Results for ' new venture legitimacy'

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  1.  3
    How Do New Forms of Organizations Manage Institutional Voids? Social Enterprises’ Quest for Sociopolitical Legitimacy.Jiawei Sophia Fu & Shipeng Yan - forthcoming - Business and Society.
    This study draws on institutional theory to provide insights into how new forms of organizations gain legitimacy under institutional voids. Based on interviews with leaders of 42 Chinese social enterprises (SEs), we find that dominant stakeholders—the state—are ambivalent about new ventures’ agendas and practices, which is displayed in their being sometimes supportive and other times skeptical, even hostile. SEs favor the contingent engagement political strategy to develop mutually beneficial relationships with the state while keeping a healthy distance. This enables (...)
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    The Performance Impact of New Ventures in Working Environment and Innovation Behavior From the Perspective of Personality Psychology.Shufang Yang & Hainan Wu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    A new venture barely makes a profit in its initial stage, and its success depends on innovation. Innovation is related to the work environment, and the innovation behavior of employees is of great significance to the performance improvement of new venture. Based on the previous research, in this study, hypotheses on the correlation between work environment, employee innovation behavior, and corporate performance are put forward first. Then, with team cooperation, organizational incentive, leadership support, sufficient resources, and work pressure (...)
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    The Multinational New Ventures on Corporate Performance Under the Work Environment and Innovation Behavior.Zheng Wang, Ke Zong & Kim Hyun Jin - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    To cope with economic globalization and improve the competitiveness of transnational start-ups, the impact of the work environment and innovation behavior on corporate performance of multinational new ventures is analyzed. First, a model of the interaction among environment, innovation behavior, and enterprise performance is proposed. Then, 296 transnational start-ups in coastal areas are surveyed, and the model results are analyzed. Finally, a series of results are obtained. The results show that from the perspective of psychology, work dynamic organizational learning environment (...)
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    Social Entrepreneurship: The Role of Institutions.Mukesh Sud, Craig V. VanSandt & Amanda M. Baugous - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 85 (S1):201 - 216.
    A relatively small segment of business, known as social entrepreneurship (SE), is increasingly being acknowledged as an effective source of solutions for a variety of social problems. Because society tends to view "new" solutions as "the" solution, we are concerned that SE will soon be expected to provide answers to our most pressing social ills. In this paper we call into question the ability of SE, by itself, to provide solutions on a scope necessary to address large-scale social issues. SE (...)
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  5. Harvard's new venture.John Ferguson - 1962 - Hibbert Journal 61 (40):15.
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    A New Venture Christopher and Sonia Hawkes: Greeks, Celts and Romans: Studies in Venture and Resistance. (Archaeology into History, vol. 1.) Pp. xiv + 162; 8 plates, 20 figs. London: Dent, 1973. Cloth, £4·50. [REVIEW]Peter Salway - 1976 - The Classical Review 26 (01):104-106.
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    Millennials’ Entrepreneurial Values, Entrepreneurial Symbiosis Network and New Ventures Growth: Evidence From China.Ling Zhang, Xue Zhou & Ekaterina Shirshitskaia - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The fate of new ventures incubated by the same corporate ecosystem is different. Can entrepreneurs’ ideas affect the way out of incubating companies? Based on self-verification theory and symbiosis theory, we took millennial entrepreneurs as the research object, combined with entrepreneurial enterprises’ data in the makerspace. We analyzed the impact of millennials’ entrepreneurial values on new ventures growth and explored the mediating role of entrepreneurial symbiosis networks. The following conclusions are obtained by analyzing the questionnaire of 191 millennial entrepreneurs: Millennials’ (...)
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    Talent Cultivation of New Ventures by Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Back Propagation Under Deep Learning.Fanshen Han, Chenxi Zhang, Delong Zhu & Fengrui Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study combines the discovery methods and training of innovative talents, China’s requirements for improving talent training capabilities, and analyses the relationship between the number of professional enrollments in colleges and universities and the demand for skills in specific places. The research learns the characteristics and training models of innovative talents, deep learning, neural networks, and related concepts of the seasonal difference Autoregressive Moving Average Model. These concepts are used to propose seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average back propagation. Firstly, the (...)
