Results for ' instructed movement'

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  1.  20
    Conditioning of muscle action potential increments accompanying an instructed movement.John B. Fink - 1954 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 47 (2):61.
  2.  23
    Instructed Hand Movements Affect Students’ Learning of an Abstract Concept From Video.Icy Zhang, Karen B. Givvin, Jeffrey M. Sipple, Ji Y. Son & James W. Stigler - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (2):e12940.
    Producing content-related gestures has been found to impact students’ learning, whether such gestures are spontaneously generated by the learner in the course of problem-solving, or participants are instructed to pose based on experimenter instructions during problem-solving and word learning. Few studies, however, have investigated the effect of (a) performing instructed gestures while learning concepts or (b) producing gestures without there being an implied connection between the gestures and the concepts being learned. The two studies reported here investigate the (...)
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  3. Movement-time invariance of writing across size, effector, and instructional changes.Ce Wright - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (6):513-513.
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    Voluntary movement under positive and negative instruction.Herbert Sidney Langfeld - 1913 - Psychological Review 20 (6):459-478.
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    Emotional content influences eye-movements under natural but not under instructed conditions.Louisa Kulke & Laura Pasqualette - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (2):332-344.
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    Movements as a Medium of Instruction in Physical Education.Masaaki Kubo - 2006 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 28 (2):77-84.
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    Eye Movements, Pupil Dilation, and Conflict Detection in Reasoning: Exploring the Evidence for Intuitive Logic.Zoe A. Purcell, Andrew J. Roberts, Simon J. Handley & Stephanie Howarth - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (6):e13293.
    A controversial claim in recent dual process accounts of reasoning is that intuitive processes not only lead to bias but are also sensitive to the logical status of an argument. The intuitive logic hypothesis draws upon evidence that reasoners take longer and are less confident on belief–logic conflict problems, irrespective of whether they give the correct logical response. In this paper, we examine conflict detection under conditions in which participants are asked to either judge the logical validity or believability of (...)
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    Redeeming the time. A survey of the junior instruction centre movement.Evelyn Lawrence - 1942 - The Eugenics Review 33 (4):132.
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    Concurrent Movement Impairs Incidental But Not Intentional Statistical Learning.David J. Stevens, Joanne Arciuli & David I. Anderson - 2015 - Cognitive Science 39 (5):1081-1098.
    The effect of concurrent movement on incidental versus intentional statistical learning was examined in two experiments. In Experiment 1, participants learned the statistical regularities embedded within familiarization stimuli implicitly, whereas in Experiment 2 they were made aware of the embedded regularities and were instructed explicitly to learn these regularities. Experiment 1 demonstrated that while the control group were able to learn the statistical regularities, the resistance-free cycling group and the exercise group did not demonstrate learning. This is in (...)
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  10.  22
    The Incomplete Tyranny of Dynamic Stimuli: Gaze Similarity Predicts Response Similarity in Screen‐Captured Instructional Videos.Daniel T. Levin, Jorge A. Salas, Anna M. Wright, Adrianne E. Seiffert, Kelly E. Carter & Joshua W. Little - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (6):e12984.
    Although eye tracking has been used extensively to assess cognitions for static stimuli, recent research suggests that the link between gaze and cognition may be more tenuous for dynamic stimuli such as videos. Part of the difficulty in convincingly linking gaze with cognition is that in dynamic stimuli, gaze position is strongly influenced by exogenous cues such as object motion. However, tests of the gaze‐cognition link in dynamic stimuli have been done on only a limited range of stimuli often characterized (...)
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    Mass Movements, the Sacred, and Personhood in Ellul and Bataille: Parallel Sociological Analyses of Liberalism, Fascism, and Communism.Christian Roy - 2023 - Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence 7 (2):85-128.
