Results for ' journal'

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    Ἐξέλεγξις βυζαντινῶν τινων ἐπνγραῶν ϰαὶ προσϑῆϰαι.Ἰ Μηλιόπουλος - 1898 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 7 (2).
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    홍대용의 형이상학과 도덕 행위론의 분리에 관한 소고. 박창식 - 2015 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (102):253-279.
    인간의 도덕적 향상을 허용해야 하는지의 문제는 신경과학 시대에서 우리가 직면한 대표적인 윤리적 쟁점 가운데 하나이다. 도덕적 향상에 관한 대립적 입장은 생명보수주의와 초인본주의의 양 극단으로 분류된다. 생명보수주의는 인간의 도덕적 향상이 결국엔 인간다음과 인간 본성을 파괴할 위험성이 크다고 경고한다. 이와는 달리 초인본주의는 인류의 도덕적 향상은 더 나은 삶의 영위를 위해 필수불가결한 것이라고 주장한다. 생명보수주의는 인간 본성의 내재적 가치를 주장하지만, 초인본주의는 인간 본성은 문제가 많으므로 개선을 필요로 한다고 본다. 이에 이 논문에서는 초인본주의의 기본 개념과 철학, 초인본주의에서의 도덕적 향상 논리 및 생명정치학적 입장에 대하여 (...)
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    敎育에서 平等의 意味.성모 장 - 1984 - Journal of Moral Education 2 (1):1.
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    О некотором методе выбора статистической гипотезы.К Шанявский - 1961 - Studia Logica 12 (1):143-143.
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    禮의 具現體로서의 敎師.종덕 박 - 1996 - Journal of Moral Education 8 (1):143.
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    初等學校 統合敎育課程의 道德敎育的 側面 - 全人的 統合을 위한 試論 -.승호 김 - 1996 - Journal of Moral Education 8 (1):157.
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    學校의 理念.승호 김 - 1997 - Journal of Moral Education 9 (1):177.
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    열린교육의 두 측면 : 학 과 사.한구 유 - 1999 - Journal of Moral Education 11 (1):31.
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  9. 열린교육과 구성주의 : 비판적 검토.영태 조 - 1999 - Journal of Moral Education 11 (1):55.
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    Щодо теоретичного аналізу і уточнення поняття «управлінська пара» як основи розвитку та удосконалення публічного управління.Д. І Дзвінчук, О. В Лютий & В. П Петренко - 2016 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 67:191-202.
    As a result of decomposition of a system consisting of two elements as a typical management pair “subject - object” or “manager – subordinate”, and interpretation of each of its components as an element that is characterized by a certain coefficient of transformation, it has been proposed to discover such systems as “subject - object”, “object - subject”, and “object - object” with the purpose of identifying one of the above mentioned modes that will be the most efficient in achieving (...)
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    Личность, опыт, экзистенция (впечатления участников конференции).В.В Знаков & Н.А Касавина - 2014 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 40 (2):226-229.
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    Культурно-исторические основания исследовательских программ Ф. Бэкона и Р. Декарта.В.В Глебкин - 2015 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 43 (1):128-148.
    Статья посвящена обсуждению корректности тезисов о гомогенности социокультурных оснований науки раннего Нового времени и механицизме как ее базовой мировоззренческой парадигме. Обсуждение строится на материале исследовательских программ Ф. Бэкона и Р. Декарта. Для этого в статье анализируется использование слова machina и его дериватов в текстах данных авторов. Сделанные наблюдения связываются с общими установками исследовательских программ Бэкона и Декарта, а также с культурным контекстом эпох Возрождения и Реформации, обращающим к античным и средневековым идеям. Показано, что в основании различий между программами Бэкона и (...)
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    Первая глобальная научная революция и формирование предметной реальности биологии XVII–XVIII вв.С.В Корнилов - 2015 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 43 (1):149-161.