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    Social Entrepreneur’s Psychological Capital, Political Skills, Social Networks and New Venture Performance.Li Xin Guo, Chi-Fang Liu & Yu-Sheng Yain - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The Employee Relationship Analysis on Innovation Behavior of New Ventures Under the Organizational Psychology and Culture.Sijin Du & Jianjun Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The study aims to explore the psychology and behavior of employees in organizations in enterprise innovation. Based on the human resource management system, organizational psychological ownership, and other related theories, the transformational leaders and their advice behavior in start-ups are taken as the research object. The data obtained from the questionnaire as the research samples. Second, the influence and intermediary effect of employees’ organizational psychological ownership on colleagues, leaders, and the whole enterprise are discussed, and the corresponding conclusions are drawn. (...)
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    The World of Silence a New Venture in Philosophy. --.Christopher Browne Garnett - 1967 - Greenwich Book Publishers.
  12.  20
    Indirectly held securities: A new venture for the Hague conference on private international law.Paul Volken & Petar Sarcevic - 2009 - In Paul Volken & Petar Sarcevic (eds.), Yearbook of Private International Law: Volume Iii. Sellier de Gruyter.
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    Effects of Human, Relational, and Psychological Capitals on New Venture Performance.Yong Wang, Cheng-Hung Tsai, David D. Lin, Oyunjargal Enkhbuyant & Juan Cai - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  14.  23
    Innovative Strategies for Talent Cultivation in New Ventures Under Higher Education.Shiyan Liao, Chunhui Zhao, Mengzhu Chen, Jing Yuan & Ping Zhou - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study aims to help enterprises enhance their innovation capabilities in the environment of knowledge economy globalization and stand out in the fierce industry competition. Firstly, data on existing higher education theories and innovation theories are analyzed. Secondly, two companies in the sample data are selected for detailed analysis. Finally, research conclusion and corresponding talent management strategies are presented. The results show that the cumulative contribution value of employees is 87.496%. The cumulative contribution value of human capital is 70.322%. The (...)
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  15. In Search of the 'New Informal Legitimacy' of Medecins Sans Frontieres.P. Calain - 2012 - Public Health Ethics 5 (1):56-66.
    For medical humanitarian organizations, making their sources of legitimacy explicit is a useful exercise, in response to: misperceptions, concerns over the ‘humanitarian space’, controversies about specific humanitarian actions, challenges about resources allocation and moral suffering among humanitarian workers. This is also a difficult exercise, where normative criteria such as international law or humanitarian principles are often misrepresented as primary sources of legitimacy. This essay first argues for a morally principled definition of humanitarian medicine, based on the selfless intention (...)
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    The World of Silence: A New Venture in Philosophy.Taste: An Essay in Critical Imagination.Arthur W. Munk & Christopher Browne Garnett - 1970 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 30 (4):626.
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    Company legitimacy in the new millennium.Richard Warren - 1999 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 8 (4):214–224.
    The relationship between business and society changes over time, and periodically there is a ‘legitimization crisis’. The paper will briefly explore some important questions about company legitimacy: why is company legitimacy important; why do legitimacy crises occur; and finally, are we in a crisis at the moment, and if so how can it be solved? The legal institutionalization of business firms prescribes narrow accountabilities and limited responsibilities: the challenge for business in the new millennium is to open (...)
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    The New Federalism: Implications for the Legitimacy of Corporate Political Activity.Sandra L. Christensen - 1997 - Business Ethics Quarterly 7 (3):81-91.
    Abstract:The new push to move political issue activity from the federal to the state and local levels—a new New Federalism—has implications for the ethical and political legitimacy of business political activity. While business political activity at the federal level may be both less costly and less risky than when action shifts to states or localities, at the state or local level it is likely to be more visible, and individual firms may be perceived to have more power. Increased corporate (...)
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    Searching for New Forms of Legitimacy Through Corporate Responsibility Rhetoric.Itziar Castelló & Josep M. Lozano - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 100 (1):11 - 29.