    An instructive comparison can be drawn between Jacques Ellul’s 1936 Esprit article portraying “Fascism as Liberalism’s Child” and Georges Bataille’s 1938 lecture on “The Sacred Sociology of Today’s World”. Both rely on Durkheim’s sociology in assuming modernity’s amorphousness, leaving passive masses of atomized individuals susceptible to mobilization into totalized entities by charismatic leadership. Bataille welcomes the postwar intensification of social aggregates but criticizes their militant, militaristic regimentation as not violent and sacred enough, whereas for Ellul, the resurgent social sacred (whether (...)
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    Metaphorical instruction and body memory.Claudia Béger - 2012 - In Sabine C. Koch, Thomas Fuchs, Michela Summa & Cornelia Müller (eds.), Body Memory, Metaphor and Movement. John Benjamins. pp. 84--187.
  13. The Movement of Composition: Dance and Writing.Kathryn Perry - 2012 - Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 17 (1):n1.
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    Learning From Peers’ Eye Movements in the Absence of Expert Guidance: A Proof of Concept Using Laboratory Stock Trading, Eye Tracking, and Machine Learning.Michał Król & Magdalena Król - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (2):e12716.
    Existing research shows that people can improve their decision skills by learning what experts paid attention to when faced with the same problem. However, in domains like financial education, effective instruction requires frequent, personalized feedback given at the point of decision, which makes it time‐consuming for experts to provide and thus, prohibitively costly. We address this by demonstrating an automated feedback mechanism that allows amateur decision‐makers to learn what information to attend to from one another, rather than from an expert. (...)
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    Up right, not right up: Primacy of verticality in both language and movement.Véronique Boulenger, Livio Finos, Eric Koun, Roméo Salemme, Clément Desoche & Alice C. Roy - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:981330.
    When describing motion along both the horizontal and vertical axes, languages from different families express the elements encoding verticality before those coding for horizontality (e.g., going up right instead of right up). In light of the motor grounding of language, the present study investigated whether the prevalence of verticality in Path expression also governs the trajectory of arm biological movements. Using a 3D virtual-reality setting, we tracked the kinematics of hand pointing movements in five spatial directions, two of which implied (...)
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    To Those Who Have, More Will Be Given? Effects of an Instructional Time Reform on Gender Disparities in STEM Subjects, Stress, and Health.Nicolas Hübner, Wolfgang Wagner, Jennifer Meyer & Helen M. G. Watt - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Educational reformers all around the globe are continuously searching for ways to make schools more effective and efficient. In Germany, this movement has led to reforms that reduced overall school time of high track secondary schools from 9 to 8 years, which was compensated for by increasing average instruction time per week in lower secondary school. Based on prior research, we assumed that this reform might increase gender disparities in STEM-related outcomes, stress, and health because it required students to (...)
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  17.  9
    Inquiries of the body: Novice questions and the instructable observability of endodontic scenes.Gustav Lymer & Oskar Lindwall - 2014 - Discourse Studies 16 (2):271-294.
    This study explores questions posed by students in response to live video broadcasts of dental treatments. The aim of the study is to show and discuss the reflexive relationship between the questions, what they were occasioned by and how they are responded to. Procedures and anatomical features, that for the seminar leader are unproblematically seen in endodontic terms, repeatedly present problems for the students. Visible but unrecognized shifts in the dentist’s work, for instance, provide occasions for questions of the form (...)
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    Touching and Being Touched During Physiotherapy Exercise Instruction.Sara Keel & Cornelia Caviglia - 2023 - Human Studies 46 (4):679-699.
    This contribution focuses on a physiotherapy consultation in which the first author of the contribution is the patient and the second author is the physiotherapist. It features analysis of video excerpts in which (1) the physiotherapist instructs the patient how to do an exercise and (2) the patient turns the physiotherapist's instructions into a course of action while (3) the physiotherapist monitors, assesses, guides, and corrects the patient's instructed actions by deploying touch. The investigation draws on video-recordings and transcriptions (...)
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  19.  55
    Human, Nature, Dynamism: The Effects of Content and Movement Perception on Brain Activations during the Aesthetic Judgment of Representational Paintings.Cinzia Di Dio, Martina Ardizzi, Davide Massaro, Giuseppe Di Cesare, Gabriella Gilli, Antonella Marchetti & Vittorio Gallese - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:154298.
