Results for ' humanisation'

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  1.  35
    Humanisation and education: Issues for school reform.John White - 1991 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 11 (1):3-9.
    The ‘humanisation’ of education is one of the three leitmotifs in a recent Soviet planning document A Conception of General Education. It is suggested that Western education systems also need to be humanised, although not so radically as the Soviet, by the removal of obstacles to educating pupils as members of a liberal democratic society. A future joint research agenda between East and West should concentrate on improving mutual understanding of this goal, clarifying conceptual obstacles, and reflecting on means (...)
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    Humanising Business Through Ethical Labelling: Progress and Paradoxes in the UK.Susanne Hartlieb & Bryn Jones - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (S3):583-600.
    Labelling schemes are practical arrangements aimed at making 'ethical' products widely available and visible. They are crucial to expanded development of ethical markets and hence to the addition of moral dimensions to the normally amoral behaviour linking consumers and retail and production businesses. The study reported here attempts to assess the contribution of UK ethical, social and environmental certification and labelling initiatives to 'sustainable' consumption and production. The research sought to assess the overall potential of initiatives to inject human values (...)
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    Nature Humanised: Nature Respected.Ronald Hepburn - 1998 - Environmental Values 7 (3):267-279.
    How far is it true that the aesthetic appreciation of nature obscures, rather than illuminates, its objects? Do we not humanise nature, read our own subjectivity into it, sentimentally distort it, in our aesthetic – as distinct from scientific – approaches? I argue that not all humanising falsifies, and that we can respect nature as well as annex its forms and expressive qualities in our aesthetic appreciation. Respecting/humanising are explored as two of the chief key concepts for an understanding of (...)
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    The humanisation of women in the Tafsir Faidh Ar-Rahm'n by Kiai Saleh Darat.Yuyun Affandi, Agus Riyadi, Romlah Widayanti, Asep D. Abdullah, Kurnia Muhajarah & Nasitotul Janah - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):5.
    The dehumanisation of women has been recorded in world history. In religions one can easily find interpretations that tend to be discriminatory against women. This research aims to see the humanisation of women in the Tafsir Faidh Ar-Rahman by Kiai Sholeh Darat towards the position of women in Islam. This research is a library research. Data collection was done through documentation. Furthermore, the data were analysed qualitatively by a descriptive method. The results of the study showed that. The (...) of women in the Tafsir Faidh Ar-Rahmân by Kiai Sholeh Darat on the position of women in Islam is; he emphasised that women have an equal position with men. In terms of inheritance, Kyai Sholeh Darat wanted flexibility in understanding the verse regarding the portion of inheritance 2:1 so that the provisions can adapt according to the situation. In certain contexts, women may get the same share as men. Contribution: The thoughts of Kiai Sholeh Darat have contributed to being one of the references in looking at women’s issues in Islam objectively. (shrink)
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    Humanised models of cancer in molecular medicine: the experimental control of disanalogy.Paolo Maugeri & Alessandro Blasimme - 2011 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 33 (4).
    This paper explores the epistemology of extrapolation from model organisms to humans in molecular medicine. We take into account two common views on the issue, the homology view and the disanalogy view. In response to both interpretations, we argue that the foundational basis of extrapolations cannot simply be provided by homology and that relevant disanalogies can, thanks to the techniques of molecular biology, be experimentally controlled and exploited to allow useful and reliable extrapolations. The case of "humanised mice" in the (...)
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    Humanising pedagogy: A politico-economic perspective.Ewa Latecka - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (5):634-651.
    In this article I shall reflect on the issue of humanising pedagogy, taking a view that dehumanisation, in general, comes from two kinds of oppression. I shall argue that, apart from oppression of the political type, tertiary education is also a victim of another type of oppression which contributes to its dehumanisation, viz. the oppression exercised by the economic system that South Africa has chosen to adopt after 1994. In the context of these two factors, I shall discuss what humanising (...)
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    Médecine, humanisation et décoïncidence : une articulation exploratrice de nouvelles ressources pour la pensée tillichienne sur la santé.Benoit Mathot - 2022 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 78 (1):81-94.
    Benoit Mathot À partir du cadre théorique de la décoïncidence proposé par le philosophe François Jullien, cet article explore les enjeux d’humanisation des soins médicaux, ainsi que l’introduction de la dimension spirituelle dans la prise en charge des patients. Il revient enfin sur le dialogue possible entre ces réflexions contemporaines et les considérations du théologien luthérien Paul Tillich sur la santé.