    This article looks into the process of searching for new forms of legitimacy among firms through corporate discourse. Through the analysis of annual sustainability reports, we have determined the existence of three types of rhetoric: (1) strategic (embedded in the scientific-economic paradigm); (2) institutional (based on the fundamental constructs of Corporate Social Responsibility theories); and (3) dialectic (which aims at improving the discursive quality between the corporations and their stakeholders). Each one of these refers to a different form of (...)
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  20. Legitimacy and Modernity: Some New Definitions.R. Scott Walker & Jan Marejko - 1986 - Diogenes 34 (134):78-95.
    Over the past three centuries in the West, there has been a sort of oscillation between two antagonistic visions of the world. One sees the world as being fundamentally inert, in such a manner that all hopes, dreams and technological delights are permitted. The other thinks of the world as inhabited by a spirit who consecrates all its parts by recording them in a great whole. We can think of the pantheism that sets itself in opposition to Newton's materialism or, (...)
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    New perspectives on the legitimacy of international institutions and power.Gordon Arlen, Antoinette Scherz & Martin Vestergren - 2023 - Journal of Social Philosophy 54 (4):445-449.
    Journal of Social Philosophy, EarlyView.
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  22. Corporate Legitimacy as Deliberation: A Communicative Framework.Guido Palazzo & Andreas Georg Scherer - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 66 (1):71-88.
    Modern society is challenged by a loss of efficiency in national governance systems values, and lifestyles. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) discourse builds upon a conception of organizational legitimacy that does not appropriately reflect these changes. The problems arise from the a-political role of the corporation in the concepts of cognitive and pragmatic legitimacy, which are based on compliance to national law and on relatively homogeneous and stable societal expectations on the one hand and widely accepted rhetoric assuming that (...)
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  23. Lawyers, Context, and Legitimacy: A New Theory of Legal Ethics.Alexander Guerrero - 2012 - Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics 25 (1):107-164.
    Even good lawyers get a bad rap. One explanation for this is that the professional rules governing lawyers permit and even require behavior that strikes many as immoral. The standard accounts of legal ethics that seek to defend these professional rules do little to dispel this air of immorality. The revisionary accounts of legal ethics that criticize the professional rules inject a hearty dose of morality, but at the cost of leaving lawyers unrecognizable as lawyers. This article suggests that the (...)
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    Revolutionizing the New Model Army: Ecclesiastical Independence, Social Justice, and Political Legitimacy.Polly Ha - 2020 - Journal of the History of Ideas 81 (4):531-553.
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    Open Forum: Legitimacy/change/power: Is a New Course in Italian Gender Studies Possible?: A Response to Chiara Saraceno.Veronica Pravadelli - 2010 - European Journal of Women's Studies 17 (3):275-279.
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  26. Legitimacy as a Mere Moral Power? A Response to Applbaum.Jiafeng Zhu - 2012 - Diametros 33:120-137.
    In a recent article, Arthur Applbaum contributes a new view—legitimacy as a moral power—to the debate over the concept of political legitimacy. Applbaum rejects competing views of legitimacy, in particular legitimacy as a claim-right to have the law obeyed, for mistakenly invoking substantive moral argument in the conceptual analysis, and concludes that “at the core of the concept—what legitimacy is” is only a Hohfeldian moral power. In this article, I contend that: (1) Applbaum’s view of (...)
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    Going Down the Slippery Slope of Legitimacy Lies in Early-Stage Ventures: The Role of Moral Disengagement.Vasilis Theoharakis, Seraphim Voliotis & Jeffrey M. Pollack - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 172 (4):673-690.
    It would seem, on the surface, logical that entrepreneurs would treat stakeholders with honesty and respect. However, this is not always the case—at times, entrepreneurs lie to stakeholders in order to take a step closer to achieving legitimacy. It is these legitimacy lies that are the focus of the current work. Overall, while we know that legitimacy lies are told, we know very little about the psychological processes at work that may make it more likely for someone (...)
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    FOCUS: Risks in business ethics and venture capital.Yves Fassin - 1993 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 2 (3):124–131.
    By creating new ventures and new job opportunities venture capital is essential to a dynamic economy. But it should also be fair and ethical at every stage. Professor Fassin explores the various ethical issues which arise between venture capitalists, entrepreneurs and investors. He teaches at the University of Mons and has written widely on management. From 1988‐1991 he was Secretary General of the European Venture Capital Association. He is partner of the Veerick School of Management of the (...)