    Movement perception and its role in aesthetic experience have been often studied, within empirical aesthetics, in relation to the human body. No such specificity has been defined in neuroimaging studies with respect to contents lacking a human form. The aim of this work was to explore, through functional magnetic imaging (fMRI), how perceived movement is processed during the aesthetic judgment of paintings using two types of content: human subjects and scenes of nature. Participants, untutored in the arts, were (...)
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  20. Philosophy for Children as a Teaching Movement in an Era of Too Much Learning.Charles Bingham - 2015 - Childhood and Philosophy 11 (22):223-240.
    In this article, I contextualize the community of inquiry approach, and Philosophy for Children, within the current milieu of education. Specifically, I argue that whereas former scholarship on Philosophy for Children had a tendency to critique the problems of teacher authority and knowledge transmission, we must now consider subtler, learner-centered scenarios of education as a threat to Philosophy for Children. I begin by offering a personal anecdote about my own experience attending a ‘reverse-integrated’ elementary school in 1968. I use this (...)
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  21.  13
    Scouting for Boys: A Handbook for Instruction in Good Citizenship.Robert Baden-Powell - 2005 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Scouting for Boys is the original blueprint and 'self-instructor' of the Boy Scout Movement. An all-time bestseller, it is both a handbook and a philosophy for a way of living that replaces self with service, puts country before individual, and duty above all. As well as practical instructions on how to light fires and stalk men and animals, it includes sections on chivalry, self-discipline, self-improvement and citizenship. This new edition reveals its maverick complexity and explores its contradictions about sexuality, (...)
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  22.  44
    What’s wrong with permaculture design courses? Brazilian lessons for agroecological movement-building in Canada.Marie-Josée Massicotte & Christopher Kelly-Bisson - 2019 - Agriculture and Human Values 36 (3):581-594.
    This paper focuses on the centrality of permaculture design courses as the principal sociopolitical strategy of the permaculture community in Canada to transform local food production practices. Building on the work of Antonio Gramsci and political agroecology as a framework of analysis, we argue that permaculture instruction remains deeply embedded within market and colonial relations, which orients the pedagogy of permaculture trainings in such a way as to reproduce the basic elements of the colonial capitalist economy among its practitioners. In (...)
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  23. Vicarious Agency: Experiencing Control Over the Movements of Others.Daniel M. Wegner & Betsy Sparrow - unknown
    Participants watched themselves in a mirror while another person behind them, hidden from view, extended hands forward on each side where participants’ hands would normally appear. The hands performed a series of movements. When participants could hear instructions previewing each movement, they reported an enhanced feeling of controlling the hands. Hearing instructions for the movements also enhanced skin conductance responses when a rubber band was snapped on the other’s wrist after the movements. Such vicarious agency was not felt when (...)
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  24.  21
    The Instructed Vision: Scottish Common Sense Philosophy and the Origins of American Fiction. [REVIEW]E. S. G. - 1961 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (2):344-344.
    An exploration of the influence of Scottish Common Sense Philosophy on early nineteenth century American attitudes toward fiction and the imagination. Martin first shows the great appeal of this movement, which became a semi-official philosophy in America. He suggests that it was attractive to Americans because "it stabilized, it was safe, it discouraged undue speculation." In reaction to this stolid philosophic outlook emerged a quest for a free, more dynamic concept of the imagination.--G. E. S.
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    Poor recall of eye-movement signals from Stage 2 compared to REM sleep: Implications for models of dreaming.Russell Conduit, Sheila Gillard Crewther & Grahame Coleman - 2004 - Consciousness and Cognition 13 (3):484-500.
    An ongoing assumption made by sleep researchers is that since dreams are more often recalled on awakening from rapid eye movement sleep, dreams must occur more often during this stage of sleep. An alternative hypothesis is that cognition occurs throughout sleep, but the recall of this mentation differs on awakening. When a dream is not reported on awakening, there is no method of establishing whether it did not happen or was forgotten. The aim of the present study was to (...)
