Results for 'Abby Fyer'

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  1.  57
    Models of Consent to Return of Incidental Findings in Genomic Research.Paul S. Appelbaum, Erik Parens, Cameron R. Waldman, Robert Klitzman, Abby Fyer, Josue Martinez, W. Nicholson Price & Wendy K. Chung - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (4):22-32.
    Genomic research—including whole genome sequencing and whole exome sequencing—has a growing presence in contemporary biomedical investigation. The capacity of sequencing techniques to generate results that go beyond the primary aims of the research—historically referred to as “incidental findings”—has generated considerable discussion as to how this information should be handled—that is, whether incidental results should be returned, and if so, which ones.Federal regulations governing most human subjects research in the United States require the disclosure of “the procedures to be followed” in (...)
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    The Authors Reply.Paul S. Appelbaum, Wendy Chung, Abby J. Fyer, Robert L. Klitzman, Josue Martinez, Erik Parens, W. Nicholson Price & Cameron Waldman - 2015 - Hastings Center Report 45 (1):4-4.
    Reply to a commentary by Felicitas Holzer and Ignacio Mastroleoon “Models of Consent to Return of Incidental Findings in Genomic Research.”.
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  3. Support for Full Disclosure Up Front.Felicitas Holzer & Ignacio Mastroleo - 2015 - Hastings Center Report 45 (1):3-3.
    A commentary on “Models of Consent to Return of Incidental Findings in Genomic Research,” by Paul S. Appelbaum, Erik Parens, Cameron R. Waldman, Robert Klitzman, Abby Fyer, Josue Martinez, W. Nicholson Price II, and Wendy K. Chung, in the July‐August 2014 issue.
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  4. Bayesian Learning Models of Pain: A Call to Action.Abby Tabor & Christopher Burr - 2019 - Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 26:54-61.
    Learning is fundamentally about action, enabling the successful navigation of a changing and uncertain environment. The experience of pain is central to this process, indicating the need for a change in action so as to mitigate potential threat to bodily integrity. This review considers the application of Bayesian models of learning in pain that inherently accommodate uncertainty and action, which, we shall propose are essential in understanding learning in both acute and persistent cases of pain.
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    Jump Rope Chant: A Cure for All Kinds of Stomach Aches, ca. 2000 BCE–ca. 2000 CE.Abby Minor - 2020 - Feminist Studies 46 (1):103.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 46, no. 1. © 2020 by Abby Minor 103 JUMP ROPE CHANT: A CURE FOR ALL KINDS OF STOMACH ACHES, ca. 2000 BCE–ca. 2000 CE Abby Minor Happy are those who stand in a field at night and hear the double rainbows land, or clap the gaps that RHYTHM makes, or shout to the beat of grasses; They are like trees planted by streams of (...)
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    Repeat what after whom? Exploring variable selectivity in a cross-dialectal shadowing task.Abby Walker & Kathryn Campbell-Kibler - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  7. Ethics of international medical electives in the developing world: helping those in need or helping ourselves?Abby Chiverton - forthcoming - Bioethics.
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    “Are You Willing to Die for This Work?” Public Targeted Online Harassment in Higher Education: SWS Presidential Address.Abby L. Ferber - 2018 - Gender and Society 32 (3):301-320.
    This address examines a growing problem in academia: the public targeted online harassment of faculty. This harassment, organized and carried out by the alt-right and supported by other sectors of the right wing across the spectrum from mainstream to extreme, are intended to silence faculty and censor the curriculum. I examine a range of contextual factors that have facilitated this phenomenon, and discuss the experiences of seven other people, as well as myself, all with connections to higher education, that have (...)
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    Humana Medicina.Abby Riehl - 2019 - Constellations (University of Alberta Student Journal) 10 (2).
    This paper focuses on the twelfth and thirteenth centuries and the concentrated effort to shift away from the teachings of the Catholic Church and towards a rational science rooted in scholastic thought which did not rely on Divine causes and cures for illness. By looking at the growth of the medical programs in Paris and Salerno, northern versus southern trends and attitudes, and the deep influence of not only Christian rituals, but also pagan popular culture, this essay aims to explore (...)
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    Grand Challenges and Female Leaders: An Exploration of Relational Leadership During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Abbie Griffith Oliver, Michael D. Pfarrer & François Neville - 2024 - Business and Society 63 (4):954-987.