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    Old Wine in New Bottles? Parentalism, Power, and Its Legitimacy in Business–Society Relations.Helen Etchanchu & Marie-Laure Djelic - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 160 (4):893-911.
    This article proposes a theoretical re-conceptualization of power dynamics and their legitimation in contemporary business–society relations using the prism and metaphor of parentalism. The paper develops a typology of forms of parentalism along two structuring dimensions: care and control. Specifically, four ideal-types of parentalism are introduced with their associated practices and power-legitimation mechanisms. As we consider current private governance and authority through this analytical framework, we are able to provide a new perspective on the nature of the moral legitimation of (...)
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  30. Cancer, Viruses, and Mass Migration: Paul Berg’s Venture into Eukaryotic Biology and the Advent of Recombinant DNA Research and Technology, 1967–1980.Doogab Yi - 2008 - Journal of the History of Biology 41 (4):589-636.
    The existing literature on the development of recombinant DNA technology and genetic engineering tends to focus on Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer's recombinant DNA cloning technology and its commercialization starting in the mid-1970s. Historians of science, however, have pointedly noted that experimental procedures for making recombinant DNA molecules were initially developed by Stanford biochemist Paul Berg and his colleagues, Peter Lobban and A. Dale Kaiser in the early 1970s. This paper, recognizing the uneasy disjuncture between scientific authorship and legal invention (...)
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    The Legitimacy of Medical Treatment: What Role for the Medical Exception.Sara Fovargue & Alexandra Mullock - 2015 - Routledge.
    Whenever the legitimacy of a new or ethically contentious medical intervention is considered, a range of influences will determine whether the treatment becomes accepted as lawful medical treatment. The development and introduction of abortion, organ donation, gender reassignment, and non-therapeutic cosmetic surgery have, for example, all raised ethical, legal, and clinical issues. This book examines the various factors that legitimatise a medical procedure. Bringing together a range of internationally and nationally recognised academics from law, philosophy, medicine, health, economics, and (...)
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    Theory of liberty, legitimacy, and power: new directions in the intellectual and scientific legacy of Max Weber.Vatro Murvar (ed.) - 1985 - Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
    Max Weber (1894-1920) is generally recognized as one of the founding fathers of modern sociology. This collection pays homage to his influence, not just within sociology, but also political theory, science and religion.
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    The Legitimacy of Business.George C. Lodge - 2005 - Philosophy of Management 5 (3):3-21.
    As the world moves into the 21st century, business managers face new and daunting challenges to their legitimacy. Those who run the world’s 72,0000 multinational firms and their 828,000 subsidiaries face special difficulties.1 These firms constitute a global economy that has produced much that is useful, including wondrous technologies and great wealth for many. Nevertheless, one in five of the world’s six billion people lives in extreme poverty, surviving on less than $1 a day. Half the world lives on (...)
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    Political legitimacy in Rawls’ early and late political liberalism – Two diverging interpretations.Silje A. Langvatn - 2024 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 50 (7):1138-1154.
    This article assesses Frank I. Michelman’s constitution-centered and proceduralist interpretation of Rawls’ conception of political legitimacy and argues that it merits attention because it highlights the institutional aspects of Rawls’ understanding of political legitimacy for constitutional democracies. However, the article also questions Michelman’s interpretation of Rawls’ ‘liberal principle of legitimacy’ (LPL) and the later ‘idea of political legitimacy based on the criterion of reciprocity’ (ILBR). As Michelman rightly points out, for the exercise of political power to (...)
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    The quest for the legitimacy of the people.Marco Verschoor - 2015 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 14 (4):391-428.