    Развитие биологических исследований Нового времени находилось в тесной связи с общим прогрессом научного познания. Разработка механики жидких и твердых тел, широкое применение в физике экспериментальных и индуктивных методов послужили основой гносеологическому оптимизму: задача усматривалась в открытии посредством разума единых для всей природы законов и тем самым окончательном объяснении всего сущего. На изучении методов науки сконцентрировалось внимание крупнейших философов эпохи. Интеллектуальное завоевание физического мира осуществлялось весьма успешно, казалось, что цель близка. Предстояло распространить механические представления на область органической природы и социальной жизни.В (...)
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    Герметичность философии Роберта Брэндома. [REVIEW]П.С Куслий - 2015 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 43 (1):248-253.
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    Релятивизм как эпистемологическая проблема.Л.А Микешина - 2004 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 1 (1):53-63.
    18 ноября 2003 г. в Институте философии РАН состоялось двенадцатое заседание семинара «Проблемы рациональной философии» (руководители А.И. Дубровский, И.Т. Касавин). С докладом на тему «Релятивизм как эпистемологическая проблема» выступила Л.А. Микешина, содоклад представил М.А. Розов. Кроме этого, выступали В.С. Степин, И.Т. Касавин, Е.А. Мамчур, Л.А. Маркова, В.М. Межуев, А.Л. Никифоров и др. Некоторые из представленных материалов мы и публикуем сегодня.
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    Математика и Книга Природы.Ханс Позер - 2004 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 1 (1):34-52.
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    Новый учебный курс «Эстетика биотехнологии».И. В Ботвинко - 2006 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 10 (4):173-183.
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  18. Fair Trials and International Courts: A Critical Evaluation of the Nuremberg Legacy.Aaron Fichtelberg - 2009 - Criminal Justice Ethics 28 (1):5-24.
    The novelties of the contemporary international order require a rethinking of the normative foundations of criminal justice. Although one can understand the relevance of basic principles such as th...
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    Control of automated behavior: insights from the discrete sequence production task.Elger L. Abrahamse, Marit F. L. Ruitenberg, Elian de Kleine & Willem B. Verwey - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    A synthesis of work in cognitive science: A. Clark: Surfing uncertainty: Prediction, action, and the embodied mind. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2015, 424pp. £19.99 HB.Kenneth Aizawa - 2016 - Metascience 25 (3):487-490.
    A review of Andy Clark's Surfing Uncertainty.
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    Emotional prosody modulates attention in schizophrenia patients with hallucinations.L. Alba-Ferrara, G. A. de Erausquin, M. Hirnstein, S. Weis & M. Hausmann - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    The Babylonian Sage Ut-Napisti m Ruqu.W. F. Albright - 1918 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 38:60.
  23. Abstract versus Causal Explanations?Reutlinger Alexander & Andersen Holly - 2016 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 30 (2):129-146.
    In the recent literature on causal and non-causal scientific explanations, there is an intuitive assumption according to which an explanation is non-causal by virtue of being abstract. In this context, to be ‘abstract’ means that the explanans in question leaves out many or almost all causal microphysical details of the target system. After motivating this assumption, we argue that the abstractness assumption, in placing the abstract and the causal character of an explanation in tension, is misguided in ways that are (...)
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    The Philosophy of Art.Calvert Alexander - 1930 - Modern Schoolman 6 (3):57-58.
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    An Examination of Plato's Doctrines. I. Plato on Man and Society.R. E. Allen & I. M. Crombie - 1963 - Philosophical Review 72 (4):528.
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    The Vaṭa-Sāvitrī-Vrata, According to Hemādri and the VratārkaThe Vata-Savitri-Vrata, According to Hemadri and the Vratarka.Albert Henry Allen - 1900 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 21:53.
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    Sport Structured Brain Trauma is Child Abuse.Eric Anderson, Gary Turner, Jack Hardwicke & Keith D. Parry - 2023 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy:1-21.
    This article first summarizes research regarding the relationship between sports that intentionally structure multiple types of brain trauma into their practice, such as rugby and boxing, and the range of negative health outcomes that flow from participation in such sports. The resultant brain injuries are described as ‘now’ and ‘later’ diseases, being those that affect the child immediately and then across their lifetime. After highlighting how these sports can permanently injure children, it examines this harm in relation to existing British (...)