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    Humanisation?: Psychoanalysis, Symbolisation, and the Body of the Unconscious.Colette Soler - 2018 - Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Edited by Benjamin Farrow & Hugues D'Alascio.
    Unquenched desire, the dividing up of the drives, repetition, and symptom are the keywords for the effects that the unconscious, as deciphered by Freud, has on the body. Harmony is not on the agenda, but rather the discordance, unlinking, and arrogance of cynical jouissances. It seems that the discourse of capitalism is today increasing their deleterious consequences - with all of these demonstrative suicides, but also suicides as diverse as those of terrorists, Tibetan monks, those beleaguered by the capitalist enterprise, (...)
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  9.  34
    Humanising Sociological Knowledge.Marcus Morgan - 2016 - Social Epistemology 30 (5-6):555-571.
    This paper elaborates on the value of a humanistic approach to the production and judgement of sociological knowledge by defending this approach against some common criticisms. It argues that humanising sociological knowledge not only lends an appropriate epistemological humility to the discipline, but also encourages productive knowledge development by suggesting that a certain irreverence to what is considered known is far more important for generating useful new perspectives on social phenomena than defensive vindications of existing knowledge. It also suggests that (...)
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  10.  13
    Humanisation de la nature, naturalisation de l'homme: Ernst Bloch ou le projet d'une autre rationalité.Gérard Raulet - 1982 - Paris: Klincksieck.
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    Humaniser les TIC : Fractures dans la société de la connaissance.Jean-Pierre Letourneux - 2006 - Hermes 45:147.
    Poser la question de l'humanisation des TIC, c'est, en contrepoint, s'interroger sur leurs relations avec l'inhumanité de l'humain. Les TIC résultent d'une convergence entre deux traditions, l'epistèmè d'une part, la technè d'autre part. Elles s'inscrivent aujourd'hui dans une nouvelle convergence, celle du paradigme «nano», regroupant, sous l'hégémonie des nanotechnologies, les TIC, les sciences de la cognition et la biologie. À travers l'extension aux objets artificiels du principe d'auto-organisation, cette convergence est porteuse de risques majeurs pour l'humanité. Elle actualise le (...)
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    Humanising and dehumanising pigs in genomic and transplantation research.James W. E. Lowe - 2022 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 44 (4):1-27.
    Biologists who work on the pig (_Sus scrofa_) take advantage of its similarity to humans by constructing the inferential and material means to traffic data, information and knowledge across the species barrier. Their research has been funded due to its perceived value for agriculture and medicine. Improving selective breeding practices, for instance, has been a driver of genomics research. The pig is also an animal model for biomedical research and practice, and is proposed as a source of organs for cross-species (...)
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  13.  22
    The ‘humanised zoo’: decolonizing conservation education through a new narrative.Spartaco Gippoliti & Corrado Battisti - 2023 - Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 23:1-5.
    Wildlife conservation seems unaffected by decolonization movements that recently led to removing or vandalizing several statues of geographers and colonizers worldwide. Instead, we observe an increased emphasis on total protection of species and habitats that, although strategic in a period of environmental crisis, may have grossly negative impacts on living standards of local indigenous communities. In this regard, we should decolonize society, and specifically conservation, by adding new metaphoric statues to the old ones, preferably of those living side by side (...)
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  14.  7
    Education as Humanisation: Dialogic Pedagogy in Post-Conflict Peacebuilding.Scherto Gill & Ulrike Niens (eds.) - 2016 - Routledge.
    Over the past decades, there has been a consistent and poignant ambiguity with regard to the role of education in the context of post-conflict and divided societies working towards building peace. Most recently, global developments, including the after-effects of the Arab Spring, the devastating wars in Syria, and the refugee crisis in Europe, have directed our attention once more to the part that education can play in building peace at many levels. In this context, it is timely to create a (...)
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  15.  16
    Humaniser la mondialisation.Mireille Delmas-Marty - 2015 - Eco-Ethica 4:27-34.
    Malgré le développement des droits de l’homme et l’apparition d’une justice pénale internationale, la mondialisation lance de nouveaux défis à l’humanisme juridique : durcissement du contrôle des migrations, aggravation des exclusions sociales, multiplication des atteintes à l’environnement, persistance des crimes internationaux « les plus graves », risques d’asservissement créés par les nouvelles technologies. Humaniser la mondialisation renvoie à trois objectifs : résister à la déshumanisation, responsabiliser les acteurs, anticiper sur les risques à venir. Pour y contribuer, il faudrait une mutation (...)