    Managing grand challenges demands a relational leader who encourages collaboration, coordination, and trust with various stakeholders. Although leaders appear to play a critical role in addressing grand challenges, relatively little research exists about the factors that inform stakeholder perceptions of leaders during a grand challenge. To address this limitation, we integrate implicit leadership theory and gender role theory to consider stakeholders’ gender prescriptive expectations when evaluating leader effectiveness during the COVID-19 pandemic. We theorize that stakeholders advantage female leaders based on (...)
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    Ending at the Skin: Sexuality and Race in Feminist Theorizing.Abby Wilkerson - 1997 - Hypatia 12 (3):164-173.
    Many feminists have found inspiration in Donna Haraway's myth of the cyborg (1990). From the standpoint of feminist bisexual identity, however, I contend that this myth evades the very issues of race and sexuality which it seems to be addressing. I examine the uses of a bisexual standpoint for a more concrete, situated approach to theorizing sexuality, arguing that reflection on racial identities must be incorporated as well.
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    Reappraising the Design Methods of Medieval Architecture.Abby McGehee - 2009 - Metascience 18 (3):455-458.
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  13. Relationship and Research Methods.Abby Neely & Thoko Nguse - 2015 - In Thomas Albert Perreault, Gavin Bridge & James McCarthy, The Routledge handbook of political ecology. New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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  14.  12
    Healing the Western Mind through Yoga.Abby Thompson - 2011 - In Fritz Allhoff & Liz Stillwaggon Swan, Yoga ‐ Philosophy for Everyone. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 139–148.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Yoga's Approach to the Core Self Clinical Psychology and Treatment How Yoga can Help Neuroscience and You Getting Stronger, Getting Smarter Instructor Responsibility Possibilities for Therapy.
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    Mind, Brain and Intellectual Machine in the Digital Age.Abby Thomas - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 34:49-55.
    In this presentation we shall discuss the nature of mind vis-a-vis the brain and computers. Such a comparison presumes a general equivalence of brains and computers and models the brain as a huge biological computer, with consciousness added. The uniqueness of Mind in the lines of ancient Indian thought has been accpted as the basic concept in the analysis. Regarding the chief difference between mind and brain, material of the mind is taken to be subtle matter.The brain is made of (...)
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    Anti-genetic engineering activism and scientized politics in the case of “contaminated” Mexican maize.Abby J. Kinchy - 2010 - Agriculture and Human Values 27 (4):505-517.
    The struggle over genetically-engineered (GE) maize in Mexico reveals a deep conflict over the criteria used in the governance of agri-food systems. Policy debate on the topic of GE maize has become “scientized,” granting experts a high level of political authority, and narrowing the regulatory domain to matters that can be adjudicated on the basis of scientific information or “managed” by environmental experts. While scientization would seem to narrow opportunities for public participation, this study finds that Mexican activists acting “in (...)
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  17. The ethics of hacktivism.Abby Goodrum & Mark Manion - 2000 - Journal of Information Ethics 9 (2):51-59.
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  18. Prenatal diagnosis: Reproductive choice? Reproductive control.Abby Lippman - 1989 - In Christine Overall, The Future of Human Reproduction. Women's Press. pp. 182--194.
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    Perceptions of Income Inequality and Women’s Intrasexual Competition.Abby M. Ruder, Gary L. Brase, Nora J. Balboa, Jordann L. Brandner & Sydni A. J. Basha - 2023 - Human Nature 34 (4):605-620.
    Income inequality has been empirically linked to interpersonal competition and risk-taking behaviors, but a separate line of findings consistently shows that individuals have inaccurate perceptions of the actual levels of income inequality in society. How can inequality be both consistently misperceived and yet a reliable predictor of behavior? The present study extends both these lines of research by evaluating if the scope of input used to assess income inequality (i.e., at the national, state, county, or postal code level) can account (...)
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  20.  56
    “Obesity,” the Transnational Plate, and the Thin Contract.Abby Wilkerson - 2010 - Radical Philosophy Review 13 (1):43-67.
    This article explores how the notion of obesity as health problem (1) functions to obscure or justify global inequities related to food production and access and (2) indicates still deeper problems of injustice and the neglected role of embodiment in analyses of justice and injustice, and notions of political subjecthood. Food, the need to eat, and the food system shape social existence profoundly yet are underexplored in philosophy, especially political philosophy. Drawing on disability theory and food studies, this article uses (...)
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  21.  40
    No experimental evidence for emotion-specific gaze cueing in a threat context.Abbie L. Coy, Nicole L. Nelson & Catherine J. Mondloch - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (6):1144-1154.