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    Restricted Kinematics in Children With Autism in the Execution of Complex Oscillatory Arm Movements.Zhong Zhao, Xiaobin Zhang, Haiming Tang, Xinyao Hu, Xingda Qu, Jianping Lu & Qiongling Peng - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Restricted and repetitive behavior is a core symptom of autism spectrum disorder characterized by features of restrictedness, repetition, rigidity, and invariance. Few studies have investigated how restrictedness is manifested in motor behavior. This study aimed to address this question by instructing participants to perform the utmost complex movement. Twenty children with ASD and 23 children with typical development performed one-dimensional, left-right arm oscillations by demonstrating varying amplitudes and frequencies. The entropy of amplitude and velocity was calculated as an index (...)
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    The Rules of Attraction: Urban Design, City Films, and Movement Studies.Laura Frahm - 2014 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 5 (1):85-99.
    William H.Whyte’s instructional film The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces (1979), which chronicles the findings of his decade-long study of people’s behavior in small urban spaces in New York City in the 1970s, offers a precise analysis of the rules of attraction that draw people into places and that keep them attached. By combining direct observation with complex technical arrangements and new forms of movement studies, Whyte’s study advocates a quintessentially process-oriented understanding of ‘placemaking’ that shaped a new (...)
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    How do Antecedent Semantics Influence Pronoun Interpretation? Evidence from Eye Movements.Tiana V. Simovic & Craig G. Chambers - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (2):e13251.
    Pronoun interpretation is often described as relying on a comprehender's mental model of discourse. For example, in some psycholinguistic accounts, interpreting pronouns involves a process of retrieval, whereby a pronoun is resolved by accessing information from its linguistic antecedent. However, linguistic antecedents are neither necessary nor sufficient for interpreting a pronoun, and even when an antecedent has been introduced in earlier discourse, there is little evidence for the retrieval of linguistic form. The current study extends our understanding of pronoun interpretation (...)
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    Work for the workers: Advances in engineering mechanics and instruction in France, 1800–1830.I. Grattan-Guinness - 1984 - Annals of Science 41 (1):1-33.
    An account is given of the emergence of the concept of work as a basic component of mechanics. It was largely an achievement of engineer savants in France during the Bourbon Restoration , with Navier, Coriolis and Poncelet playing the major roles. Some aspects of the eighteenth-century prehistory are described, and also concurrent developments in French engineering. The principal problem areas were friction, hydraulics, machine performance and ergonomics, and especially in the last context the developments became involved with social and (...)
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    Cognitive constraint on the ‘automatic pilot’ for the hand: Movement intention influences the hand’s susceptibility to involuntary online corrections.Brendan D. Cameron, Erin K. Cressman, Ian M. Franks & Romeo Chua - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (3):646-652.
    Research suggests that the reaching hand automatically deviates toward a target that changes location during the reach. In the current study, we investigated whether movement intention can influence the target jump’s impact on the hand. We compared the degree of trajectory deviation to a jumped target under three instruction conditions: GO, in which participants were told to go to the target if it jumped, STOP, in which participants were told to immediately stop their movement if the target jumped, (...)
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    Evolution education and the rise of the creationist movement in Brazil.Alandeom W. Oliveira & Kristin Leigh Cook (eds.) - 2019 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Evolution Education and the Rise of the Creationist Movement in Brazil examines how larger societal forces such as religion, media, and politics have shaped Brazil's educational landscape and impacted the teaching and learning of evolution within an increasingly polarized discourse in recent years. To this end, Alandeom W. Oliveira and Kristin Cook have assembled a number of educational scholars and practitioners, many of whom are based in Brazil, to provide up-close and in-depth accounts of classroom-based evolution instruction, teacher preparation (...)
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    Militarising the body politic: New media as weapons of mass instruction.P. W. Graham & A. Luke - 2003 - Body and Society 9 (4):149-168.
