Buenaventura: sindéresis, superación de la dialéctica sujeto-objeto.Manuel Lázaro Pulido - 2008 - Anuario Filosófico 41 (91):83-98.
    Saint Bonaventure did not write specifically on the natural law; nevertheless, interesting contributions on the issue can be derived from his theological reflection. The natural law, understood in the context of his doctrine of exemplarism, is a characterization of the interior experience, where “synderesis” appears as a fundamental faculty. Within this context, the Franciscan teacher derives a conception wherein the subject-object dialectic is overcome at several levels: epistemological, anthropological, metaphysical and moral.
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    Social Enactive Perception: Practices, Experience, and Contents.Alejandro Arango - 2016 - Dissertation, Vanderbilt University
    This dissertation proposes the central elements of a Social Enactive Theory of Perception. According to SEP, perception consists in sensory-based practices of interaction with objects, events, and states of affairs that are socially constituted. I oppose the representational view that perception is an indirect contact with the world, consists of the passive receiving and processing of sensory input, is in need of constant assessment of accuracy, and is a matter of individuals alone. I share the basic enactivist insight that perception (...)
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    Citizens in appropriate numbers: evaluating five claims about justice and population size.Tim Meijers - 2017 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 47 (2-3):246-268.
    While different worries about population size are present in public debates, political philosophers often take population size as given. This paper is an attempt to formulate a Rawlsian liberal egalitarian approach to population size: does it make sense to speak of ‘too few’ or ‘too many’ people from the point of view of justice? It argues that, drawing on key features of liberal egalitarian theory, several clear constraints on demographic developments – to the extent that they are under our (...)
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