    ABSTRACTWe examined the utility of a gaze cueing paradigm to examine sensitivity to differences among negatively valenced expressions. Participants judged target stimuli, the lo...
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  22.  30
    Wilfully Disempowered: A Gendered Response to a `Fallen World'.Abby Day - 2008 - European Journal of Women's Studies 15 (3):261-276.
    Two cases from the UK are discussed to explore why, in the author's terms, women wilfully disempower themselves in religion and spiritual contexts. A case study of a women's prayer group shows how they resist acknowledging their own power or the idea that they are engaging in informal ritual equally important to their male counterparts. Second, qualitative data from a large study of people's beliefs are used to show how women willingly submit to a higher male power through a process (...)
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  23. Humanism, sex, and sexuality.Abby Hafer - 2021 - In Anthony B. Pinn, The Oxford handbook of humanism. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    Fragile Readers: Textual Contagion in Kristeva and Duras.Abby Kluchin - 2018 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 8 (2):39-58.
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    God is a Man Eater.Abby Riehl - 2019 - Constellations (University of Alberta Student Journal) 10 (2).
    This article explores the relationship between Christian persecution under Roman authorities in Late Antiquity and the role that consumption rituals played within it. Considering the similarities between condemned pagan and gnostic consumption rituals, which were often accused of being cannibalistic orgies, this paper determines whether comparisons drawn between these condemned rituals and Christian ones had any tangible similarities, or if Roman authorities projected their prejudices and knowledge of pagan rituals onto the Christian in order to justify their continued persecution.
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    The close proximity of threat: altered distance perception in the anticipation of pain.Abby Tabor, Mark J. Catley, Simon C. Gandevia, Michael A. Thacker, Charles Spence & G. L. Moseley - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Composing Disability: Diagnosis, Interrupted.Abby Wilkerson, Joseph Fisher & Wade Fletcher - 2016 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 13 (4):473-476.
    Writing is central both to the medical diagnostic codification of disability and to disabled people’s efforts to interrupt, complicate, or disrupt dominant medical narratives. This Symposium, like the George Washington University conference from which it takes its name, creates space for diverse modes and genres of claiming authority regarding diagnosis and its cultural and material effects. “Queer” and “crip” interrogations of diagnosis illuminate its status as a cultural phenomenon, embracing culturally disavowed embodiments and embodied experiences as tools for diagnosing inegalitarian (...)
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    Equity in the Pandemic Treaty: Access and Benefit-Sharing as a Policy Device or a Rhetorical Device?Abbie-Rose Hampton, Mark Eccleston-Turner, Michelle Rourke & Stephanie Switzer - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (1):217-220.
    Equity is a foundational concept for the new World Health Organization (WHO) Pandemic Treaty. WHO Member States are currently negotiating to turn this undefined concept into tangible outcomes by borrowing a policy mechanism from international environmental law: “access and benefit-sharing” (ABS).
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  29. (1 other version)Her body her own worst enemy”: The medicalization of violence against women.Abby L. Wilkerson - 1998 - In Stanley G. French, Wanda Teays & Laura Martha Purdy, Violence Against Women: Philosophical Perspectives. Cornell University Press. pp. 123--138.
  30. You never know : from professor to (UX) professional.Abby Bajuniemi - 2018 - In Joseph Fruscione & Kelly J. Baker, Succeeding outside the academy: career paths beyond the humanities, social sciences, and STEM. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas.
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    Learning in the Lecture Classroom: Quick and Easy Suggestions for a More Interactive Classroom.Abby Hassler - 2006 - Inquiry (ERIC) 11 (1):20-22.
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    Retaining Students through Individualized Study Skill Training.Abby Hassler - 2005 - Inquiry: The Journal of the Virginia Community Colleges 10 (1):5-13.
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    Sim Disaster.Abby Lippman - 1993 - Hastings Center Report 23 (2):3-4.
  34. Won buddhist proposals for world peace.Abby Thomas - 2006 - In Yajñeśvara Sadāśiva Śāstrī, Intaj Malek & Sunanda Y. Shastri, In quest of peace: Indian culture shows the path. Delhi: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan. pp. 1--117.
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    Women, Rebellion, and Republicanism: The United Irish Risings of 1798 and 1803.Abbie L. Cory - 2001 - Intertexts 5 (2):95-113.
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    Feminism and Pornography.Abby Tallmer, Barbara O'Dair & Kate Ellis - 1990 - Feminist Review 36 (1):15-18.