    As militarization of bodies politic continues apace the world over, as military organizations again reveal themselves as primary political, economic and cultural forces in many societies, we argue that the emergent and potentially dominant form of political economic organization is a species of neo-feudal corporatism. Drawing upon Bourdieu, we theorize bodies politic as living habitus. Bodies politic are prepared for war and peace through new mediations, powerful means of public pedagogy. The process of militarization requires the generation of new, antagonistic (...)
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    Moving to Learn: How Guiding the Hands Can Set the Stage for Learning.Neon Brooks & Susan Goldin-Meadow - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (7):1831-1849.
    Previous work has found that guiding problem-solvers' movements can have an immediate effect on their ability to solve a problem. Here we explore these processes in a learning paradigm. We ask whether guiding a learner's movements can have a delayed effect on learning, setting the stage for change that comes about only after instruction. Children were taught movements that were either relevant or irrelevant to solving mathematical equivalence problems and were told to produce the movements on a series of problems (...)
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  34.  26
    What Am I Looking at? Interpreting Dynamic and Static Gaze Displays.Margot Wermeskerken, Damien Litchfield & Tamara Gog - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (1):220-252.
    Displays of eye movements may convey information about cognitive processes but require interpretation. We investigated whether participants were able to interpret displays of their own or others' eye movements. In Experiments 1 and 2, participants observed an image under three different viewing instructions. Then they were shown static or dynamic gaze displays and had to judge whether it was their own or someone else's eye movements and what instruction was reflected. Participants were capable of recognizing the instruction reflected in their (...)
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  35.  16
    Conversational Eyebrow Frowns Facilitate Question Identification: An Online Study Using Virtual Avatars.Naomi Nota, James P. Trujillo & Judith Holler - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (12):e13392.
    Conversation is a time-pressured environment. Recognizing a social action (the ‘‘speech act,’’ such as a question requesting information) early is crucial in conversation to quickly understand the intended message and plan a timely response. Fast turns between interlocutors are especially relevant for responses to questions since a long gap may be meaningful by itself. Human language is multimodal, involving speech as well as visual signals from the body, including the face. But little is known about how conversational facial signals contribute (...)
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    Angiolini vs Kant: Philosophical Endeavour at the Polotsk Jesuit Academy.Anna I. Klimovich - 2023 - Kantian Journal 42 (1):107-131.
    The movement for the revival of the Scholastic tradition (Neo-Scholasticism) was a reaction to devastating criticism by the representatives of Enlightenment which led to the destruction of traditional metaphysics and of epistemological optimism, the two pillars of European religious philosophy. Reception of Kantian ideas in Neo-Scholasticism varied from total rejection to its use in renewing the philosophical foundation of religious philosophy. In this regard the legacy of the Polotsk Jesuit Academy was one of the first attempts to interpret Kant’s (...)
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  37. Synchronous vs non-synchronous imitation: using dance to explore interpersonal coordination during observational learning.Cassandra Crone, Lilian Rigoli, Gaurav Patil, Sarah Pini, John Sutton, Rachel Kallen & Michael J. Richardson - 2021 - Human Movement Science 102776 (102776).
    Observational learning can enhance the acquisition and performance quality of complex motor skills. While an extensive body of research has focused on the benefits of synchronous (i.e., concurrent physical practice) and non-synchronous (i.e., delayed physical practice) observational learning strategies, the question remains as to whether these approaches differentially influence performance outcomes. Accordingly, we investigate the differential outcomes of synchronous and non-synchronous observational training contexts using a novel dance sequence. Using multidimensional cross-recurrence quantification analysis, movement time-series were recorded for novice (...)
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  38. Freedom and Desire.Richard J. Arneson - 1985 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 15 (3):425 - 448.