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  16.  10
    L'humanisation, ou, Les premiers pas des valeurs humaines.Jean Château - 1985 - Bruxelles: P. Mardaga.
  17.  25
    Humaniser la mondialisation, est-ce encore possible?Bensalem Himmich - 2014 - Diogène 241 (1):22-34.
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    Humanisation, democracy and trust: The democratisation of the school ethos.Patricia White - 1991 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 11 (1):11-16.
    A democratic state is characterised by more than its particular principles and institutions; its citizens must have the democratic virtues and attitudes. One such important attitude is trust, as commentators on the current attempts to create democratic institutions in the USSR emphasise. The paper gives an account of social trust and also the important, though problematic, role that distrust plays in a democracy. Finally the paper considers how the school can instantiate social trust in its own ethos.
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  19. The Humanisation of History.C. J. Wright - 1942 - Hibbert Journal 41:140.
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  20.  41
    Humaniser l'humanité.Fred R. Dallmayr & Jeanne Delbaere-Garant - 2013 - Diogène 237 (1):37-51.
    The essay seeks to vindicate the importance of the humanities or liberal arts deriving from their crucial contribution to the “humanization of humanity”. This vindication is timely in view of the wide-spread curtailment of humanistic or liberal education in many institutions of higher learning. It is also timely as a pedagogical antidote to the fascination with violence in our world (which often culminates in “crimes against humanity”). In a first step, the paper traces the historical development of the humanities or (...)
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  21. (1 other version)Humanisation de la Marionette. Plat. leg. 1644 c-645 D; VII 803 c. 804 C.Claude Gaudin - 2002 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 23 (2):271-296.
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  22.  38
    Humanising Forces: Phenomenology in Science; Psychotherapy in Technological Culture.Les Todres - 2002 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 2 (1):1-11.
    One of the concerns of the existential-phenomenological tradition has been to examine the human implications of living in a world of proliferating technology. The pressure to become more specialised and efficient has become a powerful value and quest. Both contemporary culture and science enables a view of human identity which focuses on our 'parts' and the compartmentalisation of our lives into specialised 'bits'. This is a kind of abstraction which Psychology has also, at times, taken in its concern to mimic (...)
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  23. L'humanisation de la religion En afrikaans.Mostert Jp - 1977 - Humanitas 4 (1):119-122.
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    Beyond Persecutory Impulse and Humanising Trace: On Didier Fassin’s The Will to Punish.Alan Norrie - 2019 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 13 (4):681-688.
    This essay argues that Didier Fassin’s ‘The Will to Punish’ reveals the social grounds for a ‘persecutory impulse’ in modern punishment, which sits alongside a ‘humanising trace’. The challenge for a critical theory of modern penality is to think through this strange combination. The work of Melanie Klein and Freud, properly interpreted, can illuminate its conjunction and disjunction.
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    On Humanising Scientific and Technological Creativity.Józef Borgosz & Tomasz Przestępski - 1979 - Dialectics and Humanism 6 (3):27-36.
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  26.  14
    The prospect of humanising development discourse in Africa through Christian anthropology.Joseph Ogbonnaya - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (4):11.
    The invention of development as public discourse began with US President Truman’s 1949 speech that trumped up an illusion of global material prosperity based on a total restructuring of the ‘developing’ world on the model of development and material achievement of the West. Truman argued that this painful process was the only recipe for world prosperity. After decades of serious engagement on development discourse and multiple implementations of successive theories, the situation of the developing countries has not improved as rapidly (...)
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    The other objective of ethics education: Re-humanising the accounting profession – a study of ethics education in law, engineering, medicine and accountancy. [REVIEW]Ken McPhail - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 34 (3-4):279 - 298.
    Recently within the critical accounting literature Funnell (1998) has argued that accounting was implicated in the Holocaust. This charge is primarily related to the technical, mathematical nature of accounting and its ability to dehumanise individuals. Broadbent (1998, see also DeMoss and McCann, 1997) has also contended that "accounting logic" excludes emotion. She suggests that a more emancipatory form of accounting could be possible if emotion were given a voice and allowed to be heard within accounting discourse (see also Kjonstad and (...)
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    Pygmalion Displacement: When Humanising AI Dehumanises Women.Lelia Erscoi, Annelies Kleinherenbrink & Olivia Guest - manuscript
    We use the myth of Pygmalion as a lens to investigate and frame the relationship between women and artificial intelligence (AI). Pygmalion was a legendary ancient king of Cyprus and sculptor. Having been repulsed by women, he used his skills to create a statue, which was imbued with life by the goddess Aphrodite. This can be seen as one of the primordial AI-like myths, wherein humanity creates intelligent life-like self-images to reproduce or replace ourselves. In addition, the myth prefigures historical (...)