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    Book Review: From Black Power to Hip Hop: Racism, Nationalism, and Feminism. [REVIEW]Abby L. Ferber - 2007 - Gender and Society 21 (1):130-131.
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    The human genome project: Perilous promises?Abby Lippman - 1999 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 2 (1):47-49.
  39.  29
    Using AI and ML to optimize information discovery in under-utilized, Holocaust-related records.Kirsten Strigel Carter, Abby Gondek, William Underwood, Teddy Randby & Richard Marciano - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (3):837-858.
    Digital cultural assets are often thought to exist in separate spheres based on their two principal points of origin: digitized and born digital. Increasingly, advances in digital curation are blurring this dichotomy, by introducing so-called “collections as data,” which regardless of their origination make cultural assets more amenable to the application of new computational tools and methodologies. This paper brings together archivists, scholars, and technologists to demonstrate computational treatments of digital cultural assets using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning techniques that (...)
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    Editorial: The AMPD in Clinical and Applied Practice: Emerging Trends and Empirical Support.Mark H. Waugh, Abby L. Mulay, Gina Rossi & Kevin B. Meehan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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  41. Book review: Patrice DiQuinzio. Modern maternity: A review of the impossibility of motherhood: Feminism, individualism, and the problem of mothering new York: Routledge, 1999; Nancy E. Dowd. In defense of single-parent families; Julia E. mother troubles: Rethinking contemporary maternal dilemmas; Linda L. layne. Transformative motherhood: On giving and getting in a consumer culture; and Laurie lisle. Without child: Challenging the stigma of childlessness. [REVIEW]Abby L. Wilkerson - 2004 - Hypatia 19 (2):180-190.
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    High functional load inhibits phonological contrast loss: A corpus study.Andrew Wedel, Abby Kaplan & Scott Jackson - 2013 - Cognition 128 (2):179-186.
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    Anthropology and the Individual: A Material Culture Perspective. Edited by Daniel Miller. Pp. 192. (Berg Publishers, Oxford, 2009.) £17.99, ISBN 978-1-84788-494-7, paperback. doi. [REVIEW]Abby Loebenberg - 2010 - Journal of Biosocial Science 42 (5):700-701.
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  44. Terrorism or civil disobedience: toward a hacktivist ethic.Mark Manion & Abby Goodrum - 2000 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 30 (2):14-19.
  45. Book review: Laura Duhan Kaplan. Family Pictures: A Philosopher Explores the Familiar. Chicago: Open Court Press, 1998. [REVIEW]Abby Wilkerson - 1999 - Hypatia 14 (2):124-129.
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    Irina Aristarkhova. Hospitality of the Matrix: Philosophy, Biomedicine, and Culture. [REVIEW]Abby Goode - 2014 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 4 (2):239-243.
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    Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is associated with computer-based auditory training uptake, engagement, and adherence for people with hearing loss.Helen Henshaw, Abby McCormack & Melanie A. Ferguson - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Against the neoliberal steamroller? The Biosafety Protocol and the social regulation of agricultural biotechnologies.Daniel Lee Kleinman & Abby J. Kinchy - 2007 - Agriculture and Human Values 24 (2):195-206.
    Through a discursive and organizational analysis we seek to understand the Biosafety Protocol and the place of socioeconomic regulation of agricultural biotechnology in it. The literature on the Protocol has been fairly extensive, but little of it has explored debates over socioeconomic regulation during the negotiation process or the regulatory requirements specified in the final document. This case is especially important at a time when the spread of neoliberalism is increasingly associated with deregulation, because it sheds light on the conditions (...)
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    Languages of Tribal and Indigenous Peoples of India: The Ethnic Space.Frank J. Korom & Anvita Abbi - 1999 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 119 (2):354.
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    I Want to Hold Your Hand: Abstinence Curricula, Bioethics, and the Silencing of Desire. [REVIEW]Abby Wilkerson - 2013 - Journal of Medical Humanities 34 (2):101-108.
    The abstinence approach to sex education remains influential despite its demonstrated ineffectiveness. One bill forbids the “promotion” of “gateway sexual activity,” while requiring outright condemnation of “non-abstinence,” defined so loosely as to plausibly include handholding. Bioethics seldom (if ever) contributes to sex-ed debates, yet exploring the pivotal role of medical discourse reveals the need for bioethical intervention. Sex-ed debates revolve around a theory of human flourishing based on heteronormative temporality, a developmental teleology ensuring the transmission of various supposed social goods (...)
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