    This article addresses the problem of ‘the legitimacy of the people’, that is, what constitutes the legitimate demarcation of the political units within which democracy is practiced? It is commonplace among philosophers to argue that this problem cannot be solved by appeal to democratic procedure because every attempt to do so results in an infinite regress. Based on a social contract theoretical analysis of the problem, this view is rejected. Although contract theorists have ignored the problem of the (...) of the people, this article nevertheless argues for one specific, and currently dominant, type of contract view – ‘contractarianism’ – that it contains the conceptual tools to solve it. In a contractarian view, the people are understood as a cooperative venture for mutual advantage and accordingly consist of only those individuals for whom it is mutually beneficial to bind themselves to one another. It is argued that contractarianism offers a procedurally democratic solution to the problem of the legitimacy of the people that does not cause an infinite regress. Furthermore, this article refutes a classic criticism of contractarianism’s account of moral standing. Finally, the article demonstrates contractarianism’s practical implications for one specific articulation of the problem of the legitimacy of the people, namely, immigration. (shrink)
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  36. Legitimacy, Authority, and Democratic Duties of Explanation.Seth Lazar - 2024 - In David Sobel & Steven Wall (eds.), Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy, vol. 10. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 28–56.
    Increasingly secret, complex, and inscrutable computational systems are being used to intensify existing power relations and to create new ones; in particular, they are being used to govern. To be all-things-considered morally permissible new, or newly intense, power relations must meet standards of procedural legitimacy and proper authority. This is necessary for them to protect and realise democratic values of individual liberty, relational equality, and collective self-determination. For governing power in particular to be legitimate and have proper authority, it (...)
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    Beyond Legitimacy: A Case Study in BP’s “Green Lashing”.Sabine Matejek & Tobias Gössling - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 120 (4):571-584.
    This paper discusses the issue of legitimacy and, in particular the processes of building, losing, and repairing environmental legitimacy in the context of the Deepwater Horizon case. Following the Deepwater Horizon catastrophe in 2010, BP plc. was accused of having set new records in the degree of divergence between its actual operations and what it had been communicating with regard to corporate responsibility. Its legitimacy crisis is here to be appraised as a case study in the discrepancy (...)
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  38.  25
    Looking for New Forms of Legitimacy in Asia.Roberto Martin N. Galang & Itziar Castello - 2014 - Business and Society 53 (2):187-225.
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    Justice, Legitimacy, and Diversity: Political Authority Between Realism and Moralism.Emanuela Ceva & Enzo Rossi (eds.) - 2012 - Routledge.
    Most contemporary political philosophers take justice—rather than legitimacy—to be the fundamental virtue of political institutions vis-à-vis the challenges of ethical diversity. Justice-driven theorists are primarily concerned with finding mutually acceptable terms to arbitrate the claims of conflicting individuals and groups. Legitimacy-driven theorists, instead, focus on the conditions under which those exercising political authority on an ethically heterogeneous polity are entitled to do so. But what difference would it make to the management of ethical diversity in liberal democratic societies (...)
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  40. Legitimacy, humanitarian intervention, and international institutions.Miles Kahler - 2011 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 10 (1):20-45.
    The legitimacy of humanitarian intervention has been contested for more than a century, yet pressure for such intervention persists. Normative evolution and institutional design have been closely linked since the first debates over humanitarian intervention more than a century ago. Three norms have competed in shaping state practice and the normative discourse: human rights, peace preservation, and sovereignty. The rebalancing of these norms over time, most recently as the state’s responsibility to protect, has reflected specific international institutional environments. The (...)
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    On Legitimacy in Global Governance: Concept, Criteria, and Application.Sören Hilbrich - 2024 - Springer Nature Switzerland.
    Global governance has a major impact on the lives of people around the world. However, traditional theories of legitimacy were usually developed for states and are not suitable for the diversity of global governance institutions that exist today. This book first develops a normative concept of legitimacy that is applicable to all political institutions. According to this concept, to regard an institution as legitimate means ascribing it the right to exercise its function in political practice. Secondly, the book (...)
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    Weak Constitutionalism: Democratic Legitimacy and the Question of Constituent Power. By Joel I. Colón‐Ríos. London & New York: Routledge, 2012. [REVIEW]Markus Patberg - 2014 - Constellations 21 (1):153-156.
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    The Birth of the CrowdLaw Movement: Tech-Based Citizen Participation, Legitimacy and the Quality of Lawmaking.Victòria Alsina & José Luis Martí - 2018 - Analyse & Kritik 40 (2):337-358.