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  29.  78
    Lifeworld-led Healthcare: Revisiting a Humanising Philosophy that Integrates Emerging Trends. [REVIEW]Les Todres, Kathleen Galvin & Karin Dahlberg - 2006 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 10 (1):53-63.
    In this paper, we describe the value and philosophy of lifeworld-led care. Our purpose is to give a philosophically coherent foundation for lifeworld-led care and its core value as a humanising force that moderates technological progress. We begin by indicating the timeliness of these concerns within the current context of citizen-oriented, participative approaches to healthcare. We believe that this context is in need of a deepening philosophy if it is not to succumb to the discourses of mere consumerism. We thus (...)
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    Facilitating a dedicated focus on the human dimensions of care in practice settings: Development of a new humanised care assessment tool ( HCAT ) to sensitise care.Kathleen T. Galvin, Claire Sloan, Fiona Cowdell, Caroline Ellis-Hill, Carole Pound, Roger Watson, Steven Ersser & Sheila Brooks - 2018 - Nursing Inquiry 25 (3):e12235.
    There is limited consensus about what constitutes humanly sensitive care, or how it can be sustained in care settings. A new humanised care assessment tool may point to caring practices that are up to the task of meeting persons as humans within busy healthcare environments. This paper describes qualitative development of a tool that is conceptually sensitive to human dimensions of care informed by a life‐world philosophical orientation. Items were generated to reflect eight theoretical dimensions that constitute what makes care (...)
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  31. HERMÉNEUTIQUE, ARCHITECTURE ET HUMANISATION DE L'ESPACE: L'architecture des lieux de mémoire selon Paul Ricœur.Luis Antionio Umbelino - 2011 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 91 (1):67-81.
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    Ronald Hepburn and the humanising of Environmental Aesthetics.Isis Brook - 2010 - Environmental Values 19 (3):265-271.
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    De l'humanisation de la technique.F. Gonseth - 1956 - Dialectica 10 (2):99-112.
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    Pour un projet d'humanisation: science, politique et mosaïsme.Francis Bailly - 2017 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    "Réfléchir sur la science, mais aussi sur les relations humaines et sur des engagements politiques et militants, tout en faisant référence à des textes anciens et à des enseignements "traditionnaires", n'est-ce pas un peu provocateur? Pourtant, la présente évocation aspire à surmonter les parcellisations et l'éclatement de la pensée - telle, en particulier, que l'Occident la conçoit trop souvent - en traitant aussi bien du raisonnable que de l'affectif, du cognitif que du ressenti et de l'intime, du communautaire que du (...)
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  35. Barbarisation et humanisation de la guerre [Introd. et coord. du dossier du n° 2 de: Asterion].Jean-Louis Fournel & Isabelle Delpla - 2004 - Astérion 2.
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  36. La mondialisation entre humanisation et barbarie.L. Pareydt - 1998 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 86 (1):41-52.
    Il importe de situer les enjeux humains de ce mouvement que d'aucuns qualifient de « nouvel ordre mondial » : quel souci de l'être humain en tant que tel manifeste-t-il ? L'homme est un être d'appartenances individuelles et collectives, il s'éprouve dans sa liberté et dans sa participation à l'histoire qui se fait. La société qui s'annonce sera-t-elle pour lui, offerte à son engagement, ou contre lui, le contraignant à se soumettre ou à se démettre ? Des penseurs contemporains montrent (...)
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    G.P. Rao, Humanising Management: Transformation through Human Values. New Delhi: Ane Books, 2010, p. 219, Rs 595.00.Abhishek Goel - 2010 - Journal of Human Values 16 (2):196-200.
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  38.  20
    Turning the moral compass towards transformative research ethics: An inflection point for humanised pedagogy in higher education.S. Singh - 2023 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 16 (2):42.
    Ethical guidance in research is underpinned by the need to show respect for study participants by upholding autonomy in participant decision-making, and confidentiality and protection of individual rights, privacy and interests, yet decision-making could also be influenced by the participant’s sociocultural and belief systems. This calls for a more Africanised approach to research ethics where these values and beliefs are upheld. While national and international ethics guidelines do exist, there is little evidence that such a paradigm shift in research ethics (...)
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  39.  17
    Being ‘human’ under regimes of Human Resource Management: Using black theology to illuminate humanisation and dehumanisation in the workplace.Nick Megoran - 2022 - African Journal of Business Ethics 16 (1):1-24.