    Muddles can be instructive. The clarifying confusion to be examined in this paper is Isaiah Berlin's intelligent vacillation on the issue of whether or not the extent of a person's freedom depends on his desires. Is the amount of freedom an agent possesses determined solely by his objective circumstances or is it also partly a function of his subjective tastes and preferences? In clarifying this question I shall suggest that Berlin has trouble answering it because he almost perceives that interpersonal (...)
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  39. (1 other version)Yoga From the Mat Up: How words alight on bodies.Doris McIlwain & John Sutton - 2013 - Educational Philosophy and Theory (6):1-19.
    Yoga is a unique form of expert movement that promotes an increasingly subtle interpenetration of thought and movement. The mindful nature of its practice, even at expert levels, challenges the idea that thought and mind are inevitably disruptive to absorbed coping. Building on parallel phenomenological and ethnographic studies of skilful performance and embodied apprenticeship, we argue for the importance in yoga of mental access to embodied movement during skill execution by way of a case study of instruction (...)
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    How Experts Adapt Their Gaze Behavior When Modeling a Task to Novices.Selina N. Emhardt, Ellen M. Kok, Halszka Jarodzka, Saskia Brand-Gruwel, Christian Drumm & Tamara van Gog - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (9):e12893.
    Domain experts regularly teach novice students how to perform a task. This often requires them to adjust their behavior to the less knowledgeable audience and, hence, to behave in a more didactic manner. Eye movement modeling examples (EMMEs) are a contemporary educational tool for displaying experts’ (natural or didactic) problem‐solving behavior as well as their eye movements to learners. While research on expert‐novice communication mainly focused on experts’ changes in explicit, verbal communication behavior, it is as yet unclear whether (...)
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  41. Mothers adjust their demonstrations based on children’s imitation task performance.Kaori Nagata & Kazuo Hiraki - 2024 - Interaction Studies 25 (2):125-145.
    As children grow, they increasingly encounter situations requiring them to follow multiple steps to manipulate objects or perform actions. This study examines how caregivers adjust their instructional behavior when a child fails to correctly execute part of a multi-step procedure. Thirty-two mothers demonstrated to their 2–3-year-old children how to use a novel toy with three action sequences. A motion capture system measured the movements of each mother’s hand during demonstrations to assess whether mothers modulated their motions during each manipulation phase. (...)
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  42. Reclaiming volition: An alternative interpretation of Libet's experiment.Jing Zhu - 2003 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 10 (11):61-77.
    Based on his experimental studies, Libet claims that voluntary actions are initiated by unconscious brain activities well before intentions or decisions to act are consciously experienced by people. This account conflicts with our common-sense conception of human agency, in which people consciously and intentionally exert volitions or acts of will to initiate voluntary actions. This paper offers an alternative interpretation of Libet's experiment. The cause of the intentional acts performed by the subjects in Libet's experiment should not be exclusively attributed (...)
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    (1 other version)Neuromuscular Fatigue in Unimanual Handgrip Does Not Completely Affect Simultaneous Bimanual Handgrip.Mikito Hikosaka & Yu Aramaki - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Simultaneous bimanual movements are not merely the sum of two unimanual movements. Here, we considered the unimanual/bimanual motor system as comprising three components: unimanual-specific, bimanual-specific, and overlapping. If the force-generating system controlling the same limb differs between unimanual and bimanual movements, unimanual exercise would be expected to fatigue the unimanual-specific and overlapping parts in the force-generating system but not the bimanual-specific part. Therefore, we predicted that the decrease in bimanual force generation induced by unimanual neuromuscular fatigue would be smaller than (...)
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    Westbindung als Ausweg? Die „lutherischen Nestorianer“ der Urmia-Region.Martin Tamcke - 2012 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 88 (1):147-157.
    This article presents an instructive example of cultural interaction between Iran and Germany at the end of the 19th century: the movement of the “Lutheran Nestorians”. A group of Eastern Syriac priests from the Urmia region in Northwest Iran came to Germany to pursue their theological formation at Lutheran institutions, whereafter they returned to Iran and continued to work, albeit within the parameters of a complex relationship, with their Mother Church. Although the initial purpose and intention of the priests’ (...)