    One of the most urgent debates of our time is about the exact role that new technologies can and should play in our societies and particularly in our public decision-making processes. This paper is a first attempt to introduce the idea of CrowdLaw, defined as online public participation leveraging new technologies to tap into diverse sources of information, judgments and expertise at each stage of the law and policymaking cycle to improve the quality as well as the legitimacy of (...)
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  44. Perceived legitimacy of normative expectations motivates compliance with social norms when nobody is watching.Giulia Andrighetto, Daniela Grieco & Luca Tummolini - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
    Three main motivations can explain compliance with social norms: fear of peer punishment, the desire for others' esteem and the desire to meet others' expectations. Though all play a role, only the desire to meet others' expectations can sustain compliance when neither public nor private monitoring is possible. Theoretical models have shown that such desire can indeed sustain social norms, but empirical evidence is lacking. Moreover it is unclear whether this desire ranges over others' “empirical” or “normative” expectations. We propose (...)
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    Individuals’ Perceptions of the Legitimacy of Emerging Market Multinationals: Ethical Foundations and Construct Validation.Jianhong Zhang, David L. Deephouse, Désirée van Gorp & Haico Ebbers - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 176 (4):801-825.
    Entry of new organizations, including multinational enterprises from emerging markets, raises the ethical question of will they benefit society. The concept of legitimacy answers this question because it is the overall assessment of the appropriateness of organizational ends and means. Moreover, gaining legitimacy enables EMNEs to succeed in new host countries. Past work examined collective level indicators of the legitimacy of MNEs, but recent research recognizes the importance of individuals’ perceptions as the micro-foundation of legitimacy. This (...)
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  46. Reviews : William Connolly (ed.), Legitimacy and the State, (New York: University Press, 1984). [REVIEW]Jennifer Wilkinson - 1986 - Thesis Eleven 14 (1):134-136.
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    A New Defense of Brain Death as the Death of the Human Organism.Andrew McGee, Dale Gardiner & Melanie Jansen - 2023 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 48 (5):434-452.
    This paper provides a new rationale for equating brain death with the death of the human organism, in light of well-known criticisms made by Alan D Shewmon, Franklin Miller and Robert Truog and a number of other writers. We claim that these criticisms can be answered, but only if we accept that we have slightly redefined the concept of death when equating brain death with death simpliciter. Accordingly, much of the paper defends the legitimacy of redefining death against objections, (...)
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  48. Political Legitimacy as an Existential Predicament.Thomas Fossen - 2021 - Political Theory 50 (4):621-645.
    This essay contributes to developing a new approach to political legitimacy by asking what is involved in judging the legitimacy of a regime from a practical point of view. It is focused on one aspect of this question: the role of identity in such judgment. I examine three ways of understanding the significance of identity for political legitimacy: the foundational, associative, and agonistic picture. Neither view, I claim, persuasively captures the dilemmas of judgment in the face of (...)
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  49. Legitimacy is Not Authority.Jon Garthoff - 2010 - Law and Philosophy 29 (6):669-694.
    The two leading traditions of theorizing about democratic legitimacy are liberalism and deliberative democracy. Liberals typically claim that legitimacy consists in the consent of the governed, while deliberative democrats typically claim that legitimacy consists in the soundness of political procedures. Despite this difference, both traditions see the need for legitimacy as arising from the coercive enforcement of law and regard legitimacy as necessary for law to have normative authority. While I endorse the broad aims of (...)
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    Does Integrity Matter in BOP Ventures? The Role of Responsible Leadership in Inclusive Supply Chains.María Helena Jaén, Ezequiel Reficco & Gabriel Berger - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 173 (3):467-488.
    Does responsible leadership matter when assembling an inclusive supply chain at the Base-of-the-Pyramid? Current literature implicitly assumes that it does not. BOP scholars initially focused on the importance of shaping innovative and disruptive offerings, with radically improved price–performance ratios. Subsequent studies tended to focus on barriers to implementation of large-scale ventures at the BOP. Their common characteristic was the fact that the attributes and roles of the individuals involved were deemed unimportant. If the opportunity was there, provided barriers were removed (...)
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