    Critical studies have rightly faulted mainstream HRM for its failure to account for the meaning of being human under regimes of HRM. This article advances the field in this regard by drawing on African and broader black theological reflection on the meaning of being human, and by using visual research methods to interrogate the extent to which workplaces respect human dignity. Fifty-five (55) visual timeline interviews were conducted in a range of workplaces in the north-east of England. Data showed that (...)
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  40.  7
    Humain malgré la maladie : pour une humanisation des pratiques de soin.Ericbert Tambou Kamgue - 2022 - Praxis Filosófica 55:115-130.
    La maladie est une épreuve pour le patient, ses proches ainsi que pour le personnel soignant. Son apparition dans l’existence d’un être humain est toujours une source d’angoisse pour lui et pour son entourage. Cette angoisse est d’autant plus grande quand la prise en charge n’est pas efficace ou quand le personnel soignant n’assume pas le rôle qui est le sien : prendre soin du malade. Face à une mauvaise prise en charge du malade, des doutes peuvent surgir chez lui (...)
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  41. Hegedus et al: The Humanisation of Socialism. [REVIEW]Roger Waterhouse - 1979 - Radical Philosophy 22:40.
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  42. Le souci de soi comme condition éthique minimale d l'humanisation du sujet.Ghislain Waterlot - 2008 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 140 (2):205-218.
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    A l'époque actuelle est-il possible d'humaniser la technique et de quelle façon?Arnold Reymond - 1957 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 12 (3):261 - 266.
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    La philosophie du droit et les fautes du passé. La « troisième voie » vers une humanisation du droit selon Gustav Radbruch.Stephan Grätzel - 2005 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 49:417-430.
    L'auteur montre que, dans la philosophie du droit de Radbruch, l'idée de droit répond à trois paramètres qui interfèrent dans la pratique juridique quotidienne : le besoin de justice, l’exigence de garantie, le souci des fins. Le res-pect de ces paramètres est indis-pensable en toute société démocratique.
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    How Does Buddhism Compare with International Humanitarian Law, and Can It Contribute to Humanising War?Andrew Bartles-Smith - 2021 - Contemporary Buddhism 22 (1-2):8-51.
    ABSTRACT This article examines Buddhist teachings relevant to the regulation of war and compares them with international humanitarian law (IHL) and the just war tradition by which it has been informed. It argues that Buddhist ethics broadly align with IHL rules to minimise harm inflicted during war, and that Buddhism’s psychological resources can help support IHL to improve compliance with common humanitarian norms. Indeed, Buddhist mindfulness techniques can support even non-Buddhist combatants by enhancing their psychological resilience and capacity to fight (...)
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    Written Language and Picture Language after Otto Neurath—Popularising or Humanising Knowledge?Friedrich Stadler - 2011 - In David Wagner, Wolfram Pichler, Elisabeth Nemeth & Richard Heinrich, Publications of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society - N.S. 17. De Gruyter. pp. 1-30.
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    Encounter between Marxian philosophy and theology of humanisation in India.Mervin Shinoj Boas - 2007 - New Delhi: ISPCK.
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    Une possibilité autre que Heidegger?: l'humanisation de l'être sans-dieu.Philippe Verstraten - 2016 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    "Heidegger est la dernière autorité philosophique de notre histoire. Il est le dernier grand initiateur dont le jugement soit assuré. Il est aussi le dernier homme de l'ancien monde selon ses trois destinations élevées : le culte, la guerre militaire, l'aristocratie native. En partant d'une lecture de Être et Temps, cet essai se confronte aux grands thèmes de la pensée initiée par Heidegger et propose un nouveau sens de l'individuation appelé l'individualité moderne.".
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    L'empire du sens: l'humanisation des sciences humaines.François Dosse - 1995 - Paris: La Découverte.
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    From Detached Concern To Empathy: Humanising Medical Practice J Halpern. Oxford University Press, 2001, £29.50, pp 165. ISBN 0–19–511119–2. [REVIEW]S. C. Bullock - 2003 - Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (4):9-9.
    Is medicine an art or a science? The question was being asked 30 years ago and I hope it will continue to be asked in 30 years time. Today’s climate of evidence based medicine, research, and ever demanding and demanded counting of patients, staff, time, trolleys, and operations suggests that medicine is a science. A few brave people, often working in the field of palliative care, suggest otherwise. Jodi Halpern, psychiatrist, medical ethicist, and philosopher, argues that the traditional medical stance (...)
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