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    Self y creatividad en el pragmatismo de C.S. Peirce: "la incidencia del instante presente en la conducta".Fernando Andacht - 2008 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 13 (40):39-65.
    The article discusses the theoretical and analytical relevance of spontaneity, the basis of creativity, considered as a central aspect of the semiotic model of C. S. Peirce, through the study of its incidence on human identity, on the self. To do so, I work with a series of technical concepts ..
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    Psychology: General Introduction (Volume I); Laboratory Manual (Volume II) ; Laboratory Equipment (Volume III). [REVIEW]James R. Angell - 1908 - Philosophical Review 17 (4):432-439.
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  30. Plato: Hippias Major.Lucas Angioni - 2019 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 26:1-51.
    Trata-se de tradução do Hípias Maior de Platão para o Português, com algumas notas de elucidação e justificação das opções.
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    Proceedings of the fourth annual meeting of the society for exact philosophy.Richard B. Angell - 1978 - Philosophia 7 (2):221-221.
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    Percepción y creencias asociadas al conflicto armado en niños, niñas y jóvenes del departamento de Boyacá.Claudia Enid Angulo Silva, Angie Gineth Quiñonez Rodriguez & Néstor Ricardo Ávila Murillo - 2018 - Enfoques (Misc.) 2 (2):50.
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    Euripides the Idealist.R. B. Appleton - 1918 - The Classical Review 32 (5-6):89-92.
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    False Hopes and Best Data: Consent to Research and the Therapeutic Misconception.Paul S. Appelbaum, Loren H. Roth, Charles W. Lidz, Paul Benson & William Winslade - 1987 - Hastings Center Report 17 (2):20-24.
  35. Fodor, modularity, and speech perception.Irene Appelbaum - 1998 - Philosophical Psychology 11 (3):317-330.
    Fodor argues that speech perception is accomplished by a module. Typically, modular processing is taken to be bottom-up processing. Yet there is ubiquitous empirical evidence that speech perception is influenced by top-down processing. Fodor attempts to resolve this conflict by denying that modular processing must be exclusively bottom-up. It is argued, however, that Fodor's attempt to reconcile top-down and modular processing fails, because: (i) it undermines Fodor's own conception of modular processing; and (ii) it cannot account for the contextually varying (...)
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    From Natural History to the History of Nature: Readings from Buffon and His Critics. John Lyon, Phillip Sloan.Toby Appel - 1983 - Isis 74 (1):133-134.
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    Fear of Small Numbers: An Essay on the Geography of Anger.Kwame Anthony Appiah - 2007 - Common Knowledge 13 (1):143-143.
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    Models of Consent to Return of Incidental Findings in Genomic Research.Paul S. Appelbaum, Erik Parens, Cameron R. Waldman, Robert Klitzman, Abby Fyer, Josue Martinez, W. Nicholson Price & Wendy K. Chung - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (4):22-32.
    Genomic research—including whole genome sequencing and whole exome sequencing—has a growing presence in contemporary biomedical investigation. The capacity of sequencing techniques to generate results that go beyond the primary aims of the research—historically referred to as “incidental findings”—has generated considerable discussion as to how this information should be handled—that is, whether incidental results should be returned, and if so, which ones.Federal regulations governing most human subjects research in the United States require the disclosure of “the procedures to be followed” in (...)
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    The Authors Reply.Paul S. Appelbaum, Wendy Chung, Abby J. Fyer, Robert L. Klitzman, Josue Martinez, Erik Parens, W. Nicholson Price & Cameron Waldman - 2015 - Hastings Center Report 45 (1):4-4.
    Reply to a commentary by Felicitas Holzer and Ignacio Mastroleoon “Models of Consent to Return of Incidental Findings in Genomic Research.”.
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  40. Trónicas 377.Pontificia Academia Romana S. Thomae Aqvinatis, Et Religionis Catholicae & Pontificia Academia Theologica Romana - 1994 - Sapientia 191:377.
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    Ascetismo, Arte e Forma de Vida No Pensamento Do Nietzsche Tardio.Clademir Luís Araldi - 2022 - Dissertatio 55:45-63.