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    Learners’ Spontaneous Gesture Before a Math Lesson Predicts the Efficacy of Seeing Versus Doing Gesture During the Lesson.Eliza L. Congdon, Elizabeth M. Wakefield, Miriam A. Novack, Naureen Hemani-Lopez & Susan Goldin-Meadow - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (7):e13479.
    Gestures—hand movements that accompany speech and express ideas—can help children learn how to solve problems, flexibly generalize learning to novel problem‐solving contexts, and retain what they have learned. But does it matter who is doing the gesturing? We know that producing gesture leads to better comprehension of a message than watching someone else produce gesture. But we do not know how producing versus observing gesture impacts deeper learning outcomes such as generalization and retention across time. Moreover, not all children benefit (...)
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    How Experts Adapt Their Gaze Behavior When Modeling a Task to Novices.Selina N. Emhardt, Ellen M. Kok, Halszka Jarodzka, Saskia Brand-Gruwel, Christian Drumm & Tamara Gog - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (9):e12893.
    Domain experts regularly teach novice students how to perform a task. This often requires them to adjust their behavior to the less knowledgeable audience and, hence, to behave in a more didactic manner. Eye movement modeling examples (EMMEs) are a contemporary educational tool for displaying experts’ (natural or didactic) problem‐solving behavior as well as their eye movements to learners. While research on expert‐novice communication mainly focused on experts’ changes in explicit, verbal communication behavior, it is as yet unclear whether (...)
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    Affect and action: Towards an event-coding account.Tristan Lavender & Bernhard Hommel - 2007 - Cognition and Emotion 21 (6):1270-1296.
    Viewing emotion from an evolutionary perspective, researchers have argued that simple responses to affective stimuli can be triggered without mediation of cognitive processes. Indeed, findings suggest that positively and negatively valenced stimuli trigger approach and avoidance movements automatically. However, affective stimulus–response compatibility phenomena share so many central characteristics with nonaffective stimulus–response compatibility phenomena that one may doubt whether the underlying mechanisms differ. We suggest an “affectively enriched” version of the theory of event coding (TEC) that is able to account for (...)
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    Mental Transformation Skill in Young Children: The Role of Concrete and Abstract Motor Training.Susan C. Levine, Susan Goldin-Meadow, Matthew T. Carlson & Naureen Hemani-Lopez - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (4):1207-1228.
    We examined the effects of three different training conditions, all of which involve the motor system, on kindergarteners’ mental transformation skill. We focused on three main questions. First, we asked whether training that involves making a motor movement that is relevant to the mental transformation—either concretely through action or more abstractly through gestural movements that represent the action —resulted in greater gains than training using motor movements irrelevant to the mental transformation. We tested children prior to training, immediately after (...)
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    Lessons from Beauvoir for a Transnational Feminist Ethics.Deniz Durmuş - 2020 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 31 (1):47-67.
    The prospect of a transnational feminist coalition is one of the most challenging questions that feminism faces today. The author analyzes Beauvoir’s involvement with the Algerian decolonization movement and her own self-critique as instructive tools for forming better ways for feminists to engage transnationally. Beauvoir’s existentialist ethics, political writings, and activism continue to offer models for developing an anticolonial and anti-imperialist transnational feminist ethics and are an underexplored resource in transnational feminist scholarship.
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    Making Sense of the Hands and Mouth: The Role of “Secondary” Cues to Meaning in British Sign Language and English.Pamela Perniss, David Vinson & Gabriella Vigliocco - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (7):e12868.
    Successful face‐to‐face communication involves multiple channels, notably hand gestures in addition to speech for spoken language, and mouth patterns in addition to manual signs for sign language. In four experiments, we assess the extent to which comprehenders of British Sign Language (BSL) and English rely, respectively, on cues from the hands and the mouth in accessing meaning. We created congruent and incongruent combinations of BSL manual signs and mouthings and English speech and gesture by video manipulation and asked participants to (...)
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