    Pretendemos mostrar neste artigo que Nietzsche também compreende de modos positivos o ascetismo em sua filosofia tardia. A partir da reconstrução dos sentidos do ascetismo na filosofia do espírito livre e na obra Assim falou Zaratustra, defendemos que Nietzsche estimasempre mais o ascetismo dos filósofos em suas obras Além do bem e do mal e na Genealogia da moral. Entretanto, é em 1888, que ele aprofunda a concepção de arte como forma de vida, estreitamente ligada a formas de ascetismo filosófico. (...)
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  42. Aproximación a la función social de la literatura desde el neopragmatismo.Itxaso Arias Arana - 2004 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 36 (110):105-126.
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    As Artimanhas Sígnicas Do Livro Ilustrado Contempor'neo.Rodrigo Araujo - 2022 - Desleituras Literatura Filosofia Cinema e outras artes 10.
    Esta leitura analisa o universo do livro infantojuvenil na tentativa de verificar a maneira como ocorrem os entrelaces texto-imagem-materialidade em situações que o diálogo intersemiótico não mais se pauta na mera leitura ou tradução. Busca-se, através do livro-objeto, demarcar as fronteiras dos modos de representação desses sistemas de linguagem a fim de desvelar as suas relações estéticas. A partir de várias concepções teóricas: Linden (2015), Melot (2012), Nova (2008) e, sobretudo, pelos estudos de artistas do livro-objeto Silveira (2013), Moraes (2008; (...)
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    A Brief History of Biomedical Research Ethics in Iran: Conflict of Paradigms.Kiarash Aramesh - 2014 - Developing World Bioethics 15 (2):107-112.
    During the past two decades, Iran has experienced a noteworthy growth in its biomedical research sector. At the same time, ethical concerns and debates resulting from this burgeoning enterprise has led to increasing attention paid to biomedical ethics. In Iran, Biomedical research ethics and research oversight passed through major periods during the past decades, separated by a paradigm shift. Period 1, starting from the early 1970s, is characterized by research paternalism and complete reliance on researchers as virtuous and caring physicians. (...)
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    As concepções brentaniana e neo-brentaniana dos objetos das sensações: extensão e limite de uma visão representacionalista da mente.Arthur Octavio de Melo Araujo - 2014 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 18 (3):337.
  46. A Case for 'Killer Robots': Why in the Long Run Martial AI May Be Good for Peace.Ognjen Arandjelović - 2023 - Journal of Ethics, Entrepreneurship and Technology 3 (1).
    Purpose: The remarkable increase of sophistication of artificial intelligence in recent years has already led to its widespread use in martial applications, the potential of so-called 'killer robots' ceasing to be a subject of fiction. -/- Approach: Virtually without exception, this potential has generated fear, as evidenced by a mounting number of academic articles calling for the ban on the development and deployment of lethal autonomous robots (LARs). In the present paper I start with an analysis of the existing ethical (...)
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  47. AI & democracy, and the importance of asking the right questions.Ognjen Arandjelović - 2021 - AI Ethics Journal 2 (1):2.
    Democracy is widely praised as a great achievement of humanity. However, in recent years there has been an increasing amount of concern that its functioning across the world may be eroding. In response, efforts to combat such change are emerging. Considering the pervasiveness of technology and its increasing capabilities, it is no surprise that there has been much focus on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to this end. Questions as to how AI can be best utilized to extend the (...)
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    The effects of ritual.Michael Argyle - 2002 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 24 (1):167-179.
  49. Is Introspective Knowledge Incorrigible?D. M. Armstrong - 1963 - Philosophical Review 72 (4):417.
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    El concepto ontológico de fuerza en Leibniz.Carlos Másmela Arroyave - 1993 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 7:71-84.
    Una de las mayores innovaciones del pensamiento de Leibniz y de gran significado para la filosofía posterior es, sin duda, su concepción de la fuerza, un concepto propio de la naturaleza de todo ente, y no simplemente de las cosas de la naturaleza. El texto quiere destacar dicho concepto, entendido como fuerza activa originaria frente a las concepciones de Aristóteles y la escolástica, pero también frente a las múltiples acepciones de fuerza introducidas por Leibniz. Además, para dar cuenta de su (...)
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